Rephrasing Comparatives and Superlatives B1

Rephrasing: Comparatives and Superlatives Rephrasing: Comparatives and Superlatives 1. I have never seen such a fantas

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Rephrasing: Comparatives and Superlatives

Rephrasing: Comparatives and Superlatives

1. I have never seen such a fantastic show. (fantastic) It is the most _______________________I have never seen.

1. I have never seen such a fantastic show. (fantastic) It is the most _______________________I have never seen.

2. Mary’s coat is more expensive than Kate’s. (cheaper) Kate’s coat is _______________________ Mary’s.

2. Mary’s coat is more expensive than Kate’s. (cheaper) Kate’s coat is _______________________ Mary’s.

3. There are more students in my school than in yours. (as) There are not _______________________ than in mine.

3. There are more students in my school than in yours. (as) There are not _______________________ than in mine.

4. I have never eaten anything as bad as that. (the) This is _______________________ I have ever eaten.

4. I have never eaten anything as bad as that. (the) This is _______________________ I have ever eaten.

5. This exam was more difficult than the previous one. (less) This exam _______________________ the previous one.

5. This exam was more difficult than the previous one. (less) This exam _______________________ the previous one.

Rephrasing: Comparatives and Superlatives

Rephrasing: Comparatives and Superlatives

1. I have never seen such a fantastic show. (fantastic) It is the most _______________________I have never seen.

1. I have never seen such a fantastic show. (fantastic) It is the most _______________________I have never seen.

2. Mary’s coat is more expensive than Kate’s. (cheaper) Kate’s coat is _______________________ Mary’s.

2. Mary’s coat is more expensive than Kate’s. (cheaper) Kate’s coat is _______________________ Mary’s.

3. There are more students in my school than in yours. (as) There are not _______________________ than in mine.

3. There are more students in my school than in yours. (as) There are not _______________________ than in mine.

4. I have never eaten anything as bad as that. (the) This is _______________________ I have ever eaten.

4. I have never eaten anything as bad as that. (the) This is _______________________ I have ever eaten.

5. This exam was more difficult than the previous one. (less) This exam _______________________ the previous one.

5. This exam was more difficult than the previous one. (less) This exam _______________________ the previous one.