House on Mango Street

English 9 The House on Mango Street Name: ______________ Overview: For the next few weeks we will be reading, studying

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English 9 The House on Mango Street

Name: ______________

Overview: For the next few weeks we will be reading, studying and analyzing Sandra Cisneros’ short novel, The House on Mango Street. The novel is made up of 44 short character sketches, or stories, called vignettes. Esperanza, a Mexican-American young woman who just moved with her family to Mango Street, narrates them. Since the stories don’t really follow each other chronologically, we are going to read the novel in the thematic sections outlined for you below. We will be addressing different subjects and literary devices for each set of stories. Due at THE BEGINNING of class on the due date: 1. Think about the Essential Questions as you read the vignettes. 2. Complete the Pre-Reading Questions for each section. Type your response. Answer them thoughtfully, thoroughly and in complete sentences. 3. Read the assigned pages of House on Mango Street for each section. Read the section thoroughly and take notes. There will be a quiz on each reading assignment. 4. Write a vignette. Your vignette should relate to the essential questions for that section and use the literary device that we focus on during that section. Use the Vignette Ideas provided for each section and follow the Vignette Requirements. 5. Record examples of the Literary Devices for that section. Type your examples and their page numbers after your pre-reading questions.

What you need to bring to class on the due date. 1. Typed responses to the pre-reading questions and your examples of the Literary Devices. 2. Typed 1-2 page vignette using the features Literary Device. 3. Any notes you took while reading for the quiz!


Due 9/8(R) or 9/9(W)

Essential Questions: (Just THINK about these as you read. You don’t need to write anything for these.) What defines me? How does my family play a role in my identity? Pre-reading Questions (Actually TYPE an answer to these questions. Answer them thoroughly, thoughtfully and using complete sentences.) What is the personal significance of your given name (first, middle, and last)? Does your name mean different things to you, your family, and your friends? What are your nicknames? What do your nicknames mean to you and those who call you those names? Read pp. 3-11 (Be ready for a quiz on these vignettes at the beginning of class.) The House on Mango Street; Hairs; Boys and Girls; My Name Literary Devices: Epic Similes and Metaphors You need to find three examples of each literary device in the text. Type these examples and their page number at the end of your prereading questions. For example— 1. Simile (pg. 7) “Mama’s hair that smells like bread.” 2. Metaphor (pg. 9) “Until then I am a red balloon, a balloon tied to an anchor.” Write a Vignette: Using one of the following ideas, which illustrate the themes for this section, actually type a one-to-two page rough draft vignette mimicking the style of Sandra Cisneros. Please make sure to use at least two Epic Similes and two Epic Metaphors in your vignette and put a box around them. Remember, the whole idea of your vignette is to SHOW, DON’T TELL.

Vignette ideas: Names, My Home-- a Safe Place, A New House, Moving from the Neighborhood, Responsibility for Siblings, My Brother/ Sister


Due 9/14(R) or 9/15(W)

Essential Questions: (Just THINK about these as you read. You don’t need to write anything for these.) Who are my friends? What defines my neighborhood? What does my home say about me? Pre-reading Questions (Actually TYPE an answer to these questions. Answer them thoroughly, thoughtfully and using complete sentences.) Is living in a house your family owns different from living in a house or apartment your family rents? How? Are renters, owners and homeless people all considered equal citizens in America? Why/why not? Read pp. 12-25 (Be ready for a quiz on these vignettes at the beginning of class.) Cathy Queen of Cats; Our Good Day; Laughter; Gil’s Furniture Bought & Sold; Meme Ortiz; Louie, His Cousin & His Other Cousin Literary Device: Personification You need to find two examples of each literary device in the text. Type these examples and their page number at the end of your pre-reading questions. For example— 1. Simile (pg. 7) “Mama’s hair that smells like bread.” 2. Metaphor (pg. 9) “Until then I am a red balloon, a balloon tied to an anchor.” Write a Vignette: Using one of the following ideas, which illustrate the themes for this section, actually type a one-to-two page rough draft vignette mimicking the style of Sandra Cisneros. Please make sure to use personification twice in your vignette and put a box around them. Remember, the whole idea of your vignette is to SHOW, DON’T TELL.

Vignette Ideas: Best Friends, Making Friends, Fighting, Sharing, Some Kind of Fun!


Due 9/20(R) or 9/21(W)

Essential Questions: (Just THINK about these as you read. You don’t need to write anything for these.) Does my family really have the same freedoms as other families due to my race, social class, intelligence, looks...? Do we have more? Pre-reading Questions (Actually TYPE an answer to these questions. Answer them thoroughly, thoughtfully and using complete sentences.) In what areas of your life are you most free to do what you like? In what areas of your life do you have the least freedom? Consider the roles gender, race, religion, education, class, age, and upbringing play in limiting an individual’s personal freedom. Read pp. 26-38 (Be ready for a quiz on these vignettes at the beginning of class.) Marin; Those Who Don’t; There Was an Old Woman…; Alicia Who Sees Mice; Darius and the Clouds; And Some More Literary Device: Allusion You need to find two examples of each literary device in the text. Type these examples and their page number at the end of your pre-reading questions. For example— 1. Simile (pg. 7) “Mama’s hair that smells like bread.” 2. Metaphor (pg. 9) “Until then I am a red balloon, a balloon tied to an anchor.” Write a Vignette: Using one of the following ideas, which illustrate the themes for this section, actually type a one-to-two page rough draft vignette mimicking the style of Sandra Cisneros. Please make sure to use two allusions in your vignette and put a box around them. Remember, the whole idea of your vignette is to SHOW, DON’T TELL.

Vignette Ideas: What a Way to Raise Kids! Family Values, Horrendous Neighbors, Quirky People, Weird Hobbies, Off the Hook! Breaking the Law Living on the Edge


Due 9/28(R) or 9/29(W)

Essential Questions: (Just THINK about these as you read. You don’t need to write anything for these.) Am I aware of how I am changing as I grow up? Pre-reading Questions (Actually TYPE an answer to these questions. Answer them thoroughly, thoughtfully and using complete sentences.) How is growing into a teenage body (physically, mentally and emotionally) like moving into a new house/apartment? Compare the experiences of moving into a new house/apartment to the experiences of being a teenager. Read pp. 39-55: (Be ready for a quiz on these vignettes at the beginning of class.) The Family of Little Feet; A Rice Sandwich; Chanclas; Hips; The First Job Literary Device: Alliteration You need to find two examples of each literary device in the text. Type these examples and their page number at the end of your pre-reading questions. For example— 1. Simile (pg. 7) “Mama’s hair that smells like bread.” 2. Metaphor (pg. 9) “Until then I am a red balloon, a balloon tied to an anchor.” Write a Vignette: Using one of the following ideas, which illustrate the themes for this section, draft vignette mimicking the sure to use alliteration around them. Remember, the DON’T TELL.

actually type a one-to-two page rough style of Sandra Cisneros. Please make twice in your vignette and put a box whole idea of your vignette is to SHOW,

Vignette Ideas: A Big Lie, Most Embarassing Moment, Secret Crush, My Sport, Good Game, The Coach,


Due 10/4(R) or 10/5(W)

Essential Questions (Just THINK about these as you read. You don’t need to write anything for these.) Why should things be different for me because I’m a girl/boy? Pre-reading Questions (Actually TYPE an answer to these questions. Answer them thoroughly, thoughtfully and using complete sentences.) Should parents/guardians raise their teenage girls in the same way that they raise their teenage boys? Why or why not? What rules should be the same for girls and boys? What should be different? Do you have brothers, sisters, cousins, etc. who are treated differently from you because of gender? Explain. Read pp. 56-73: (Be ready for a quiz on these vignettes at the beginning of class.) Papa Who Wakes Up Tired in the Dark; Born Bad; Elenita, Cards, Palm, Water; Geraldo No Last Name; Edna's Ruthie; The Earl of Tennessee; Sire Literary Device: Paradox You need to find two examples of each literary device in the text. Type these examples and their page number at the end of your pre-reading questions. For example— 1. Simile (pg. 7) “Mama’s hair that smells like bread.” 2. Metaphor (pg. 9) “Until then I am a red balloon, a balloon tied to an anchor.” Write a Vignette: Using one of the following ideas, which illustrate the themes for this section, actually type a one-to-two page rough draft vignette mimicking the style of Sandra Cisneros. Please make sure to use one paradox in your vignette and put a box around them. Remember, the whole idea of your vignette is to SHOW, DON’T TELL.

Vignette Ideas: Things I’ll Never Do When I’m a Parent, An Ideal of Beauty, Just a Girl, Act Like a Man! It’s Not Fair


Due 10/12(R) or 10/13(W)

Essential Questions (Just THINK about these as you read. You don’t need to write anything for these.) Why is fitting in so important to me? Do I fit in at school? What types of groups do I fit in with? Pre-reading Questions (Actually TYPE an answer to these questions. Answer them thoroughly, thoughtfully and using complete sentences.) Describe a situation where you once felt really out of place or uncomfortable. Why did you feel this way? What does the word “outcast” mean? What kinds of attributes make people into outcasts? Why must society have outcasts? Read pp. 74-87 (Be ready for a quiz on these vignettes at the beginning of class.) Four Skinny Tees; No Speak English; Rafaela Who Drinks Coconut and Pineapple Juice on Tuesdays; Sally; Minerva Writes Poems; Bums in the Attic Literary Devices: Symbolism, Onomatopoeia You need to find two examples of each literary device in the text. Type these examples and their page number at the end of your pre-reading questions. For example— 1. Simile (pg. 7) “Mama’s hair that smells like bread.” 2. Metaphor (pg. 9) “Until then I am a red balloon, a balloon tied to an anchor.” Write a Vignette: Using one of the following ideas, which illustrate the themes for this section, actually type a one-to-two page rough draft vignette mimicking the style of Sandra Cisneros. Please make sure to use two symbols and onomatopoeia twice in your vignette and put a box around them. Remember, the whole idea of your vignette is to SHOW, DON’T TELL.

Vignette Ideas: “Going Without” Culture Shock, Sacred Space, Changes in Attitudes, A Challenge I Face, Misunderstood!


Due 10/18(R) or 10/19(W)

Essential Questions (Just THINK about these as you read. You don’t need to write anything for these.) What are some things about me that I can’t change? In what way do my choices create my identity? Pre-reading Questions (Actually TYPE an answer to these questions. Answer them thoroughly, thoughtfully and using complete sentences.) What parts of your life would you most like to escape? Can you escape these elements at some point in your life? If so, how? If not, why not? Read pp. 88-102 (Be ready for a quiz on these vignettes at the beginning of class.) Beautiful and Cruel; A Smart Cookie; What Sally Said; The Monkey Garden; Red Clowns; Linoleum Roses Literary Device: Hyperbole You need to find two examples of each literary device in the text. Type these examples and their page number at the end of your pre-reading questions. For example— 1. Simile (pg. 7) “Mama’s hair that smells like bread.” 2. Metaphor (pg. 9) “Until then I am a red balloon, a balloon tied to an anchor.” Write a Vignette: Using one of the following ideas, which illustrate the themes for this section, actually type a one-to-two page rough draft vignette mimicking the style of Sandra Cisneros. Please make sure to use hyperbole twice in your vignette and put a box around them. Remember, the whole idea of your vignette is to SHOW, DON’T TELL.

Vignette Ideas: Sad Things, Frightening Realities, Betrayal, Scared Silly, What a Calamity


Due 10/26(R) or 10/27(W)

Essential Questions (Just THINK about these as you read. You don’t need to write anything for these.) What is most important to me? What are my dreams for the future? Pre-reading Questions (Actually TYPE an answer to these questions. Answer them thoroughly, thoughtfully and using complete sentences.) What inspires you most in life? What do you see your future holding for you? What obstacles might stand in your way? In what ways will you attempt to overcome them and achieve your future desires? Read pp.103-110 (Be ready for a quiz on these vignettes at the beginning of class.) The Three Sisters; Alicia and I talking on Edna’s Steps; A House of My Own; Mango Says Goodbye Sometimes Work on your Portfolio of Vignettes!!!