Future Tense Exercises

PROF.ADRIANA ZALAZAR 1. Complete the sentences with “will”, going to, Present Continuous 1. Laura ______________________

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PROF.ADRIANA ZALAZAR 1. Complete the sentences with “will”, going to, Present Continuous 1. Laura _______________________ (go) to London next week. 2. We _____________________________ (have) a party next Saturday. 3. I hope it _________________ (rain) during the holidays. 4. We __________________ (organise) a trip next weekend. 5. It’s very hot. I ___________________ (open) the windows. 6. They ________________________ (go) on a school trip tomorrow. 7. I can’t go with you this afternoon. I _______________(go) to the dentist. 8. I have to search information about Afrika. I ______________ (help) you. 9. Why are you wearing trainers. Because I ______________ (play) tennis. 10. In the future the rain forest ______________________ (completely/disappear). 11. Peter is very pale. He ___________________ (faint). 12. I ___________________________ (meet) my friends tonight. 13. The teacher is really angry with Tom. He _________ (call) his parents. 14. Watch out! You _______________________ (fall) over. 15. What are your plans for next summer? I __________________ (visit) my grandparents in Bristol. 2. Future Perfect or Future Continuous: 1. By the end of this week, I ________________________ (read) the book. 2. I can’t go out tonight. I ______________________ (babysit). 3. Where _____________________ (live) in ten years? 4. They have a lot of work to do. They ______________________ (not finish) it for tomorrow. 5. Don’t make a noise after eight. I ______________ (study) for my exam. 6. When ________________________(you/finish) to do the exercises? 7. Let’s meet at Twiny Pub. I ______________________ (sit) next to the door. 8. Many animals _______________________ (disappear) in the future. 9. Next week we _____________________ (enjoy) our holidays. 10. It’s half past nine! The class ____________________ (already/begin) when we arrive. 11. In two months it will be summer and the snow on the mountains _________________________ (disappear). 12. The film _____________________ (end) at nine. 13. The train __________________________ (leave) when we arrive to the station.