Grammar Extra: Advanced Plus Unit 2

2 GRAMMAR EXTRA ADVANCED PLUS UNIT 2 2.2 Nominal relative clauses 1 2.1 If and related expressions 1 2 Match the

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2.2 Nominal relative clauses


2.1 If and related expressions



Match the words and phrases 1–8 with the correct meanings a)–h). 1 rarely a) it appears to be 2 whether or not b) provided that 3 it seems as if c) yes or no 4 as long as d) if uncertain 5 if in doubt e) if not 6 otherwise f) except if 7 without g) not having 8 unless h) not often Match the sentence halves 1–6 with a)–f). 1 My mother sold the painting 2 But for the occasional assignment, 3 They were rarely, if ever, 4 Unless you clarify your expectations, 5 It’s possible to take the exam 6 He’ll come to class next Monday

how what whatever when whoever 1 Anyone who thinks that teaching is easy is mistaken. 2 Have you thought about the way that you’re going to explain this? 3 Do you remember the time that you gave an interview on the radio? 4 She should be able to make friends with the people who she likes. 5 Tea, juices and milk are the things which he likes to drink. 6 Look into the refrigerator and take anything that you want.


Read each statement and choose the alternative that is closest in meaning. 1 If in doubt about the assignment, you may always contact me via email. a) You may email me about the assignment once in a while. b) You can email me if the assignment is problematic. 2 It seems as if she’s not motivated at all. a) Apparently she’s just not that interested. b) She’s almost never involved in anything. 3 If so, I’d better start studying right away. a) If true, I should prepare immediately. b) If it weren’t for this, I wouldn’t need to study. 4 It’s OK to fail as long as you learn. a) Failure is almost never acceptable, no matter what. b) Being unsuccessful is fine, but only if you learn something from it. 5 But for the bad weather, we would’ve arrived on time. a) There was bad weather. Otherwise we wouldn’t have been late. b) On the chance that there was bad weather, we wouldn’t have been late.

Complete the sentences with the correct relative clauses in the box. I took last year how to respond that’s exactly what whichever you choose whoever the thief was

a) the course involved very little work. b) provided that he is feeling well. c) without knowing it was worth a fortune. d) given the support they needed. e) students won’t take their homework seriously. f) whether or not you attend the classes.


Replace the underlined word(s) with the correct relative pronouns in the box.

1 , will certainly be caught. 2 To be honest, I didn’t know . 3 is entirely up to you. 4 I would have chosen myself. 5 It’s a sociology course .


Combine the phrases. Use one of the relative pronouns in brackets. 1 Students like the teacher/the teacher gives them the least homework. (who, why, how) 2 I lost the gold watch/the watch belonged to my grandfather. (whichever, how, that) 3 She showed us/to bake bread. (why, what, how) 4 We’ll provide/the materials you need. (whenever, whoever, whichever) 5 We need to hire the person/the person has the most experience. (whoever, whatever, what) 1 2 3 4 5

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Speakout Grammar Extra Advanced Plus Unit 2.indd 10

16/06/18 7:30 PM



2.3 Leading a discussion


1 A Unscramble the letters then complete the


sentences with the correct words. 1 ocudl you laaerotbe on that? 2 Could you nru hatt atsp us again? 3 That’s an interesting esiptevrcpe. 4 I can ianmige that ironwkg. 5 That’s erncialty worth osicrdnneig. 6 Who wudlo like to kkci this one off? 7 Correct me if I’m gronw, but what you’re rytnig to say is . . . 8 So our stka oyatd is to . . .



Match the sentences in Exercise 1A (1–8) with the explanations a)–h). a) Are there any volunteers to get us started? b) Your point of view is thought-provoking. c) If I’m not mistaken, the point you’re making is . . . . d) That’s an idea I’d like to think about. e) The goal for us is to . . . f) Would you mind repeating that, please? g) That’s a likely possibility. h) Could you explore that further? Label the statements and questions with the correct category I, FE or C. (I) initiating a discussion or topic (FE) giving feedback or evaluating (C) getting others to clarify ideas 1 Good morning everyone! It’s a privilege to be here today. 2 Can I make some quick suggestions for improvement? 3 Who would like to kick off our discussion?

Correct the sentences by removing one word. 1 It’s a book what I read ages ago. I loved it back then. 2 We’ll choose whichever whoever hotel has the lowest prices. There should be plenty of options. 3 If in ever doubt, you could always ask someone for an explanation. I’m sure they’d be happy to help. 4 Without otherwise realising, I closed the door before I took my keys. That’s the second time I’ve done that this week! 5 I think that unless probably you do things to motivate students, they won’t be interested. 6 As if long as we get there before midday, we won’t miss our train. 7 Few, if any none, had done the background reading. It seemed as if the students weren’t interested in the topic. 8 If anyone nobody can make a French pastry, my mother can. She’s the best cook I know. 9 Unless whenever you’ve attended every class, you won’t be able to take the exam. The rules are very strict. 10 It would seem as if but we underestimated how long we would need. I had no idea that painting a room took so long. 11 Could you elaborate on that what you said earlier in the discussion? I’d like to know more, if possible. 12 So, we need to get started. Who would like to kick this whichever one off?

4 I’m worried that this will give the audience the wrong impression. 5 What I’d like to start with is the following question. 6 Can I just check exactly what you meant by that? 7 What are you trying to say? 8 Our main task today is to consider three perspectives. 9 That’s a very significant point, 10 Could you elaborate on your last comment?

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Speakout Grammar Extra Advanced Plus Unit 2.indd 11

16/06/18 7:30 PM