Hacer Un Motor Engine V8 Con Solidworks

1. Step 1 draw two circles like shown on the front plane 2. Step 2 add two tangent line 3. Step 3 add two more circle

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1. Step 1 draw two circles like shown on the front plane

2. Step 2 add two tangent line

3. Step 3 add two more circle

4. Step 4 draw a line and mirror it

5. Step 5 draw a centerline and use trim command

6. Step 6 use fillet command like shown

7. Step 7 go up side and use trim command

8. Step 8 use fillet command again

9. Step 9 extrude the sketch in two directions

10. Step 10 open a sketch on the body and draw a line. make parallel the line with the shown edge

11. Step 11 mirror the line and add this two circle

12. Step 12 Intersect the lines and use trim command

13. Step 13 use trim command and mirror it

14. Step 14 draw two circles and cut the body

15. Step 15 draw two circles more and cut the body again. use ofset feature

16. Step 16 draw a sketch on the body like shown

17. Step 17 extrude it 2mm and use mirror command

18. Step 18 now use fillet command

19. Step 19 your biyel is ready to use

20. Step 20 from Luis :)

1. Step 1 open sketch on the front plane and draw shown sketch

2. Step 2 use trim command

3. Step 3 add a circle

4. Step 4 add two line

5. Step 5 use trim command

6. Step 6 extrude the body in two directions

7. Step 7 draw shown sketch on the body

8. Step 8 extrude it like this

9. Step 9 draw the shown sketch and cut the body

10. Step 10 use fillet command

11. Step 11 your part is ready to use

1. Step 1 open a sketch on the right plane and draw a sketch like shown

2. Step 2 open a sketch on the body. draw a 30mm radiused circle and extrude it 20mm

3. Step 3 use revolve command

4. Step 4 go to other side draw shown sketch and extrude it 20 mm

5. Step 5 open a sketch on same surface and draw shown skecth

6. Step 6 use cut extrude command and tick 'filp side to cut'

7. Step 7 now use mirror command. your crank began to take shape

8. Step 8 use move copy body command. enter volues

9. Step 9 rotate this (4th from right side) body 60degree

10. Step 10 rotate 3th body 120 degree

11. Step 11 rotate sixth body 180 degree

12. Step 12 rotate second body 240 degree

13. Step 13 rotate 5th body 300 degree

14. Step 14 use combine command. your crank is ready for now. we will add oil canal and other parts after

1. Step 1 follow the steps up to here

2. Step 2 click on options--customize

3. Step 3 find this command

4. Step 4 drag and drop the command on the command manager

5. Step 5 click on the command

6. Step 6 use this button

7. Step 7 select the body

8. Step 8 make the copy box ticked and enter 5

9. Step 9 now we will change z coordinate. enter the shown value (95mm)

10. Step 10 confirm that and replicated body is ready.

Aykut Dana 26 days ago using ' move/copy body' command for rotating 1. Step 1 click on the move copy body command

2. Step 2 click on the body that you want to rotate

3. Step 3 click on rotate option and make sure that copy box have to be unticked

4. Step 4 enter the shown values

5. Step 5 confirm that and rotated body is ready

1. Step 1 open a sketch on the top plane and draw shown sketch

2. Step 2 use revolve command

3. Step 3 open a sketch on top planen again and draw an axis for revolve command

4. Step 4 draw shown sketch

5. Step 5 use revolve command

6. Step 6 thats is all for now

1. Step 1 rollback the feature tree up to mirror1

2. Step 2 use 3D sketch and draw a line. starting point and endpoint have to be center of the circles

3. Step 3 delete the relations

4. Step 4 enter z coordinate -5

5. Step 5 enter z coordinate 20 for this point

6. Step 6 add a plane ( referance geometry>plane then select line and endpoint)

7. Step 7 draw shown circle on this plane

8. Step 8 use cut extrude command

9. Step 9 open a sketch on shown surface and draw a circle

10. Step 10 use cut exturde command

11. Step 11 now open a sketch on the green surface, draw a circle and use cut extrude command

12. Step 12 open a sketch on the right plane and draw shown sketch. then use cut extrude command and cut the body

13. Step 13 roll forward the feature tree and open a sketch on the right plane

14. Step 14 draw shown sketch then use cut extrude command

15. Step 15 use fillet command

16. Step 16 crank is ready now

1. Step 1 draw shown sketch under the body

2. Step 2 use cut revolve command

3. Step 3 open a sketch on same surface and draw a circle

4. Step 4 use cut extrude command

5. Step 5 open a sketch on the front plane

6. Step 6 draw an axis

7. Step 7 add shown lines

8. Step 8 use cut revolve command

9. Step 9 use mirror command

10. Step 10 now fillet the edges

11. Step 11 oil canalled connecting rod is ready to use

1. Step 1 we will model a piston. try to draw a sketch like in the picture. most importand dimension is piston radius.

2. Step 2 use cut revolve command

3. Step 3 open a sketch on front plane and draw a rectangle

4. Step 4 use cut extrude command and cut the body

5. Step 5 open a sketch on this surface

6. Step 6 draw this sketch with using mirror command

7. Step 7 extrude it. then open a sketch on this surface

8. Step 8 use convert entities command and select this surface

9. Step 9 draw the shown sketch

10. Step 10 use trim command

11. Step 11 extrude and mirror it

12. Step 12 open a sketch on blue surface and draw a 11mm circle center of it

13. Step 13 cut the body

14. Step 14 now you should use fillet command.

15. Step 15 use dome command

16. Step 16 piston is ready for now. follow next tutorial

1. Step 1 draw shown sketch on the front plane

2. Step 2 use cut extrude command

3. Step 3 use section view button

4. Step 4 open a sketch on the front plane and draw shown sketch

5. Step 5 add an axis

6. Step 6 use cut revolve command

7. Step 7 your piston is ready to use.

1. Step 1 open a sketch on the front plane and draw two circles

2. Step 2 extrude the sketch in two ways 34,5mm

3. Step 3 use fillet command

4. Step 4 your pin is ready to use

5. Step 5 now open connecting rod part 2 and draw shown sketch

6. Step 6 use cut revolve command

7. Step 7 your oil canaled connecting rod part is ready to use

1. Step 1 open a sketch on right plane and draw a axis for new plane

2. Step 2 create a plane that have to be 35 degree between new plane and right plane. then open a sketch and draw 4 circles

3. Step 3 draw two circles like shown

4. Step 4 use mirror command two times

5. Step 5 finally make your sketch like this

6. Step 6 use extrude commad

7. Step 7 open a sketc under the body and draw two circles. smaller circles radius is 50mm. other one have to be bigger then body. then use cut extrude command and enter volues

8. Step 8 open a sketch on cutted surface and draw circles like this

9. Step 9 make your sketch like this

10. Step 10 use extrude command

11. Step 11 use linear pattern command. you must to decide that how many cylinder you want. I prefered to make 12 cylinder.

12. Step 12 now we will cut the surplus portions. please check the photo and try to draw a sketch on the body like this. you should use linear pattern command

13. Step 13 use the command and cut the body 70mm. That's all for now. please follow the tutorial step by step. if you have a problem with the tutorials please let me know

1. Step 1 open a sketch on the right plane

2. Step 2 draw a centerline

3. Step 3 use features--referance geometry--plane command

4. Step 4 select the line and the right plane

5. Step 5 then enter shown value

6. Step 6 open a sketch on the plane that we created just now

7. Step 7 draw a circle

8. Step 8 draw two more circles

9. Step 9 draw one more circle

10. Step 10 draw a circle like shown

11. Step 11 draw a circle again. it should be concentric with the circle that we created just now

12. Step 12 now we will use trim command. sketch--trim command

13. Step 13 before trim this lines

14. Step 14 after trim these lines

15. Step 15 finally trim these lines and confirm the command

16. Step 16 draw a centerline. we will use it for mirror command

17. Step 17 now we will use mirror command. use sketch--mirror commad. then select shown sections

18. Step 18 click on this box

19. Step 19 select the centerline

20. Step 20 confirm that. now we will use trim command again

21. Step 21 trim these lines

22. Step 22 confirm that. then draw a centerline again. it will uses for mirror

23. Step 23 open mirror command and select shown sections

24. Step 24 click on shown box, select the mirror axis and confirm that

25. Step 25 use trim command and make your sketch like shown

26. Step 26 now we will use fillet command

27. Step 27 enter shown radius parameter by 15mm, then only click on shown points

28. Step 28 confirm that and your sketch should be like this

29. Step 29 make same thing for the other points

30. Step 30 sketch finished. please check it

31. Step 31 now we will extrude this sketch. open extrude command

1. Step 1 use extrude command

2. Step 2 select the shown area

3. Step 3 then select this area

4. Step 4 change the direction with using this button

5. Step 5 use offset option

6. Step 6 change the offset direction and enter shown value

7. Step 7 finally enter this value and confirm that

8. Step 8 body is ready

9. Step 9 open a sketch on this surface

10. Step 10 draw two concentric circles

11. Step 11 use cut extrude command like shown.

12. Step 12 your body should be like this

13. Step 13 now open a sketch on this surface

14. Step 14 draw a concentric circle

15. Step 15 normal to selected plane

16. Step 16 draw a big circle

17. Step 17 now we will use this circle option. please click on it

18. Step 18 firstly click on this circle

19. Step 19 secondly clik on this circle and complate your perimeter circle. If you can not, please try again. you will see it is not too hard

20. Step 20 enter the shown dimension

21. Step 21 draw a centerline

22. Step 22 use trim command

23. Step 23 use mirror command and select shown sketch

24. Step 24 then select the centerline and confirm that

25. Step 25 use trim command again

26. Step 26 draw a centerline .

27. Step 27 use mirror command and select the sketch

28. Step 28 select the centerline that we created just now

29. Step 29 draw one more centerline

30. Step 30 use mirror command again. select the shown lines

31. Step 31 select the shown centerline and confirm that

32. Step 32 now use convert entities command and select the shown edges

33. Step 33 select the other hole edges and confirm that. sketch finished.

1. Step 1 open a sketch on front plane and draw water canal profile

2. Step 2 extrude it

3. Step 3 create a plane bottom of body and use mirror command for to mirror water canal

4. Step 4 after open a sketch on this surface

5. Step 5 draw a sketch like this and use cut extrude command

6. Step 6 go to left side, open a sketch and draw a sketch like this

7. Step 7 extrude it. please attention that to make direction 'up to surface'. select the outer surface of the cylinder

8. Step 8 open a sketch on same surface and draw semi-circular profile. it have to be closed profile

9. Step 9 create the plane 3 ( it is at the center of water canal) then draw the path.( we will use sweep command)

10. Step 10 use sweep command. then mirror it

11. Step 11 create a inlet part like this

12. Step 12 close the back side with your method

13. Step 13 mirror all things and your water cooled 12 cylinders are ready

1. Step 1 open a sketch under the body and draw this sketch.( you can use convert entities command for circles)

2. Step 2 extrude the sketch 10 mm

3. Step 3 go to front plane and draw this profile

4. Step 4 mirror all bodies with using right plane

5. Step 5 extrude the profile at each directions. after, use body-move-copy comman to translate body 15 mm on Z coordinate.

6. Step 6 open a sketch under the body and draw this sketch

7. Step 7 extrude it up to top plane

8. Step 8 open a sketch on the right plane. use convert entities command.

9. Step 9 extrude the last sketch in two directions. direction 1 is up to body and direction 2up to purple surface

10. Step 10 crop the body

11. Step 11 go to under of the body and draw this sketch

12. Step 12 use linear pattern command (95 mm gab) then extrude the sketch up to pink surface

13. Step 13 make same things for other side

14. Step 14 crop this parts

15. Step 15 open a sketch front side and draw a 30mm radiused circle. then use cut extrude command

16. Step 16 open a sketch on the cylinders. draw circles like this 17. Step 17 use cut extrude command. enter volues

18. Step 18 please follow next tutorial

1. Step 1 open a sketch on the front of the body and draw a circle

2. Step 2 extrude it at two directions

3. Step 3 open a canal

4. Step 4 open a sketch under the body and draw circles like this

5. Step 5 use cut extrude command

6. Step 6 open a sketch same surface again. draw circles like this. we will use cut revolve command, so don' forget the axis

7. Step 7 use cut revolve command. select the circles and axis

8. Step 8 now oil canals are ready

1. Step 1 open a sketch and draw this sketch

2. Step 2 extrude the sketch 35 mm. then draw this two circles and cut the body

3. Step 3 use fillet command

4. Step 4 this part is ready to use. now we will make another connector

5. Step 5 draw a circle and a centerline on the blue surface

6. Step 6 use cut revolve command

7. Step 7 your part is ready to use

1. Step 1 draw shown sketch

2. Step 2 extrude the sketch 60mm

3. Step 3 open a sketch on the body and draw shown circles

4. Step 4 cut the body

5. Step 5 draw a 30mm radiused circle like this and use cut extrude command

6. Step 6 open a sketch on the blue surface

7. Step 7 draw shown two circles and centerline

8. Step 8 use cut revolve command. that is all for now

1. Step 1 draw shown sketc on the top plane

2. Step 2 use extrude command

3. Step 3 draw two rectangle on the body

4. Step 4 exturde it 120mm

5. Step 5 use cut extrude command

6. Step 6 draw shown rectangle on the body

7. Step 7 open a sketch on the blue surface

8. Step 8 draw shown sketch

9. Step 9 use mirror command and extrude the sketch up to green surface

1. Step 1 draw shown sketch on the blue surface

2. Step 2 use cut extrude command .

3. Step 3 use extrude command. click on 'from surfacde-face-plane' option and select he green surface. then click on direction 1 'up to surface' and select the pink surface

4. Step 4 draw shown sketch on the blue surface..

5. Step 5 extrude the sketch up to pink surface

6. Step 6 draw shown sketch front of the body

7. Step 7 make same things again

8. Step 8 draw a rectangle on the blue surface

9. Step 9 use cut extrude command. please follow next tutorial

1. Step 1 open a sketch on this surface

2. Step 2 use cut extrude command

3. Step 3 draw shown on the blue surface

4. Step 4 please examine the shown sketch. draw the same. then exit from sketch

5. Step 5 click on the sketch from feature tree and click on show button

6. Step 6 extrude this rectangles up to pink surface

7. Step 7 open a sketch on this surface..

8. Step 8 use section view command

9. Step 9 draw shown sketch

10. Step 10 add a circle

11. Step 11 use trim command

12. Step 12 extrude the sketch 4mm. make untick 'merge result' option

1. Step 1 use move-copy- body command

2. Step 2 go on like this

3. Step 3 use same command again

4. Step 4 open a sketch on blue surface

5. Step 5 use section view command..

6. Step 6 use convert entities command

7. Step 7 use trim command and trim this lines

8. Step 8 add a 70mm radiused circle

9. Step 9 trim the sketch

10. Step 10 extrude it

11. Step 11 use move-copy body command

12. Step 12 go on like this

13. Step 13 copy last part

1. Step 1 use fillet command

2. Step 2 after, make fillet this edges

3. Step 3 draw a circle

4. Step 4 use linear pattern command

5. Step 5 cut the body

6. Step 6 use mirror command

7. Step 7 open a sketc on blue surface and draw a circle like this

8. Step 8 use linear pattern command..

9. Step 9 draw a centerline and use mirror command

10. Step 10 use cut extrude command

1. Step 1 open new assembly document

2. Step 2 click on browse button and find your crankcase

3. Step 3 click on insert new compaoent button and find your crankshaft

4. Step 4 use matte command and click on blue surface

5. Step 5 after, click on this surface. they will be contentric

6. Step 6 confirm that

7. Step 7 click on blue surface for add matte

8. Step 8 click on shown surface and select distance option. enter 2,5mm volues

1. Step 1 insert a piston and a connecting rod

2. Step 2 make contentric this surfaces

3. Step 3 select right plane of the piston and click on matte command

4. Step 4 find connecting rods front plane from feature tree

5. Step 5 make them coincident

6. Step 6 make this survaces concentric

7. Step 7 confirm that

8. Step 8 use matte command again and select this surfaces

9. Step 9 click on ok

10. Step 10 add 11 more piston and connecting rod . unfortunately you have to make same things for all

1. Step 1 open connecting rod. use insert-part command and insert the connecting rod part 2

2. Step 2 click on this button

3. Step 3 click on shown surfaces and click on add button

4. Step 4 now select this surfaces and click on add button

5. Step 5 combine the parts

1. Step 1 open the piston. use insert-part command and choose the pin

2. Step 2 click on shown surfaces for to add matte. make them concentric

3. Step 3 then click on this surfaces and define the distance

4. Step 4 piston-pin is ready

1. Step 1 open your saved assembly. we changed piston and connecting rod. if solidwork ask you for rebuil, please confirm that. now insert this part

2. Step 2 firstly make coincident this surfaces

3. Step 3 use matte command and click on this surfaces.

4. Step 4 make this surfaces coincident. confirm that

5. Step 5 insert this part

6. Step 6 make this surfaces coincident.

7. Step 7 and this surfaces..

8. Step 8 finally make this surfaces conctric. now add 5 more new part and make same things for them

9. Step 9 your engine must be look like this

1. Step 1 insert the carter

2. Step 2 make this surfaces coincident

3. Step 3 do it for this surfaces again

4. Step 4 finally do it for this surfaces. click on ok. we finished the V12. of course I will generate new tutorials for new parts. please follow

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