Funnel Hacking Notes Fast Action Plan

Page | 1 Fast Action Plan Hook, Story, Offer Page 3 Your Customers Yellow Brick Road Page 17 Red Ocean / Blue Ocea

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Fast Action Plan Hook, Story, Offer

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Your Customers Yellow Brick Road

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Red Ocean / Blue Ocean Product Creation

Page 21

Defend & Advocate For Your Customers

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Traffic Secrets / Dream 100 Software

Page 30

Perfecting The Challenge Funnel

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The Virtual Summit Funnel

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The Battle For Your Traffic

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Make Them Thirsty, Then Sell Them A Drink

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7 Day Launch Funnel

Page 58

Russell Brunson Hook, Story, Offer There’s loneliness in leadership, often it’s only you doing the presentation, and it’s scary sometimes. But there’s also loneliness in faith - is this actually going to work? Half of you are like a family, but the other half here it’s your first time. You hope it’s going to work, but you’re nervous. Russell did a podcast called Entrepreneurial Scars. A lot of you have those scars, you tried to launch something before, and it didn’t work. Something happened and it crashed. We’ve all been through that. When our founding fathers founded this country, they gave us the ability to risk things in business, such as bankruptcy laws so that it would be ok if we messed up. People will often ask Russell, what is the theme of Funnel Hacking Live this year? The theme this year is the same as every year: “You’re One Funnel Away”. It’s always the same theme, and Russell loves this. Everyone is in a different spot each year. Some of you are trying to figure it out, some of you are growing things and you are one funnel away from the next step. As ClickFunnels got bigger, it got harder to grow. They were asking themselves “How do we get from 50,000 people to 100,000?” Natasha gave him the idea of the One Funnel Away Challenge which lead to the most growth in new customers the last few years. You should be listening and learning, and whatever it is for’re going to be learning from so many different speakers teaching an awesome variety of things. All it takes is that one particular speaker to give you that one idea, put that into place and you’re going to get it. A couple months ago they did an interview with Andrew Warner, host of the Mixergy podcast. He asked him if could interview him on the ClickFunnels story. He does these things call ‘scotch nights’. Since Russell doesn’t drink, he told him about this bar in Utah that was a dry bar, a bar that doesn’t serve alcohol. So that’s where they did the podcast - they had butterscotch and it was amazing. He showed him all of the previous funnels & products he launched before ClickFunnels. There were over 150 of them, he had so many...all these funnels before he tried started ClickFunnels. All this trying has led him to the path of building ClickFunnels and leading you all down this path. This never would have happened if he had not had all that previous experience with other funnels that did not work as well. Page | 3

You might need a whole bunch yourself before your first funnel starts to work. If you tried one, and it doesn’t work, try another one. The first time he tried to build ClickFunnels was in 2005. It was called Dylan Jones was hired to do the initial design. He understood the vision of where he wanted to go at the time and tried and failed many times until he had a specific funnel. How many of you have launched a funnel and it’s a complete failure? They launched this funnel after building a company previously of 100 people, which ended up collapsing. Russell felt like he was still trying to figure out what he was going to do as he grew up. This is a question we should all ask ourselves at least once a week. One night as he was laying in bed, stressed out, he went to and this site came up called “Champion Sound”. It was an email, text message, auto responder site for bands and he thought it would be great to buy this and rebrand it to create this for dentists, and then one for chiropractors, and for entrepreneurs, etc. He bought it with money he didn’t have, for $20,000. But after he bought it, his programmer looked at it and said it couldn’t be put on his servers because it was coded with Ruby on Rails. So he tried to hire someone on ODesk, and after weeks of trying no one could figure it out. He was bummed, thinking he’d just dump the project. But one day, he was so grateful to listen to this voice in his head that said to email his list, maybe someone will know how to fix it. So that’s what he did. He said he’s looking for a partner if anyone knows how to code Ruby on Rails. A couple of hours later, he got a reply. He sent the log in to the guy, and the next morning, the guy said not only that he fixed it, he had repaired all the bugs that were in it. That started a long time friendship with this person. The day they had the idea for ClickFunnels, they talked about him being a partner which was scary. But he said yes to Todd Dickerson, his now co-founder and partner. They launched it a few times and no one really bought it, then they got invited to speak at an event. They did the presentation and about 35% ran to the back of the room and bought it. After that presentation, he said it’s game over, and by the end of year one, they had over 10,000 customers. Every year it’s gone up and they now have over 76,000 customers and have processed over $2.5 billion in sales on Stripe alone, which is $1.5 billions dollars more than last year. Last year, the amount of money ClickFunnels users generated was equal to the 15th highest GDP in the world. If we were a country, and our country was called Funnel Island, we’d have a higher GDP than all but 14 other countries in the entire world. As for our 2 Comma Club winners (People who have done at least a million in sales), we are up to 506 winners, with 241 new ones getting the award in the past 12 months Page | 4

alone. We have 38 total winners of the 2 Comma Club X award (People who have done 10 million in sales), with 22 new ones in the past 12 months alone. Behind the scenes at ClickFunnels, they have 252 people serving you, with 132 in customer support, 43 people working on development and 26 people working in marketing. They have over 70,000 active monthly users that have built over 4,000,000 funnels which have in turn produced over $2.4 billion dollars in sales. In the past 12 months, they purchased dream cars for affiliates, built a super office, opened an office in Atlanta, a production studio in Toronto, and they are still hiring. They took social media seriously last year, with Funnel Hacker TV, and they started Funnel Fridays on the podcast, and had a chance to build his dream house which is super fun and super productive. Last February, Russell spoke at Grant Cardone’s event, and sold over $3.2 million dollars, and is now the highest paid speaker on the plant. That created a buzz and because of that he then released a course on teaching people how to sell from stage. At the Dreamforce event in San Francisco, he showed his vision of ClickFunnels for the future to over 170,000 businesses. Then he traveled to Chicago to meet Grant Cardone but Grant had unfortunately gotten the dates mixed up. So they flew to Miami to meet Grant who flew back to Chicago with them and in the air they built Grant’s first funnel for his 10X Growth product. Also last year he had JP Sears roast him, then did another video with Brandon Carter, continued to do tons of experimenting with new software, but don’t worry they are also sticking to the classics. This year they held an old school PBS style telethon to sell tickets to Funnel Hacking Live. Besides all this, they are constantly updating ClickFunnels to better serve you. ClickFunnels now has over 290 updates. There’s a new plugin that when you put it into the funnel, it will increase how much money you make and help you get more emails, as well as the ability to use Facebook messenger to message clients and for people to get desktop notifications. We listen to you and we strive to give you the tools you need to go and change the world. ClickFunnels’ mission is to liberate and to educate the world. They have supported two amazing charities, the first being the Village Impact charity, where they flew to Kenya to open up their third school as well as raised over $1 million for Operation Underground Railroad at Funnel Hacking Live. Funnel hackers are changing the world and all this helps to spend more time with your family.

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He won an Entrepreneur of the Year award, got to spend more time with his parents (who still don’t know what he does), spoke at a Tony Robbins event, raced a supercar, went on a safari, launched and is preparing to launch 10x secrets. Things to remember while you build your business: 1. The importance of goal setting is huge, strive for the impossible, the crazy dreams you have and even if you don’t always hit it, it’s way more fun than being realistic. 2. The greatest motivation in business will not come from how much money you make, the stuff you own, or how many vacations you can take, it comes from seeing the results of people you are trying to help. When you focus on their results, you get all the motivation you need. 3. In business there’s no glory without having amazing people to share it with. Sharing your ideas, the late nights, your ambition and your struggles with your people - when you do that you’ll find it gets bigger than you can ever imagine. As a small town kid from Utah, he is so grateful for everything that has happened, the good and the bad. These highlights and experiences have just been the byproduct of the greatest reward of all, which is seeing you, the funnel hackers, the misfits, the crazy ones, the ones who see things differently, the ones who embraced our differences and went out to make a real difference in the world and living life by design instead of by default and encouraging others to do the same. They don’t pay their speakers at Funnel Hacking Live, they come because they have been in the same spot as you and they love you. If we want to move from 76,000 to 760,000 customers, we need to change some things. We are using things like tripwire funnels, etc. and we are trying to simplify the language. But some people who may not be as familiar with marketing lingo will say, instead of calling it squeeze page funnels why don’t we call it lead funnels. Tripwire sounds dangerous they’ll say, why not call it cart funnels, etc. We will make the language simpler to get more people to understand it and get them in. The Hook, The Story and The Offer The core foundation is to master this one simple thing. If something isn’t working it’s either the hook, the story or the offer. It’s always one of these, every single time. Page | 6

The Offer Start with the offer, if you are emailing someone always start with the stack slide, no matter what you are selling. One of the founding fathers of our industry was Claude Hopkins. In the early 1900’s his job was the ‘scheme man’. He would come up with the most important part for a company, the offer and they paid him $52,000 back in 1907, just to tell them what the offer was. That was a lot of money back then, but this was so valuable that they paid him regardless. It’s worth your time to figure this out. If you have a product, which is a commodity, when you are trying to figure out how to sell it, the only thing you have as leverage is price. It’s a race to the bottom, which is the worst kind of business to be in. There’s no sense in being the lowest in price, but there’s a huge advantage to being the most expensive. Create an offer that de-commoditizes you. You take your product and bundle it with a bunch of other things to increase the value and make it unique, separate and different. There are two ways to have the cheapest product in town, and the first way is obvious, to decrease the price. Don’t do that. The next is to increase the value of your offer. If I sell you something that’s worth $1,000,000 for a $1,000 that’s cheaper than the person who sells it for $1,000 and it’s worth only $1,000. How much money you make is directly correlated to how much you give. Russell’s son asked why he made more money than a doctor, even though the doctor is seen as more valuable. He explained the doctor produces an insane amount of value but only for one person at a time. But Russell produces value for many thousands, and that’s why he is worth more, because he can do good things for more people at once. You're creating funnels and trying to increase the value. The offer increases the value of whatever it is you are trying to sell. Take dating for example. You have to make yourself better than the other people. You say, ‘Hey, if you want to go on a date, we’re going to dinner, we’re going to this and that”, and you have this amazing date planned out. That experience seems amazing, so the offer is better. It’s like when Todd came to him, it’s not just he’s a programmer, it was that he could turn their vision into reality. Another example is that the new Captain Marvel movie is coming out and Russell wants people to come many want to go? What if he bought out half the theater for funnel hackers? Then you’ll have sushi, and everyone would get their own costume. Then they’ll go back to his house, play on trampolines and it will be amazing. Now how many people want to go see the movie now? Think about how do you make your offer better? Page | 7

They have a product that’s 2 pieces of paper. How many people would pay $1,000 for it? Probably not, maybe, but it works and it’s worth a lot. The person he knows who uses this salesperson on the papers is named Robbie, and he trained Russell and Russell’s sales team on how to do it. How many people want Robbie to train your sales team for you? What if you got the ads and the funnels as well? How about a 30 minute training call with Robbie so he can make sure the funnels are customized specific to you? Now is it worth $1,000? Yes, with all this extra value added. It’s the same thing with the One Funnel Away Challenge. This is a challenge where you get to jump on a coaching call for 30 days. Plus you get the box in the mail which has the 30 Days book, then 30 days of video from Russell as well as from other successful funnel hackers. The first challenge 7,500 people signed up for it and they want to make the offer better and better. But how? The fastest way to increase an offer is to bulk it up with additional information products. There’s a few ways to do this: ● Written word ● Audio ● Video Written things - how many of you want a book but you don’t want to write it? Remember the crowd sourced book, Chicken Soup for the Soul? The most amazing thing is they made millions but they didn’t write any of the words on the book. Russell found 30 people who received 2 Comma awards and he asked them what they would do over again. He compiled their answers into his “30” book. Whatever business you are in, you could find experts and do the same things. People were going crazy for this book, and he hasn’t read a word of it. Find people around you, interview them, make a book. It’s a fast easy way to create a book and content. Another method is you could compile examples of stuff. Russell put together his 108 Proven Split Test Winner Book. People go crazy for it and it is literally just screenshots of split tests. How many people know about Funnel University? Every month they find funnels, compile them and show them to people, compiling cool stuff. Do you have a by product in your business that you could do this with? Consider the public domain, this where is Walt Disney got his ideas. Russell took a wrestling book that was in the public domain, made some changes to it and made over $1 million. Page | 8

Two sources you can find public domain material are: 1) and 2) Ebay where you can narrow your search in the nonfiction books section, pre-1700 and 18001989, etc. Anything pre-1923 is in the public domain. You would be amazed how many great books are selling for $1.50. People will spend more money for the exact same content packaged in a different way. Who has heard of “Think and Grow Rich”? This book is in the public domain and can be republished - think “Think and Grow Rich for Dentists”, “Think and Grow Rich for Surfers’, etc. Russell kept hearing about the book at events. So he bought the book but it just sat there. One day he saw it on eBay, and bought the CD course on it and started listening to the audio video. The book cost $9.97, while the cd’s cost $97 on eBay. There was nothing different between them except the format, it was the same exact book, but he had paid 10 times the book price. How many have read Dotcom Secrets and Expert Secrets? You are here because Russell’s information is packaged a different way, even though everything he knows is in those 2 books. The experience of attending Funnel Hacking Live is worth way more than a ten dollar book. Audio is another way to package things. For example, take the “Life Work of Farmer Burns”. He has a friend that packaged it as a cd and made a ton of money. You can find a public domain book like this one and turn it an audio version for sale.

Interview Other People The 12 Month Millionaire book by Vince James. When it first came out, David Frey did an audio book with the author and they made an audio course out of it. Russell thought that was genius, so he called an author, who was a 20 year old kid who had made millions selling supplements and interviewed him. When it was done, he had the rights to the audio and after he launched it, that product ended up becoming his fist 2 Comma Club award. How many of you have read a book before? How many of you could reach out to the author and ask them for an interview? Remember, these authors are so proud of their book. They are dying to talk to people and share about it, they want you to talk to them.

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If you went to Amazon and found the top 10 authors in your market, 9 out of 10 will do that. Jason Fladlien gave him a brilliant idea. He was doing an offer and he said he wanted to interview an eCom expert for a course he was selling. He called Trey Lewellen, and Jason offered to wire him money for the interview. They were friends so Trey said that was not necessary, but Jason insisted because there would be no value in it otherwise. So he did the wire transfer and he does the interview and when Jason sells the stack on his product, he says, “This is the #1 guy doing eCom right now .He made $20 million dollars in 6 weeks selling flashlights, and I wired him $5,000 to interview him, but you guys can have that interview.” When Russell created his 10x Secrets course, he interviewed Myron, along with a bunch of people he learned how to close from stage from and that increased the value of the course. The last thing you can do is compiling hard to find podcasts and other audios. What if you recommend a particular podcast? No one is really interested in just hearing the name. But if you say, “I heard this one podcast, and I learned X from it”, then people want it. When you curate stuff for value, people love that. YouTube has tons of examples of this. You curating stuff that you think is cool can be bundled into offers as well. Video Windows use Camtasia, Macs use Screenflow. You don’t need a professional studio, it’s super simple. With the very first training that made Russell a million dollars, he had a word screen open on his screen with his notes. Get your iPhone out and make videos, make as many “How To” videos as you can. Rachel Pederson had an idea of creating a product called Selfie Secrets and she recorded it on her phone. If you have a phone, you have everything you need. You should throw a workshop teaching people stuff. You don’t even have to speak, you can have others teach if for you. Many years ago Russell didn’t have a product to sell so he booked a workshop. He emailed his tiny list and said it’s only $5,000 a ticket and only 3 people bought it. So he asked his friends to come to fill up the room. Even if no one comes record it and you can bundle that as well. Figure out what are your potential products you can bundle inside your offer. This is something they do at ClickFunnels all the time. You’re probably thinking that’s easy for Russell, but maybe you sell real estate, physical products, etc. But at this event, you Page | 10

will hear from Jaime who sells soap. She took the concept of the Perfect webinar and blew it up for her company. Vycon is a physical product Russell sells - when you feel a cold sore coming on, you use product and it somehow destroys it. But other people are selling the same thing. What else can I do with cold sores? He can go on Amazon and look for cold sore remedies and folks who have written books on them. He could do an interview with someone who has created a product. Then he says, “You get both the product and the interview. And there are 7 supplements I found that help get rid of cold sores and there’s 2 that work almost instantly. If you get the wrong one, you are screwed. So you’ll get the product, the interview, and the supplements.” That increases the value. Instead of offering 2 for the price of 1, if you bundle it with an information product, it doesn’t increase the costs, but it increases the value. It doesn’t matter if you’re selling information or not. You can sell it for higher because the offer is better than competing people. Stephen Larson is an affiliate for ClickFunnels besides having his own products. How many people bought from Stephen because they wanted his bonus? People always ask, “How can I make money as an affiliate?” Don’t just sell the offer alone, increase the value. What can you bundle together to increase the offer value? Go through your offer, think of as many things as you can. The biggest problem you have when you do this is thinking it’s not going to work when you think of your potential items to add to the offer. Anytime Russell makes a funnel, he thinks of how can he increase the offer. There’s always more than just one offer in a funnel. Click on this thing and I'll give you this free report. Then there’s the landing page, you need their email address, so give an interview. Now if you buy this product and I'll give you these 5 things, and with the upsell you’ll get these 3 things. Don’t build a funnel around the product. You should be looking at it as how you can service the customer, what other things can you give them.

The Story Now we move to the story. Stories also increase the value. For someone to change their destiny, they have to make a decision. For them to make a decision they have to change their state. The best way to change their state is through story. If you can change their state, they can make a decision that will empower them. If you can help them make decisions that will empower them, you can change their life, their destiny. Page | 11

An offer without a state change is completely useless. Think of the offer of going to see the movie with Russell. But the story of the experience of wearing costumes, heading back to his house, etc. that’s what makes it valuable. The big secret is story selling, the story will be linked to everything you are doing. The Epiphany Bridge Story Imagine you way back before you figured it out. Then something happened where you had an Aha moment. Then you get so excited, you have that moment. Then you go on this amazing journey, and you start geeking out. Then you try to sell people on this thing, you tell them about all this technical stuff. But people don’t buy logically. For us to be able to convince people, remember the reason that got you started on this journey. Find the emotion behind it, leave the techno babble behind. Sharing that story will get people to connect with you. False Belief Patterns If someone’s story is positive, we are rooting for them, if it’s negative, it comes across as chains of false belief. Something that happened to them made them have these false beliefs, and they are telling themselves this story over and over again. These are the people who are seeing your ads and are seeing you online. If you don’t break these false chains, you’ll never convince people to follow you. The only way to break these chains is to tell them your story, and if your story trumps their story, your story becomes theirs. As an example, Devon had told Russell about this great ground floor opportunity. He told him he’s got to get others to sign up with this. But he was dealing with a person who had created a story that all network marketing programs are pyramid schemes because of a previous bad experience. So Russell could tell him about this product, but some people will never break that story. The only way to break that story is you have to tell a better story that trumps theirs. He could tell him he was the same way, but he found out about funnels and he used the funnel to win a Ferrari without ever talking to someone. Isn’t that awesome? Now his story is better. Then their story shifts and your beliefs become theirs. What stories do I tell? In every sales argument there is the “Big Domino”. This is reviewed in Expert Secrets. If you get them to believe that one thing, all these other concerns disappear. If Russell can convince people that the only way to get your thing to work is if you get a funnel, people will come around. When you’re selling something, is not about trying to answer every concern possible, it’s what is the one thing you need to get people to believe so that everything else falls away? Page | 12

After you know your Big Domino, there’s 4 stories you can tell. Origin story - how did you find out about this and why do you care so much about it? For simple products, one origin story is all you need. With more complex offers, you need more. When they push their domino over they still have things that block it. There are 3 things that will keep people from buying from you: ● The vehicle ● Internal beliefs ● External beliefs The first thing you need to address is their beliefs about the vehicle, that thing you are trying to put them into. “That may be cool but I don’t know if I can do it…” “I know if I do it, I’ll fail…” You need to address their false belief patterns, i.e. “websites are dead”. But if Russell tells a good story, then the domino falls down. Example: with the funnel hacks webinar, after Russell tells that story, then they are thinking, “Oh my gosh, I do need a funnel, I could have success.” The next thing you have to deal with is their internal beliefs. They may say, “A funnel is amazing but I can’t do it. I have no technical skills. I tried tech stuff in the past and it was hard. I wasted time.” But no, it's actually easy. Look, here’s Grant Cardone creating an entire funnel, it was really easy. They see that and think, “That was really easy, I can do that.” The next thing you have to deal with is their external belief story. “Even if I had funnel, I can’t get people there. I paid for ads and no one came. It doesn’t work.” So then he tells him about this story, about he paid for traffic and how it worked. After you tell the stories, then move them to the offer, go through stack and the close, then make a special offer.

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You’ve got to convince them that this type of product is the greatest thing in the world. You have to believe it in the depth of your soul, address their false beliefs, tell your stories, then make them the offer. Everyone starts somewhere and some of you are just getting started. Some people say it’s so easy for Russell. But the first time Russell spoke on stage, he had a chance to sell his first offer. He asked the crowd, “How much do you think I’m going to sell it for?” and some guy said $1,000 which he actually was. It was so bad. In the beginning, he was shy and awkward, ending his offer with “Who wants a piece of that?” The greatest closer of all time, haha. When you believe in what you have to sell, you just keep doing it and you get a little better each time. The biggest thing is you have to start. Start today. If you have a phone in your pocket, you have no excuses. And that’s the best thing in the beginning, is no one is following and it doesn’t matter if you are awkward at first. Just start and your people will find you as you find your voice. You’re going to fail over and over in the beginning, but if a decade from now, you had a chance to get up in front of 4,500 people, you need to start today and don’t stop. There’s a sea of people here, everyone has the ability to change someone’s life. You have to listen and be willing to try. It will be scary at first but if you don't do it, take that step, you won’t be here next year. So here’s another story. Russell is on stage and asks, “How many of you want this marker?” (that he’s using on a whiteboard). Not many people clap, so he proceeds to tell a story about this marker to increase its value. When they first started FHL, they wanted to use these huge white boards. Then he used the board for the first time, with these tiny markers. Tony Robbins uses this huge marker with a white board on stage. He’s making X’s and circles and it makes no sense whatsoever, but it looks so cool. After using the tiny markers, it looked so weak. Russell wanted a Tony ‘man marker’. So now he gets to use these giant man markers in all different colors. Now how many people want a ‘man marker’? See how the story increases the value of the markers? If you are better at telling stories, it will increase the value. Write down what are all the false beliefs that your customers have? Why do they believe that? What’s the story they are telling themselves? What’s the story that you have that could trump their belief? What potential stories could you create for each component of your offer?

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Dan Kennedy told him you need to create an inventory of stories. As you start talking and doing your thing...that could be a story, write it down. You’ve got to start that now, open up your phone notes and call it “my story inventory”. With each story, ask how will this relate to my customers and write it down. The Hook The hook is the thing that makes you stop, the thing that makes you stop swiping. The hook does not increase the value, it grabs attention for the story. It grabs them just long enough so you can tell them the story. Every story has multiple hooks. Some will resonate with certain people, some won’t. If you look at a comedian, and they land a great joke, it’s not that the comedian just gets up and does his thing fresh. What happened was the comedian probably went to a dive bar a while back, tried joke #1, #2, etc. Out of those he sees that one of those landed, and he tries this over and over until he knows he's got 10 amazing jokes, then he goes on the big stage. If you tell your story and test it with people you know, see what they pay attention to. It’s the same thing with what we do now. When Russell gets up, he pulls out his phone and tells a story online. Then throughout the day he will retell it several times but in a slightly different way, to people in person and on other social channels, constantly testing it to gauge the best response. You would never go on The Tonight Show and say you’ve never told this story before. How do you find the hooks you want to model? Next time you are scrolling, look at the stuff that stops you. The 30 Days book was not his idea, someone else has a 30 days idea, he saw it elsewhere. After you find an ad, you can look at the other ads on that person’s Facebook page, by clicking ads and info, and it literally shows you every single hook that person is running right now. You can do this for any ad on Facebook and see all the hooks. You see 2 Comma Club people running ads all the time. How many times do you actually look at their hooks they are throwing out? Example: Drew Manning of Fit2Fat2Fit. He’s is a personal trainer who is ripped and his clients said because he had never been fat he didn’t know what it was like. So he gained a ton of weight, then lost it all over again. That was his hook. With Natalie, her business was doing amazing at the time, but she shifted from her business to teaching women how to control their bladder. She went from $0 to the 2 Comma Club in 4 months. Page | 15

Garrett White’s ad says “Attention Married Businessmen, learn how to unlock unlimited sex, power and money without having to get a divorce, leave your church, etc.” This is an amazing hook! If you want to be on stage, you have to become better at the hook, story and offer. There’s a hook, story and an offer on your ad. Then there’s the same on your landing page. On each page of your funnel, there’s a hook, story and offer. It’s so simple, but it’s the most important thing. The hook, story, offer grabs then, brings them in your world and gives them value.

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Stacey Martino Your Customer’s Yellow Brick Road Stacey’s Yellow Brick Road process, gets a 91% renewal rate of $14k a year program by mistakenly doing the opposite of what others were doing in their renewal offer. She and her husband are founders of a relationship breakthrough program, Relationship They are successful now, but it didn’t start out like that. 19 years ago, she and her husband were going through tough times and were on the verge of divorce, as her husband told her he was leaving. In one moment, she felt an immense amount of love for her husband so she was desperate and begged him for a second chance, which he agreed to. After he said she needed to fix herself, she was determined to master everything she knew about relationships and single handedly saved her marriage by doing so. Not only was Paul inspired by her transformation, he jumped in with her and made a unique discovery on how to save any marriage. They have saved over 10,000 marriages so far and are changing the way relationships are done today. They accidently created this process and they never teach marketing, they are only teaching this for you. Using this Yellow Brick road you can sell way more to one customer than you think is possible, get them bigger results, only work with people that you love that also love you, and have them thanking you for making them offers. Just like the yellow brick road in the Wizard of Oz, we all have an Oz, a goal, a purpose, something you are moving towards. Everyone has it, a unique pathway to get them to their journey. You want to run down this road, but that’s not how it works. The bricks on the road are kind of like levels on a video game. You have to master one before you get to level two. Whatever square you are on right now in your life, you must master the challenges and problems that are coming towards you in order to qualify to the next square on your yellow brick road. If you have challenges right now, stop and face those challenges, master it. Only when you do, do you qualify to get to the next square. There will be more challenges and problems, and you must solve those and master those as well until you get to your Oz. Everyone who comes to you has an Oz that they want to get to by working with you. The yellow brick road is the solution path you designed to get them there. They have to do the work for themselves or they will never become who they need to become on the journey. You can’t do it for them. But what you can do is map out the steps. You can Page | 17

give them the solutions. You can help them work through the challenges that come up. You’ve seen the value ladder. As people come and work with you on a deeper level, the value goes up. Solution 1 - overlay the yellow brick road that your client needs onto your value ladder so that each step they need to take with your solution in order to reach their Oz becomes your next up frame on your value ladder. The key is you only need to have one step of the yellow brick created to start. The others will appear as you go farther down your yellow brick road with your customer. When they first started they figured out their 8 step relationship transformation method. It’s their proprietary method for how to transform any relationship. You have a proprietary method as well. It’s the steps your customer will take to get to their result. So they took the system and put it into a 8 week program. Take your steps in your system and make that many weeks of an online program to get them quick, actionable results fast. The first step is always to get them quick results fast, get them some momentum right away. You can see the same thing in the ClickFunnels ladder. Whether someone comes in through reading a book or through the webinar, then they come into the One Funnel Away challenge. You can get quick actionable results in just 30 days. It gets them into their yellow brick road with you and they feel closer to their Oz than they have ever before. You then watch and observe as your clients go through the process and figure out what they need next. They figured out their clients had a tough time learning it and living it so they created a 3 day live event to get integrated into what they were teaching, an immersion integration event. Look at what Russell did with the hackathon. They ended up going to Boise for an immersion event, that was what they needed on their next step. Your students will tell you what they need next. With the people coming out of the live event, they realized they were ready for direct coaching so they created a year long relationship program. Again, you can see this on the ClickFunnels value ladder. After Funnel Hacking Live, the next step is 2 Comma Club X coaching, the motherload in coaching and support, it’s the next thing you need. Now most people look at a value ladder and think, “Great I got the free thing, I got the online thing, I got the $97 thing…” and after the high ticket thing, Page | 18

they want to walk away. But they are missing the invisible ascension, which is the yellow brick road to mastery. Don’t make it about you, it’s about your customer’s yellow brick road. Look at ClickFunnels again, after 2 Comma Club X coaching, you can qualify for inner circle, and after that you can qualify for Category King. So they built the same things with their course. Their students got through the first relationship level and they were so ready. So they built Relationship Level 2 and Relationship Level 3 because that was what their clients needed and they were ready for it. And their customers thanked them for offering the next levels for Relationship U. They have hundreds of posts thanking them for offering the next level. Many were messages from other students who encouraged them to go up to the next level. What they did accidently was they created what they needed when they needed it and by observing, implemented it along the way. This is the opposite of what most people do with a value ladder. They ask, “What's the next thing I can offer?” But when you do that you are making it about you instead of them. The yellow brick road is opposite, you are asking what is the next thing that they need. The secret to their 91% renewal rate is to not do renewal offers - only do ascension offers. The four problems with renewal offers: 1 - Some people don’t want to resell to their existing clients. This does a huge disservice to them. But if you only give your client one step on the yellow brick road and they don’t reach Oz, they think one of two things about you, either your sh*t is no good or they are no good. Either way they feel badly when it comes to you. And they want only to find the next shiny object. 2 - If you make a renewal offer, you are almost forcing them to say no to you. It's your responsibility to give them a reason to advance to their next level. If you don’t give them a reason, they will apply their own meaning to your renewal offer. Most will apply a false meaning to it, “The only reason for me to this again is if I failed the first time, so I have to declare to the world that I failed in order to give you this money, and I’m not going to do that”. It’s your responsibility to show them the true meaning of ascension, not doing it again but ascending them to the next level.

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3 - When you do ascension offers, you create amazing tribes and culture, people who can’t wait to be with you again. But if you only one make one offer and just keep making renewal offers, you’ll have churn and burn in your community and they will feel that. 4 - Every step on the yellow brick road that you do for them must be an act of service that you are doing for them. You must be serving them by offering the next step with you. It can’t be because you want the renewal, your energy and your motive matters. They can feel you coming a mile away. If you are not offering more levels to serve your customers, you are not loving them enough. That's how they get a 91% ascension rate in their $14,000 program and they thank them for that, every year. They can’t wait to ascend to their next level. That resulted last year in a table rush where 80% of their students closed on a 5 figure program in just 5 minutes. When they opened the ascension opportunity, 80% stood up and ran back to the back of the room to ascend. In order for this to work, your solution has to deliver on the results. No one wants to buy crap a second time. They have a 99% success rate with their students. When you love your customers you will stop at nothing to service them.

4 Steps to Implementation 1. Choose your avatar, love your customer, be a champion for them, know their journey. 2. Figure out what their Oz is, what’s their goal? 3. What steps do they need to take to get to Oz, what’s their first step? 4. Navigate and create, what do they need next? What are their challenges? When you do that, you create a yellow brick road instead of a value ladder, it's a win-win model. When you do this you can get them bigger results, work with people you love and have them thanking you for making them offers.

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Stephen Larsen Offer Creation: Red Ocean / Blue Ocean Stephen would walk around for years and ask, “What should I sell? I know how to sell, but I don’t know what to sell.” There’s a lot of work he does before he builds. For over 2 years, Stephen sat side by side building over 100+ funnels with Russell, and he developed a checklist about what he needs to know about his competition, a pre-funnel building checklist. In 2016, he traded funnels for a plane ticket and boot strapped his way here. At the time he was building funnels for other companies. It took a lot out of him to get to this event, and showed up broke. He knew he needed to start doing things bigger and keep going because it's totally worth it. So he showed up and got 5 job offers and became Russell’s funnel builder 4 days later. In 2017, he still kept building tons of funnels and Russell became his Mr. Miyagi. He would build a funnel and then he would show it to Russell who looked at it, the way he would look at his 2 year old’s drawings. He told his wife he thought he was going to get fired. Over time, a year and 3 months, he finally shared a funnel that was approved and he felt much better about it. So he kept building all these funnels, and they launched the original 2 Comma Club coaching program in 2017, and soon after he started to get the itch to leave to build his own thing. In 2018, he ended up leaving ClickFunnels to get his own 2 Comma Club award. Soon after that they launched the One Funnel Away challenge. Then on February 1, 2019, he crossed the $1 million mark. He wanted to test the framework they were teaching so he could say, “Yes, this works!” And it really does. In the last 3 years, he’s gone over 1,000 hours of active coaching, not including prep time. There were several repeated things he would hear in his coaching sessions with you guys. ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

I need a logo I need money, etc. I need to be good at tech I need to be creative before I get started - total garbage I can’t sell my product to someone who has bought something similar I’ll worry about finding someone to buy my products after I built it Everyone is my dream customer - that’s the exact opposite of marketing Page | 21

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My product needs to have better features than everyone else I’m not an attractive character I don’t have enough time to pull this off In order to start, I need to know all the rest of the secrets

These are all dead wrong. He has looked at thousands of your funnels and he has learned that most of your sales messages, offers and funnels are good enough to be making money right now. The reason they are not is because of 3 things: 1. You made what you would buy. Please make things that are great, but your opinions do not matter. 2. You're too focused on your products. The product should be good, but it’s not the reason people buy. The sales message is why they buy. 3. You're talking to the wrong person. If you have a funnel and it’s not converting and you are following the framework, you’re talking to the wrong individual. Red Ocean / Blue Ocean There’s fierce competition in the red ocean, you want to find that. That’s where your “Who” lives. Study it, run through the checklist, and then we build a new opportunity and sell it directly back to the red. Don’t start with, “What do I sell?”, start with, “Who do I sell?”, and then what you sell comes easily because you are solving their problems. Think of it as following the yellow brick road and then when the road ends, you’re going to make a new one. Even Dorothy said in the Wizard of Oz, “I wish I had a blue ocean.” For example, back when the Internet started, there was only one Internet Service Provider. They had all the market. Then more people entered the market. Suddenly you would win only by competing on price. Then the blue ocean became selling smartphone data. Red Ocean Analytics, a checklist to walk through to make sure you know all about the red. Not all buyers are the same and after looking at thousands of funnels, he noticed some patterns. They were creating funnels for the wrong person. There are 3 persons in the red ocean. 1. The first type of person is the die hard. These are the type of customers who get into feature wars with you, i.e. “Does your product do this, does it do that…?” They get really too detailed and that’s the crappiest person to sell to. For Page | 22

example, he’s a die hard for ClickFunnels. You can’t convince him to buy something else. Most write messages for die hards. Don’t sell to them. 2. Next is the person who is successful. They love the product and are using it inside the red ocean. They have enough success to justify the cost of the product. They are hard to sell to as well. 3. Lastly, you want to sell to people who are using the red ocean product but hate it. You’re not trying to sell the red ocean, just a small portion inside of it to people who don’t know another option. Example: “Hey, you know “X” product, you know how it sucks...are you tired of that? You know how this is kind frustrating? Come with me, I know, I totally get it. I’ll show you this beautiful other thing…” You’ll attract the person who will commiserate and say, “I do know, it’s been rough dealing with that…” The customer who is going to your support channel and says, “Sell me on why this is a good option”, that’s not your best customer. If you can look at your competition and you find someone who says, “I'm using it but I don’t really need it”, that is your customer. “Hey, are you sick of using that bloated protein powder? You didn’t know there was another option?” You become the anti-red in your messaging. The second area to look at in the red ocean is looking at beliefs and personal identity. There are beliefs that your dream customers are harboring in the red ocean. It's easy to come up with the right story, the right sales message when you understand what they are currently believing. What are the current red ocean beliefs they are having? Why do they think that’s a good protein powder? What are the beliefs that brought your dream “Who” into that red ocean? “You were probably feeling this before you got there and you don't feel that way anymore, right? You didn’t know about this other option, come with me.” Very easy sales happen in this area. We need to understand what the internal beliefs people are experiencing inside the red ocean as well as what excuses they are used to giving. What are their internal, external beliefs, and excuses they are used to giving? What are those beliefs and how can you change them? It's easy to answer that question when you know where they are and what brought them there in the first place.

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What is giving them some sense of identity? Something is giving your dream customer a sense of identity in the product they are consuming right now. You need to give them a new identity when they buy from you. Customer Origin Story You all have somewhat of a joint origin story. We all have different backgrounds but collectively as a whole, we can all say that we are kind of the misfits, for example. Round pegs in square holes, that is kind of our banner. Now understand what is giving your dream customer that. What is their origin story? Have you watched the funnel hacks webinar? If you look at any script, there are 2 introductions, not one. The first introduction introduces the topic, the second introduction introduces the speaker. There are two origin stories. That’s one of the easiest ways to start of your sales messages. For example, you could say, “Why are you consuming that kind of protein powder again?” And if we can get from them the story for why they started consuming that product, then that becomes a lot of the sales message they are told. It’s also important to understand the journey, i.e. where are they trying to get to? That helps to create the blue ocean as well. Marketers are like drug dealers. Not really, but there are feel good drugs that we all like and need, they are: 1. Dopamine is the chemical of distraction. You check your phone because you want a distraction whether or not you actually need to check your phone. It’s also the easiest to administer, we do that through content, notifications, etc. 2. Oxytocin is the chemical of connection. Religion, relationships, everything that is important in our lives, we want that one the most and it’s also the hardest to get. The way we administer it to other people is a lot of times when they buy stuff from us 3. Serotonin is the one of status, people want the fun of buying. One of the easiest ways to give them serotonin is to give them an identity shift when they buy, everyone should have an identity shift at check out. They are not buying a new product, they are buying a new them. 4. Endorphins is a feel good drug that you have to work towards through personal effort. One of these easiest ways is to have success paths, step by step guides. “Now that you’ve purchased, go through and check these boxes…” Page | 24

The more you understand human psychology, the better marketers you will be. If you’re broke, most of the time it’s because you are brand new or you are not a good marketer. Case study: JCPenney took the fun out of buying. They hired the guy that did the Apple store genius bars. The guy did the same thing and changed the layout of the store. They stopped doing $9.97, just sold at straight $10, telling customers, “We know you are smarter than that.” Also, no more $50 products and a $40 coupon either. But that created a massive stock plummet and purchases went way down. Don’t do that. Keep the fun of buying to your customers. Some of you are saying, “But what if they know the perfect webinar script?” Get over it - they want it, drug dealer/marketer. You are administering these kind of drugs and they want them. The red ocean is what builds the blue, not you. The red ocean is what really harbors all the data. People are already buy, you don’t create traffic or purchases. When Stephen read Dotcom Secrets, he thought this is great. He funnel hacked but only looked at the sellers. Only looking at the sellers is a big mistake, you need to look at the buyers also. It’s not hard, Google and YouTube are there. When you research, think how do they buy it, what are they buying, why they like to buy it? You don’t need all the pieces figured out to know how it works. This is a faith based game. Know the peaks you are going towards and just move ahead. The middle always changes as you move. You don’t need to be a creative genius. You have so much more than Stephen did. Because he sucked, because he was the least likely success story, because he had been broke, because he felt he shouldn't speak, that is what made him followable. If you think, you don’t qualify, that’s crap. It becomes your superpower. Stop carrying it as a banner. The red is what builds the blue, it is the easiest thing to model to build success. That is how you do it. Your ability to build a new blue is how you understand the red. Before this conference, he was walking around and he was thinking about the impact this conference would have afterwards. Good people coming in and trying to learn good things to sell and make a difference. Do it for a reason to help others and also be filthy rich on purpose, there’s nothing wrong with that. Get rich on purpose, there’s nothing wrong with that. If you have a problem with that, redefine your relationship with money and what it means to be rich. Do good and be good.

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Alex Charfen Defend & Advocate For Your Customers Alex’s Momentum podcast is about to hit 1.4 million downloads, up from 250,000 this time last year. He also recently published The Entrepreneurial Personality Type book. While the rest of the world strives for average, we are the minority, we don’t accept destiny. While the rest of the world strives for average, we are the evolutionary hunters, because entrepreneurs are the only source of positive human evolution. We’ve always heard things like sit down, slow down, stop asking silly questions but we are driven to change the world, to make things happen. There are 3 awakenings to qualify you. He is here to show you how to create a movement just like this one. Some of you may be thinking, “I like being part of a movement but I don’t know if I can do it.” You can do it. Every great person in history went through these 3 awakenings: 1. They knew they were different from the crowd out there, how many of you know that you are different from the crowd? 2. That thing that happens where the flip switch is on and you can’t turn it off and don’t know why anyone would want to. How many of you can’t turn it off? 3. That thing that says you are meant to do more, give more, leave more behind, how many of you are hearing the call of contribution? We are driven by momentum to evolve humanity. You are already an EPT. You were put on this planet to change the world and the fastest way is to create a movement. We all have a desire to make a contribution and it only increases. First it's a whisper that says, “You can do more, you can be more, you can create more”, then it gets louder. Then it’s constant, it’s screaming, telling us we need to do more. People like us, our entire lives are about contribution. But as we move forward, we experience a gap and we feel restless. We feel like we are not contributing at the level we want and we know we could do more, give more, be more. As an entrepreneur, when you build a business, you grow your business, but when you build a movement, it builds the business for you. The first time he ever read Expert Secrets, he thought, “This is amazing.” Because throughout history, every great business has actually been a movement. You need to become the undisputed leader of your movement and make a contribution and change the world.

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Movements grow through momentum and referral, they take off on their own. There is such a massive difference between business you sell and business that’s referred. You want referral business and movements are difficult to compete with. Today if someone competes with ClickFunnels, they are not competing with the software, they need to complete with the movement and that would be very difficult. It takes 4 steps to create a movement: 1. Define and unify your movement, tell them who they are. 2. Provide a plan, every great movement in history had a clear plan for execution. 3. Defend your movement against the attack you are under. Entrepreneurship is under attack today in the U.S. There is an entire group of people trying to red tape and red line us out of existence. 4. Advocate for your movement more than anyone else. Step 1 - We have to define our movement. This is where most movements fall apart. You can’t say your product is for everyone. Most companies talk to the crowd and they haven’t identify their movement. You want to speak to your tribe. Your tribe is your movement within the greater crowd. You provide contrast. You tell them how you are different. If your tribe is not hearing you, niche down, then do it again. If you aren't growing, you are probably talking to the crowd. In 2017, he was doing a fee-based business and selling time for money. But if you are selling time for money, you are at risk, it doesn’t matter if you are selling at $1,000 an hour or $10,000 an hour. He spoke to Russell who suggested he niche down and do a podcast. When he started to niche down and start talking to his tribe and was able to identify his client in a crowded room, everything changed. But you have to define and unify your movement first. One of the most intense businesses here is Lady Boss. Alex had the chance to work with them and he witnessed them working with over 100,000 clients. Today the clients for Lady Boss won’t fit into any single stadium in the US. He also watched them go from 18 team members to over 50 team members in over a year, because their movement was compelling them forward. Your team is everything. The second step is to provide a plan, a simple plan. Simple plans get remembered and shared. Page | 27

Example: What is the plan for us here? One Funnel Away What is 90 days of high intensity? P90X What is the 12 steps? Alcoholics Anonymous What is The 10 Commandments? God Note: It takes 2 more steps to quit drinking than it does to find salvation, haha. If you have a plan for your movement, you can show them how to grow. If your business isn't growing, it's probably too broad and/or the plan is not clear. When the plan is clear, you can create a movement out of a diet drink that tastes terrible called SlimFast. The next step in creating a movement is you have to defend against - now this is where you ascend into leadership. How many of you read the part in Russell’s book where it talks about the attractive character and you said, “Oh crap, no one wants to be like me.” But if you are the loudest defender of your tribe, they will see you as their leader. We can put all the marketing we want out there, but if we are not defending our movement, we will not be seen as the leader. Russell runs a software company yet he defends entrepreneurs so much that in a lot of circles, he is seen as the leader of entrepreneurs. In 2007, Alex and his wife started a business in the real estate industry - it was called The Certified Distressed Property Expert. It was sold to realtors and he was not a real estate agent. He defended real estate agents so much and even though he wasn't one, and he was seen as an agent because he defended that population more than anyone else. Are you defending the people who follow you? The more you defend them the more they will line up behind you. You want to defend against the pressure and noise created by the market, created by the competition and created by who they are. If you are seen as the biggest defender, you will rise. Do you get excited by a customer complaint? Every time they get feedback from their tribe, they understand that their movement gets stronger. It’s highly likely they will call them back. They ask what are the challenges, what are the issues then they go back and communicate back to them. The last step is you have to advocate for your tribe’s needs. This is where you go out and become the loudest voice for your movement, you say what no one else will. That's what they did with their real estate product and they produced over $70 million dollars in revenue while pushing the foreclosure crisis forward 7 years. The reason the real estate agents followed him was that he advocated for them more than anyone else. Page | 28

For example, the civil rights movement didn’t have a CEO, there was no entrepreneur in charge but the largest advocate for it was the leader. When he provides a plan to his people, they have one called The Billionaire Code. Remember, there is nothing wrong with you and you are not alone. For all the other coaches that are telling you to change and become something else, don’t do that. Lean into your strengths and build your empire. An entrepreneur with a team never walks into a room alone and an entrepreneur with a movement will never be alone again. Turn your mission into a movement, grow your business, build an empire and make your greatest contribution.

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Russell Brunson Traffic Secrets – How To Fill Your Funnel And Make It Rain How many of you have seen the Avengers Infinity Wars movie? The premise is there is an evil guy name Thanos and his goal is to get this glove so he can destroy half of the universe. About 8 - 9 months ago, they were in an inner circle meeting and Peng Joon mentioned he feels like Mark Zuckerberg is similar to the Thanos character. So that led to the creation of a comic book where Russell and his team were the Avengers and Zuck was the evil Thanos. Of course, the Avengers prevailed. It’s fun to work with Russell’s team because anything goes and you can take shots at Confusionsoft and Zuck. On Christmas morning, they had opened up a package with a comic book of Russell’s family and turned them into a version of The Incredibles. Vince is the man for the creation of Russell’s doodles, videos, etc. Traffic is going to be changing as we move forward in the future. Facebook has made the job easy, but after 15 years, it's been interesting to watch. First it was Google, we all made a bunch of money, but after a while, they wanted the money from the big brands instead. Then people got slapped and lost everything. That’s how it happens, the network makes it easy at first then we get screwed, and the same thing will happen at Facebook. That next wave is coming. Why has Russell’s business been around for 15 years? He understands the strategy of how traffic happens. If you understand the strategy, you can move from platform to platform. If you want to work with Dan Kennedy, no one has his email, you have to actually fax him. But that’s the guy Russell learned traffic from initially, the core fundamentals. When they worked with Google, they understood the overall strategy so when things shifted it didn’t shift their entire world. There Are 3 Kinds of Traffic The first is traffic you can control. You don’t own it, Facebook owns the traffic and if we give them money, they will point it towards our stuff. You are usually paying for it. The second type of traffic is traffic you earn. Maybe you get on someone's podcast, that way you earned your way in. Page | 30

The goal of all these things is to convert traffic into traffic that you control, the third kind of traffic. The only real valuable asset is the list, the customer base. If they were ever to sell ClickFunnels, for example, people would not be buying the software, they would be buying the customer list. Russell is not selling ClickFunnels by the way, even though people whisper about this all the time. The reason why Facebook is so powerful is because they control the eyeballs, so they are able to push whatever they want, that’s the value of those companies, the customer base. You can keep buying Facebook ads, but the problem is if you don’t convert that traffic, you never have an asset. So the goal is to convert it into traffic you own, so when you have a funnel, you can send it there for free. When Google came out with the first Google slap, it stung but Russell was fine because he had built a list of 100,000 people. Now they have a list of 1.6 million people, so if something happens, say with Facebook tomorrow, they will still be okay. The next thing is when we hear about traffic, we usually think in terms of numbers, stats, etc. The thing that we have to understand is traffic is just people. You need to understand who your dream customers are. This is your dream customer’s journey. Russell remembers asking, “Who do we actually want to work with?” He went to Google images and typed in the attribute of their dream customers such as men who are successful and they want to start serving other people, men who who have vision, they want to change the world, etc. When he saw those images, he remembers thinking that was his dream client. They printed it out. Now for the women, he typed in the same attributes and he saw all these pictures of successful women who were his dream customers as well, printed those out, right before they launched ClickFunnels. How do we find those people? If you guys looked at Russell’s customer avatar, how close it matches you guys, it’s insane. It’s all of you in the audience. If you don’t do this step, you’ll end up with customers you hate. This is super important. Start with your dream customer. These people are going on a journey, timeline it out. Your customers are trying new things before they find you. They are in pain and trying to get out of it. Somewhere along the line they are introduced to you and hit your funnel. Now you have this opportunity to talk to them. They have tried so many other programs, stumble upon you and if you do a good job serving them and they get value from you, they will want to go on the journey with you and then you got them for life. People will continue to buy from you unless you either offend them or stop selling them stuff. Page | 31

They are opening up the “Category King” with ClickFunnels because people keep asking what’s the next thing. Your customers don’t want to stop buying from you. Take them on the value ladder to try and serve them at your highest level. After they get results from you, then transition them from pain to pleasure. People are at different points in their life and there are different funnels to bring them in. This is the customer journey. Next thing we are going to talk about is, how do the advertising platforms work together? Back in the 1800s, back before there was Internet or TVs, think about how people bought. They were home and when they had a desire/need they would go out and buy that thing. People bought based on what they needed. That was all searched based. The yellow pages came out in 1886. Then things changed from searching for things to interruption desire. In 1927, the first TV commercial came out. It was 13 years after the television was invented and it was an ad for a Bolivia watch. It lasted 10 seconds. It was the first time people were interrupted with an ad. They had a chance to sell them on the desire. You need to switch from search to interruption. When the Internet came around, the exact same thing happened. We would at first go to search engines and search for things. With search, you have Google, Pinterest etc. When Facebook came out, it became interruption based. With search, the pros are that traffic is really hot traffic but the cons are that it is a price race to bottom. With interruption, the pros are it’s warm traffic, but the cons are that you have to be really good at hook, story, offer because they are not actively looking for your thing. If someone’s on Facebook and they are looking at their feed, they are not looking for whatever it is that you are selling. Instead you are coming in there and interrupting what they are doing and saying, “Hey, you should buy my thing! Check this out, this is amazing!” The next question is, where are they congregating? They are on Facebook, Instagram, etc. When you hear the word congregation you think about church. If you look at Facebook, here’s all the people that are interested in wrestling, all the people interested in Tony Robbins, etc. People congregate together with their interests.

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Where are people congregating on the search based platforms - for search they are congregating based on keywords and on interruption, they are congregating based on interests.

The Dream 100 The whole concept of the Dream 100 is that all these people are already congregating together. Everyone on Facebook has already congregated together in their places, we have to figure out where they are at. With Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, podcasts, blogs, etc, they are all interest based places. With search based platforms, you’ve got Google, Pinterest, YouTube, etc. These places are where most of the traffic is right now. The first thing in this process is to figure out who are your Dream 100 on every single one of these platforms. How many of you have actually sat down and built out a Dream 100 list? You need to ask yourselves, “Who are the people on Facebook that have already congregated together on my Dream 100 list? Who are the people who already have my dream customers? Who are the people on Instagram, YouTube, etc.?” Start building out these huge lists, which is the first step in this process. This is the key to where all traffic comes from. You don't have to create traffic, traffic has already been created, you just have to go find it and build it out. This is what they do every single day in their office, building out lists for people on Instagram, Facebook, etc. Then you need to realize that there's two ways to get into these networks. You can either buy your way in or you can earn your way in. The goal of both is to convert this into traffic you own. Let’s say Tony Robbins is on Russell’s Dream 100. Tony’s got 3.5 million people and he would love to be able to earn his way, have Tony introduce him on his podcast, send an email for him, etc. For Russell, it took over 10 years of courting him before he would ever promote him. Facebook has allowed him to buy ads to Tony's audience to get in front of them. For example, if you want traffic from Grant Cardone’s list, you can buy your way in. Remember, the goal is to convert this traffic into traffic you actually own.

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Now people tell Russell this is easy for you, you can easily get someone to interview, etc. The reality is that there’s secrets to infiltrate your Dream 100. This is one of the most important parts of this whole thing. People will often say that their funnel is amazing, but they don’t always have the ability to spend $1,000 or $2,000 on Facebook ads. That’s okay, because if you can’t spend $5,000 on ads tomorrow and buy your way in, let’s work your way in. Go to iTunes and find every podcast in your market. Your job is not to buy ads, it is to earn your way in. So you need to email those people and ask to interview them, contact as many people as you can. Start building out those relationships. The easiest way to build one is to create your own show. Remember Celebrity Apprentice when it was on? Russell’s favorite episode was when Arsenio Hall was on. They had a fundraising task and all the celebrities are raising tons of money. When Arsenio called his friends, he didn’t raise any money. He was so frustrated and said, “When I had my own show, everyone returned my calls, and now no one will.” When his platform was gone, it was very difficult. For some of you, the reason you are struggling is that you don’t have a platform to leverage. You need a platform to leverage. The platform, the list is your value. That’s why we spend time building a list, and getting the traffic you can control because that becomes your platform. So if you want to get through to your Dream 100, the key is after you identify these people, start publishing your content to have your own platform. You have to start publishing, start your own show, pick your platform. This is so important. If Facebook is where you want to drive traffic, start a Facebook live. If you want to focus on Instagram, do that. Pick the platform that you are most excited about. If you want to podcast, the easiest way to get people to say yes to you is to say, “Hey I have a podcast. I would love to interview you this.” You bring the them on and you provide value to them and it will reciprocate. If you are not leveraging your own platform, you are going to be like Arsenio Hall saying, “Why don’t these funnels work?” It doesn’t matter, it’s time to start building your show because then you start earning traffic. This summer while Russell was in Kenya, he was with his friend, Stu McLaren. They were driving around and he was talking about his Traffic Secrets book and how one of the core elements was the Dream 100. In relation to that, he said he wanted to build this software. Stu’s partner said he literally built software like that and sold it to a company years ago for an insane amount of money. So Russell asked if they could build it again and they actually mapped it out while in the middle of the jungle. It’s going to make this process so much easier and so much fun. Page | 34

Stu McLaren When Stu thinks of himself and Russell, they first met was at Armand Morin’s Big Seminar, in the men’s washroom of all places. Russell talks about buying your way in and he did that. In 2005, he bought his course called Affiliate Bootcamp, and on every live call, he would dial in and Russell would ask where his callers were listening from and he’d say, “It's Stu McLaren from Ontario, Canada!” and after a time, it started to develop a relationship. They ended up becoming business partners on a project. The reason he shares this story is that it all comes full circle and you never know the magic of who is sitting next to you. In Kenya, there was this vision that he needed Russell to meet his business partners. So they go off and this masterminding starts to happen. They come back and they are lit up. So the vision of this idea is simple, there are three parts to it. How many of you, when you think of the Dream 100 say to yourself, “Ugh!” Well, he is one of those people. They want to make the research easier, the analysis fast and the process for discovering the Dream 100 effortless. What would you rather have… ● Russell’s boyish good looks ● Russell’s drive/endurance ● Russell’s brain (His ability to drive sales, come up with hooks) Most people want the last choice. What makes his brain so powerful? A lot don’t realize that a big part of this is that he is constantly researching. He is constantly creating swipe files, modeling what works, savings ads and landing pages. He’s been doing this for decades. Research is so important and Russell is addicted. He has been collecting junk mail and when he left for college, his Mom said she was throwing his huge collection of this stuff away. So they took a picture before he left of this giant pile of junk mail envelopes before Russell went to college and it disappeared. As a teenager, he would read the junk mail and felt he needed to buy these things. He remembered the headlines and how they made him feel and remembers that they were amazing. It made him want to buy something even though he had no money. He literally collected ads from all over and still does as it has become an obsession. He’s got 5,000 ads in his swipe file. He even found an ad from the 1930s and tweaked it for a presentation for tomorrow Page | 35

Russell is always asking, “How did they do that?” and it helps to shortcut the process for him. The problem though is this kind of research is hard though. For him to have to go through his Dropbox account it would take forever to search all the stuff he has saved. How do we take this process and identify patterns of success and identify the Dream 100 so it is easier? Ultimately they created a tool called Fill Your Funnel. Imagine that you are cruising the web and you see a post you like. You just need to hover over the post, click the icon on this app and it sucks all that information into the app so later you can find it, search it, access it with just a few clicks. This makes it faster and easier and you could grab all of Tony Robbins’ ads, for example, to see this holistic picture. When you are cruising the web and you are seeing success, you can save this stuff and access it again and again and be able to reference it and it makes the whole process so much easier. You can also use it to capture your client’s results. This is so important and one of the most important stories you have. They did this yesterday, capturing posts from yesterday from Funnel Hacking Live. They can now use this information for ads for next year. This will give Russell and his team the ability to share the experience of what this was really like. You can also share the folders and have your team also put input into the same folder. It's the ultimate funnel hacking tool for your entire team. Remember when we talked about compiling examples, this is the same thing. Funnel hacking is not copying. It will get you short term gain but destroy your reputation. Funnel hacking is about identifying patterns of success. This tool is extremely powerful. It’s looking at something and getting ideas and inspiration from something. This process fills your brain with stimuli and you will start to recognize those patterns of success. Once Russell saw an ad of someone he had never seen before. He assumed he knew every person in his market. One day on YouTube he saw an ad for someone and she had 1.6 million followers. He didn’t understand how he didn’t know her. There’s so many people in your market that you don’t even know. One person that you find could be a $10 million dollar relationship. Often times we think we know who our Page | 36

Dream 100 is. This system helps you find your Dream 100. It gets smarter the more you use it, just like Netflix, as it suggests others you would like. The more you use it, the more the system identifies new people to follow. The more data gets into the system, the smarter it gets and the better it becomes for you. There are three phases to this. Phase 1 is the research phase. This is where you are browsing and finding material and patterns of success to pull into the system. Phase 2 part is the discovery process. This is where we begin to identify the patterns of success and help you find your Dream 100. Phase 3 is recommendation of the Dream 100 based on the data you have entered. This software is in beta launch at the moment as a Chrome plugin. The more data you add, the better the system works, the more we start adding into the system, the more powerful it becomes for everybody. For anyone who adds at least 100 ads into your account, Russell will include his swipe file into the account and will also add his old funnels as well. You’ll have 30 days to play with it. There’s a bright future for this and their team is in the process of developing a phone app as well. In 30 days, they plan on doing a webinar with it and walk you through the scenes of the next phase.

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Natasha Hazlett & Cristy “Code Red” Nickel Perfecting The Challenge Funnel She is one of the pioneers of the challenge funnel idea, who wrote a book and did $100,000 in the first 30 days. Cristy “Code Red” Nickel She is a retired boxer, now a nutritionist. They met and used the challenge funnel idea in Cristy’s business. They were able to add over 5,500 people to Cristy’s weight loss challenge. Natasha - surround yourself with those who see greatness within you even when you don’t see it yourself. She almost wasn’t here today. Back in March 2016, she was chatting with her husband, Rich. She was super upset, said she didn’t want to be in business anymore. They had a multiple 6 figure business impacting thousands of years, but her tank was empty. In that moment, she didn’t want to inspire anyone. She was depressed, clinically obese, things were bad. Rich asked the question he always asked in these deep, dark moments in the entrepreneurial journey, “What about your calling?”, which usually did the trick, but not this time. “What are you going to do about your FHL live tickets?”, he asked, which was the next week. There was something in that moment that told her she need to go, there was something for her there. She remembers walking into the event in 2016 and she felt so alone in that moment. She was hoping something would reel her back into the business. By day number three, she was starting to lose hope and then one of the speakers asked this one life altering question, “What is something you have never told anyone and how has that affected your business?” She then had an epiphany - that she hated herself and that shocked her. She has never thought those thoughts before. That affected everything in her business. She didn’t want to do webinars or get on stage. In that moment, she made a decision that would change her life, that she wanted to love herself. The word decision comes from a latin word which literally means “to cut off”. There are no other options and the reality is this world is filled with dabblers and tryers. The people on the stage are the doers, be like those people, make the decision, take action. Don’t allow yourself any other options. It’s made all the difference in the world and is the reason she is on stage today. She realized she had to lose the weight she had piled on. It was the physical manifestation of the hate she had. She was in the plane, about to take off and had sent Page | 38

a message to a nutrition coach, Cristy. She was in her office the next morning and 5 ½ months later she had lost 55 pounds. That set off the process of unbecoming. Maybe the journey isn’t about becoming anything, it's about unbecoming all the things that are not you so you become the person you were meant to be in the first place. Through the journey, she found herself. Then she wrote a book, Unstoppable Influence. At the time, they had a free + shipping funnel, but when she did the numbers, the cost of shipping and handling, she found that the numbers weren’t great. So they decided to do a 21 day challenge with a perfect webinar. They were going to bring people into this challenge for $47. Then they sell a $997 product and give the people who bought that a ticket to a live event. At that event, they’ll be introduced to a high ticket offer. Before they ran the challenge, they ran ads straight to a webinar. They had an 18% show up rate and a 4% close rate on a $997 offer. So they had to do someone different. With the challenge webinar, by placing this in the third week of the challenge, they had ⅔ of challengers register, 50% or more showed up, she was closing 20-25% on a $997 webinar. They were doubling total purchases on the replay and just last week they tripled the total number of purchases on the replay. That is how powerful this challenge model is. ● 82% of people who completed the challenge assignments purchased the $99 offer. ● They did over $105,000 in revenue on their very first challenge. They had over 400 people. ● They had an average of 12.39% of all our $47 challengers buy their $997 product. ● Average cost to acquire on Facebook - $44.96 ● Average cart value - $467 ● Order bump conversion - 37% ● Life time value of challenger - $350 They hit the 2 Comma Club in about 2 months. Challenge Gold #1 The topic should be simple and believable. Example: 21 Days to Becoming a Fearless Influencer Page | 39

She says on day 1, “If I give you one life altering shift, would that be worth $47 to you?” If you make that promise, don’t hold back. Challenge Gold #2 The timing should be 14 - 30 days. More than 30 days, people don’t want to spend that much time with you. People love the challenge concept. People need time to get to know you, so don't rush it. Challenge Gold #3 Recommend Pricing - $37 to $97 If you hate money, have a free challenge. People need to have skin in the game. If they do, they will show up, if they show up, they will take action, if they take action, they will get results and move to the next stage of your value ladder. No free challenges. Case study: Heather Her challenge topic is to learn how to set goals and she is in the personal development niche. The time was 14 days, with a $47 price and an offer at the end of the webinar for $997. They were able to turn on Heather’s challenge funnel machine. $36,000 in ad spend brought in $115,000 in front end revenue and she made another $42k at the end of the challenge, netting approximately $120,000 profit from one challenge. This concept is so powerful. Someone else is here that had a funnel that Natasha helped design. Cristy “Code Red” Nickel Maybe you don’t know anything about funnels, like Cristy. She was raised poor, so when she graduated high school, she became a professional boxer. She fought over the next 8 years, won lots of titles, and it got her a show on MTV among other things. She landed up in New York City as a celebrity trainer. But even though she was a top level athlete, she noticed she was starting to get fat. So she created her brand, what she calls Code Red Lifestyle. Then she changed her diet, lost weight. She got an office in Boise and planned a nutrition program but was only allowed to do one client at a time. Natasha convinced her she needed to restructure her program. This worked and she got a lot of attention. She partnered up with GNC, gyms, doctors Page | 40

offices, etc. all because of the challenge funnel. Little tribes of people were forming on their own. This is what you want for your movement. Code Red 2 Comma Club challenge funnel ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Challenge - to 10 lose pounds in 30 days, totally believable Price $47 Offer at end is $997/$247 10% buy the $997 offer The Lifetime Customer Value is $181 (without the high ticket offer) They had a 14.4% conversion rate on the sales funnel page $31,000 in ad spend $226,000 in front end revenue $444,000 in sales at the end of the 30 day journey challenge $670,277 total revenue

Challenge Structure: ● ● ● ●

$47 entry fee, that gets you the materials, incentive gift Order bump: digital/audio book OTO: challenge starter pack, a few Code Red items to help you get started OTO: digital training (people dealing with emotional eating, etc)

They use Facebook groups, everyone is there, people are used to it. Keep it simple. During the 30 days, she comes to them with a training each day. You’ve got to deliver something. If this seems daunting, she uses a program called to upload videos and it makes you look like you are live in the time you tell it. It’s important that you train them every day and give them value. Also encourage your challenge alumni to re-buy (the invisible continuity funnel). They would give out these awesome magnets to put on refrigerators (to encourage healthy eating). Remember the beanie babies phase or the McDonald’s collector cups, people want to collect things. She does similar things with wrist bands. Don’t forget the swag! Cristy designs her own swag. They are different for each challenge. They offer different pieces for each time of the year. It’s a $40 - $60 grand income bump. There are some things you need to implement. Hard work is not enough. She was raised on a farm, got up at 4:00 a.m., she knows hard work. Yet, she was still raised on food stamps. You still need a good team, good products, good systems in place. You’ve Page | 41

got to look the part. If you’re a life coach and you’ve got a restraining order against you and you’ve got 4 different kids with 4 different dads, that’s not good. We’ve all been through crap, stop with your bullcrap excuses. Stop using it for a crutch, get past it. Get your house in order, get your health in order, stop binge watching, drink water. Get up, put your makeup on, do your dishes. Getting lack of sleep is not a badge of honor. Start taking care of yourself so you can put good content out into the market place and do what you were made to do. You’re going to get hit, you will fall down. If Rachel tells her she has a crappy ad and it’s not converting, she’ll turn it off and make another one. You need to take risks. She borrowed $100,000 to start her business and write her book, that was a big risk. Stop saying you can’t afford it, you can’t afford not to. Listen to your advisors and team they are trying to help you. Your advisors know you don’t know. They know what they are talking about, they are trying to help you. The time is now. When they look at the pictures of the tribes they have built, each person they have reached, each person is a pebble that creates a ripple effect a thousand times over.

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Bailey Richert The Virtual-Summit Funnel She has created her own 6 figure virtual summit. Last year, she was sitting in the audience, so if you have these aspirations, it’s possible. Back in 2015, before she was a coach, she was an infopreneur but she was doing it in a totally different niche. After a few years of doing that and being successful, she wanted to bring that knowledge to others as a coach. So she wanted to start a coaching business but she had nothing. The only thing she had was life experience, knowledge, etc but she didn't have connections, a list, exposure. She didn’t want to take the slow route and build up a readership, so in order to grow her business she figured out she should be doing a summit. She knew about them as she had been a guest speaker on other people’s summits before. She had a lot of limiting beliefs about whether or not this would work. But she decided she needed to take action. She completed her first summit and in 90 days, it got her to success that put her on this stage today. Benefits of Virtual Summits: 1. Formed relationship. She was able to connect with over 100s of colleagues and peers. Not all were speakers. It doesn’t matter what world you are in, it’s not what you know, it’s who you know. When you know more people, you’ll make more money. 2. Increased visibility. Thousands were attending her event and saw her as a coach. 3. Grow your email list. Especially if you don’t have marketing money to invest in paid traffic. You’ll leverage the email list of guest speakers. After her first summit, she went from having less than 100 people to having thousands on her list. 4. Generates revenue. Virtual summits are free but they do have products that they sell as well. She went from zero dollars in coaching business to several thousands. 5. Establish authority. With just one event, thousands of people saw her as a business coach. 6. Lots of new opportunities came after this summit. She worked with the speakers after it was over, interviewed people for her YouTube channel, people came to her afterwards and asked to work with her.

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A virtual summit is an online conference where a host brings together peers to share valuable interviews with their combined audience for free and for a limited period of time. 90 Day Virtual Summit Launch Process Phase 1 - Planning ● Determine your logistics ● Figure this out before you reach out to speakers ● Figure out your summit name, overall theme, how many days, the dates of the event, whether the days have themes, how many speakers, how long will the free interviews be available, the pricing of your offer 3 - 4 days for a summit is good because you can host it mid-week. Most people watch it at work. Trying to maintain excitement over the weekend is pretty difficult. The summit is not as important, as the 3 - 4 weeks in advance. After you figure your logistics, reach out to your speakers. You’ll probably have to reach out to 100 people before you get 30 people to say yes, which is a good number. You may think you need to have A level celebrities, but they get asked to do these things all the time. Think about guest speakers in 3 tiers, A, B and C levels. How big are they, how much authority do they have, etc? The A levels are often very busy and may not see themselves as real partners in your event. If you want to have a couple of those to bring credibility, that’s fine if they are there to lend their authority. You really want to be more with the B level, people who have a hungry audience, influencers, people with an email list of about 5,000 people with an open rate that’s high. Don’t burn the bridge with people who say no to your summit, it’s nothing personal. She gets a lot of requests, and says no as well. Don’t assume people will always say yes either. There are people who email her and say, “Hey I’d love to have you on my summit. Here’s the link where you can schedule it”. Now, why would you do that? Give them an opportunity to say yes. But if they say no, give them something to believe that they should work with you next year. Here’s a script that she would tell someone if they said no: “I totally get it. You have a million demands on your time and I’m just so thankful that you responded to me, that is Page | 44

so encouraging and I thank you for that so much. You know, we are going to be hosting it next year and now that you know about it and you are going to get a whole year advance notice, maybe I can contact you then and I can talk about doing it the second time and I’ll have some numbers to show you about how awesome this event went. Would that be ok?” Or she might say something like, “Thank you so much for responding back to me. I really appreciate it and I know you are such a busy guy. If you can’t be on my summit, which I totally get, can I interview you for my podcast instead?” Keeping that relationship open will give you an opportunity to talk to them, to see you as a colleague, and the next time you do a summit or a JV thing and you talk to that influencer, they are more likely to say yes. After you get your 30 people to agree, start pre-recording your interviews to prevent hiccups with modern technology and no-shows. You need to deliver and by prerecording you can guarantee the speakers will actually be on the summit because you will have the videos before you start to promote. She uses which is free for a one to one call. Phase 2 - Creating Get those interviews done as soon as possible because people underestimate how much time it takes to schedule and record. We also need to have a funnel for the virtual summit. The purpose of this is for folks to register for the event and buy the product. This funnel is so incredibly simple. You want to start with the registration page. If you have ever created an opt-in page for anything, then you can do this page. What we are going to be doing is advertising a “free ticket” to the summit. Now they don’t actually get a ticket in the mail or anything like that, all we are doing is putting people on your list of registrants so they can watch live. Next, send them to a sales/order form page so they can buy the all access pass which is the front end offer. The top of the page will say something like in the headline “Thank you so much for registering for this awesome summit. Now upgrade your ticket.” And that’s where we are going to tell them about the All Access Pass which is the front end offer. At the bottom, there will be an order form area to let them make that purchase. And then finally, they will get sent to an order confirmation page that will give them the information on how to access the All Access Pass.

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Let’s take, for example Russell’s 30 Summit. Registration pages on virtual summits are typically long, but with a pop up there’s an image of a ticket to make it seems like an actual event that they are registering for. The next page is the multi purpose page. In the upper left corner, there is a red bar with a big thank you headline, then there’s a video where Russell talks about the opportunity to buy and “upgrade your learning experience” and then an order form at bottom for people to make a purchase. If you went through Russell’s 30 summit funnel, he didn’t call it an All Access Pass, instead calling it the One Funnel Away Challenge, which is now it’s own stand alone offer. He took all the summit content and said he’d give you all of this and the challenge for $100. While she doesn’t recommend doing that, she recommends pulling those things apart and making the front end offer the All Access Pass which is a membership area to put all the summit content, videos and mp3s and/or PDFs of notes or transcripts, or you could sell those as an order bump on your page. Then instead of offering an additional product with that All Access Pass, rather separate it and add an upsell to your funnel. That’s going to help you maximize your profit. Some things you can do for an upsell: ● An online course for an upsell. If you already have an online course, a virtual summit can help drive sales into that program. If you don’t have one, you can presell it. Just have people make a payment in advance and tell people the course will launch one month after the summit has finished. ● 21 day challenges work really well for these upsells. Pricing Guidance Now, these are Bailey’s pricing guidelines and please note yours may be different. She knows her audience and in the business coaching/make money online niche, she can charge more. She has a student in the Christian author space, so she drops the price down to $29, most are stay at home Moms and her conversion rate is kicking butt. Another trick is a 20 minute fast action offer, which they do for $67. They are seeing now 60% of sales come in right after registration with a 20 minute fast action offer discount. Summits lend really well to automatic price increases because the event has very specific dates. You can do it when it begins and ends. Page | 46

So the way it goes is like this: ● You register for a summit and are immediately presented with 20 minute fast action offer, which is a discount on that All Access Pass for $67. If you choose not to buy that in that time, after the 20 minutes it over, the price will go up to $97 before the summit begins. ● Next an email goes out to everyone that didn’t buy the day before the summit begins reminding them the price will go up the next day. ● Then the next day they increase the price to $127 ● Then they do the whole thing over again at the end of the summit as well. If you want to add an order bump, a $27 offer on a $97 summit works pretty well. But again, these are her prices and it depends on what the value is. In addition to the funnel, you need to create the landing page where the videos will be shown for a limited amount of time. Next, you will be finishing the interviews, build the funnel, event pages, and be prepping for the promo. Phase 3 - launching Each one of these phases is about one month. In the first 3 weeks, you will be promoting the summit to all the audiences, the host and speakers. You are leading the charge and encouraging all the speakers to promote as much as possible. A lot of summit hosts get tired around Phase 3 and they think they already did the work and that’s a terrible attitude to have. It’s like running a race, you don’t slow down as you head towards the finish line, you sprint faster. Email gets the most number of opt-ins, so promote with that and give your speakers email swipes, promotional image and affiliate links. She offers 50% commissions, giving her speakers every incentive to promote you around those 3 weeks. Don’t overcomplicate things. You create a landing page and there’s no videos on it. Then when the summit starts, you put the videos on it. You leave them up for 24 hours then take them down. The actual summit event is like when someone opts in for a free ebook. The things that sells the product is the next thing in the funnel. The summit delivery is like giving them Page | 47

the ebook. Let them see the videos, send them the links to the landing pages. The actual event is not the most important part of the summit, most of the sales have already come in. It’s like when you opt-in for an ebook and you get it via mail. It’s not the ebook, the thing that is selling the product is the next thing in the funnel. Benefits of the Summit: 1. Forming relationships - how we form relationships with others is through our speaker outreach. Summits are great because it's great to send someone a cold email. How weird is it to send a cold email saying you really like their content, can you be friends? You can instead say, “I’ve been following you a while. I love what you do and I think you are awesome. I have this platform and would you want to be on the summit.” You are giving someone the opportunity to share their message. 2. Increased visibility - by doing videos, you put yourself out there (do not use audios) 3. Grow your email list - through affiliate’s audiences 4. Generate revenue - selling the all access pass on the front end, upsells 5. Establish authority - leverage your speaker’s authority 6. New opportunities - from working with the speakers, getting new clients, visibility leads Virtual summits are for all niches, travel agencies, wiener dog disease summit, nonprofit owners, etc. If you have other people in your niche you can connect with, that’s all it takes.

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John Parkes Ancient Gods & The Epic Battle For Your Traffic John has run half a million dollars in ad spend per month. He has a highly effective and simple one page ad formula and a method to make your retargeting ads last forever. What if you could have sales rain down upon you like cats and dogs? John likes to use the analogy of cats and dogs. Dogs are fast, they are loyal and efficient. Cats on the other hand are different, they are curious, cautious and flighty. They hunt and are so focused but as soon as they hear a noise, take off. They also get bored really fast. Ads are easy enough, right? There’s engagement ads, video ads, story ads, dynamic ads, gifs, content ads, etc. Yikes! John has cracked the code for you. There’s only two kinds of ads - prospecting ads and retargeting ads. Prospecting ads are when you are attracting brand new people. This is for people who are looking for solutions, they are like cats. They want the thing, they’ve got skin problems, they are looking for the stop, etc. Whether they know they need it or not. You need to think of them as cats because they are skittish and fly away if they think anything is off. If there is anything incongruent in the ad, if there is anything that looks off or weird, they go away. Bad example: This ad for State Farm Insurance says “When the kids have taken over the wheel, State Farm is here to help.” So when you click through, you’ll see a page that stays “Switch to State Farm insurance and they can save you money.” But it’s incongruent - what about the teens?” That ad is probably not getting them new customers. Good example: Ad that says “Get your content on the web’s top site with Tabula and drive more traffic than before.” But when you get to the landing page, it is totally different. It has a different feel and person but the content is similar to the copy on the ad. An awesome example: An ad for Caleb Maddix: You see an ad for Caleb and it says “My dad paid me $20 for every personal growth book I read and it made me a millionaire by the time I was 16.” On the landing page, Page | 49

you see “Finally! A reliable entertaining powerful personal growth for kids!” It’s Caleb again so it’s the same person and message and the ad shows congruence. The other thing about cats is that they get bored and need variety. The #1 secret to scaling your ad spend is to put more ads out. John checks his metrics daily, he now has 317 ads running. The more variety you have, the more hooks you have, the more you can figure out which one is working, the more you can hit the same person from various angles. Too many of us find our favorite ad and figure it will lead to the 2 Comma Club. Your people are curious, they are interested. Why do videos go viral? People want to know what’s up because people are sharing. That’s why curiosity works. Don’t scare the cats off - be congruent and make sure you have some variety. They can successfully feel like they are on the hunt and bought the right thing. Remember, these audiences are curious, easily tempted, easily scared and quickly bored. Retargeting ads - this is you taking people to the next level of conversion. When done properly, these will account for the bulk of your success. Think of it like dogs. Speed is a big requirement for this. Retargeting is like the dogs are after it, not the cats. You’ve got to keep the retargeting windows short. People keep retargeting windows for 90 days and they wonder why it is not working. There’s no way people will remember it 90 days from now. Loyalty - if they stick around, you keep moving them up. Tom Breeze talks about this, he calls it “the naughty list”. If they are looking at your ads for a while and don’t take action, exclude them and don’t run ads to them anymore, put them on the naughty list. If they click through and go farther, keep them. Efficiency - use the right campaign objection. Every penny counts, we need to make sure every dollar we spends goes towards the right kind of buyer. One way to be inefficient is people “double filtering”. When you require that someone takes so many actions to be on audience, for example, when you required that they opt-in on your website, then saw your sales page before they got to this specific audience, you have a significant amount of filtering. You don’t need Facebook’s helps to filter anymore and you are increasing your costs if you are paying for that extra filtering.

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If you have a campaign objective that’s really picky, for example, you only want purchase conversions, that’s saying you only want the 10% off the top. If you have already super filtered your audience, why are you not saying you want to know who they all are. You want all of them and you want them cheaply. Save that for prospecting. If you want to be efficient, choose someone in reach, where you are asking to show it to everyone on this list as cheap as you can. With efficiency, you get to choose how frequent, you can say you only want one impression per day, that audience only lives for 5 days, and so the most they will ever see it is for 5 days, cutting down on your ad spend. If you spend less money, your costs go down and your results go way up. Who should you retarget? Phase 1 Step 1 - Create an audience of those who have engaged with your prospecting posts in the last 3 - 5 days. You can play around and test the days, just make it a short window. Step 2 - Make an ad calling them out. “Hey, I couldn't help but notice you watched my video. Did you know (insert epiphany bridge, a call to action, something awesome here)?” This ad and audience lasts indefinitely in theory. Either they were loyal to you and got moved up or they got put on the naughty list. You just set it up right and you’re good to go. This setup won’t burn out.

Here’s an example: With Russell’s video, he says, “Hey, I noticed you were interested in my book offer but didn’t buy, so I’ll crack open the book and read some to you and here’s what you are going to learn…” Russell then opens up the book and reads the table of contents. It’s a really simple theme, he just took his product and gave them more information. Phase 2 - People who have landed on your page Step 1 - Create an audience of those who visited your funnel in the last 5 - 7 days. They were either prospecting and if they clicked through and got to the first page of your funnel or they will have taken action and gone further and purchased. Exclude them if they bought. Page | 51

Step 2 - Make an ad calling them out “Hey, I don’t get it. You visited my page but you didn’t get the free download. Did you know (insert epiphany bridge, story, testimony, hook or call to action)?” This ad and audience lasts indefinitely if you set it up right. All you have to worry about is more prospecting ads to keep these things full. Example: Russell's Expert Secrets book: “If Tony Robbins endorses this, you know it's got to be good” Phase 3 - People who took action. Step 1 - Create an audience of those who took action (opt-in) in the last 7 - 10 days on your funnel but didn’t buy (or didn’t attend the webinar). Step 2 - Make an ad calling them out “Hey, so I couldn't help notice that you hate results…”(insert status which has worked well, an epiphany, testimonials or a hook and a call to action) Note: this ad also lasts indefinitely. Example: Here are pictures of Russell, Melanie, etc looking angry in the ad and it says “Hey, we noticed you left without completing your order.” The headline says “Did you forget to get your copy of Expert Secrets? Here are 3 people that can’t believe that you wouldn’t have gotten this free book plus shipping!” And they are people you like, there’s the status part.

Review: Prospecting (cats) Curiosity - It's the first time you're reaching out to these people, be interesting, give them something to look at, the more variety you have, the better you can scale and the more hooks you are throwing in to that red ocean. Hooks can be crazy things, status, social proof, etc. See what sticks. Congruency - You don't want to scare them away. Retargeting (dogs) Speed - You need to make sure your retargeting windows are small when you’re building your audience. You only want them to stay on there for 5 days. Loyalty play - If they are not taking action, put them on a naughty list. Page | 52

Efficiency - Make sure you are using a campaign objective that makes sense for what you are doing. Have Facebook filter for you, have them go through the list and pick out the best one. If you’ve already filtered, you don’t need them. The 3 phases of retargeting ● Engaged ● Landed ● Took action Don’t try it if you're audiences are too long, i.e. if they hit your landing page in the last 30 days and they haven’t taken any action. But if you have a really tight thing, your reach objective is something you can tell Facebook to specifically allow you to get the maximum amount out of that audience.

Test and replace: First set up your retargeting. Think through the three phases. If you don’t know how to do this, you can give this to someone else to help you. That’s what Russell teaches. You know enough “How” to go out and find your “Who”. Set up each one and test it out. You can always go back to these retargeting themes and try to beat them, it’s like a game. Test, adjust, play with it and fine tune so you have some amazing retargeting.

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Jim Edwards Make ‘Em Thirsty, Then Sell Them A Drink He’s a copywriting genius, the master behind Funnel Scripts. Stories make people thirsty for what you are selling and sales copy tells them where to buy a drink. People often ask, “What’s up with that unicorn thing?” In 2016, during the election, he made the mistake of posting something on social that was political. You cannot win an argument on social media. So he said ok, what could he post about that would be so magical, so innocent, that no one could be offended? It was cute little kitty cats. But that had already been done. So if not cute kittens, then what? So he was just having fun when he decided to do a 60 day unicorn challenge. He’d find the cutest thing he could find and he would post it. Within 3 weeks, people were saying every time they see a unicorn, they think of him. Then people started doing his job for him and posting unicorns on social media. People would send him cool stuff, like mugs, etc. with unicorns on them. He thought the moral was about accidental branding but it's really about who he is becoming as a person. Stories make people emotional, emotion is what changes their state, changing their state is how to get them to buy. If your story is good enough, your sales copy can suck and you will make money. 4 Story Scripts You can use them anywhere, in content, webinars, emails, etc. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Personal anecdote (i.e., how he become the unicorn guy) Mistake Myth Misconception

1. Personal anecdotes 1. Tell your own story, that's the one thing that can’t be hacked. In the end, people buy from you 2. Always tell the truth, sometimes you want to embellish, but that way you don’t have to remember what stories you told 3. Always have a point and never ramble Page | 54

2. Mistakes Here’s a big mistake Jim made - he wrote a book called 7 Day Ebooks that he started selling in 2001, averaging 10,000 sales per year. In 2012, they included a $47 OTO and immediately has a 20% conversion rate. That meant an extra $94,000 a year. He got depressed because he was doing the math and felt he cheated himself out of $1 million because he didn’t have an OTO. Never launch a funnel with at least one OTO What’s the fastest way to add upsells and OTOs to any funnel in just a matter of minutes? It's called ClickFunnels. If you're an author and he told you that story, he’s going to have a real easy time selling ClickFunnels. There’s a 4 part story selling script for this: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Lead Flow Moral Transition

1. Lead Who wants to hear the magic words to use to make everyone stop what they are doing and listen to your story? It’s like when you were a kid you at story time - the lead is - “Let me tell you a quick story” 2. Flow - just tell the story. 3. Moral - recap the lesson for them, you get to tell people what to think as a result of hearing your story. They have dropped their defenses and are listening to you. 4. Transition - “By the way…” (use these exact words)

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3. Myth No one likes to be lied to. A myth is a lie someone else tells you. A misconception is a lie you tell yourself. Myth: you need to have a publisher to publish a book, a lot of people believe that. In 1992, he wrote a book on how to sell your home and it got rejected by 40 publishers so he decided to publish it himself. He used it as a business card. Jim’s first year in real estate, he took 51 listings because he had that book. In 1997, he started selling online. He had a book funnel although he didn’t realize it at the time. He got written up by the NY Times among other accolades. And one day, he pulled up to a house and the woman said, “That’s not a real book.” She said she looked for it on Amazon and it wasn’t there. It like a bolt from the sky. He realized there are 3 things that make your book a real book: 1. Unique content 2. It’s got a professional eye catching cover 3. It’s published on Amazon What if he tells you there’s a service that will take a webinar and turn it into a book, or there’s a software that makes it easy to publish your book in as little as 3 hours. If you want to have a book and he’s tell you that story, you are going to listen to what he has to sell, you are thirsty.

4. Misconception Twenty years ago, he was sitting in an audience and he was a mess. He wasn’t making any money. He had quit selling real estate and was determined to make money online. He had no idea how to do it and his web design company was not going well. $8,769 was the total amount of money Jim had brought home in 1999. He sucked at business, he lived in a crappy trailer, even had had to get a title loan on his car to buy groceries. For Christmas, his in-laws gave him a bankruptcy as a gift, when all the other kids got new computers. When you go to bankruptcy court, you have to list your assets and he had to list his book. The judge made fun of him and said it must not be a very good book if you don’t Page | 56

own any real estate. His biggest misconception was if he had a lot of money, he could buy a lot of stuff and all his problems would go away and nothing bad would ever happen again. So between 1999 - 2007, he took massive action. He went from less than zero to now living on 100 acres, in a 7,000 square foot house and driving a Rolls Royce. He thought money made him safe but he was dead wrong. Jim has a son who shipped off to Iraq in 2007. When he left, Jim offered to buy stuff they needed for the combat engineers. His son’s job was to look for roadside bombs and his unit got hit by one on Oct. 25, 2007. His son lost his leg and he went into a coma for 2 days and later woke up in Germany. Here’s why you want to make as much money as you can. Four days later, Jim got an email from his son’s commanding officer. He said the medic who was treating his son had to use a headlamp to save his life to see what he was doing. It was the same head lamp that Jim had donated previously. The lamp that he had bought saved his son’s life. The actions you take have far reaching consequences. His son has healed over the years and Jim now has a grandson who would never have been born if they didn’t buy those lights. You need to understand that with true wealth, you have the resources to protect and heal, not to buy stuff. He thought the unicorn was funny but it's actually a magical creature whose job it is to protect the innocent and serves as a strong character. The moral of this story is really simple: you want to become a rich unicorn. There is no better example of a unicorn than Russell. It gives you the freedom to write any story you want for your life and the life of others.

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Brendon Burchard The 7 Day Launch Funnel Brendon doesn’t typically teach marketing, but Russell saw him on stage teaching the 7 Day Launch structure at a conference and that got him excited. Russell and his team ended up launching their own 7 day funnel and they hit the 2 Comma Club in just 3 days. Brendon has the #1 business podcast on iTunes in the world with an average 100,000 downloads per episode. His business has generated $2.6 million dollars within last month alone and they have done that 12 times. He is a personal development guy and doesn’t get to talk about this type of thing often. He’s had 6 NY Times best sellers, a quarter billion video views, they have over 2 million online students, and what most people don’t know is that he built all of those funnels himself. He still codes the pages, draws it all out, and builds each page, tests it 5 different times and has had evergreen funnels running since 2008. Those have made $50 million dollars. When they mentioned he had the #1 business podcast, it had hit even though the campaign doesn’t start for 2 more weeks. So how did it become #1? They had all this momentum coming in from the last 60 days of live launches and it built up such a community, these people were the most ardent fans they had. 7 Day Live Launch Funnel 22 years ago, Brendon was in a car accident. At that point in his life, he had also been suicidal. He was in college and he had broken up with his high school sweetheart. His whole life had been tied up in that relationship and after that, things started to fall apart. The accident made him have a real reverence for life since he survived. At the end of our lives, we will wonder about if we really lived our life, whether or not we really loved and whether we really made a difference. Live. Love. Matter. He knew that with his experience of mortality, this is what really mattered. If you don’t know the questions you are going to ask at the end of your life to evaluate whether or not you are happy with the way you lived your life, don’t fool yourself into thinking you are living on purpose yet. Page | 58

So many people have had second chances in their life. How many woke up and realized that your life isn't what you wanted it to be? Every morning when you wake up, that’s a second chance. Life is way too short, so it matters what you do, how you feel, how much joy you take from what you're doing. At the end of his life, Brendon will ask, “Did I live, did I love, did I matter?” Figure out the questions you’ll ask at the end of your life. Now that he had a second chance, he knew what to do. But next, he had to figure out marketing. He wanted to know how to take that car accident story and use it to inspire people. He wrote a book called Life’s Golden Ticket. That did not do as well as he wanted to, at first. But he was thankful it bombed because that led him to figure out marketing. He invented the free plus shipping model. Brendon learned there are different ways to do marketing that really work. So this was in 2007, he had his first funnel that went up in 2008 and was a multi millionaire by the end of the year. He had a 7 day window in the calendar and nothing was scheduled, no promotions or launches. In about 21 days later, his dream house was about to close and he knew he had to make money in those 7 days. If you only had 7 days, what would you do? Back then, going live was becoming a big deal. Brendon did the 3rd million dollar live launch. This is the summary for the 7 Day Live Launch (7DL) 1. Pick what you want to sell, this is called your Main Product. They were going to launch a course called Productivity Master Class, a $300 course. 2. Go live on the Internet and for 3 days, you are just teaching your face off. But you are not selling your main product. You are teaching a related topic or idea. For example, with his product, he taught motivation for 3 days or focus, or influence. Go live on a specific page that is branded to you. They use Wirecast and Ustream. Down below they have a chat roll. That way when you are live, everyone is engaging, you can give away prizes. It’s quality time building your community, building and teaching them. This is your Filmed Product. 3. At the end of the 3 days, offer your audience the Filmed Product for FREE, if they purchase the Main Product. On day one, you announce the training. You can say, “You know, I’m deeply passionate about the topic of motivation and most people struggle with it.…so I've decided that for the next 3 days I’m going live with a full on training and later on I’m going to sell what I film. But since you’re on the list, you’re in my community, you get to watch it for free. Page | 59

Here’s the agenda, Day 1…” You must pre-announce the agenda if you want the engagement for the 3 days. For the agenda, he literally says, “At: 8:00 a.m., I’m teaching this, at 8:30 a.m., I’m teaching this…” He goes live between 2 hours and 6 hours. Sometimes they run B roll during that time and his team can splice in another video so it doesn’t have to be him 100% of the time. Brendon does broadcast quality with a DSLR camera and putting it on a page. Tons of his best clients have done that with just social media. Pre-announce it, make it a big thing, get people excited about it. Then for next 3 days you go live and film the whole thing. While you are filming, you have the “front of house” and “back of house”. When you're in front you get closer to the camera, away from your charts, etc. and let the audience in on the thing. Everyone loves the behind the scenes. You should put them in all of your campaigns, otherwise you are leaving money on the table. “Hey guys, welcome to my 3 days of training. I’m super pumped to be here and in a few minutes, I’m going to step back to that flip chart back there. For 3 days I’m going to teach a full course on the top of motivation. It’s going to be very advanced and make sure you have your journals. Now on this page, there’s a button you can see moving down the whole agenda. When I step back and go live, we are going to record that and I’m going to sell that. But because you’re in my community, you are going to get that for free.” “Down below there’s a chat roll and I want you to ask lots of questions. If I answer your questions, I”ll give you [throw in a gift]” You’ve got to incentive, the chat roll engagement. Then step back to back of house and pretend none of that happened and you are really filming a real course. “Welcome, I’m Brendon and in this first module, I'm going to teach…” As he’s teaching he goes back to front of house and says, “Hey, I hope you are enjoying this. If you are just tuning in, I’m filming this course for my community for free for the next 3 days….”, and then he answers questions, gives out swag, etc. If he feels tired, he tells them he is going to show a related video that helps them go deep, so take notes on it, then he asks his team to roll the video and steps out. This goes on for 3 days.

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Some people have done this for 15 minutes a day, you do what’s appropriate for you, you just have to know what to teach. Remember - front of house - behind the scenes with the audience and back of house - teaching. You get that right and they won’t stop watching. Use special hashtags, social shares on the page. The agenda is everything, use your marketing skills to write great titles so your people have to watch. Now after day 3, towards the end of day 2 or 3, reveal it all, “If you’ve been really loving this, I’ll give it to you free because we have a special promotion going on right now for one of the courses called…” Brendon will throw in full transcripts, audios, etc. of what he’s been teaching for free. Pricing Strategy for your product $0 - $300 product - announce your sale on day 2 $297 - $800 or more product - wait a bit more in this process to sell Bundle your offer on day 4. Send it out in an email, explain that so many people have been watching this and some people have missed some of the recordings and you decided you will give away all this stuff for free because you have a special on your main product, plus you’ll give away these other bonuses that will be thrown in. But they have to purchase by the end of deadline which is in 3 days. This works because very few people will go live for more than 20 minutes, but people who will do it will make the money. Like when Russell did it, he was so pumped and did 7 figures. You created a product while promoting another one. So many people are going live and not selling it. If you’re going to go live, repurpose it and sell that. Excellence really only takes 2 extra days of planning. If you step back and ask strategically, where can you go with this? Things start to happen. Recap Announce your training day 1 Do the 3 days live training on days 2 - 4 Day 5 bundle your offer Day 6 - 7 is the deadline After that first 7 day launch, asked what can we do better? A couple of things they did the second time was: Page | 61


Ran ads every day of the campaign to get more opt-ins Had a stomp down ad sequence. In the last 72 hours of the campaign, run ads that say only “72 hours left!” Then do the same for the last 48 hours. Every day of the last 3 days, run ads to that page to build that social engagement, it really helps.

On days 8 - 30 -

Run a webinar to everyone who was there that didn’t buy. Do a mid tier price point from $97 - $297. With that webinar, add your 72 hour deadline. If they still didn’t buy, take them into an application campaign which ends at the end of the 30 days. Sell your highest thing with the application process which highlights your success story.

If they found the webinar doesn’t super convert, when they dropped in the application process, the numbers really increased. Give them something that they see you creating. What if you have a physical product instead? You could demonstrate your product and then sell it and bundle it. Six years ago, he stood in front of a major marketing audience and told them, “If you are not spending a $1,000 minimum on Facebook ads, you have not joined the modern marketing era.” That was early in the conversation for ads. The tide has changed so much since them, you have to go live. Brendon wants us all to subscribe to his HPX Podcast so he can knock Ron Burgundy off the chart. The reason they hit #1 was that they did a 7 day live launch 45 days ago, the engagement in live is so huge. They also took the audio and posted it on the podcast each day. So for 5 days on the podcast, they got both audio and video listeners which created a tidal wave of listeners.

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