FCE Speaking 3

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Attracting tourists......................................................................................................1 Description Part 3..................................................................................................1 Description Part 4..................................................................................................3 Holiday Resorts.........................................................................................................5 Evening and weekend classes....................................................................................6 The shopping centre..................................................................................................8 Enviromental problems...........................................................................................10 A camping trip.........................................................................................................12 Outdoor activities....................................................................................................13 Inventions................................................................................................................15 Film day...................................................................................................................17

1. Attracting tourists 1.1.

Description Part 3

Duración: 4 minutos (5 minutos para grupos de 3) Cada candidato tiene aprox. 2 minutos para hablar. En qué consiste: Los candidatos deben interactuar entre ellos en relación con un texto que se les dará a leer. Deben compartir ideas, justificar opiniones, estar de acuerdo, o en desacuerdo, negociar y llegar a un acuerdo. El examinador: Now, I'd like you to talk about something together for about two minutes. I'd like you to imagine that a town wants more tourists to visit. Here are some ideas they're thinking about and a question for you to discuss. First you have some time to look at the task. Te darán 15 segundos para mirar el texto que será algo similar al de abajo. Now, talk to each other about why these ideas would attract more tourists to the town.


Qué hacer:  Puedes empezar tú haciendo algún comentario y al finalizar, pedir la opinión del otro candidato diciendo: "What do you think?"  Ve discutiendo cada punto con el otro candidato.  Si el otro candidato habla muy poco, no te cortes y sigue hablando tú, a no ser que el examinador te diga que pares.  Recuerda que se trata de dar opiniones, sugerir, especular e intentar llegar a un acuerdo con el otro candidato u otros candidatos, por eso, no te pongas a "soltar un rollo por tu cuenta" sin dejar tiempo para que las otras personas den también opinión.  Deja hacia el final el acuerdo. Este también puede ser un desacuerdo. Lo que importa es que se produzca una "negociación" y una "conclusión" en forma de "acuerdo" o "desacuerdo."Apréndete el "patrón de respuestas" repitiendo para que luego puedas utilizarlo en el examen real Posibles respuestas: Nota: Puede que estas respuestas sean para ti todavía difíciles de elaborar pero deberán servirte de inspiración. Candidate A: I think they are good ideas, but not all of them help to attract tourist in the same way. Besides you if you have a limited amount of money you ought to decide which ones are better. Dirigiéndose a Candidate B: What do you think? Should we review one by one? Candidate B: Yes. I'll start with the option of building a large night club. I think it would only attract tourist who like to party and enjoy the night and it's very costly to build such a place. I wouldn't suggest this option for attracting tourists. Candidate A: I wouldn't either. I like better the idea of putting security camaras because people like to feel safe in the places they visit. Candidate B: I don't agree with that. Some people may feel like they are being spied on. Perhaps, it would be a good idea in big cities that have a high rate of crime, but not for a town. Candidate A: On second thoughts (pensándolo un poco más), I think you're right; they are not a good tool to attract tourists in a town not only because people might feel spied on, but also because nobody goes to a town just because there are security camaras. Having more shops, instead, seems to me a great way to attract more tourists, especially if you offer attractive products such as luxury clothes and gadgets. Candidate B: I agree with that because when people travel to certain destinations such as the Canary Islands in Spain they look for luxury items, such as perfumes, or clothes. What do you think about holiday flats?


Candidate A: I like it if they are are nice and confortable and they are offered along with nice landscapes, swimming pools, shopping centres and parks, which takes me to the last idea. Providing parks is an interesting option because families could come for the day to have a picnic, play with their children or just explore the different flora and fauna. Don't you think? Candidate B: Right. I would say that if we had to choose, the best options would be building holiday flats, providing parks and having more shops. Do you agree? Candidate A: Option 1: Agreeing. Absolutely. I was thinking exactly the same thing. You first build the holiday flats and provide the parks, and then when more people start coming you open more shops. Option 2: Disagreeing: Not, really. I think the holiday flats would spoil the landscape. They are usually tall buildings with lots of flats that look crammed(apiñados). I think it is much more effective to provide for a park or two and to have more shops. Candidate B: Answer to option 2: But if you don't build the holiday flats where are the guests going to stay? You'll only have people who stay for the day. A partir de aquí, la discusión podría seguir hasta que el examinador la detuviera.


Description Part 4

Duración: 4 minutos (5 minutos para grupos de 3) En qué consiste: Los candidatos responden las preguntas del interlocutor dando y justificando sus opiniones; están de acuerdo, o en desacuerdo, especulando. Qué hacer:  Recuerda que tienes que justificar tus opiniones, sobre todo, cuando te preguntan Why? o Why not? Esto significa que debes poner ejemplos y sacar conclusiones.  Como en el resto del Speaking, ten especial cuidado con los tiempos verbales y la organización de tu discurso.  Intenta que todo lo que digas concuerde perfectamente uniendo tus ideas con expresiones hechas y "connectors". Ej. I think it is a good idea but...In that case, it is a possibility. After all, they..... Finally, .....  Puedes responder a lo que dice el otro candidato.  A veces, el examinador os hará una pregunta a ambos candidatos, razón por la cual es posible que se genere una discusión donde cada parte da una opinión. Posibles respuestas: Estas son las preguntas del interlocutor del ejemplo de examen y las posibles respuestas.  Do you think you have to spend a lot of money to have a good holiday.. (Why?/Why not?) Not always. For example, many people in Spain go to their village during their holidays. They spend the summer with the family and friends from their childhood and they usually have a wonderful time without having to spend any money.


 Some people say we travel too much these days and shouldn't go on so many holidays. What do you think? I don't agree at all with this idea. I think it's important to travel and to have holidays often. First of all, travelling allows you to get to know other cultures and people and as a result you become more open. Probably, the world would be a much better place if people had more opportunities to meet, talk and understand their differences. Second, holidays are great opportunity to relax and rest, so when you come back from a holiday you're usually much more creative and willing to work more. Lastly, holidays are the perfect ocassion to spend some time with your family, which you usually can't do if you are always working.  Do you think people have enough time for holidays these days?(Why?/Why not?) Many people don't have enough time for holidays nowadays because their jobs are very demanding or because they work on their own. There is a lot of competition and the salaries are not too high, so if you go on holidays too often your boss might not like it or you could lose clients.  Why do you think people like to go away on holiday? People go away on holiday because one of the best ways to rest is to get away from routine. Being in your hometown all year long is, at times, boring and suffocating. Another reason is because people like to see how people live in other places. It is always a good experience to compare your life with the life of other people around the world. If you go to a poorer country, for example, when you come back to your hometown you are probably going appreciate what you have more. .  What do you think is the biggest advantage of living in a place where there are a lot of tourists? The biggest advantage of living in a place where there are a lot of tourists is that many people can have a job related to tourism. There is a great variety of jobs in this industry. For example, it is possible to open a shop to sell souvenirs, or to have a restaurant with local food, or to work as a guide.  What can people do to have a good holiday in (candidate's country)? (Why?) In Spain they can do many things because it a tourist country. Tourists can go to the beach, enjoy the good weather and the wonderful facilities such as hotels, swimming pools, restaurants, shopping centres located in recreational areas. They can also visit the moutains. Skiing is possible in the south of Spain in Sierra Nevada, as well as in the north; Baqueira Beret is a very well known ski resort in the Catalan Pyrenees. There are also many monuments and places tourists can visit, such as the cathedrals and churches, villages from the middle ages or big cities like Madrid and Barcelona. Finally, I'd like to say that in order to have a good holiday people can enjoy the delicious Mediterranean cuisine. Thank you. This is the end of the test.


2. Holiday Resorts


3. Evening and weekend classes



4. The shopping centre



5. Enviromental problems



6. A camping trip


7. Outdoor activities



8. Inventions


9. Film day