Edgar Cayce Initiations 1-2[2]

International LightWorkerS Edgar Cayce Initiations 1-2 LightWorker™ Series The Sleeping Prophet Energy from Joshua Dav

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International LightWorkerS

Edgar Cayce Initiations 1-2 LightWorker™ Series

The Sleeping Prophet Energy from Joshua David Stone Manual by Lisa Center with final layout by Jens Søeborg

Edgar Cayce Initiations 1-2 (LightWorker™ Series) These initiations are two of the many, channelled by Dr. Joshua David Stone, shown on the picture to the right. They are from a numbered list of 303 initiations. I have sorted them differently, but I have kept the number as well, but skipped the "The" in front of all names. Dr. Stonehave given them free as true gifts from our eternal and infinite Spirit, coming directly from the Absolute Source of Divine Light and Divine Love. I will do simple manuals to them when I have time, mainly with material from Wikipedia. And remember they are all free of any charge and obligation. You are free to copy and pass on, and if you translate, then please pass a copy to [email protected]. LightWorker™ Spiritual Teachers Initiations (Dr. Joshua David Stone) Dalai Lama Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 135) (LightWorker™ Series) Edgar Cayce Initiations 1-2 (Dr. Joshua David Stone 85+149) (LightWorker™ Series) Meyer Baba Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 143) (LightWorker™ Series) Ram Dass Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 151) (LightWorker™ Series) Rudolf Steiner Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 142) (LightWorker™ Series) Sai Baba Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 80) (LightWorker™ Series) Sri Sankara Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 200) (LightWorker™ Series) Sri Yukteswar Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 119) (LightWorker™ Series) Swami Vivekananda Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 140) (LightWorker™ Series) Close to this series are … LightWorker™ Remarkable Persons Initiations 1 (Dr. Joshua David Stone) Albert Einstein Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 110) (LightWorker™ Series) Andres Segovia Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 40) (LightWorker™ Series) Benjamin Franklin Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 192) (LightWorker™ Series) Carl Jung Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 100) (LightWorker™ Series) Christopher Columbus Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 185) (LightWorker™ Series) Confucius Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 191) (LightWorker™ Series) Elizabeth Kuebler-Ross Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 152) (LightWorker™ Series) Fritz Perls Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 104) (LightWorker™ Series) Gloria Hoppala Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 109) (LightWorker™ Series) Helen Keller Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 181) (LightWorker™ Series) Jack La Lane Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 41) (LightWorker™ Series) John Paul II Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 186) (LightWorker™ Series) Joshua David Stone Initiations 1-2 (Dr. Joshua David Stone 115+224) (LightWorker™ Series) Ken Keyes Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 146) (LightWorker™ Series) Lady Ching Initiation 1-2 (Dr. Joshua David Stone 114+225) (LightWorker™ Series) Lady Diana Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 120) (LightWorker™ Series) Leonardo da Vinci Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 132) (LightWorker™ Series) Mahatma Gandhi Initiation 1-2 (Dr. Joshua David Stone 78+101) (LightWorker™ Series) Mahatma Gandhi Latrine Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 210) (LightWorker™ Series) Martin Luther King Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 97) (LightWorker™ Series) Michaelangelo Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 102) (LightWorker™ Series) Nelson Mandela Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 183) (LightWorker™ Series) Nikola Tesla Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 111) (LightWorker™ Series) Norman Cousins Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 147) (LightWorker™ Series)

Norman Vincent Peale Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 144) (LightWorker™ Series) Omar Arabia Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 226) (LightWorker™ Series) Paul Solomon Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 145) (LightWorker™ Series) Peace Pilgrim Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 81) (LightWorker™ Series) Plato Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 206) (LightWorker™ Series) Pythagoras Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 205) (LightWorker™ Series) Robert Schuller Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 198) (LightWorker™ Series) Roberto Assagioli Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 128) (LightWorker™ Series) Rosa Parks Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 180) (LightWorker™ Series) Socrates Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 204) (LightWorker™ Series) Virginia Satir Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 108) (LightWorker™ Series) William Shakespeare Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 148) (LightWorker™ Series) LightWorker™ Remarkable Persons Initiations 2 (Other founders) Leif Ericson Initiation (Jens Söeborg) (LightWorker™ Series) Hildegard of Bingen Initiation (Jens Söeborg) (LightWorker™ Series) Johannes Gutenberg Initiation (Jens Söeborg) (LightWorker™ Series) Mother Teresa Initiation (Charmaine Söeborg) (LightWorker™ Series)

Front cover The cover of this manual is a picture of a quilt that hangs in the ARE (Association for Research and Enlightenment). It is based on a dream that Edgar Cayce had which in his understanding explained how he was able to access the information he received. In the dream, he saw himself as a tiny speck that was elevated in a whirlwind. As the dot/speck traveled upward the vortex around it grew larger and larger connecting and expanding as it grew. Later during a reading he gave it was confirmed by Spirit that the “whirlwind” visual was an accurate image and it was a fact that during the readings he was no longer constrained by space or time. “As indicated, the entity is – in the affairs of the world – a tiny speck, as it were, a mere grain of sand: yet when raised in the atmosphere or realm of the spiritual forces it becomes all inclusive….” (From the readings of Edgar Cayce)

Receiving the Initiation (Joshua David Stone) Start with Gassho (prayer posture). Meditate on the light and love energies around you, above you and inside of you. Ask the help of your higher self and others of your helpers such as the mighty I AM presence, the angels and archangels, masters and Mahatma Guides of meditation, ascension and initiation. Accept receiving the initiation from your teacher. Sense the energies! Enjoy! Expand! Relax… If you receive more than one initiation, then please remember to take deep breaths in-between initiations.

Passing on the initiation (Joshua David Stone) To pass the initiation to others do the same process as above. Make it your intention to pass this on to another and read it aloud waiting for a few moments in-between initiations, sensing the energies running and the spiritual shifts. Trust in the higher wisdom and Power. Enjoy! Expand! Relax…

Foreword (Lisa Center) I grew up in Newport News which is about 45 minutes away from the Edgar Cayce Center also known as the Association for Research and Enlightenment (A. R.E.) in Virginia Beach, VA. As soon as I learned to drive, I took off for VA Beach, not only for the beach and surfing but to visit the center. At that time, the only books you could find on energy and metaphysical topics were grouped under Occult in the bookstores. Selection was limited. The center was like a great metaphysical cornucopia. In the early 1970’s, there was a Meditation room. Benches were available for those who wanted to sit in a quiet cool room facing the ocean. It was here I first learned of the importance of colors. Carpeting, bench cushions and walls were all in various shades of sky blue, indigo and violet. I always left with a great feeling of peace. The original hospital still stands beside the center and there is a meditation garden for those who prefer to be outside in meditation. I think the first book I read about Cayce was There is a River and though Cayce himself had passed before I became old enough to get involved with the center; his presence continues to be felt within the buildings. I met with my first spiritual group there. I also met my Mentor through an ARE group and though she is no longer on this plane, I am thankful for the time I had with her. If I had not been seeking the information I was at that time I would have not met her and had her in my life. I am grateful to Cayce for things he did not directly have a hand in (or did he?), but happened because of his work and the continued efforts of A.R. E.

Edgar Cayce “For forty-three years of his adult life, Edgar Cayce demonstrated the uncanny ability to put himself into some kind of self-induced sleep state by lying down on a couch, closing his eyes, and folding his hands over his stomach. This state of relaxation and meditation enabled him to place his mind in contact with all time and space. From this state he could respond to questions as diverse as "What are the secrets of the universe?" to "How can I remove a wart?" His responses to these questions came to be called "readings" and contain insights so valuable that even to this day individuals have found practical help for everything from maintaining a well-balanced diet and improving human relationships to overcoming life-threatening illnesses and experiencing a closer walk with God. Although Cayce died more than sixty years ago, the timeliness of the material in the readings is evidenced by approximately one dozen biographies and more than 300 titles that discuss various aspects of this man's life and work. These books contain a corpus of information so valuable that even Edgar Cayce himself might have hesitated to

predict their impact on the contemporary world. Sixty years ago who could have known that terms such as "meditation," "Akashic records," "spiritual growth," "auras," "soul mates," and "holism" would have become household words to millions? Further details of Cayce's life and work are explored in the classic book There is a River by Thomas Sugrue (1942). The majority of Edgar Cayce's readings deal with health maintenance and the treatment of illness. Even to this day individuals have found physical help from information given as long as 100 years ago! Yet, although best known for this material, the sleeping Cayce did not seem to be limited to concerns about the physical body. In fact, in their entirety the readings discuss an astonishing number of 10,000 different subjects. Even this vast array of subject matter, however, can be narrowed down into a much smaller range of topics. When compiled together, the majority contain and deal with the following five categories: (1) Health-Related Information; (2) Philosophy and Reincarnation; (3) Dreams and Dream Interpretation; (4) ESP and Psychic Phenomena; and (5) Spiritual Growth, Meditation, and Prayer.

His first childhood and youth Edgar Cayce was born near Hopkinsville, Kentucky, on March 18, 1877 and had a normal childhood in most respects, one rich with the heritage of nineteenth-century farm life. The only boy in a family of five children, he grew up surrounded by grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins living nearby. Like many children, he had imaginary playmates, but they vanished as he grew older. He was raised at a time when much of the country was experiencing the excitement of religious revival meetings. This atmosphere may have in part accounted for his lifelong interest in the Bible, and even as a child his dream was to become a medical missionary. At that early age no one might have ever guessed the unusual manner in which his dream would become a reality. At the age of six or seven, he told his parents that he could sometimes see visions, occasionally talking to relatives who had recently died. For the most part, his family attributed these experiences to an overactive imagination and paid little attention to them. He found comfort in reading the Bible and decided to read it through from cover to cover, once for every year of his life. Its stories and characters became familiar and very real to him. At the age of thirteen, he had a vision that would influence him for the rest of his life: a beautiful woman appeared to him and asked him what he most wanted in life. He told her that, more than anything, he wanted to help others - especially children when they were sick.” His childhood was pretty uneventful with some talents presenting themselves at various times. He was able to sleep with school books under his pillow and wake up able to discuss the text as if he had read it. This talent did not last long and Edgar left school early as a teenager to help his family financially. Edgar had met the love of his life, Gertrude Evans and was working towards the goal of having enough money for the two of them to marry. He worked for a time with his father who was an insurance salesman and Edgar was a traveling salesman for his company. “Unfortunately, one day after taking a sedative in order to alleviate a headache, Edgar Cayce developed a severe case of laryngitis. At first he was not really concerned. After all, many people lose their voice for a day or two, but the condition persisted. Doctors were called in and later on specialists, but still Edgar was unable to speak above a whisper. As the days turned into weeks, he was forced to give up his job as a salesman and he began looking for something else he could do that did not require much speaking. The laryngitis persisted for months and for a time Edgar gave up the idea of ever speaking normally again.

Eventually, he found the perfect job in Hopkinsville as a photographer's assistant. There he could be close to Gertrude and his family, and with those closest to him nearby it would not bother him so much that his condition was incurable. Sometimes he regretted the fact that he had never been able to finish school, becoming the doctor and preacher he had dreamed of, but he found comfort in his loved one and in the Bible and he became content with the idea of settling down with a wife and children.

The Experiments During the first decade of the 1900's hypnotism and stage shows were experiencing a renewed revival in this country. One showman, who called himself "Hart, the Laugh King," brought his comedy and hypnotism act to the Hopkinsville Opera House. Although not a therapist, Hart had witnessed some interesting experiences with hypnosis. Somehow he heard about Edgar's laryngitis and offered to try an experiment in an attempt to help the young man. In the first session, Hart hypnotized Cayce and told him that he would be able to regain his voice. To the amazement of everyone present, Edgar responded to any question asked of him in a normal voice. However, he would not take a post-hypnotic suggestion, and the laryngitis returned when Hart awakened him. The experiment was repeated several times; each time, Edgar was able to speak normally in his sleep state. Nevertheless, when the young man was awakened, his soft-spoken whisper returned. Even when Hart had to leave Hopkinsville because of other commitments, Edgar's predicament was not forgotten. The local papers became excited about the case. Many people became convinced that somehow hypnotism was the cure to Cayce's problem. Knowing that some patients under hypnosis showed powers of clairvoyance, a New York specialist interested in the case advised the Cayce's to repeat the experiment but this time instead of suggesting that the young man's voice return, to ask Edgar himself to talk about his condition. His parents were against the idea. Ever since the first experiment with Hart, their son had lost weight. It appeared as though the sessions were a drain on his physical body. Gertrude let her fiancé make the decision, for with or without his voice they could have a life together - and besides, Edgar rather liked working with photography. In the end, Edgar consented to one further test. A local man, Al Layne, was found who could give the hypnotic suggestions. Layne had educated himself. Not only had he worked with hypnotism, but he was familiar with osteopathy as well. Edgar offered to put himself to sleep - much as he had done when he had slept on his schoolbooks. Once he was asleep on the couch, Layne asked him to explain what was wrong with him and how he could be cured. And Cayce spoke back! While asleep, Edgar Cayce described his problem as a "psychological condition producing a physical effect." He went on to explain that the condition could be removed by suggesting to him while in the unconscious state that the blood circulation increase to the affected areas. After Layne made the suggestion, he and Cayce's family watched in amazement as the upper part of Edgar's chest and his throat turned a bright crimson red and the skin became warm to the touch. Twenty minutes passed before Edgar spoke again, stating that before Layne awakened him the suggestion should be made that the blood circulation return to normal. Layne followed the instructions. When Cayce finally awakened, he was able to speak normally for the first time in almost a year.

Giving Psychic Readings The date, March 31, 1901, marked the first time Edgar Cayce would give a psychic reading. Edgar, his parents, and Gertrude were overjoyed that he could finally talk. The young man's plan was to continue being a photographer, getting married as soon as possible. He would never have given another thought to putting himself into the sleep state, except that Al Layne had witnessed something truly extraordinary and was beginning to have other ideas. For years, Layne had been bothered by a stomach difficulty that doctors had been unable to cure. Because he knew enough about medicine to realize what therapeutic suggestions could be harmful, he asked Edgar to try giving a reading on the stomach problem. Although skeptical, Edgar agreed. He felt obligated to Layne for having helped him regain his voice. The reading was given to satisfy Layne's curiosity. Asleep on the couch, Cayce spoke in a normal voice and described the problem exactly; he recommended herbal medicines, foods, and exercises for improvement. After one week of following the sleeping Cayce's suggestions, Layne felt so much better that he became even more excited about Edgar's ability and he strongly encouraged the young man to try other tests. With this turn in events, Edgar Cayce felt as if he had been placed in a precarious position. On the one hand, this business of readings was very strange to him. He knew nothing about medicine or the diagnosing of illness or even the workings of psychic ability. He only wanted to live a normal life in Hopkinsville with a wife and a family. On the other hand, Layne argued that Cayce had a moral obligation if his talent could be helpful to people. Finally, after a great deal of prayer, after talking it over with his family, and after looking to his Bible for guidance, Edgar agreed to continue the experiments under two conditions: the first was that if he ever suggested anything in the sleep state that could be at all harmful to people, they would stop the readings, and the second was Layne had to always remember that Edgar Cayce was first, and foremost, a photographer.” Aimee Dietrich was five years old when her parents brought her to Layne and Edgar. She had been having convulsions for three years and had discontinued normal development after a case of influenza when she was two. Doctors had been unable to help the child and her parents were desperate for her to have a normal life. Cayce agreed to see if he could help the child. With Layne taking notes as he spoke in a hypnotic state Cayce stated the child’s problems were related to a fall she had before the flu. She had injured her spine and the illness had settled in her spine causing the problems she presented with. The Mother of the child confirmed that she had fallen before becoming ill. Cayce gave instructions in the reading how to perform osteopathic manipulations which Layne did to his specifications. The child began to show improvement and within three months she was leading a normal happy life. “Cayce was truly happy that he had been able to help, but still he only wanted to live a normal life. However, Layne's enthusiasm, along with the enthusiasm of Cayce's own father and people like Mr. and Mrs. Dietrich, made it all the more difficult to leave the "psychic business" behind. Cayce continued giving readings without charge, while Layne conducted. It was soon discovered that Cayce only needed the name and location of an individual to be able to give a reading, diagnose the person's condition, and outline a regimen of treatment. The readings puzzled him, many times he did not even understand what he had said after he had awakened and Layne showed him was had been written down, but Edgar vowed to continue if somehow his unusual gift could be helpful to people.

As his psychic reputation grew the request for readings continued and Edgar Cayce was faced with a problem. Although people were being helped by the readings, many were having difficulty finding doctors to carry out the treatments that were being recommended. Doctors seemed hesitant to follow the guidance of a sleeping psychic who, in many instances, had never even seen the people he was diagnosing. This situation led to Cayce's dream of a establishing a hospital, staffed with fully qualified doctors, nurses, and therapists, who would carry out the treatments recommended in the readings.” Altantis – one of Cayce’s visions In pursuit of money to finance his dream Cayce joined with a group in Texas who were seeking oil and wanted to use his talent to locate possible wells. Cayce was told very clearly in his readings that his talent was not for financial gain. Some of his partners did not share his dream of a hospital. They were only seeking money for themselves. In 1923, he hired a secretary, Gladys Davis, to take notes during readings while his wife Gertrude took notes from the readings. By this time his readings were limited to physical and medical problems but a former client asked Cayce for a horoscope reading. In the reading Cayce mentioned that the man was once a monk. This statement led to the research and readings that followed on past life and reincarnation “There was no doubt that the information was helpful and accurate when dealing with health, but the readings matter-of-fact reference to reincarnation seemed foreign to his fundamental Christianity. He prayed about it, did much soul searching, and obtained a few readings. He was advised to read the Bible once through from cover to cover while keeping the idea of reincarnation in mind. The underlying philosophy that emerged was one that focused upon the oneness and the purposefulness of life. In time, Edgar Cayce found that the concept of reincarnation was not incompatible with any religion and actually merged perfectly with his own beliefs of what it meant to be a Christian. Soon afterwards, the "Life readings" were developed, dealing with an individual's previous lifetimes, as well as the person's potential and purpose in the present. In time, the topics in the readings were further expanded to include mental and spiritual counsel, philosophy and contemporary spirituality, meditation, dream interpretation, intuition, history and ancient civilizations and even advice for improving personal relationships.” The Cayce family moved to Virginia Beach in September 1925. Gladys Davis was with the family and continued to work with Cayce as his secretary. They formed the Association for national Investigations in 1927. This organization was responsible for research and experiments using material obtained from the readings. The motto was “That every man manifests our love for God and man”. In 1928, the hospital opened its doors and people came from all around the country for treatment. Cayce gave each patient a reading. He had a professional staff composed of Doctors, nurses and therapists and his approach to treatment was based on utilizing the interdisciplinary team to meet the needs of each patient. Financing for the hospital could not withstand the Great Depression and in February 1931, Cayce had to close the hospital.

In June of 1931, the Association for Research and Enlightenment, Inc. (A.R.E.) was formed as a research body whose goal was to investigate and disseminate the information contained in Cayce's readings. This organization became interested in such things as holistic health care, the workings of ESP, meditation, spiritual healing, the importance of dreams, and the study of life after death. When individuals asked Edgar Cayce how they could become more psychic themselves he responded by saying that the goal should be to become more spiritual, "for psychic is of the soul." From Cayce's perspective as individuals became more spiritual, psychic ability would develop naturally. Rather than trying to find converts to the readings' philosophy, people were told that if they could incorporate information into their own religious and belief systems, enabling them to become better people, it could be a useful and positive experience; otherwise they were advised to leave the information alone.

The Later Years As the years passed, Cayce became more and more psychic in the waking state as well. He once fled from a room in sorrow because he knew that three young men would not be returning from the war. He also had developed the ability to see auras, which are fields of light that surround all living things. From these auras Cayce could perceive people's moods as well as their overall physical condition. In the spring of 1944, Edgar began to grow weak. His own readings advised him to rest, but he felt a tremendous obligation to those who were asking for his help. Finally, he collapsed from sheer exhaustion, and just as he gave his first reading for himself, he gave his last reading for himself in September of 1944. The reading told him he had to rest. When Gertrude asked "How long?" the response was "until he is well or dead." Shortly afterwards, he had a stroke and became partially paralyzed. By the end of the year his friends feared the worst. Although Edgar told them he would be healed after the first of the year, they understood what he meant and he died on January 3, 1945. At the time, no one really understood how ill Gertrude was, yet within three months, on Easter Sunday, she died as well.” Gladys Davis took it upon herself to preserve the information she had taken such great pains to write down, until Edgar's sons returned from the war. Eventually, she took charge of the project of cataloguing and indexing the more than 14,000 readings. Because of the number of readings as well as the follow-up reports and documentation the project was not even finished until 1971, more than a quarter of century after Cayce had died! Once indexed, it was discovered that the readings covered an astonishing 10,000 different subjects - nearly every question imaginable had been asked. Gladys continued working as secretary for the Board of Trustees of the Cayce organizations and chaired the computerization of the readings until her death in 1986 at the age of eighty-one. Today, the complete set of Cayce readings is available on CD-Rom. Hugh Lynn took over the organization his father had started and was able to encourage interest all over the world. When Hugh Lynn died, in 1982, the Association had grown from a few hundred members into one composed of ten of thousands. Today, several organizations work with the information contained in the Edgar Cayce readings. The Association for Research and Enlightenment, Inc. (A.R.E.) continues to make the material more readily available through practical presentations and publications, and members throughout the world are kept up-to-date on activities and developments concerning the Cayce work.

Throughout his life, Edgar Cayce claimed no special abilities nor did he ever consider himself to be some kind of twentieth-century prophet. The readings never offered a set of beliefs that had to be embraced, but instead focused on the fact that each person should test in his or her own life the principles presented. Though Cayce himself was a Christian and read the Bible from cover to cover every year of his life, his work was one that stressed the importance of comparative study among belief systems all over the world. The underlying principle of the readings is the oneness of all life, tolerance for all people, and a compassion and understanding for every major religion in the world. www.edgarcayce.org - for pictures and documentation” [This article is taken from Edgar Cayce's ESP: Who He Was, What He Said, and How it Came True, by Kevin J. Todeschi.]


Appendix - Dr. Joshua David Stone & the I AM University

The well known author of many books of spiritual nature Dr Joshua David Stone had a Ph.D. in Transpersonal Psychology and was a Licensed Marriage, Family and Child Counselor in California. In November 2004 Dr Stone officially launched the "I AM University", which is an actual university that Dr Stone runs on the inner plane and has been guided by Spirit and the Ascended Masters to anchor and externalize on Earth. The "I AM University" is the fast path to becoming a fully realized "Integrated Ascended Master" on Earth in this lifetime! In 2005 Dr Stone passed on to the Spirit world where he continues to run the inner plane I AM University and Spiritually supports the continued expansion of his work through the platform and vehicle of the earthly/outer plane I AM University! He is now in training with Lord Maitreya and the Spiritual Hierarchy in preparation of serving as the future head of the Spiritual Hierarchy for Planet Earth when his training to do so is complete. Dr Stone will still be the leader of the I AM University on the spiritual plane, and on the earthly plane his job is taken over by his helper Rev. Gloria Excelsias. Gloria Excelsias is a Minister, Spiritual Teacher, Healer and Author, who served as long-term personal assistant to Dr Joshua David Stone. When Dr Stone passed on to the Spirit world, he made Gloria Excelsias the new President and Director of the Earthly plane I AM University which she now runs in co-creation with and being overlighted by Spirit, the Ascended Masters, Archangels and Angels, Elohim and Dr Stone! As part of this whole transition and process, Gloria has been guided by Spirit, the Masters and Joshua to relocate the I AM University to Salzburg the Heart of Europe! Having been born in Austria, this location has crystallized itself as the perfect place on Planet Earth to serve as new home for the I AM University Headquarters that allows Gloria best to run and expand the I AM University according to Spirit and the Masters’ Plan. Do you want to know more about Joshua David Stone, Gloria Excelsias and the I AM University, then you can look at Web Site: www.iamuniversity.org Adress: I AM University , Dr Joshua David Stone & Gloria Excelsias Postfach 13, 4866 Unterach am Attersee, Austria - Europe