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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION Disclaimer: By continuing beyond this page and reading this E-book, you agree that you are over 18 and it is legal to view this material in your country and/or jurisdiction. You accept and agree by reading the information that the author, publisher, owner, shareholders, affiliates and employees of Platinum Dreams Limited and HypnoDate.com neither assumes nor accepts any responsibility or liability for the use, misuse or abuse of the contents within and expressly disclaims all implied warranties. Platinum Dreams Limited does not warrant that the document or information will be error free, fit for purpose or will meet any particular criteria for performance or quality.

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What This Book Is NOT!

What This Book IS!



Let’s Get Started

Self-Limiting Beliefs

So What Can We Do?

The “Write Over” Method!

Getting That First Victory!


Fake It Till You Make It!

Picking Your Style

Playing The Numbers!

What To Say

The Human Mind!

You Are Here!

The Relational Skeleton Key

Self Hypnosis 101

Visualization / Preparation

See It, Then Be It!


Have a Seat

Here’s Where It Gets Really Fun!

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Location, Location, Location!

So Now What?

Practice, Practice, Practice!

The World Is Your Oyster

(Now Go Claim Some Clam!)

There’s Always Room For Improvement! Can’t Make Anyone Do Anything!

Hypnotic Subconscious Suggestions

The Masters

Information In-cumming!

Every Game Worth Playing Has Rules!

Hypno-Date 201

The Ins and Outs of our Hypnosis Style Techniques.

All Around, All The Time!

That’s What Makes All The difference!

Sending and Receiving Signals!

How’d They Do That?

Subconscious Broadcasting.

Nature’s Stealth Technology

Better To Give AND Receive!

Role Reversal Strategy

Have Friend’s Who Are Hot Chicks!

Hypno-Date RULES: (Dos and Don’ts)

Hypnotic Tantra

Tantric Techniques

Avoid Cumming - Are You Crazy?

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The Power Of The Method


The Greatest Massage

The Big Pay-Off

Hold That Thought!

WOW, Look At That!

The Hypnotic Dance

One Step forward - Half Step Back


Attraction: (What it is / How it works)

No More Mr. Nice-Guy

What Women Want!

Create Allies And Some Jealousy

Sending Signals

Hypnotic Pep Talk!

Limiters And Amplifiers

Hypno-Date Summation

Grace, Honesty And Good Intentions

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What This Book Is NOT! These days on the Internet, it’s almost more important to assure yourself right away of what you are “NOT” getting yourself into before it’s too late. So I want to declare right here and right now that this is definitely not your typically dry and boring medical science treatise. It doesn’t have a lot of advanced biological vocabulary and psychological terminology. This is also not in that ever growing genre of books out there that are so ethereally metaphysical, that it borders on a warlock’s recipe book of mysterious and magical incantations, sadistic sorcery or wacky whims of wanton witchcraft or just plain “Wish Crap!!”

There is so much flimsy, false and fraudulent garbage being hawked out there, that it’s becoming harder and harder to determine what you are actually getting until you are sometimes one third of the way through the book. This is not one of those books. I am not going to ask you to join some off the wall secret organization, or pledge your ever-lasting soul to any outlandish deity, in order to gain the favor and the assistance of some dark overlords from the 17th dimension.

You will not need a degree in Psychology or even need to have graduated high school to read and understand this book. It is written in basic, easy to grasp language. And – while there may occasionally be the necessity to present a semi-complex concept in this book – I will then always break it down and explain it in the simplest of terms, so that we all continue to remain on the very same page together!

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What This Book IS! This is basically the simplest and easiest to understand book ever written about self-hypnosis style techniques and how to run your own brain properly to make you ever more popular with the ladies. Many of the techniques you will see in this book are in fact NOT actually hypnosis, even though we may describe them as such for ease of understanding. So please expect the term “hypnosis” or other such terms to be used interchangeably when in fact, often they are not what are commonly known as traditional hypnosis techniques. In reality, they are a collection of personal principles and techniques blended together for maximum effectiveness and described under clear, understandable and highly useable umbrella terms. In everyday language, we’ve clearly presented the fastest and most effective ways of using the standard hypnotic process to acquire the true confidence and comfort level that will allow you to score with the hottest babes around on a regular, consistent basis.

This is a book for all men, written by a guy. I went through many of the very same things that you may currently be going through as you seek the knowledge, the confidence, the comfort level and ability to go out and score regularly and efficiently with the very hottest chicks out there. This is the answer to that search for the “Holy Grail” which will allow you to get it on with the most desirable females that you encounter at work, at play or just anywhere that you may come across a beautiful babe that you would love to bag!

The ideas are highly effective, but I have carefully taken the time to scrap all the unnecessary complexity away from the main and pertinent points. The chaff has been burned away, leaving only the grain of truth, to help Copyright © HypnoDate.com



HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION you to apply these century old truths in such a way as to get you “Getting Some” sooner rather than later, and a lot more often than you ever would have dreamed or believed possible! It is a process, yes, but it is laid out in simple, step-by-step instructions that if simply read and immediately applied, you will be getting laid a lot sooner than you will be finishing this book. However, I do suggest that you do finish the book, because if ¾ of the knowledge can get you 10 babes, what will all of the information get you. Let’s find out, shall we?

Introduction This is not a typical pamphlet style E-book – This is an “Online Manual” and “Guide.” Therefore, read it that way. Saturate the information within your mind and take a few “sessions” to read it. Then go back and read it again and never underestimate the power of consistent SELF PRACTICE!

Welcome! O.k., we’re here for one reason and one reason only! You want to get dates, get women and get laid, a lot more often than you currently are, with much hotter chicks than you normally get. Period!

Perfect honesty is the very best policy and frankly, that’s as valid and significant a priority as any guy can possibly have in life – so let’s make it happen! It’s all about having the confidence to just “GO FOR IT!”. That’s what you will get by reading this book!

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION First off, let’s get something out of the way immediately! Screw all the silly “Hocus Pocus,” and “Mumbo Jumbo” out there about Hypnosis style techniques. It’s mostly a bunch of illusionary imagery and stage smoke to keep people like us from figuring out that we really don’t need people like “THEM” to make our lives better with hypnotism. Truth is, you can do it all yourself. However, they don’t want you to know that, as they make a living on keeping clients coming back for literally years. It’s big business for those who understand these simple principals and they don’t want any one to reveal the truth about this little “Gold Mine” situation of theirs. That’s why most of this stuff is done in a very “Hush, Hush” secretive and shadowy manner. But that is not necessary and it’s certainly not to your advantage, so let’s get the facts right out into the light, where we all can see exactly what is going on!

So, most people who really know about self-hypnosis, and how to work it, don’t want you to know how to use it yourself, because that would deplete their “cash-flow” and power over you. Great, then who can you trust? Well, generally someone who has spent years learning the intricacies of the science and who has mastered the techniques to such a degree, that they can now explain it all in a very simple, matter of fact way that could be comprehended and applied by any average Joe. Someone who isn’t looking for the POWER TRIP or the financial windfall of having people like us coming to them once or twice a week for months, or dare I say...years.

“Self-Hypnotic Suggestion” and “Self-Subconscious Implantation” are 2 very big terms for a couple of very simple concepts that will help to get you laid with consistent regularity, or as most of my students report back to me, pretty much as often as you want it. More importantly, quality Copyright © HypnoDate.com



HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION rises as well as quantity, and you will soon be finding yourself fully confident, cool, calm, collected and comfortable, as you begin bedding pretty much any type of woman that you find yourself sexually attracted to. Notice I said, “Type of woman,” as opposed to simply stating “Woman.”

This was done on purpose. The facts are, these techniques will greatly increase the likelihood and chances of you making it with “THE” specific lady of your choice. But there are always other additional factors involved, when you are singling “ONE” individual out for sexual conquest. Is she married? Or in love with some other man? Did she just get dumped or heart-broken? Is it that time of the month? Is she with friends? Is she a lesbian? Is she a virgin saving herself for marriage? Or maybe she’s a nun on temporary leave from the convent? Who knows?

So, can these techniques guarantee that you will be sleeping with that blonde over there in the blue and purple polka-dot dress tonight? No! This book will certainly increase your chances, but it’s not made to promise you a particular target. What it will guarantee is that you will be having great sexual adventures with more women than you previously had ever dreamed of, and they will be the 9’s and 10’s, no more settling for the 5’s and 6’s. O.K., so now, “Self-Hypnotic Suggestion” and “Self-Subconscious Implantation”. Don’t let the scientific sound of these two terms scare you away and keep you from achieving your goal – lots of acrobatic, utterlyastounding action. Look, I barely got through most of my science courses in high school and college, and if it wasn’t for the sake of some foxy little hottie who got straight A’s and was the “Teacher’s Pet,” in school – as well as mine after school – I never would have graduated. So this is not Copyright © HypnoDate.com

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION going to be a text book or scientific treatise, that shit’s for jumble headed academics who don’t get laid anymore. No, this is going to be the straight stuff, plain and simple!

No long theoretical discourses, no over-hyped theatrics and no BS. It’s just straight facts and techniques to get some serious quality “PoonTang!”. Make no mistake my friend, it is finally time for you to see just how good it can get. There are veritable erotic treasures waiting for you to harvest, right here within these pages. Once you have acquainted yourself with the material, there’s some serious sex waiting just outside your door just as soon as you take a little time to absorb, apply and practice the very simple and easy to understand tips and techniques contained in this manual. Yes, “There is Pure Gold in these, here, pages,” and it’s simply waiting for you to “dig-in” and make it yours.

But remember, simply reading this book alone will definitely make a noticeable improvement in your love life and the confidence & comfort with which you pick-up chicks. But to truly become the all conquering stud that you truly dream of becoming, it is going to take some well organized and committed implementation of the ideas presented in this manual. That’s another way of saying what you have known as true all your life, to get really good at this, you must “Practice, Practice, Practice!”

But then, is that really such an inconvenience and sacrifice? To practice getting laid on a regular basis? I mean, what in life worth having doesn’t take a little bit of study and effort to get it right and achieve the classification of a well respected and sought out expert? Especially when it comes to seducing the ladies. This is well worth a little bit of effort, Copyright © HypnoDate.com

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION would you not agree? After all, what more important and valuably significant line of endeavor is there, out in this great big world these days, than to be considered the Absolute “Top Dawg” and “Numero Uno Head Honcho” in the sex game?

So like everything in life, it is a simple trade-off. You can get more quality action by simply making the small effort of learning some very basic, fundamental, foundational facts about how the human mind works. The “BONUS” of this all is, once you get this stuff down and learn to apply it to sex, you can take the very same concepts and apply it to other avenues in your life. It’s like an owner’s manual for your own mind, and obviously your mind effects pretty much everything you do in life. So, learn these simple techniques now and not only get laid, but watch all of life open up to you like a cornucopia of absolute abundance. Which is another way of saying, things will start going your way on a regular basis as you start getting all the stuff in life that you really want and need!

Can someone really truly just read, study, apply and practice a few techniques and actually start getting wild and hot sex from gorgeous babes? Yes. I know this because it’s exactly what happened in my life. I was not the best looking guy around, nor did I have the benefits of money, a cool car or the right clothes. I was a definite zero in the dating game. Yeah, I could reel in a couple of half-way decent looking chicks here and there, if they were drunk and it was getting late, but I wasn’t first choice, or even 7th choice on the lists of the good looking girls.

Then my uncle shared with me a most amazing book. More about this book later, but for now, suffice it to say it made all the difference in the world. As I started to apply the simple, easy to do, step-by-step principals Copyright © HypnoDate.com

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION explained within, things started happening. I started to feel better about myself and felt a strange sense of confidence to just relax and be myself around these babes. Suddenly I was the funny guy, the clever guy, and pretty soon I was the interesting and cute guy.

I got a few of the local hotties, and because I was cool and calm, I made some powerful impressions that developed a bit of a reputation. Suddenly the best looking women around were calling me, asking me out, or just wanting to hang around. Of course, one thing would inevitably lead to another. It was “GREAT! It was absolute Heaven on Earth! It was 100% “Self-Hypnotic Suggestion” and “Self-Subconscious Implantation!”

Just understanding and applying a few basic rules and laws of biology and practical psychology, I was in! In their pants that is!!! Problem was, it was a big book and very old. So when I tried to share it with my friends who were as into reading as me, they just couldn’t break through the barrier of it being like school to them. I had to teach it to them verbally and just make a few simple notations as basic reminders of what we discussed. It was all handed down, by word of mouth, and it worked amazingly well because I took over 1,000 pages of information and distilled it down to about 3 hours spoken instruction. My friends started getting laid like magic, as well!

So here I am today, writing it all down for those of you who can’t speak with me personally. And, for those of you who don’t have the slightest inclination to want to enroll in years of scholastic, educational courses with designated hours of lab work and study hall just to get a little piece of ass. This is how “Hypno-Date” came to be. Carefully put together to give you just enough valuable and powerful information to make your Copyright © HypnoDate.com

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION love life legendary and satisfying, but not so much as to overwhelm and drown you in elongated, abstract concepts, ideas and a lot of verbiage. It’s basically a very simple “Pickup, Attraction, Dating and Sex Manual” made for guys like us who don’t have time to delve through all the bullshit!

Let’s Get Started Alright, first of all, we need to understand a very basic fact. Women are naturally, automatically attracted to guys that are confident and comfortable with themselves and the lady. It’s thousands of years of “Survival Instinct” subconsciously and sometimes even consciously, programmed into their heads. Confident men, often referred to in psychological books as the “Alpha Male” are viewed by females as the natural born leaders. They’re the strong and self reliant providers and that’s what they instinctively want to attract to themselves and what they feel safe being attracted to. It’s all a matter of mentally programmed survival instinct.

Plus, women like to feel like women and want to be around a guy who makes them feel like a woman. That’s accomplished by a dude that seems strong, powerful, secure, and has his proverbial “shit” together. So, does this mean that if we weren’t born with these natural personality traits, then we are simply out of luck and aren’t going to get the babes? Well, that’s what it used to mean. But now we have a couple of secret weapons that’ll change your life and your luck with the ladies forever. The names of those secret weapons are “Self-Hypnotic Suggestion” and “SelfSubconscious Implantation!”

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION You see, somewhere along the road most of us some how got “f**ked up” in the head by someone. It could be a parent, or sibling, maybe a relative or neighbor. Perhaps it was a teacher, or some other culturally accepted authority figure, maybe even a total stranger. Or, as is most often the case, we simply did it to ourselves.

The human mind is like a computer – whatever you program into the computer, is what you are going to get out of it. Sometimes, if your inputting skills are lacking or if there is a flaw or glitch in the system, what comes out is distorted, warped and barely recognizable as what was intended to be filed away for safe keeping.

So, a misunderstanding with a friend, a harsh comment by a teacher, a cruel word by a parent, or even simply being turned down when making an early attempt to steal a kiss or hold a girls hand while walking, can create devastating effects. Left alone and unchallenged, they will debilitate and subconsciously handicap a guy for life, until he takes the time to go back in and “Re-Program” out the garbage information and replace it with the “Proper Data” that will be useful and effective for him to run a successful love life!

Self-Limiting Beliefs: Whenever we have unfortunately or even accidentally programmed inhibitive ideas or beliefs about ourselves into our conscious and subconscious mind, whether these thoughts are of our own origination, or injected into our psyche by someone else, they are known as “Self-

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION Limiting Thoughts,”. They are absolute trouble and need to be dealt with immediately!

“Self-Limiting Beliefs” are so effectively detrimental because they come from within, so there is far less opportunity to fend off their attacks and defend ourselves from the self-annihilation they bring. “Self-Limiting Beliefs” are the most powerful enemy we can ever have to face, as the famous old saying reminds us so very clearly, “We have seen the enemy, and they are “US!”

Just like in real warfare, one of the most efficient strategies to win a battle is to infiltrate the oppositions camp and spy out their strategies and battle plans. As well as this, you provide them with as much false information as possible, to lead them astray, causing them to make incorrect moves, based on improper assumptions. In turn, leaving them vulnerable and ready to be more easily defeated.

This is exactly what happens to you when you allow your unconscious and conscious mind to offer up negative and simply bad information to yourself about yourself. As you plan your campaign to get ladies and get laid based on a collection of Un-True and Falsified Facts about yourself – the facts that are burned into your unconscious mind – you will start setting in motion a plan to FAIL. Your brain will work its hardest to prove your plan correct – and you will probably fall well short of your intended targets.

Some Self-Limiting Beliefs are as follows:

1. Girls only want to be with guys who have lots of money! Copyright © HypnoDate.com

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION 2. Women only want sex with strings attached – committed relationships! 3. If you aren’t “Great Looking,” you may as well just give up now! 4. Babes can sense inexperience and won’t even give you the time of day if they think you don’t have the experience they deem “necessary”. 5. Hot chicks are only attracted to “Bad-Boy,” Alpha-Male, “A”-holes! 6. She’s already got a boyfriend, better give up now! 7. Women should be willing to accept me completely, just the way I already am! 8. She’s a “Total 10,” I can’t compete for her. I don’t measure up! 9. The “Super-Models” are off-limits, simply NO CHANCE there! 10. That babe is way too popular, look at all the guys who are already all over her!

They’re just a few of the seriously debilitating Self-Limiting Beliefs that can hold us back from really going for all the gusto we not only deserve, but could easily have if we just trusted in ourselves enough to go for it! If you don’t believe you can get the chick, you won’t get the chick! If you “DO” believe you can get the chick, you “WILL” get the chick! It’s really that simple. It’s all about what you believe!

So What Can We Do? O.k., so we agree that having the enemy within is a huge set back and a very important problem that needs to be jumped on as soon as humanly possible, or we are all in a lot of trouble, right? Right! So what can we do about this situation so we can jump the hurdles, beat the odds and start getting some A+ action on a regular basis?

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION Well, there are two ways of dealing with “Self-Limiting Thoughts,”. The most effective, efficient, but simultaneously energy consuming and complex way is to actually:

(1) “Delete” the previous negative programming by completely wiping it out. Thereby removing all traces of it from your mind’s consciousness, just like deleting a file from your computer (remember that the human mind is in fact the “Bio-Computer” that the original idea of the electronic computer sprang from, all those years ago.) Then, once you’ve done that, you start from a “fresh slate”.

This is accomplished by a very involved and complicated combination of self-assessment with deep meditation, and some form of psychoanalysis, whether self initiated or performed by a professional Psychologist or Psychiatrist. Or in other cases, some sort of authoritative religious figure like a Priest, Pastor, Guru, Spiritual Master or Meta-Physician.

This Methodology is about 68% successful. But sadly, even some of those success stories, that seem to so progressively make a smooth transition to the New Positive Thought Forms and Beliefs, can have severe relapses. That’s because this process removes all the longstanding, original underpinning, foundational belief structure and Psychological foundations that have been built up since childhood. So, some adherents to this style of “Mind Change” suddenly find themselves without a mental anchor or “Experiential Infrastructure” to be grounded in, which means they often panic in the abyss and revert back to old, negative, but emotionally comfortable ways of thinking again.

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION Honestly, most of us simply don’t have the extra free time, money and inclination to get this severely wrapped up into a “Mental Methodology,”. Nor the personal intuitive psychological expertise to perform this process on ourselves. So that leads us to the second way of deleting the “SelfLimiting Thoughts” that we no longer want present to hinder us from achieving what we really want in life, particularly, GREAT SEX on a regular basis with totally hot chicks!

So, the more common and easiest way is to simply “Write Over” the offending program by placing enough positive and confidence building material into your mind that you naturally begin to see the more effective self beliefs. Then, you focus in on them, and are no longer paying attention to the negative “BAD” programming in your mind. This is the most common way to get rid of our “Self-Limiting Thoughts.” It is not the fastest or most effective way, but it is by far the easiest way for those of us who do not want to commit ourselves to the in-depth, psychologically involved gymnastics of psychoanalysis or as some might call it “Brain washing!”

This procedure works approximately 97% of the time, as long as one remains consistent with the process of continually placing the new “Positive” data in his head on a regular basis. And, fights the natural inclination to fall into bad old habits of thought before the wondrous effects and benefits can be clearly observed from the “Write Over” method.

The power of the “Write-Over” Method is the fact that it doesn’t try to remove all of your early foundational beliefs in one fell swoop, but rather teaches you “step-by-simple-step” how to start adding additional positive Copyright © HypnoDate.com

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION information to the mix. Then how to focus on it, so that it is the “NEW MAP” that you begin to look to for direction in your sex life.

You clearly realize the value of letting “bygones be bygones” and letting the past mistakes go, while still learning from those mistakes and moving forward to victory. It doesn’t artificially leave you hanging in the void, as if your past experiences no longer even exist and you are now a soul without a history, like the “Delete” method. Rather, it allows you to evaluate what has worked and not worked previously and gives you the “New and Improved belief structure” that will get you where you want to be, in comfort, security and true confidence.

Therefore, it just seems obviously logical that because we can “ALL” easily do the “Write Over” method, which doesn’t involve a lot of effort, money and time, that it’s a simpler route and as you’ll see, a hell of a lot of fun to work through. This is the route we will focus on from this point forward in the book!

The “Write Over” Method! So, where do we go from here? That’s actually a very easy question to answer, and I think you are really going to start having a lot of fun and enjoying this exciting adventure! Remember that Rule #1 is: Whatever you truly believe about yourself, especially regarding women and getting laid, is the TRUTH!

We are not trying to make you forget the past here with this highly effective method though. Just like learning to ride a bicycle or do Copyright © HypnoDate.com

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION multiplication, you will remember all of your initial failures and mistakes. But then you will begin to learn from those mistakes and see where you went wrong. Then, through a commitment to yourself and your love life, begin to practice, practice, and practice some more. Thinking and behaving in such a way, you’ll start getting some small and then with time, more significant victories “under your belt”. And with those victories comes confidence and deeper dedication to sticking with the program and truly “Going for it!”

Then the old adage suddenly will prove true to you as clear as day. As you begin “throwing enough spaghetti on the wall, that some of it will actually begin to stick!”. This is really all there is to the simple and easy to accomplish process of “Writing Over.” So what does it mean to you right here, right now?

As you begin to add additional positive experiences to your “Book of Life” and begin to get it right more and more often, your confidence and abilities grow in leaps and bounds, and you start to not only truly believe in the system, but more importantly, believe in yourself.

Meaning, NOW, when you believe that you can get the very hottest 9’s and 10’s on a scale of 10, then suddenly you will discover that you actually do get them with consistent regularity. However, if you continue to keep adding messages to your mind, inputting data into your “BioComputer” telling and programming yourself to believe and actually perform as if you don’t quite measure up to the competition, you will focus on the old negative data. Then, sure enough, you will be sunk before you start.

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION See it and Be it, Name it and Claim it, Think it and Drink it. What you believe in your heart, soul and mind is what will prove to be the ultimate reality. And sadly, for those who truly think that the chances of you getting an A+ Babe are low to ludicrous, then in fact that’s exactly how it will play out, and it just will never happen for you at all.

O.k., great, so then what exactly are we to do then to help us “BELIEVE” that we can get the hotties?

It all comes down to action! We’ve all heard the old saying; “Seeing Is Believing!” Well, the reason most old sayings get repeated enough times over a lengthy period of years, and become an old saying, is because they usually pan out to be TRUE!

Therefore, what you really need in order to honestly begin to believe the new optimistic, confident, powerful perception of yourself as a real popular ladies man, is a few victories, followed by a few more victories, followed by a lot more victories, with the beautiful women that you desire. Unlike most sports that you have participated in over the years or witnessed through the media, where the final game, the championship game is the very most important game to fulfill a winning season, with chicks, the most important victory is not the last, but rather the first!

Getting That First Victory! Keep in mind at all times, the two most important things to remember about getting your first “Convincing Victory” are the following: (1) You absolutely have to go for a babe that you would normally consider “out of Copyright © HypnoDate.com

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION your league.” (2) You shouldn’t shoot so far above your normal expectations that you automatically and unwittingly set yourself up for failure. Let’s look at this in a little more detail.

First of all, it’s important that the women you shoot for are above the level of babe you’ve have been settling for in the past. If they aren’t, the whole point of this book becomes moot. The concept here is to learn to develop the confidence to go for the gorgeous girls and get them on a regular consistent basis. You will never accomplish this task if you don’t actually start raising the bar a bit, right now.

That’s right, “Immediately,” if not sooner! The one thing that you will very quickly discover about this book is that I’m on your side. Just one of the guys who has gone through the same situations that most all of us guys have been through. I’m here to help you succeed with the ladies and that’s my only concern, my only priority, and my only objective. I am not looking for “Kudos” or applause and I’m certainly not one of those insecure pseudo-experts that fears you might figure things out before I finish telling them to you. No, I hope and intend for you to be getting some seriously improved, choice, Grade-A action before you are halfway through this book. And it all starts right now.

Smile! From now on, every single woman that you see, smile at her. This does not mean you are actually going to hit on or pick her up. Hell, it doesn’t even mean that you are the slightest bit interested in “banging” her. But just in order to grow more effectively comfortable and fully used to the Copyright © HypnoDate.com

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION idea of smiling at the ladies, begin now to make it a habit! If you see a chick, smile.

You will quickly discover that many more of them are smiling back at you than you ever would have guessed possible. Don’t gawk, don’t stare, and don’t hang around to wait for a response. Just go through life, smiling at the women you see and you will already be in the running for making some real headway hooking up with the girls of your dreams.

Two very important truths:

(1) Women you’d never normally go for often have hot friends. Be nice, respectful and friendly to the ones you aren’t interested in and you may one day get access to their friends.

(2) Most guys are afraid to approach the hottest babes out there because they automatically assume that if a chick is a 9 or 10 that they must have tons of good looking, rich and successful dudes at their beck and call 24 hours a day. But that just isn’t the case at all. Most fashion models are very lonely people, shunned by the average women who are jealous and hate them and avoided by most men who assume they have no chance at all. So most foxy women are often desperate for a date or any sort of close up contact. People stare and lust after them from afar, but very few guys ever have the balls to actually go up and talk to them like a normal healthy and attractive woman.

A smile denotes confidence, feeling comfortable and good about noticing an attractive lady in your presence, and feeling completely at ease expressing that observation and appreciation in such a way that makes Copyright © HypnoDate.com

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION you seem as if you are in your groove and used to being around goodlooking women. This makes you instantly more attractive to the ladies because (A) a smiling face is so much more pleasing to the eye than a frowning scowl or fearful jack-o-lantern grimace. And (B) in the subconscious mind of the female, you are perceived as a more powerful Alpha Male, who is completely in his element with hot babes. This is because you show no fear and don’t wrap yourself at her feet, begging for attention like a lot of guys. You just go your own way!

So the mere act of simply smiling a knowing, confident smile and then moving on as if you are a busy and successful guy with lots of things to attend to, will get you a very positive rep with the ladies in no time at all. The exact opposite happens if you stand around, looking smitten, hypnotized, or desperate,

This is cool because you notice first off the very most important thing here: if you are a little bit shy at this juncture of the process, it’s OK. You never had to talk to her, you didn’t even have to approach her, you just started getting all these beautiful babes attention and developing your stud reputation with them by simply smiling and moving on like you are a player. In other words, in the minds of these women, you noticed them, you liked what you saw, admired the way they presented themselves, but you are a busy guy, getting on with that business. Which in turn gives you a sense of confidence and casual swagger, long before you ever actually earned it.

This brings us to another very important rule for when you are just beginning your journey to consistent hot dates and sex with the most attractive women around, which is “Faking it till you Make it!” Copyright © HypnoDate.com

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Fake It Till You Make It! When I decided I was going for the glory, I dedicated myself to watching exactly how the guys who got the best chicks did what it was that they do. But I soon realized that it wasn’t always so abundantly clear as to what was really going on inside the mind of these Super Studs!

So I realized that if I was to ever be regularly getting the fine ass that they were reeling in day after day after day, I was going to actually have to approach and ask these guys some questions about how they did what they did. Now I knew a lot of them were not going to be inclined to share their secrets with me or any one else for that matter, because some people feel that when you find the formulae to gold, you should just shut up and keep it to yourself. But I was quickly surprised to find that a few of the guys were more than willing to talk to me and give me some tips and pointers!

It seems that what I heard most often from a relatively diverse group of guys who claimed they were at one time, just as insecure and nervous about “Shooting for the Stars” as I was, was a term that was repeated over and over to me, again and again. “Fake It Till You Make It!”

I was instructed to get the idea out of my head that most ladies’ men are simply born to be successful with the babes. But that in fact, it is a skill, like riding a bike or hand-writing, that must be learned and practiced. Most importantly, the most efficient and effective way to learn how to get good at the gals, is to fake it till you make it.

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION What they taught me was that there is actually no real way of ever truly knowing who is authentically confident with the ladies, and who is actually just doing a great job of successfully pretending to be a stud. Also, that the process of playing the part actually rubs off within your self consciousness, and you do in fact begin to become the player that you were once just playing like a role in a stage play. In other words, merely acting confident and comfortable with the babes, automatically trains you to truly become confident and comfortable with the babes!

O.k., so how do you fake it till you make it? Easy, just keep your eyes open from now on and carefully take it all in. Whenever you see a stud clearly having his way with a luscious lady that you think you would like to eventually have a shot at, watch what they do around them. Then begin to impart those observable personality characteristics and physical ways of interacting with the “Wonder-Women” onto yourself.

One very significant word of warning must be mentioned right here. There are a few drastically distinct personalities that some guys use to score with the babes, and you will come across as a slightly schizophrenic psycho if you try to encompass the attitudes and strategies of them all simultaneously. That’s why you need to pick your style before you actually start.

Also keep in mind that you can change your style, or use more than one style, but not with the same group of people and definitely not with the same women. Otherwise, you will be perceived to be a strange, split personality, bi-polar casualty of confusion and you will freak the chicks out. They’ll then want nothing to do with you no matter how confident Copyright © HypnoDate.com

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION you act towards them, as there is definitely such a thing as “False Confidence” and you will be clearly displaying it and making the Hotties want to avoid you out of fear.

Picking Your Style There are many ways of playing the game. Some guys have effectively figured out how to combine a couple different styles together to create a persona that is more unique. But if one isn’t careful, one can instead simply come across as if he has a dual personality and problem with schizophrenic behavior. That serves as a negative, so think that out ahead of time and make sure that the way you play the ladies makes some sort of logical sense.

Now we all have been told a billion times by the female population that chicks just want a guy who can simply be himself around a girl. At first we assume that women must truly know exactly what it is that they want and will openly tell us the truth about what precisely they are looking for, so we can give it to them.

Sadly this is the furthest thing from the truth, and we guys who believed this nonsense were continuously shot down over and over again, leading to the need for this book to be written. This happens either because the women out there really don’t know what it is that they really want, or they simply can’t see past their own sets of mind games to lay it all out, clearly on the table for themselves and us to see. Or that they are emotionally living in a state of absolute denial and they are just plain lying. Take your pick. Each woman is a unique and individual case, but Copyright © HypnoDate.com

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION one or all of these basic patterns seem to come into play with the vast majority of ladies, if not all of them. So we need to understand this situation and respond appropriately by choosing the set persona that we must comfortably fit into that achieves success with the particular type of girl that we are attracted to and want to draw into our circle of influence and perhaps eventually our bed!

Here are just a few of the most common successful male personas or personality styles that seem to do well with the chicks. Read about them and think about what your thoughts have been about these types of guys when you have been around them. Also, think what your comfort level is like when you’re around them. Then, consider becoming each of them. What is the effect these sorts of guys have on the niche targeted chicks that you have lined up in your scope to hit on?

Not all personas and styles appeal to every woman out there. Because of this, it is of the utmost importance that you truly consider whether or not there is a particular kind of babe that you find more attractive than all the others and then pick a style that does well with that kind of girl!

Keep in mind this very important fact. Most women do NOT know what they really want OR they lie like dogs. The shit they’ll tell you they are looking for in a guy, is really the sort of characteristics and qualities they are seeking in a BOY FRIEND. A friend who’s a boy. Not a Boyfriend and certainly not what you want to be to this babe, a lover! When girls say what they are looking for in a guy that they want to get together with, to be taken and pleasured by, they are usually lying; it’s simply just not true. Copyright © HypnoDate.com

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Maybe they’re merely embarrassed to let on just how superficial, sexually sensuous, shallow and slutty they really are deep down inside. Or maybe they’re just so socially conditioned and out of touch with what really gets them wet between the legs and makes them want to hump and purr. It’s debatable. What they sometimes say they want describes the guy who lets her cry on their shoulder when she’s been let down by some jerk. It’s a guy who holds her purse while she is in the bathroom, trying on a new outfit at the mall, or waits while she’s f**king a real man on the back of his motorcycle.

Trust me, you don’t want to be that guy. You probably already have on more than one occasion, which is why you are reading this book. Don’t feel bad, I’ve been there too. A complete servant to the babe I wanna bang! It’s a bitch, ain’t it? So let’s not allow that to happen any more, and let’s decide to be the type of guy who gets into the gals panties in the right way, without allowing yourself to become fundamentally lowered or a servant that is never respected in correct manner.

So question yourself. Would the type of girl that you most definitely prefer and want to get it on with, be more naturally attracted to:

The Arrogant Ass-Hole: The trendy, yuppie kind of above it all, living in the castle on the hill, rich and fashionable jerk who is all about himself and his possessions. Some women find this guy to be an archetypal Prince Charming, and if they spread their legs, they hope for the potential to be the next reigning Queen of the Ball! Now remember, you don’t actually have to be a member of the upper class in order to play the part of one of the rich and famous. Copyright © HypnoDate.com

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The Big, Bad-Boy Bastard: This is that rebel without a cause tough guy, who will not be saddled by society’s conventions and rules. Chicks will tell you that they are a menace that should be locked away. But what they won’t admit is that they want to lock them away between their thighs – to be ravaged and pleasured by them all night long.

The Cool, Calm, Calculated, Charismatic and Confident Charmer: Can you tell already that this guy is my personal favorite? He’s the one I have always felt the most comfortable being, and the one I most strongly recommend to guys who truly are nice and just aren’t at ease acting like a butt hole in order to get laid. This guy is never desperate or focused too strongly on one female at a time. But, he clearly admires women’s beauty, as a player, and though has other things on his plate, he will stop to talk and develop a rapport with a lady politely and confidently drawing her in a bit, before running off to climb other mountains.

The Defiantly Devious Devil: This is the overtly sensuous, if not balls out, downright licentious playboy who is all about sexuality and nothing else. He is a player and has his ways with the ladies. And, that’s seemingly all that his life is dedicated to.

As I said before, I certainly can’t choose for you. You really need to decide which persona gets the type of action that you are looking for. If you want the foxy debutante who was the local high school “Home Coming Queen” you may do well as the “Arrogant Ass-Hole.” If you get hot for biker chicks or find the sensuous slutty, almost openly trampy whore-vixen look to be a huge turn on, then probably the “Big, Bad-Boy Bastard” is your best bet. If you want a babe who is completely satisfied Copyright © HypnoDate.com

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION by simply getting together for an hour of booty-call and then is on her way, then by all means consider playing the role of the “Defiantly Devious Devil,”. Most of us guys who are basically nice dudes who don’t want to play the bad boy or the jerky prick will do well to focus on becoming the “Cool, Calm, Calculated, Charismatic and Confident Charmer!”

Playing The Numbers! So, once you have picked a style, do your best to observe exactly how the studs of your chosen manner do what it is that they do. Watch what works and what fails, as even the best hitters strike out on occasion, and even in the major leagues, getting a hit 3 out of every 10 times you take your bat in hand and approach the plate is considered “All Star” credentials. See what tends to consistently work for you and see what doesn’t go well with your particular version of who you actually, truly are.

Remember, that the whole idea of “Faking it till you’re Making it “ is only a temporary tool, to be used only up to the point of developing your own well programmed comfort levels with the ladies. It’s merely a momentary “Modus Operandi,” as you learn to take in the psychological data that finally proves to yourself once and for all that you honestly have what it takes to do it on your own, in your very own unique way.

Playing the role of one of the previous 4 personality styles is just a jump start to get you moving forward and to start getting some decisive victories under your belt. But you never want to remain trapped within a plastic persona. And the longer that you do without beginning to develop Copyright © HypnoDate.com

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION your very own unique style, the more likely that people will begin to realize that you’re merely role playing and not truly and authentically a sincere and legitimate hunk, with a successful personality all your own.

So commit yourself right now to using the “Fake it till you Make” as nothing more than an initial process to get you in the game and around the action. And, spending time learning how to be with the ladies, in a comfortable and confident manner that will eventually be YOU and only YOU!

So get out there, and always keep in mind the old saying about the more spaghetti that you throw on the wall, the more likely some of it will begin to stick. It’s all just a matter of playing the numbers.

If your current experience and personality combination equates a 10% success ratio when trying to pick up on chicks, then you need to openly embrace that number. Hope to continue to improve upon it, but deal with it without denial. Then realize that if you are going to get laid 10 times this week, then you are going to have to go up to and attempt to pick up on 100 babes in order to do so. Now that may seem like a lot, but remember, you’ve been smiling confidently at every single girl that you see, without ever even having to speak to them directly. By the time you are ready to walk up and start talking to them, you will already get an instant GREEN LIGHT with a lot of them, because you have attracted their interest from afar by being so cool and giving them a pleasant and encouraging smile.

As you get better at meeting women and learning how to talk with them in a casual, confident way that leads to a physical encounter, so will your Copyright © HypnoDate.com

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION ratios improve. Pretty soon you will be scoring 25% of the time, therefore only needing to now approach just 40 women to get laid 10 times in a week.

With continual study and progress toward over-all laid out process, staying active and continuing to work the system, you will eventually get to the point where 50% of the chicks you try to get it on with will actually go for it and give you what you are looking for. From that point on, the numbers may or may not go up a few points here and there, but most of even the most successful Ladies’ Men only score about 1 out of every 2 efforts. But that’s not a problem, as that gives you 7 days to make your move on only 20 girls per week.

Now that’s less than three a day, so you may find that you have to increase your willingness to bed and bag more than just 10 babes a week, or you will have to eventually cut back on the amount of contact that you have with the ladies. That is not suggested at all, because it is constantly staying active in the game, keeping in tip top playing shape both mentally and emotionally and never getting rusty, that gives you your edge as a lover. You might also begin to revert back to old ways of thinking, bad mental habits, if you don’t continue to download a consistent bevy of positive data regarding getting the action you want on a regular basis.

Please, constantly keep in the very front of your mind, that it’s all about what thoughts are most deeply and most recently programmed in your mind that determines what you believe about yourself and what you can accomplish. So once you have psychologically implanted the data that gives you the awesome advantages that you have always dreamed of Copyright © HypnoDate.com

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION achieving, don’t let your new found powers fade by getting soft and lazy and trying to rest on the laurels of your past. If you do that, you might find yourself right back where you started before you ever read this book. Keep playing those games of numbers, and keep getting better and better at scoring and winning.

What To Say Alright, so you now have a chosen temporary personality style to help you more confidently approach the ladies and get some quality time just playing the numbers and learning what works and doesn’t work by experiences of trial and error. Great, now you need to feel at ease having interesting things to say to the women when you approach, and more importantly, a comfort level knowing that no matter what they say to you or ask you, you will be confident in your answers, responses and replies back.

First of all, I have found that if you show too much interest in a single individual woman when at a social event, it gives them an instant sense of superiority. You then have to work all that much harder to get in with her. So the most important thing to remember is, while you may not ever want to appear arrogant or prickish, you certainly don’t want to come across as if you are concerned in the slightest in what she thinks of you and your comments.

You want to seem polite and interested, but not as if she is the focus of your evening or even the moment. Often paying equal attention to her friends will ignite the old jealousy fires within her bosom that place you Copyright © HypnoDate.com

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION in a much better place of assurance to get some tonight. You see, you are now no longer pursuing HER, instead she is jealously pursuing YOU and making sure that she wins out over her rival female friends for your attention. So now you truly can be comfortable and confident, because all the pressure now is totally off of you, and she is now positioning to reel YOU in.

So say what you honestly, truly think and believe but be sure to never make your comments (1) boring to the woman or the other ladies in the vicinity. Or (2) Self absorbed or focused on you, (3) Focused on her, as if she is some sort of a special prize or Goddess that you have been stricken by. Anything else goes. Just keep it short, to the point, and don’t ramble.

If you do ramble, you are far more likely to make a dumb mistake, say something stupid, or mispronounce a word. Or worse yet, start to stumble, falter, stutter or even worse yet, pull into a tailspin with one of those “tell tale” long pauses, that exhibit a sure sign of confusion, misplaced concepts, lack of confidence in your convictions, or inability to effectively take charge and compellingly make your point. Keep it short, keep it simple, and keep it to the point. Women assume that a confident man, who gets right to the point and doesn’t ramble or flounder, is a real winner, and that is what she is looking for – a real winner!

Humor is an aphrodisiac, if it is truly funny. There is nothing more sickeningly obnoxious than a “wanna-be” funny man, who consistently strikes out with jokes or humor that just isn’t funny, interesting, clever or on target. So if you truly are a funny person, let it shine, but if you are one of those people who simply can’t tell a joke, then don’t!

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION Keep compliments to a minimum and make sure that they are legitimate and sincere. Chicks know that dudes try to butter them up with all sorts of praise in order to get into their panties, and they don’t like getting played in an obvious fashion. So only say something on occasion that will come across as legitimately a truth about her that you honestly find appealing, impressive and unique. But don’t over do it, as I already told you, you score points with a babe by being a bit independent and the slightest bit “Stand-off-ish,” and when you start throwing around the compliments, once you have developed your comfort level talking to her, you will relegate yourself right back into the “Dweeb” category if you lay it on to strong or too often.

Never brag! No one likes a braggart, and it is a definitive sign of insecurity and a total turn off to women, who want to be taken and done by a strong, confident, powerful alpha male, not a wimpy little sniveling faker.

The Human Mind! Very well, we have covered a lot of the thoughts and beliefs about ourselves that we need to continually impress upon our own minds to make them our own thoughts. To truly believe them in order to grow to become the studs that we all really want and deserve to be.

Now let’s look at how the human mind works, taking into consideration the very significant differences between the sexes, as we analyze and learn to implement some extremely vital information that applies to us guys, as well as the women that we want to more effectively hook up Copyright © HypnoDate.com

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION with. These important additional concepts about our own psychology and the thinking style and thought processes of the ladies in our lives, sheds some very valuable clues. All combined, with the help of self hypnosis, will easily lead us to the development of a winning strategy for getting laid on a regular basis by women who just weeks ago wouldn’t have stopped to give us the time of day.

O.k., here are the facts. We are currently living in a socially conditioned culture, struggling between the two very distinct world-views of war and peace. In other words, men and women want to get together and enjoy one another as much as ever. Sadly though, our minds have been conditioned and psychologically torn apart between the dichotomous theories of the “Make Love Not War” mindset and the theory dedicated to and deeply believing in the “War of the Sexes!”. This antagonistic pull on our psyche leaves us both disjointed and confused, from pre-pubescence on through till death, and release from the dance of physical love!

So what’s up with this scenario? Is this a “Game of Love” or the “War between the Sexes?” How do you win, and must you annihilate the other side in order to survive, or does that defeat the whole purpose of sharing and caring?

How terribly misguiding it has proven to be, for any culture to continue to throw its young into this cataclysmic turmoil and emotional quagmire. As to tell them that they must coinhabit and learn to not only live with the opposite gender, but learn to love them and cherish them, while continually referring to that inter-gender association with one another as a battle or war, to be fought and won! Copyright © HypnoDate.com

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There lies the beginning of the problem for the men and women alive on this planet today. Not only the actual true differences in how we think, rationalize, feel, exhibit our fears, wants, desires and needs, and express our emotions, but to subjugate that naturally confusing process with additional, culturally defended, man-made antagonisms. Antagonisms that definitely don’t serve any purpose other than keeping us apart and unwilling to truly trust and connect in an organic and pleasurably comfortable manner.

This is where much of the so called proverbial “Mind Games” first came into play, and it has been an utterly depressing boondoggle for us guys ever since. Because, while we may clearly be the physically stronger of the two genders, when it comes to playing these mind games in order to get what is desired, , face it guys, the women have our asses kicked, no questions asked.

So what is the answer, what is the solution? We need to learn the basics of the “Mind Games,” understanding the subconscious desires, dictates, and delusions of both the male and female psyche. That thereby renders us well enough armed with the vital knowledge and powerful enough to go out and have a fair chance of not only surviving, but actually winning in the so called “Game of Love.”

We need just enough information and self transformation to go out there and confidently approach the women of our dreams. To observe their body language and stylistic persona and know instantly how to get connected to them on a physically sensuous level. We admit that we Copyright © HypnoDate.com

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION understand a certain amount of reading, studying and practice will be necessary to get the payoff we are looking for. But we simply don’t have the free time, or quite honestly, even the true interest to dedicate ourselves to the conventional acquisition of all the fancy degrees that it would normally take to glean and squeeze this much sexually authoritative information into a workable seduction approach. So for the good of all man-kind, we have decided to lay it all on the line in the simplest terms possible, right here, right now!

You Are Here! Often the very first step to fixing any problem or finding a solution, is to carefully observe exactly where you are, right now. Understand, acknowledge and admit the situation that you find yourself in, with honesty and a determined willingness to accept responsibility for your set of circumstances. The only way to rise above is to openly admit where you are, because you can never effectively get to where you want to go, if you don’t have a competent grasp of where currently lie!

So where are we? Well, we are living in a society of mixed and confusing almost antagonistic and diametrically opposed philosophies, that state that we should learn how to appreciate, admire, relate to and eventually learn to love and cherish at least one, if not more, members of the opposite sex. At the same time, we are continually raised from childhood to prepare for battle, laughing at the apparent differences and inconsistencies found in the thought patterns and manner of the other gender. We’re told to set up to eventually go to war, with the intent to at least conquer, if not emotionally decimate one another. Copyright © HypnoDate.com

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This is truly unfortunate. But there’s no point in crying over spilt milk, there is very little that we can possibly do to turn the tables or change the cultural tide that is set in motion here. So all that is really left for us to do is try to survive and get what we really need and desire out of the situation. And, if we can do a little something along the way to set things heading back into a more cooperative and peaceful cohabitative scenario, then all the better. But if we are going to get by in this current life situation, we need to use the tools and knowledge available to us to succeed, and that is self hypnosis and an understanding of the male and female psyches!

So what’s the plan? Simple, you need to teach yourself how to unlock the treasure chest of life with what we have come to call the “Relational Skeleton Key.”

The Relational Skeleton Key The following truths, presented in this book, are going to put you in a very powerful position, when it comes to dealing with women and their emotional needs, psychological entanglements, and erotic desires. So it is of the utmost importance that you understand right now that what we now offer to you, we smilingly refer to it as the “Relational Skeleton Key.”

This “KEY,” when in the hands of an individual who understands the craft and has mastered the following methods, can be used with discretion and skill to unlock the doors that have held you back these many years. These secrets are revealed in such a way as to ascertain their simplicity Copyright © HypnoDate.com

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION and usability, but please beware, with this power, come some very serious responsibilities!

For your own good, as a man of honor, as well as for the good of the ladies that you interact with while using this system of self transformation and confidence development, never take undue advantage of any female while using these dynamic techniques. Nor should you in any way attempt to push her to do things against her own personal nature or will that you or her may later regret. Women have psychologically had the upper hand for so very long, that it is almost natural to take some pleasure in gaining a powerful mastery of how the mind actually works, and how you can use that knowledge to score with babes. But you should always make sure that each and every step progresses in a purely consensual agreement between two legal adults. YOU are responsible for your own actions. I advise that you respect a woman’s wishes at all times and always, always treat them with respect and dignity, if they don’t want you around, leave them alone.

Here’s the Key. In the sexual dance between men and women, there can only be one person leading and the other person must follow! Just like driving a car, too many people trying to turn the steering wheel in different directions, leads to an inevitable accident and potential injury. In the preparation of a gourmet meal, too many chefs trying to season the meal will lead to a culinary disaster. And, when conducting a well tuned orchestra, more than one conductor or written musical score controlling the notes and tempo, and you will have an audio catastrophe well beyond what any human can bear to listen to for more than a single moment.

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION It all comes down to who is sensing themselves as being securely in the position of power and authority. “There can be only ONE!” . Either the male is going to take his place as the assertive alpha male, and take the woman to where both of them want him to take her, or the opposite happens. The female is going to have the time of her life, making the weakened and insecure man jump through hoops of fire and never get out of the encounter what either one of them were truly looking for.

You see, women actually want men to act like men so that they are free to act like women. When nature takes its course and both genders act in their organically and genetically determined manner, all tends to go very, very well and satisfying for both parties. The ladies are more than happy to give up what the strong and virile man has proven he has earned the right to take.

In other words, as men, we have to go back to acting like men, the men that women are subconsciously looking for to let them free themselves to act like women. But because so much cultural conditioning is crammed in both sexes’ heads, we have to fight against almost everything that we have learned about relationships and our selves over the years. This is where self-hypnosis and an understanding of both the male and female psyche comes into play. That combination of information and the ability to apply it to both ourselves and our ladies in waiting, is the relational skeleton key, that will open her doors wide to your masculine advances. Once you have re-empowered yourself by overwriting the negative thoughts and beliefs about yourself as a guy, about women as a whole and about how best to interact and connect with the opposite sex on a mutually satisfying level that makes everyone happy and ready for more.

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION Simply take the time to study up and learn how to be an authentic “man’s man,” and in no time at all, the women out there around you will gladly lay back and allow you to make them feel like real women. Making you a celebrated and truly popular lady’s man!

O.K., so how is this accomplished? Great Question! Welcome to…

Self Hypnosis 101 This is something that truly should have been done years ago; taking all the vital and usable psychological understanding of the human mind and how it works, along with the science of hypnosis, and combining them carefully into an easy to comprehend, easy to apply system. Something that could be described around the world as “The Idiot’s Guide to SelfHypnosis.”

It’s just not fair that, over the centuries, it has usually only been the pinheads, book freaks, academic brains, and most recently, the computer geeks, who are the only ones who have held this vital knowledge of how the male and female mind actually works. The “Nerds” have understood exactly what is going on inside the thought processes of both genders with regard to the “Mating Game”. As well as how to use this knowledge in order to get laid by the most beautiful women on Earth with great regularity. But sadly, these nerds are also the precise kind of guys who have absolutely no chance in hell of actually ever finding the balls, courage and comfort level to apply all this knowledge.

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION So we propose the dawning of a whole new age where the guys with the guts to go for the glory can get a simplified version of what the rules and regulations are involving the subconscious thought processes behind human sexuality and gender interaction. And it all starts right here with…

Visualization / Preparation: Visualization is the number one technique to guarantee an absolute victory in the war between the sexes. The male gender’s lack of using visualization, in order to prepare for the mating game, is the precise reason that we dudes have been losing the war of the sexes to the smaller, lighter, “weaker” chicks for years upon years.

When you really take a moment to think about it, you know it’s legit. After all we have been watching championship athletes use visualization techniques for generations to more effectively prepare for competition. Fighters visualize their battle in their head for months before the main event, pole-vaulters see themselves time and time again clearing the beam successfully months before the athletic event, football players see the play orchestrated to perfection 1,000 times in their subconscious before the game ever even starts.

O.k., so we know it works, but how have the women managed to gain any sort of advantage over us guys? After all, what do they know about athletes preparing ahead of schedule in their sub-conscious minds? Most of them, nothing, though a few may surprise you. But what they may not have learned from athletics, they most certainly learned from being little girls and growing up to be ladies. Copyright © HypnoDate.com

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Think about it, while you were a little scamp, running around playing with snakes and snails and puppy-dog tails, the girls were busy learning how to be sugar and spice and everything nice. We played with cars and army-men, but the girls were playing “let’s get married,” “mommy and daddy,” playing with dolls that worked out their dating problems and mating game situations over and over and over again for years. They did this till they were well practiced and completely prepared to compete in the “Game of Love” and win decisively!

We played “Cowboys and Indians,” “Cops and Robbers.” And “SpaceMan” while the girls practiced talking, listening, picking up emotional cues, reading body language, and the art of debate and mental manipulation as they visualized their “Dream Date” and exactly, step-bystep, how it would go.

When we got older, we dudes went off and played sports, or rocked out in a band, worked on our cars. Meanwhile, the girls were continuing their day-dreaming and self-hypnotic visualization techniques, as they prepared for the eventual male/female encounters that would arise in their futures. Hell, they not only visualized all these things over and over again, but they sat around and talked about it all incessantly. They compared notes with their friends, studying, learning, planning, and some of them even practiced kissing and making out with one another (anyone who grew up with sisters like mine can probably testify to this fact). They did this just so they would be fully, completely and absolutely prepared.

I tell you, these girls left nothing to chance and no stone unturned, and now you wonder why they continuously kick our ass in the mating rituals Copyright © HypnoDate.com

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION of life. Well, I say it’s time to make a change and here’s how we’re going to do it guys!

See It, Then Be It! There are all sorts of pet-names for this technique. “Blab It and Grab It,” “Talk It and Walk It,” “Name It and Claim It,” and many others. But since we are really focusing on visualization here, the best term is “See it, then Be It!”

Remember the concept of self visualization is either to: (A) play out the possible scenarios in your head that might occur ahead of time. Doing this so that you are completely at ease, comfortable, confident and calm when any probable possibility springs up in a situation, as you have already dealt with it successfully time and time again, in your own subconscious mind. Or (B) program the optimum, ultimate outcome in your mind, seeing yourself succeeding and getting exactly, precisely what it is that you want out of the situation, time and time again in your self conscious mind. Creating the reality of your dreams by pre-programming your marvelous “Bio-Computer” to achieve and accomplish your desired goals with absolute expertise!

The process is very easy, so don’t let yourself get caught up in any selffulfilling prophecies of failure because of some fear of psychological mumbo-jumbo. Believe me, if I can learn to do this stuff, any guy can. So lets get started! It’s as simple as clearing your mind of all thoughts, other than the particular choice experiences that you want to visualize yourself having over and over again, until it becomes an achievable reality for you. Copyright © HypnoDate.com

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If other unwanted thoughts pop into your head, no problem, it is very common for all people who are just beginning to learn to do self hypnotic visualization to have all sorts of thoughts come popping into your consciousness. Anything from thoughts about work or school, to things like what you want to do this Saturday, on your day off, I’m hungry, what should I have for dinner tonight, I think I need to go to the bathroom, whatever!

No problem, it is all a part of the learning process as you come to more efficiently discipline your mind. When these other thoughts jump into your consciousness, simply tell them “NOT NOW!” and gently, calmly, peacefully send them away, and get back to focusing on the scenario and subject that this “special time” is intended to be dedicated to.

Never get angry, tense or nervous about the extra thoughts, with practice they will eventually stop showing up. It’s just like learning to ride a bike, you will fall a bunch of times your first attempt, but each time you try, it will get easier and you will get better at it, till one day it is just second nature and there is nothing to it at all. Just don’t let the arrival of the additional thoughts get you agitated, or you defeat the whole process, and that works against you. So just calmly and peacefully tell the extra thoughts “Not now, go away!”, and they eventually will.

Part of the process is finding or preparing the proper place to do your self-hypnotic visualization techniques. You definitely want to do it in privacy, because if someone else is around, your mind will inevitably go off and start wondering what that person is thinking about what you’re doing. Like if you look weird, stupid, strange, or neurotic to him or her. Copyright © HypnoDate.com

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION Are they laughing at you, judging you, freaked out by you, and BOOM, the whole process is completely destroyed as your subconscious mind begins creating one outlandish scenario after another. You are completely off course from accomplishing what you set out to do.

Simply find yourself a nice, calm and quiet place where you feel secure, safe from any annoyance or harassment, and comfortable. Then loosen your clothing, so that you can begin to relieve your body and mind from the stresses of the day. Begin to breathe deeply and shake yourself out a bit to loosen the muscles and any tension that you might be holding in your neck, shoulders, back, or hips. Then shake out and rotate your arms and legs, and the rotator joints of your shoulders and hips even deeper, creating a true sense of calm, relaxation.

Some people like to take the edge off a bit with a cup of relaxing chamomile tea, a light and airy incense, a glass of wine, or some other relaxant that they find effective for themselves. I have no real problem with that, as long as the effect is a calm relaxation, and not a stoned, tired or lethargically sleepy slothfulness; otherwise we are defeating the whole purpose! And don’t forget the most important factor, that we all so often forget about. You need to continue to remember to breathe!

Breathe A quick word to us all about breathing. Most of us have never really learned to truly breathe correctly and naturally, so it may take a bit of effort – you want to try to avoid hyperventilating. We, especially those of us in the western world, tend to normally breathe very shallowly and Copyright © HypnoDate.com

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION when we are concentrating on a task or thought, we actually often tend to completely hold our breath. So we need to make a concerted effort to slowly learn to breathe deeply through the nostrils, allowing our chest to fully expand as well as the diaphragm, which is our singing muscle located below our lungs in the belly region.

Let it expand, let it move, grow, reach out and fully open up, letting a full, large dose of oxygen rich air to fill our lungs, maybe 10 to 15 times, before we begin the visualization process. Keep breathing throughout the entire process. Truthfully, your body was built to breathe on a regular basis, all throughout the day. But ridiculously tight fashions, and an overly insecure concern for appearing fat, makes people hold their breath and breathe in a very, very shallow way which robs them of the true ability to feel and experience life to the fullest.

Have a Seat Great, you have shaken off the stress and anxiety of the work-day, freed your mind of inner turmoil and relaxed your internal organs and muscles and joints by breathing deeply. Now you should be seated, either on a chair, with your legs firmly on the floor and your hands folded comfortably on your lap, or perhaps in the physical style of the meditative yogi, often called the lotus position. Or for us more western culturally influenced dudes, simply sitting “Indian Style” on a soft padded rug or carpet with a pillow supporting the back of your butt, so your spine is straight. Or, if you prefer, on a bed or mattress of some sort.

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION Great, now with your back straight but relaxed, as if a string were tied to the top of your head and was holding you upright, close your eyes, and focus your internal gaze to the center of your forehead. Feel your eyes, even though they are closed, moving inside your eye sockets to face the very center of your forehead, which some people in the meditative world like to refer to as your “Ajana,” or “Third Eye” or 6th Chakra, but which I simply like to call, “My Forehead!”

I am not going to ask you to buy into all the mumbo-jumbo, voodoo magic. It’s not important that you do at all, simply understand that for what ever reason, when you focus your closed eyes in the direction of the center of your forehead, the visualization process works about 30% better. So I am not trying to convert you to be a guru, but for God’s sake, you do want to get laid by hot chicks more often, right? So close your eyes and focus them in the direction of your forehead, and let’s get on with it, shall we?

Here’s Where It Gets Really Fun! Dudes, that’s as complicated as it gets! See what I mean about squeezing all of the succulent sauce out of the psychological treatises and biological encyclopedias, and laying it all out on the table in a totally easy way to understand and apply? That’s it. The rest is easy as pie and the truly fun part of preparing yourself to be a more confident and competent ladies’ man.

That’s because from this point on, you are the boss. You decide what sorts of programming you want to place in your mind. You decide what Copyright © HypnoDate.com

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION scenarios and goals you want to practice over and over, seeing yourself continuously succeeding at. It’s all up to you, as the world now most certainly is your oyster.

Here are a few recommendations for you to carefully consider. For the most effective, fast and efficient transformation into the “Hypno-Stud”, plan on setting aside at least 2 to 3 times a day when you can commit yourself to the dedicated achievement of your sexual goals in. Spend 5 to 15 minutes at a time doing your visualizations, preferably on a regular schedule of some sort. Perhaps 10 minutes in the morning, then 10 minutes during the noontime lunch break, and then a longer 15 - 20 minute session during the evening before bed.

Right before bed is a great time to visualize, because you kill two birds with one proverbial stone. You relax your body and breathe deeply, which definitely helps prepare the physical body for transitioning into the sleeping phase of your daily existence. Meanwhile, you are giving yourself something totally fun, enjoyable and positive to think about as you slowly allow the visualization to lead your mind into a very happy dream state as you slip from waking consciousness into sleep.

Also it is a scientifically proven fact that what you think about, analyze or study right before going to bed, is what your subconscious mind will focus most of its energy on all throughout the sleeping process. Just like if you see a scary movie right before bed, you may have nightmares. Or if you get into a fight right before bed, you may have a restless, angry and agitated sleep all night. Well, when you fall off into slumber-land, visualizing YOURSELF being very confident, secure, comfortable with lots of beautiful women, you are priming the pump for a very effective Copyright © HypnoDate.com

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION subconscious implantation of this positive “Date” data. The information that will program your bio–computer to quickly set all necessary scenarios into motion to achieve the desired result that you are “ReWriting” in your mind, through this very powerful, yet simple form of self hypnosis!

So this is literally killing two birds with one stone. You are reprogramming your mind with positive, powerful images that will become self fulfilling prophecies. As you see yourself over and over again in your sub-conscious thoughts, successfully, confidently, calmly and competently playing the role of the ladies’ man with all the different women you can possibly think of and in all the different situations and circumstances that you can imagine. At the same time, you are relaxing your body and preparing for a deep and restful sleep, revitalizing your energy and spirit to conquer the next day. Very effective and efficient, indeed!

See yourself talking to beautiful women of all sizes, shapes, ages and occupations, models, nurses, doctors, lawyers, strippers, librarians. Imagine hitting it off perfectly and making out in a controlled and consistent manner with blondes, redheads, brunettes, some of them 5’ 4” and 112 pounds, and others 6’5” and 148 pounds. Visualize the conquest of the freshly turned 19 little fresh vixen, as well as the hot, sultry MILF who is 45 and ready to rock your world and knock your socks off! Imagine losing yourself in the exploration of a full figured “Rubenesque” sex cherub as well as the nice, tight, fit of a slight and slender thin twiggy!

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Location, Location, Location! Also very important in your “Ultimate Suck-sex” with the various ladies, just like with real estate, is the matter of location, location, location! You need to be completely comfortable and capable of approaching the foxy female, no matter where she is. Whether it’s the grocery store, office, club, theatre, restaurant, Laundromat, park or library. So practice seeing yourself, time and time again, in all these various locations, getting the girl, and having her want more and more intimate relations with you on a consistent basis. Just see it, over and over again in your head, and then be it, over and over again in your life. What could be easier or better!

There’s no better place to start your new fangled confidence than right where you are right now. Remember, smile first, and don’t act too overly interested. Then when the moment is right, make your approach. Have something interesting to say, but not too much. Fake it till you make it, by playing the cool, calm and collected “Captain Conquest” and just come out and ask her to either go somewhere where you two can talk, alone, or you can just hang out a bit and see where things go from there!

If you want to get the ball rolling, be sure to mention the relaxing art of massage, and how good all your female friends say you are at it, or ask her to dance, both very, very effective ways to get the mating ritual started off with a spark.

Or if you start to feel a bit nervous, have your buddy (wingman) come up to you or call your cell phone and make up a non-lame excuse for why you need to leave. Then, simply tell her that you have really enjoyed your Copyright © HypnoDate.com

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION time together, or if you just met, say that you couldn’t help but notice her and ask here for her phone number, and then split.

Just be sure to keep up your visualization techniques, every single day. Try to be sure to get in some serious work right before bed, then apply these very simple techniques wherever you go, throughout your day, and you will notice just how much more popular you become with the chicks. And, how easy it now is to get in there, in the middle of the action, and score regularly with the really hot babes that you only used to dream about! Go For It!

So Now What? Simple, by consistent application and dedication to continually get better and better at working the babes with total confidence and relaxation. You know, no one is totally sure how it all happened, but somehow we guys allowed many of the very sexually powerful and freeing events associated with the “women’s liberation” movement over the centuries, to somehow deflect our advances, diminish our dominance and dilute our confidence as lovers. It’s time we brought those ugly days to an end! Don’t you agree?

Now you will more often than not, in the future, be in a position of making the most amazingly erotic things happen with gorgeously attractive and sexy girls with a high level of authoritative control. Because of this, you may at first be tempted to test the ranges of possibilities and limitations in what you can accomplish with women. However, don’t lose track of reality, with this new found confidence and Copyright © HypnoDate.com

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION ability to conquer even the most awesome babes on planet earth, with the same effort that you used to use to get a night out with a band geek or class nerd!

Don’t let your abilities get so out of hand that you begin to develop a reputation as an asshole, unless of course that is the style of persona that you chose for yourself. Just use these new skills as a tool to get dates and get laid, more often, with a higher grade of chick. Try to remain cool and don’t take things too far out to the edge of reality, because sometimes when you get that far out, it’s harder than you think, for you and her to find your way back.

Get used to the idea of now being given sexual favors on a golden platter. Experiences so much grander and more elaborate than anything that you ever used to have to barter, pay, or beg for, when you didn’t have your “Hypno-Date” understanding and abilities. Suddenly your life has turned around and you find yourself surrounded by willing and very able bodied absolute babes. Girls who will gladly do anything that you want, as long as you continue to strike her as an alpha man winner!

I guess what I am trying to say here is, be sure not to lose your inner compass! Don’t allow yourself to drift so far off course into the newly available world of open, ready and waiting wet poon-tang, that you allow the other things in your life that are meaningful and of value to you, to be ignored or put on the back burner. While it is definitely true that getting hot chicks is a top priority in life, there are other things of importance that need to be attended to, and it is of the utmost significance that you try to remember that, when you are drowning in a sea of willing women.

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION Too much of a good thing……. Is a bad thing!

Also remember the Golden Rule, which is as true in the game of sex as it is in the world of business, or even life itself. Have fun, but play fair! Show respect for all parties involved, by conducting yourself as a gentleman. Remember, there are LAWS regulating human sexual behavior, so know what the law books say in every jurisdiction in which you choose to play! If you are a conscientious lover, you will always get asked to cum back to play again and again! That’s part of the beauty of this system.

Self-Hypnotic Suggestion and “Super-Conscience Implantation” are some of the various psychological terms used by the experts to explain this amazing system of sexual improvement and comfortability. Hitting on the hottest women around is just a part of the secret methods used over the vast centuries by the great and famous lovers throughout history to continuously conquer the beautiful damsels that these “Sexual Giants” or “Erotic Masters” came across, quite literally, in their travels.

These famed lovers were not viewed by the women who graciously gave in to their seductive powers of ultimate confidence as cads or scoundrels. No, they were practically worshipped as living sex gods, walking the earth and pleasuring its women in such a way as most men simply did not know how to do!

These confident and calculated cocks for hire spent their lives walking to the beat of their own drummer. Usually that was the sound of their mistress’s headboard banging into the wall for hours on end. They did the dirty deed with whomever they found attractive and alluring, while all the Copyright © HypnoDate.com

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION time making the “wanton wench” believe that she was the lucky one, coming out on top in this bargain. Now is that better than a dream, or what?

So the point is, while it is important not to get too caught up in the erotic splendor of this new found freedom to get it when you want it, it is equally as important to remember how you got these amazingly superhuman powers in the first place. As well as to realize, that just like with a perfectly sculpted, muscular body, when you stop working for it and let your exercise slack and drop off, it is just as easy to lose it all, more quickly than you gained. So be smart and keep up the magic mantra of “Practice, Practice, Practice!”

Practice, Practice, Practice! That’s right! It’s so easy to forget where you came from or how you got here when women that once wouldn’t give you the time of day are available for your pleasure, at your convenience, time and time again.

Suzy Cheerleader, who once was a mere wet dream for you and who had you beat up back in high school for merely looking at her as she walked by, with the entire football team, who she was banging at the time, is suddenly right within your very reach. To have and to hold, to bend and to fold, into whatever kinky position will get you off best! She doesn’t care; as long as you seem to be fully satisfied and happy, because her only concern now is making sure that you’re gonna want to be cumming back for more, and more and more!

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION You now know exactly how the human mind works, and what you need to do in order to replace the old, negative “LOSER” programming that was leading you down the road to disaster. Now it’s time to continue applying what you have learned, and keep learning some other very fascinating facts and psychological techniques that will ensure you just keep getting better and better, and more and more popular with the ladies!

The World Is Your Oyster (Now Go Claim Some Clam!) Remember, it all comes down to applying what you know. You could have all the volumes of the 5 largest libraries in the entire world memorized by heart, but if you don’t go out and actually apply that knowledge to your life, then it’s all for nothing. So many intellectuals pride themselves on what all they know, what degrees they have achieved at various well established institutions of learning, but they may flounder in the real world where it’s not what you know that makes you a winner, but rather what you do.

Some of the most successful people in the world never even graduated college. Heck, some of them never even made it all the way through high school. But they we’re adept at what we call “Street Smarts” and they kept their eyes wide open, and paid very careful attention to what was going on all around them. That made all the difference in the world, applying what they observed and learned in the school of hard knocks.

You have an even greater advantage than those street smart individuals who had to pick it all up, piece by shattered piece, as they trudged along, Copyright © HypnoDate.com

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION looking for an opportunity to step into a position to work their way out of their rut. You now have the knowledge of the centuries, the knowledge of the human mind and how it works, explained in bite sized, simple to grasp, easy to apply concepts, and now all you have to do is begin applying it to your life in a consistent manner.

That’s where the real success starts, in the application and usage of what you’ve got. So keep it real and keep your game on, as often as possible, and in every possible situation that it is applicable. You’ll then be getting the payoff of dreams, as all those chicks that once never turned their head when you entered a room are now turning down the bed to make sure you have one terrific time after another and return for some repeat performances.

Don’t just see it, be it! Don’t just dream it, glean it!

There’s Always Room For Improvement! The human mind is a most marvelous creation, certainly never intended to be simply left to chance. As you continue to succeed with the ladies and get more adept at getting what you really want from the opposite sex, as you learn to navigate the sub-conscious mind’s deeper treasures and pathways, you will continue to learn more and more about what makes you tick. As well as all those who exist around you, both male and female, friend and foe!

This is a very powerful position to be in, whether you are looking to get laid, paid, or made. That’s right, once you learn how to re-write the Copyright © HypnoDate.com

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION programming in your very own bio-computer, you can begin to understand some of the more universal truths that have been used by the alpha males and leaders of industry and nations over the centuries since time unmemorable!

Can’t Make Anyone Do Anything! How many times have we heard the tale of woe about the individual who went to get hypnotic help to stop smoking, over-eating or thinking about sex, but sadly failed completely in their attempt, even after several long and drawn out efforts to try it again and again.

Why is that, if hypnosis has this mysterious ability to control minds and make others do our bidding? It’s because hypnosis CAN’T control minds and make others do our bidding. That’s an old wives’ tale – a deceitful urban legend and a bunch of malarkey.

Hypnosis can’t make anyone do anything that they wouldn’t like to do normally. So then, if that’s true, what is the whole point of it then? It’s a helpful enabler, it is there to help people do the things that they really DO want to do, but are afraid to try. It helps people accomplish the tasks or accomplishments that they truly want to achieve, but lacked the confidence to get the gumption together enough to actually give it a serious effort.

Perhaps a person is very interested in being a singer. They have a lovely voice and a well trained ear, but every time they step onto a stage in front of an audience, they choke up and their voice closes off and they can’t get Copyright © HypnoDate.com

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION a note out to save their own life. In this case, hypnosis is very effective, because it is helping to enable someone to gather the comfort level and confidence to go do what it really is that they want to do.

Maybe a person is the most qualified individual working at a company, and they have wonderful people skills, and a clear understanding of the goals and principals that drive the corporation forward. But when it comes to applying for a management position that opens up, or even asking for a raise in salary, they just fall apart. They simply can’t deal with the thought of standing up and making their desire for a raise and promotion clear to the upper management. Clearly hypnosis would be of a great benefit in this case.

Say there is a person who is very much attracted to another individual, but they just can’t seem to find the way or the words to let them know exactly how they feel. Hypnosis, especially self-hypnosis, under these specific circumstances, is just the thing to help this person get the comfort level and confidence to approach the individual of their interest and make a love connection that may very well have gone denied without it.

As you can see, in all these various cases, hypnosis is not being used to try to talk someone into doing something that they don’t want to do, but rather it is the positive enabling force that allows a person to rise above the occasion. To allow them to break from the rut that has been holding them back and FREE them to finally reach out and do what it is that they truly, really want to do. Hypnosis is not a maniacal manipulator, but is actually an edifying enabler, who comes to people’s rescue and allows them to finally accomplish what it is they have had their heart set on, but didn’t have the confidence to go for it before. That is all it is, but believe Copyright © HypnoDate.com

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION me, when it comes to truly making people’s lives more satisfying and fulfilled, that’s plenty enough!

Hypnotic Subconscious Suggestions Once we begin to learn the first steps of applying this psychological technology to ourselves, it only makes logical sense that we would eventually begin to see how these very same techniques can also be equally applied to any and everyone out there with a brain. In turn, helping to create the situations that lead to better grades, successful projects, job offers and financial raises. As well as the ability to confidently speak in public forums, leading to highly increased public approval, and an ever growing sense of attractiveness that surrounds you whenever you are in people’s area of direct environment or indirect area of personal influence.

Hypnotism has been around for as long as there have been people on the Earth. Yes, it is true that only a very few individuals have ever truly taken the time and energy to really learn how to use it correctly, perhaps less than 1%. But honestly, as you now see, it’s not nearly as hard, complicated or tricky as you had at first believed. As you continue to practice and learn to apply it not only to your sex life, but to your job, politics, negotiations, virtually every aspect of your life, you begin to see just how effective a tool it truly is. And just how often people apply aspects of its technique, even unconsciously, without being aware of what they are doing at all!

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION Just the very fact that some power beyond your comprehension somehow managed to create within your subconscious mind the desire to purchase and read this very book is a testimony to the mysterious power and truly effective magnetism that exists within the mysterious methodology of Hypnotic Subconscious Suggestion. Think about it, just considering how you somehow subconsciously knew the infinite value to yourself, even if you were at first, only thinking about fulfilling your carnal urges with Prime, “Grade A” trim. The very reality that you have shown the dedication and commitment to make this all work for you and have decided to actually read this book is a near miraculous glimpse of the inner hidden mysteries that lie within us all! As opposed to the many others that you have brought home and barely bothered to even skim through.

Truthfully, if you had a grasp of the known statistics regarding self education and personal improvement, you would be amazed to discover that your willingness to cooperatively and consistently stick with the program, thus far, following the easy, step-by-step directions, means you are one of the very special few. You’re choosing to create your own destiny, becoming one of those very remarkable 1% of the world population that throughout history have come to be known as “The Masters!”

The Masters Hypnotism is nothing more than the understanding and application of some very rudimentary rules of how the human mind takes in and processes information. That is all that it truly is. If someone had said that Copyright © HypnoDate.com

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION to you last year, or even six months ago, it probably wouldn’t have meant a thing to you then, but now suddenly it does, because the old adage tells us that when the Student is ready, the Master will appear.

And when the student is ready to step it up a notch and grab all the gusto that the student can claim in a single human life, it is time for the student to be prepared to become a Master himself. Not only taking in and learning to apply all the specialties of the chosen system that one studies, but to in fact become a teacher oneself, all in due time. This is how the ancient information has been handed down from teacher to student over the millennia, through the teachings of the masters!

The uneducated and unenlightened masses will always doubt the very existence of the Masters, and for this we are truly gratefully thankful, because it relieves the pressure from process and takes the concerned and curious eye off of the spectacular details of one’s most amazing journey through life, as one continues to excel and exceed even his own wildest dreams and passions.

The Masters are not literally invisible, though at times it seems as though they might just as well be, as they are rarely recognized by common society, except when one of the more learned, who has come to some understanding of what it is that they are looking for, declares to the masses, here is one such master, take heed, take notice!

But as we have all been taught, “If you aren’t looking, you simply won’t see!” Clearly there are Masters of all kinds: science, religion, industry, warfare, culinary cuisine, education, sports and athletics, but for whatever

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION reason, the dim and unenlightened somehow refuse to acknowledge the existence of a mentally prepared sexual master.

So while you should certainly thank the long lineage of those who came before you, who lived the life and then taught it to others, you should also count your blessings that less than 1% of the world population is aware of such techniques. The techniques that allow you, through user friendly, step-by-step processes, to instantly begin to access the working wonders behind the scenes of our very own human consciousness, giving you the data, power, insight and a massively decisive advantage in what has come to be called “The Game of Love.”

Just as the local “Net Nerd” or “Giga-Geek” is unfathomably drawn to learn exactly how a computer works, so you too, by investing a small amount of additional time, energy and concerted effort, can learn to truly master the techniques of “Hypnotic Self-Suggestion” and “SelfSubconscious Implantation,”. That is, controlling your own thoughts and beliefs about yourself with exacting precision, and influencing in the most positive ways how others perceive and feel about you, simply by applying the basic “A,B,C’s” of self hypnosis.

Information In-cumming! O.K, I must confess, when it comes to being a “horn-dawg,” I’m about as sincerely up for it as they cum! So, like the knights of lore, I’m willing to stray far from the comforts of the castle, in order to find the mythical majesty of the highly prized lost chalice, the “Holy Grail” itself.

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION I was willing to spend more than a decade searching high and low, looking near and far, for mysterious answers that have perplexed “MAN”-kind for all these long, stiff, pulsating centuries. How to get laid more regularly by hotter, finer babes!

I needed, for my own personal reasons, to know how those “Sexual Masters” throughout history managed to accomplish their endless string of female conquests, while always being affectionately welcomed back for more, whenever they fancied a return engagement!

Now did my pure, unadulterated soul desire to share the educational and historical finds of the all existence, with the learned Professors and Deans of the world’s academic institutions? Sadly, NO!

Was I fully committed to sharing my wealth of knowledge to a hungry and anxiously waiting world of horny guys, helping to raise them up out of the shadows of ignorance, distilling freely the pristine and academic brilliance of these scholarly skills and technical talents? Sadly, NO!

I just wanted to get laid. It was all about sex, and not the world’s sex, not Mankind’s sex, just MY SEX! My one and only priority involved in the passionate procession, which was lots of hot, dirty, animalistic, pumphumping, ritualistic, orgiastic, and orgasmic sex, with as many gorgeous little honeys that I could possibly service in a row before my magical “Ying-Yang” wore out.

I simply sought out the meaningful missing memoirs of the marvelously mysterious magicians of mental massage and mega-muff manipulation. Those wise men of old, who could teach me how to make it with the girls Copyright © HypnoDate.com

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION who normally wouldn’t have even taken the time to spit on me, to put me out, if I were on fire!

You see, I may not have known diddly about chicks way back then, in the bad old "daze", when I was young, but I did know a hell of a lot about world history. Over the years I came to see the connection between these seemingly two disparate items of interest. And, while it is certainly true that my lack of success with the ladies lead to many lonely nights with my nose nuzzled in books, the eventual outcome was that I, over time, became well aware of the reality of what we have been told was only mere mythical legend!

It was all there, for me to witness with my voyeuristic, beady little eyes. Famous females in prominent positions of power, with partisan popularity and political prestige, for some unknown reason, instantly finding themselves inexplicably enraptured with persistent passions and devilish desires previously unfelt for their former lovers or husbands. Now, expertly inflicted upon them, at will and some times from a great distance, by a simple glance from these mere mortal men, who some called the Masters, but they of course, being educated women, knew better!

Confused, yet simultaneously electrified by the intensity of the circumstance, these ladies of renown would most generously and voraciously submit themselves without concern for their reputation, fragility of political influence and their well guarded financial and artistic treasures, to these “Great Lovers of Lore,”. Willingly and wantonly they’d fulfill their every erotic desire, at any time they were called upon to do so! Copyright © HypnoDate.com

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Needless to say, that impressed the hell out of me, and I was more than willing and ready to sign up for the same gig, if I could just figure out a way to come up with the answers of how exactly they did that! All I knew was someone out there still knows this stuff and it sure as shit ain’t me! This, my friends, was my dilemma.

After more than 10 years of looking, I nearly gave-up. Not on ever successfully making it with the babes, I was already well on my way to improving my lot in that game, but as for my chance of ever discovering the “Secret Sensual Solution to Sexual Success,” yeah, I had pretty much lost all hope of ever finding it. I could find the clit, hell I could already find the G-Spot, but I was about to give up all hope of ever finding this vital erotic information, when something very, very strange happened to me!

Just as I was packing away all my history books, coming to the conclusion that this treasure trove of titillating techniques was a figment of some very active imaginations, I received a most mysterious phone call from a personality.

This strange voice claimed to know what it was that I was looking for, and that it did in fact exist. Now, let’s be completely honest here. It’s not like it was a secret that I was looking for this information, as I was very openly persistent in my search. I was making phone calls and writing letters to anyone and everyone whom I thought might have some insight into the situation, or at least a lead to someone else who did.

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION No, what is weirdest about this situation is that the call came in on exactly the same day I had decided to stop looking anymore. WOW! The individual said that he was willing to drop off a package, containing some documents that I will find most interesting. But first, I had to first promise, more specifically, swear to God, that I would agree to adhere to some very strict ethical and honorable conditions, regarding the information within the documents. As well as agree to abide by the particular laws and injunctions of this “Order,” as they like to refer to themselves, which has kept these ancient truths and psychological mysteries alive throughout the eons of time!

Now, just like you, I at first thought it was a practical joke being played on me by one of my douche-bag friends. It just seemed, oh ….. I don’t know, like too far out of time and space to be taken seriously. But once I was allowed to ask some questions, over the phone, after agreeing to follow the organized bi-laws of the group, I was quickly convinced that this was actually the real McCoy! Needless to say, I was pretty pumped and couldn’t wait to get my hands on these documents.

After reading and studying a bit, I began to more thoroughly understand the magnitude of the power that these techniques and concepts placed into the mind of a person willing to learn, practice and apply it.

Every Game Worth Playing Has Rules! Look, this is all about sex, fun and maybe finding the love of your life. I understand that. But basically, in order to effectively use these techniques successfully long term and improving yourself as a person making Copyright © HypnoDate.com

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION yourself more attractive to women, without running into conflicts with the women, you need to do the following. I ask you to commit yourself to the common sense, courtesy, guidelines and legislation of our society, when it comes to using these methods of “Self-Subconscious Implantation and self Hypnotic transformation”.

Be one of the “Good Guys.” Never hurt others intentionally, never force yourself on a chick or make her go further against her will than she wants to and by all means, ALWAYS WEAR A CONDOM!

And remember, NO MEANS NO!

The intention of this book is to make YOU a better person. Give you more confidence; give you the ability to handle rejection with ease so the first rejection won’t be your last attempt. Make you a more charismatic individual and give you that little spark that makes women think “hey, this guy is special”. If you’re reading this to simply learn how to manipulate women, you’re in the wrong place. A GOOD man (not a good guy who remains the eternal best friend of women), that is looking for long term success with women does not seek to manipulate, he seeks to become what they want, in a natural way that truly becomes his own way.

Hypno-Date 201 Things here are explained thoroughly and completely, so that there are no misunderstandings, surprises or embarrassing assumptions that can lead to disaster out there on the metaphorical battlefield of this war between the sexes. Copyright © HypnoDate.com

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That’s right….. WAR! They’ve got something that we want, and they intend to make us work our asses off in hopes of a chance to get some of it. It is a literal battle for the prize!

Now “Hypno-Date” has come along to rescue good guys like you and change the balance of power in this battle forever, putting those men who are willing to make the effort to study these vital principals in a position of clear and undeniable dominance over those guys who don’t!

This is strategically accomplished by a strict adherence to the rules of engagement and a willingness to learn the methods in exactly the way that they are presented: step-by-simple-step, in order, with full and explicit explanation, whenever that information is deemed necessary.

Hence our taking the time necessary to make sure you are in the best possible position to pull these maneuvers off to perfection, by making the instructions clear and complete! We’re on your side, a part of your team. We’re here to help! If we take the time to explain something in detail, believe me, there is a reason for it, so read the directions and follow them.

The Ins and Outs of our Hypnosis Style Techniques

There is so much utter nonsense going around these days about the subject of hypnotism and what it actually is. How to do it, what it involves, what you can do with it and what you cannot, etc. Guys like us Copyright © HypnoDate.com

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION are simply stumped trying to find out the “Real Truth” about when, where, what, why, and how! There are lots of questions being asked and very few true answers being given these days, and that’s a shame. Most everything you read about this fascinating subject is a combination of “Half Truth / Half Promotion” . So the first thing we need to do from the start, is set some parameters to work with regarding what OUR hypnotism actually is, and what it most certainly is not.

The simplest and best definition I’ve ever heard for hypnotism came to me from a very accomplished and successful practitioner in both the fields of professional psychology as well as “Hypnotism,” working as an accomplished stage practitioner / Entertainer who does those Las Vegas side show acts.

This is what he told me:

“Hypnotism is any thing which is intentionally done to alter a person’s state of consciousness, leaving them open to your delivered suggestion!”

Did you get that? “Hypnotism is any thing which is intentionally done to alter a person’s state of consciousness, leaving them open to your delivered suggestion!”

O.K., so then, according to this definition, given to us by a person who has spent many successful years as both a Clinical Psychologist and as a Stage Performer, using hypnosis to make a really great living for years, Hypnosis is the following. (A) Intentional, (B) Alters a persons state of consciousness and (C) leaves the person open for delivered suggestions. That’s it. Case closed. Absolutely anything else that people ramble on Copyright © HypnoDate.com

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION about regarding this style of hypnosis is probably either incorrect or pure BS!

So for those poor souls who have been spending years trying to calculate the cycles per second of your ever fluctuating male ego and thought center. Or, focusing on the mental activity and mood swings of some chick you are hoping to get with, in order to determine the optimum moment to deliver some sort of voodoo entranced, pre-fabricated and well memorized, sexually suggestive subconscious inducements, found in the pages of a mysterious black book with a picture of a watch swinging back and forth and a spinning circular maze, whirling like pin-wheel, I can only sympathize! But take heed, because those days are over and a new day is dawning!

I understand the frustrations of those of you who have been taken to the cleaners by some of these “Snidely Whiplash Carnival Barkers,” or “Culturally Carnivorous Circus Clowns” with their magical bag of tricks. But look on the bright side, my friend, you are about to learn just how truly easy it really is to use tried, tested and true self-hypnotic suggestions to help you get laid. Once you grasp the concepts, you can use them to your definite advantage throughout many areas of your life including business, politics and human relations.

All Around, All The Time! Here’s the new way you need to start thinking about hypnotism. It’s easy, it’s fun, and it’s all around you all the time. Hypnotism is everywhere.

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION It’s not something to be afraid of, or amazed by, or thought of as confusing or complicated. It is all around you!

You’re watching TV and suddenly you hear a friend say to you: “Have you heard a single thing that I have been saying to you?” You didn’t even realize that they were in the room. You were so pulled in by the enticement of what you were watching on the television, or what I like to refer to as the “Lobotomy box!”

You’re at a Club, the lights are flashing, the music is loud and pounding, people are all swaying in a rhythmic gyration of sound light and movement. The next thing you know, it’s 4 hours later. Where did the time go?

You’re driving home from a long weekend away, and you are thinking about work, relationships, money, God, politics, suddenly you’re pulling up into your driveway.

You’ve just driven 400 miles and you don’t really remember with any certainty where you were, but you know where you left from and you know you’re now - home! How is that possible?

You’re at a casino. The lights are dim, the room is cool yet comfortable. The lights are flashing all around you, reflecting off glass and the surrounding slot machines, the bells ring out and declare yet another winner as the metallic sound of coins cascading into a bronze or silver pay-off receptacle let you know that the dream is real. Drinks are cheap or free, and there’s not a clock in the room. You finally find someone Copyright © HypnoDate.com

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION with a watch, whose face isn’t glazed over like a zombie, and he tells you it’s 4:30 a.m., when you thought it was around midnight. How can that be?

Television: TV writers and executives have known the secrets of how to pull people in and take control of their thoughts, wants and desires for years. That’s how advertising works. Of course, every one out there thinks that advertising doesn’t work on “THEM”, which is why it is so successful. People who think they are immune are often the first ones infected. Trust me. When corporations are willing to spend over a million dollars for a thirty second commercial during the “Super Bowl,” you better believe that they have some empirical evidence and data that proves that their investment will give them a proper R.O.I. (Return On Investment). Otherwise they’d would never part with the cash in the first place.

Think of the companies who you see on the television on a regular basis. Are they companies on the brink of extinction or are these guys doing pretty darned good for themselves. Hey, are you starting to think that maybe advertising works? Just ask a couple of clowns named Ronald or Jack, they will sit you down and tell you tales that will make your head spin! Hypnosis works! And in one form or another, it is all around you.

You’re at home: You are getting ready to go out with your friends and meet some women at the local hot spot. But for some reason you realize that you aren’t short of breath, tense, tight, nervous or sweating bullets this time, as you look in the mirror and make some last minute alterations to improve upon your appearance.

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION You feel strangely confident and completely in control. You can’t wait for the opportunity to get there so you can introduce yourself to some new ladies that you can spend some relaxing and enjoyable time, talking and getting to know them, do a little dancing, and then break off from the crowd to develop a more intimate connection. Then, get some digits and ask her to come over to listen to your extensive c.d. collection, to view your etchings, read some of your poetry or get a great, relaxing massage.

Wait a minute, what’s so different in how you feel about tonight? Both you and I now know the answer to that question, don’t we? So are you ready to proceed to the next phase? Great, let’s Do it!

No more wasted time and money on books telling you all about how you need to bring the woman’s pulse rate to a near stand still, achieving an almost meditative level, while her brain wave cycles slide progressively down out of the “regular” active, fully conscious “Beta,” waking range. Then into the vulnerable, easily seducible, “Alpha,” day-dreaming stage. These bogus and science fiction like treatises on how to create and observe the ultimate hypnotically approachable phase in the targeted female of your choice are an insulting sign of absolute disrespect for woman, as well as being pure hog-wash and total bullshit!

“Just get her into “Alpha” as soon as possible,” they claim. “But, oh, watch out, be careful not to accidentally allow her to slip too far down the spectrum into the overly relaxed, and near sleeping “Theta” state. Do that, and she will be gone and totally out of it, and if she hits “Delta” before you have made your move, then you’re shit out of luck!”

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION Even if that kind of stuff worked, then it wouldn’t be ethical or moral to use such techniques. That’s why in this book, you’ll learn how to improve yourself and make women NATURALLY attracted to you, not tricked into temporarily liking you with some psycho-babble-hogwash.

So just forget about all of that nonsense. It’s all a bunch of comic book crap anyway. Just think about it for a moment and it is clear as day. Most books on hypnotism direct you to focus all of your attention on what you can do to the chicks, in order to manipulate and take advantage of them. By targeting your energy on the babe of your desires, rather than learning how to effectively focus on yourself and what you can do to improve your own game with the ladies.

Which would you guess is more efficient and productive use of your time and which do you think the women in your life approve of more? Manipulating and taking advantage of them? Or improving your own presentation of yourself to them, by subconsciously rewriting your beliefs about yourself, increasing your confidence and comfort level around the hotties? Exactly correct, the latter one!

That’s What Makes All The difference! There have been certain clever individuals throughout history who have taken the time and energy to learn how to apply these wondrous powers to their advantage, and congratulations to you, now that you have decided to dedicate the effort to finally become one of them!

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION Hypnosis, just like electricity, is always there; sometimes you just can’t see it. Sometimes you could, but you just aren’t looking! There were lightning storms all the way back in pre-historic times, leading right up till today’s electronic age. It was always there in abundance. It just took some time for a few clever individuals to study the attributes and characteristics of this most amazing and powerful source of natural energy. Then when they finally figured out exactly how it worked and learned how to capture the essence of it, direct it, and control it, it became the latest and greatest tool ever known to man.

So the same with Hypnosis! It has always been there. Lights have flashed in the sky and thundering sounds have whirled in the wind, causing trance like states of altered consciousness to prevail. Cavemen pulled cleverly planned “PSYCHE-OUT” strategies on other competitive cave dwellers, in order to get their hands on the other clans Mammoth Meat as well as that hot little piece of ass he’s been pulling around by her hair the past few weeks. It just took some time for a few studious individuals to study the attributes and characteristics of this most amazing and powerful source of natural energy. And, when they finally figured out exactly how it worked and learned how to capture the essence of it, direct it, and control it, it became the next, greatest tool ever known to man.

If you take the time to study these methods well, you will amaze yourself and your friends at the quantity and quality of the women you start confidently talking to, making it with and taking home for the night. Pretty soon it will seem as if every chick on the planet wants a piece of what you’re offering up, because they can sense that inner power, that psychic electricity, and they want to get plugged in, charged up and ecstatically electrified. Copyright © HypnoDate.com

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Face it, “Alpha Males” have the most amazingly powerful effect on even the most virginal females. They can instantly light up their sex-drive, making them wet from a distance. Once they have those hormones fully raging, they will be literally cumming out of the walls to check you out and try to earn their right to take a turn on the new bucking bronco in town. “Ride em’ Cowboy! Yeeee Haw!”

Babes that once used to roll their eyes in disgust at your advances, will soon begin to thank you sincerely for this sensuous service to “Womankind,”. You will soon be in a position to offer up with joy in your heart and gladness in your pants the tool to scratch their itch, again and again and again. So moving on to Self-Hypnosis 201, prepare yourself to study up a bit more. The next phase will take a bit more effort, but believe me, this is all worth it once you see the quality and quantity of glorious girls that will be regularly throwing themselves at you, in desperate need for some good lovin’! Remember: Practice, Practice, Practice, leads to some serious screwing and smooth sailing on that sensuous sea of sexual satisfaction!

So far you have learned explicitly only how you send yourself subconscious re-programming and vital messages of new thoughts and beliefs about yourself to help you expand your horizons and improve your chances with the ladies. The truth is, as we have now just discovered, that the hypnotic signals are coming and going, shooting back and forth between not only electronic and natural sources of energy, light, power and sound, but also constantly back and forth between people. Now we are going to focus not only on the messages you are sending to yourself, but additionally, the facts about the messages that we send to Copyright © HypnoDate.com

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION and fro, between other humans, specifically in this section of the book, females!

Yes, that’s right. It’s more often than not purely subconscious, but we are sending definite messages, back and forth, some positive and productive regarding our opportunities with the opposite sex, some negative and hindering to the process of making a connection with the babe or babes of our choice. Either way, whether we are aware of it all or not, the messages are being sent and received, practically at the speed of light. Don’t you think that it might be to our advantage to get a little bit of deeper understanding and hopefully, eventually some control over the messages that we are broadcasting daily to the babes that surround us? Don’t you think it would be to our advantage to get a grasp of exactly what messages the beautiful females are sending out to the general public, second by precious second, as well as the messages intentionally or unintentionally being directed specifically at YOU? I agree, let’s go for it!

Sending and Receiving Signals! The Human Mind is both an effective radio receiver, as well as an efficient radio station! We send each other signals all the time.

For centuries those in the know have been able to put their hypnotically directed thoughts effortlessly not only into their own subconscious minds, bettering themselves with each day of practice and effort, but also into the minds of whomever they chose to send signals or thought fragments to. Some conceptual, others emotional, it doesn’t really matter. The point is, Copyright © HypnoDate.com

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION they are out there, all around us, and chicks are sending out definite messages, intentionally or not all day long. And the truth is, you better learn to pick up on them and interpret them correctly if you intend to be a big hitter with the ladies. Enough said!

We’re not talking about the highly exaggerated, science fiction “Mind Melds” of Mr. Spock in “Star Trek,”. Nor that amazing scene where “Obi-Wan Kenobi” puts the words directly into the shallow and clearly vulnerable mind of the Storm Trooper Patrolman, who is looking for the robot “R-2 D-2,” in the cult classic “Star Wars. You remember, the cosmic cop thinks that he has found the renegade droid that the Empire is looking for and is about to make an arrest, when suddenly Ben Kenobi does “Mind Master Manipulation,”. From out of nowhere the Storm trooper declares: “This isn’t the droid we are looking for. Move Along! Move Along!”

Our heroes inexplicably manage to escape detection and apprehension, apparently just by the skin of their teeth, all because of “Old Ben’s” ability to control the thoughts of their supposed captors with subconsciously placed “thought implants,” which over-ride the agenda of the target in question. All, of course, without them ever being aware of it.

Well that was just a Hollywood Movie, but the concept is an exaggerated example of centuries of historical notations about the famous “Men of Glory”. Men who walked the Earth, making it their own pleasurable playground. A literal “Heaven on Earth”, while still alive in their physical bodies, able to enjoy it to whatever level of satisfaction they chose at the moment. Gaining lovers by the scores, as well as the necessary funds to

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION continue their illustrious travels and playful adventures with the wildly wanton women of the world.

How’d They Do That? So aren’t you wondering just how these Great Men seemed to instantly turn the attention of an entire room to focus on them alone, whenever they entered, as they effortlessly set the agendas that affected the lives of countless millions? They were known as the historically legendary Famous Lovers, Romantic Writers, Sensuous Composers and Musicians, as well as the Numerous powerful World Leaders for good reason. These men of action and adventure did not have time to wait for women to fall in love with them, in order to get the feminine pleasures that they so greatly desired. They did not have time to wait, they were way too busy living life for all that they could get out of it. So they instead brought into their already adept ability to create confidence and charisma, the additional knowledge of the ancient and well-guarded secrets of “Signal Sending and Receiving.”

Once again, keep in mind that this was by no means a one-way transference of thought energy, perpetrated upon unsuspecting and hapless victims. No, this is the very same two-way transpersonal interaction that is taking place all day long between people, only these gentlemen decided to take the time, energy and effort to effectively learn how to better understand and eventually control it. That is all the difference there is.

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION The fact is, these messages constantly travel back and forth between men and women. They send signals of interest and attraction (or the lack of it). Simply put, those who understand precisely how to control the signals they are sending and interpret the signals that the women are sending to them, the entire room, and the competition (yours and hers) will have a much more satisfying time in social situations involving the opposite sex.

Subconscious Broadcasting This is really fun stuff and easy as can be to do! For those of you out there who have always wanted to have and manage your very own radio station, “Congratulations” my friend, today is your lucky day. I am about to present you with the key and owners manual to your very own radio station, right now, which is conveniently located in the best place possible in the entire world!

Inside your very own mind!!! That’s right, it’s inside your head, right now, all you have to do is learn how to turn it on and use it. This is, of course, to your greatest of advantages, as you now can take it with you wherever you choose to go, and broadcast whatever type of message you want, to whomever you choose to reach out to.

Now this may seem like an uncomfortable idea for some. I understand that, but it is of the utmost importance to constantly keep in mind that this process is happening, non-stop, all day long, between people, whether they are aware of it or not and whether it is intentional, or purely subconscious. The fact is, it is happening, right now, all over the entire planet. The only thing I am suggesting to you now is that you learn to Copyright © HypnoDate.com

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION more directly control the signals that you are sending out to the general public, and the woman of your interest of affection. Meanwhile, learn to perceive and receive messages, interpret and respond to them in the most effective and efficient manner possible. That’s all!

The facts remain the same whether you pay attention to them or not. Reality does not alter simply because you refuse to perceive and acknowledge it.

Some people have suggested to me over the years that the following techniques are in fact all to do with body language, self-conditioning or other simple to explain theories. Maybe they are right, but that is of no concern to me, as long as I continue to believe in the techniques and as long as these methods work – AND THEY DO!

Nature’s Stealth Technology Stealth radio technology in a portable package! What Fun! And all you need to do is take the time and follow the directions on how to use it correctly for your very own 24 hour a day channel of pleasure!

So how does it work? Well, once again, at your request, I’ll spare you all the human physiology and in-depth psychology in order to simply tell you that thought forms are energy. Whatever you think of in your mind, that thought, is energy! If there were a team of Doctors, connecting and probing your brain with electrodes and various other implements to register electrical pulses every time you started to think a thought, the

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION little needle on the gauge would start to move and the little blip sound on the monitor would begin to activate!

Therefore you are, in fact, a very powerful “Thought Generator”, broadcasting all the time. Every single time you start to think about something, those thoughts are instantly sent hurling out into the immediate environment and eventually into outer space.

The only difference is, when you are self-trained to control the process and intentionally direct those broadcasts, with a few simple and easy to learn techniques, I believe you can not only send your specified message directly to your chosen recipient, but anyone else around in the immediate vicinity. Not only that, but you could tune your inner dial in on the particular individual of interest to you. Specifically focussing on their broadcasted messages, while ignoring the constant noise of the surrounding competitive interference of other messages, and clearly take in the signals that the person of your choice is sending out.

What intrinsic value does that bring to your communication style? Do you think she will be impressed that of all the men in the room, you were the only one who seems to pay enough attention to her to tune in specifically on her feelings, moods, wants and desires? You could actually quietly sit across a crowded room and pick up her signals loud and clear, and then reply back, broadcasting your thoughts and with practice even images, right through 30 or 50 unknowing bystanders, and nobody but you and her will be the wiser.

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Better To Give AND Receive! O.K., So, thought waves are energy, and our brains were designed not only to broadcast thoughts out into the universe, but also to receive the thoughts of others through the usage of various tools in our anatomy.

Your brain has such marvelously exciting and powerful capacities, well beyond our culture’s current understanding and level of experimentation. But all that is about to change forever! Just like the radio in your car, your brain receives information all the time. The trick is to apply the necessary techniques and methods that allow you to receive the energy waves that you carefully train your mind to bring in and magnify them for better reception. In other words, your human perceptions are intentionally recalibrated to “Pick Up On” (Catch that phrase: “Pick Up On!”) the signals of those gorgeous ladies surrounding you at all time, whether that signal is an invitation, fear, hope, dream, or desire. In other words, your mind is proudly on “Action Alert,” 24/7, 365 days a year.

Some vitally important information comes to you directly through your five physical senses! This stuff may not seem all that exciting, but that’s only because over the years you have allowed yourself to become immune to the wonder of it all, simply taking it all for granted. As you learn to exert some control over your inner senses, you will start to develop a whole new appreciation for the gift of your five physical senses.

Do you remember what all five are?

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION The sense of smell: “What is that amazing perfume she is wearing!” “Whoa, do you smell that “Bar-B-Q-ed” chicken out back?” “Alright, who farted?”

The sense of sight: “Damn, That girl is FINE!” “Dude, you just ran a red light!” “Hey…is that my girlfriend over there talking to that Jerk with the Porsche?”

The sense of sound: “Hey, the phone’s ringing!!!” “Man, This band is definitely the hottest sounding rock group on the radio today” “Hey Dude, I hear a siren wailing right behind us, better pull over!”

The sense of taste: “Ohhh my God, she’s got this banana-coconut lotion on her skin that gives my tongue a total boner!” “This is the greatest piece of Pizza in the history of the universe!” “Dude, have you been using my beer as an ash-tray?”

Last, but certainly not least, is the sense of touch!!! “Ohhh Baby, right there, yeah… right there!!!” “Ouch, your tongue stud just poked me in my “A-Hole” you clumsy neophyte!” “Stop poking me with your elbows and stepping on my feet, or I won’t ever dance with you again!”

But we are not limited to our five senses, and the sooner you come to truly understand this, the sooner you will be making out with all the hottest chicks you’ve ever dreamed of!

How many times have you heard this sentence in your life? “Wow, it’s really weird, but I feel as if someone is watching me!” How many times

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION have you looked up from reading a book or magazine only to discover the roving eyes of another individual from across the room checking you out?

Have you ever wondered how that works? How is it possible that you can feel someone watching you from across the room? How come you keep getting busted checking out the tits and asses of your girlfriend’s best friends, when supposedly no one is around to catch you looking?! Because thoughts are energy, and we are both radio transmitters as well as receivers!

You pick up the phone and call a friend and they say: “How weird, I was just thinking about you!”. You walk into a party and three friends turn around, see you coming and instantly say “Speak of the Devil, look who the cat just dragged in!” You go over to a buddy’s house, and the exact tool you wanted to borrow is sitting on his kitchen table, and he doesn’t remember how it got there.

Or you walk into a club and your favorite song starts playing. You see the hottest babe who’s ever graced the planet Earth standing at the bar. You ask her to dance. She says O.K., suddenly a new song comes up and she says: “Oh, this is my favorite Song!” . So you think that’s pretty cool, and she drives you totally crazy gyrating and pulsating her lovely body to that rocking beat. Just when you think it can’t possibly get any better, the song ends, and it goes right into a nice romantic, hip and ass grabbing slow song. Ahhhhh, it doesn’t get any better than that does it? Yes it does! And you are about to find out how!

So, if all humans naturally send out thought energy whenever they think, then it only stands to reason that if you learn to tune in on those bioCopyright © HypnoDate.com

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION electric frequencies, and learn to interpret the code, we can intercept the signals of those chicks we find most attractive. Thereby giving us a little deeper insight into her mood, thoughts, and feelings, which gives us a definite advantage over the other guys in the room who may be just as intent on being with her for the evening. But, they haven’t bothered to tune into her inner world, or they just plain don’t know how to.

Also, if you are able to make her subconsciously aware of your thoughts, intents, mood, wants and desires, it definitely can help solidify the chance of you two getting together. And if she’s not interested in you, it certainly helps you to find that out a lot quicker and not waste your time barking up the wrong tree, but rather move on to where the peaches are reachable and ready to be picked.

Alright, so far so good. But what if the woman that you are interested in doesn’t know how to tune in effectively to the seduction signals that you are putting out to her, or she just happens to be a little bit tired and doesn’t have the energy to really efficiently receive your love call?

No problem guys, you are now going to learn how to help her decide whether or not she is really into you. You do this by using a few special techniques that put the ball in play and makes her more quickly choose whether she wants to connect with you, without wasting anyone’s time, leading you off and on all night long, or just being oblivious to the whole attraction scenario.

This technique is purely a helpful enabler which gives you the newfound confidence and comfort level to go out and accomplish the goals that you Copyright © HypnoDate.com

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION had your heart set on. It is a friendly encourager that says to you: “Don’t be afraid, you can do it if you really want to!”

Role Reversal Strategy O.k., so you now need to learn how to reverse the roles of all your thoughts, whenever you are intentionally broadcasting a subconscious signal out to the mind of a woman whom you would like to be with. It’s actually a very simple thing to do it. However, it can occasionally get a bit confusing when you first start. That’s because rather than merely trying to get her to tune in on your signals that you are ever so clearly sending her, you instead help to mentally prime her pump by supplying her with some possible options to consider. Options or choices you hope she will find enticing, and truly want to take you up on, only she needs to feel free to do so. If she isn’t truly interested, then you agree to be the perfect gentleman and walk away, no pressure, no harm, and no foul.

So the concept behind the role reversal signal transmission is to ferret out if by any chance the chick is truly interested in you, or at least open to getting to know you better by spending some additional time with you. It works just like the normal “Sent Signal,” only this time you phrase the comment within the message in such a way that it is as if it were something the woman might be thinking to her self, either about you or the current environment or situation.

Again, you are not looking to manipulate or control her thoughts. Rather, you are sending a message that she will hopefully pick up. But instead of coming across as a pushy, forceful goon or ungentlemanly aggressor to Copyright © HypnoDate.com

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION her, it is presented in such a way that the words are something she might say from her own mind, either conscious or subconsciously, regarding YOU. She then has the opportunity to analyze and decide if it is in line with her actual thoughts or interests.

Something along the line of: Imagine her face, focusing very intently on seeing your face, in the front of your mind. Do this with your eyes once again aimed in the general direction of your forehead, while saying quietly inside your own head: “He’s cute; I hope he’ll come over to talk to me!”

Or you are sitting in a library, where you aren’t supposed to talk. You see a beautiful girl who just knocks your socks off, but you quickly realize that she doesn’t have a whole lot of self confidence, so you imagine her looking in your direction, and saying inside your head “WOW, he’s hot I’m going to make sure he sees me smile!”

The point being, you keep the image in your mind consistent, you keep the verbal message short and simple, so it is easily repeatable, as you are going to be saying it over and over in your subconscious mind, 20 to 50 times.

Also, it is of the utmost importance to remember that the message must be phrased in such a way as a woman would be thinking, in her own words, to herself. It’s giving her a little boost in focusing on you, to see if she is truly interested, that is all.

It takes some practice to get used to the process, especially thinking the thoughts in female terms and phraseology. Copyright © HypnoDate.com

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So, for example, let’s say you are sitting on a park bench with a beautiful woman. She is totally hot and you want to start to chat with her, to ask her out.

Most guys would just look over with that cocky grin, or even worse, that look of terror like a deer caught in the headlights of a car at night, and to the best of their ability say something along the lines of: “Hey, How you doing? Listen, if you’re free this Saturday night, how bout the two of us going out to dinner together? We could maybe have a really good time or something?”

Ding!!!! Wrong! Odds are way less than 5% that they will get the date or even a phone number from this babe. Women need to be slowly warmed up to speed, they aren’t always walking around like a giant “HornDawg,” ready to “F” all the time like us guys are. They need to be “Regulated” with care and patience.

Also, keep in mind, most women like to think they are always getting their own way, so the best way to score with them is to make THEM want YOU from the very beginning. Just how is that accomplished? I thought you’d never ask! And the totally cool thing is, if they truly aren’t interested, you have saved both of yourselves a lot of time and energy as she will clearly not respond positively.

Meaning, if there is no response at all, then she is simply not receiving the message. It could be your fault and you should try a different message, or it could be a bad day for her, and she just isn’t tuned into the ways of the world. But if she is picking up the signals and she is NOT Copyright © HypnoDate.com

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION interested in you, she will definitely make it clear to the both of you that there is no chance, no way.

Women say they make up their mind whether or not they are going to go with a guy, even if it is eventually, as in the minds of the “Good Girls,” in the first 12 seconds of their taking notice of you. This means, if you are doing the “Role Reversal Technique” and you get her to look at you, and she gives you an instant brush off, you simply ain’t getting any. Or similarly, after 12 seconds she replies with no clear sign of appreciation for what she has just experience by taking you in, then it’s over. Move on!

Now this is only in cases where you are doing the role reversal. Remember, she is not playing hard to get or toying with you for positioning and determination of intent. She is actually thinking to herself, so in this single case, role reversal, she is not playing hard to get, she truly isn’t interested. So save everyone the time and hardship and move on to greener pastures!

So here’s the best way to play this technique, covering all your bases, ensuring the greatest opportunity for success, without wasting a lot of precious time. Sit down next to the woman that you are interested in and immediately say “Hi, how you doing?” while looking her directly in the eyes for about 2 seconds, no more, or she instantly thinks you are a “Dangerous Psycho Freak,” and the game is over before it starts!

Smile again but now break off the eye contact. Turn to look at something else of interest, after all you are interested and like what you see, but you are a confident person, and are used to being surrounded by hot chicks all Copyright © HypnoDate.com

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION the time, right? So remember, smile, say hello, look her in the eyes for 2 seconds, break the glance, look away, but maintain the smile on your face.

Calmly survey the surrounding area, and wait for some kind of immediate response from her. If her reaction is anything less than totally enthusiastic, or a least reasonably open and perhaps playing coy, but showing signs of sincere interest, then you immediately withdraw your attention from her completely, as if she is simply not there. I mean you totally back off, as if you’re not even the slightest bit interested at all.

This officially puts the ball into motion. The game has now, to all intents and purposes, begun! While you appear to be reading your magazine or watching the people walk by, you will begin the “Role Reversal Thought Transmission Strategy!”

This technique is cleverly performed quietly inside your mind. But don’t ever underestimate the power of its pull and force! You start to send your short, sharp signal, subconsciously towards her, but an important point of serious differentiation needs to be observed here.

This time, you must keep in mind that you are right up close, sitting directly next to her. So you will in fact, truly look like a “Dangerous Psycho Freak” if you roll those eyes directly up toward your forehead right now. So instead, you merely imagine, within your own mind, your eyes looking toward the center of your forehead. You feel the sense of the muscles in your eyes focusing in on that “Third Eye” position, right in the middle of your forehead, in order to give your signal some strength. But

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION in order to appear normal, you keep your eyes looking around the area, just like nothing unusual is going on. Start to repeatedly think very strongly in your mind, the chosen message that you want her to consider. Again, not in such a way as you would if you were speaking directly to her, but rather as how she might be thinking to herself, in her own head about you. If she is interested in getting together with you, then she will send a clear signal back to you that it is time for you to initiate conversation. This is wonderful for when you are first approaching a woman to meet her, or better yet, hopefully seeing if she wants to meet you, as well as priming the pump and checking for clearance when initiating the eventual seduction phase of the relationship.

This tactic works because it allows you to maintain your confidence and sense of comfort and control with an aura of slight indifference to how things actually go between the two of you. This naturally ignites and activates her inner need to have you find her attractive. Therefore, instead of wasting energy trying to play for position by fighting off your advances, as what used to normally occur during such interactions with other less “tuned in” guys, she suddenly finds herself reduced to the role of the “unsure person,” hoping to get your appreciation and attention! Thus she begins to actively pursue you! “The prey becomes the hunter” and the pressure transfers onto her, and away from you. How cool is that?

So do you see now, how by reversing the roles of the signals that you originally send her to initiate the contact, you set into motion a process that allows the outcome to also be reversed? And instead of you being the insecure hopeful, trying to buy for attention and interest, you Copyright © HypnoDate.com

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION subconsciously arouse her interest in you and create a natural scenario for her to actually make the efforts necessary to ensure that you are in fact interested in her!

You can now maintain your dignity and composure by appearing open, charming and relaxed. She becomes the nervous one who has to struggle a bit to get what she wants, which is exactly what you wanted. But you got it because you asked her, subconsciously, if she were interested in you, without being the aggressor, which is really what you wanted all along, isn’t it?

Remember the KEY here is to phrase all the transmitted thoughts in her voice, or as if she was thinking them, about you and how she feels about you. It has to be in her voice, thinking things through internally, like women tend to do. The messages must come across to her comfortably, as her very own internal wishes and desires, which she then naturally completely cooperates with and follows through on, because why would she want to fight with her own wishes and desires? So be careful not to put together sentences such as “Hey Foxy Lady, why don’t we get together tonight for some real lovin’!”. Or, “God, you are such a total piece of ass, I would love to lick you all over and then do you from behind!”

While they may seem like perfectly poetic pick-up lines after ten to twelve beers at the monster truck rally, they hardly are going to get you in this little hottie’s heart or pants. You need to be creating words that naturally sound as if they are being originated in the mind of a beautiful woman (remember, the concept is that these are her thoughts, not yours!) Copyright © HypnoDate.com

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Whether or not this technique works is up to you to find out. I do not believe that you are somehow altering her orginal thoughts by using this method. However, I do believe at the very least, you are conditioning your OWN mind to believe that the game is not over before it has begun. So, instead of sitting down on the park bench and nervously, internally, thinking about chatting to her but never getting the guts to do so and letting her just get up and walk away - you create a change in your perception - Instead of wondering what she's thinking, and wondering whether her first impressions of you are bad. You stop procrastinating and you create an internal voice that speaks as though it comes from her, and has positive thoughts about you. So you aren't believing false truths about the situation, you are in fact being optimistic about the possible outcome of the initial interaction, thereby creating an opening for you to actually make the first move and remain optimistic for a positive outcome.

Have Friend’s Who Are Hot Chicks! This is why it really does help to have a few “Good Friends” who are hot chicks, who you can rely upon to learn from and observe. You don’t have to have sex with them if you don’t want to, and truthfully, I suggest that you don’t, because it destroys the objectivity of their opinions and starts to become a “Girl – Guy Thing” rather than just a friend thing.

Listen to how they talk. Observe what it is that they talk about. Pay attention to the things that get them pissed off, worried and fearful. Memorize the things that get them hot, horny, and ready to “F’ like Copyright © HypnoDate.com

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION rabbits. Ask lots and lots of questions, and really listen to them for the answers. Become an expert in how women think, because you will soon be getting laid a lot more often by knowing exactly how their thoughts are constructed and precisely how they are expressed. Then you merely practice at developing the ability to “re-construct” these thought patterns to turn them into allies rather than enemies to vanquish. If women want to invest time, energy and attention to the so-called “War of the Sexes,” then always keep in mind that the most affective attack on any conquerable territory is the attack from within!

So now you at least have a clue how to broadcast subconscious signals that sound, and more importantly, feel like the thoughts of the woman you want to be with, so how about some statements more along these lines:

“Wow, this guy really seems to have his act together!”. “I wonder if he’s married or has a girlfriend” (some women really are thinking about such things as this). “Talk to me again!”. “He’s really cute!”. “Maybe I should move closer to him”. “ Let’s see, maybe if I unbutton another button on my blouse or show a bit more leg, hmmmm”. “God, I’m such a bitch sometimes, …. I hope he gives me another shot!”. “O.k., I’m going to talk to him!”.

Having hot chicks as friends is the smartest move you will ever make. As long as you never try to force yourself on them, screwing up the whole trust and respect thing, you will have an invaluable intelligence agent, right there in your own camp telling you exactly what the other teams plans and strategies are. Remember, women are very competitive by nature, so they don’t mind selling out the sisterhood, if it benefits one of Copyright © HypnoDate.com

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION their good, trusted and loyal friends, so don’t blow it with the hot friend. Just like the old saying that says: “Never dip your wick in the company ink” . Which means don’t screw babes from work, never blow the valuable ally away for some paltry sexual pleasures that you can get from the myriad of women she is willing to sell out and throw under the bus, as long as you are willing to just keep it friendly!

Just like the guy who knows how an automobile engine works, gets paid a lot of money and is called a mechanic. Or the guy who knows how computers work, gets paid a lot of money and is called a “techie”, the guy who knows how the female mind works is called a player, or if he is really good, a Master!

The point is, the player or master continually gets paid for his expertise. Only instead of cash, they get compensated for their knowledge and service with Prime A-1, First Class, Top of the line, You-Know-What.

Do you realize how many guys out there pay for sex? Not just common Johns, doing business with the local Hookers and Call-Girls, but even the guys trapped in the life style of always buying expensive dinners and a night out on the town in hopes of getting back a little erotic gratification form the lady of his dreams.

Most of the time, these aren’t guaranteed, slam-dunk, done deals either. He’s just as likely to end his evening having just shelled out a large wad of cash on the little “Gold-Digger”. Only for the honor of her precious company, and a fresh pretty face and body to study and memorize, so he can go home and spend the night alone, spanking the monkey, imagining

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION that he was lucky enough to score a handout hand job from the darling Princess.

That’s a hell of a way to live out your love life. I know, I was there once. You’ve probably been there too, or you most likely wouldn’t be reading this book right now! The important thing is that it doesn’t have to be that way. You can use this knowledge to your advantage, and really go out there and apply it, getting laid for your efforts, or you can let it slip away like 99.99% of the other guys out there who are ineptly competing with you. It’s your choice my friend, what are you going to do?

Hypno-Date RULES (Dos and Don’ts) “You’ve got to know the rules of the game before you can ever have a chance to WIN!”

Along with the powers and benefits of hypnotic self-suggestion comes a set of unbreakable rules that must be adhered to by any man who wants to maintain the right to keep cumming back to the well, over and over again to get refreshed! If you will invest the time and effort into really learning the rules and how to adeptly use the tools, you will definitely be a WINNER!

You know you are finally a “Master” when those girls that wouldn’t even give you the WRONG time of day suddenly start approaching you with Copyright © HypnoDate.com

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION nothing else in mind than making every curve, crevice, bulge, and opening fully available to your pleasure, whenever you damn well want it.

Is this a dream, or what? Gorgeous babes are waiting in line to see if you might be willing to screw them till they can’t take it anymore, and they’re thinking if they can only manipulate you into doing them dirty, then they’ve somehow managed to have gotten exactly what they wanted from you! Ohhhh, isn’t it sad to be used like that, for purely lustful, animalistic, erotic sexual pleasures of these beautiful women. Man, it’s a hard, stiff job, but somebody’s got to do it. So it may as well be YOU! RIGHT?

O.k., then if you are going to be a winner at the dating game you need to be sure to learn and always abide by the following “Hypno-Date” RULES!

*Do: Be yourself!

Women are very intuitive. They can tell when a guy is comfortable just being himself and when he is trying to pretend to be something that he is not. Fake and phony are a big turn off to women. It literally makes them sick. They may play along for awhile, just to lead a guy like this on, to see just how much of a fool he is willing to make of himself, but they only do it to watch him squirm, they aren’t going home with Mr. Bullshit.

Just be yourself. If you’re a little nervous, no problem, some girls find that endearing. It can be a big compliment to them that you find them so unbelievably alluring that you are a little nervous just talking to them. But Copyright © HypnoDate.com

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION don’t let your mild case of semi-nerves start to explode in your face and get you in trouble. Instead just ask questions. Women love to talk. They love to talk about themselves and they love to talk about other people. They find this stuff fascinating. Why do you think Cosmo and People magazine sell so well? Ask about what they do. What’s their favorite type of music, favorite actor or movie, TV. Show, band, etc.

Ask who they came with. What type of work they do or what are they studying. Get creative! What would they do with a million dollars? What is the most important personality characteristic to try to have on a regular basis, what’s your favorite color and why? Anything.

*Don’t EVER give her flowers or candy!

You might as well put a big sign around your neck that says “WussyBoy: Just kill me now. As I am worthless! You may think you are being all “Retro-Gentlemanesque” and she’s going to really appreciate how sensitive and caring you are. But you may as well just reach into your trousers and pull your balls out by the roots, put them in a vase and hand them to her as you walk through the door.

Just don’t expect her to give them back to you when she kicks your sorry ass to the curb some time in the next couple of days, ‘cause your time in “Gina Town” has just ended in a big way, my friend.

Flowers and candy say: I will offer you wimpy tokens of insignificant appreciation in hopes of receiving from you, in exchange, your attention

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION and approval. Yikes, just kill yourself now, and avoid the pain she is going to put you through after that hideous blunder!

*Do: Talk to her friends!

First of all, if you hone in on her alone, her friends are going to do everything in their power to blow you out of the water and get rid of you. But if you talk with the friends, maybe even flirt a little, and show them some interest, they will suddenly think you’re pretty cool and a nice guy. They will stop running interference and let you be. This is a good thing.

Also, if things blow up before the moment of truth tonight, you can always switch targets. It’s a guaranteed touchdown because she now feels very attractive and good about herself, knowing that she had what it took to seduce your interests away from her friend and get that attention spent on her. She will be so happy with the powerful lift you just put into her confidence level that she will bang you till the sun comes up.

Also, it helps your cause because women are naturally jealous. If she senses that there is a chance that you’re interested in her friend, she will work doubly hard to make sure that it is HER that you go home with tonight. How cool is that? Simply act like you’d go with her friends if you had the chance, and she will make sure you don’t go unpleasured.

*Don’t be predictable!

Predictable is boring. Women look for excitement in men. Excitement stimulates their emotions, and their emotions open them up to attraction. When they are simultaneously attracted and excited, they perceive that as Copyright © HypnoDate.com

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION a natural biological sign that it is time for them to have sex with whomever is giving them that specific stimulation. Keep it mysterious; always be partially unperceivable. Never fall into patterns where she can start guessing your next move. Once you do, the allure and the surprise are killed off, and you suddenly seem uninteresting to her!

*Do: Initiate Contact.

Women are turned on by decisive men of action. Genetically they are designed to get attracted to and made wet by a highly confident guy who just walks up to them as if they own the place, not cocky and arrogant, but natural and comfortable. If he can just approach and rhythmically pop right into conversation mode, she knows he’s a “Master” and she is going to want some of that before it disappears into the night.

Guys who are “GREAT” with women are most likely the best in bed. Every woman complains that she hasn’t has a seriously good screw in ages and she is not going to let this chance pass her by!

Even in these post-modern days of women’s liberation, women subconsciously are wired to want to be swept off their feet by a strong, virile, knight in shining armor, her “Conquering King.”

*Don’t give away your power, especially to HER! Never come across as weak or as a pussy in front of her. It is like instant kryptonite to your Superman image. She will suddenly focus in on your weaknesses and find you embarrassingly lacking in the manly confidence she needs to have around her. For thousands, if not millions of years, women as the physically weaker and more fragile gender, have had to rely on strong, Copyright © HypnoDate.com

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION courageous, fearless men who have the power, know-how and confidence to protect them against the scary and dangerous things in the world. Even in these modern times of “Women’s Liberation and feminism”, women still to this day need to feel a sense that the man in their life can protect them and keep them safe from harm.

Also genetically and biologically, they are internally programmed to make certain that should their sexual behaviors ever lead to the conception and eventual birth of children. And that those children are well protected and supplied with the necessary food, housing, warmth, and all the other provisions desired to raise children successfully in a wild and unpredictable world.

*Do: Be willing to learn and change!

Yes there are certain inalienable truths that we teach in this book that will stand the test of time forever and ever, throughout all eternity. That is a given. What is not a given however, is your ability to grab and fully grasp and implement to perfection everything that is written in this book. Therefore, you need to continue to be open to change, to continue to study and learn new and deeper aspects to the “Master” techniques that have been expressed, but perhaps not fully understood to complete comprehension! And never forget, Practice, Practice, Practice!!!!!

Face it. It took thousands of years for these methods to be observed, learned, perfected and put into simple step-by-step instructions. Don’t make the tragic mistake of ever assuming that you are the one chosen individual who will be able to beat the odds stacked against you by Copyright © HypnoDate.com

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION simply reading the pages of this book one time through, from cover to cover, and completely assimilate all the hidden truth and significant points after that single reading. It truly cannot be done. Do not “Cheat” yourself off the prizes and treasures waiting to amass themselves at your feet by being lazy, too busy or arrogantly over sure of your own skills and talents.

That would be much like picking up a set of “Encyclopedia Britannica”, reading it through and thinking you have now officially learned every thing there is to know in the entire world from that single reading. Pure stupidity! Don’t do it! Life just doesn’t work that way, and it is the same with the teachings of the “Masters!”

During your 5th reading of this treatise, there are things you will suddenly pick up on and see as if for the very first time. You will swear to yourself that that information was never there before, when in fact it most certainly was, but you had not yet evolved to the level of perception and understanding that would allow it to penetrate your consciousness at the previous readings.

Don’t let this freak you out or bother you in any way, as it is natural in all serious forms of study, and it only means that you have now graduated on to a higher level of mastery of the subject, congratulations and keep moving forward!

*Don’t Limit Yourself!

We all tend to set limitations and obstacles up in our subconscious mind, that holds us back and stop us from having the confidence and security to Copyright © HypnoDate.com

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION go forward and grab the things in life that we truly want and deserve! That is a shame because the world can be cold enough all on its own, without cooperating with the forces of negativity and chaos, and setting mental traps for ourselves to fall into.

Beside the type of limiting thoughts that hinder our progress and achievement of specially set goals and plans, there are also the limiting thoughts that cut back on what you yourself view as potential opportunities.

For example, if I think I am only attracted to tall blondes with large breasts, I am cutting down my possibilities of getting laid tonight by about 95%. In other words, I’m suddenly looking right past all the hot and available, ready for action and fun as hell brunettes and redheads, let alone blondes that may not have such a large rack, or may be a little on the shorter, petite side. That’s crazy.

Some people know what they like and that is cool and admirable, but who in their right mind would say: “I only eat pizza! That’s it, just pizza!” This guy will never experience the amazing and tantalizing delicacies of Mexican, Chinese, and French cuisine. All the great hot dishes from around the globe, just ignored as if of no value at all, not to mention the rest of the wonderful and delectable items still left on the Italian menu. You get the picture. Stop limiting yourself and start living!

*Do make her feel good about herself!

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION Women, even the hottest women who appear absolutely drop dead gorgeous 10’s to us guys, down inside can be very insecure people who have a lot of inner doubts, fears and confidence issues to deal with.

Any dude that can easily make a woman feel comfortable and at ease with herself around him is going to get laid on a very regular basis. He must be able to accomplish this feat without obvious effort, as no one likes to be bull-shitted, manipulated, have smoke blown up their ass, or have some insincere compliments aimed their way, like a wiggling brown tongue invading their sphincter without permission.

Make her feel really good about herself and she will be forever in your debt for allowing her the peace of mind to be comfortable and happy with herself in your company. In return for those feelings of inner contentment and acceptance, she will give you whatever it is that she perceives that you need from her, just to ensure that she has the ability to keep you coming around. Why? Because she gets emotionally attached to the “Safe Zone” you create for her. That gives her a happy place to be herself, relax into the flow of things and feel a sense of inner confidence around you, and that is worth its weight in gold to her, and she will gladly trade you anything she has to keep you coming back for more!

Even the hottest Super models in the world are generally very uncomfortable to be out in the public during social engagements. If you can figure out little seemingly insignificant, but believable things about them that make them special and shine out above the crowd, you will be getting a healthy and consistent portion of good loving on a regular basis from this great little flower who “Only You” truly understand.

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION *Don’t be shy!

Even if you think you actually really are a “Shy Guy,” suck it up and get out there and fake it till you make it. Now I hear you “So Called” shy guys saying to yourselves, “Hey, I thought you said just be yourself, what’s up with that?

Well I did, but that’s not in any true way at all what you are doing when you are acting shy.

When you act shy, you are openly presenting your inner fears and failures on a golden platter for all to observe and judge you by. That’s not you. That’s just a small aspect of you that you have let grow out of perspective because you got turned down a few times during your vulnerable growing phase. No one was there to tell you that you’re O.K., that that’s just part of playing the numbers game, and you could have just as likely hit on a chick that would have instantly fallen into your arms. It’s just a game of chance and a matter of pure luck sometimes.

Besides, acting shy forces you to be preoccupied with other people’s response to you and how you are projecting yourself. Who died and made them KING or Queen? Don’t buy into their hierarchy of manipulation and mental attack. Don’t give them the power to have that control over you; they haven’t earned it!

If you let a few bad experiences control your perception of your value in your very own eyes, it begins setting up your lack of value in the eyes of the women you pursue. So you need to just never give up and fight your

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION way through it and just be willing to go up and talk to a babe with confidence and strength.

The more you do it, the more confident you become in the process and the next thing you know, you’re no longer acting as if you are confident and secure with yourself. You actually are! Until you reach that point, just go up to a girl, and say: “Hey, How’s it going!” wait for her response. Whatever it is, either say: “Cool! So what’s your name?” or ask another question till it is appropriate to get her name.

*Don’t act desperate!

Never let her think that you think all of your hopes ride on this one, single chick, ‘cause they don’t. Remember it’s a numbers game. The more failures you get in a row, the more the odds are stacked in your favor that you’ve got a few serious victories coming your way really soon. So keep hitting the numbers.

Besides, you never want a babe to think that you think she’s “All That!”. You need to keep them guessing as to what you really think about them. Be playful and tease them a bit, they fall for that in a big way. Never let her think you are crazy about her, or she will treat you badly, and be sure to publicly humiliate you for your trouble, by wiping you off her shoe in front of the entire world, for all to see. Always keep her guessing and never act overly interested, or shy!

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION *Do: Make EYE contact.

While that ridiculous myth of “The 3 minute Rule” has proven to destroy more guys’ chances with the ladies than it has ever helped, the part of it regarding the absolute importance of making immediate eye contact is definitely right on target.

Yes, the “3 minute Rule” is complete bunk, but it’s intentions were good, because it was designed to get you up off your ass and stop procrastinating the night away before you got up the nerve to go check out “Suzy Q!” over there by the bar. So be thankful that the Gurus who promote it as an unbreakable edict from God, care enough to want to see you at least hop over there and give her a smile and a line.

I know, now some Gurus are even now running around claiming you need to approach a Babe within the first 3 seconds of her or you entering a room or your chances with her are squelched. But again, that is total rubbish, but the importance of approaching her are intrinsically true and it all has to start with making eye contact with her.

Don’t stare her down or freak her out by constantly glaring into her eyes like a psycho, just nonchalantly look over. Catch her eye momentarily, then get a knowing smile on your face that reveals that you like what you saw, and then break off contact to continue with your conversation or whatever it is that you were doing before you saw her.

The 2nd time you make eye contact with her, you hold it a little longer, make the smile a little broader, and acknowledge the connection with a wink or a slight “Hey There!” nod of the head. Copyright © HypnoDate.com

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Third direct eye contact is her signal that she has checked you out and has found you to be an acceptable possibility for her to spend some time with. Trust me, if she is not interested, she will NEVER give you the opportunity for the 3rd direct eye contact, so if you get it, that’s your cue to come on over and start talking to her.

Now again, the old myth that if you miss the 3rd eye contact, or if you are too “tied up” with what is happening around you at the moment of truth, to immediately get over there and approach her, then you instantly lose is utter nonsense. She respects a gentleman and a businessman, she knows you may have some important business to attend to before you can come over to introduce yourself, but once again, the old myth has some truth to it. If you hesitate, without any clear and obvious reason that’s holding you back, other than hesitation, YOU LOSE!

She’s looking for a confident, take charge kind of guy, so if you put her off, she will assume you are (A) saving her as a back up plan. (B) Simply not interested in her or worst of all (C) You are fearful of rejection and not secure enough to go over there and meet her face to face. Regardless of which conclusion she eventually comes to, your chances of EVER sleeping with that woman have suddenly deteriorated into the ether.

*Don’t Act Too Interested!

This is so important, please really make sure that you fully grasp this concept, because it goes against common sense and fights the logical expectations that men naturally have in their own minds of how the world should work and what is fair. Copyright © HypnoDate.com

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Make her work for it. It’s in her nature to want to do so. Guys often screw up the slam-dunk, “Sure Thing” because they come on too strong or act overly enthusiastic about the woman too quickly. Show some interest but don’t let her think you have bought into her package, or she will instantly lose interest. If you pursue her further after that point, she will actually become angry and perhaps create a scene in public. This may make no sense in your mind, but it’s the way things work, so don’t “F” it up for yourself, just accept it, and watch the game play itself out with grace and dignity.

Women have been raised all their lives to practice using their charms, looks, and wiles to attract men to them. It is all about the chase for them. Allow them to use their natural instincts to try to lure you in, and just sit back and watch in utter amazement as they practically kill themselves to ensure that you truly want them. This merely guarantees that you are definitely going to get some tonight, if you are simply willing to play it cool and keep your distance and a little indifference for awhile!

*Do: use your humor!

It’s the number one preferred way to open a conversation with a beautiful lady and by far the easiest to do and the most likely to succeed. Girls see it as a sign of confidence and intelligence, and they are looking for a guy who is creative, conversational, exciting, entertaining and most of all, fun!!!!

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION 90% of all women polled said the first thing they find attractive in a man is a great sense of humor. Did you bother to catch that number? In case you unwittingly missed it, I said 90% of all women say that the thing that first turns them on to a dude is a great sense of humor. So if you don’t already have one, you better develop one quickly, or lose out on 9 out of every 10 hot pieces of ass looking for romance and a good time tonight!

Women love to talk, they love stories, they love to be entertained. They love to laugh. When you give a woman what she loves, then she will want to give you what you love, just to keep you coming back for more. All of life is quid pro quo, everybody does things because they get something out of it that they value, or they wouldn’t be doing it. The only unconditional love that truly exists in this little Universe of ours is expressed by GOD and by parents, for their children.

*Don’t keep calling her!

It is always better to call her less than more. In other words, better you don’t call her often enough to make her happy. It keeps her wanting you more, makes you all that more attractive because she can’t have you, and shows her that you are a man of action, a real mover and shaker in life, a player who has other things to do and other places to go. That drives women wild with desire!

When you call her a lot, it means you are available, in other words, no one else is interested and fighting for your time and attention. That makes you far less exciting to her. Besides, calling her a lot makes you look weak. It is a sign that you are insecure, that your confidence is somehow shaken and you need to be assured by someone else. You come across as Copyright © HypnoDate.com

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION weak, needy and unsure of yourself! “Bing:” Total turn off! It proves that you don’t have anything, anywhere or anyone else to be preoccupying your time and energy. Therefore your value drops immediately in her eyes, and she starts treating you like a loser.

*Do: Make sure you're the one to end “All” contacts!

That’s “All” contacts, in person, phone calls, emails, whatever, always be the first one to have something else that you need to do and break off the communication. This leaves her in that subconscious state of semirejection, where she suddenly is confused and starts to sense mixed signals.

Women will use that electrical energy to attempt to solve the conundrum and figure out just where she stands by trying to move the relationship to the next natural level of intimacy. In other words, every time you suddenly put a stop in the flow of the love dance, she becomes more and more determined to do whatever it takes to see that the sexual event will in fact take place. So the more you confidently, but politely, pull back, the further she will insistently push those alluring assets into your grasp.

Remember the old saying: “Always leave them wanting more!” It is one of the oldest tricks in the book. Whether you are a writer, musician, actor, or a “Player,” always leave them wanting more. As long as they are not fully satisfied, they will continue to seek you out to try to get their fill. Once they have gotten their fill of you, your value greatly diminishes in their eyes from that point on.

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION When you're the one who ends the contact first, it creates an unbearable form of subconscious tension that triggers her need to assert and prove herself worthy to draw you back into her close area of influence and connection. This tension automatically creates a deep sense of uncontrollable "attraction!"

Your sudden apparent lack of interest makes her innately curious to figure out what just transpired to change the dynamics of the interplay. This puts you in a huge advantage, as women’s strong sense of curiosity is unfathomable and unstoppable by any force, including their very own will.

When she suddenly feels as if you are not thinking about her as intently, she instantly begins to make you her highest priority goal to achieve getting back in her aura of influence. So what most guys think might spoil the mood or kill the deal, actually ends up getting your brains f**ked out all night long!

*Don’t ever “BRIBE” her!

It’s viewed as wimpy and weak to try to gain her interest and buy her time with bribes of any sort. Yes, women like gifts, and they are willing to work to earn them if you just lay back and confidently be yourself around them.

In every single relationship, there is always one person in the couple who feels they “NEED or WANT” the other person in that relationship, more than they are wanted or needed by their beloved.

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION It’s a fact of life, so use this fact to your advantage. Keep yourself held back slightly, interested in her enough to keep the electrons stimulated in her brain, but certainly never fully committed to her and her alone, or “hooked” by any means. This will immediately turn on her competitive spirit to prove to herself, her friends, your friends, and hopefully, and definitely most importantly, YOU, that she has what it takes to attract and keep her man!

Chicks are naturally looking for a guy who has a big set of balls. They are strongly inclined to sense a deep-seated need for someone who is completely confident with himself. One who treats life like an exciting and rewarding adventure that he is the Captain of. A man who knows that they and their time are of great and significant value! When you use bribes to try to get babes to spend time with you, it backfires in a big way. They see that as a self-admission that you’ve got absolutely no game! You’re basically telling them you’ve got nothin’ going for you at all, so you need to offer her a gift, or an expensive night out to feel you have something of value to persuade her to spend some time with you. LOSER!

Trust me on this one. I have had chicks call me up and ask me if they can come over just to watch me mow the lawn, change the oil in my truck, or help me do the dishes and vacuum the house. The last thing you want to do is make her think you’re starting to question your ranking in life. Once you question it in front of her, she will question it for as long as she knows you!

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION *Do: Stay a mystery!

Guys have a couple of serious self-destruct buttons inside their mind, and this particular one drives me crazy. Whenever I see a “Player” suddenly fall from his position of prowess and power and become a mere bystander on the side lines.

They have the woman totally infatuated and hanging on their every gesture and movement. She has been activated between the legs, and has basically nowhere to run, but to bed with the studly stallion who has ridden off with her heart and her passions. Then he suddenly starts that stupid destructive move that I have seen a million times before.

He starts telling her everything about himself. Sharing his deep inner feelings, his fears, his heartbreaks, and worst of all his failures and flaws!

“Ahhhhhhh!”, he thinks he is opening up to her emotional side in the hopes of getting in with her good graces and maybe getting a little “Pinky Dingle” for his trouble and effort. But what he doesn’t realize is that he has just shot himself in the foot, and basically closed off any chance he had at scoring.

*Do: Talk it up with her!

She will love you for it in more than just one way, I guarantee it. Words are tools for giving other people NEW Experiences! As you put new ideas into people’s minds, they begin to experience the emotions and physical sensations that go along with those experiences.

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION Like at the movies, you know the Monster isn’t really there in the theatre with you, and you know the monster isn’t even real, but you still jump and your heart beats when he springs out from behind a wall, don’t we all? They identify with the experience, feel it as their own in order to truly understand it.

*Don’t Ever Be Negative!

Women hate bitches. That’s why they fight with each other so regularly and intensely. Don’t ever come across as one by complaining or being negative. Don’t let yourself be drawn into confrontation and conspiracy. Your job is to always be upbeat, optimistic, fun and exciting.

You need to come across consistently as a happy and successful guy, who has his shit together and is enjoying his mastery over life. You are a winner who doesn’t have time for petty disagreements or feeling sorry for yourself because something didn’t work out the way you planned.

Believe me, the chicks are watching to see which guys truly are victorious and satisfied in their lives. The rare “Masters” in this world know how to get whatever they want and come out on top of every situation, even a tragedy, always landing on their feet and ready for action. Those are the guys that are enjoyable to be around. Therefore, those are the guys who are going to get the quality action. It’s as simple as that!

Go get it Tiger!

There you go. Those are The “Hypno-Date” RULES! Copyright © HypnoDate.com

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Learn them by heart and follow them till the day you die and you will be getting great quality sex from an enormous quantity of beautiful women, all because they can sense the power, not only of the “Rocket in your pocket” but the ‘Mysterious Magnetism of your Mind!” And where I cum from, two heads are certainly better than one!

Enjoy and Explore!

Hypnotic Tantra We’ve all heard of “Tantric Sex.” Generally in long and annoyingly pointless conversations, between bone-headed braggarts trying to convince the world that they are top notch “Ladies Men” in the first degree. That’s really unfortunate, because there is a lot of value to this priceless knowledge!

First of all, before we get started, we need to set a few points straight. If the image that you have in your head of “tantra” is some really skinny exotic looking dude with electronically piercing eyes, dressed only in a flowing white diaper, bending into a pretzel shape before mounting some two dimensional chick with a big knowing smile, then you’re going to have to let those ideas go. And NO, “Tantric” is not a sexual service performed by a prostitute working out of a tanning salon.

Tantra will help you to more powerfully fulfill your female in a way that makes her think that you are the veritable King of the Jungle. Practicing Copyright © HypnoDate.com

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION its techniques will not only allow you to go at it for a lot longer than most guys, while maintaining a firmer, more prevalent erection, but it will create a contagiously enjoyable high while the two of you are making love.

Also, these wondrous sexual practices will help you to consistently create in your lover such a magnificently memorable sense of satisfaction. She will not only have more, “REAL” orgasms, to her own surprise, but she will also walk away from the experience, in a state of absolute ecstatic and erotically charged bliss.

From that point forward, she will be completely addicted to the amazing things that you just did to her. She’s just never had these types of truly intense experiences with other guys before, and isn’t really sure exactly what it is that you can do so differently from all the rest. But she certainly knows that she likes it, and wants some more of it real soon! She will quickly make it abundantly clear to you that should you be interested, that whenever you feel the need to park your tool, she has a nice warm cozy garage available for it, 24 hours a day!

The most important thing to know immediately about tantra, is the fact that anyone can do it! It has been around for ages, across the entire globe and bringing pleasure to its proponents throughout the ages. It has been called by as many different names, as there are languages on our swirling, whirling little planet.

What if I was to tell you that it is the very attempt to perform these extremely simple positions and maneuvers that actually teaches you the system, as if by osmosis. What if I was to tell you that tantra cannot Copyright © HypnoDate.com

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION possibly be done incorrectly, so there is no point in fearing making a mistake or failing at it. It really is more of an attitude and state of mind than it is a step-by-step procedure!

These are extremely simple and easy to perform little exercises. You couldn’t possibly do them wrong. They will immediately begin to work, getting you laid a hell of a lot more regularly than you have been by all the hot chicks you’ve always wanted to be with, but couldn’t get to even say hello to you before.

Oh, O.K., so now I’ve got your attention. Great, cause this stuff is really easy!!! You just practice it whenever you feel like it and automatically get better. There’s no real pressure or “WRONG” way to do it. So you can’t screw it up if you tried. But the more you do it, the more hot women will sense that you have that certain powerful sexual “Know How” that they just have to get a piece of. And, once you have allowed them the opportunity of having sex with you, they are going to be so blown away by the experience, that they will want to do it again and again.

Ohhhhh, I know, it’s a tough job, but I suppose someone’s gotta do it. Right?

Tantric Techniques Right! So it might as well be you. Let’s proceed. A lot of the so called “Tantric Techniques” that are pitched on the net today are purported to get guys laid by using simple and childish parlor tricks, or mere psychological ploys and mental manipulations, which might possibly Copyright © HypnoDate.com

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION work, once, maybe even twice! But after the chick finally figures out what you did to get her to do you without her realizing what was going on, she’s going to get pretty pissed, and that’s when all the trouble begins. At this point, she makes it her life goal to destroy your very existence, and then she’s not going to just stop there. No my friend, she is going to do everything in her power to shoot down your reputation with every other chick in town. Her goal will be to make sure you have to drive at least 45 minutes from where you originally met her before you will find a woman who will even talk to you again. Your name will be “MUD!” William Shakespeare once wrote: ‘Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned!”

But “Tantra” is very different. It naturally creates a deep felt appreciation, and inner acknowledgement, a subconscious connection between the participants, so that the more you use this technique, the more she is going to want you back, as often as you are willing to come back and do it some more.

And here is the amazing part, but it’s true. She will tell her friends about you. She’ll start bragging to everyone she knows about the amazing ways you made her feel, how she finally had her first “Real Orgasm,” and not just one of em! She’s going to become the most spectacular promotional partner you have ever seen! You couldn’t buy this much compelling advertising for a million dollars, but it’s all FREE!

It’s crazy! She’s going around telling every girl in town just how completely brilliant you are in bed, and how they have to try out some of this new “Tantra” stuff, ‘cause it will “Rock Their World” and literally change their lives forever. Copyright © HypnoDate.com

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In just a couple of months, you will suddenly find yourself feeling inclined to pay your ex-lovers some sort of a commission or finders-fee for setting you up with even finer ”Gina” than what was previously blowing your mind when you first started this whole “Trantic Sexual Practice.”

O.k., so how does this stuff work?

Well believe it or not, you could get laid using tantra today, before you ever even started reading about it or practicing it if you just learn to incorporate it into your every-day conversations with women you meet throughout the journey of life. If you don’t act like a total braggart or try to bullshit or impress her, it can be very exciting for her and effective as an ice breaker. Inform her, sometime early on in the conversation, that in your spare time, over the past several years you have been studying the advanced techniques of “Tantric Yoga” as a form of exercise, discipline and meditation! That gets them every time. Most women don’t really know a damned thing about tantra, but they have all read about it somewhere. Maybe in Cosmo, and they have been told that the best lovers in the world practice it like a religion or something, to become veritable Masters who make women cum multiple times, in an ever heightening series of mind blowing climaxes. Then just let her know that you normally aren’t at liberty to say much more about your esoteric studies when you’re out on the street, especially to total strangers. But, that you perceive that she is a pretty open minded and intelligent woman, so you suppose it wouldn’t hurt to let her in on a few of the basic secrets to the system. Copyright © HypnoDate.com

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION Boom, she’s already hooked, and now trying to get you to open up to her and talk about wild, erotic, sexy, passionate love making. When’s the last time a conversation about sports or cars ever got you that deeply into a woman’s active fantasy world so quickly? This chick is not only “not offended” if you talk about screwing, she will be downright pissed off if you don’t talk about it! Believe me, just a few well placed lines for her to slurp up about how dedicated practice of Tantric love making, naturally leads to highly charged emotionally satisfying sexual escapades. As well as erotically potent physical intimacy, which is expressed openly in a deeply bonded coital relationship between a man and a woman! Bingo, she is not only curious about tantra and about you; she’s already hot to trot. Remember, curiosity creates interest, which in turn creates attraction! Go for it! Tantric Yoga is merely a collection of various esoteric and erotic sexual positions and practices; performed in order to achieve a mutually deeper and more focused sexual connection between a man and a woman. It can involve various forms of physical exercise and training techniques, as well as step-by-step methods used to heighten and induce ultimate sensual pleasure to both parties. But predominantly it is an attitude and a way of thinking and focusing on the sexual experience, while learning to control your over-all response to the action through a series of erotic kissing, disciplined sexual positions, sustained eye contact, and synchronized breathing.

In Tantric practice, the ultimate objective is not necessarily orgasm, per se, and most of your efforts at first will often be dedicated to actually putting orgasm off as long as possible and prolonging the sexual humping and bumping. By avoiding a quick and pre-mature climax, you increase

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION and magnify the energy surrounding the intercourse so that when orgasms do finally occur, they are literally out of this world!

Avoid Cumming - Are You Crazy? What?! Intentionally try to avoid cumming? Are you crazy? Now why would any guy in his right mind want to do that? Well, let me give you an example. If I offered you a penny to hold your breath for 5 seconds, you probably wouldn’t even bother. The task and the eventual pay-off are of such low and insignificant value, right? But if I offered you $500.00 to hold your breath for 2 minutes, the payoff would be very enticing and well worth the effort. The release of stress at that final moment when you let go of your efforts and allow the flow of air to surge deeply into your vital organs again, is almost a religious state of bliss. It is like Nirvana, ultimate, complete peace and happiness. That is what the eventual orgasm is like after a session of Tantric love making. It is the difference between a tablespoon of water, sitting silently still in a Dixie Cup, and the ragings of the Atlantic Ocean in the middle of a hurricane. That’s a big difference! For one thing, in tantric sex, you are encouraged to move very slowly, very deliberately, things that might normally take just a few seconds, now could take 5 minutes. It is almost more like a methodology of disciplined meditation combined with Tai Chi exercise. Slow, deep, and focused. You exert your full attention and consciousness on every minute detail of what is taking place between the two of you. Now as I said before, part of what is so amazing here is that even if you are brand new to these concepts, just your active participation in

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION attempting these methods, to any degree of success at all, is a guaranteed A+ from the babe perspective. Look, she’s been “Wham-Bam, Thank you Mammed” so many times now by “Cro-Magnon Gorilla-Men,” looking for a quick grope and hump. So much so, that any guy that takes his time and seems to slow down and enjoy all the finer points of sex are barely even detectable in the blur of a flash most men call sex. So now this chick is going “WOW, this guy really knows what he is doing!”. Plus, you are coming across with additional Brownie points for being mysterious, interesting, and you are appreciating her for who she is, on a deeper level, taking it easy on her and just enjoying the time of contact with her. Instead of doing the opposite, rushing to a blazing orgasm and then rolling off like most of the duds in her life.

But wait, there’s more! Through the deliberate and slow exacting process of tantra, you create a bonded emotional connection, beyond the pure physical erotic experience, and it deepens and grows ominously more profound the longer it is allowed to continue without orgasm by both partners.

Oh really, and how do I do that? Glad you asked! First of all you need to look at sex from a completely different point of view than you and most guys have in the past. Before the emphasis and main goal of sexual contact with any woman was the “All Mighty Orgasm,” and getting to it as soon as possible. But now the whole point is to try to put the orgasm off for as long as physically possible, so that you now become a veritable “F”-ing machine, maintaining your erection and stamina for prolonged coital pleasure with and for your mate.

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION The pay-off. She proclaims to the world that you are the Sex King of the Universe. She is ready and waiting for it whenever you are in the mood. And oh by the way, when you finally do cum, it will be like the comparable difference between the popping of a small party balloon and a nuclear explosion, quite an amazing experience for both of you, I guarantee. The trick is to remember to move slowly and deliberately with each movement that the both of you take. Remember that in her mind, you are the expert giving her lessons, so she will willingly and gladly follow whatever instructions you give her. Tell her that the whole object is to slow down and truly feel each and every second of the experience with a focused and clear consciousness. To not consider the act of orgasm the objective or end goal, but rather a very satisfying reward once the whole experience has been taken in and milked of all its intimate and erotic power. She will love this kind of talk from a guy. Remember most guys barely want to kiss before they shove Uncle Willy into the hen house, so this will be an all new, respectful and calm session of love making that she will remember for years. Considering the fact that every other dude she has ever been with has performed rather poorly and way too quickly without thought or concern for her feelings and pleasure, she will be thrilled to finally discover you. “A MASTER” of making love, creating and prolonging such sensations of sensuous and succulent sexual surrealism! Remember, the main point is to just slow everything down and fully focus in on feeling every single detail and movement with objective clarity! As 99.9% of guys out there simply pump away to gratify their own ego and for the instant gratification of seminal release, you are going to stand out as being really different and when word gets around to her friends and their friends. You are going to be one very busy gentleman! Copyright © HypnoDate.com

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION Imagine how much she will appreciate your determination to focus on her pleasure, as a genuinely considerate lover, who is more concerned about and dedicatedly wrapped up in the goal of making sure she has at least one, REAL, legitimate orgasm. All without putting undue and inconsiderate pressure on her to perform according to your busy schedule. Tantra teaches us to instead focus our attention and energy on enhancing our awareness of pleasure “In The Moment, Right Now!”

The Power Of The Method Try out some of the exercises when you are with her, just so you can catch a glimpse of what is available to you through these marvelous principals and techniques. Tantra may sound very simple, and in fact, it really is. But never underestimate the power of the method, as you come to master it with continual practice in the sack on a regular schedule. You will begin to not only get women so stimulated and ready to just explode in ecstasy, but when they finally do release, it will be such an awesome and miraculous experience, that many of them will cry, sometimes uncontrollably because it is such a moving experience. Remember, they are not used to getting this kind of attention, intensity and intimacy from a guy. Why do you think so many women experiment with “Lesbianism” in their early teens and up till their late twenties, and some beyond that as well? Because they are dying for intimacy and tenderness, that’s why! They have a deep-seated need to experience the feeling of consideration and caring, and to have some one really slow down and take some quality time with them. Yes, tenderness and intimacy, the man that can bring those items to the table, along with an erect and functioning penis, is going to be one very popular fella indeed! Copyright © HypnoDate.com

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION Give it a try; you will be astounded with the outcome. There may be a little transition period, where you want to pop back into “Hyper-f**k” mode, but give it a try and you will be very happy you did. It automatically creates that close and caring sensation that women thrive on and continually search for in the bedroom. This is new for her as well. When do you think the last time was that a guy wanted to slow things down and focus in on feeling close and connected with her? It’s easy. Make every movement count. The kiss should last minutes and should be deliberate and passionate. The undressing of your partner in stages of one step forward, then pause for a moment, retreat from the action just a little bit by taking a half step back. Then, once she moves toward you to fill the sudden vacuum of empty space between you, continue on to take it to the next level.

“Antici-Passion!” Slow and methodical, no hurry, one step forward, pause, half a step back, let her fall forward into your space, and then proceed with the next step forward. She will start to get hotter and hotter with each step, each heightened level of erotic tension and passion play, each moment of deliberately created “Antici-Passion.” Do you see what is happening here? Rather than you desperately trying to get into her pants, and her having to play the role of the good-girl victim fighting off your advances, she is the one who will keep moving in to create more contact. Each time you stop and fall back a little, the wilder she will get from the state of intimate anticipation, so she will eventually be the one who just rips off what’s left of her clothes and says: “Please!!!! Please DO me right now!” Copyright © HypnoDate.com

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION Now I know that this is a dream come true for all healthy young men. But if you can hold on, and continue the method all the way through, slowly making her work her way into intercourse with you, she will eventually be so hot and turned on, that she will let you do ANYTHING that you want to do to her. All as long as you do it slow and with intent! Next, drive her absolutely crazy by slowly massaging her entire body. Slowly and firmly, with strength and deep passion, all around, but never actually touching the erogenous zones. At first she will think you are a gentleman, and just appreciate your respect and honor, but this is a tricky form of driving a woman crazy. It’s much more effective and guaranteed for results than even the old “Chinese Water Torture” method! Continue to rub and caress her body, with desire and passion in your eyes as you maintain long sessions of eye contact with your lady, but never actually touch her tits, or pussy, or even the crack of her ass. Go all around them, kneed the muscles and flesh, rub and shake, vibrate and press, but only get within a whisper of her sexual centers, and then right as she thinks you are about to touch them, move away, slow and deliberate. What do you think is going to happen? Damn straight, she is going to grab your hand and place it directly on her breasts, she is going to wiggle around and coo like no tomorrow. She will open her legs and run you fingers right up and down the crack of her ass and shudder in total delight. Then for her grand finale, she is going to thrust your hand between her openly spread legs and she is going to stroke that pussy for all its worth with your fingers, and may even end up having an orgasm or two while she is doing it. But don’t worry, as you learn to live life as a “MASTER”, you will soon realize and thank God that women can have multiple orgasms all night long, and they will. Now just lie there together on the bed, in a very relaxed and peaceful fashion, without talking, if you can manage to keep her from speaking Copyright © HypnoDate.com

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION without being abrupt or come across as rude or demanding. Some women do not know how to handle intimacy, so they will start to become chatty. You need to either with your lips in a very slow and passionate kiss, or with your index finger lightly placed across her lips, tell her “shhhhhhhh!”

The Greatest Massage Now start massaging her again very gently, but with enough room apart from one another so that you are in a comfortable position to be able to easily look directly into her eyes. Start to match her breathing, breath by breath, until you're both breathing in total unison, together, as one, synchronized and connected. Let go of any distracting thoughts and focus only on her and her breathing. Simply allow the rest of the outside world to melt away into total oblivion. It is just you and her breathing! This is a very effective method that is used to connect her to your thoughts and desires. She sees only that you are attempting to follow her lead, match her breath, focus on her, so subconsciously she is confident and relaxed. If you find in the very beginning that you are having trouble synchronizing your breathing with hers, just stop trying, completely relax, watch her chest move up and down, and match the movements with your own body. When you stop trying to do it with your mind and simply respond with your body, and completely let go of all worry or thought, and it will just naturally happen automatically. Tantra gives you a great playground to practice your game, get in close, and try some experimentation, because the response is so much more direct and focused while performing this powerful and persuasive mode of sexual seduction. Copyright © HypnoDate.com

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION O.K., remember. Look deeply into her eyes. There is nothing else in existence other than the two of you and your ever-increasing erotic energy. Just keeping full and constant eye contact is one of the most effective ways to create an intense and growing sense of complete intimacy. Just continue practicing tuning into her sensations and her thoughts, imagining that you can read everything about her by simply observing her breath, the opening and closing of her pores, the flush and blood-flow in her skin and complexion, and the reading of her eyes. Keep in mind, you have been consistently taking one step forward, pausing momentarily, then retreating a half a step back, letting her move into you and fill the void you have just created by suddenly breaking contact again. This drives her wild with anticipation, the need to maintain that level of intimacy. So she is now moving full speed ahead and thinks that sex is all her idea and that she is going to somehow manage to get you to screw her hard and deep, no matter what she has to do to get you to submit to her will. Isn’t that amazing? She’s going to be so very disappointed if you don’t boink her brains out, and sex is her agenda, and she is now ready to insist that she gets her way! WOW!

The Big Pay-Off Time for the “Big Pay-Off.” All right, remember: keep it slow and intense. Make love to her as you normally would but while continuing to keep your breathing completely in step and synchronized with hers, while maintaining that intimate lovers’ eye contact. Every time you feel as if you are about to climax, slow it down, perhaps even come to a complete stop, if you are afraid you are going to blow your load too quickly. Copyright © HypnoDate.com

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION Continue on like that for an extended period of time. How long? That’s really up to you, just remember that the longer it goes, the deeper she will continue to fall under your masterful spell, and the more intense and outrageous the eventual orgasm will eventually be. Simply by consistently practicing intense sexual activity without the goal of orgasm as the first thing in your mind, you will discover yourself becoming aware of other equally satisfying, though less obvious, sexual pleasures. As well as noticing a deeper sense of direct intimacy that you and most other men have automatically filtered out by focusing on the climax, and nothing else! Now you are starting to realize that tantra has a way of always making sure that things end very well for everyone concerned. And that it’s more fun to take it slow, make her crazy and do a charged meditation session while you're inside a woman, taking her to the ultimate limits of her imagination, before rewarding yourself with a registered 8.9 on the “Richter Scale” orgasm!

Hold That Thought! So if you feel yourself getting close to orgasm, stop moving. Hold still for a period of time, but continue to pierce her very soul with your eyes. You will start to notice something amazing. As you sexually exert yourself and begin to breathe deeper and harder, as long as you maintain that eye contact, she will follow you and pick up her rate of breathing as well. As she speeds up her breathing, the blood flow will start to circulate throughout her body in a quickened fashion. Now she is heading for the finish line! Every time you stop the orgasm from occurring, you build your ability to maintain further stamina without discharge. Now the anticipation is really Copyright © HypnoDate.com

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION building up, because she is now breathing faster and faster. Blood is starting to really circulate and create intense tingling sensations all throughout her body, and she keeps waiting for you to blow your wad, and you keep making her wait for it, which as we know, just gets her more and more stimulated and emotionally charged. Boom. She is cumming and there is no stopping her! She is practically breaking up into pieces, shuddering and quaking, shivering and squirming, gurgling and cooing, moaning and groaning, she is in ultimate NIRVANA and you are her hero! Well done, my friend. She thinks you are a walking, talking, “F”-ing God. She wants the emotional satisfaction and ego boost of knowing that she has what it takes to make you cum. Did you ever dream in your life that a hot babe would be laying there with her legs in the air? Spread open to your every pumping advance, and praying to God that she will be able to get you to orgasm, or die trying? This is Heaven my friend, literal Heaven! All right, you have done your duty and again sealed your reputation in another beautiful woman’s mind, heart and soul.

WOW, Look At That! Way to go, you are now truly a “MASTER!” How does that feel? Of course you don't need to do these “Tantric Techniques” each and every time you date a lady. Remember, never be predictable. So pull the “Tantric Yoga” move on her once during one sensuously seductive sex session, and the next time, just to mix it up a bit, bend her over a chair and do her like a wild stallion. Changing up your delivery and style will make you a total mystery to her, and we all know what mystery does to a Copyright © HypnoDate.com

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION woman’s sense of attraction and level of lust don’t we! Contrasting slow methodical “Tantric Techniques” with wild animal sex, and always doing her different will only get you laid more and more often, and that my friend is a good thing!

The Hypnotic Dance. (How to do the “Four Step” to Nirvana!)

In order to get her to that top most pinnacle of sensual arousal and eventual orgasmic erotic explosiveness - The most effective way to drive women to that point of lustful desire, and beyond, is called the “Four Step” Approach, and today you are going to learn it!

Yes, it is HER job to supply a sexy and attractive body for you to work your way into with the skills and methods that you are being taught in this book. But it is YOUR job to supply the anticipation. If you don’t give her the sense of anticipation that she needs to get wet and ready for your advances, then she in return will not be giving you the action that you need to feel good. So this is important stuff and well worth taking seriously and listening up.

Creating anticipation is easy once you know the steps. The steps go like this: One step forward, pause, half step back, and pause. That’s it. Apply those easy to follow dance steps right into the bedroom of the hottest babe in town. It’s guaranteed to work. Just be patient and true in the process, it won’t let you down! Copyright © HypnoDate.com

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Every time you are seducing a woman, assertively take a confident step forward, be it in conversation, or in touching her, or taking her to an even higher level of erotic intensity. No matter what you are doing with a woman, always follow the dance steps and you will never go home unsatisfied! All right, let’s continue the dance!

One Step Forward: You move in and let your intentions be known, loud and clear. You are secure and confident, you are sure of yourself and what it is that you want! You are assertively grabbing a hold of the prize and claiming it as your own personal trophy.

You are demonstrating your desire and ability to progress forward in pursuit of what you intend to have. This turns her on, but also activates her defense mechanisms to protect her virtue and her reputation, and to make you work for it before you get the pay-off you are looking for.

Pause: When you suddenly pause, you create an instantaneous halt in the action. This creates a sense of surprise in the female, as she was expecting you to thrust right through the motions like a bull in a china shop. Now she is slightly confused, and less sure of herself. Did she read her signals wrong? Has she done something that you suddenly find less or Un-attractive, what’s up?

Her world is suddenly stopped and turned “topsy-turvy” by this surprise stop in the action.

Half Step Back: Now her mind is racing. She is utterly confused by the situation, and her head begins to spin, as you were clearly making your Copyright © HypnoDate.com

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION advancing moves on her, then suddenly stopping, and now actually backing away from her.

This creates a sense of determination in her mind to prove to herself and to you that she is certainly worth pursuing. That she is definitely going to get things back on track again, so she begins to move towards you, to close the gap that you have just created between the two of you. She is now pursuing you.

Pause: She is basically throwing herself at you now, but you don’t seem to be responding. So what’s up with this? She better make it abundantly clear that she wants to continue this dance, before you bail out on the whole process, so she does.

She escalates the seriousness of the game and raises the stakes a bit. This maneuver now leaves you in a perfect position to take the initiative to progress onward to the next step. Then the process continues in this very same 4-step manner, all throughout the seduction and also continuing on throughout the entire love making experience!

One Step forward - Half Step Back This simple One Step forward, Pause, Half Step Back, Pause, is the perfectly balanced dance of erotic enchantment. This is a technique that simply cannot lose! It automatically feeds the flames of desire and keeps that fire burning higher and higher, blazing out of control until both of you are consumed by the passion, only to rise again, after mutually

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION gratifying, explosive orgasms, like the Phoenix from the ash of it’s previous incarnation.

The beauty of the system lies in the creation of definite anticipation in the woman’s subconscious mind. First you are pursuing her, and she is turned on by the intensity and focus of your desire for her. When you want her so badly, that you can feel it in your groin, she senses the energy of the moment and it fans her passions and she starts to feel really good about herself as a woman, because she knows that she is attractive and desirable.

Then when she has already been subconsciously as well as physically aroused, but starting to get a bit concerned that maybe things are moving just a little too fast, or that you are going to use and abuse her, and then kick her to the curb like an old pair of dirty shorts, you pull the PAUSE maneuver on her.

Now she is entering into a state of confusion and second-guessing herself and her ability to perceive what is actually going on around her. This leaves her in a very specific state of emotional and psychological unsettlement, which only deepens the effects and her desires.

At this point you do the most amazing thing that any guy could ever do when she is in this heightened state of arousal yet perplexity. You suddenly back off a half step. Now she is mentally spinning out of control. She was sure that you were hot for her. You were definitely going for the glory. Now you are backing away. Is it something she said? Her breath? Are her tits too small, her hips too wide, is her ass too protruding? Copyright © HypnoDate.com

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Her competitive spirit is now activated. She is going to fight to defend her reputation as a hot piece of ass, and prove to herself, as well as you, that she is worth spending the night with. So she attempts to fill in the vacuum that you created, by moving in towards you, and filling that gap. She is now aggressively pursuing you!!!

In her mind she is thinking, “No guy is going to wind me up like a top and then walk away disinterested, as if I’m some loser chick, he’s going to f**k me whether he wants to or not.” Get that. Remember the old days of getting slapped in the face by a girl who’s a 6 on a scale of 10, just trying to get your hand into her panties?

Well now you have a 10 on a scale of 10, swearing on her Mother’s eyes that you’re going to screw her tonight, one way or another, no ifs, ands or buts! My how things in your life have dramatically gotten better! All you did was create a void, a simple empty space, a vacuum. This made her feel a deep-seated psychological need to attempt to fill the void by moving closer into your space, thereby resuming the sexual progress of the seduction, only now who is seducing who?

Seduction Seduction = anticipation! When the satisfaction of what is anticipated is withheld momentarily or intentionally delayed, the tension rises and with that so does the passion level.

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION When the object of anticipation is finally delivered, it is absolutely beyond mere satisfaction. It is mind blowing, wild out of control animal erotic eruption and then some!

You must always set the stage and take the time to create that needed, built- up state of anticipation in your woman. Then in a well-controlled and deliberate manner, resolve the anticipation with a well-presented payoff. She will love you for it. This knowledge always keeps them cumming back for more.

So offer to give your lady a massage, or just walk up behind her and start massaging her shoulders. Really seriously give her a great, therapeutic massage. Don’t act horny, or even interested in sex. Just offer up some muscle relaxing, tension soothing, therapeutic relief to her busy and hectic day and watch her start to melt. As she relaxes INTO you (you know what I mean by that, right?) you simply start to work your way across her body. Kneading and massaging the muscles, in only the places you would massage your grandma. This is not supposed to start off looking like a seduction!

All right, she is loosening up a bit. You haven’t grabbed her ass or tits, so she is starting to feel safe and secure allowing you a bit freer access to her. That’s the moment to shift the playing venue, ask her to lie down on the bed, sofa, rug, whatever, and keep rubbing her down, avoiding all the naughty bits completely.

Now you tell her, firmly, with total confidence and sincerity, in your voice, that in order to really loosen up those muscles, you need to get rid off any tight fitting or binding clothing. If her reaction to your statement Copyright © HypnoDate.com

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION seems like she’s not interested, simply continue to massage the aches and strains out of her shoulders and tense back muscles. Move on and massage another day. But surprise, surprise, in almost every case, at this point she will either unfasten or even remove her bra completely. That is usually the green light my friend, still, take it easy. Don’t miss it, or you will be sleeping alone tonight in “Loser-Ville!”.

Tell her to take some deep breaths to relax, and start matching her breathing to make a subconscious connection to her inner emotional center. Rub her body, massaging it all over with your hands, but now start getting more sensuous with your touches. Not Sexual, but Sensuous! But remember, always “just” avoid touching the sexual centers of her body

As you are matching her breath, begin looking deeply into her eyes if she is facing you. Keep matching the breathing, and get your hands as close to touching her sexual centers, without actually making contact with them.

This will begin to drive her absolutely crazy and make her want you to touch her there all the more insistently, as you are using your breath matching, as well as the massage, to bring her continually building state of passion and lust!

She could then do one of two things. If she is normally a “Good Girl,” she will tell you to go for it. If she is normally a slut, she will grab your hands, and put them right on her tits and ass. She will writhe like a sexual serpent and practically devour you whole. She will open those legs and suck you in like there is no tomorrow. Copyright © HypnoDate.com

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At this point in time, you are free to follow the sexual course you and her are comfortable with, but do not forget to continue using the 4 step methodology to take her all the way to an exquisite orgasm or three! Go for it, dude, you’ve earned it this time!

Attraction: (What it is / How it works) The mind is a very funny and wacky playground. The minds of women are even wilder and more out of control. That’s because girls are so much more in tune with their emotions and how they feel about things, and less inclined to take rational, logical thought and reason into account before making decisions about what they will and will not do, who they will and will not do.

All right, introducing the facts (based on my opinion;) concerning women and whom they are attracted to. The sooner you listen, learn and live them, the sooner you are going to get laid on a regular basis. Period!

Fact #1: Women have absolutely no control, whatsoever, over whom they are attracted to.

Fact #2: Women have absolutely no control, whatsoever, over whom they are “NOT” attracted to.

That’s it, the end; let’s break for lunch! Copyright © HypnoDate.com

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I hear ya moaning to yourself, “Oh, Come On!!! That can’t be true!!!” It is! Deal with it. You already know this in your heart, you’ve seen it a thousand times.

How many times have you heard of this scenario?

Some chick is totally head over heels in love with some bastard that treats her like absolute DIRT. He insults her, he beats her up, he cheats on her, steals from her, threatens to kill her if she does this or that. She should get the hell away from this guy as soon as she possibly can, right? The police come after he knocks another tooth out of her mouth, but do you think she will place charges or have the guy carried off to the pokey in the squad car. No way in hell, 'cause (say it with me now!) “She Love’s Him!”

No More Mr. Nice-Guy Meanwhile “Mr. Nice-Guy” has been in love with this babe for years. He’s always been there when she needs him: to bail her out of a jam, or bail him out of jail. “Mr. Nice-Guy” really truly cares. He picks her up at the corner coffee shop. He takes her home and dresses her wounds, cleans her up, fixes her a good healthy meal, and then sits up all night with her, listening to the stories about what a dog he is and how bad he treats her. About how she’s been thinking of killing herself ‘cause she just can’t take the pain any longer, etc., and lets her cry herself to sleep on his shoulder. Yeah, he’ll be tired as hell tomorrow morning but he’ll get through it all, because he really cares about her.

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION She’ll sleep in the bed and he’ll try to find a comfy place on the sofa till the alarm clock rings. Of course once he runs off to work, Mr. Asshole will be banging on the door, and she’ll let him in, to f**k her brains out in Mr. Nice-guys bed. Then he’ll go in the bathroom, piss all over “Mr. Nice-Guy’s” floor, to mark-out his territory. Then grab the last 3 beers in the fridge, any money on the counter or kitchen table and then ride off on his Harley with baby-cakes strapped around his waist in the back, as she’s just happy and relieved that he’ll have her!

You’ve seen it a thousand times. So now answer me this smart guy. Have her friends and family ever told her that she needs to keep away from that creep? Yes! Do you think she will? Do you think she can?

If you’re not sure how to answer that question, just refer to Fact #1 Women have absolutely no control, whatsoever, over whom they are attracted to, And Fact #2 Women have absolutely no control, whatsoever, over whom they are “NOT” attracted to, for reference.


(Please note: I am NOT saying you should treat women like dirt because they’ll take it. Quite the opposite, I say ALWAYS treat a woman properly and NEVER hit a woman. I’m purely stating that often women themselves don’t know why they like a guy so much, they just do. It’s a strange part of human nature)

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What Women Want! Women are attracted to (A) what they can’t have, (B) what someone else wants or already has, and (C) what is generally perceived by others as valuable or desirable. That’s it in a nut-sack. That’s what women want, so that is exactly what you need to be sure that you are always perceived as. It’s as simple as that.

So how can we use what we are learning here about hypnotic style techniques to take all these facts into serious consideration and turn them around to work in our benefit?

(A) Don’t be available and don’t be achievable. Women like the “Bad Boy” because no one can control him. No one can rein him in and make him submit to their will. The “Bad Boy” plays by his own rules and breaks them at his own leisure. He doesn’t take crap off anybody and he does what ever he damned well pleases.

This makes the “Bad Boy” very attractive to women. He is forbidden and unattainable, so the challenge mode is activated, and the woman is dedicated to get the “Bad Boy” or die trying. She can’t help it; she knows he’s no good for her. All her friends tell her to settle down with Mr. “Nice-Guy”, she knows they’re probably right, “Mr. N” really seems to truly love her, care about her well being, and is always there for her, to talk and share feelings, hopes, dreams, fears, concerns, plans for the future. But she can’t help herself, she just gets wet between the thighs whenever she thinks about the “Bad Boy” and “Mr. N,” well, he just

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION doesn’t really turn her on, there’s nothing there to get lustful about. Just a big zero!

Solution: In your mind think about authoritative confidence and power.

Think things to yourself such as

He’s definitely an “Alpha Male!” This guy is Hot! WOW, he really has his act together! Now here’s a guy who gets what he wants out of life Etc.

(B) Always make sure she is aware that you are seeing other women, and that you always will. She’ll only want you as long as you are unattainable. Tell her you love her one-day or that she’s the only one for you and you will lose her before sundown, guaranteed. Let her always worry about where she ranks in the tight competition that it is to be one of your women. Some guys try to avoid having the girl see the other women in his life for fear of a blow up or hurt feelings, but that is dead wrong! It’s actually far better for you to let her see you with other chicks, just to keep her in line, with that competitive spirit fanned, her jealousy raging and those fires of desires burning strong as ever.

Create Allies And Some Jealousy Talk to her friends often. Let her see other women in your circle get just a little too close for her comfort. Make sure she knows that she has no hold Copyright © HypnoDate.com

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION on you and that you could bolt any day now, any hour now, any minute now! If she ever got the thought in her head that she had some reigns on you, she would immediately use them to snap off your balls and then strangle you to death with them. It’s not her fault; she can’t help herself. Never blame the scorpion for behaving like a scorpion, it is in its very nature, it simply has no choice.

Solution: Be seen flirting and teasing other women, especially her friends. This creates the necessary jealousy to kick in her emotional filters, which will drive the point deep into her subconscious mind for all time.

Sending Signals As long as she is feeling that she is receiving a strong social boon and benefit from being your girl, she will be happy to do what ever it takes to keep you taking her out for some social acknowledgement and public promenading. Just remember to invest a little attention every day in making sure that she runs into some clue or telling sign that you are in high demand, and a person of great esteem and value!

Hypnotic Pep Talk! (Limitations are in the Mind!)

Most limitations are in the mind. Your whole ability to make women eat out of your hands and throw themselves at you is up to you! You can project the image of a Winner or you can stumble around anonymously as a pathetic weasel or uninteresting nerd who hasn’t got a shot in hell to get Copyright © HypnoDate.com

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION a girl to pay the slightest bit of attention to him. It’s all in your own mind; it is a process of determining your attitude, your belief, and your goals in life. Don’t let past failures or thoughtless others determine what you think and believe is true about yourself and your abilities!

Decide what you are going to program into your thought processes. Then make up your mind once and for all, that this, and only this, is what you will broadcast to others like a radio wave, for all people, especially the women, to “Pick Up” on their internal receivers and respond to.

Limiters And Amplifiers: Limiters are your inner held beliefs, fears and attitudes about yourself, which you display in public that cause women to lose interest, and be turned-off, made suspicious, annoyed or simply not attracted to you.

Amplifiers are the inner-most, deeply held attitudes that you truly believe about yourself, which you display in such a fashion as to increase women’s interest in you and see you as more exciting, mysterious, honest, trustworthy, sexy, confident, desirable, and attractive guy.

It’s all up to you. Whatever they perceive about you is based solely on what information, attitude and confidence level you choose to broadcast to your waiting audience.

Learn to be an optimist. There are certain things in life that are just going to happen, whether you approve of them or not. Life doesn’t always give

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION us a vote in how things turn out. What we can control is our attitudes towards what happens to us and around us!

All your life, you are going to have to do certain things, whether you want to or not. Go to school, get a job, pay your taxes, go to court, see a Doctor, deal with other people, wait in line, take a crap, etc. These are just some of the unavoidable realities to living life here on Planet Earth.

So if you are going to have to do all these things throughout your entire lifetime, it’s up to you to choose whether you have a bad attitude and totally hate every moment of doing these things. Or you can decide to have a great attitude, and since you have to do all this stuff anyway, you might as well try to enjoy it and “Go with the Flow,” while performing the necessary duties, tasks and activities.

That’s how I got through school. A lot of my friends decided to just be all pissed off and angry that they had to go to school. They showed their dissatisfaction with their situation, disdain for all the teachers and administrators, and disrespect for the assignments and the system as a whole. I figured, “Well, I gotta be here anyway, I may as well try to enjoy it for what it’s worth. And it worked, I actually had a pretty enjoyable time and did a lot better than I ever thought possible.

Also watch very carefully, as you advance along this path, for certain self inflicted limitations, such as, I only like petite Latinos, or I only like large breasted Asians. There is a whole smorgasbord of wonderful women out there, each with a unique and very distinct personality, style, smell, taste and passion.

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION To already decide before you’ve even seen the menu what you will eat for the next 30 to 50 years is just plain retarded. So stop that nonsense, open your mind, and allow the vast possibilities of the universe to glide over your being. Then start sampling the variety of exquisite cuisine created by that Cosmic Chef up in the sky. If you could see the bodies and faces of the last five women I did, there is no way in Hell you could doubt the existence of heaven! ;)

So don’t limit yourself, don’t hold yourself back from success and exciting adventures by second-guessing yourself and your abilities. And certainly don’t give others the ability to put you down or make judgments about your abilities or potential for success and victory in life. Most of those people are small minded, frightened, damaged and hurting little individuals, playing out the fears of their childhood from adult bodies, and trying to make themselves feel and look better, by tearing others down and making them feel like crap.

Don’t hate these people, they are just frightened little children, and don’t seek revenge, because it’s not your place to do so. Just wish them well, forgive their short-comings, and move on to the highest levels of satisfaction and accomplishments you can set for yourself. Rise above the crowd and never let them hold you back

If you can “See” it, you can “Be” it. If you can “Name” it, you can Claim” it.

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Hypno-Date Summation So there you have it! That wasn’t so hard was it? Now all you need to do is Practice, practice, practice, till it becomes second nature to you. Truthfully, this isn’t exactly like sitting up in your room and practicing times tables till your MOM says you can go back out and play. Hell, this is PLAY!

And what a pay off as well. I remember how good my teacher told me it would feel if I learned in my algebra lessons. Of course I wasn’t paying much attention as she was about 25 years old, a literal 12 on a scale of 10, and dressed in short skirts and plummeting neck-line blouses all the time. Now imagine how truly great this is going to feel when you have these methods down Pat (And Shirley, Cathy, Barbara Karen and Tina as well!)

Like I said before, you’ve only just begun to realize what absolute bliss you are about to experience once you “Master” these techniques and then are qualified and prepared to move on to some of the “Hypno-Date” advanced course updates.

But for now, let’s focus in on the “Amazing Gift” that is staring you in the face, and is about to bring you experiences in life that even your subconscious mind and dreams will have trouble believing are actually truly taking place in your life.

Do not hesitate. You deserve to achieve your goals and acquire your dreams in life. We at “Hypno-Date” are proud, thankful and appreciative to be in this honored position to be able to pass this vital information on Copyright © HypnoDate.com

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION to you. So that you may one day walk this Earth as a true “Master’ of the methods and honorary member of “The Brotherhood” who cared enough about mankind, getting a nice juicy piece of woman-kind, and then passing the truth on to others as they prove worthy to gain the knowledge that so much blood, sweat and tears were shed to bring to you this day.

Grace, Honesty And Good Intentions Remember to use these powers wisely and with grace, honesty and good intentions. Never force on someone who is not interested, for whatever reason, whether you understand it or not, whether she seemed interested and then suddenly changed her mind, No means NO!

It is your responsibility to now carry this information out into the world and enjoy it to it’s fullest potential. While, of course, always abiding by the law and always making sure that any contact with another human being is purely mutual and consensual, and never approaching any one that is below the legal age of consent. Ignorance of the law is no excuse, and it will be your responsibility to ensure that your actions are always within the limits of the law, and the natural knowing of what is truly right and truly wrong. No one else can ever be responsible for your actions, so get on out there, practice attraction and seduction, have fun, get laid, keep your nose clean, and always use protection!

Congratulations on graduating to the level of “Self-Hypnotic Sexual Mastery!” Well done!

Copyright © HypnoDate.com

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HYPNODATE – 2ND EDITION All right guy, Class is officially dismissed! Now get the f**k out of here and save a piece of the pie for me!

Your Humble and Friendly,

Woody O. Wilcox

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