
Future Simple v. Future Continuous A - Put the verbs in brackets into the future simple or the future continuous. 1. I

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Future Simple v. Future Continuous A - Put the verbs in brackets into the future simple or the future continuous.

1. I want to tour the area today. ________ (you/use) the car? 2. Please don’t forget your tie because you ________ (meet) the administers during your visit. 3. The taxi driver ________(take) you to the Savoy Hotel. 4. A shuttle ________(wait) for you outside the airport building at 8:30 p.m. 5. There’s s big sale at Selfridges tomorrow. I’m sure people ________(queue) up the street from early morning. 6. Put on something nice for the party. The photographers ________(take) pictures. 7. You can’t stay here if you’ve decided not to go. We ________(look) for you. 8. It’s an acceptable suggestion. I ________(think) it over. 9. The price of petrol has gone up again. People ________(ride) their bicycles soon. 10. I’m sure this statue ________(stand) here in the year 2010. 11. ________ you ________ (join) us at 3.00 p.m.? we ________ (discuss) the new plan. 12. Come to the stadium at 4:00 p.m. The world-famous football player ________(sign) the t-shirts. 13. This time tomorrow I ________(fly) across pacific. 14. I don’t want to call Janet just now. I’m sure she ________(bathe) the baby and she ________ (can/not) answer the phone. 15. If you need me, you ________(find) me at school. I ________(teach) in pavilion A until the lunch time. 16. The festival begins next Saturday. People ________ (dance)and ________(sing) in the streets all weeks. 17. I’m sure you ________(pass) your driving test, but I ________(keep) my fingers crossed for you all the same. 18. We ________(not/learn) English this month. Our teacher has left. 19. Our neighbours are having a party tonight. They ________(make) a noise all night as usual. 20. You can us John’s computer. he ________(not/work) here anymore. Answer key 1.

Will you be using

11. Will you join; will be discussing


will be meeting

12. will be signing


will take

13. I’ll be flying


will be waiting

14. she´ll be bathing; won’t be able


will be queuing

15. you’ll find; I’ll be teaching


will be taking

16. will be dancing and singing


will be looking

17. will pass; I’ll keep


I’ll think

18. won’t be learning


will be riding

10. will be standing

19. will be making 20. won’t be working