Documentary Reborn Photography, Film and Video in Global Contemporary Art

General Bibliography: Documentary Reborn: Photography, Film and Video in Global Contemporary Art  Austin, Thomas & de

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General Bibliography: Documentary Reborn: Photography, Film and Video in Global Contemporary Art

Austin, Thomas & de Jong, Wilma, eds., Rethinking Documentary: New Perspectives, New Practices (Open University Press, 2008)

Azoulay, Ariella, The Civil Contract of Photography (Zone Books, 2008)

Geoffrey Batchen et al, eds., Picturing Atrocity: Photography in Crisis, Reaktion Books, London 2012.

Bruzzi, Stella, New Documentary (Routledge, 2006)

Chapman, Jane, Issues in Contemporary Documentary (Polity Press, 2009)

Demos, T.J., The Migrant Image: The Art and Politics of Documentary During Global Crisis, Duke University Press, Durham, NC 2013

Didi-Huberman, Georges, Images in Spite of All: Four Photographs from Auschwitz, trans. Shane B. Lillis (University of Chicago Press, 2008)

Edwards, Steve, Photography: A Very Short Introduction (Oxford University Press, 2006)

Elkins, James, ed., Photography Theory (Routledge, 2007)

Hardy, Forsyth, ed., Grierson on Documentary (Collins, 1946)

Hariman, Robert & Lucaites, John Louis, No Caption Needed: Iconic Photographs, Public Culture, and Liberal Democracy (University of Chicago Press, 2007)

Liam Kennedy/ Caitlin Patrick, eds., The Violence of the Image: Photography and International Conflict, I.B. Tauris, London 2014.

Lind, Maria and Steyerl, Hito, eds., The Greenroom: Reconsidering the Documentary and Contemporary Art #1 (Sternberg Press, 2008)

Michelson, Annette, ‘The Estates General of the Documentary Film’, October, Vol. 91 (2000), pp. 140-148

Morris, Errol, Believing is Seeing: Observations on the Mysteries of Photography (Penguin 2011)

Min-ha, Trinh T., Cinema Interval (Routledge, 1999)

Nichols, Bill, Representing Reality: Issues and Concepts in Documentary (John Wiley & Sons, 1991)

Panzer, Mary, Things As They Are: Photojournalism in Context Since 1955 (World Press Photo/ Chris Boot, 2006)

Rosler, Martha, Decoys and Disruptions: Selected Writings, 1975-2001 (The MIT Press, 2004)

Sekula, Allan, Fish Story (Richter Verlag, 1995)

Stallabrass, Julian, Documentary, Whitechapel Gallery/ The MIT Press, Reader in the series ‘Documents of Contemporary Art’, London 2013

Blake Stimson, The Pivot of the World: Photography and its Nation, The MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass. 2006.