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Outcomes Upper Intermediate Vocabulary Builder  Unit 1 EXERCISES Collocations Prepositions E Match the adjectives to

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Outcomes Upper Intermediate Vocabulary Builder  Unit 1




E Match the adjectives to the nouns. Look up the adjectives if you need help.

A Complete the sentences with the correct preposition. 1 There was a confrontation

two motorists.

1 a big-budget

a) personality

2 his fatal

b) impression

3 an intimate

c) film

4 a dominant

d) joke

3 There’s a lot of tension

the two communities.

5 her initial

e) flaw

4 Many drivers soon tire

the same routine

6 a hilarious

f) relationship

2 Does it strike you


5 What’s your interpretation 6 She was jealous

the painting?

her brother’s success.

7 He was the dominant partner 8 They were threatened

their relationship.

a group of youths.

B Choose the correct preposition.

F Complete the missing adjectives from the unit. 1 a really g _ _ p _ _ _ g novel 2 I found the film deeply d _ _ t _ _ b _ _ g 3 a h _ _ _ r _ _ _ s joke 4 she was perfectly w _ _ _ _ _ g

1 He’s been banned from / of driving.

5 The ending was utterly p _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ e

2 The flowers are symbolic for / of death.

6 a highly c _ _ v _ _ t _ _ _ _ l approach to art

3 He’s been glued to / on his computer all day. 4 I could sense the friction with / between them. 5 The cat was seated on / by my lap 6 He disguised himself as / in a medical student. 7 Let me be frank to / with you. 8 There is one major obstacle to / with progress.

G Complete the sentences with the correct nouns. Look up the nouns if you need help. bankruptcy impression (x2) tears deed interpretation temptation


1 After the accident, she burst into 2 He was rewarded for his good

Word families

3 His family now faces

C Complete the expressions with the correct form of the word in bold.

4 She’s had to overcome a lot of 6 I tried to resist the message.

1 an uplifting experience feel

5 I don’t want you to get the wrong

by a speech

2 the tension builds throughout the novel

7 I got the distinct welcome.

the atmosphere in the room was very

8 Her intentions are open to

to read the we weren’t

3 Her early work is quite ambiguous he answered rather 4 We will have to confront the problem immediately a violent

with the police

5 The statue had to undergo important restoration It took fifty years to fully

the building

D Tick the words which are both a noun and a verb. 1 urge 2 disturb 3 pretend 4 affair 5 disguise 6 slice

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Outcomes Upper Intermediate Vocabulary Builder  Unit 2

D Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs from the box. Look up the nouns in bold if you need help.

EXERCISES Prepositions


A Complete the sentences with the correct preposition. 1 There was strong opposition 3 We caught a glimpse

the two countries.

the emperor’s tomb.

4 She had a strong desire 5 Any expansion worse.

his argument.

8 This exhibition is dedicated

2 Moisture

the artist’s mother.

a hazard for buildings.

a glimpse of the Pope in Rome.

E Complete the sentences with the correct nouns. Look up the words in bold if you need help. facilities



1 More tourists will visit in the forthcoming .

Word families

2 We had a stunning

B Complete the expressions with the correct form of the word in bold.

3 Sarah had an affluent

from the hotel. .

4 The city is full of historic


5 The hotel had excellent leisure

1 a deprived childhood economic 2 my CV is attached open the


Phrasal verbs

3 a grand building the 17th century of the house 4 the internet has a complete transformed our lives  5 my job was to oversee provide an financial operations  6 a hideous outfit  expensive 7 an affluent neighbourhood an area of fast-growing

F Choose the correct word to complete the phrasal verb. 1 Let’s stick to / on the plan. 2 They were setting down / off fireworks in their garden. 3 The price of air tickets has shot up / away recently. 4 They knocked down / over my old school. 5 We had to sweep out / up all the broken glass. 6 Forget about your work and join up / in the fun!


Collocations C Match the adjectives to the nouns. Look up the adjectives if you need help.

G Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the box. Use to + infinitive or –ing. attach spin

promote erect join in

1 spectacular

a) base

2 a dedicated

b) professional

3 a run-down

c) scenery

1 He went on TV

4 residential

d) area


5 military

e) neighbourhood

3 I forgot

6 a forthcoming

f) product

4 Would you like

g) event

5 My head was

7 an innovative


3 You should caution when approaching these animals.

lifestyle sites

the car alarm.


a donation to the charity

4 I


the stadium will make things

6 She wasn’t persuaded 7 I accidentally set

1 I

the proposal.

2 There was growing tension


his new film. something means to build it. the file. ? .

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Outcomes Upper Intermediate Vocabulary Builder  Unit 3

E Match the nouns to the verbs. Look up the nouns (a–e) if you need help.

EXERCISES Prepositions

1 to approach with

a) compensation

2 to have an

b) purchase

A Complete the sentences with the correct preposition.

3 to walk

c) caution

4 to claim

d) obsession

5 to make a

e) a fine line

1 I need to fix that crack 2 I rubbed salt

the wall.

the meat.

3 They recovered their possessions 4 Handle that drill

the debris.

great caution.

5 He had a bandage

his hand.

6 He tried to mend the rip

F Complete the sentences with the correct word from the box. Look up the words in bold if you need help. emotional hairline practical occupational

his shirt.

Word families

1 She suffered childhood.

B Complete the expressions with the correct form of the word in bold.

2 This research has important implications.

1 protect your privacy online

a very

2 acquire a property

a new

3 an admission of guilt 4 a fire hazard a


being wrong line of work

5 a military commander  the two generals the army 6 the trauma of his death  by the experience

C Which TWO words in the box below are NOT both a noun and a verb? clip leak

settle crack

stack purchase

guarantee pile

refund army

3 A last week.


trauma in her

incident occurred in the town

4 This vase is beautiful but it has a crack in it. 5 Mixing chemicals is an pharmacists.

hazard for

Phrasal verbs G Choose the correct word to complete the phrasal verb. 1 The wardrobe was very badly put together / off. 2 We’re going to get rid by / of our old furniture. 3 That’s the second time you’ve let me down / up! 4 Their marriage is falling down / apart.

Collocations D Complete the collocations with the verbs in the box. Look up the nouns if you need help. pin spring pose demand make


a hazard


the blame


a purchase


a leak


a refund

5 We have to put up / in with loud neighbours.

Patterns H Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the box. Use to + infinitive or –ing. acquire resolve retain resist replace

1 It will be easy 2 He insisted on 3 He wanted

the problem. control. a valuable painting.

4 She tried


5 We need

the fridge.

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Outcomes Upper Intermediate Vocabulary Builder  Unit 4




D Complete the collocations with nouns from the unit. 1 a decisive v _ _ _ _ _ y

A Complete the sentences with the correct preposition. 1 A lot

2 walk at a leisurely p _ _ e 3 provoke an armed c _ _ _ _ _ _ t

companies have gone bankrupt.

2 The work will be carried out

a private company.

3 We need to get to the root 4 Everything was captured 5 Pollution puts strain 6 The court ruled

6 follow the plan s _ _ p by step

film. the environment.

E Choose the correct verbs to complete the collocations. Look up the nouns to help you if necessary.

his favour.

7 There will be an investigation

4 plant a cash c _ _ p 5 find the r _ _ t cause

the problem.

the issue.

1 provoke / raise a conflict 2 be announced / declared bankrupt

Word families B Complete the sentences with the correct nouns from the verbs in the box. donate tolerate cut back reverse reflect rule

1 The judge made a

I help save people’s because of

of slavery was not considered

F Which of the following words do not collocate with the nouns? 2 humanitarian / fashion / financial / foreign aid 4 award / win / succeed / claim damages

G Complete the missing adjectives. 1 She’s too s_ _ t on her son.

5 That simple fact is worth some 6 There was a dramatic government policy.

5 harvest / launch a new initiative

3 conduct / launch / decide / carry out an investigation

3 There will be spending bad sales. 4 The acceptable.

4 award / capture someone damages

1 drug / food / alcohol / substance abuse

against her.

2 I am a blood lives.

3 cut back / conduct an investigation

. in

C Tick the words which are both a noun and a verb.

2 He was convicted of p_ _ _ _ _ _I assault. 3 People lose their jobs during an e _ _ _ _ _ _ c recession. 4 It was a highly c _ _ t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ l decision. 5 He thinks all politicians are m _ _ _ _ _ y corrupt.

1 abuse 2 claim 3 undermine 4 assault

Phrasal verbs H Choose the correct phrasal verb.

5 conduct

1 We are going to carry out / cut off some laboratory tests.

6 boost

2 He comes across / comes out as very rude. 3 The doctor told me to wipe out / cut back on fast food.

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Outcomes Upper Intermediate Vocabulary Builder  Unit 5




E Match the two halves of the collocations. Look up the nouns a–h if you need help.

A Complete the sentences with the correct preposition. 1 He’s self-conscious

his appearance.

2 Don’t make a fool


3 The school competes 4 She was excluded

the local championship. his school.

5 It will help you keep

8 We went

c)  boredom

4 brute

d)  breath

F Complete the collocations with nouns from the unit.

5 be short of b _ _ _ _ h

your face?

Word families B Complete the expressions with the correct form of the word in bold. agree

2 a half-time substitution  player 3 feel self-conscious

3 sheer

4 hand-eye c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ n

a wander in the park.

1 a reluctant decision

b)  strength

3 make a f _ _ l of yourself

the furniture.

9 How did you get that bruise

2 lose

2 f _ _ _ _ _ _ s and fittings


7 My dog is always bumping

a)  consciousness

1 out of s _ _ _ e


6 He was reluctant to talk

1 short of

a lazy

G Choose the correct verbs to complete the collocations. Look up the nouns to help you if necessary. 1 get / find the sack 2 make / do a fool of me 3 find / regain consciousness 4 work up / pick up a sweat 5 sprain / relieve the boredom


4 a powerful blow  improve your leg

Phrasal verbs 5 work on your flexibility a


6 express your disappointment



7 a knitting needle  sweater


C Tick the words which are both a noun and a verb.

H Choose the correct word to complete the phrasal verb. 1 We wandered off / round the town 2 You’ve always looked down on / off me 3 He was knocked out / by in a football collision. 4 He couldn’t keep up on / with us. 5 This class is too difficult. I can’t keep in / up.

1 cheat 2 sprain 3 stamina 4 sack 5 tactics 6 tackle

Word-building D Complete the sentence with a negative form of the correct adjective. able

1 I’m




to sleep because I’m so worried.

2 The building work was still


3 He suffered a blow to the head which left him . 4 I don’t play sports. I’m very


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Outcomes Upper Intermediate Vocabulary Builder  Unit 6




E Complete the collocations with the verbs in the box. Look up the nouns if you need help.

A Complete the sentences with the correct preposition. 1 Everyone had a moan 2 She found it easy to mix

the food. new people.

3 They’re always taking the mickey 4 He gazed thoughtfully

of him.

the painting.

5 I have a confirmation

the booking.

6 She takes great pride

her work.

B Choose the correct preposition. Look up the words in bold if you need help.

pitch return have highlight


the issue




a moan


a dash


to your roots


F Complete the missing adjectives/adverbs. 1 I have a strict d _ _ _ y routine.

1 The house was at / in an isolated area.

2 By the time I got home, I was s _ _ _ _ d to the skin.

2 We watched the sunset at / from our balcony.

3 I saw a s _ _ _ _ _ _ g sunset last night.

3 Put your dirty laundry in / on the basket.

4 The restaurant has undergone a c _ _ _ _ _ _ e transformation.

4 Look in / at the state of the kitchen! 5 It’s a restaurant of / with a welcoming atmosphere. 6 His flat was a bit in / of a dump.

1 drop dead a)   party 2 national b)   procedure

Word families C Complete the expressions with the correct form of the word in bold. 1 a remarkable transformation


2 resist the proposal

meet with

3 muddy boots

covered in

the living

4 he’s always very sarcastic a touch of 5 a filthy floor

G Match the two halves of the collocations. Look up the words a–e if you need help.

3 a house-warming

c)  heritage

4 the standard

d)  gorgeous

5 run e)   smoothly

H Complete the expressions with the words in the box. resistant reservation welcome pride


living in

to change

2 make someone


3 confirm a

D Complete the sentences with the correct noun from the verbs. 1 The of the two companies was successful. (integrate) 2 We need of your signature before we can proceed. (confirm) 3 A of ancient and modern architecture (combine) 4 We’d like to make a (reserve)

, please.

4 take

in something

Phrasal verbs I Choose the correct word to complete the phrasal verb. 1 You can’t put off / up this decision any longer. 2 I’ve been slaving up / away in the kitchen for hours. 3 It took her a long time to get over / by her divorce. 4 Our bills added up / on to over a thousand pounds.

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Outcomes Upper Intermediate Vocabulary Builder  Unit 7




D Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the box. Look up the verbs if you need help.

A Complete the sentences with the correct preposition. 1 I tried eating mud

2 She’s got a lot of insight

this problem.

3 An old woman placed a curse 4 Her health problems stem 5 She was

settle dare turn leave

a dare.

1 Her career has really

Serena. poor diet.

floods of tears.

6 I have the seed

the mud.

3 The snow is

on the fields. his house to his children. you to ask him to go out on a date.

E Complete the missing adjectives. Look up the nouns if you need help. 1 g _ _ _ _ _ _ s sunshine

B Complete the expression with the correct form of the word in bold.

2 a s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ d windscreen 3 a g _ _ _ _ _ e misunderstanding 4 a d _ _ _ e fog

1 a civilised society modern 3 a tree with strong roots 

nasty later that day.

5 I

Word families

2 he showed great bravery a

2 The weather 4 He

an idea.

7 Make sure the car doesn’t get stuck


thing to do in tradition

4 claim your inheritance She money.

a lot of

5 a complete don’t misunderstanding 


6 intimidation tactics They tried to me.

F Match the two halves of the collocations. 1 a non-stop

a)  seeds

2 scatter

b)  poll

3 a state

c)  flight

4 opinion

d)  opened

5 the heavens

e)  funeral

Patterns Word-building C Tick the words which are both a noun and a verb. 1 subsidy

G Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the list. Use to + infinitive or –ing. contest


2 flash

1 We are planning

3 turn

2 We spent the afternoon strawberries.

4 skid 5 inherit 6 dare

3 We had

pull over


the decision.

to the side of the road.

4 I thought I was going

to death

7 found 8 curse

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Outcomes Upper Intermediate Vocabulary Builder  Unit 8




D Complete the sentences with the correct adjective from the box. Look up the words in bold if you need help.

A Complete the sentences with the correct preposition. 1 Bad weather was cited 2 There is a direct correlation 3 It’s useless to speculate accident. 4 They’ll lock you up

unsuccessful thin

the reason. price and quality. the cause of the

4 A was approved.

last night.

7 There has been a plunge 8 Emphasis was placed

1 Armed robbery is a

offence. role in over twenty

3 The thieves just vanished into

prison after two years.

6 My house was broken

house prices. the important of recycling.

B Complete the expression with the correct form of the word in bold.

5 There was a centre last night.

incident in the town appeal against her

E Complete the collocations with nouns from the unit. 1 commit f _ _ _ d

1 a rise in burglaries

a teenage

2 launch an e _ _ _ _ _ y

2 a mysterious disappearance

the suspect

3 gain a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ e

3 convicted of fraud a


4 such a relief 

the pressure

5 gain acceptance


6 harshly punished 


Word-building C Complete the sentences with nouns formed from the verbs. riot stage

1 Masked cash.

speculate raid

escaped with jewellery and

2 He’s top in the world 3 A Tuesday.

of Hamlet will take place next

4 There’s been a lot of media subject. 5 She’s had no previous 6 The


inquiry was held and the scheme

6 She launched an sentence.

Word families

rank convict

serious public

2 He’s had the films.


5 He was released

starring violent

were arrested.

on the .

4 place e _ _ _ _ _ _ s on something 5 hit a p _ _ k 6 put on a great p _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ e

F Match the two halves of the collocations. Look up the nouns (a–f) if you need help. 1 air

a) device

2 rail

b) sentence

3 an electronic

c)  raid

4 a life

d)  transport

5 law

e)  and order

6 medical

f)  records

Phrasal verbs G Complete the sentences with the correct form of the phrasal verbs in the box. break into put forward come up

go off turn off

1 Someone

get hold of account for

my house last night.

2 Teenagers are being


3 A stranger me.

and started talking to

4 She has been 5 A bomb

for promotion in a bus shelter.

6 You are a very difficult person to 7 Improvements in education in university applicants.

. the rise

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Outcomes Upper Intermediate Vocabulary Builder  Unit 9


1 The

on my course is brilliant.

2 I’ve just started a new job as a market .

Prepositions A Complete the sentences with the correct preposition. 1 Are you finding it hard to cope 2 He rose to the rank

the workload?

captain in the navy.

3 They greeted each other

has recommend me for a

4 I gave some money to a street.

a tray.

5 They were accused of being cheap labour.

1 The consultant gave a brief overview at/of the problem. 2 I take my lunch break at/on twelve.

F Complete the collocations with the verbs in the box. Look up the nouns if you need help. get outline

sum up hand

3 I’m deeply sceptical about/for the whole plan.


the hang of (something)

4 The garden was well stocked in/with plants.


in your notice

5 We’ve kept in touch since/before we left school


a lecture


market research


a proposal


an excuse

Word families C Complete the expressions with the correct form of the word in bold. 1 an emotionally draining feel completely experience  haunted by fears of

3 a stimulating experience mental 4 stop interfering! too much 5 promoted at work a well-earned 6 the novelty wore off

1 It was a really

experience. (reward)

2 You should talk to your (management)

about it.

3 We’ve had (count)

applications for this role. the responsibility to me.

5 Try to ignore his 6 He was (restless)

! (interfere) pacing up and down.

G Complete the sentences with the correct noun from the box. Look up the nouns if you need help. rise overview training touch row spirit

1 My boss has arranged in-house everyone.


2 Unions are calling for a 50% pay


4 We’ve kept in years.

of the plan. for the past twenty

5 They had a blazing last night.

about money

6 She has a restless in a job for long.

and never stays

Phrasal verbs H Choose the correct word to complete the phrasal verb. 1 The excuse he made up/out was completely unconvincing. 2 Let’s move up/on to the next topic. 3 It’s important to sum over/up your argument at the end.

Word-building E Complete the sentences with the correct noun from the words in the box. research exploit beg training

carry out make up

3 He gave a broad

 a approach

D Complete the sentences with the correct words from the words in brackets.

4 He (delegation)




B Choose the correct preposition.

2 made redundant

on the

the conventional way.

4 She brought the coffee to us 5 I’ll never get the hang

3 My promotion.


4 You shouldn’t have to settle for/up this. 5 We spend the whole day digging up/in vegetables in the garden. 6 A petition was handed in/out to the council.

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Outcomes Upper Intermediate Vocabulary Builder  Unit 10




E Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the box. Look up the verbs if you need help.

A Complete the sentences with the correct preposition. 1 I felt completely at ease 2 She forgot to turn up 3 It was taken over

them. her appointment.

a larger company.

4 We’d better leave now to be 5 The audience burst 6 A bunch

the safe side.


us went to the cinema on Friday.

7 Please copy me in

2 I don’t appreciate public displays of/with affection. 3 Smoking is frowned off/on here. 4 He has been sacked at/from his job. 5 We had to drag him out to/of bed! 6 He came over and asked me for/by a light.

C Complete the expressions with the correct form of the word in bold. constant

2 a slap on the wrist

your shoes before about something. .

F Match the two halves of the collocations. Look up the nouns (a–e) if you need help. 1 a small

a) attendant

2 flight

b) on air

3 live

c) get-together

4 a terrible

d) sack

5 get the

e) bore

1 a city b _ _ _ k 2 be on the safe s _ _ e 3 buy and sell s_ _ _ _ s

someone mechanical

4 casually dressed 5 a bitter rival

3 Don’t forget to we go out.

G Complete the collocations with nouns from the unit.

Word families

3 the engine failed

2 His new film has been heavily

5 I felt a bit

1 Many people were outraged by/for the idea.


1 I asked her what was wrong and she into tears.

4 She’s always

any emails.

B Choose the correct preposition.

1 don’t interrupt me

burst leave out publicise polish

4 have an i _ _ _ _ t 5 look on the bright s _ _ e

clothing fierce

6 a d _ _ _ _ _ y of power 7 stage a r _ _ _ y

6 treat yourself to something a birthday 7 a versatile machine

Phrasal verbs


H Choose the correct word to complete the phrasal verb.

Word-building D Complete the sentences with adjectives formed from the nouns. outrage harm sympathy bore

1 That’s an 2 She was very


2 Long coffee breaks are frowned on/of in my office. 3 They attempted to take up/over the rival company. 4 I’m sorry but I have to break away/up the party. 5 We’re married but we still chat each other about/up.

idea! about it.

3 I watched such a

film last night.

4 It was just a bit of


5 They’re very

1 Don’t get caught out/in by the tide.

6 I feel a bit left in/out when I’m with you and your friends. 7 She eventually turned up/in halfway through the evening.

towards each other.

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Outcomes Upper Intermediate Vocabulary Builder  Unit 11


3 They reached an desert.

expanse of


4 She enjoyed the the city.

pace of life in

A Complete the sentences with the correct preposition.

5 Travelling gives you a on life.

1 There was a dent

the passenger door.

2 He kept a herd 3 We set off


5 It was inconsiderate 6 I got a blister

quantity of floodwater was

E Complete the collocations with nouns from the unit.

home at six.

4 She’s going to appeal

6 The horrifying!


the court. him to leave so soon.

my heel from my new shoes.

1 spring a l_ _ k 2 a refundable d _ _ _ _ _ t 3 contrary to popular m _ _ h 4 pay the taxi f _ _ e

Word families

5 a sense of p_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ e

B Complete the expressions with the correct form of the word in bold. 1 a bumpy journey

lots of

in the road

2 a dent in the door

it was

in an accident

3 a stiff lock

The door opened

4 a cause for concern

it’s a very

5 a remarkable achievement



6 I dread to think




6 have a nasty b _ _ _ _ _ r

F Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the box. develop fall

lodge uncover

1 Make sure you

the small print.

2 Archaeologists three 12th century monks.

the remains of

3 They plan to judgement.


4 We

C Complete the sentences with nouns formed from the verbs in the box.

5 The house has

indicate leak


1 They opposed the controls.


of import

2 I think your car’s

might be broken.

hire read

an appeal against the a strong bond. into disrepair.

6 It was raining so we

a cab.

Phrasal verbs G Choose the correct word to complete the phrasal verb. 1 They set up/off on a two week trip.

3 We all had to go home because of a dangerous chemical .

2 It turned out/on to be a mistake.

4 Regular lot of money long term.

4 You need to come down/off the motorway at junction 7.

of your car will save you a

3 Someone cut me out/up on the motorway.

5 A car pulled on/out without warning.


6 I leapt up/by in excitement.

D Complete the sentences with the adjectives from the box. endless fast

flat ever-increasing

different cracked

1 We stopped by the side of the road to change a tyre. 2 It’s dangerous to drive with a windscreen.

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Outcomes Upper Intermediate Vocabulary Builder  Unit 12 3 If you’re not computer on the course.


4 Make sure you use a


1 Many people suffer

F Which of the verbs do NOT form a collocation with the word in bold?

this piece of land.

3 He ran out of the room

a panic.

1 I think you might have broken/collapsed/sprained your wrist.

a stiff neck.

5 I’ll be walking

crutches for a while.

6 He was healed

for over



2 There’s a dispute


5 Last month was our most four years.

A Complete the sentences with the correct preposition. Look up the words in bold if you need help.

4 I woke up

, you won’t get

2 It was his responsibility to keep/maintain/manage a record of everything.

the latest medical treatment.

3 We’ll test the theory by conducting/carrying out/ making an experiment.

Word families B Complete the expressions with the correct form of the word in bold. 1 a chronic condition


2 My lips started to swell up.


3 effective pain relief

try to


4 The rules must be rigorously applied/enforced/ practised. 5 You stand to lose/keep/make a lot of money.

G Match the adjectives to the nouns. Look up the nouns (a–f) if you need help.

ankle stress

1 blind

a) beneficiary

2 toxic

b) panic

4 emergency surgery a


3 emergency

c) fumes

5 a chest infection


4 the main

d) surgery


5 a dazzling

e) phenomenon

6 a recent

f) array


6 a major dispute a

C Complete the sentences with the correct words from the words in brackets. 1 These plants have

properties. (heal)

2 The of the tumour was a difficult procedure. (remove) 3 We discussed the benefits of (outsource)

1 a heat r _ _ h


4 His grandfather was a well-known (gamble)

2 exhaust f _ _ _ s .

3 a heart t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ t 4 a hand g _ _ _ _ _ e

5 The move was welcomed by the president’s many . (detract) 6 He’s got all the necessary

H Complete the collocations with nouns from the unit.

. (qualify)

5 a natural p_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ n 6 infant m _ _ _ _ _ _ _ y

D Which TWO words in the box are NOT both a noun and a verb? scam detract transplant arise rush pin

sneeze panic

Word-building E Complete the sentences with adjectives formed from the nouns in the box. globalise negligence qualify literacy

1 The hospital was found to be



2 The industry failed to adapt to the market.

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Outcomes Upper Intermediate Vocabulary Builder  Unit 13




D Match the two halves of the collocations. Look up the nouns (a–h) if you need help.

A Complete the sentences with the correct preposition. 1 This situation needs to be handled 2 Public shows uncomfortable.

affection always make her

3 My wife was 4 They went


labour for twelve hours. a marriage counsellor for advice.

5 He received the bad news

good grace.

6 Commuters waited over an hour to arrive. 7 Is the meeting taking place 8 We drank a toast

the train

the boardroom?

the bride and groom.

9 I tried to steer the conversation away subject.


1 a sheltered

a) priest

2 a parish

b) run

3 familiar

c) reception

4 a winning

d) upbringing

5 a wedding

e) integrity

6 initiation

f) rites

7 moral

g) grave

8 a mass

h) ground

E Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the box. Look up the words in bold if you need help. throw reach

propose satisfy sit

1 We yesterday.

Word families B Complete the expressions with the correct form of the word in bold.

a leaving party for a colleague

2 After lots of disagreement, both sides a compromise. 3 I

a toast to the winning team.

1 feel tense

relieve the

2 a valid opinion

assess the

4 John ten years.

3 approach the issue

change your

5 The article did little to

4 buried in the cemetery the

is tomorrow

5 receive a blessing the priest 6 die of exhaustion an

the child day

1 take/do a different approach 2 break/steer your vow

8 the bride and groom

3 raise/give a blessing


C Complete the sentences with the correct word from the word in brackets.

3 They (loyalty) 4 I don’t enjoy being a

4 hurt/suffer from exhaustion 5 cover/place a lot of ground 6 drink/eat a toast

1 My grandparents were always very towards us. (affection) 2 He was always very

his curiosity.

F Choose the correct verb to go with each noun. Look up the nouns if you need help.

7 vain about his looks appeal to his a

on the board of directors for

. (dignity)

Phrasal verbs

supported him for years. . (commute)

G Choose the correct word to complete the phrasal verb.

5 He has two previous dealing. (convict)

for drug

1 Don’t put off/over till tomorrow what you can do today.

6 They announced the (postpone)

of the match.

2 She comes across/over as a really friendly person. 3 The government had to resort from/to raising taxes. 4 She’s achieved everything she set on/out to do. 5 You need to stand out/up for yourself more. 6 Let’s step back/over for a moment and decide what to do.

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Outcomes Upper Intermediate Vocabulary Builder  Unit 14

E Complete the collocations with nouns and adjectives from the unit.

EXERCISES Prepositions

1 a tight b _ _ _ _ t

A Complete the sentences with the correct preposition.

3 deliberately m _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ g

2 r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ y accept something

1 Somebody hacked

2 She couldn’t dissuade him

5 p _ _ _ _ _ _ s stones


3 The ATM charges commission 4 The train came

4 a t _ _ _ l period

the system last night. all transactions.

a sudden halt.

5 What are you chuckling 6 You need some form bank account.

 ? identification to open a

Word families B Complete the expressions with the correct form of the word in bold. 1 he is authorised to make decisions

no proper

2 disobey an order


3 claim something back

make a

F Match the two halves of the collocations. 1 run up

a) full

2 on a trial

b) machine

3 crammed

c) a bill

4 a cash point

d) metals

5 precious

e) basis

6 a bailout

f ) package

Phrasal verbs G Choose the correct word to complete the phrasal verb.


1 Any profits were wiped up/out by huge costs. 2 She ran up/in huge debts at university.

4 be in despair a


3 The traffic began to inch over/forward.

5 I agreed reluctantly


4 It turned out/on to be a complete nightmare!

some money

5 The EU have agreed to bail off/out Greece.


6 make a withdrawal

C Complete the sentences with the correct words from the words in brackets. 1 I’m £200

this month. (overdraft)

2 Her attempts at

failed. (dissuade)

3 He was seen acting very the bank. (suspicious) 4 You need written school trip. (authorised)

outside to go on the

5 The plane has already started its (descend) 6 He can be a bit

. . (greed)

Collocations D Complete the collocations with the verbs in the box. Look up the nouns in bold if you need help. come raise build win take refuse


someone credit


the stakes in a business deal


the jackpot in the lottery


to a halt


up a reserve


a gamble

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Outcomes Upper Intermediate Vocabulary Builder  Unit 15


Word building


E Complete the sentences with adjectives formed from the verbs in the box.

A Complete the sentences with the correct preposition. 1 Keep the lid

while the rice is cooking.

2 I think you’d better chuck that 3 Soak the beans

the bin.

water for a few hours.

4 She sprinkled the cake


5 You can substitute lemon

lime in this recipe.

6 There have been accusations


7 He came to the restaurant to pass judgement the food.

melt disobey prohibit contaminate discard appal

1 He’d always been a 2 Drinking

child. water is very dangerous.

3 Cover the top with


4 Smoking is

in public buildings.

5 They were found living in conditions. 6 There was a pavement.

bicycle lying on the

B Choose the correct preposition. 1 He was disqualified from/for the competition. 2 It’s too soon to make a judgement for/about the new government. 3 Sprinkle the top by/with herbs. 4 The dog made a bid for/at freedom.

Collocations F Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the box. Look up the words in bold if you need help. put

5 He was dismayed by/for what he heard. 6 Through/In my judgement, two days won’t be long enough.




the lid on the pan.

2 You shouldn’t be so quick to judgement.

Word families

3 She categorically

C Complete the expressions with the correct form of the word in bold.

4 The weather office has more snow is expected.

1 publicise an event

attract a lot of

2 good personal hygiene an 3 sprinkle with salt


6 he confessed to the crime

a) not guilty b) stunt

3 a sponsorship

c ) claim

it lacks

4 a publicity

d) a problem

make a

5 tackle

e) deal

7 a persistent threat the weather was bad

D Tick the words which are both a noun and a verb. 1 waive 2 squeeze

an alert as

G Match the two halves of the collocations. Look up the words 1–6 if you need help. 2 a fraudulent

of sugar

4 be disqualified from face the race 5 a subtle difference

being involved.

1 plead



H Complete the collocations with nouns and adjectives from the unit. 1 a subtle c _ _ _ _ e 2 a random s _ _ _ _ e 3 a w _ _ d accusation 4 an overnight s _ _ y

3 plead 4 soak 5 urge 6 stir

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Outcomes Upper Intermediate Vocabulary Builder  Unit 16

E Complete the missing adjectives.


1 The brothers embarked on a j _ _ _ t venture. 2 I’ve had a really h _ _ _ _ c week at work.


3 The company’s a _ _ _ _ l turnover doubled in just five years.

A Complete the sentences with the correct preposition. 1 She has a wide circle

4 P _ _ _ _ _ _ _ l instability is bad for business.


2 The film offers an insight 3 He pitched his ideas

5 Guests will be provided with l _ _ _ t refreshments.

their lives.

F Match the two halves of the collocations.

the panel.

4 The area had been devastated

an earthquake.

5 The two companies embarked

a joint venture.

6 I’m afraid there’s been a mix-up

the dates.

Word families B Complete the expressions with the correct form of the word in bold. 1 an understanding person I don’t 2 projected sales figures

the latest

3 religious tolerance


at something

5 a nomadic lifestyle

a tribe of

6 declare your intentions


a) pitch

2 sibling

b) crop

3 a cash

c) device

4 a sales

d) venture

5 a mobile

e) rivalry

Phrasal verbs G Choose the correct word to complete the phrasal verb. 1 We need to chase over/up some orders to meet our target.


4 academic excellence

1 a business

2 The team came on/up with some great ideas. 3 Please pass this message up/on to the sales manager.

of love

4 The two files had got mixed in/up in the system. 5 The business should break up/even this year.

Word building C Complete the sentences with nouns formed from the verbs in the box.

6 His career seems to be really taking up/off.

reflect  fulfil  observe  merge  devastate

1 A between the two companies has been announced. 2 The floods caused widespread 3 Her paintings are a personality.

. of her

4 We guarantee three days.

of orders within

5 The progress of the project will require careful .

Collocations D Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the box. Look up the verbs if you need help. moan   merge   embark   plough   seize

1 He’s always

about his job.

2 The CEO announced that we were going to with another company. 3 He

the opportunity to leave.

4 We venture.

all our money into the new

5 Think carefully before venture.

on such a

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between 1 2 as 3 between 4 of 5 of 6 of 7 in 8 by

to 1 2 between 3 of 4 for 5 of 6 by 7 off 8 to

B from 1 2 of 3 to 4 between 5 on 6 as 7 with 8 to

Word families B

Word families

deprivation 1 2 attachment 3 grandeur 4 transformation 5 oversight 6 hideously 7 affluence



uplifted 1 2 tense 3 ambiguously 4 confrontation 5 restore

D urge, disguise, slice

Collocations E c 1 2 e 3 f 4 a 5 b 6 d

F gripping 1 2 disturbing 3 hilarious 4 willing 5 predictable 6 conventional

G ordeal 1 2 despair 3 bankruptcy 4 obstacles 5 impression 6 temptation 7 impression 8 interpretation

C c 1 2 b 3 d 4 e 5 a 6 g 7 f

D made 1 2 constitutes 3 exercise 4 caught

E months 1 2 view 3 lifestyle 4 sites 5 facilites

Phrasal verbs F to 1 2 off 3 up 4 down 5 up 6 in

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to promote 1 2 to erect 3 to attach 4 to join in 5 spinning

to resolve 1 2 retaining 3 to acquire 4 to resist 5 to replace







in 1 2 into 3 from 4 with 5 round 6 in

of 1 2 by 3 of 4 on 5 on 6 in 7 into

Word families B private 1 2 acquisition 3 admit 4 hazardous 5 command/commanded 6 traumatised

C settle, army

Collocations D pose 1 2 pin 3 make 4 spring 5 demand

E c 1 2 d 3 e 4 a 5 b

F emotional 1 2 practical 3 violent 4 hairline 5 occupational

Phrasal verbs G together 1 2 of 3 down 4 apart 5 up

Word families B ruling 1 2 donor 3 cutbacks 4 toleration 5 reflection 6 reversal

C abuse, claim, assault, conduct, boost

Collocations D victory 1 2 pace 3 conflict 4 crop 5 root 6 step

E provoke 1 2 declared 3 conduct 4 award 5 launch

F food 1 2 fashion 3 decide 4 succeed

G soft 1 2 physical 3 economic 4 controversial 5 morally

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Phrasal verbs

Phrasal verbs



carry out 1 2 come across 3 cut back on

round 1 2 on 3 out 4 with 5 up

5 SPORTS AND INTERESTS Prepositions A about 1 2 of 3 in 4 from 5 in 6 about 7 into 8 for 9 on

Word families B reluctantly 1 2 substitute 3 self-consciously 4 power 5 flexible 6 disappointing 7 knit

C cheat, sprain, sack, tackle

Word-building D unable 1 2 incomplete 3 unconscious 4 uncoordinated

Collocations E d 1 2 a 3 c 4 b

F shape 1 2 fixtures 3 fool 4 coordination 5 breath

G get 1 2 make 3 regain 4 work up 5 relieve

6 ACCOMMODATION Prepositions A about 1 2 with 3 out 4 on 5 in 6 in

B in 1 2 from 3 in 4 at 5 with 6 of

Word families C transform 1 2 resistance 3 mud 4 sarcasm 5 filth

Word-building D integration 1 2 combination 3 frame 4 reservation

Collocations E highlight 1 2 pitch 3 have 4 make 5 return

F daily 1 2 soaked 3 stunning 4 complete

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d 1 2 c 3 a 4 b 5 e

c 1 2 a 3 e 4 b 5 d

H resistant 1 2 welcome 3 reservation 4 pride

Phrasal verbs I off 1 2 away 3 over 4 up

7 NATURE Prepositions A as 1 2 into 3 on 4 from 5 in 6 of 7 in

Word families B civilisation 1 2 brave 3 rooted 4 inherited 5 misunderstand 6 intimidate

Patterns G to contest 1 2 picking 3 to pull over 4 to freeze

8 CRIME AND PUNISHMENT Prepositions A as 1 2 between 3 about 4 for 5 from 6 into / to 7 in 8 on

Word families B burglar 1 2 disappeared 3 fraudulent 4 relieve 5 acceptable 6 harsh

Word-building C

2, 3, 4, 6, 8

raiders 1 2 ranking 3 staging 4 coverage 5 convictions 6 rioters





Word-building C

blossomed 1 2 turned 3 settled 4 left 5 dare


serious 1 2 starring 3 thin 4 social 5 violent 6 unsuccessful

glorious 1 2 shattered 3 genuine 4 dense

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E fraud 1 2 enquiry 3 acceptance 4 emphasis 5 peak 6 performance

F c 1 2 d 3 a 4 b 5 e 6 f

Phrasal verbs G broke into 1 2 turned off 3 came up 4 put forward 5 went off 6 get hold of 7 account for

Word-building E trainer 1 2 researcher 3 manager 4 beggar 5 exploiters

Collocations F get 1 2 hand 3 sum up 4 carry out 5 outline 6 make up

G training 1 2 rise 3 overview 4 touch 5 row 6 spirit


Phrasal verbs



A with 1 2 of 3 in 4 on 5 of

B of 1 2 at 3 about 4 with 5 since

Word families C drained 1 2 redundancy 3 stimulation 4 interference 5 promotion 6 novel

D rewarding 1 2 manager 3 countless 4 delegated 5 interference 6 restlessly

up 1 2 on 3 up 4 for 5 up 6 in

10 SOCIALISING Prepositions A with 1 2 for 3 by 4 on 5 into 6 of 7 on/to

B by 1 2 of 3 on 4 from 5 of 6 for

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Word families C interruptions 1 2 slap 3 failure 4 slap 5 casual 6 rivalry 7 treat 8 versatility

Word-building D outrageous 1 2 sympathetic 3 boring 4 harmless 5 affectionate

11  TRANSPORT AND TRAVEL Prepositions A in 1 2 of 3 for 4 to 5 of 6 on

Word families B


bumps 1 2 dented 3 stiffly 4 concerning 5 remarkably 6 dreaded



burst 1 2 publicised 3 polish 4 moan 5 left out

F c 1 2 a 3 b 4 e 5 d

G break 1 2 side 3 renewal 4 impact 5 side 6 display 7 rally

Phrasal verbs H out 1 2 on 3 over 4 up 5 up 6 out 7 up

C imposition 1 2 indicator 3 leakage 4 maintenance

Collocations D flat 1 2 cracked 3 endless 4 fast 5 different 6 sheer

E leak 1 2 deposit 3 myth 4 fare 5 perspective 6 blister

F read 1 2 uncovered 3 lodge 4 developed 5 fallen 6 hired

Phrasal verbs G off 1 2 out 3 up 4 off 5 out 6 up

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from 1 2 over 3 in 4 with 5 on 6 by

with 1 2 of 3 in 4 to 5 with 6 for 7 in 8 to 9 away

Word families B chronically 1 2 swollen 3 relieve 4 surgical 5 chesty 6 disputed

C healing 1 2 removal 3 outsourcing 4 gambler 5 detractors 6 qualifications

D arise, detract

Word-building E negligent 1 2 globalised 3 literate 4 qualified 5 productive

Collocations F collapse 1 2 manage 3 making 4 practised 5 keep

G b 1 2 c 3 d 4 a 5 f 6 e

H rash 1 2 fumes 3 transplant 4 gesture 5 phenomenon 6 mortality

Word families B tension 1 2 validity 3 approach 4 burial 5 blessed 6 exhausting 7 vanity 8 bridal

C affectionate 1 2 dignity 3 loyally 4 commuter 5 convictions 6 postponement

Collocations D d 1 2 a 3 h 4 b 5 c 6 f 7 e 8 g

E threw 1 2 reached 3 proposed 4 sat 5 satisfy

F take 1 2 break 3 give 4 suffer 5 cover 6 drink

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Phrasal verbs

Phrasal verbs



off 1 2 across 3 to 4 out 5 up 6 back

out 1 2 up 3 forward 4 out 5 out

14  BANKS AND MONEY Prepositions A into 1 2 from 3 on 4 to 5 about 6 of

Word families B authorisation 1 2 disobedient 3 claim 4 desperate 5 reluctant 6 withdraw

15 FOOD Prepositions A on 1 2 in 3 in 4 with 5 for 6 of 7 on

B from 1 2 about 3 with 4 for 5 by 6 in

Word families



overdrawn 1 2 dissuasion 3 suspiciously 4 authorisation 5 descent 6 greedy

publicity 1 2 unhygienic 3 sprinkling 4 disqualification 5 subtlety 6 confession 7 persistently


D  squeeze, soak, urge, stir

D refuse 1 2 raise 3 win 4 come 5 build 6 take

E budget 1 2 reluctantly 3 misleading 4 trial 5 precious

F c 1 2 e 3 a 4 b 5 d 6 f

Word-building E disobedient 1 2 contaminated 3 melted 4 prohibited 5 appalling 6 discarded

Collocations F put 1 2 pass 3 denied 4 issued

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G a 1 2 c 3 e 4 b 5 d

H change 1 2 sample 3 wild 4 stay

16 BUSINESS Prepositions A of 1 2 into 3 to 4 by 5 on 6 over

Word families B understand 1 2 projections 3 tolerant 4 excel 5 nomads 6 declaration

Collocations D moaning 1 2 merge/be merged 3 seized 4 ploughed 5 embarking

E joint 1 2 hectic 3 annual 4 political 5 light

F d 1 2 e 3 b 4 a 5 c

Phrasal verbs G up 1 2 up 3 on 4 up 5 even 6 off

Word-building C merger 1 2 devastation 3 reflection 4 fulfilment 5 observation

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