Exercises on Question

Question Words (Wh-questions): What, where, when, which, who, whose, why, how (WH QUESTION + AUXILARY VERB/MODAL + SUBJE

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Question Words (Wh-questions): What, where, when, which, who, whose, why, how (WH QUESTION + AUXILARY VERB/MODAL + SUBJECT+ MAIN VERB) Part A. Fill in the question words What, Where, Why, When, How, Who to form the questions. 1. __________ do you love most? 2. __________ does Mehmet get up in the morning? 3. __________ don´t you go by taxi, Selin? 4. __________ hobbies does Ceren have? 5. __________ do they go to every Sunday? 6. __________ old is you she? 7. __________ is Murat´s birthday? 8. __________ are my glasses? 9. __________ are you going, Hasan? 10. __________ do your parents live? Part B. Fill in the correct question word. 1. __________ sits next to Selim? Murat does. 2. __________ does he come from? From London. 3. __________ old is his dog? Three. 4. __________ is Lale’s birthday? In June. 5. __________ much is that T- shirt? It´s tweleve euros. 6. __________ is best at football? Messi. 7. __________ are you going? To university. 8. __________ much is a glass of water? It´s one euro. 9. __________ does the restaurant close? At midnight. 10. __________ can I get some pizza? At the snack bar. 11. __________ are you going to have? Chicken rost. 12. __________ are you going to do tomorrow? I don´t know. 13. __________ are you speaking to? To Ali. 14. __________ is your surname? Brown. 15. __________ is the party? On Saturday. Part C. Choose What, Which or Whose. 1. ________ is the time?

2. ________ colour is her car? 3. ________ kind of music do you like to listen to? 4. ________ school does he go to? 6. ________ road leads to the university? 7. ________ bike is this? Part D. Write a question for every answer. Pay attention to subject and object questions: 1.

What songs by John Lennon __________________________________________ ?

I like “Imagine” and “Power to the people”. 2.

How many ________________________________________________________?

There were 4 members in the British rock band The Beatles. 3.

Which musicians ___________________________________________________ ?

Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr, George Harrison and John Lennon formed The Beatles. 4.

When ____________________________________________________________ ?

John Lennon was born in 1940. 5.

Where ___________________________________________________________ ?

John Lennon was from Liverpool, in England. 6.

Where ___________________________________________________________ ?

In 1980, John Lennon lived in New York. 7.

When ____________________________________________________________ ?

John Lennon and Yoko Ono got married in 1969. 8.

Who _____________________________________________________________ ?

Mark David Chapman killed John Lennon in 1980. 9.

How many people __________________________________________________ ?

More than 220.000 people attended Lennon´s funeral in the Central Park, New York.