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1. Polar winter are length, dark, and cold enough to kill most plants. my ans: length gak tau kenapa !! long kali 2. The

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1. Polar winter are length, dark, and cold enough to kill most plants. my ans: length gak tau kenapa !! long kali 2. The Remains of very ancient wood have turn into coal. my ans: turn >>turned karena di dahului have 3. In 1893, Henry Ford built his first car engine in he home workshop in Detroit. my ans : he>> his 4. Armies of laborers toiled for eight year to build the Erie Canal. my ans : year>>years 5. Some of the stars in the closing stages of their lives becomes white dwarfs my ans : becomes>> became 6. The Normally force of gravity at the Earth's surface is called 1g my ans : is>> were normally jadi normal 7. Eward McDonald is remember as the composer of such perennial favorites as " To a Wild Rose". my ans : remember >> remembered 8. Because he is gravitationally bound to the Milky Way, the Andromeda galaxy is currently approaching Earth. my ans : he>> it 9. CAT scanners are used not only for detecting conditions but also for observation the effects of therapy my ans : used>> use observation jadi observing 10. The Chain of rider stations along the way were crucial to the success of the Pony Express. my ans: were>>is were jadi was 11. The functional relationships between the brains's two hemispheres has been a major focus of much studies in neuropsychology. my ans: much>> many itu pilihan yang brains's ga salah ketik tuh? much jadi many bener, tapi kalo brains's menurut ane salah juga, ambil soal dari buku toefl mana ni gan? aneh soalnya 12. The Great Salt Lake is the remnant of a vast inland seas. my ans: seas>>sea 13. A desire to eradicate irregular spellings in English can being traced back to the sixteenth century. my ans : being>> gak tau being jadi be 14. Jade can actually refer to either the less common and more valuable jadeite and the more common and less valuable nephrite. and jadi or 15. The Neocortex becomes progressive more developed in the more advanced mammals. progressive jadi progressively 16. During their first attempts as a songwriter, George Gershwin diligently continued to study the piano, harmony, theory, and orchestration. attempts jadi attempt their jadi his kacau nih soalnya gan hehehe 17. Alexander Graham Bell was twenty-nine when him was granted a thelephone patent in 1876 him jadi he terus masa itu penulisan telephone nya begitu? 18. Early television sets such as the RCA Victor model had small screens but containing a mass of additional components. containing jadi contain 19. A huge amount of immigrants passed through the Great Hall on Ellis Island between 1892 and 1954. amount jadi number 20. The cliff dwellings in Mesa Verde were build in the thirteenth century by native Americans who farmed the green plateau. build jadi built