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PLEASE PRINT THIS WORKBOOK.    We find most people have better focus during their workouts with a printed copy of  the workbook.   You’ll find videos for self-tests and exercise instructions on the website.   Login at: ​http://thefaifix.com/my-account 

  DISCLAIMER  There are risks inherent in any form of exercise. Learning what your body needs to  move and feel better is a process. If you aren’t willing to take on full responsibility for  the upsides and downsides, then do not use this program.  You might strain a muscle here and there. You might make something hurt more  temporarily. Maybe you’ll figure out a way to seriously injure yourself (although we  really don’t expect that).   Follow our system at your own risk.   

REFUNDS  We understand that online learning doesn’t work for everyone and every situation. If you  find that this program is not a good fit for you, don’t worry. Please contact us through our  website and we will process a refund promptly: ​https://www.thefaifix.com/contact/    COPYRIGHT 2019  No portion of this workbook or of the FAI Fix program may be reproduced or redistributed without the written  consent of Upright Health, Inc.  





Let’s Get Started

Scenario 1

Scenario 2


Tissue Work







Pelvic control and ab strength routine


Hip Extension Improvement Routine


Hip Abduction Improvement Routine


Forward Fold Improvement Routine


Hip External Rotation Improvement Routine


Hip Adduction Improvement


Hip Internal Rotation Improvement Routine


The Scenario 1 “All-In-One” Routine






Pelvic Control and Ab Strength Routine



  Hip Flexion Strength Routine


Forward Fold Improvement (for scenario 2)


Abductor Strength Improvement Routine


Adductor Strength Improvement


The Scenario 2 “All-In-One” Routine






My Custom Hip Routine






MINDSET MATTERS    The most important component to your success with this program is your mindset.   What does that mean in practical terms?   Set an ambitious goal.   Do you want to ski again? Run again? Lift weights? Throw a kick? Hike seventeen  miles? Be clear what you want.  Set a goal that sounds a little bit silly. Set a goal that you might be embarrassed to tell  a doctor.   Keep that goal in mind when you get frustrated. Keep working towards that goal.   Do NOT make “have no pain” a goal.   Pain is a natural sensation like hunger. If you do not eat enough, you get hungry. If  your muscles do not get the right training, your muscles and joints hurt.   You don’t eat breakfast Monday and expect to feel full until Sunday. Your body  requires daily healthy food AND healthy movement.  When you eat, you choose healthy foods to maximize your function. You don’t choose  ANY food just to “not feel hungry.” Likewise with your hips, feed them exercises that  maximize your function.   If you want to move more, you must move more. Constant rest leads to weakness.  Weakness leads to inability. Inability leads to despair.   Choose to move toward your goal.  You will experience setbacks during this process. Focus on your ambitious goal. That  will keep you moving in the right direction.     4   


THE TSR SYSTEM    The TSR system is based on Tissue Work, Stretching, and Reactivation exercises.  Each category has a place in restoring hip health. How much each category matters  depends on you as an individual.  We focus on improving functional limitations. This method works if you put in time  and effort.   We do NOT focus on anything in your X-rays and MRIs. If you have a broken bone or  an extremely rare cancerous growth, the X-ray or MRI matter. ​Findings of cysts,  labral tears, arthritis, and FAI bone shapes are not relevant to how you choose  exercises.   To get the most out of the program, first use the online self tests.   Login at ​http://thefaifix.com/my-account  You’ll find self-tests in the FAI Fix Program Overview. Use a journal or piece of paper  to keep track of your findings.  Take note of the results of each test. Choose corresponding routines in this  workbook.   We’ve included detailed instructions for every exercise in the online FAI Fix Exercise  Library.   Be sure to retest every two weeks so you can reformulate your approach based  on YOUR body.​ Refer to your notes as well. Focus on exercises you find challenging  and/or beneficial.   As you get more familiar with your body and the program, you’ll want to start  customizing your routine based on your results and observations.  Remember, the routines we have here are a beginning point. There are many  exercises in the library that may be beneficial for your hips. Explore them when you  5   

  are ready. You’ll find that we’ve generally organized the exercises in terms of  difficulty. In the library, the ones you see first in any section are generally the easier  ones to do. The ones following are going to be progressively more challenging.   After one to three months, you should have a better understanding of how your body  works and what it needs. At that point you SHOULD start to deviate from the  routines given and focus on the challenges remaining.  

  Let’s Get Started    Look at the SELF-TESTS​ in the member section of the FAI Fix website. Go through  ALL the tests and take notes on a piece of paper.  Which best describes you?  

Scenario 1 Your flexibility in at least one test was poor. It’s likely you had multiple flexibility  challenges. You will likely also have found strength issues. Choose up to two of the  beginner routines based on your self-test results. Start on the flexibility issues first.   As you improve the flexibility issues, you may start to focus on the strength issues.   Get familiar with the principles of each exercise and focus on making gradual  progress. Take it slow.   Focus on the routine(s) for two weeks. Check your progress and reassess. Choose to  continue with the same routine(s) or with new ones. If you run into trouble, check the  troubleshooting section.  



Scenario 2 You found ALL the flexibility tests easy. You likely had trouble with at least one of the  strength tests. In general, you are very flexible and “bendy.” This generally applies to  long time yoga practitioners, dancers, gymnasts, and/or acrobats.   Choose up to two routines based on the results of your self-tests. Focus on careful  execution of all exercises to build up muscle tension through a full range of motion.    You’ll notice in the routines that stretching and tissue work are not high priority.   You might need to experiment with tissue work to keep your joints moving correctly  as you build strength. You can experiment with some of the library’s tissue work  exercises, but don’t force yourself to do them if they obviously are not helping.   If you run into problems, check the Troubleshooting section in this workbook or  the FAQs in the member section.     


Tissue Work You may work on any area for one to ten minutes per side. Start off with about two  minutes and see how your body responds.   What if you only have pain on one side?   The rule of thumb for tissue work is to always spend more time on the side that feels  the densest/most painful. With that said, it’s also important to do at least a little bit of  work on the less problematic side so you have something to compare the “bad” side  to.   For example: If your right side is a problem, start with three minutes on the right side  and then only one minute on the left. As the right side improves, you can reduce the  7   

  amount of time on that side. If the left side doesn’t feel like it gets much benefit from  the tissue work after a few days, you could also choose not to do that side.  If tissue work makes things feel WORSE, then refer to the troubleshooting section.   

Stretching You must hold the position for a minimum of one minute if you want lasting change.  When you first start, stretching can be very uncomfortable and intense. If you can’t  do one minute, then do two sets of 30 seconds. Or three sets of 10 seconds. Do what  you can tolerate initially, but work up to longer holds. You want to eventually get to  two minute holds. When you get more experienced, you can go even longer.   If stretching any area makes things feel worse, check the troubleshooting section.  Once you get familiar with your stretches, it’s a good idea to use the “contract/relax”  technique to help you get even more results.   The contract/relax method teaches your brain to allow more stretch and to change  relationships between muscles.   For example, if you are doing a hamstring stretch, you can consciously contract the  hamstrings in the lengthened position. Maintain the contraction for a count of three  to five (or even longer if you feel like it helps you). Then, relax deeper into the stretch.   This “wears out” the hamstrings and allows you to get deeper. Alternatively, you could  contract your quads and hip flexors while doing the hamstring stretch, holding for a  count of three to five.   This sends an activation signal to the antagonist muscles, which sends a relaxation  signal to the hamstrings. For any muscle you’re stretching, you can use these methods  to elicit deeper relaxation.   



Reactivation Tissue work and stretching relax stiff muscles and make it easier to strengthen the  opposing muscles. In exercise jargon, this is as relaxing the antagonistic and then  strengthening the agonist.   For example, if your quads are extremely stiff, it can be difficult to activate your  glutes. Doing tissue work and stretching on your quads relaxes the quads. Then you  are better able to turn on your glutes in a glute exercise.   The sets and reps are listed in each routine. These are not set in stone. If you need to  do fewer, do fewer. Use the numbers as guidelines and adjust based on your body.   Once you can successfully complete the higher range of sets and reps with good form,  push yourself to do the harder version of the exercise (if there is one) or move onto a  new, harder exercise.   



BEGINNER ROUTINES FOR   SCENARIO 1    The following routines focus on improving your performance on each of the self-tests.   For the vast majority of people, we suggest choosing a maximum of TWO routines  and focusing on those together for two weeks.   For example:  ● You can do one routine every single day (multiple times per day based on your  tolerance).  ● You can choose two routines and alternate one in the morning, one in the  evening.   ● You can choose two routines and alternate one on Monday, Wednesday,  Friday, Sunday and the other on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday.  There is no wrong way to split up your routine. The best routine for you is the one you  will be most consistent with. Don’t get hung up on the “perfect routine.”   Every two weeks, reassess yourself with the self-tests!   Some people have more time and a lot of drive. If that’s you, you can choose to do the  “All-In-One” routine only. It has a broad focus rather than a narrow focus. But if you  find some obvious glaring restrictions during the All-In-One, we strongly suggest  switching to a more focused routine during your next two week cycle.   If the beginner routines as listed start feeling like they aren’t helping enough,  make sure you check the Troubleshooting Section of this workbook. Also take time to  look at the Exercise Library for more exercises that can fit in with your routine. We  have generally grouped exercises with similar goals so you can try different exercises  when you’re ready.  



Pelvic control and ab strength routine   REACTIVATION 



Strong Breathing 

30 sec-2 min. 

Heel taps 


2 per side 

30-60 sec. 


Side-lying side planks  Dead bugs 

  Key Points  Being able to engage your abdominals is important for stabilizing your pelvis. Your  pelvis must be stable in order to get the most out of your hip exercises and to keep  your hips healthy and happy.   Rest thirty seconds to two minutes between sets of each exercise. Focus on excellent  form.   If doing the full routine every day is too intense, make sure you do this routine three  days a week and at least two sets of one ab exercise every single day. Your body  needs constant reminders to keep the abs engaged!   The dead bugs are hard, so focus on proper form. Don’t be aggressive about range of  motion. If they are just too hard right now, keep working on the heel taps and the  other ab exercises you’ll find in the Reactivation - Abdominals section.   Be sure to also check out the other ab exercises in the Exercise Library as you  progress. Bird dogs can be very helpful!    



Hip Extension Improvement Routine   TISSUE WORK 




2 minutes 

Hip Flexors 

2 minutes 



Wall Quad Stretch 

2 minutes 

Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch 

2 minutes 



5-10 each side 

Bridge (choose a variation  and progress to harder ones  over time) 



Romanian Deadlift 





  Key Points  Bird Dogs - focus on getting good hip extension without your low back arching! Your  abs must stay on!   Bridge - Pick a variation from the library that presents a medium challenge. As it gets  easier, try a harder variation.   Romanian Deadlift - Start with NO weight to get familiar with the form. This is crucial.  Then, gradually add weight. You may increase the weight by small increments every  one to two weeks.   12   


Hip Abduction Improvement Routine   TISSUE WORK 




2 minutes 


2 minutes 




Goalie Stretch 

1-2 minutes 


1-2 minutes 



Fire Hydrant 



Side Lying Leg Lifts 



Banded Crab Walks 

30-60 sec. 

Standing adductor squeezes 

5-10 or up to a total of 2  minutes 




Key Points  These stretches can be intense. The adductors can feel as resistant and pliable as  wood. Don’t force range of motion. Just go to a medium intensity.   Side lying leg lifts are often VERY difficult. Watch your form closely. Adjust to make  sure you feel the correct muscles around the side and back of the hip.  


  The standing adductor squeezes will help you build strength in the inner thigh  muscles which can give you more controlled range of motion. Keep working to spread  your feet further apart so you can own this range of motion!  



Forward Fold Improvement Routine   TISSUE WORK 




2 minutes 


2 minutes 



Hamstrings (choose one) 

2 minutes 

Glute Stretches (choose one) 

1-2 minutes 




Side lying leg lifts 



Romanian Deadlift 




  REACTIVATION  Reverse clams 

  Key Points  Reverse clams - experiment with different angles and positions.   Side lying leg lifts add stability to the side of the hip. This often allows you to get more  hip flexion.   Glute stretches - A beginner pigeon variation and the Supine Pretzel Stretch are  usually top choices.  


  Romanian Deadlift - Start with NO weight to get familiar with the form. This is crucial.  Then gradually add weight. You may increase the weight by small increments every  one to two weeks.    



Hip External Rotation Improvement Routine   TISSUE WORK 




2 minutes 


2 minutes 



Wall Quad Stretch 

1-2 minutes 

Goalie Stretch 

1-2 minutes 

Pigeon variation #1 

1-2 minutes 

Pigeon variation #2 

1-2 minutes 




Side lying Leg Lift 



Bridge (choose one variation) 





  Key Points  If doing the pigeon variations hurts the front of the hip, don’t push the range of  motion so hard. Aim for to feel the glutes stretch. Use glute contractions to help build  up strength so you can feel the stretch in the right place.   If you have weak outer hips, the reactivation work should make the pigeon feel like a  real stretch rather than painful pinching.  





Hip Adduction Improvement   TISSUE WORK 



IT band/TFL/Glute Med 

2 minutes 


2 minutes 



Standing outer hip stretch 

1-2 minutes 

Supine pretzel  

2 minutes 

Band hip centration ER/IR 

1-2 min. 





Adductor lifts 


Copenhagen Exercise 



  REACTIVATION  Standing hip abduction 

  Key Points  The standing hip abduction will help you engage the outer hip muscles so that you can  better feel them. Sometimes stiffness is a result of weakness!   If the outer hip is weak, make sure you try the Hip Abduction improvement routine. 



Hip Internal Rotation Improvement Routine   TISSUE WORK 




2 minutes 


2 minutes 



Prone internal rotation with  strap - focus on stretch 

1 minutes 

Supine pretzel  

1 minutes 

Band hip centration ER/IR 

1-2 min. 



Hip rotational isometrics 


Reverse Clam 


Banded Hip Internal  Rotation 




Key Points  Most people should NOT be working ONLY on internal rotation. If your internal  rotation is impaired, it is very often related to other deficiencies as well.   Experiment with all the many positions and options in the reverse clam and banded  hip internal rotation. These will help you strengthen the hip internal rotators and will  yield big results!    



The Scenario 1 “All-In-One” Routine (Aim for 5-6 days a week)  Follow This Order  



Strong Breathing 

1-2 min. 

Plank Hold 

1 min. total 

Tissue Work on Quads 

2-3 minutes 

Wall Quad Stretch 

1-2 minutes 

Tissue Work on Glutes 

2-3 minutes 

Pigeon (choose one version) 

1-2 minutes 

Tissue Work on Adductors 

2-3 minutes 

Frog or Goalie Stretch 

1-2 minutes 

Tissue Work on Hamstrings 

2-3 minutes 

Hamstring stretch (choose  one) 

1-2 minutes 

Supine Pretzel Stretch 

1-2 minutes 



Side Lying Leg Lifts 


Heel Tap 




Adductor Lifts (or  Copenhagen Exercise) 




Romanian Deadlift 





  Key Points  This is a long routine and will take a significant amount of time. It’s generally not  sustainable for weeks or months at a time. Use it to identify significant challenges and  then focus on the more streamlined routines.   Romanian Deadlift - Start with NO weight to get familiar with the form. This is crucial.  Then gradually add weight. You may increase the weight by small increments every  one to two weeks.  





BEGINNER ROUTINES FOR   SCENARIO 2    The following routines focus on improving your performance on the specific  self-tests.   For the vast majority of people, we suggest choosing a maximum of TWO routines  and focusing on those together for two weeks.   For example:  ● You can do one routine every single day (up to three times per day based on  your tolerance).  ● You can choose two routines and alternate one in the morning, one in the  evening.   ● You can choose two routines and alternate one on Monday, Wednesday,  Friday, Sunday and the other on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday.  There is no wrong way to split up your routine. The best routine for you is the one you  will be most consistent with. Don’t get hung up on the “perfect routine.”   Every two weeks, reassess yourself with the self-tests!   Some people have more time and a lot of drive. If that’s you, you can choose to do the  “All-In-One” routine only. It has a broad focus rather than a narrow focus. But if you  find some obvious glaring restrictions during the All-In-One, we strongly suggest  switching to a more focused routine during your next two week cycle.        



Pelvic Control and Ab Strength Routine   REACTIVATION 



Strong Breathing 

30-60 sec. 

Heel Taps 



Dead Bugs 

5-10 per side 

Palloff Press 

30-60 sec holds or 10-20  reps 

Split Squats 


Romanian Deadlift 



Key Points  Make sure you can feel your abs engage during strong breathing. Find that feeling  when doing all your exercises to keep your abs engaged and pelvis stable!   Palloff Press - Make sure to do this from both sides unless you have an obvious  rotational asymmetry.   Romanian Deadlift - Start with NO weight to get familiar with the form. This is crucial.  Then gradually add weight. You may increase the weight by small increments every  one to two weeks.  



Hip Flexion Strength Routine   REACTIVATION 



Supine hip flexion isometrics 

5-10, vary the intensity  and length of  contractions 

Can-cans (do with bent knee) 

5-10, vary length of hold  from 1-30 sec. 

Can-cans (straight knee) 

5-10, vary length of hold  from 1-30 sec. 

  Key Points  Supine hip flexion isometrics - only go as far as you can without it hurting. Your goal is  to feel the right muscles firing, not to push into pain.   Can-cans - You can adjust the hip angle in an infinite number of directions. The  straight knee makes a huge difference as well. Make sure you experiment with  multiple positions and angles. Add ankle weights of 2-5 lbs. to increase the difficulty.   Take at least one minute of rest between difficult sets to allow recovery so you don’t  start compensating with your low back or pelvis.    



Forward Fold Improvement (for scenario 2)   REACTIVATION 






Reverse Clams 


Romanian Deadlift 


Single Leg Romanian Deadlift 


Bridges   Single Leg Bridges 

  Key Points  Bridge - Pick a variation from the library that presents a medium challenge. As it gets  easier, try a harder variation.   Reverse clams, work to check your internal rotation strength with hip flexion (knee  toward chest).   Romanian Deadlift - Start with NO weight to get familiar with the form. This is crucial.  Then gradually add weight. You may increase the weight by small increments every  one to two weeks.   For the Single Leg Romanian Deadlift, focus on impeccable form. Use assistance (like  a wall or chair) to learn the motion with control.    




Abductor Strength Improvement Routine   REACTIVATION 



Fire Hydrant 



Side Lying Leg Lifts 



Banded Crab Walks 

30-60 sec. 

Standing Hip Abduction 

5-10 slow and controlled 

Reverse Clam 



Key Points  These exercises are deceivingly difficult. Make sure you try to isolate the motion to  the leg moving relative to the pelvis.   Side lying leg lifts are often VERY difficult. Watch your form closely. Adjust to make  sure you feel the correct muscles around the side and back of the hip. Play with  different angles and orientations of the top leg to improve strength at all angles.  Progress to ankle weights on the reverse clam and make sure to try all the angles!  




Adductor Strength Improvement   REACTIVATION 



Side Lying Adductor Lifts 


Standing Adductor Squeezes 

5-10, vary contraction  lengths 

Copenhagen Exercise /  Adductor Plank) 

5-10, vary contraction  lengths 


Key Points  The adductors are often VERY weak in people with hip pain. Firing them can get  intense and fatiguing very quickly.   Take at least one minute of rest between difficult sets to allow recovery so you feel a  healthy medium intensity of muscle activity on every rep.   Make sure you start with easier progressions of the Copenhagen exercise before you  try to do the straight leg version. Also experiment with angles!          




The Scenario 2 “All-In-One” Routine (Aim for 5-6 days a week)  REACTIVATION 



Heel Taps 


Bird Dog 


2 per side 

30-60 sec. 

Bridges (choose a variation) 



Side Lying Leg Lifts 



Side Lying Adductor Lifts 


Copenhagen Exercise 

5-10, vary contraction  lengths 



Romanian Deadlift 


Split Squats OR Squats 


Side Lying Side Plank 

  Key Points  This is an intense and long routine. We suggest you use it for only two to four weeks.  Then, transition to two more focused routines based on what you discover.   Bridge - Pick a variation from the library that presents a medium challenge. As it gets  easier, try a harder variation.   Romanian Deadlift - Start with NO weight to get familiar with the form. This is crucial.  Then gradually add weight. You may increase the weight by small increments every  one to two weeks.   If any exercise feels especially taxing, adjust the volume or intensity. Some days you  can do fewer sets and reps at a slower pace. Some days you can do more more sets  29   

  and reps at a faster pace. Listen to your body and do what feels challenging AND  nourishing.  Take at least one minute of rest between difficult sets to allow recovery so form does  not deteriorate.  

  TROUBLESHOOTING  Your muscles keep getting stiff again You stretch, but you seem to go back to square one every time. This doesn’t mean  you’re broken and hopeless. To help the process you may need to:  1) stretch more often throughout the day  2) use contract/relax to gain strength and control at your end ranges - often  doing 20-60 second holds will yield great muscle strength and control gains  3) stretch other muscles FIRST (e.g. stretching your quads first can sometimes  make it easier to stretch your hamstrings or vice versa)  This is a VERY common problem. Don’t lose hope. Your body needs time to adapt.  

One hip is less flexible than the other Nobody’s hips are perfectly symmetrical, so this is a very common issue.   For any hip muscles that are stiffer than the other side, do an extra set (or more) of  stretches during your routine. If there is an exercise where one hip is stronger than  the other, make sure to give the weaker side an extra set (or more). Also go through  the strategies listed above.    30   


One hip is weaker than the other Nobody’s hips are perfectly symmetrical, so this is a very common issue.   If you find one hip is weaker than the other in a specific exercise, you have two  strategies to try. The first strategy is to strengthen the muscles of the weak side. That  means doing extra sets or extra exercises for just that side whenever you work out.  The second strategy is to “release the brakes.” This means using stretching and tissue  work to relax the antagonists (or opposite side muscles). For example, if your right  glutes are weak, tissue work and stretching on the right side quads and adductors  would release the brakes. This would make it feel easier to use your glutes. 

You get pinching sensations during an exercise All exercises and stretches should never feel TOO "sharp" or “painful” or “ pinchy".   However, pain is not a FULL STOP signal; it’s an opportunity to tune in more and  figure out what it means.  You may experience pinching or sharp sensations if your muscles are weak or  deconditioned. If you find you are getting a pinch, we suggest you try the following:  1. Adjust the angle of the stretch or exercise you’re doing. Move your leg out a little  bit. Move your torso a little to the side. Go where it’s less pinchy and just feels like a  tiring challenge for specific muscles. Look to fatigue those muscles. Once the muscles  learn to control that position, you may find the original position much less pinchy (if at  all).  2. Learn to contract the muscles around the pinchy area. If those muscles are  deconditioned, they can give you a sharp pinching sensation.   For example, if you feel a pinch in the front of the thigh when you squat, try a  standing or kneeling hip flexor stretch. But instead of just passively relaxing there,  you could activate your hip flexors for an isometric hold. You want to feel the muscles  in that area working and fatiguing. Or, you could focus on resisted hip flexion like in  the sitting hip isometrics or standing hip flexion (can-can) exercise. This would build  strength and normalize function of the high anterior hip muscles.   31   

  Often doing 20-60 second isometric holds will yield great muscle strength and  control gains  3. If you often feel pinching in the adductors (inner thigh muscles) or outer thigh area  during abduction, take a look at the Adductor Strength routine and the Hip Abduction  Improvement routine.   Also look at the Adductor Strength routine as weak adductors are often a cause of a  pinchy groin feeling.   4. Build strength in the antagonists or stabilizing muscles. You can often alleviate a  pinching, sharp sensation around the front or inside of the hip by focusing on  activation exercises, like sidelying leg lifts. This is generally an excellent strategy if you  have already determined that your inner thigh muscles are flexible.  5. Try a new tool or exercise from The FAI Fix to get fresh insight into this area of  your body. Sometimes using a kettlebell instead of a foam roller for tissue work makes  a world of difference. Experiment with something new.  Your end goal is eventually a "hurts so good" kind of feeling with tissue work,  comfortable stretches when you are stretching, and well-balanced, graceful  movements when you exercise (without any major pain feelings in your body). This  takes time.   

Tissue work and stretching make the targeted  muscle feel worse  If you’re a Scenario 1 and doing any stretch just makes the muscle feel worse, you  should experiment with contract/relax of that muscle and the muscles around it.    For example, if you find that adductor stretches make the adductors hurt more,  practice getting into the stretch, and then contracting the adductors. Think of it more  as a strength exercise than a “stretch.” Attempt to build strength, coordination, and  control of those muscles. This will probably feel weak and a little painful. Also, take a  look at the Adduction Improvement and the Adductor Strength routine.  


  As the strength builds, the pain will reduce. If you’re a Scenario 1, work on increasing  the range of motion this way. If you’re a Scenario 2, really focus on gaining control. As  you practice this more and more, the muscles should start to feel more normal.   You should also experiment with contracting the muscles around the hip joint in other  directions.   For example, if you are having trouble with pain in the goalie stretch, work on  contracting various muscles while in the stretch. Try the adductors (pushing the foot  into the floor), the quads (squeezing the thigh muscles tight), the hamstrings (pulling  the leg back or down into the floor if your toes are up), and the glutes (squeezing  and/or pulling the foot back/down).   If these tactics do not help, do some of the exercises that encourage better isolated  control over the muscles around the hip joint.   For a start, take a look at the sitting hip isometrics, sitting pigeon isometrics, and  sitting pigeon with contract/relax. You may also find benefits from the sitting hip  rotational isometrics, 90 90 isometrics, 90 90 with forward lean, reverse clams,  can-cans, and frog with internal rotation with strap.   

Sitting is painful  If your butt or outer hips hurt while sitting, make sure you work on the Hip Extension  Improvement routine. Really work on building those butt muscles.  If you get pain elsewhere, you may want to look at the Hip Adduction, External  Rotation, Flexion, and Internal Rotation tests.   In addition, the sitting hip isometrics, sitting pigeon isometrics, frog with internal  rotation with strap, and sitting pigeon with contract/relax may be helpful. For even  more helpful exercises, look at the following in the library: sitting hip rotational  isometrics, the 90 90 isometrics, 90 90 with forward lean, and 90-90 abduction clinic.     


  If you’re a Scenario 1, make sure you work toward building flexibility and range of  motion while doing those exercises.   If you’re a Scenario 2, focus on the quality of the contractions. Experiment with  increasing the intensity and duration of the exercises.    

Flexing the hip is painful in the front  Combine the Forward Fold Improvement Routine in Scenario 1 and the Hip Flexion  Strength Improvement Routine in Scenario 2.    

Abducting the hip is painful  There could be a lot of things you need to address.   One idea: use the Abductor Strength Improvement Routine in Scenario 2.   Another: use the Adduction Improvement Routine in Scenario 1.   The 90-90 abduction clinic is an exercise in the library than can also gradually help  the muscles around the hip learn to stabilize in an abducted position.   

Pigeon pose is painful  Hip external rotation can be limited by a variety of factors (not just the glutes). The  90/90 drills and pigeon pose isometrics will help you activate various muscles in this  position. Tissue work on the glutes, high hamstring attachment points, IT Band, and  more will also help unlock the rotation necessary for a comfortable pigeon pose.   Experiment with tissue work all around the hip joint + 90/90 drills + different glute  stretches for best all-around results.  


  For some people, weakness in the glutes can make pigeon pose painful. To test this,  try doing sidelying leg lifts slowly and with control. Focus on the glutes. If they get  fatigued in 10 reps or under, you’ve almost definitely got a weak set of glutes.   Get them stronger for a few weeks using the sidelying leg lifts and single leg romanian  deadlift (this one can be REALLY tough, so be mindful). THEN you can try the pigeon  pose again. As you do the pigeon pose, do it thinking about contracting the glutes.  This can make a huge difference.      

Your glutes are getting strong but your knee is starting to hurt Look at the Hip External Rotation Routine. If pigeon stretches hurt the hip or knee,  focus on Improve Abductor Strength Improvement (Scenario 2) before working on  the pigeon pose. 

You are ready to do different exercises If you are no longer making progress using any of the focused routines, first try this.   Rewatch EVERY exercise in the routines you’ve done. Double check your form. Make  sure your form is IMPECCABLE. Have someone else watch you if possible.  We’ve heard countless people say, “I’ve gotten everything I can out of this.” And it  turns out, they are executing with poor form or not focusing on the right muscles.   If you are 100% sure you’re executing correctly, then go through the appropriate  All-In-One Routine and take note of the most challenging exercises.   If you find NO challenging exercises, look at the Exercise Library. You are  GUARANTEED to find more difficult exercise variations in there.  


  Create a custom routine of those challenging exercises.​ We have provided a  Custom Routine template for you to take notes at the end of the workbook.   




Conclusion    Remember that this is a process.   Every two weeks, reassess. Are you making progress? Yes? Then keep focusing on  those areas.   Are you stalled? That does not mean your hips are hopelessly broken. It means you  need to adjust some variable in your approach. You may need to focus on another  routine. Go through the Self-Tests again.   Try another path.   It takes time to get your hips moving without pain. But it can be done.   With time, patience, and perseverance, you can do it.    




My Custom Hip Routine    EXERCISE NAME 




































  Key Points  For working adults, we generally suggest keeping the routine under eight total  exercises. Between work, kids, and other responsibilities, it can be overwhelming to  do more.  You may want to do more than eight exercises. If so, consider creating two routines.  Do one in the morning and one at night. This will keep your exercise habit more  sustainable.