Final On-Line Syntax Exam

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Final On-line Syntax Exam

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Thursday, 16 February 2017, 6:30 PM Finished

Completed on Thursday, 16 February 2017, 7:17 PM Time taken

Question 1

47 mins 8 secs




16.00 out of 20.00 (80%)

Answer Yes or No.

Correct Mark 1.00 out of

May a dependent or subordinating clause be a question? 

1.00 QUIZ NAVIGATION Flag question









































1.00 Flag question

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An adjectival clause is a sort of subordinated sentence; therefore, it is ocasionally a dependent clause.

Incorrect Mark 0.00 out of



The correct answer is: No

Question 2



Select one: True False

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The correct answer is 'False'.

Show one page at a time

Question 3

Finish review

Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Flag question

Which is the element that can be a noun or adjective? Select one: a. A Determiner b. An adverb c. The Pronoun d. The Article

Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: The Pronoun

Question 4

'Beethoven, genio inmortal'. The previous phrase contains a:

Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Flag question

Select one: a. Apósito b. Predicativo c. objeto directo d. predicado nominal

Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: predicado nominal

Question 5

Choose the proper subordinating clauses:

Partially correct Mark 0.33 out of

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Select one or more:

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a. At the zoo, we saw some animals that were ferocious.

1.00 Flag question

b. Mark Twain, who was an American writer, died a poor man

c. At the zoo, we saw some animals, that were ferocious.

d. The actors who perform in commercials receive good pay.

e. Mark Twain who was an American writer died a poor man. f. The actors, who perform in commercials, receive good pay.

Your answer is partially correct. You have selected too many options. The correct answer is: The actors who perform in commercials receive good pay., At the zoo, we saw some animals that were ferocious., Mark Twain, who was an American writer, died a poor man

Question 6 Correct

From a syntactic point of view, an adjective is any word, phrase or even a sentence. This criterium is being shared in English and Spanish languages

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Flag question

Select one: True




False dependent



sentence fragment The correct answer is 'True'.

Question 7 Partially correct Mark 0.57 out of 1.00 Flag question

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A clause that


 stand by itself. It depends on



clause, for its meaning. A

  sometimes called

by itself would be a  




else, clause trying to . Subordinate clauses are

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Your answer is partially correct. You have correctly selected 4. The correct answer is: A clause that [cannot]  stand by itself. It depends on [something] else, an [independent] clause, for its meaning. A [subordinate] clause trying to [stand] by itself would be a [sentence fragment]. Subordinate clauses are sometimes called [dependent] clauses.

Question 8

The vocative belongs to the:

Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Flag question

Select one: a. Vocative doesn't belong to any section of a sentence b. Subject c. Complement d. Predicate

Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Vocative doesn't belong to any section of a sentence

Question 9

The sentence 'Le expulsaron por revoltoso.' contains an adjectival object of preposition

Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Flag question

Select one: True False

The correct answer is 'True'. file:///N/Final%20On-line%20Syntax%20Exam.htm[20/02/2017 0:26:02]

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Question 10

The syntactic function of a subordinating clause is:

Incorrect Mark 0.00 out of 1.00 Flag question

Select one: a. Verbal b. adjectival c. Nominal d. adverbial

Your answer is incorrect. The correct answer is: adjectival

Question 11

Coca-cola advertisement in Las Vegas. The bold phrase related to is:


(There might be some answers) Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Flag question

Select one: a. Prepositional phrase b. Término de conjunción c. Object of a preposition d. Subject

Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Object of a preposition

Question 12 Correct

From a syntactic point of view, an adjective is any word, phrase or even a sentence. This criterium is being shared in English and Spanish Languages.

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Flag question

Select one: True False

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The correct answer is 'True'.

Question 13

The adjectival syntactic structure, in English and Spanish, might be composed of a word, phrase or even a sentence. 

Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Flag question

Select one: True False

The correct answer is 'True'.

Question 14 Correct

. The bold word as part of the underlined phrase is:

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Flag question

Select one: a. The nucleus of an adjectival sintagma b. Object of the preposition c. Subject d. the headword of a noun phrase

Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: the headword of a noun phrase

Question 15 Correct

What is the syntactic function of the bold noun phrase? 'Francamente la razón tiene este señor!'

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Flag question

Select one: a. Subject b. Sintagma nominal c. Direct Object

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d. Construcción sustantivada

Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Direct Object

Question 16

What type of elements might work as the headword of the subject?

Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Flag question

Select one: a. Un sintagma nominal b. Any nominal word c. An adjective d. A Pronoun

Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Any nominal word

Question 17 Correct

What is the syntactic function of the bold noun? 'El problema sigue irresoluto'

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Flag question

Select one: a. Predicativo adverbial b. Predicativo Adjectival c. Predicativo nominal d. Verbo copulativo

Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Predicativo Adjectival

Question 18 Correct

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Write Yes or No.

Final On-line Syntax Exam Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

A subordinating or adjectival clause goes between punctuation when it is essential and a proper noun is being used as a qualified word.

Flag question



The correct answer is: No

Question 19

'Feliz fin de año' contiene: 

Incorrect Mark 0.00 out of 1.00 Flag question

Select one: a. un modificador indirecto nominal b. un modificador directo adjetival c. un modificador directo de construcción sustantival d. un atributo de sustantivo

Your answer is incorrect. The correct answer is: un modificador directo de construcción sustantival

Question 20

What is the most recognizable object in the world? The bold section in the sentence is:

Incorrect Mark 0.00 out of 1.00 Flag question

Select one: a. Direct Object b. Subject c. Indirect Object d. Subject Predicate

Your answer is incorrect. The correct answer is: Subject

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Final On-line Syntax Exam Question 21 Correct

The sentence 'Candler thought that Pemberton's 'medicine' would be much better if it was mixed with soda' has a direct object

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Flag question

Select one: True False

The correct answer is 'True'.

Question 22

Cuáles son los modificadores indirectos del sustantivo?

Incorrect Mark 0.00 out of 1.00 Flag question

Select one: a. Complemento comparativo, proposición incorporada b. Complemento preposicional, complemento comparativo c. Complemento preposicional, complemento comparativo, proposición incorporada d. Proposición incorporada, sintagma nominal

Your answer is incorrect. The correct answer is: Complemento preposicional, complemento comparativo, proposición incorporada

Question 23

 Select the Coca Cola slogans which contain a Nominal predicate:

Correct Mark 1.00 out of

1. Coca-Cola, pure drink of natural flavors.


2. Drink Coca-Cola and enjoy it. Flag question

3. Coca Cola, the great national temperance beverage. 4. Coca Cola, good til the last drop. 5. Coca Cola, the pause that refreshes. 6. Coca-Cola has the taste thirst goes for. Select one: a. 2, 4, 5, 6 b. 2, 3, 4, 5 file:///N/Final%20On-line%20Syntax%20Exam.htm[20/02/2017 0:26:02]

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c. 1, 3, 5, 6 d. 1, 2, 4, 6

Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: 1, 3, 5, 6

Question 24

. The bold phrase is: 

Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Flag question

Select one: a. Subject Predicate subclass adjectival b. Direct Object c. Subject Predicate subclass nominal d. Subject Predicate subclass adverbial

Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Subject Predicate subclass adjectival

Question 25

The syntactic structure of a subordinating clause is:

Incorrect Mark 0.00 out of 1.00 Flag question

Select one: a. a word b. a phrase c. a prepositional phrase d. a sentence

Your answer is incorrect. The correct answer is: a sentence

Question 26

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An adjectival clause, also know as dependent clause, assumes its name depending on the linker provided.

Final On-line Syntax Exam Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Flag question

Select one: True False

The correct answer is 'True'.

Question 27 Correct

What is the syntactic function of the bold word? 'Este automóvil me salió muy bueno!'

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Flag question

Select one: a. Atributo directo adjectival b. predicado nominal c. downloader d. adverb of manner

Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Atributo directo adjectival

Question 28 Correct

What is the syntactic function of the bold noun phrase? 'falta muy poco para que salga el sol.'

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Flag question

Select one: a. Atributo directo b. Objeto directo c. Objeto Indirecto d. Sujeto

Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Sujeto file:///N/Final%20On-line%20Syntax%20Exam.htm[20/02/2017 0:26:02]

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Question 29 Correct

The sentence 'It was in 1886 that John Pemberton, a druggist, in Atlanta, Georgia, invented a new type of syrup' contains appositions.

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Flag question

Select one: True False

dependent The correct answer is 'True'.




Question 30

Which are the two parts that any bimember sentence might be divided? performs

Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Flag question

Select one: a. Adverbs of Manner and Place b. Direct and Indirect Object c. Verb and Complement d. Subject and Predicate

Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Subject and Predicate

Question 31 Correct

. The bold phrase according to the verb and subject is:

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Flag question

Select one: a. Subject predicate sub class adjectival b. Predicative c. Subject predicate sub class adverbial d. Subject predicate sub class nominal

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Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Subject predicate sub class nominal

Question 32 Correct Mark 1.00 out of



clause that functions as a


.” A noun clause [4]] the same function like a noun in a

in a sentence is called noun  


1.00 Flag question

Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: A [dependent] clause that functions as a [noun] in a sentence is called noun [clause].” A noun clause [4]] the same function like a noun in a [sentence].

Question 33

What criteria is used when the word function is being mentioned?

Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Flag question

Select one: a. Syntactic b. Morphological c. Semantic d. Morpho-syntactic

Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Syntactic

Question 34 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Which section of the sentence below is an embedded clause? Write it down. The house where I grew up has been destroyed.

Final On-line Syntax Exam Flag question


where I grew up dependent clause


complete thought

complete sentence  subject


The correct answer is: where I grew up

Question 35

What type of functions are distinguished within the Subject?

Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Flag question

Select one: a. Prepsosición  y  Término b. Atributo directo e indirecto c. Headword and Modifiers d. Pre and post noun modifers

Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Headword and Modifiers

Question 36 Correct

What is the syntactic fucntion of the bold words? 'It is said that the Coca-Cola bottle is the most recognised object in the world?

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Flag question

Select one: a. Direct object b. Nominal Predicate c. Subject predicate d. Post Noun Modifier

Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Subject predicate

Question 37 Partially correct

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A subordinate clause or


is a


 that cannot stand

Final On-line Syntax Exam Mark 0.67 out of

alone as a


because it does not express a




Like all clauses, a subordinate clause has a




Flag question

Your answer is partially correct. You have correctly selected 4. The correct answer is: A subordinate clause or [dependent clause] is a [clause ] that cannot stand alone as a [complete sentence ] because it does not express a [complete thought]. Like all clauses, a subordinate clause has a [subject]  and [verb].

Question 38 Correct

What is the syntactic function of the bold word? 'Mañana a Europa viajaré, sola y sin compañia'

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Flag question

Select one: a. Modificador indirecto nominal b. Prepositional phrase c. Término d. Pre verb modifier

Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Término

Question 39 Correct

What is the syntactic function of the bold italic word? 'A mi socio encontré muy optimista'

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Select one:


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a. subjective

Flag question

b. pronominal c. nominal d. adjectival

Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: adjectival

Question 40

Tick the right answer or answers.

Partially correct Mark 0.75 out of

An Adjectival Clause: 

1.00 Flag question

Select one or more: a. will always follow the noun or pronoun ✔

b. will modify a noun or pronoun. c. modifies a verb

d. functions syntactically like an adjective.  e. is a pre-noun modifier

f. is one type of subordinate clause

Your answer is partially correct. You have correctly selected 3. The correct answer is: is one type of subordinate clause, functions syntactically like an adjective. , will modify a noun or pronoun., will always follow the noun or pronoun

Question 41 Correct

What is the syntactic function of the bold phrase? 'Vargas Llosa es un renombrado escritor'

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Flag question

Select one: a. Predicado nominal b. Subject predicate subclass adjectival

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c. Direct object d. Subject predicate subclass nominal

Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Subject predicate subclass nominal

Question 42

Which section of the sentence below is an adjectival or dependent clause?

Incorrect Mark 0.00 out of

Did I tell you about the time when my husband was sprayed by a skunk?

1.00 Flag question


when my husband

The correct answer is: when my husband was sprayed by a skunk

Question 43 Correct

What is the syntactic structure and function of the bold word in the following statement? 'No me entregaron nada'

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Flag question

Select one: a. Indirect Object - Object personal pronoun b. Nominative case - direct object c. Object personal Pronoun - Indirect Object d. Accusative case - Subject

Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Object personal Pronoun - Indirect Object

Question 44

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Complete. Do not use capital letters.

Final On-line Syntax Exam Incorrect Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

A relative clause might become a



Flag question

The correct answer is: dependent

Question 45 Correct

In the following sentence: , what type of syntactic structure anf function does the bold phrase have?

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Flag question

Select one: a. Prepositional phrase and Object of the preposition b. Frase preposicional y modificador directo nominal c. Prepositional phrase and post noun modifier d. Modificador indirecto nominal y frase preposicional

Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Prepositional phrase and post noun modifier

Question 46 Incorrect

Adjective clauses are dependent clauses.  If you take them out of the sentence, you must have: 

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00 Flag question

Select one: a. dependent clause b.  a complete sentence left. c. subordinating clause d. a relative clause

Your answer is incorrect. file:///N/Final%20On-line%20Syntax%20Exam.htm[20/02/2017 0:26:02]

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The correct answer is:  a complete sentence left.

Question 47

Which of the follwing elements correspond to syntax?

Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Flag question

Select one: a. Variable, abstract, agent b. Collective, predicative, indirect object c. Time adverb, diminutive, concrete d. Direct Object, Prediccative, Agent

Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Direct Object, Prediccative, Agent

Question 48 Correct

What is the syntactic structure and function of the bold phrase? 'La obra, por artistas profesionales, será presentada hoy tarde'

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Flag question

Select one: a. Agente -  Construcción sustantivada b. Frase preposicional - agente c. Sintagma Nominal - Sujeto d. Prepositional Phrase - Direct Object

Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Frase preposicional - agente

Question 49 Correct

What is the syntactic function of the bold italic words? 'El camión que compró mi vecino en Ibarra necesita un motor más grande'

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Flag question

Select one: a. Complemento circunstancial b. Complemento comparativo

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c. Predicativo d. Complemento

Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Complemento comparativo

Question 50 Correct

The sentence 'Hundreds of millions of people can recognise a Coke bottle by its shape, even if they cannot see it!' contains an agent.

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Flag question

Select one: True False

The correct answer is 'False'.

Question 51 Correct

Do not use capital letters. The sentence: ' Vi ayer al chico que te gusta' contains a main clause. Which is it?

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Flag question


vi ayer al chico

The correct answer is: vi ayer al chico

Question 52 Correct

In the following sentence: , what type of syntactic structure anf function does the bold phrase have?

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Flag question

Select one: a. Prepositional phrase and post noun modifier b. Modificador indirecto nominal y frase preposicional

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c. Prepositional phrase and Object of the preposition d. Frase preposicional y modificador directo nominal

Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Prepositional phrase and post noun modifier

Question 53 Correct

What is the syntactic function of the bold phrases? 'Hojas del árbol caídas, juguete del viento son'

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Flag question

Select one: a. Atributo pre nominal directo b. Atributo adjectival indirecto c. Pre noun modifiers d. Atributo post nominal indirecto

Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Atributo post nominal indirecto

Question 54

Identify if subordinating sentence below are Correct or Incorrect

Partially correct Mark 0.67 out of 1.00 Flag question

The girl that sat next to me fell asleep for my passion

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Incorrect Incorrect

Final On-line Syntax Exam

Who is at the door?

Incorrect Incorrect

The man who the school just hired few days ago is Mr. Mixon. Incorrect Incorrect A metaphor is when you compare two things.

Incorrect Incorrect

Where is your homework for English?

Incorrect Incorrect

I did my homework when I got home from school.

Correct Correct

Your answer is partially correct. You have correctly selected 4. The correct answer is: The girl that sat next to me fell asleep for my passion – Correct, Who is at the door? – Incorrect, The man who the school just hired few days ago is Mr. Mixon. – Correct, A metaphor is when you compare two things. – Incorrect, Where is your homework for English? – Incorrect, I did my homework when I got home from school. –


Question 55

What is the name of the word that modifies directly the verb and noun?

Incorrect Mark 0.00 out of 1.00 Flag question

Select one: a. Complement b. Subject predicate c. Adjective d. Nominal Predicate

Your answer is incorrect. The correct answer is: Subject predicate

Question 56

What criteria is being applied when it is said that an adjective works as a predicative?

Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Select one: a. Semantic

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b. morpho-phonemic c. morphological d. Syntactic

Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Syntactic

Question 57 Correct

Cuál es el elemento de la oración que funciona como modificador o atributo directo del sustantivo para constuir un Sintagma Nominal?

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Flag question

Select one: a. Un sustantivo verbal b. El adverbio c. El Adjetivo d. La frase preposicional

Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: El Adjetivo

Question 58

Cuáles son los atributos del Sustantivo?

Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Flag question

Select one: a. El determinante y el pronombre b. El artículo y un pronombre c. El adjetivo y una frase nominal d. El artículo y el adjetivo

Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: El artículo y el adjetivo

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Final On-line Syntax Exam Question 59

What criteria is being applied when a verb is considered transitive, intransitive or Linking?


Select one:

Mark 1.00 out of

a. Morphological

1.00 Flag question

b. Semantic c. Syntactic d. morpho-semantic

Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Syntactic

Question 60

The verb is the headword od the Predicate in both English and Spanish.


Select one:

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00


Flag question


The correct answer is 'True'.

Finish review

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