Gold Advanced Unit 6 test

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Name: ______________________________________

Gold Advanced

Class: ______________________________

Unit 6 test

Section 1: Vocabulary 1

Read the text. Use the word given in capitals at the end of some of the lines to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line. Archaeology is a subject which divides people. Some think it is an (1) unbelievably fascinating subject, where secrets from our past are (2) uncovered and brought to life through excavation and examination.


Others yawn and question the relevance of the past to our modern-day lives. Sophisticated new techniques can now afford us a pretty (3) reliable


view of ancient faces and places as they once might have been. Back in the 1930s, Maiden Castle, the largest prehistoric fortified site in England, was excavated by Dr Mortimer Wheeler and he discovered a far from (4) insignificant mass grave of thirty-eight of the Iron Age inhabitants who


had died defending the site against the Romans around AD 43. The locals must have thought that the huge six-metre high walls of the earthwork would make it (5) inaccesible to the Roman invaders but they had met their match in the ACCESS efficient Roman fighting machine. They had little chance of defeating the Romans with only large sling stones which were in no way (6) comparable to the


Romans’ weapons. The fierce battle which must have ensued ended in disaster, the results of which were discovered by Mortimer Wheeler. My father, who was a young man at the time, recalls visiting the site. He found the sight of the skeletons lying there with clearly (7) indentifiable Roman weapons embedded in them absolutely (8) remarksable .For my father, it


brought history to life and suddenly these people became real to him – they weren’t just some fictional characters in a school history book any more. This triggered his lifelong interest in archaeology, which he subsequently passed on to me. Looking at ancient artefacts in museums is full of every delight (9) imaginable , as far as I’m concerned. IMAGINE /9



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Choose the answer (A, B, C or D) that best completes each sentence.


We have booked a _____ trip to South America for our honeymoon. A consumer-driven


B principles C ambitions

D immediate

D reasons

We were very excited to find that we had a(n) _____ ancestor – our great-greatgrandfather. A distant


C tailor-made

She has very high-minded _____ and isn’t at all flexible in her approach to life. A revelations


B nuclear

B immediate

C early

D common

With so many people getting divorced these days, many children find that they have a large _____ family. A extended

B immediate

C nuclear

D distant /4

Section 2: Grammar we


Complete the text. Use only one word for each gap. What do you think people will remember most about our lifetimes? The technology, the art, the music, the buildings? The world we live in today is full of the most amazing technological revolutions, far (1) more than the world has (2) ever seen before. However, this has also created a number of problems and some people now think that they would (3) rather be living in the past than in the twenty-first century. For me, by (4) far the worst part of our world is the way we have destroyed the natural environment with factories and transport systems. Our never-ending pursuit of energy sources has destroyed whole areas of the world and driven whole species to extinction. Previous generations have done (5) nowhere near as much damage as we have. On the (6) other hand, more people have started to become aware of the situation in the last decade and are working hard to change some of the damage that has been done – and in some cases, the situation is nothing like (7) as bad as it was. However, that doesn’t mean that we can sit back and relax. /7


Choose the correct alternatives to complete the text.



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The results of a recent survey about large companies and the environment were (1) fairly predictable, to be honest. We didn’t expect to discover anything new. Those who were questioned stated that they were (2) bitterly disappointed with the way in which big companies have failed to address the main environmental issues. Even though most major companies have environmental policies, the majority of the people said that they thought these were (3) largely ignored by even the most (4)highly respected companies. This distrust of business will be (5) deeply upsetting for many companies who have invested millions in promoting their environmental visions. They may now begin to question whether it is really worth their while spending as much money as they do on this. /5 8TOTAL:



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