Evidence Giving Advice

Learning activity 2 Evidence: Giving advice These people are facing changes in their life. Read their situations below:

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Learning activity 2 Evidence: Giving advice These people are facing changes in their life. Read their situations below: My name is Amanda. I am a hairdresser. I work in a beauty shop in the north of the city. I am a single mother and have two beautiful sons. Mike is nine and Steve is two. While I work, my mother takes care of my sons. She has always supported me. But now my mom is really sick. The doctor recommended her moving to a quieter place. So, she is moving in with my brother who lives in a small town. If my mother moves, I will probably have to quit my job as I don’t have anybody to take care of my kids. I wouldn’t leave them with a stranger, especially the little one. I have some savings and I have considered opening my own beauty shop in my neighborhood so I can be near my kids. But what if the business does not turn out well? I could lose all my savings. I don’t really know what to do. I am afraid of the change.

Fuente: SENA Fuente: SENA

July 4th, 2019 Dear Amanda, My name is Juan. I am a member of the SENA community. I read your story and I want to give you some advice about your situation. First I want you to know that I am a young man and I don't have sons. My brother is my priority and my reason for living. In my personal opinion I think you should support your mother to improve, because mother only there is one, and there will be no substitute love for your mother so you and your children. Priority the health of your mother, after solving what your mother, calmly think how to solve the care of your children. You have to keep in mind that you have a two-year-old baby, he is still helpless and innocent, and he is weak to the evil of the man and the dangers. I suggest you hire a person you know and really know their lifestyle and live, because the welfare of your children is at stake. You can put the baby in a kinder garden, for what only that they take care of them half time, and thus the two children will be together and the greater one can be pending of the brother. In conclusion, you are able to get ahead and keep working. You're a hard-working, hard-working woman. I value your strength and your love of mother. Love Juan Villegas