EXAMEN - Science 3 - The Universe

The universe 1. Label the planets in the solar system: 2. Read this statement: “The inner planets are separated from th

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The universe 1. Label the planets in the solar system:

2. Read this statement: “The inner planets are separated from the outer planets by the Asteroid Belt.” DRAW the asteroid belt on the picture above. 3. What are the names of the four outer planets?

4. Circle the correct answer: a. Which is the 2nd largest planet in our solar system?   

Mars Jupiter Saturn

b. Which is the closest planet to the Sun?   

Mercury Mars Earth

c. What is the Sun?   

A star A planet A galaxy

d. Which planet is known as the red planet?   

Venus Jupiter Mars

e. Which is the furthest planet from the Sun?   

Uranus Neptune Jupiter

f. What is the name of our galaxy?   

The Milky Way Andromeda Cigar

g. Is Pluto considered a planet?  

Yes, it is No, it isn’t

h. Which planet is the hottest planet in the Solar System?   

The Sun Venus Mercury

5. Complete the sentences about the solar system: a. Eight planets orbit __________________________________________ . b. The moon orbits _________. It is the Earth’s only _________________ .

c. The Earth is also called the ______________________ because most of its surface is covered in ____________________ . d. Saturn has rings that are made up of ________ and ________ . e. The Earth moves in two ways: it ____________ and ____________ .

6. The layers of the Earth. Match 1 - 6 with a - f to make complete sentences: 1-The hydrosphere is 2-The air 3-The geosphere is 4-The oceans 5-The atmosphere is 6-The continents

a-all the air that surrounds the Earth. b-are a part of the hydrosphere. c-all the water found on and above the Earth. d-make up the geosphere. e-the hard part of the Earth. f-we breathe is a part of the atmosphere.

7. Answer these questions about how the Earth moves: a. How long does it take the Earth to complete one rotation?

b. What does the Earth’s rotation produce? c. How long does it take the Earth to complete to revolve around the Sun? d. What does the Earth’s revolution produce? e. How many hours are there in a day? f. How many days are there in a year? g. What is a leap year?

8. Are these sentences True or False? Correct the ones that are False: a. b. c. d.

There are three seasons: spring, summer and winter. Each season is three months long. In summer the days are shorter than the nights. In spring and autumn the days and nights are more or less the same

length. e. When it’s summer in Spain, it’s autumn in Australia.

9. How the moon moves. Label the phases of the moon: PHASES OF THE MOON

10. Answer these questions: a. How long does it take the Moon to revolve around the Earth? b. How long does it take the Moon to rotate on its axis?

11. Are these sentences True or False. Correct the ones that are False: a. The sun rises in the west and sets in the east. b. Compasses have a magnetic needle that always points south.