Embedded Question

NOUN CLAUSES - Embedded Questions Study these examples: Beginning of noun clause Information Questions: Question Word

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NOUN CLAUSES - Embedded Questions Study these examples: Beginning of noun clause

Information Questions:

Question Word


Verb (ending)

Could you tell me


the post office



When does the next bus come? -»

Do you know


the next bus




that man over there



how much

those shoes

Where is the post office?

Who is that man over there?

-» Can you tell me

How much do those shoes cost on Could you tell -» sale? me

cost on sale?

Directions: Combine the two sentences into one sentence using a noun clause. 1) Where is the bank? Could you please tell me


What time does the next bus come?

Can you tell me


Where did Sara go last night?

Do you know


Where is the nearest supermarket?

Could you please tell me


Why is the Mona Lisa smiling?

Do you know


Whom did you speak to earlier?

Could you please tell me


What is the teacher's name?

Can you tell me


Where are my keys?

Do you know


Where do you live, little girl?

Can you tell me


How do you make a noun clause?

Could you explain

http://eslgrammarpractice.blogspot.com/2010/11/e mbeddedincluded-questions.html

An embedded or included question is always a noun clause. It is the object of the verb, as in the following sentence: I don't know where the supermarket is. "where the supermarket is" is a noun clause, the object of the verb "know". The noun clause must always be in the word order: subject+verb. So, a noun clause can never be in the form of a question. If it is an information question, (when, what, where, why, whose, which, how much, how many, etc.), the noun clause begins with the question word. If it is a yes/no question, such as "Is this your book?" The noun clause begins with "if" or "whether".

Exercise: Change the following questions to noun clauses after the appropriate main clauses supplied. 1. When does the train arrive? Do you know

2. Was Sam in San Francisco last year? I don't know

3. Where's your brother going to live next year? I'm not exactly sure

4. What is the teacher's name? Can you tell me

5. Does this school have a cafeteria? Could you please tell me

6. When did the new factory open?

Do you remember

7. Where can I find a good shoe store? Do you happen to know

8. How far is Oregon from here? I'd like to find out

9. What time is it? Could you please tell me

10. Are there any new employees this week? I really can't tell you

11. How much does this computer cost? Do you know

12. Where are the restrooms in this building? Could you please tell me

13. When did the First World War begin? Do you happen to know

14. How long has Jack been here? I'm really not sure

15. How did she break her leg? Poor Maria! Do you happen to know

16. What kind of guitar is that lady playing? I don't have any idea

17. What did she say? I didn't hear

18. What was the answer? She remembered

19. What movie did we see yesterday? I don't recall

20. What did you explain in class? I'm trying to remember