Fun for Flyers (2nd edition) Teacher's book

Z - rNeodmg @md the people ot #mWhoore ' the costle? Listen Topics clothes, daily life, people, names, colours, body

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@md the people ot #mWhoore ' the costle? Listen

Topics clothes, daily life, people, names, colours, body and {bce

Functions describing people (appearance), using giving the spelling and meaning of words


qnd drow lines.


present continuous and simple, questions



the wordlist on page 124 of the

Student's Book.

Not in YLE wordlists: ftnger, king Flyers practice Reading and Wdting part l, Speaking


Part 4

Flyers test Listening Part Equipment needed Flyers


CD lC,


Check onswers: Lines should be drqwn between: I Horrg ond king

tested in part I of

2 Michoel qnd mon in oronge tights 3 Morg ond gir[ ptoging with puppu 4 Sorqh ond womon corrging fruit 5 Peter ond mqn running with piece of poper

the Flyers ListeningTest. For example, some people in the picture might be wearing similar clothes or have similar hair: Some people might also be doing similar aclivities, Learners need to be aware of these similarities in order to identify correctly the names of the people in the picture.




Leqrners onswer further questions.You mog need to plog

the recording ogoin for leorners to onswer.Alternotivelg test their memorg.Ask:

om I wecring?

Whot wos the name of the costle? (Skg Costte) Who does the king tell his secrets to? (Michoet) Which person is the queen's best friend? (Soroh)

Different lesrners tell gou one thing thot gou ore weoring. Encouroge them to sqg the colour too. For exomple: Youie weoring a white shirt I black shoes / o red sweoter. Leqrners then te[[ you one thing thot theg ore weoring todog. For exomple: l'm weoring block shorts I o

One man is running.What's he corrgino? (on importont

letter for the king) Whot's the gueen! doughter wearing? (o btue dress qnd

white gtoves)

blueT-shirt / green socks.


Leorners look ot the pictures. Point to eoch picture in turn qnd qsk Whot is this/these?Teoch/revise belt,coot, dress, gloves, jocket,tights.


What's she plaging with? (a puppC)


Can gou remember?Which name didn,t we heor? (Robert) Which people have not got o line to o nome? (the bog

Ask Are gou weoring a belt I

gloves (etc.) todag? Leorners nod

or shoke their

reoding, the mon ploging the drums, the girt qt the top of the costte).


Leorners complete the words next to the pictures bg

The whole clqss decides which person is Robert ond leorners drow o line from this nome to the chosen bog/ mon in the picture. Leorners suggest nomes for the other two peopte.The closs chooses two nomes from the list. Leqrners write these nomes on the two lines in their books ond drow lines from the nqmes to the other two

writing in the missing vowels.

S o o

a,r.le the correct word.

Leqrners look ot the cqstte picture.Ask: Are ollthese people smiting? (ges) Are these people hoving fun? (ges)

Look ot the first sentence with leqrners: Ihe queen is weoring o beautiful dress. Point to the circle round dress, then point to the queen in the picture. Sog: Ihe gueen,s weoring c dress, not a coat.


ln pqirs, leqrners reqd sentences 2-5 ond circte the correct word.

Check qnswers: 2



picture? (9)

Plog the CD. Leqrners listen to the exomple ond look ot the line from Helen to the queen. Check leqrners know whot to do. Leqrners then listen to questions 1-5 qnd drow [ines from the nctmes to the people in the picture. Plog the recording q second time if necessorg.

Flyers tip Clothes and appearance vocabulary

Port I

How mong names ore there? (7) Whot ore the king ond queen doing? (sitting, toughing) Whot are the other people doing? (woving, corrging, ptoging music, smiling, running, stonding, sitting)

(Wh o? Wh ichT WhoO), when clauses


Ask How mang people ore there in the


three 3 fruit 4 tights



Ask leorners if ongone knows the word for the drum in the picture. (lf not, tet[ one leqrner to look in o dictionorg ond find the word.) Ask them to spel[ it for the closs.Write it on the boord.

Topescript ond lookThere is one exomple. This is mg fovourite picture in mg storgbook cbout Skg Costle, Uncle Jsck. Mon: It looks greqt.Who ore qll these people? Girl: Welt, the queen, the womon in the long red dress who's sitting in the smqller chqir, is cqlled Helen. Mon: I see. Listen


Con gou see the line?This is on exomple. Now gou listen ond draw lines. One

And who's thot person? ls he the kingl Yes. I love his blue jocket ond curlg block hoir. He looks verg importont.Whot! his name? He's cqlled Horrg in the storg.


Gir[: Mon:

Girt: Two

And there's Michoet. He! verg clever.The king


tetls him q[[ his secrets.


Which one's he? The mon who's ptoging. lt's not o guitor, but it looks like one. His oronge tights ore funng, oren't theg? Yes. Lots of men wore tights then.


I know.





And there's the queen's doughter. The girl whot woving on the castle wqll? No, not her. I meqn the girt with the long btonde hqir. I cqn see her. She's sitting on the gross. Thot's right. Her nome's Morg.


Girt: Mqn:

Girl: Four


GirL Mon:


And whqt qbout the womqn whol corrging the fruitl Thot's Ssrqh. She's the queen's best friend, but she works in the cqstle kitchen, ls she o cook? Yes. I love her green belt. I think it's verg beoutiful.The queen gcrve it




Mqn: Gir[:

Whg is thot person running? You meqn the mon with the piece of poper in his hond?

Mqn: GirL Mon: GirL Man:



He's got on importont letter for the king. His nome's Peter.

Point to the two word boxes with no numbers.Ask: Which clothes con we write here?Ie[[ leorners thot the pictures in E con help them choose. (hogsockslscorfl shoes) Leorners write the two extro words in the crossword. Leqrners colour the squores contoining the'things we wesr' words (belt, coot, shorts, tights, gloves, pocket, uniform, ond the two extrq words) green.Theg cotour the squores contoining the'things we ccrrrg' words oronge (rucksocl