Outline of The Book of James

INTRODUCTION New Testament Book - The Epistles of James AUTHOR The writer of this epistle was evidently the half-brother

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INTRODUCTION New Testament Book - The Epistles of James AUTHOR The writer of this epistle was evidently the half-brother of our Lord Jesus Christ (Gal.1:19) and the brother of Jude, the writer of the epistle that bears his name (cf. Matt.13:55). Although James refers to his own brother Jesus only twice he does it in most reverent manner. Though he knew him so well there was no familiarity, for he called him lord and Christ. James was bitterly opposed to Jesus and his claims up to the time of his death, but after the resurrection of Jesus he was converted by a special and private interview with the risen lord (1cor 15:7) He associates his brother with God so as to imply equality with the almighty. If Jesus was not deity, this would be blasphemous. This was the opinion of many of the early church fathers and writers. This James was not the brother of the Apostle John, the son of Zebedee, who suffered martyrdom early in the history of the church (Mark 1:19; Acts 12:2). Neither was he the son of Alpheus (Mark 3:18) or the father of Judas (Luke 6:16). He was the leading man in the Jerusalem church who spoke at the Jerusalem Council (Acts 15:13-21; cf. 12:17; 21:18; 1 Cor. 15:7). Some commentators believed that the similarities in the Greek of this epistle and James ‘speech In Acts 15 supports his identification as the writer. The fact that the writer wrote this epistle in Very good Greek should not rule this James out. He would have been fluent in both Aramaic and Greek as a gifted Galilean. DATE Josephus said that James died in A.D. 62.3 Josephus did not name the date, but he identified James' death with that of Porcius Festus who succeeded Felix as a governor of Judea and died in A.D. 62. So James wrote the letter before that date. Many commentators believed that James' lack of reference to the Jerusalem Council (A.D. 49) suggests that he wrote before that meeting. Traditionally James wrote early, however. It seems that his epistle was probably the first divinely inspired one and that James composed it in the middle or late 40s, perhaps A.D. 45-48. Many scholars have taken James' lack of references or allusions to other inspired New Testament epistles as additional support for this position. AUDIENCE The recipients of this letter were the Jewish Christians of the Diaspora, Jews who had scattered from Palestine and had come to faith in Christ (1:1). Several Jewish references in the book support the claim that a Jew wrote it to other Jews (e.g., 1:18; 2:2, 21; 3:6; 5:4, 7). ISSUES The Jews to whom he wrote had not ceased to be Jews although they had embraced Christianity. Many of them had been converted on the day of Pentecost, and had carried home only a partial understanding of Christianity. In their enthusiasm at having found the true messiah they neglected the graces and virtues that should accompany the Christian life. They taught all that was necessary to have salvation was to believe that Jesus was the true messiah and saviour. They were in great danger of being discouraged in their Christian life by the persecution of their own believing countrymen. 1) G. H. Rendall, The Epistle of James and Judaic Christianity, pp. 11-12. 2) Dr. Constable's Notes on James 3) Adam clarke’s commentary on the bible

OUTLINE OF THE BOOK A. The value of trials (James chapter 1:2-11) At this time there were Jews partly traveling, partly sojourning, and partly resident in most parts of the civilized world; particularly in Asia, Greece, Egypt, and Italy. Jews who became Christians in the early history of the church experienced persecution from their unbelieving Jews such as the stoning of Stephen in (Acts 8:1 and 11:19) Trials are the means God uses to make believers the kind of people that bring honour to His name, namely, mature Christians. Don’t be discouraged but stand strong as the trial will result in great blessing James counselled his readers to view the various kinds of trials and tribulations they were encountering in their lives as opportunities for growth. B. The End result of trials (James chapter 1:12-18) The Christian who perseveres under trials, who does not yield to temptations to depart from the will of God, demonstrates his or her love for God. He will receive blessings and rewards from the lord and here he stresses on the word temptation again to let his readers understand not to blame God for our own solicitation in sinful acts as god does not tempt any one. But to be dependent on the grace of god C. Doers of the word (James chapter 1:19-27) Here James is letting the readers know that only reading and believing will not profit them but they need to be the doers of what they hear or else they would be deceiving themselves. He uses various creative examples from everyday life to make it better understand – e.g. mirror. True religion teaches us to do everything as in the presence of God. An unspotted life must go with unfeigned love and charity. Our true religion is equal to the measure in which these things have place in our hearts and conduct. D. Partiality in the kingdom (James chapter 2:1-13) James noticed that there was great partiality being exercised of the high class and the low class among themselves he reminds them all are as equal as they are. Christ did not teach partiality he treated everyone as equal so he reminds them the golden law which Jesus gave about loving each other and condemned the sin of partiality. E. Faith and works (James chapter 2:14-26) In this portion of scripture James is dealing an important issue that is faith and works he is bridging the gap of faith and works challenging them to keep on doing the good things which they believe as only believing will not help them as there is no way to show we really believe in Christ, but by being diligent in good works, from gospel purposes. A bare profession may gain the good opinion of pious people; and it may procure, in some cases, worldly good things; but James summons up this by saying in the (verse-26) for as the body apart from the spirit is dead, even so faith apart from works is dead. F. The Nature of tongue and Discerning the wise (James chapter 3:1-18) Pious and edifying language is the genuine produce of a sanctified heart; and none who understand Christianity expect to hear curses, lies, boastings, and reviling’s from a true believer's mouth, they look for the fruit of one tree from another. He who thinks well, or he who talks well, is not wise in the sense of the Scripture, if he does not live and act well. True wisdom may be known by the meekness of the spirit and temper. Those who live in malice, envy, and contention, live in confusion; and are liable to be provoked and hurried to any evil work.

G. The wars within (James chapter 4:1-17) All wars and fighting’s come from the corruptions of our own hearts, it is right to mortify those lusts that war in the members. Worldly and fleshly lusts are distempers, which will not allow content or satisfaction. Sinful desires and affections stop prayer, and the working of our desires toward God. Every petition is with wrong desires and is wrong so he directs them to reexamine themselves as the Holy Spirit is eager and very excited to perform the works which the lord desires and to humble themselves before god and bury the wrong nature which is inspired by the enemy. H. The warning to the rich and a call for repentance (James chapter 5:1-6) These are the warning to the rich as they were cheating the labourers and were enjoying a pleasure of sin there is becoming their testimony of their cheating to the labourers which he mentions in the verse 4 . He again comes back to his theme which he began in the first chapter exhorting them to be patiently endure the trials giving them examples of the prophets of the old and instead of murmuring and be steadfast till the coming of the lord giving the example of the farmer waiting for the crops . I. Final exhortation (James chapter 5:7-20) James encourages his readers not to give up their faith soon towards the suffering they are going through but to wait patiently for the coming of the lord the judge who is the rewarder of the living and the dead he uses the e.g. of the farmer. He also encourages them to maintain truth and unity among themselves and love each other as the elect of Christ. He shows them the power of pray in the lives of the Elijah and exhorts them to keep on praying. Finally be the instrument of conversion as it will bring him back to God, who, in his infinite mercy, hides or blots out the numerous sins which he had committed during the time of his backsliding.