Hippie Urban Tribe

hippie Pierre Alejandro DEFINITION AND ORIGIN: t's called a hippie a hippie or hippie counterculture movement born in

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Pierre Alejandro

DEFINITION AND ORIGIN: t's called a hippie a hippie or hippie counterculture movement born in 1960 in the United States, as well as the followers of this movement.  This new subculture inherited some   countercultural values  of the Beat Generation and to a lesser extent German naturism, and

STYLE DISPUTE BEHAVIOR AND REJECTION: The hippie icon is usually a man with hair and beard considerably longer than what is considered "elegant" at the time. Both sexes tended to be left with long hair and wearing what some hippies Caucasian African


Women´s tendency Among women showed a tendency not to wear a bra and not shave armpits or legs. This would influence the subsequent decades feminism but others were still more transcendent values such as free love, which he argued for the right to pleasure, avoiding the constraints of the nuclear family and the state.