Evidencia 1 Move It - Logistics Costs(1)

Actividad de aprendizaje 12 Evidencia 1: Move it: logistics costs En el mundo de los negocios internacionales

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Actividad de aprendizaje 12 Evidencia 1: Move it: logistics costs

En el mundo de los negocios internacionales es importante evaluar y analizar distintas situaciones que pueden ser de beneficio en la toma de decisiones; por esta razón, a través de esta evidencia podrá conocer las ventajas de reducir los costos logísticos y de transporte en la distribución logística internacional, además, conocerá cuáles son las desventajas de estos altos costos, cuestiones que le serán de gran ayuda en su quehacer laboral. Para desarrollar esta evidencia, es importante que vea, lea y analice previamente el material de formación denominado Essay structure and grammatical tenses, específicamente en el tema Writing an analytical essay, y el vocabulario disponible en el subtema Linking words, además del siguiente material complementario: The real impact of high transportation costs. Sample outline # 1. Move it – Video and transcript. Posterior a estas lecturas y video y con la finalidad de cumplir con el propósito de esta evidencia, desarrolle lo siguiente: 1. Responda a las preguntas del taller Move it (Vea el video y lea el material antes de contestar) 1. Do consumers think about where items came from? a. Always b. Never c. Rarely d. I don’t know 2. How many modes of transportation does a person use to go from New York to Tampa? a. One: an airplane b. Two: an airplane and a bike c. More than one d. I don’t know

3. Can you take an airplane outside your house? a. Always b. Never c. Rarely d. I don’t know 4. What do you need to travel by plane? a. buy a ticket, pack your bags, get a ride for the airport, check your bags, get through airport security, board the plane b. buy a ticket, buy water, go to the doctor, c. go to Cartagena, go to the beach, visit a museum d. I don’t know 5. When you’re schedule for a layover, you: a. wait in line to buy a book b. wait in a room and then board another plain c. go to the bathroom d. I don’t know 6. “Logistics” is a ________________ term a. militaristic b. medical c. sporting d. I don’t know 7. Products traveling around the world: a. have the ability to dance b. don´t have the ability to ask questions c. have the ability to ask questions d. I don’t know 8. Logistics executives must make decisions related to: a. packing, inventory, playing soccer, going to the beach b. packaging, containerization, documentation, insurance, storage and importing and exporting regulations c. buying lunch, going to camping, playing ball d. I don’t know

9. Freight forwarders is an industry of: a. cargo travel agents b. inventory c. food d. I don’t know 10. In a freight forwarder company you can find: a. an specialist in buying fruits b. an specialist that will carefully planned the delivery of your cargo. c. a football player d. I don’t know 11. Through supply chain management we learned that: a. logistics is not important b. every product have its own history c. we need to sell products d. I don’t know

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