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PEGGOTTY BOARD The Board Peggotty, invented by Darryl Butcher. The Peggotty Board (Perforated Panel) is a very interest

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The Board Peggotty, invented by Darryl Butcher. The Peggotty Board (Perforated Panel) is a very interesting tool radionics that falls into the category of so-called "symbolic machines." It looks a lot like a chess board consisting of 120 boxes each of which goes to whether a "hole" central. Of these holes there are pegs to reproduce the numerical values or "rate" that refer to a particular beneficial energy vibration. This device of "action at a distance 'seems particularly suitable for problems with the human body especially in relation to bones, muscles and cartilage. At least this is the use to which it is traditionally put. Indeed, an analysis by the pendulum, shows the device is suitable for a host of fields such as 'material' (physical, financial progress, enterprise development, agriculture, treatment of pets, etc.) And above the physical levels for mental/emotional health; overcoming bad habits, etc. The only point in which it appears it is actually unsuitable is for prophylactic uses. Generally the tokens used on this circuit are realized in plastic material (such as those of the game of Checkers) or with material iron / magnetic. Crystals can also be used as has been shown by dowsing analysis, small crystals of tumbled amethyst are effective. In fact, the amethyst is adept at storing and keeping alive the intention of the operator.

Values Numeric Boxes Board of Peggotty. Red values repeated twice. With regard to the board and to the numbers to be specified, we say that the first row of squares at the top has the following values from right to left: 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50. After this, passing the other portion of the checkerboard leftmost have these values: 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 and 100. Therefore, the value 50 is repeated twice. The second top row of squares (always starting from the right) has these values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. While on the other portion of the checkerboard leftmost squares are valid: 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. Also in this case the central value (which here is the 5) is repeated twice. When you need to select the value of 50 or 5 the pawn is placed in the square on the left. To the rows of squares subsequent (third, fourth, fifth, etc.) are assigned the same values of the second (0, 1, 2 ... 10). A look at the figure on the side make it easy to identify the number matches the grid as a whole. The witness of the subject (photo, piece of fingernail, lock of hair, saliva, etc.) Should be placed in the lower circle. To this you can add a "witness artificial" (ie a note written in pencil with the intention or the remedy that we want to associate with the signal radionics) but this is not essential. You have to determine in each case (and always with the pendulum) If a witness is useful or not artificial.

Boxes occupied by pegs in Peggotty Board for the treatment of synovitis. The numerical sequence reproduced is 302,455. Well, let's see a practical example of using the Peggoty Board. Suppose the subject "Mark X" is suffering from synovitis. To treat this disorder simply: • Place the pegs in the holes in the centre of the boxes corresponding to the numerical

value 302 455 indicating synovitis. Finally, if you want to enhance the effect, hold the pendul over the board when it should rotate clockwise, often quite powerfully. In this way, the operator can provide their own bioenergy to the radionics operation. The duration and number of sessions are established radiesthesically. Here are some other examples of positioning of the pieces on "Peg Board" and a picture of the number sequences disorders and organs to treat. These values are taken from the tables of instruments by G. De La Warr. Of course, before using any value below, it is strongly recommend to do a dowsing analysis of the situation in question. You will notice that some values are unsuitable.

RATES Muscular System

Skeletal System

Other equipment

Abasia: 60273 Friedreich's ataxia: 403479 Ataxia: 40,212 Muscular Atrophy: 504599 Spasms: 50432 Shock: 10.10.49 Sciatica: 50235 Compression: 30454 Concussion: 90748 Head trauma: 90748 Dupuytren's contracture: 604451 Muscle contraction: 70251 Contraction: 10.14 Contusion: 80799 Convulsion: 40437 Muscular Dystrophy: 50436 Dystrophy: 60,542 Muscle fatigue: 40858 Myopathic spasm: 203442 Spasm: 30.110.4 Stretch: 40858 Rheumatic fever: 700744 AF: 70679 Fragility, Antonia: 404463 Chronic rheumatism: 70.2 Rheumatism: 700743 Rheumatism: 80.2

Ankylosis: 40646 Infectious arthritis: 50558 Degenerative arthritis bone: 503849 RA: 403343 Tuberculous arthritis: 402954 Arthritis: 50689 Arthritis: 7004276 Hypertrophy: 80408 Inflammation: 40 Stiffness: 60.33 Injury: 808,871 Lumbago: 40599193 Malformation: 204315 Bad Posture: 80.67 Osteoarthritis: 50,684 Osteoma: 10,042 Osteomyelitis: 4084599 Periarthritis: 507949 Periostitis: 40359 Kyphosis: 403453 Scoliosis: 8065297 Bursitis: 407439 Calcification: 30,367 Pain in the coccyx: 305235 Epiphysitis: 405484 Spondylitis: 8097297

Ear: 9 Middle ear: 13372 Ovaries: 265 Epiphysis: 90532 Paralysis: 50.42 Parkinson's disease: 504252 Paraplegia: 705587 Paresis: 70.73 Paresthesia Berger: 50.48 Polio: 90663 Neuritis: 700134 Ascending paralysis: 80476 Paralysis: 50225 Aortic 9431 Brachial: 326 Throat: 617 Phrenic: 641 Gastric: 656 Gastroduodenal: 922 Glossopharyngeal: 1155 Hemorrhoidal: 4521 Hepatic: 4831 Hypogastric: 135 Laryngeal: 5302 Lumbar: 138 Inferior mesenteric: 167 Superior mesenteric: 745

Sfrattura: 20228 Sfratture: 70322 Tenosynovitis: 907088 Convulsive tics: 808337 Vitality Nerve: 20,437 Twist: 40856 Stiff neck: 60462 Numbness (lethargy, apathy): 40,434 Tremor: 504342 Muscle Tissue: 599 Muscle sheath: 8327 Cardiac: 5101 Nerves Engines: 4311 Sensory nerves: 732 Neuromuscular plaques: 413 Sarcolemma: 229 Regeneration Nerves: 471 Regeneration Blood: 451.10 Tendons: 646 Achilles tendon: 6414 Patellar tendon: 3448 Aponeurosis 2451 Joints: 849 Metatarsal joints: 7533 Vertebrae: 84867 Nasal Cavity: 285 Mastoid: 2843 Maxillary: 157 Breast: 8836 Forearm: 2131 Right ankle: 172 Left ankle: 1892 Ligaments: 854 Adductor Long: 7251 Great adductor: 4238 Brachial biceps: 8548 Extensive Lateral: 7872 Vasto: 7892 Anal: 6001 Cardiac: 25 Orbicularis of the mouth: 2222 Rectal: 228 Diaphragm muscle: 8459 Back Muscles: 3633 Intercostal: 356 External intercostal: 3113 Internal intercostal: 3112 Sphincter muscles: 87

Fracture: 90.7 Herniated Disc: 70641585 Spinal Cord Injury: 702,979 Dislocation: 10.84 Necrosis: 50.77 Degenerative osteoarthritis: 503849 Myeloid leukemia: 3047 Fat cells: 6449 Rickets: 30845 Synovitis: 302455 Cartilage: 154 Hyaline cartilage: 1302 Lunate cartilage: 9003 Cartilage ensiform: 2382 Fibrocartilage: 1432 Periosteum: 359 Marrow: 1084 Collarbone: 84693 Coccyx: 84188 Spine: 28497 Spine: 2975 Dita: 322 Teeth: 499 Intervertebral discs: 1585 Patella: 3433 Mandible: 1736 Shoulders: 7353 Thumb: 4413 Pugni: 10,041 Articulation Hip: 1775 Ankles 1892 Dorsal interosseous (hand): 5412 Dorsal interosseous (foot): 5421 Splenius NECK: 234 Scapula: 84397 Sphenoid: 84432 Sternum: 84263 Bracket: 122 Femur: 84114 Perone: 84329 Synovial fluid: 61.10 Ligaments: 854 Sternoclavicular: 33931 Hand: 26 Hock: 84573 Synovial membranes: 445 Molars: 241 Phalanges: 84422

Occipital: 948 Ophthalmic: 53 Ovarian: 543 Pancreatic 1397 Pancreatic-duodenal: 757 Pelvic 1364 Perivascular: 4431 Pyloric: 3223 Prostatic: 699 Pulmonary: 1398 Heart deep: 5422 Cardiac Surface: 253 Brain: 9759 Mucosa instestinale: 744 Timpano: 895 Thyroid lower: 845 Thyroid higher: 843 Tonsillar: 64378 Spinal: 5508 Bladder: 637 Sacral segment: 82

Big Round: 645 Metacarpal: 84245 Posterior tibial: 3733 Hock: 84573 Abdominal Transverse: 7678 Scaphoid: 84621 Keystone: 475 Tarsus: 847737 Brachial triceps: 216 Radio: 84345 Calcagno: 84134 Ulna: 84464 Keystone: 84,288 Homer: 84353 Bladder: 2297 Collarbone: 8452 Mouth: 2222 Scapula: 84397 Ileocecal: 827 Sternum: 84263 Urethral: 4301 Iliac: 84374 Vaginal: 95 Ileus sacral: 923 Tarsal: 5522 Ischium: 84835 Myalgia: 40,599 Pelvis: 84525 Muscle tone: 20559 Symphysis pubis: 84165 External intercostal muscles: 3113 Tibia (Arm): 84,319 Once Cranial: 84.10.7 Internal intercostal muscles: 3112 Skull: 846837 Aperture: 8044 Occipital: 841164 Hamstring: 9836 Sphenoid: 84432 Deltoid: 9331 Ethmoid: 84993 Erector spinae: 7215 Jaw: 84872 Flexor carpi: 4774 Palate: 841354 Gluteal Great: 5599 Parietal: 8429 Gluteal Middle: 5799 Femur: 84114 Gluteal Small: 5399 Perone: 84329 Pyramidal: 6355 Knee: 84121 Abdominal: 93107 Splenic: 621 Quadriceps femoris: 4615 Cervical: 84692 Big rhomboid 1327 Posterior cervical: 4444 Sacrospinous: 4442 Coccyx: 84188 Sartorio: 5335 Sacred: 84854 Semimembranosus: 4711 Dorsal Thoracic: 84183 Semitendinosus: 33559 Hyoid bone: 84448 Lumbar: 84193 Peritoneum: 758 Peristalsis: 565 Right leg: 42 Popliteal: 2243 Left leg: 43 Popliteal internal: 2244 Neck: 523 External carotid artery: 2,242 Right foot: 21632 Internal carotid artery: 2,275 Left Foot: 216321 Pelvis: 84525 Feet: 2,163