Healing Powers of The Name YHShVH

Of all names of power, the name of Yeheshuah is the most potent, when properly vibrated, for curing sickness or banishin

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Of all names of power, the name of Yeheshuah is the most potent, when properly vibrated, for curing sickness or banishing malicious spirits. It is the esoteric name of the Messiah of the Jews and the Christ of the Christians. The magical power that has always been most closely associated with Jesus is the ability to drive out sickness from the mind and body. Thus the name IHShVH is not only a banishing formula, but a healing formula as well. To free a person from nightmares, possession, depression, or obsession (persistent destructive thoughts), place your right hand upon the forehead of the sufferer and your left hand over your heart center. Visualize the Hebrew letters IHShVH glowing in your heart and vibrate the letters so that your breath touches the face of the person. This should be done in a rhythmic chant, repeating the letters of Yeheshuah over and over. Time the rhythm of your vibrations of the name so that, as you sound the letters, the sufferer inhales. In this way your breath will be drawn directly into the body of that person through the lungs and spread to every point by the circulation of the blood. You should visualize the white light of the name flowing from your heart center, up your left arm, across your body, and out your right hand into the forehead of the sufferer. Visualize the body of the sufferer filling with white light, and dark shadows fleeing from this light through the top of the person's skull and out the soles of the feet. To heal sickness, the right hand should be placed firmly over the site of the illness and the white light of IHShVH concentrated in this area. Vibrate the name with the lips close to the part of the body that is sick so that the breath touches the skin in this place. It sometimes helps for the ill person to also visualize the healing white light flow into the sick organ or other part of the body. For example, a person with bone cancer would visualize the white light filling the marrow and causing the entire skeleton to radiate with a cool and soothing energy. The name should be repeated over and over in time with the inhalations of the patient for a period of from fifteen minutes to half an hour, and this treatment repeated each day until there is a complete recovery. Healing by means of Yeheshuah should only be attempted in conjunction with regular medical treatment. It is never wise to depend solely upon magical methods of healing. The body responds weakly to the commands of the spirit when the spirit is clouded by daily cares, emotions, desires, and thoughts. This is almost always the case, even with the most skillful and dedicated healers. Medical science may be limited, but within its limits it is effective and should be turned to first, not last, for the treatment of sickness. Only after you have consulted a doctor should you consult a magical healer or attempt to use magical healing techniques on yourself.