Gamemaster Reference

Gamemaster Reference Introduction Gamemasters are volunteer helpers who play a vital role in Tibia's rule enforcement. T

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Gamemaster Reference Introduction Gamemasters are volunteer helpers who play a vital role in Tibia's rule enforcement. To this end, their accounts are endowed with extensive special rights that allow them to effectively monitor and control the community. Due to its far-reaching power, the position of gamemaster is one of special trust, and only the most dedicated and reliable players are chosen to fill it. The gamemasters' work is highly appreciated by CipSoft, but of course, it also requires careful monitoring in order to guarantee a consistent and high standard of quality in Tibia's rule enforcement. The Tibia gamemaster team is taken care of by CipSoft's customer support department. One member of the customer support, who holds the title of "head gamemaster", is specifically assigned to the task of assisting gamemasters at day-to-day issues. He is also responsible for overall quality control of the gamemaster team, and all gamemasters report directly to him. Note that at least one member of customer support will also be active as a gamemaster at any point of time during CipSoft office hours. Below you will find important reference information for all gamemasters. Note that the information given here is not intended for the public and should never be forwarded to regular players.

Contents 1


Duties and Limitations 1.1 Duties 1.2 Code of Conduct for Gamemasters 1.3 Limitations Vacation, Retirement and Dismissal 2.1 Vacation 2.2 Retirement 2.3 Dismissal 2.4 Reinstatement as a Gamemaster


Technical Details on Gamemaster Accounts and Characters



3.1 Gamemaster Accounts 3.2 Talking Options 3.3 Gamemaster Characters 3.4 Apprentices and Account Groups 3.5 Gamemaster List 3.6 The Gamemaster Board Punishment System 4.1 Processing Reports 4.2 Gathering Evidence 4.3 Performing Banishments 4.4 Banishment Resolution 4.5 Criminal Records 4.6 Banishment Information 4.7 Complaints Gamemaster Directive


5.1 Names 5.2 Statements 5.3 Cheating 5.4 Gamemasters 5.5 Player Killing 5.6 Destructive Behaviour Quick Reference 6.1 Gamemaster Account Spells 6.2 Gamemaster Character Spells 6.3 Teleportation Marks 6.4 Talking Options

1 Duties and Limitations 1.1 Duties a) Enforce the Tibia Rules This is your main task as a gamemaster. Monitor the community and process rule violation reports. If you find players who violate the rules, punish them according to the regulations given in the gamemaster directive (see section 5). Gamemasters take a central position in Tibia's rule enforcement, and the community's eyes will consequently rest upon you whenever you are active in the game. Make sure to be consistent and just in your decisions at all times. Please keep in mind that the guidelines for name and board reports that are laid out in the tutor guide fully apply to gamemasters. b) Report Back Regularly Gamemasters must report all rule violations, bugs, general problems of the game etc. they find. Reports should be precise and, wherever possible, based on well-established proof. Moreover, gamemasters are required to keep in touch with their fellow team members and with the responsible head gamemaster in order to ensure that gamemasters always act as a team. Discuss any new questions or problems you have come across with your fellow team members on the private gamemaster board. Also, report back to the responsible head gamemaster on a regular basis, preferably no less than once per six weeks. Reports should be made via email or via direct contact in the game. A good report typically contains a brief summary of your recent gamemaster work as well as any problems or questions that have recently come up during your work. c) Take Care of Counsellors and Tutors Look after the counsellors and tutors and guide them if necessary. This includes answering their questions in the game or on the boards, clarifying or correcting wrong statements and also warning and reporting them in case of rule breaks or inappropriate behaviour. In urgent and severe cases you may dismiss the tutor yourself by inserting a notation or a banishment into his account before reporting the matter on the gamemaster board. If a counsellor is involved, get in contact with the gamemaster he reports to or with the head gamemaster to resolve the problem. d) Be Well-informed Gamemasters must often make difficult decisions or help tutors and counsellors to resolve tricky situations. Therefore, it is important that gamemasters are always up-to-date. Remember that, after CipSoft, gamemasters are the final authoritative source of information in Tibia, and often it will be

up to you to decide what is right and wrong. For this reason it is imperative that gamemasters know all relevant documentation beside this reference, including the quickstart, manual, FAQ, security hints, tutor guide and, most importantly, the Tibia Rules and its comments. Moreover, gamemasters are also expected to know and to understand the website, the various service functions, the client and, of course, the game itself. Always make sure to keep up with current developments so you can provide regular players, tutors and counsellors with correct, up-to-date information. e) Be Active Due to the important role of their position, gamemasters are even more required to maintain a reasonable level of activity than other helpers such as tutors or counsellors. Tibia needs active gamemasters, so make sure to be online regularly to help ensure a decent amount of game monitoring at all times. Remember you need not always be active as a gamemaster when being online, but even while you are playing you should keep a wary eye on the community. As a rule, you are expected be online for at least half an hour every day, but no less than a total of 3 hours per week. A gamemaster whose online time in the game falls below the limit of 3 hours per week is considered to be inactive. f) Observe the Code of Conduct Gamemasters should act in an appropriate, dignified way befitting their position. There is a special code of conduct which gamemasters should follow at all times when communicating with other players. Please see the following section for these guidelines. g) Answer Complaints Log into your account on the website and answer all messages (complaints) sent to you, preferably each day, but at least once a week. In your first answer to a complaint you should briefly explain the reason for your banishment. Moreover, respond to specific statements made by the player in his complaint so he will be able to understand your decision. Of course, you must correct your mistake if the complaint of the player is justified!

1.2 Code of Conduct for Gamemasters Gamemasters should observe the following guidelines at all times: a) Be Polite Maintain a polite and neutral level of conversation with players as well as with your fellow team members. Remember that you are expected to act as a role model and deal with problems on a professional basis. b) Be Calm Do not haste your answers. Take your time. Answer only one question at a time and think carefully. If you know you will have to leave soon, it is better to leave that extra question to another team member rather than trying to answer in a rush. Also, do not lose your temper if players interfere with your work or harass you. Avoid pointless discussions in the game or the forum. It is usually better to simply ignore accusations, but if you do feel you must reply, be brief and matter-of-factly. Of course, if players start insulting you or committing other rule violations, you should not hesitate to punish them according to the rules. c) Be Brief Some players may try to involve you in pointless discussions. Unless you have plenty of time and energy to waste we suggest you do not encourage such players. Try to identify his question and answer it in a brief, concise statement.

d) Be Precise Always keep in mind that language poses a problem in Tibia, so gamemasters should make sure that players understand what they are saying. When talking to players express yourself in correct, wellchosen English sentences that are easy to grasp and leave no room for misinterpretation. e) Be Objective People will listen carefully when you speak, and if they feel you are biased, your reputation will suffer. Try putting personal feelings aside while acting as a gamemaster. If you feel you might be biased, refer the case to another gamemaster. f) Be Discreet •Keep

information of players confidential and do not forward information provided on the private boards to the public. •Keep private quarrels with CipSoft, its customer support members, other gamemasters, counsellors or tutors both out of the boards and out of the channels in the game. •If there is a problem with a counsellor, try to resolve it with him. If this does not help, please contact his superior gamemaster. Likewise, if you have trouble with a fellow gamemaster, you should call in the head gamemaster to settle the dispute. g) Double-Check Reports Always verify reports personally and gather evidence. Do not trust in screenshots, chat logs, tibiacam files, or similar kinds of evidence as they can be faked easily. Also, note that except for their role as reporters of bugs, illegal names and posts, tutors as well as counsellors are considered to be regular players. Most importantly, reports made by tutors and counsellors should be approached with the same kind of wary caution as reports made by any other regular player. h) Be a Model Tibia Player Remember that even if you log into the game as a regular player, others will always pay attention to the way you behave in the game. Try to set an example for your fellow Tibians. Play fair and make sure to follow the rules at any point of time. If you violate the rules, you risk losing your gamemaster position.

1.3 Limitations a) Do not misuse your rights and abilities! Only use your gamemaster characters and abilities in your role as gamemaster. This restriction also applies to the use of gamemaster characters to explore unknown areas and the use of specific gamemaster spells to teleport your own or your friends' game characters. b) Do not interfere if no rules are violated! Do not use banishments as a way to dispose of players who are not violating the rules. Also, do not make up your own rules or use any trifle for a banishment reason. Moreover, you should not interfere in minor conflicts between players if no rule is violated. Instead, focus on real trouble makers. c) Always follow the Tibia Rules and live their spirit! Above all, cheating e.g. by trading or sharing your accounts is an unpardonable mistake. Also, do not provoke or encourage rule breaks just to get a valid reason to banish a certain player. Gamemasters are supposed to act in an observing role rather than actively interfering to get someone to break a rule.

2 Vacation, Retirement and Dismissal 2.1 Vacation Of course, gamemasters are free to take breaks without having to give reasons. However, any absences that exceed two weeks in length must be announced in advance in the gamemaster forum. Also, please understand that there must be certain vacation limits to ensure a reasonable amount of activity. More specifically, gamemasters must not be inactive for more than a total of 12 weeks a year or more than eight weeks in a row per year. Repeated incidents of inactivity will lead to a warning and possibly even to a dismissal from service (see section 2.3).

2.2 Retirement Always keep in mind that Tibia needs active gamemasters. If you find that your time in Tibia becomes too limited to fulfil your duties regularly, you should consider resigning from your position. Of course, you are also free to resign at any time without the need to give reasons. If a gamemaster steps down from his position, his account will be reduced to the status of a free player and all gamemaster characters will be deleted. Also, you may be invited to become a senator. Senators retain an advisory function, and they have access to a special senator board on the forum. However, senators no longer hold any other active powers of gamemasters, and they are considered to be regular players in all other respects. Please note that the decision as to whether or not a retired gamemaster is invited to become a senator rests with CipSoft. Please note that CipSoft may remove the title if a senator severely misbehaves.

2.3 Dismissal CipSoft reserves the right to dismiss gamemasters at any point of time without prior notice. However, unless a gamemaster has seriously betrayed CipSoft's trust he will be given the opportunity to make a statement to the head gamemaster. Also, in case of a minor misconduct a gamemaster may receive an official warning rather than being dismissed at once. In such a case, the head gamemaster will discuss the problem with the respective gamemaster and give him advice on how to improve his performance. Note that gamemasters who have received official warnings may also be given a deadline, at the end of which they are expected to have improved the aspect criticised by the head gamemaster. Gamemaster warnings remain valid for a duration of one year after they have been given. If the concerned gamemaster continues to behave in an unsuitable manner, he can be dismissed without further notice. Reasons for dismissal from the gamemaster position include, but are not limited to, neglects of the gamemaster duties, violations of the gamemaster code of conduct, transgressions of the limitations etc. In the following you will find some conceivable scenarios of gamemaster misdemeanours as well as short outlines of how CipSoft would react in these cases: •Inactivity

A gamemaster will be given a warning by the head gamemaster if he noticeably falls below the required minimum amount of activity and has not announced to be on vacation. If other problems follow, or if the situation does not improve, he will be dismissed without further notice. As a rule, dismissals due to inactivity are considered to be honourable dismissals. •Bad Standard of Knowledge If the head gamemaster finds that a gamemaster is consistently unaware of important current developments, or if a gamemaster repeatedly leaves a bad impression in personal interviews, the head gamemaster will try to help the gamemaster to improve his knowledge. In severe

cases or if the situation does not improve the concerned gamemaster will receive a warning. If other problems follow or if this problem cannot be removed, he will be dismissed without further notice. •Favouritism If the head gamemaster finds that a gamemaster neglects his duties when dealing with personal friends in the game, the gamemaster will receive a warning. If he is repeatedly caught extending favours to friends, or if there are further incidents of misconduct, the gamemaster will be dismissed dishonourably. •Bad Quality If a gamemaster's work consistently does not meet the required standards, i.e. if he inadequately answers complaints, deals with players in an unprofessional manner etc., the head gamemaster will contact him and try to help him to improve his standard of work. If no substantial improvement follows, however, or if there are other problems, a warning and eventually even a dismissal from service will follow. In severe cases such as rude misbehaviour in the gamemaster team the dismissal can be dishonourable, and account punishments may be imposed. •Abuse of the Gamemaster Position If a gamemaster clearly transgressed the gamemaster limitations, i.e. by abusing his special rights in order to gain a personal advantage inside or outside the game, he will be dismissed without further notice. The dismissal will be considered to be dishonourable, and further consequences for the account are sure to follow. •Violating the Tibia Rules If a gamemaster violates the Tibia Rules, he will be dismissed without further notice. The dismissal will be considered to be dishonourable, and further consequences for the account are sure to follow. Of course, in severe cases such as account sharing or trading the account will immediately be deleted.

2.4 Reinstatement as a Gamemaster If a retired gamemaster wishes to return to active duty, he must take up the tutor career again. If he has successfully served as an active tutor and senior tutor for some time, his application will be considered by the head gamemaster. Please note that CipSoft is under no obligation to reappoint a player as a gamemaster, although such players can be sure that their previous achievements will be taken into account. Of course, only those former gamemasters who have been dismissed honourably are eligible for reappointment. If a senator wants to do so, he has to contact the head gamemaster to become a regular player in order to be able to become tutor.

3 Technical Details on Gamemaster Accounts and Characters As soon as an account is promoted to gamemaster status it receives additional special rights and abilities on top of the rights that are held by tutors, senior tutors and counsellors. If you log into your account on the website, you will see more detailed information as well as various additional buttons on various pages of the website. For instance, you can inspect criminal records, view the private gamemaster board or perform actions such as deleting inappropriate character or guild information. Note that the head gamemaster and other members of the customer support hold even more extensive rights which include the viewing of deleted banishments, characters, accounts and of complaint threads by regular gamemasters.

3.1 Gamemaster Accounts Gamemasters have special rights that help them fulfil their duty when being logged into the game or their account page. Since the main task of a gamemaster is to enforce the Tibia Rules, banishing accounts is probably the single most important activity. For details on the banishment process please see section 4. All gamemaster accounts automatically receive premium status. Accounts of gamemasters cannot be banished and the names of their characters cannot be reported. When they are logged into their respective account page on the website, gamemasters •can

create gamemaster characters (see section 3.3) view criminal records (see section 4.5) •can edit and delete punishments imposed by themselves(see section 4.6) •can process complaints concerning punishments they have imposed(see section 4.7) •can delete character information •can delete guild descriptions •can report bad posts and threads on the forum (see tutor guide section 7) •can

When they are logged into the game, all characters on a gamemaster account •have

additional talking options (see section 3.2) •can process rule violation reports (see section 4.1) •can impose banishments, insert notations and report character names (see section 4.3) •can kick characters from the game •can teleport players to their home temple •can place bug reports (see tutor guide section 5) For a list of the corresponding spells please check the quick reference (see section 6). It is also possible for gamemasters to multi-client, i.e. to have several active clients on the same computer at the same time. To do so, you must prepare your client first. Right-click onto your Tibia desktop icon, select "Properties", then add the term "gamemaster" behind the target directory. You will now be able to open several clients at a time by repeatedly clicking on this icon. However, keep in mind that you will only be able to log into these clients with your gamemaster account. Note that it is considered to be acceptable for gamemasters to be online with a player character and with one or more gamemaster characters at the same time.

3.2 Talking Options Just like tutors and counsellors, all characters on gamemaster accounts also automatically use orange font in the help channel. Moreover, gamemasters and counsellors have access to individual channels on the client. Counsellors can join a specific counsellor channel, while gamemasters can enter both the counsellor channel and the gamemaster channel. The following options are available to counsellors and higher ranks. a) Broadcasts You can reach all players on a world at the same time by making broadcasts (syntax: #b [message]). Broadcasts should be used sparely and only in urgent and important cases of public interest to make sure that players always realise the importance of the gamemaster's message. If you do a broadcast, you can safely expect to be flooded with private messages for the following couple of minutes.

b) Red Warning in a Channel You have the option to send a red message into a channel to remind all players in this channel of the rules or to emphasise information (syntax: #c [message]). This comes in handy e.g. in cases of repeated spamming or offensive statements. c) Red Warning in a Message to a Player You may warn players who do not obey the rules by messaging them in red (syntax: @name@ [message]). This special kind of private message will be displayed to a player even if he has put you on ignore. Again, do not overuse it. If players get too used to being messaged in red, they might not respect it as a sign of authority anymore.

3.3 Gamemaster Characters If you create a new character in your gamemaster account, you will find a special option below the server choice to determine the position of the new character: •None(Normal

character without any special gamemaster rights): This is the type of character which you are used to. However, all of those normal characters are able to perform special actions as described above. •Gamemaster(Character with special gamemaster rights): Gamemaster characters have a number of special attributes and abilities as listed below. Gamemaster characters •are

invulnerable •wear a special outfit •glow in the dark •are not deleted, even if they are not used for a long time •cannot attack players or creatures •are ignored by creatures •are unaffected by logout blocks •will not appear in any statistics on the website •are not considered for the limit of 20 characters per account •cannot carry items •can adjust their walking speed •can teleport to other characters •can teleport to special marks •can disintegrate movable objects •can use rope spots without a rope •can open loose stone piles without tools •can cut jungle grass and harvest ripe wheat without tools For a list of the corresponding spells please check the quick reference (see section 6). If you choose to create a gamemaster character, the prefix "GM" will automatically be added to the name you enter, e.g. entering "John" and choosing the gamemaster option will create a gamemaster character called "GM John". To avoid confusion among the team members, please create and use mainly characters which contain the name of the character you are listed with in the gamemaster list (e.g. "GM John of Rubera"). Note that we recommend choosing a name that differs from that of your favourite game characters to make sure you can go on playing peacefully, especially if your home world is on a PvP or a PvP-enforced server. Needless to say, the name should also comply with our Tibia Rules.

3.4 Apprentices and Account Groups There are currently five types of account groups: customer support, gamemasters, counsellors, tutors and senators. Gamemasters are appointed by the head gamemaster. Players can advance to the rank of a tutor automatically, provided they meet certain requirements and pass the tutor exam. While some gamemasters still have counsellors as apprentices, they are no longer entitled to hire or dismiss counsellors. Similarly, they may not appoint tutors, although they can cause any tutor's dismissal by giving him a notation or a banishment if the tutor does not attend his duties correctly. For in-depth information on the tutor system, the requirements for becoming a tutor as well as a detailed description of their duties, rights and limitations please see the tutor guide. The honorary title of a senator is bestowed by CipSoft upon former volunteer helpers who served the Tibian community well. Senators retain an advisory function, but they no longer hold any active powers of their former positions. They are considered to be regular players in all other respects. Please note that only retired gamemasters, counsellors or long-term tutors may become senators. The decision as to whether or not a former helper is invited to become a senator rests with CipSoft. Note that it is not possible to be tutor and senator at the same time. Note that confidential information given to gamemasters must not be forwarded to counsellors, tutors, senators or players. Also, every team member has to cooperate with superiors according to the hierarchy.

3.5 Gamemaster List On the website in the community section you can find up-to-date lists of gamemasters and counsellors. Note that the gamemaster section divides into a list of all regular volunteer gamemasters such as yourself and a list of all members of the customer support. Also, if you are logged in with your gamemaster account, you will see the name of the customer support member the various gamemasters are assigned to. This customer support member is typically the current head gamemaster. By clicking on the button "View" you can access the character information page of the corresponding person.

3.6 The Gamemaster Board As a gamemaster, you have access to the private gamemaster board. This board is the meeting place where gamemasters can resolve day-to-day issues or discuss specific issues with each other. Also, this is the official place to contact the head gamemaster, so whenever you have problems or questions about your work this is the place to turn to. Moreover, the private gamemaster board is the place to request final warnings, deletions or additional investigations. Note that there are special threads reserved for these topics. All gamemasters are expected to maintain the thread discipline.

4 Punishment System The gamemasters' main duty is to enforce the Tibia Rules. They play a vital role in the processing of rule violation reports, the gathering and evaluation of evidence, the punishing of accounts, and the answering of player complaints. The standard penalty handed out by gamemasters is the banishment, a temporary exclusion of an account from the game and the forum. However, gamemasters can also make any kind of report tutors, senior tutors and counsellors can do, i.e. they can report illegal names and board statements to the customer support. Please keep in mind that the guidelines for name and board reports that are laid out in the tutor guide and the various references on the tutor board also fully apply to gamemasters.

4.1 Processing Reports Rule violations are typically reported to gamemasters or counsellors via the rule violation channel in the client. The rule violation channel in the game shows all rule violation reports that have recently been submitted by players on the current game world. They will be displayed until they are removed by a gamemaster or counsellor, or until the reporting player closes them or logs out. To open the channel, press the key combination Ctrl+O or select it from the channel list. To attend a request, right-click onto it and choose "Process [player]". A new private message channel opens in which you can talk to the player who made the request and help him with his problem. Your name will be displayed to him as "Counsellor". This is a protective measure because it is often better for gamemasters to remain anonymous. However, keep in mind that you are under no obligation to keep this anonymity. As a rule, you should only process requests about rule violations or questions concerning the rules. Any other topics should be referred to the help channel or the documentation on the website. Answer the request briefly and politely. Explain to the player what you will do concerning the request or why you cannot help him. Do not let yourself be caught in an extensive discussion and lead the request to a quick and precise result. If a player starts switching to a topic that does not concern a rule violation, refer him to the help channel. You may remove senseless rule violation reports without talking to the player by right-clicking them and choosing "Remove [player]". The concerned player will receive the message that his request has been finished. However, this should not become a habit since it is quite impolite. It is only acceptable in cases of senseless spam or insults. Keep in mind that players who repeatedly abuse the rule violation report function despite having been given a clear warning can be banished. A word on private messages: Players are not supposed to message gamemasters directly, so you are under no obligation to answer. Of course, you are free to reply if a message seems promising or credible. However, in this case it is a good idea to tell the player to make a regular rule violation report first, as players should not be encouraged to send private messages to gamemasters. Apart from using the rule violation channel, players can also make rule violation reports by posting on the public gamemaster board. Gamemasters are expected to keep an eye on this board while they are online and to process the reports that are posted there. Remember to post a brief reply on the respective thread whenever you have dealt with the reported rule violation, so the player and other gamemasters will be able to tell unattended reports from attended ones.

4.2 Gathering Evidence As has been stated in the gamemaster code of conduct, gamemasters are required to gather solid evidence before banishing. Verify reports personally and gather evidence. Do not trust in screenshots, chat logs, tibiacam files, or similar kinds of evidence as they can be faked easily. Keep in mind that despite their role as reporters of bad names and bugs, tutors as well as counsellors are considered to be regular players. For this reason reports made by tutors and counsellors should be approached with the same kind of wary caution as reports made by any other regular player. Only the testimony of customer support members or of gamemasters such as yourself is accepted as solid evidence. Consequently, there is no need to gather additional proof or to start investigations if you have credible evidence. Keep in mind, however, that gamemasters have to answer to the head gamemaster, and complaints will be checked carefully. Needless to say, the best kind of evidence you can get is when you catch a player red-handed.

However, any evidence provided by the player himself is also considered to be fully credible. This includes confessions to the gamemaster and statements or links on the player's account page. Note that subsequent claims by players to have lied, to have been sarcastic etc. are not accepted. Once you have come to the conclusion that a player deserves a punishment, contact him and inform him about his rule break before actually banishing, as this helps a lot to avoid questions and complaints. This is especially important for notations, as players do not get a message when receiving them. Finally, a word on names: Before reporting a name make sure that it actually violates the Tibia Rules. Remember that you risk getting a bad report if you repeatedly report names which are definitely not against the Tibia Rules, and bad reports will be taken into account by the head gamemaster. Needless to say, reports of borderline names will not lead to a bad entry in your record.

4.3 Performing Punishments Once you have gathered solid evidence and informed the player, you can proceed to the actual step of punishing the player. All punishments and name reports are made in the game using a special client dialog. Open the dialog "Banishments & Namelocks" either by hitting the key combination Ctrl+Y or by right-clicking on a player you wish to report or punish and choose "Rule Violation" from the context menu. The dialog consists of the following parts: a) Name Enter the name of the player that should be reported for a namelock, banished or get a notation. When you open the dialog by right-clicking on a player, the name of this character will already be inserted in this field. Note that you cannot leave this field empty. b) Reason This menu lists up to 29 potential punishment reasons that are based on the Tibia Rules, including the individual numbers of each rule: •1a)

Offensive name Name containing part of sentence •1b) Name with nonsensical letter combination •1b) Invalid name format •1c) Name not describing person •1c) Name of celebrity •1c) Name referring to country •1c) Name to fake player identity •1c) Name to fake official position •2a) Offensive statement •2b) Spamming •2c) Advertisement not related to game •2c) Real money advertisement •2d) Non-English public statement •2d) Off-topic public statement •2e) Inciting rule violation •3a) Bug abuse •3b) Game weakness abuse •3c) Macro use •3d) Using unofficial software to play •1b)


Hacking •3f) Multi-clienting •3g) Account trading •3g) Account sharing •4a) Threatening gamemaster •4b) Pretending to have official position •4b) Pretending to have influence on gamemaster •4c) False report to gamemaster •Destructive behaviour Tutors and counsellors can use a limited version of this dialog which only allows them to report names (1a to 1c). Of course, they are not allowed to hand out notations or banishments. Please select the applicable punishment reason from the menu. If a player commits several rule breaks at once (e.g. spamming insults), choose the rule violation you consider to be the most serious in the case at hand. In such cases it is a good idea to add an explanatory comment which mentions potential other rule breaks committed at the same time as explained further below. Make sure to select the correct reason for your punishment to avoid confusion and discussions due to such mistakes. If none of these reasons adequately describes the offence, you may select the reason "Destructive behaviour". This should only be used as a last resort since most possible offences are covered by the other reasons. It is required to add a detailed comment to the banishment to explain the nature of the destructive behaviour. c) Action This menu is used to select the action that needs to be taken. Depending on your position and the punishment reason chosen you will see the following options: •Notation:

Notations are entries in criminal records that can be handed out for any offence. Unlike banishments, they usually do not result in a player's exclusion from the game or the forum. They should therefore be given to players as a warning to follow the rules in future. However, as they are considered to be official punishments you should take them into account when forming your opinion on a player. Always make sure to check an account's criminal record before deciding on what punishment to give. If a player has one or more previous notations, he may be banished even if his most recent offence was comparatively minor. Also, as players do not receive automatic messages upon receiving a notation you should make sure to tell players when giving them a notation. Note that notations that are being given by the system for spoiling house auctions are actually taken into account for the banishment progression. A notation for spoiling auctions will automatically result in a regular banishment if there already are two previous notations for spoiling auctions on the account's criminal record. •Namelock: Use this option to report a character name to the customer support. Upon reporting the name, the character will not be kicked from the game. However, once the name report has been approved by the customer support, the character cannot log into the game or be used to post at the forum until it has been successfully renamed. This option is available to tutors, counsellors, gamemasters and the customer support for all punishment reasons concerning violations of the name rules. If the name has already been reported or confirmed as valid, you will receive a message. Please keep in mind that the guidelines on reporting names that are detailed in the tutor guide and the name report reference apply for all name reporters, including gamemasters.


Use this option to report a name to the customer support and to apply an account banishment according to the banishment progression. The concerned player is forced to leave the game immediately and remains excluded from the game as well as from the boards. The duration is determined according to the banishment progression by default. Players should be punished like this if they have intentionally created a character with an offensive name, or if they have tried to fake the name of another player or an official title in order to fool others. If the name has already been reported, you will receive a corresponding message, but the banishment will be carried out unless the player is also banished already. If the namelock is not approved by the customer support, the banishment will automatically be lifted. This option is available to gamemasters and the customer support for all punishment reasons concerning violations of the name rules. •Namelock/AccountBan + FinalWarning: This is an additional option only available to the head gamemaster and to other customer support members. All that has been said concerning Namelock/AccountBans also applies here, however, a final warning is also added to the successfully executed banishment. The banishment is automatically set to a duration of 30 days. •AccountBan: This is the standard banishment type used for most rule violations. The concerned player is forced to leave the game immediately and is excluded from the game as well as from the boards. The duration is set according to the banishment progression by default, but you may adjust it in important cases on the website as explained below. If an account has already been banished, you will receive an according message and no additional banishment will be carried out. This option is available to gamemasters and the customer support for all punishment reasons except for violations concerning the name rules. •AccountBan + FinalWarning: This is an additional option that is only available to the customer support. Everything concerning AccountBans also applies here, however, a final warning is also added to the successfully executed banishment. The banishment is automatically set to a duration of 30 days. d) Comment In this field you can enter a comment concerning the punishment to provide further details for purposes of reference (e.g. part of offensive statement). Explanatory comments are especially important if a player committed several rule breaks at once, or if you have selected the reason "destructive behaviour". Note that you must not leave the comment field empty when reporting names. This field is available to tutors, counsellors, gamemasters and the customer support for all punishment reasons. e) IP Address Banishment By checking this box, you can apply an IP address banishment in addition to an account banishment. It has a standard duration of 24 hours and cannot be adjusted or changed anymore unless the whole banishment is deleted. During this period of time no account playing from this IP address can log into the game. This option is available to gamemasters and to the customer support for all punishment reasons. Note that this kind of banishment can only be used if the character is online. Also, please keep in mind that this kind of banishment should be used with caution, as it is possible that more players are affected than the one who committed the rule violation. It is recommended to hand out IP address banishments only if a player keeps on violating the rules using different accounts despite having been banished already. After checking the entries you made click the button "Ok" to submit the punishment or to report the name. Note that you have to provide at least a name, a reason, an action and, if the rule violation was connected to an illegal name, a comment before you submit, else the banishment cannot be

performed. You will receive a message informing you about the success or failure of the action. Keep in mind that it is not possible to banish an account while a previous banishment is still active, although namelocks or notations may still be given. If you find a player has already been banished for a different rule violation, simply extend his banishment. For instructions on how to modify banishments please see below. Also, note that it is not possible to namelock, banish, or give notations to gamemaster accounts. A tutor, counsellor or gamemaster who attempts to do so will receive a corresponding error message. Finally, if you change your mind, click button "Cancel" to discard all entries and to close the dialog.

4.4 Banishment Resolution Whenever a player is banished, the system automatically reviews the account's criminal record and determines the banishment duration accordingly. The duration increases with each banishment, until the account is eventually deleted. This is the so-called "banishment progression". The standard banishment durations are automatically set in the following way: •First

offence: 7 days offence (different rule violation): 15 days •Second offence (same rule violation as with first offence): 30 days and final warning •Third offence (no previous final warning): 30 days and final warning •Fourth offence or previous final warning: Infinite banishment duration. The account is reported to the customer support for revision. Unless the punishment is unjustified, however, the account will be scheduled for deletion. •Second

The idea behind the banishment progression is to make sure players who violate the rules repeatedly or in a systematic manner are dealt with effectively. Note that no difference is made between free and premium accounts. Keep in mind, however, that notations, namelocks or IP banishments do not count towards the banishment progression. Account deletions are usually preceded by so-called "final warnings". These warnings are added if a player receives a second banishment for the same rule violation, or if an account is banished for the third time. This final warning will be displayed in red letters in the criminal record to make the player understand that further rule violations will result in permanent exclusion of the account from the game. Note that if a rule violation is especially serious (e.g. account trading or the use of macros), a gamemaster can also request a final warning for the account, even though this is the first banishment for the account. Requests for final warnings must be made on the corresponding thread on the gamemaster board. If the head gamemaster agrees that a rule violation justifies a final warning, he will manually add the final warning and extend the banishment duration to 30 days. Although gamemasters cannot add final warnings themselves, they can adjust banishment durations if they feel the seriousness of a rule violation justifies such a step. If you think that a player's banishment should be reduced or extended, you can subsequently change the default duration. To do so, view the banishment in the criminal record of the player as explained further below in section 4.6. Note, however, that this has no effect on the banishment progression. For example, if you change the banishment duration of the first offence from 7 to 20 days, the next rule break done by the player will be punished normally with either 15 days or with 30 days and a final warning, depending on the type of rule violation as explained above. Unless the punishment was a namelock, you can also delete entries in the criminal record if it should prove to be unjustified, or add, remove or edit the comment of the criminal record entry. However, regular gamemasters can only adjust their own punishments, and only within the time frame of a certain objection period as explained below. The head gamemaster and other members of

the customer support are allowed to edit all punishments (except for namelocks), even if the objection period has passed. If an account with a final warning in its criminal record is banished again, the banishment duration will be automatically set to infinite. Also, a deletion information will be added. Once the objection period has passed the account will be automatically reported to the customer support. Once the deletion is confirmed by the customer support the account can no longer be used by the player, and it will not be displayed to other players anymore. Note that gamemasters also can request immediate account deletions on the gamemaster board if they feel the seriousness of a rule violation justifies such a step, or if they believe that the respective account is a worthless account that has been created for the sole purpose of creating trouble ("trash account"). However, the final say on when an account is deleted always rests with the customer support.

4.5 Criminal Records Every account has a criminal record which lists all punishments applied due to rule violations of the player. If an account has not received a single punishment yet, or if the last rule violation is older than 6 months, no criminal record for this account will be shown. To inspect the criminal record of a player, first log into your account, go to community/characters and enter the name of a character the player uses. The character information page will show the criminal record of the account containing this character. Criminal records consist of the following parts: a) Date The time and date when the punishment was performed. b) Character The name of the character which received the punishment. c) Type One of the following types of entries: •AccBan:

Banishment of the complete account. For the duration of the banishment no character of the account may log into the game or post on the forum. •IP: Banishment of the IP address for 24 hours. During this time no player using this IP address is allowed to log into the game. •Namelock: Change of character name due to a violation of a name rule. •Notation: A comment or warning in the criminal record without any immediate consequence except for tutors, who are dismissed automatically upon receiving a notation. d) Reason for the Banishment One of 29 predefined reasons as explained further above as well as possibly an additional comment shown in brackets and/or a final warning displayed in red. e) Duration The length in days or the status of the punishment (if applicable). Namelocks can have four different status types: •Reported:

The corresponding name has already been reported, but the namelock has not yet been approved by the customer support. The character can still log into the game. •Locked: The namelock is approved by the customer support, but the player has not yet suggested a new name. From this point on, the character is blocked from the game until it

has been successfully renamed. •Pending: The player has suggested a new name which has not yet been accepted by the customer support. •Renamed: The player has suggested a new name which has been approved by the customer support. The character is renamed and can log into the game again. If the banishment duration is shown as infinite, the player is either banished for invalid payment or the account is investigated for a probable deletion due to too many rule breaks. A banishment due to invalid payment does not count to the banishment progression and will lead to a deletion in repeated cases. f) Gamemaster The name of the gamemaster who performed the banishment or the name of the tutor or counsellor who reported a name. Please take note that this information is confidential and not to be given out to the banished player.

4.6 Banishment Information By clicking on the button "View" in the line of an entry in a criminal record you can display further details of the punishment and adjust them. Please note that not all of the details mentioned below are viewable for you or displayed at all, depending on the type of punishment and on your position. a) Type A short description about the type of the punishment and its effect. b) Warning or Note (red text) If a final warning was added to the account banishment, the text of the final warning will be displayed here ("Account will be deleted in case of further rule violations!"). If the banishment is infinite due to a rule break committed after a final warning, the account deletion is announced in this line ("Account scheduled for deletion!"). c) Modified by (red text) The name of the last gamemaster who modified the punishment. d) Modification date (red text) The date when the punishment was last modified. e) Character Name of the character who received the punishment. f) Reason One of 29 predefined punishment reasons as explained further above in section 4.3. g) Comment This field displays additional explanations or details concerning the punishment which the gamemaster specified when performing the banishment as explained in section 4.3. During the objection period, gamemasters can add, remove or edit the comment. Customer support members can add, remove or edit all comments to a banishment for an unlimited period of time unless the banishment is deleted. h) Gamemaster The name of the gamemaster who performed the punishment. In case of namelocks you will find

the name of the reporting tutor, counsellor or gamemaster here. i) Date The time and date when the punishment was performed. j) Until The time and date when the banishment will be lifted. k) Duration This pull-down menu is used to modify the length of the banishment by either the gamemaster who performed the corresponding banishment or any customer support member to anything between 1 and 30 days. It is possible to set a banishment with an infinite duration to a certain amount of days, but not vice versa. After the objection period has passed, the banishment is finalised and cannot be changed anymore by a regular gamemaster. However, the customer support can still modify all banishments for an unlimited period of time unless the banishment is deleted. l) Warning This check box can only be seen by the customer support. When checked and submitted, a final warning will be added to the corresponding banishment. By unchecking, you can also remove final warnings. If a banishment was deleted, the check box is not available anymore. m) Deletion This check box is displayed for the gamemaster who performed the banishment as well as for all customer support members. By checking and submitting, the entry in the criminal record will be removed. Only the customer support can still view deleted banishments, which will be displayed in grey. However, they cannot be edited anymore. Note that a deleted entry cannot be restored anymore. By clicking on the button "Submit" which only appears if you have the right to modify the banishment, the changes you made become active and the banishment is adjusted. If you click on the button "Back", you return to the overview of the criminal record and possible changes are discarded. Additionally, the customer support and the gamemaster who performed the punishment can read the complete complaint thread in this view.

4.7 Complaints Starting from the day the punishment was performed a player has seven days to complain if he considers a punishment to be unjustified. If no objections are being raised during this period of time, the punishment will be finalised and it can neither be adjusted, deleted nor complained about anymore. Only the responsible head gamemaster or another customer support member will be able to modify the punishment. Once the player has complained the objection period is paused until he receives a reply from the corresponding gamemaster. When the answer of the gamemaster arrives in his account the objection period is reset to seven days. This means that a player can continue the discussion until he does not take any further action for at least seven days, or until the complaint has been closed by the head gamemaster or by some other customer support member. Note that players are not allowed to file complaints about namelocks, auto-banishments or about punishments performed by the customer support.

When answering complaints, stay polite and answer any questions that the player may have concerning his punishment. There are a number of very common points raised in complaints, including questions concerning the violated rule, claims that somebody else actually committed the rule violation, and many more. The standard answers supplied on the private gamemaster board cover all common lines of argument that can be found in player complaints. They should help you to handle most common cases efficiently and correctly. Keep in mind, though, that the answers are only standard replies. You are encouraged to adjust them according to each specific case. Furthermore, keep in mind that a good reply to a player complaint should also contain a brief summary of what has happened from your perspective. Remember that complaints are often forwarded by the player to the head gamemaster for revision. Since players frequently do not give coherent descriptions of what has happened the head gamemaster often has to rely on the gamemaster for detailed information. For this reason obscure statements such as "You know why you are banished" will not be appreciated. Always keep in mind that head gamemasters can check the complaint thread belonging to a punishment anytime by viewing the entry in the criminal record of a player as described in the previous section. If a player should commit further rule violations in his complaint, e.g. by making offensive statements or by admitting to further rule violations, you should clearly warn him and in severe cases also add a banishment or extend the existing banishment's duration.

5 Gamemaster Directive The aim of this section is to give practical hints and advice concerning individual rule violations. For this reason, the following structure mirrors that of the Tibia Rules. The first five sections cover the same types of rule violations as the rules, while the final section focuses on a number of special cases.

5.1 Names Names that violate the Tibia Rules should be reported to the customer support via the punishment dialog as explained above. This will not remove the character from the game or influence him in any way. As soon as the name report is approved by the customer support (usually within the next 24 hours), the character cannot log into the game anymore or be used to post at the forum until he has been successfully renamed. Once a name has been approved by the customer support, it is not possible to report it again. However, if you have serious objections against a name which was approved, please report the approved name and explain. If it is not obvious why the name violates a rule (e.g. name in a foreign language or name of the faked character), please use the comment field to explain the violation. Moreover, double-check reports of such bad names made by players to make sure the reports are correct. Please note that all reports of approved names must be made on the thread on the tutor board that is reserved for this task, including reports made by gamemasters. For a full description of the process as well as for useful hints on when to report names please see the tutor guide as well as the name reference on the tutor board. Note, however, that even though the process of reporting names is identical for all classes of helpers, gamemasters have the privilege of being able to apply banishments in addition to namelocks if they find a name justifies such a step. Three kinds of name reports may be accompanied by banishments: Offensive names, names that are intended to fake the identity of another player, or names that have been created to fake an

official position. Reports of namefaking should always be accompanied by banishments once you have established beyond doubt that the player intentionally and with malicious intent faked another player or an official position. Mildly offensive names may be let off without a banishment, but any name that clearly violates name rule 1a should be banished according to the progression. Note that it is never necessary to re-edit banishments for illegal names, as any such banishment is reviewed by the customer support during the name process anyway. The corresponding support member can adjust the banishment duration or, if necessary, even delete concerned accounts at once. A word on guild names: Finally, please note that the name rules also apply to guild names, guild ranks and guild titles as described in the comments. Contact the leader of the guild to remove a name problem. In severe cases or if the guild leader does not cooperate, banish the guild leader and remove the bad titles or ranks at the guild page (you have to be logged into your account for this action). In case of the guild name the head gamemaster or any other customer support member should disband the whole guild after a warning to the guild members.

5.2 Statements Statements that violate the rules can be found in many places, including the forum, character information on the website and, of course, in the game itself. Note that statements made by players can be used as valid evidence against them. Subsequent claims to have been ironic or sarcastic are not accepted, although you should, of course, always consider the context of the statement when banishing. Also, keep in mind that attempts to render statements more harmless by using wildcharacters or abbreviations (e.g. "f**ker", "stfu!") should not be rewarded. Gamemasters can report illegal statements made on the boards just like senior tutors and counsellors can. For details on making board reports please see the instructions and guidelines provided in the tutor guide as well as the board report reference on the tutor board. Again, please keep in mind that the guidelines that are laid out in the tutor guide fully apply to all classes of helpers, including gamemasters. There is no need to provide any extra rule enforcement, as the customer support will process the report and, if necessary, apply punishments to the posting player. As far as the website is concerned, any text, link etc. that can be edited by players is considered to be a statement, and if any of these statements violates the rules in any way, the player may be punished accordingly. Evidence that is provided by players against themselves is considered to be valid. Thus, character comments such as "new owner" are sufficient reason to banish the account, as are links to images that clearly show the character violating a rule. If a different character is shown while violating a rule, you may consider handing out a punishment for "Inciting rule violation", provided the image has clearly not been attached with the intention to criticise or accuse the player. Keep in mind that the evidence provided by such screenshots must be unambiguous. If you cannot establish beyond doubt that a rule has been broken, you must not punish the player. Once you have handed out a punishment to a player for an illegal statement on his account page, character comment or guild page, you should remove the statement. However, remember to leave a note in the banishment comment that the respective statement has been deleted to inform any future gamemaster or customer support member who checks the players criminal record. Finally, some comments on statements made in the game. Needless to say, the points that have been raised at the beginning of this section also apply to statements of this kind. However, even though they are considered to be valid evidence, gamemasters should respect the privacy of players. For this reason, they should not attempt to sneak into private chat channels or guild chats to serve as

witnesses while other players try to trick alleged rule violators into confessing. Only statements that are directly made to gamemasters may be used as evidence, as are all kinds of statements that are made in the public. As a rule, we suggest the following procedure for public statements in the game: •First

off, give a clear warning using red text. You may also consider handing out notations to players to add weight to your warning. In this case you should make sure to inform the respective players of their notations, though. Also, check the player's criminal record beforehand to see if he has made illegal statements before. •If players do not heed your warning, you should apply account banishments according to progression. Needless to say, statements that seriously violate the rules should result in instant banishments. Also, the special problems posed by individual statement rules must be taken into consideration. •Offensive

statement Statements can vary greatly in offensiveness. For this reason, punishments may be anything between mere warnings and 30 days + final warning. Examples of extremely offensive statements include seriously racist remarks, extremely foul insults etc. Note that, as a rule, statements that are meant to attack or insult others are considered to be worse than, say, simple exclamations of disgust or anger. Thus, of the two common exclamations "Stfu" and "wtf", the first one is definitely more insulting and thus more offensive than the second. •Spamming Even though there are technical impediments, it is still possible to spam in Tibia. Examples of spamming include excessive repetitions within single statements on the trade channel ("Buy Sword!Buy Sword!Buy Sword!Buy Sword!") and the use of so-called ASCII art. Moreover, if players deliberately and systematically repeat statements within the allowed frame of the automatic spam control over and over again, they may also be banished. Punishments for spamming should range between notations and banishments according to progression. •Advertisement not related to the game The seriousness of this rule violation can also differ greatly depending on the intention of the player and the nature of the item that is being advertised. Players who casually discuss about merchandise products of their favourite football club may be let off with notations. On the other hand, if a player deliberately advertises websites, commercial products, other games etc., he should be banished according to progression. Extreme cases should be reported on the final warning thread. •Real money advertisement Apart from any general advertisements that are not related to the game, this rule explicitly covers the public advertising of real money trades like buying or selling Premium Accounts or items. This may seem paradoxical as, for example, the purchase of Premium Accounts is actually supported on the website. Of course, it is acceptable for players to have their Premium Accounts paid by relatives, friends or even persons who act like resellers. However, these persons may not offer or request these deals in the public. The reason for this is that we have often found that public advertising of real money trades has lead to incidents of players being tricked. However, note that actual trades of Tibia items for real money are not illegal, and players must not be banished for this reason as long as they do not offer or ask for trades in public. Real money advertisements should be banished according to progression. In severe cases such as low-level free account players offering Premium Accounts to many other players you should even request a final warning, as you can be sure that they do it only to trick others. •Non-English public statement When dealing with non-English statements you should take the careful approach outlined

above, i.e. you should warn players beforehand. Banish only if your warnings are not heeded, or if you have reason to believe that the statement in question also violates the rule in some other way. •Off-topic public statement Generally, players should only use the various chat channels for their specific purposes that are laid out in the manual. However, note that both recruiting players for guilds and for quests are tolerated in the trade channel, although it originally was not designed for this purpose. On the other hand, calls for help should be taken to the game chat unless they concern aspects that are covered by the help channel. Players who make off-topic statements should be warned or, if they do not heed the warning, banished according to the progression. •Inciting rule violation This rule violation has a tendency to be quite serious, so unless there is a clear indication that a player did not know what he was doing, he should be banished according to progression or even be reported to the head gamemaster for a final warning. Finally, please note that players making statements that violate the cheating rules such as selling accounts, admitting the use of cheat tools or publishing links to hack websites should be banished with the reason of the corresponding cheating rule. For more information please see the next section.

5.3 Cheating A variety of diverse rule violations are subsumed under this term, including, among others, the abuse of game flaws, the use of unofficial software to play the game, or the trading of accounts between players. As a rule, offences of this class are usually harder to prove than other rule violations, and they typically require careful investigation. Also, rule violations of this kind tend to be more serious than others, punishments are often extremely tough. •Bug

abuse You can safely assume that players who abuse bugs know what they are doing, so solid punishments should be applied. In other words, the abuse of bugs should be punished by a banishment of 30 days plus a final warning. Please remember to report any bugs you find so they can be removed as soon as possible. •Game weakness abuse While bugs are errors of the game or the website, game weaknesses are actually intended to work the way they do. For example, the fact that characters who try to log in at a blocked spot are teleported to their home temple is often abused by players, but since it is actually intended to work that way, this is game weakness abuse rather than a bug abuse. Other typical examples of game weakness abuse include blocking characters on Non-PvP worlds or on Rookgaard, blocking NPC's by continually greeting them etc. Players who abuse game weaknesses should be banished according to the progression. •Macro use The use of macros to make characters automatically perform or repeat narrowly defined actions is a serious rule violation. Typical examples of macro functions include the rapid changing of outfits, the automatic casting of spells, automatic dancing to avoid logout due to inactivity, or even automatic hunting. Always report macroers to the head gamemaster and request final warnings. A word on so-called logout bots: These macros automatically log out characters as soon as a gamemaster or perhaps a player enters the screen. If you suspect a player uses a logout bot, teleport there with your battle list open and make a screenshot. If a player logs out on you as soon as you teleport to him and the surrounding factors like lots of fish, quiet, well-hidden place, previous reports etc. point to the interpretation that a macro was at work, you are free to banish. Alternatively, if you are not sure, we suggest you put the character on your VIP list for future investigation.


unofficial software to play The use of any other software to play the game on top of the official client is considered to be illegal, as is the use of modified versions of the official client and its data. Typical examples include the so-called "war bots" and "aim bots", macros, proxies and any other tool that automates or changes functions of the client or replaces it or its data in whole or parts. If you can prove beyond doubt that a player uses such software, you should banish him and request a final warning on the corresponding thread. Note, however, that so-called light-hacks are only to be punished according to the progression, as the full-light effect can also be achieved by tampering with legal graphics software. Also, note that the so-called "experience checker" software is considered to be legal, as is "Tibiacam". However, players should be warned that they will use them at their own risk. •Hacking In Tibia, the term "hacking" is often misleadingly used. The traditional definition of hacking is the "unauthorized use, or attempt to circumvent or bypass the security mechanisms of an information system or network". However, in Tibia it is used to describe the systematic theft of account data by various means. Typical methods of hacking in Tibia include the faking of official staff members or of the official website ("phishing") as well as the spreading of spy software. CipSoft's general line is that players are responsible for the security of their accounts, and in fact it appears that the majority of players are hacked simply because they are trying to cheat or become victims of simple deception. However, this does not mean that we approve of hacking. Convicted hackers must be banished and reported on the final warning thread. •Multi-clienting Another serious rule violation, multi-clienting describes the illegal playing of Tibia on several clients at the same time. Note that it does not matter if a player uses several clients on the same computer or if he actually uses several computers at the same time. Investigating multi-clienting can be a tricky affair. When investigating you should keep in mind to warn players not to log out beforehand. If they do, banish them according to progression. To investigate ask the suspects to perform actions at the same time. Typical actions include the quick turning of characters on the spot, counting, etc. If suspicious characters are actually standing far apart, contact them via private message and ask them both to start counting. Convicted multi-clienters should be banished according to progression. Serious cases may also be reported on the final warning request for revision by the head gamemaster. •Account trading The trading or transfer of accounts between players in any form is illegal. Unfortunately, it is often quite difficult to prove. If you have valid evidence that an account has been traded, you should not hesitate to banish the account and to request a final warning on the gamemaster board. If you are uncertain, however, forward the report to the head gamemaster along with any extra information you have. The name will be put on a list for eventual investigation. Keep in mind that accounts that have previously been banished for trading should be kept an eye on: If you find that the account is still being used by a player who is not the rightful owner once the banishment has expired, the account should consequently be re-banished and thus deleted. •Account sharing Another rule violation with far-reaching consequences, sharing allows players to quickly level characters to amazing levels, usually with the result that the powered-up characters are used to bully other players. Moreover, shared characters are often hijacked by one of their users. Unfortunately, sharing is just as difficult to prove as trading. If you are sure an account is shared, banish and report the account on the final warning thread. If you cannot find definite proof, however, report the case to the head gamemaster. It will eventually be investigated. As with trading, it is recommended to keep an eye on convicted sharers.

5.4 Gamemasters This section of the rules focuses on the relationship between gamemasters and the community. It is recommended for gamemasters to reduce potential frictions between themselves and the community to a minimum. Try to separate your gamemaster work and your private life as a player as strictly as possible. Again, it is suggested for playing gamemasters to use names that do not relate to their gamemaster characters, and to hide the fact that they are gamemasters from all but their closest friends. •Threatening

gamemaster Systematic harassment or killing of characters of gamemasters is a rule violation. Of course, there must be a clear link between the player's actions and the gamemaster's work. If you are unable to prove that a player's aggressions are motivated by the fact that you are gamemaster, you must find a solution within the frame of the game just like any other regular player. If you feel you are unable to process a case of player threats because you fear you might be biased, contact another gamemaster or the head gamemaster for advice. Of course, any insults you take should be dealt with normally. The recommended punishment for players who threaten gamemasters is a banishment according to progression, but in serious cases you may contact the head gamemaster and request a final warning. •Pretending to have official position This rule violation is related to rule violation 1c (Name to faking official position). As players usually try to use their alleged official position to steal account data, this is considered to be a serious rule violation. Report such players on the final warning thread. •Pretending to have influence on gamemaster The main motivation for players to do this is usually to threaten or impress other players. For such cases, a notation or a banishment according to the progression are adequate, depending on the seriousness of the rule violation and the player's intention. However, if a player uses his supposed influence, for example, to try to steal account data, he should be reported on the final warning thread. •False report to gamemaster Sometimes players make false reports to gamemasters. If you find a player intentionally tries to mislead you, do not hesitate to banish him for his attempt to exploit gamemasters. Also, note that players sometimes more or less beg for banishments. In such cases you should make sure to check their motivation carefully. It may be the case that a player actually provokes a banishment in order to be able to avoid some other unpleasant experience, e.g. being killed by his enemies. If you find a player who is trying to exploit you in this manner, reward his resourcefulness with an extension of his banishment.

5.5 Player Killing Although excessive player killing is a rule violation you are not required to take action. If a player kills more than 5 unmarked people in one day, more than 9 in one week or more than 19 in one month, he will be auto-banished according to the banishment progression and receive an entry in his criminal record. If you should observe irregularities in the automatic banishment system which indicates a bug, please report them on the internal boards or contact the customer support via email.

5.6 Destructive Behaviour Try to use this banishment reason sparely. Only use it if none of the other banishment reasons applies to the case at hand. Below you can find some examples for applying this banishment reason. a) Behaviour on Worlds Without Player vs. Player Combat Worlds without player vs. player combat (non-PvP) face a number of unique problems because the players have fewer options to regulate problems by themselves. They cannot take revenge on players who deprive them of their fun or even cause their death by e.g. repeatedly interfering during their hunts, stealing loot, blocking areas or trapping them with monsters. Although in general the Tibia Rules apply, gamemasters need to have a special eye on players who abuse the safety of a non-PvP world to intentionally harm or even kill players. It is almost impossible and usually also unnecessary to investigate each report thoroughly, especially if only minor provocations have occurred or if the truth of the report is next to impossible to determine. As a rule, it will be sufficient to talk to the reported player and to remind him to keep up a friendly level of behaviour. Should a specific person get reported over and over again by different people who are independent from each other, it is time for a definite warning and a notation that further trouble making can lead to an account banishment. If the player proves to be a common trouble maker who does not listen to warnings or if you are able to catch him red-handed, you may banish his account for destructive behaviour. Remember not to spoil players by investigating cases for which they usually have themselves to blame. Thieving is a good example, as it is in large majority of cases caused by the players' carelessness. Advise players to use the safe trade feature and not to let stuff lay around on the ground, including loot bags. The risk to bring loot bags home safely lies entirely with themselves. Also, keep in mind that you are not the referee for everyone and everything. Encourage the players to find compromises and friendly solutions with each other and only interfere if it is absolutely necessary. b) Misuse of Power This is a very common accusation which is frequently referred to as "power abuse". It aims at single high level characters or whole guilds consisting of mainly high level characters who are abusing the fact that no one is able to stand up against them to oppress other players and force them to play by their rules. In sporadic and random cases, this is not a rule break. Note that this explicitly includes power abusing by individual players to make sure they win a house auction. However, if those actions continue systematically over a longer period of time, you should investigate them. Be wary, though, as some players tend to accuse other - especially high level - players for reasons such as jealousy. Stay suspicious and collect solid proof before you start contacting the players. Once you have made sure that the accused players are really guilty of excessive power abusing, contact them personally and give them solid warnings as well as a deadline. If they do not heed your warning and keep on terrorising their home world, punish the players in a decisive way. This may include disbanding of the corresponding guild as well as summary banishments of members. Do not hesitate to request final warnings for the leading players. c) Bugged Account or Character If a character or a whole account seems obviously bugged, you may banish this account for the protection of the player and ask for an investigation by CipSoft.

6 Quick Reference 6.1 Gamemaster Account Spells Syntax


omana [name]

Kicks character [name]

omani [name]

Teleports character [name] to home temple

6.2 Gamemaster Character Spells Syntax


alani sio [name]

Teleports the gamemaster character to the player [name]

alani [mark]

Teleports the gamemaster character to a certain point on the map called [mark]

alani [speed]

Sets the walking strength of the gamemaster character to [speed]. Valid values are "fast", "fastest", "slow", "normal"

alani hur [directio Works just like the spell "Levitate" for gamemaster characters. Valid values for n] the parameter [direction] are "up" and "down". alito tera

Disintegrates all movable objects in front of your gamemaster character

6.3 Teleportation Marks Mark



Centre of the elven town


Amazon village in the northwest of Venore


Centre of the desert town Ankrahmun


The ape city in Tiquanda


The outlaw camp


Centre of the town Carlin


The lizard settlement in Tiquanda


The village on the isle southeast of Edron


The desert town on Darama


The dungeon entrance in the centre of Jakundaf desert


The dragon isle near Ab'Dendriel


The town of the undead in the west of Darama


The town of Edron


Entrance of the tower of the green djinns


Entrance gate of castle Elvenbane


Centre of Fibula village


Centre of Fibula dungeon


Fields of Glory northeast of Carlin


Nordic isle Folda


The Ghostlands west of Carlin


The ghost ship between Venore and Darashia


Centre of the village northwest of Thais


At the pit in the Plains of Havoc


Entrance to the dungeon below Ab'Dendriel


On the hills north of Kazordoon


Home sweet home


Next to the depot of the dwarven town Kazordoon


Kings' Isle in the south of the Ghostlands


Entrance of the tower of the blue djinns


Centre of the minotaur town


One of the deeper dungeons on newbie isle


The Isle of the Mists in the southeast of the Plains of Havoc


Town of the undead below Ab'Dendriel


Centre of the village northeast of Carlin


The gate to the orc fortress


Centre of the city in western Tiquanda


Centre of the village on newbie island


Nordic isle Senja


Village of evil swamp elves southeast of Venore


In the caves of mount Sternum


The village on Edron


The witch's house in Green Claw Swamp


Main crossroad in the town Thais


The dworc settlement in Tiquanda


Entrance to the troll caves east of Thais


Nordic isle Vega


At the temple of the town Venore


Near the dragons' lair at Venore

6.4 Talking Options Syntax


#b [message]

Broadcast to all players on game world

#c [message]

Red message in active channel

@name@ [message]

Red message to a specific player