7 Life-Changing

7 Life-Changing Angel Prayers Brought to you by FRATER Azrael ©. Now luck is on YOUR side! Contents Foreword Correspo

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7 Life-Changing Angel Prayers

Brought to you by FRATER Azrael ©. Now luck is on YOUR side!

Contents Foreword Correspondences Method Prayers Afterword

Foreword Now, there are a lot of occult books on the market. And a lot of those books make probably empty promises about instant success that in reality the budding magician will not most likely get. OK, granted, sometimes we do get satisfying results from our magickal efforts or else there would be no one left to practice this stuff, would there. I know at least a handful of such people who've gotten their dream job or degree, or even the love of their life purely or so it seems by just parroting in practice what the books say. It even makes sense that occult books do occult. At least sometimes. Then why don't the ”occult” books always fulfill their crazy promises? Because the promises are crazy. You can't just expect the universe that Buddha dubbed suffering to always lick your balls fucking instantly just because you say a couple fancy words or light an incense stick. Nuh uh, instead you got to repeat the fancy words and lighting the incense stick for seven consecutive days. I know, I know, a week sounds like a lot of work, and to think that that will not even be the end of the work.. But I mean I swear if you do what this book says, spending a week on your wish and then some, you will get the angels nod at your way, or else may I turn into a frog. Ribbit. Okay you may not become Potus even if you do one of this book's prayers on seven consecutive days. That's ”only” a week after all. But, the angels are always listening, and it makes sense to talk to them (for a week) so that they don't listen in vain. They will hear. But why incense? 'Cause incense smoke is said to take our prayers to the gods. But first you need to know that the angels are a reality. Once you say your chosen prayer (for a week) it will be written in the akashas of it all, that's just how it is. After the week of prayers you will then either lose interest (very normal) or perform the next step of this booklet's program, that is, after the week of your planetary prayers you are to once a day touch the corresponding angel's image (i.e., printed out or on your computer screen or even a painting or statue of the corresponding angel) when you have a free moment during your day while thinking in your heart about the request to your chosen supernatural archon whose image you are touching. The method will be explained again in the following chapters. Sooner than you know it you might then get your success, which is always interesting. These seven angels are none other than the seven classical planetary deities, that is, the gods of mankind! So they do got the needed power. They just want you to reach out first. I don't care if the

information in this eBook is original or not I want you to practice this stuff which is the whole point. By the way, there is no inherent black magic or evil stuff in this book. These are angels after all. But if you ask for evil then that's on you. …..What if magick works?

Correspondences This is a $0.99 eBook and so I won't spend a year on writing this chapter seeing how everybody and their mother already knows the planetary correspondences as they are in Crowley's 777 and on the internet to boot. All you'd need to do is to google ”planetary correspondences” and a whole world of planetary correspondences would open to you at an instant after all, but I will give simplified planetary correspondences in this chapter that'll suffice for simple practice from this book that on the other hand shouldn't be underestimated, these are the powers of Mount Olympus after all, just from another myth. That is... ...Gabriel is the angel of the Moon (Luna), his day is Monday, his incense stick is jasmine... …Samael is the angel of Mars, his day is Tuesday, his incense stick is pine... …Raphael is the angel of Mercury, his day is Wednesday, his incense stick is (white) sandalwood... ...Sachiel is the angel of Jupiter, his day is Thursday, his incense stick is cedar... ...Anael is the angel of Venus, his day is Friday, his incense stick is benzoin... ...Cassiel is the angel of Saturn, his day is Saturday, his incense stick is myrrh... ...Michael is the angel of the Sun (Sol), his day is Sunday, his incense stick is frankincense...

Luna Knowledge of Astral Travel. Safe journeys. Achieve reconciliations. Foods, especially vegetables and flours. Fetuses and infants. Milk and dairy products. Preventing war. The home. The family. Cooking. Clairvoyance. Dreams. The sea. Agriculture. Natural medicine. Herbs. Mars Conflict. Hunting. Military success. Energy. Vitality. Dentists. Surgeons. Surgery. Barbers. Butchers. Police. Soldiers. All things pertaining to war. Aggression. Physical strength. Courage. Politics. Debates. Athletics. Competition. Men. Lust. Mercury Business and commercial success. Success in exams. Divination of the future. Influencing others. Theatrical success. Authors. Short trips. Writing. Bargain hunting. Schools. Basic medicine. Praxis (putting theory into action). Statistics. Teaching. Prediction. Self-improvement. Celibacy. The mind. Communications. Learning. Jupiter Speculation. Gambling. Acquiring wealth. Abundance. Growth. Plenty. Bankers. Divination of the past. Leadership. Ambition. Career success. Obtaining friendship. Obtaining health. Acquiring honors. Obtaining luck. Law. Materialism. Poverty (the partner of wealth). Money. Expansion. Venus Beauty. Fostering friendship. Obtaining love. Ensuring pleasure. Art. Music. Parties. Luxury. Jewels. Aphrodisiacs. Scents. Perfumes. Partnerships. Women. Saturday Buildings. The elderly. Funerals. Wills. Reincarnation. Destruction of diseases and pests. Terminations and death. Plans. Debts. Real estate. Inheritances. Excavations. Mines. Trees and paper. Smelting. Fertilizers. Antiques. Concrete. Studying for exams. Acquiring the Astral Plane. The home. Obtaining esoteric knowledge. Sol

Obtain friendship. Obtain health. Create harmony. Obtain luck. Obtain money. Obtain patronage. Obtain peace. Find missing property. Prevent war. Regain youth. Superiors of all sorts. Illumination. Immediacy. Employees. Promotions. Labor. World leaders. Divine power.

Now these correspondences are enough for you to pray to these angels. You don't need to know more except for googling an image of your chosen angel for later work. You will choose the angel based on your wish. If you want love, then Anael it is and you will commence then your prayer week on Friday. On the other hand, if it's money you want, then you will typically begin the work on Thursday, and so on. If you cannot find the particular angel's image then in that case any angel image will do just as well though. These angels are as close to godhead as they come. You might even become a more relaxed person if you keep working towards your wish because of the new angelic energies in your life. A lot of people experience happy side effects from this kind of ”angel work,” and you never know what happy miracles await just around the corner when working with the angels.

Method The creepyish prayers found in this book are totally mystical and you are not even supposed to know what you're saying when reading them out loud or silently in your mind necessarily because they are twilight language of magick, magick being thousands of years old or more like tens of thousands of years old, that is, as old as mankind itself, and magick has never made 100% sense 'cause it's not supposed to. Instead, generally the point of magick – and its ”sigils” and other weirdnesses – is to bypass the rational brain in order to reach the angels. The gods. And so is here as well, and therefore that's what we are doing here with these prayers and the mystical incense smoke, we are bypassing the left brain and reaching the angels. But basically when saying your prayer from this book, during your 7 prayer days, you are to take a hot shower in order to wash away the day that should be either behind you or before you in its entirety so that you don't yet have

the day's thoughts in the way of your magick. So, in other words, make sure you are undisturbed and alone and clean of body and mind when praying to your chosen angel. You are to say the prayer once per day for seven consecutive days starting on the corresponding day. You can pray either silently or aloud. And once the week is up you are then to touch the angel's image (very important) once a day while thinking in your heart about your special wish until it comes true. That's all it takes. It's really like you're praying to your Guardian Angel all along. So even if you are calling your Guardian Angel by one of these ”placeholder names,” it is your angel you are really praying to, to your God. So remember to thank God or your notion of God once you get your result. The universe returns positivity with positivity, or so those who are into the law of attraction at least say and who am I to say otherwise. Hope you like these angels. They are a bit of light in this dark world. Sometimes a lot of light.

Prayers Call of Gabriel (Luna - Monday)

Oh you angel of the Moon, Gabriel, dwelling in the Lunary part of the universe, powerful in the administering of the strong and angelic medicine of God, in the name of the omnipotent, living and true God, I, N.N., by the grace of the God of the celestial city of Shah-mah-een, and through the reverence and obedience which you owe to the same our God, and through His divine and mystical Name Shah-die-el-khai, I urgently and faithfully require of you, one and all to . I summon you to perform, to accomplish, and to complete this my request thoroughly, pleasantly and perfectly seeing how I love you and God. So mote it be! Call of Samael (Mars - Tuesday) Oh you angel of Mars, Samael, dwelling in the Martial part of the universe, powerful in the administering of the strong and angelic medicine of God, in the name of the omnipotent, living and true God, I, N.N., by the grace of the God of the celestial city of Mah-khawn, and through the reverence and

obedience which you owe to the same our God, and through His divine and mystical Name El-oh-heem-kee-bore, I urgently and faithfully require of you, one and all to . I summon you to perform, to accomplish, and to complete this my request thoroughly, pleasantly and perfectly seeing how I love you and God. So mote it be! Call of Raphael (Mercury - Wednesday) Oh you angel of Mercury, Raphael, dwelling in the Mercurial part of the universe, powerful in the administering of the strong and angelic medicine of God, in the name of the omnipotent, living and true God, I, N.N., by the grace of the God of the celestial city of Rah-kee-eh, and through the reverence and obedience which you owe to the same our God, and through His divine and mystical Name El-oh-heem Tzah-bah-oth, I urgently and faithfully require of you, one and all to . I summon you to perform, to accomplish, and to complete this my request thoroughly, pleasantly and perfectly seeing how I love you and God. So mote it be! Call of Sachiel (Jupiter - Thursday) Oh you angel of Jupiter, Sachiel, dwelling in the Jovial part of the universe, powerful in the administering of the strong and angelic medicine of God, in the name of the omnipotent, living and true God, I, N.N., by the grace of the God of the celestial city of Zeh-bool, and through the reverence and obedience which you owe to the same our God, and through His divine and mystical Name El, I urgently and faithfully require of you, one and all to . I summon you to perform, to accomplish, and to complete this my request thoroughly, pleasantly and perfectly seeing how I love you and God. So mote it be! Call of Anael (Venus - Friday) Oh you angel of Venus, Anael, dwelling in the Venereal part of the universe, powerful in the administering of the strong and angelic medicine of God, in the name of the omnipotent, living and true God, I, N.N., by the grace of the God of the celestial city of Sah-goon, and through the reverence and obedience which you owe to the same our God, and through His divine and mystical Name Jay-hoh-wah-tzah-bah-oth, I urgently and faithfully require of

you, one and all to . I summon you to perform, to accomplish, and to complete this my request thoroughly, pleasantly and perfectly seeing how I love you and God. So mote it be! Call of Cassiel (Saturn - Saturday) Oh you angel of Saturn, Cassiel, dwelling in the Saturnal part of the universe, powerful in the administering of the strong and angelic medicine of God, in the name of the omnipotent, living and true God, I, N.N., by the grace of the God of the celestial city of Mah-kah-tor, and through the reverence and obedience which you owe to the same our God, and through His divine and mystical Name Jay-hoh-wah-el-oh-heem, I urgently and faithfully require of you, one and all to . I summon you to perform, to accomplish, and to complete this my request thoroughly, pleasantly and perfectly seeing how I love you and God. So mote it be! Call of Michael (the Sun - Sunday) Oh you angel of the Sun, Michael, dwelling in the Solar part of the universe, powerful in the administering of the strong and angelic medicine of God, in the name of the omnipotent, living and true God, I, N.N., by the grace of the God of the celestial city of Mah-khen, and through the reverence and obedience which you owe to the same our God, and through His divine and mystical Name Jay-hoh-wah-el-oh-ah-tzah-bah-oth, I urgently and faithfully require of you, one and all to . I summon you to perform, to accomplish, and to complete this my request thoroughly, pleasantly and perfectly seeing how I love you and God. So mote it be!

Afterword As you may have noticed, you are to physically touch the image of your chosen planetary angel or any angel image after your one week of saying the prayer once a day daily until you finally get your real world result. This is all pretty tantric, isn't it. Well it is. You want a real world result so you touch the image with your real world finger, almost as if grounding your wish into the physical reality. It makes so much sense. But this gesture of touching the angel image while reminding yourself of your wish also reminds you that the

angels are real. I am not telling you to become a Xtian all of a sudden unless you already are, but I'm just saying that when magick works there is always a reason why it worked, and that's because the powers that be are real just like you and me. So don't lose hope, but instead keep touching the angel image, keep reminding yourself of your wish, and keep a happy mind. Nothing is that important. The incense stick can burn to the end or you can snuff it out each time, you only need to burn incense during the first prayer week though. God knows incense isn't that important either, though. If you don't have any then you don't have any. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed reading this little book. :)