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4 Classification of Second-Order Linear Equations

“When we have a good understanding of the problem, we are able to clear it of all auxiliary notions and to reduce it to simplest element.” Ren´e Descartes

“The first process ... in the effectual study of sciences must be one of simplification and reduction of the results of previous investigations to a form in which the mind can grasp them.” James Clerk Maxwell

4.1 Second-Order Equations in Two Independent Variables The general linear second-order partial differential equation in one dependent variable u may be written as n 


Aij uxi xj +


Bi uxi + F u = G,



in which we assume Aij = Aji and Aij , Bi , F , and G are real-valued functions defined in some region of the space (x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ). Here we shall be concerned with second-order equations in the dependent variable u and the independent variables x, y. Hence equation (4.1.1) can be put in the form Auxx + Buxy + Cuyy + Dux + Euy + F u = G,


where the coefficients are functions of x and y and do not vanish simultaneously. We shall assume that the function u and the coefficients are twice continuously differentiable in some domain in R2 .


4 Classification of Second-Order Linear Equations

The classification of partial differential equations is suggested by the classification of the quadratic equation of conic sections in analytic geometry. The equation Ax2 + Bxy + Cy 2 + Dx + Ey + F = 0, represents hyperbola, parabola, or ellipse accordingly as B 2 − 4AC is positive, zero, or negative. The classification of second-order equations is based upon the possibility of reducing equation (4.1.2) by coordinate transformation to canonical or standard form at a point. An equation is said to be hyperbolic, parabolic, or elliptic at a point (x0 , y0 ) accordingly as B 2 (x0 , y0 ) − 4A (x0 , y0 ) C (x0 , y0 )


is positive, zero, or negative. If this is true at all points, then the equation is said to be hyperbolic, parabolic, or elliptic in a domain. In the case of two independent variables, a transformation can always be found to reduce the given equation to canonical form in a given domain. However, in the case of several independent variables, it is not, in general, possible to find such a transformation. To transform equation (4.1.2) to a canonical form we make a change of independent variables. Let the new variables be ξ = ξ (x, y) ,

η = η (x, y) .


Assuming that ξ and η are twice continuously differentiable and that the Jacobian    ξx ξy    , (4.1.5) J =    ηx ηy  is nonzero in the region under consideration, then x and y can be determined uniquely from the system (4.1.4). Let x and y be twice continuously differentiable functions of ξ and η. Then we have ux = uξ ξx + uη ηx , uy = uξ ξy + uη ηy , 2 uxx = uξξ ξx + 2uξη ξx ηx + uηη ηx2 + uξ ξxx + uη ηxx ,


uxy = uξξ ξx ξy + uξη (ξx ηy + ξy ηx ) + uηη ηx ηy + uξ ξxy + uη ηxy , uyy = uξξ ξy2 + 2uξη ξy ηy + uηη ηy2 + uξ ξyy + uη ηyy . Substituting these values in equation (4.1.2) we obtain A∗ uξξ + B ∗ uξη + C ∗ uηη + D∗ uξ + E ∗ uη + F ∗ u = G∗ , where


4.2 Canonical Forms


A∗ = Aξx2 + Bξx ξy + Cξy2 , B ∗ = 2Aξx ηx + B (ξx ηy + ξy ηx ) + 2Cξy ηy , C ∗ = Aηx2 + Bηx ηy + Cηy2 , D∗ = Aξxx + Bξxy + Cξyy + Dξx + Eξy , E ∗ = Aηxx + Bηxy + Cηyy + Dηx + Eηy , F ∗ = F,


G∗ = G.

The resulting equation (4.1.7) is in the same form as the original equation (4.1.2) under the general transformation (4.1.4). The nature of the equation remains invariant under such a transformation if the Jacobian does not vanish. This can be seen from the fact that the sign of the discriminant does not alter under the transformation, that is,  B ∗2 − 4A∗ C ∗ = J 2 B 2 − 4AC , (4.1.9)

which can be easily verified. It should be noted here that the equation can be of a different type at different points of the domain, but for our purpose we shall assume that the equation under consideration is of the single type in a given domain. The classification of equation (4.1.2) depends on the coefficients A (x, y), B (x, y), and C (x, y) at a given point (x, y). We shall, therefore, rewrite equation (4.1.2) as Auxx + Buxy + Cuyy = H (x, y, u, ux , uy ) ,


and equation (4.1.7) as A∗ uξξ + B ∗ uξη + C ∗ uηη = H ∗ (ξ, η, u, uξ , uη ) .


4.2 Canonical Forms In this section we shall consider the problem of reducing equation (4.1.10) to canonical form. We suppose first that none of A, B, C, is zero. Let ξ and η be new variables such that the coefficients A∗ and C ∗ in equation (4.1.11) vanish. Thus, from (4.1.8), we have A∗ = Aξx2 + Bξx ξy + Cξy2 = 0, C ∗ = Aηx2 + Bηx ηy + Cηy2 = 0. These two equations are of the same type and hence we may write them in the form Aζx2 + Bζx ζy + Cζy2 = 0,



4 Classification of Second-Order Linear Equations

in which ζ stand for either of the functions ξ or η. Dividing through by ζy2 , equation (4.2.1) becomes A

ζx ζy



ζx ζy

+ C = 0.


Along the curve ζ = constant, we have dζ = ζx dx + ζy dy = 0. Thus, ζx dy =− , dx ζy


and therefore, equation (4.2.2) may be written in the form A

dy dx



dy dx

+ C = 0,


the roots of which are    dy = B + B 2 − 4AC /2A, dx    dy = B − B 2 − 4AC /2A. dx

(4.2.5) (4.2.6)

These equations, which are known as the characteristic equations, are ordinary differential equations for families of curves in the xy-plane along which ξ = constant and η = constant. The integrals of equations (4.2.5) and (4.2.6) are called the characteristic curves. Since the equations are first-order ordinary differential equations, the solutions may be written as φ1 (x, y) = c1 , φ2 (x, y) = c2 ,

c1 = constant, c2 = constant.

Hence the transformations ξ = φ1 (x, y) ,

η = φ2 (x, y) ,

will transform equation (4.1.10) to a canonical form. (A) Hyperbolic Type If B 2 − 4AC > 0, then integration of equations (4.2.5) and (4.2.6) yield two real and distinct families of characteristics. Equation (4.1.11) reduces to uξη = H1 ,


4.2 Canonical Forms


where H1 = H ∗ /B ∗ . It can be easily shown that B ∗ = 0. This form is called the first canonical form of the hyperbolic equation. Now if new independent variables α = ξ + η,

β = ξ − η,


are introduced, then equation (4.2.7) is transformed into uαα − uββ = H2 (α, β, u, uα , uβ ) .


This form is called the second canonical form of the hyperbolic equation. (B) Parabolic Type In this case, we have B 2 − 4AC = 0, and equations (4.2.5) and (4.2.6) coincide. Thus, there exists one real family of characteristics, and we obtain only a single integral ξ = constant (or η = constant). Since B 2 = 4AC and A∗ = 0, we find that 2 √ √ A ξx + C ξy = 0. A∗ = Aξx2 + Bξx ξy + Cξy2 = From this it follows that

A∗ = 2Aξx ηx + B (ξx ηy + ξy ηx ) + 2Cξy ηy  √  √ √ √ A ξx + C ξy A ηx + C ηy = 0, =2

for arbitrary values of η (x, y) which is functionally independent of ξ (x, y); for instance, if η = y, the Jacobian does not vanish in the domain of parabolicity. Division of equation (4.1.11) by C ∗ yields uηη = H3 (ξ, η, u, uξ , uη ) ,

C ∗ = 0.


This is called the canonical form of the parabolic equation. Equation (4.1.11) may also assume the form uξξ = H3∗ (ξ, η, u, uξ , uη ) ,


if we choose η = constant as the integral of equation (4.2.5). (C) Elliptic Type For an equation of elliptic type, we have B 2 − 4AC < 0. Consequently, the quadratic equation (4.2.4) has no real solutions, but it has two complex conjugate solutions which are continuous complex-valued functions of the real variables x and y. Thus, in this case, there are no real characteristic curves. However, if the coefficients A, B, and C are analytic functions of x and y, then one can consider equation (4.2.4) for complex x and y. A function of two real variables x and y is said to be analytic in a certain domain if in some neighborhood of every point (x0 , y0 ) of this domain, the


4 Classification of Second-Order Linear Equations

function can be represented as a Taylor series in the variables (x − x0 ) and (y − y0 ). Since ξ and η are complex, we introduce new real variables α=

1 (ξ + η) , 2


1 (ξ − η) , 2i


so that ξ = α + iβ,

η = α − iβ.


First, we transform equations (4.1.10). We then have A∗∗ (α, β) uαα + B ∗∗ (α, β) uαβ + C ∗∗ (α, β) uββ = H4 (α, β, u, uα , uβ ) , (4.2.14) in which the coefficients assume the same form as the coefficients in equation (4.1.11). With the use of (4.2.13), the equations A∗ = C ∗ = 0 become  2  Aαx + Bαx αy + Cαy2 − Aβx2 + Bβx βy + Cβy2 +i [2Aαx βx + B (αx βy + αy βx ) + 2Cαy βy ] = 0, 

 Aαx2 + Bαx αy + Cαy2 − Aβx2 + Bβx βy + Cβy2 −i [2Aαx βx + B (αx βy + αy βx ) + 2Cαy βy ] = 0,

or, (A∗∗ − C ∗∗ ) + iB ∗∗ = 0,

(A∗∗ − C ∗∗ ) − iB ∗∗ = 0.

These equations are satisfied if and only if A∗∗ = C ∗∗

and B ∗∗ = 0.

Hence, equation (4.2.14) transforms into the form A∗∗ uαα + A∗∗ uββ = H4 (α, β, u, uα , uβ ) . Dividing through by A∗∗ , we obtain uαα + uββ = H5 (α, β, u, uα , uβ ) ,


where H5 = (H4 /A∗∗ ). This is called the canonical form of the elliptic equation. We close this discussion of canonical forms by adding an important comment. From mathematical and physical points of view, characteristics or characteristic coordinates play a very important physical role in hyperbolic equations. However, they do not play a particularly physical role in parabolic and elliptic equations, but their role is somewhat mathematical

4.2 Canonical Forms


in solving these equations. In general, first-order partial differential equations such as advection-reaction equations are regarded as hyperbolic because they describe propagation of waves like the wave equation. On the other hand, second-order linear partial differential equations with constant coefficients are sometimes classified by the associated dispersion relation κ) as defined in Section 13.3. In one-dimensional case, ω = ω (k). ω = ω (κ If ω (k) is real and ω ′′ (k) = 0, the equation is called dispersive. The word dispersive simply means that the phase velocity cp = (ω/k) of a plane wave solution, u (x, t) = A exp [i (kx − ωt)] depends on the wavenumber k. This means that waves of different wavelength propagate with different phase velocities and hence, disperse in the medium. If ω = ω (k) = σ (k) + iµ (k) is complex, the associated partial differential equation is called diffusive. From a physical point of view, such a classification of equations is particularly useful. Both dispersive and diffusive equations are physically important, and such equations will be discussed in Chapter 13. Example 4.2.1. Consider the equation y 2 uxx − x2 uyy = 0. Here A = y2 ,

B = 0,

C = −x2 .

Thus, B 2 − 4AC = 4x2 y 2 > 0. The equation is hyperbolic everywhere except on the coordinate axes x = 0 and y = 0. From the characteristic equations (4.2.5) and (4.2.6), we have x dy = , dx y

dy x =− . dx y

After integration of these equations, we obtain 1 2 1 2 y − x = c1 , 2 2

1 2 1 2 y + x = c2 . 2 2

The first of these curves is a family of hyperbolas 1 2 1 2 y − x = c1 , 2 2 and the second is a family of circles 1 2 1 2 y + x = c2 . 2 2 To transform the given equation to canonical form, we consider


4 Classification of Second-Order Linear Equations


1 2 1 2 y − x , 2 2


1 2 1 2 y + x . 2 2

From the relations (4.1.6), we have ux = uξ ξx + uη ηx = −xuξ + xuη , uy = uξ ξy + uη ηy = yuξ + yuη , uxx = uξξ ξx2 + 2uξη ξx ηx + uηη ηx2 + uξ ξxx + uη ηxx = x2 uξξ − 2x2 uξη + x2 uηη − uξ + uη . uyy = uξξ ξy2 + 2uξη ξy ηy + uηη ηy2 + uξ ξyy + uη ηyy = y 2 uξξ + 2y 2 uξη + y 2 uηη + uξ + uη . Thus, the given equation assumes the canonical form uξη =

η ξ uξ − uη . 2 (ξ 2 − η 2 ) 2 (ξ 2 − η 2 )

Example 4.2.2. Consider the partial differential equation x2 uxx + 2xy uxy + y 2 uyy = 0. In this case, the discriminant is B 2 − 4AC = 4x2 y 2 − 4x2 y 2 = 0. The equation is therefore parabolic everywhere. The characteristic equation is y dy = , dx x and hence, the characteristics are y = c, x which is the equation of a family of straight lines. Consider the transformation y ξ = , η = y, x where η is chosen arbitrarily. The given equation is then reduced to the canonical form y 2 uηη = 0. Thus, uηη = 0 for y = 0.

4.3 Equations with Constant Coefficients


Example 4.2.3. The equation uxx + x2 uyy = 0, is elliptic everywhere except on the coordinate axis x = 0 because B 2 − 4AC = −4x2 < 0,

x = 0.

The characteristic equations are dy = ix, dx

dy = −ix. dx

Integration yields 2y − ix2 = c1 ,

2y + ix2 = c2 .

ξ = 2y − ix2 ,

η = 2y + ix2 ,

Thus, if we write

and hence, α=

1 (ξ + η) = 2y, 2


1 (ξ − η) = −x2 , 2i

we obtain the canonical form uαα + uββ = −

1 uβ . 2β

It should be remarked here that a given partial differential equation may be of a different type in a different domain. Thus, for example, Tricomi’s equation uxx + xuyy = 0,


is elliptic for x > 0 and hyperbolic for x < 0, since B 2 − 4AC = −4x. For a detailed treatment, see Hellwig (1964).

4.3 Equations with Constant Coefficients In this case of an equation with real constant coefficients, the equation is of a single type at all points in the domain. This is because the discriminant B 2 − 4AC is a constant. From the characteristic equations    dy = B + B 2 − 4AC /2A, dx



4 Classification of Second-Order Linear Equations

we can see that the characteristics     √ √ B − B 2 − 4AC B + B 2 − 4AC x + c1 , y = x + c2 , (4.3.2) y= 2A 2A are two families of straight lines. Consequently, the characteristic coordinates take the form ξ = y − λ1 x,

η = y − λ2 x,


where λ1,2

√ B+ B 2 − 4AC . = 2A


The linear second-order partial differential equation with constant coefficients may be written in the general form as Auxx + Buxy + Cuyy + Dux + Euy + F u = G (x, y) .


In particular, the equation Auxx + Buyy + Cuyy = 0,


is called the Euler equation. (A) Hyperbolic Type If B 2 − 4AC > 0, the equation is of hyperbolic type, in which case the characteristics form two distinct families. Using (4.3.3), equation (4.3.5) becomes uξη = D1 uξ + E1 uη + F1 u + G1 (ξ, η) ,


where D1 , E1 , and F1 are constants. Here, since the coefficients are constants, the lower order terms are expressed explicitly. When A = 0, equation (4.3.1) does not hold. In this case, the characteristic equation may be put in the form 2

−B (dx/dy) + C (dx/dy) = 0, which may again be rewritten as dx/dy = 0,


− B + C (dx/dy) = 0.

Integration gives x = c1 ,

x = (B/C) y + c2 ,

where c1 and c2 are integration constants. Thus, the characteristic coordinates are

4.3 Equations with Constant Coefficients

ξ = x,

η = x − (B/C) y.



Under this transformation, equation (4.3.5) reduces to the canonical form uξη = D1∗ uξ + E1∗ uη + F1∗ u + G∗1 (ξ, η) ,


where D1∗ , E1∗ , and F1∗ are constants. The canonical form of the Euler equation (4.3.6) is uξη = 0.


Integrating this equation gives the general solution u = φ (ξ) + ψ (η) = φ (y − λ1 , x) + ψ (y − λ2 , x) ,


where φ and ψ are arbitrary functions, and λ1 and λ2 are given by (4.3.3). (B) Parabolic Type When B 2 − 4AC = 0, the equation is of parabolic type, in which case only one real family of characteristics exists. From equation (4.3.4), we find that λ1 = λ2 = (B/2A) , so that the single family of characteristics is given by y = (B/2A) x + c1 , where c1 is an integration constant. Thus, we have ξ = y − (B/2A) x,

η = hy + kx,


where η is chosen arbitrarily such that the Jacobian of the transformation is not zero, and h and k are constants. With the proper choice of the constants h and k in the transformation (4.3.12), equation (4.3.5) reduces to uηη = D2 uξ + E2 uη + F2 u + G2 (ξ, η) ,


where D2 , E2 , and F2 are constants. If B = 0, we can see at once from the relation B 2 − 4AC = 0, that C or A vanishes. The given equation is then already in the canonical form. Similarly, in the other cases when A or C vanishes, B vanishes. The given equation is is then also in canonical form. The canonical form of the Euler equation (4.3.6) is uηη = 0.



4 Classification of Second-Order Linear Equations

Integrating twice gives the general solution u = φ (ξ) + η ψ (ξ) ,

(4.3.15) B where ξ and η are given by (4.3.12). Choosing h = 1, k = 0 and λ = 2A for simplicity, the general solution of the Euler equation in the parabolic case is u = φ (y − λx) + y ψ (y − λx) .


(C) Elliptic Type When B 2 − 4AC < 0, the equation is of elliptic type. In this case, the characteristics are complex conjugates. The characteristic equations yield y = λ1 x + c1 ,

y = λ2 x + c2 ,


where λ1 and λ2 are complex numbers. Accordingly, c1 and c2 are allowed to take on complex values. Thus, ξ = y − (a + ib) x,

η = y − (a − ib) x,


where λ1,2 = a + ib in which a and b are real constants, and 1  B 4AC − B 2 . , and b = a= 2A 2A Introduce the new variables 1 α = (ξ + η) = y − ax, 2


1 (ξ − η) = −bx. 2i


Application of this transformation readily reduces equation (4.3.5) to the canonical form uαα + uββ = D3 uα + E3 uβ + F3 u + G3 (α, β) ,


where D3 , E3 , F3 are constants. We note that B 2 − AC < 0, so neither A nor C is zero. In this elliptic case, the Euler equation (4.3.6) gives the complex characteristics (4.3.18) which are ξ = (y − ax) − ibx,

η = (y − ax) + ibx = ξ.


Consequently, the Euler equation becomes uξξ = 0,


with the general solution  u = φ (ξ) + ψ ξ .


The appearance of complex arguments in the general solution (4.3.23) is a general feature of elliptic equations.

4.3 Equations with Constant Coefficients


Example 4.3.1. Consider the equation 4 uxx + 5 uxy + uyy + ux + uy = 2. Since A = 4, B = 5, C = 1, and B 2 − 4AC = 9 > 0, the equation is hyperbolic. Thus, the characteristic equations take the form dy = 1, dx

dy 1 = , dx 4

and hence, the characteristics are y = x + c1 ,

y = (x/4) + c2 .

The linear transformation ξ = y − x,

η = y − (x/4) ,

therefore reduces the given equation to the canonical form uξη =

1 8 uη − . 3 9

This is the first canonical form. The second canonical form may be obtained by the transformation α = ξ + η,

β = ξ − η,

in the form uαα − uββ =

1 1 8 uα − uβ − . 3 3 9

Example 4.3.2. The equation uxx − 4 uxy + 4 uyy = ey , is parabolic since A = 1, B = −4, C = 4, and B 2 − 4AC = 0. Thus, we have from equation (4.3.12) ξ = y + 2x,

η = y,

in which η is chosen arbitrarily. By means of this mapping, the equation transforms into uηη =

1 η e . 4

Example 4.3.3. Consider the equation uxx + uxy + uyy + ux = 0.


4 Classification of Second-Order Linear Equations

Since A = 1, B = 1, C = 1, and B 2 − 4AC = −3 < 0, the equation is elliptic. We have √ √ 3 1 B + B 2 − 4AC = +i , λ1,2 = 2A 2 2 and hence, ξ =y−

√  1 3 x, +i 2 2


√  1 3 x. −i 2 2

Introducing the new variables α=

1 1 (ξ + η) = y − x, 2 2


√ 1 3 (ξ − η) = − x, 2i 2

the given equation is then transformed into canonical form uαα + uββ =

2 2 uα + √ uβ . 3 3

Example 4.3.4. Consider the wave equation utt − c2 uxx = 0,

c is constant.

Since A = −c2 , B = 0, C = 1, and B 2 − 4AC = 4c2 > 0, the wave equation is hyperbolic everywhere. According to (4.2.4), the equation of characteristics is  2 dt + 1 = 0, −c2 dx or dx2 − c2 dt2 = 0. Therefore, x + ct = ξ = constant,

x − ct = η = constant.

Thus, the characteristics are straight lines, which are shown in Figure 4.3.1. The characteristics form a natural set of coordinates for the hyperbolic equation. In terms of new coordinates ξ and η defined above, we obtain uxx = uξξ + 2uξη + uηη , utt = c2 (uξξ − 2uξη + uηη ) , so that the wave equation becomes

4.3 Equations with Constant Coefficients


Figure 4.3.1 Characteristics for the wave equation.

−4c2 uξη = 0. Since c = 0, we have uξη = 0. Integrating with respect to ξ, we obtain uη = ψ1 (η) . where ψ1 is the arbitrary function of η. Integrating with respect to η, we obtain  u (ξ, η) = ψ1 (η) dη + φ (ξ) . If we set ψ (η) =


ψ1 (η) dη, the general solution becomes u (ξ, η) = φ (ξ) + ψ (η) ,

which is, in terms of the original variables x and t, u (x, t) = φ (x + ct) + ψ (x − ct) , provided φ and ψ are arbitrary but twice differentiable functions.


4 Classification of Second-Order Linear Equations

Note that φ is constant on “wavefronts” x = −ct + ξ that travel toward decreasing x as t increases, whereas ψ is constant on wavefronts x = ct + η that travel toward increasing x as t increases. Thus, any general solution can be expressed as the sum of two waves, one traveling to the right with constant velocity c and the other traveling to the left with the same velocity c. Example 4.3.5. Find the characteristic equations and characteristics, and then reduce the equations  uxx + sech4 x uyy = 0, (4.3.24ab)

to the canonical forms. In equation (4.3.24a), A = 1, B = 0 and C = −sech4 x. Hence, B 2 − 4AC = 4 sech4 x > 0.

Hence, the equation is hyperbolic. The characteristic equations are √ B + B 2 − 4AC dy = = + sech2 x. dx 2A Integration gives y + tanh x = constant. Hence, ξ = y + tanh x,

η = y − tanh x.

Using these characteristic coordinates, the given equation can be transformed into the canonical form uξη = "

(η − ξ)


4 − (ξ − η)

# (uξ − uη ) .

In equation (4.3.24b), A = 1, B = 0 and C = sech4 x. Hence, B 2 − 4AC = + i sech2 x. Integrating gives y + i tanh x = constant. Thus, ξ = y + i tanh x, The new real variables α and β are

η = y − i tanh x.


4.4 General Solutions


1 (ξ + η) = y, 2



1 (ξ − η) = tanh x. 2i

In terms of these new variables, equation (4.3.24b) can be transformed into the canonical form uαα + uββ =

2β uβ , 1 − β2

|β| < 1.


Example 4.3.6. Consider the equation  uxx + (2 cosecy) uxy + cosec2 y uyy = 0.


In this case, A = 1, B = 2 cosecy and C = cosec2 y. Hence, B 2 − 4AC = 0, and dy B = = cosec y. dx 2A The characteristic curves are therefore given by ξ = x + cos y

and η = y.

Using these variables, the canonical form of (4.3.27) is  uηη = sin2 η cos η uξ .


4.4 General Solutions In general, it is not so simple to determine the general solution of a given equation. Sometimes further simplification of the canonical form of an equation may yield the general solution. If the canonical form of the equation is simple, then the general solution can be immediately ascertained. Example 4.4.1. Find the general solution of x2 uxx + 2xy uxy + y 2 uyy = 0. In Example 4.2.2, using the transformation ξ = y/x, η = y, this equation was reduced to the canonical form uηη = 0,

for y = 0.

Integrating twice with respect to η, we obtain u (ξ, η) = ηf (ξ) + g (ξ) , where f (ξ) and g (ξ) are arbitrary functions. In terms of the independent variables x and y, we have y y u (x, y) = y f +g . x x


4 Classification of Second-Order Linear Equations

Example 4.4.2. Determine the general solution of 4 uxx + 5 uxy + uyy + ux + uy = 2. Using the transformation ξ = y − x, η = y − (x/4), the canonical form of this equation is (see Example 4.3.1) uξη =

8 1 uη − . 3 9

By means of the substitution v = uη , the preceding equation reduces to vξ =

1 8 v− . 3 9

This can be easily integrated by separating the variables. Integrating with respect to ξ, we have v=

8 1 (ξ/3) + e F (η) . 3 3

Integrating with respect to η, we obtain u (ξ, η) =

8 1 η + g (η) eξ/3 + f (ξ) , 3 3

where f (ξ) and g (η) are arbitrary functions. The general solution of the given equation becomes   x  1 (y−x) 1 1  8 e3 y− + g y− u (x, y) = + f (y − x) . 3 4 3 4 Example 4.4.3. Obtain the general solution of 3 uxx + 10 uxy + 3 uyy = 0. Since B 2 − 4AC = 64 > 0, the equation is hyperbolic. Thus, from equation (4.3.2), the characteristics are y = 3x + c1 ,


1 x + c2 . 3

Using the transformations ξ = y − 3x,

1 η = y − x, 3

the given equation can be reduced to the form   64 uξη = 0. 3

4.4 General Solutions


Hence, we obtain uξη = 0. Integration yields u (ξ, η) = f (ξ) + g (η) . In terms of the original variables, the general solution is  x . u (x, y) = f (y − 3x) + g y − 3

Example 4.4.4. Find the general solution of the following equations y uxx + 3 y uxy + 3 ux = 0, uxx + 2 uxy + uyy = 0,

y = 0,

uxx + 2 uxy + 5 uyy + ux = 0.

(4.4.1) (4.4.2) (4.4.3)

In equation (4.4.1), A = y, B = 3y, C = 0, D = 3, E = F = G = 0. Hence B 2 − 4AC = 9y 2 > 0 and the equation is hyperbolic for all points (x, y) with y = 0. Consequently, the characteristic equations are √ dy B + B 2 − 4AC 3y + 3y = = = 3, 0. dx 2A 2y Integrating gives y = c1

and y = 3x + c2 .

The characteristic curves are ξ=y

and η = y − 3x.

In terms of these variables, the canonical form of (4.4.1) is ξ uξη + uη = 0. Writing v = uη and using the integrating factor gives v = uη =

1 C (η) , ξ

where C (η) is an arbitrary function. Integrating again with respect to η gives  1 1 C (η) dη + g (ξ) = f (η) + g (ξ) , u (ξ, η) = ξ ξ where f and g are arbitrary functions. Finally, in terms of the original variables, the general solution is


4 Classification of Second-Order Linear Equations

u (x, y) =

1 f (y − 3x) + g (y) . y


Equation (4.4.2) has coefficients A = 1, B = 2, C = 1, D = E = F = G = 0. Hence, B 2 − 4AC = 0, the equation is parabolic. The characteristic equation is dy = 1, dx and the characteristics are ξ = y − x = c1

and η = y.

Using these variables, equation (4.4.2) takes the canonical form uηη = 0. Integrating twice gives the general solution u (ξ, η) = η f (ξ) + g (ξ) , where f and g are arbitrary functions. In terms of x and y, this solution becomes u (x, y) = y f (y − x) + g (y − x) .


The coefficients of equation (4.4.3) are A = 1, B = 2, C = 5, E = 1, F = G = 0 and hence B 2 − 4AC = −16 < 0, equation (4.4.3) is elliptic. The characteristic equations are dy = (1 + 2i) . dx The characteristics are y = (1 − 2i) x + c1 ,

y = (1 + 2i) x + c2 ,

ξ = y − (1 − 2i) x,

η = y − (1 + 2i) x,

and hence,

and new real variables α and β are α=

1 (ξ + η) = y − x, 2


1 (ξ − η) = 2x. 2i

The canonical form is given by (uαα + uββ ) =

1 (uα − 2 uβ ) . 4

It is not easy to find a general solution of (4.4.6).


4.5 Summary and Further Simplification

Example 4.4.5. Use u = f (ξ), ξ =

√x 4κt


to solve the parabolic system

ut = κ uxx , −∞ < x < ∞, t > 0, u (x, 0) = 0, x < 0; u (x, 0) = u0 , x > 0,

(4.4.7) (4.4.8)

where κ and u0 are constant. We use the given transformations to obtain 1 x ut = f ′ (ξ) ξt = − √ f ′ (ξ) , 2 4κt3 ∂ 1 ′′ ∂ (ux ) = (f ′ (ξ) · ξx ) = f (ξ) . uxx = ∂x ∂x 4κt Consequently, equation (4.4.7) becomes f ′′ (ξ) + 2 ξf ′ (ξ) = 0. The solution of this equation is  f ′ (ξ) = A exp −ξ 2 ,

where A is a constant of integration. Integrating again gives  ξ 2 e−α dα + B, f (ξ) = A 0

where B is an integrating constant. Using the given conditions yields  −∞ 2 e−α dα + B, 0=A

u0 = A


e−α dα + B,



which give u0 A= √ π

and B =

1 u0 . 2

Thus, the final solution is u (x, t) = u0

1 √ π


√x 4κt



 1 dα + . 2

4.5 Summary and Further Simplification We summarize the classification of linear second-order partial differential equations with constant coefficients in two independent variables.


4 Classification of Second-Order Linear Equations


urs = a1 ur + a2 us + a3 u + f1 , a∗1 ur

a∗2 us

a∗3 u

f1∗ ,



urr − uss = + + + urs = b1 ur + b2 us + b3 u + f2 ,

(4.5.2) (4.5.3)


urr + uss = c1 ur + c2 us + c3 u + f3 ,


where r and s represent the new independent variables in the linear transformations r = r (x, y) ,

s = s (x, y) ,


and the Jacobian J = 0. To simplify equation (4.5.1) further, we introduce the new dependent variable v = u e−(ar+bs) ,


where a and b are undetermined coefficients. Finding the derivatives, we obtain ur = (vr + av) ear+bs , us = (vs + bv) ear+bs ,  urr = vrr + 2avr + a2 v ear+bs ,

urs = (vrs + avs + bvr + abv) ear+bs ,  uss = vss + 2bvs + b2 v ear+bs .

Substitution of these equation (4.5.1) yields

vrs + (b − a1 ) vr + (a − a2 ) vs + (ab − a1 a − a2 b − a3 ) v = f1 e−(ar+bs) . In order that the first derivatives vanish, we set b = a1

and a = a2 .

Thus, the above equation becomes vrs = (a1 a2 + a3 ) v + g1 , where g1 = f1 e−(a2 r+a1 s) . In a similar manner, we can transform equations (4.5.2)–(4.5.4). Thus, we have the following transformed equations corresponding to equations (4.5.1)–(4.5.4). hyperbolic:

vrs = h1 v + g1 ,


vrr − vss = h∗1 v + g1∗ , vss = h2 v + g2 ,


vrr + vss = h3 v + g3 .


In the case of partial differential equations in several independent variables or in higher order, the classification is considerably more complex. For further reading, see Courant and Hilbert (1953, 1962).

4.6 Exercises


4.6 Exercises 1. Determine the region in which the given equation is hyperbolic, parabolic, or elliptic, and transform the equation in the respective region to canonical form. (a) xuxx + uyy = x2 ,

(b) uxx + y 2 uyy = y,

(c) uxx + xyuyy = 0,

(d) x2 uxx − 2xyuxy + y 2 uyy = ex ,

(e) uxx + uxy − xuyy = 0,

(f) ex uxx + ey uyy = u,

(g) uxx − (h) uxx −

√ √

y uxy +

x 4

 uyy + 2x ux − 3y uy + 2u = exp x2 − 2y , y ≥ 0,

 y uxy + xuyy = cos x2 − 2y ,

y ≥ 0,

(i) uxx − yuxy + xux + yuy + u = 0,

(j) sin2 x uxx + sin 2x uxy + cos2 x uyy = x, 2. Obtain the general solution of the following equations: (i)

x2 uxx + 2xyuxy + y 2 uyy + xyux + y 2 uy = 0,


rutt − c2 rurr − 2c2 ur = 0, c = constant,

(iii) 4ux + 12uxy + 9uyy − 9u = 9, (iv) uxx + uxy − 2uyy − 3ux − 6uy = 9 (2x − y), (v)

yux + 3y uxy + 3ux = 0,

(vi) uxx + uyy = 0, (vii) 4 uxx + uyy = 0, (viii) uxx − 2 uxy + uyy = 0, (ix) 2 uxx + uyy = 0, (x)

uxx + 4 uxy + 4 uyy = 0,

(xi) 3 uxx + 4 uxy −

3 4

uyy = 0.

y = 0.


4 Classification of Second-Order Linear Equations

3. Find the characteristics and characteristic coordinates, and reduce the following equations to canonical form: (a) uxx + 2uxy + 3uyy + 4ux + 5uy + u = ex , (b) 2uxx − 4uxy + 2uyy + 3u = 0, (c) uxx + 5uxy + 4uyy + 7uy = sin x, (d) uxx + uyy + 2ux + 8uy + u = 0, (e) uxy + 2uyy + 9ux + uy = 2,

(f) 6uxx − uxy + u = y 2 ,

(g) uxy + ux + uy = 3x,

(h) uyy − 9ux + 7uy = cos y,

(i) x2 uxx − y 2 uyy − ux = 1 + 2y 2 ,

(j) uxx + yuyy + 12 uy + 4yux = 0,

(k) x2 y 2 uxx + 2xyuxy + uyy = 0,

(l) uxx + yuyy = 0.

4. Determine the general solutions of the following equations: (i) uxx −

1 c2

uyy = 0,

c = constant, (ii) uxx + uyy = 0,

(iii) uxxxx + 2uxxyy + uyyyy = 0,

(iv) uxx − 3uxy + 2uyy = 0,

(v) uxx + uxy = 0,

(vi) uxx + 10uxy + 9uyy = y.

5. Transform the following equations to the form vξη = cv, c = constant, (i) uxx − uyy + 3ux − 2uy + u = 0, (ii) 3uxx + 7uxy + 2uyy + uy + u = 0, by introducing the new variables v = u e−(aξ+bη) , where a and b are undetermined coefficients. 6. Given the parabolic equation uxx = aut + bux + cu + f, 1

2 bx where the coefficients  2 are constants, by the substitution u = v e , for the case c = − b /4 , show that the given equation is reduced to the heat equation

vxx = avt + g,

g = f e−bx/2 .

7. Reduce the Tricomi equation uxx + xuyy = 0,

4.6 Exercises


to the canonical form −1

(i) uξη − [6 (ξ − η)] (ii) uαα + uββ +

1 3β

(uξ − uη ) = 0,

= 0,

for x < 0,

x > 0.

Show that the characteristic curves for x < 0 are cubic parabolas. 8. Use the polar coordinates r and θ (x = r cos θ, y = r sin θ) to transform the Laplace equation uxx + uyy = 0 into the polar form ∇2 u = urr +

1 1 ur + 2 uθθ = 0. r r

9. (a) Using the cylindrical polar coordinates x = r cos θ, y = r sin θ, z = z, transform the three-dimensional Laplace equation uxx + uyy + uzz = 0 into the form urr +

1 1 ur + 2 uθθ + uzz = 0. r r

(b) Use the spherical polar coordinates (r, θ, φ) so that x = r sin φ cos θ, y = r sin φ sin θ, z = r cos φ to transform the three-dimensional Laplace equation uxx + uyy + uzz = 0 into the form urr +

1 1 2 ur + 2 (sin φ uφ )φ + 2 2 uθθ = 0. r r sin φ r sin φ

(c) Transform the diffusion equation ut = κ (uxx + uyy ) , into the axisymmetric form  1 ut = κ urr + ur . r 

10. (a) Apply a linear transformation ξ = ax + by and η = cx + dy, to transform the Euler equation A uxx + 2B uxy + C uyy = 0 into canonical form, where a, b, c, d, A, B and C are constants . (b) Show that the same transformation as in (a) can be used to transform the nonhomogeneous Euler equation A uxx + 2B uxy + C uyy = F (x, y, u, ux , uy ) into canonical form.


4 Classification of Second-Order Linear Equations

11. Obtain the solution of the Cauchy problem uxx + uyy = 0, u (x, 0) = f (x)

and uy (x, 0) = g (x) .

12. Classify each of the following equations and reduce it to canonical form: (a) y uxx − x uyy = 0,

x > 0,

y > 0;

(c) y 2 uxx + x2 uyy = 0, (e) uxx + 6uxy + 9uyy + 3y uy = 0,

 (b) uxx + sech4 x uyy = 0,

 (d) uxx − sech4 x uyy = 0,

(f) y 2 uxx + 2xy uxy + 2x2 uyy + xux = 0,  (g) uxx − (2 cos x) uxy + 1 + cos2 x uyy + u = 0,

 (h) uxx + (2 cosec y) uxy + cosec2 y uyy = 0. (i) uxx − 2 uxy + uyy + 3 ux − u + 1 = 0, (j) uxx − y 2 uyy + ux − u + x2 = 0, (k) uxx + y uyy − x uy + y = 0. 13. Transform the equation

uxy + y uyy + sin (x + y) = 0 into the canonical form. Use the canonical form to find the general solution. 14. Classify each of the following equations for u (x, t): (a) ut = (p ux )x ,

(b) utt − c2 uxx + αu = 0,

(c) (a ux )x + (a ut )t = 0,

(d) uxt − a ut = 0,

where p (x), c (x, t), a (x, t), and α (x) are given functions that take only positive values in the (x, t) plane. Find the general solution of the equation in (d).