Evidence Blog It Isnt Funny is It

Learning activity 3 Evidence: Blog “It isn’t funny, is it?” For this blog, you have to make a list of five stereotypes t

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Learning activity 3 Evidence: Blog “It isn’t funny, is it?” For this blog, you have to make a list of five stereotypes that you commonly hear on TV or radio commercials. These stereotypes can relate to age, gender, class, religion, etc. Remember to pose your stereotypes including a tag question. This tag question invites your partners to respond to your post. This is an example: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Crying is not for men, is it? Blondes are not smart, are they? French men know more about romance, don’t they? Handsome people will get better jobs, won’t they? Cleaning can’t be done by men, can it?

For the second part of this activity you have to read your partners’ posts, select one and through the link “Comentario” select one of the statements given by a partner and set five statements expressing your opinion in a paragraph. This is an example: The statement I chose was: Crying is not for men, is it? I think expressing your feelings is healthy and crying doesn’t imply weakness. Emotional intelligence means: recognize, name and manage feelings. Also, Human beings are equal but chauvinist societies show men unable to cry, don’t they? Follow the steps below to participate: 1. Click on the blog title and then on Crear entrada de blog. 2. Write the title and your entry messages with your feedback. Then, click on Publicar entrada. 3. Explore your learning mates’ comments and, then, give constructive feedback by clicking on Comentario. 4. Once you have written the comment, click on Añadir.

Criterios de evaluación Confirma lo que se afirma o se niega en una frase principal, haciendo uso de la estructura gramatical requerida.