Dark Net

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http://fxed4w2ekcv35zm2.onion http://xfmro77i3lixucja.onion/ http://p2uekn2yfvlvpzbu.onion/ http://kpvz7ki2v5agwt35.onion/wiki/index.php/The_Matrix http://g2qsdg7ubdswrjvr.onion/index.php http://fkyvwpu7ccsorke2.onion/ http://ay5kwknh6znfmcbb.onion/qa/index.php http://3suaolltfj2xjksb.onion/ http://2zyakjq2hvtbg6qd.onion/om/ http://2zyakjq2hvtbg6qd.onion/ http://wf74ekmmmgg2pe3v.onion/ http://dppmfxaacucguzpc.onion/ http://hpuuigeld2cz2fd3.onion/ http://3odvxi4kdkjx64gq.onion/forum/index.php http://slnlvwr4w6g5hnmw.onion/?p=463 http://slnlvwr4w6g5hnmw.onion/ http://u4uoz3aphqbdc754.onion/ http://u4uoz3aphqbdc754.onion/download/isos/SerNet_Samba4_Appliance/ http://u4uoz3aphqbdc754.onion/download/isos/Resara_server_-_Linux-AD_server/ http://u4uoz3aphqbdc754.onion/download/isos/Gparted/ http://u4uoz3aphqbdc754.onion/download/docs/V%20For%20Vendetta%20-%20Comics%20%20Complete/V%20For%20Vendetta%20%2300.zip/V%20For%20Vendetta%20%2300/ http://jhiwjjlqpyawmpjx.onion/ http://jhiwjjlqpyawmpjx.onion/login.php http://jhiwjjlqpyawmpjx.onion/roundcube/ http://fok4lscbo7i3lw66.onion/terms.shtml http://3terbsb5mmmdyhse.onion/ https://ahmia.fi/address/ http://pyl7a4ccwgpxm6rd.onion/w/index.php/Main_Page http://y6yz32qnlfeczerf.onion/chat/login.php http://www.mebious.co.uk/ http://xyjkasecb4ztzq3o.onion/index.php/Ahmia.fi http://wvk32thojln4gpp4.onion/wiki/index.php/Communities http://qdzinohxugl4mdkq.onion/ http://xsin4xbme24aatvk.onion/ http://xfmro77i3lixucja.onion/ http://xmh57jrzrnw6insl.onion/ http://qx7j2selmom4ioxf.onion.to/rhodium/chemistry/index.html - chemistry http://axv6gzvarmh4a4p4.onion/index.html - Netflix4U - Cheap hacked netflix accounts http://p3s6qnz2k3tujtlr.onion/ - Homenagem a Sara LOL http://xqz3u5drneuzhaeo.onion/users/iskanderarchiv/ - Free Bibliotheca Alexandrina http://hq3hmoa4thdplmta.onion/sheeple/PSYC_ColourPsychology.php - Colour Psychology LOL http://igf4epw3x4sijigy.onion/comment/63 - Oque acontece no santuário das fadas http://igf4epw3x4sijigy.onion/latin-america - ... http://ozd72l7kltcrq34m.onion/ - AnonPaste http://dbmv53j45pcv534x.onion - software development and network consulting http://qdzinohxugl4mdkq.onion/ - Download de Livros PT-BR http://hq3hmoa4thdplmta.onion.to/sheeple/HIST_HOLOCASH-FakePhotos.php - fotos fakes do holocausto http://kpynyvym6xqi7wz2.onion/files.html - Parazite - Arquivos, tutoriais, etc. http://opnju4nyz7wbypme.onion/vidtest/index.htm - Testes de vídeos LOL http://653p3e77wvxcpcli.onion - Brazilian chan http://kpynyvym6xqi7wz2.onion/links.html - Parazite - Links para outros sites. http://xqz3u5drneuzhaeo.onion/users/heidenwut2/books/SatanicBible-AntonLaVey.txt Bíblia satanica de LaVey http://xqz3u5drneuzhaeo.onion/users/heidenwut2/books/DemonicBibleMagusTsirkSusej.txt - Bíblia demoniaca por Magnus, anticristo discipulo de satanás.

http://wf4df37hrebhwzts.onion/ - Guia para Web Designers http://slnlvwr4w6g5hnmw.onion/?cat=28 - UFO http://slnlvwr4w6g5hnmw.onion/?p=150#more-150 - Controle Mental PT BR http://slnlvwr4w6g5hnmw.onion/ - Lain Iwakura http://2zyakjq2hvtbg6qd.onion/om/ztqhwxfz6as6k4tf.onion/ - Grupo Hacker http://4eiruntyxxbgfv7o.onion/snapbbs/736364f4/threadlist.php? - descobrir 00:00 http://4eiruntyxxbgfv7o.onion/ Assasination Market http://am4wuhz3zifexz5u.onion/ Deep web related ebooks http://627kx22vati6uqkw.onion/ Get something stolen for ya, pay a fraction of the price. http://hkfjbmo2rdjun56b.onion/ (onionchan, dead) http://kpynyvym6xqi7wz2.onion/files.html http://4eiruntyxxbgfv7o.onion/snapbbs/736364f4/showthread.php? &threadid=0bf8a39efd46fd7dd67dc3a1 d0291860 http://kpvz7ki2v5agwt35.onion/wiki/index.php/Main_Page (hidden wiki) http://627kx22vati6uqkw.onion/ http://4eiruntyxxbgfv7o.onion/pm/ http://kpvz7ki2v5agwt35.onion http://7cov2loswjrmaqot secret corner http://6x77gb7ngu6nymwl.onion http://opva2pilsncvtwmh.onion http://7cov2loswjrmaqot.onion http://eqt5g4fuenphqinx.onion/ http://b4yrk2nkydqfpzqm.onion/girls/topic/1045+full/ http://m3hjrfh4hlqc67gb.onion/inliner.php?num=50&size=120&filter=0 http://kpvz7ki2v5agwt35.onion/wiki/index.php/Main_Page http://opva2pilsncvtwmh.onion/ http://b4yrk2nkydqfpzqm.onion/ http://lph5po3mivnjjzjo.onion/kusaba.php http://jkpos24pl2r3urlw.onion:6969/ http://6sxoyfb3h2nvok2d.onion/ http://dppmfxaacucguzpc.onion/ http://kpynyvym6xqi7wz2.onion/files.html A Security related blog. http://xqz3u5drneuzhaeo.onion/users/experiments/index.html The Human Experiment -> A pseudo science blog where 'Humans' are experimented on. http://63gtqvgqw2lmb2j2.onion/ My Comic -> A Cyanide & Happiness style comic. http://3ehxgv42wpip4cgz.onion/ Hynose Nocturne -> Please add a description

http://l4tay4mx3vyjdn4i.onion/index.html Reckless Madness -> A general blog. http://vg7ik2tbrkjr5ooq.onion/ Tor Speaker -> Please add a description. http://2j22thbamm2z7fuj.onion/ Useless -> A Technology/Personal blog. http://qubsrxat5qsaw5u5.onion/ Polska Cebulka -> Please add a description! http://iew2c3bube4h56yi.onion/ PropagaTor -> Polish blog, also has an imageboard and a currency exchange. http://xzzpowtjlobho6kd.onion/wordpress/ DeepBlog -> Please add a description! http://slnlvwr4w6g5hnmw.onion/ Lain Iwakura -> A personal blog. http://ps6xx5frz4rrehqf.onion/ Hairloss Emergency -> A place to discuss about hairloss prevention products. http://xqz3u5drneuzhaeo.onion/users/jameslink/Forums/index.php Shroomtastic -> Community of Magic Mushroom growers, Learn to grow, ask questions, and have fun. http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php SilkRoad Forums -> Forums relating to the SilkRoad escrow marketplace. http://fec33nz6mhzd54zj.onion/ BlackMarket Reloaded Forums -> Forums relating to the BlackMarket Reloaded scrow marketplace. http://6n4cuxee45ngwscx.onion/forum/index.php Lion Pharma -> Support forums for the Lion Pharm store. http://5iamx6fjwo54i33c.onion/ Anon Forums -> Hacking, Computing also has an Erotica section. http://clsvtzwzdgzkjda7.onion/ HackBB -> Hacking, Fraud and Programming. http://rrcc5uuudhh4oz3c.onion/ Intel Exchange -> Forum sharing information. http://gfrqmz22fwrnbzbd.onion/ TorHackForums -> Hacking, Security and similarly related discussions. http://44yrjinorhc5fndt.onion/phpBB3/ Dampening Designs -> Apparently a test run. However it is open for registrations. http://n2qrgugplsle6rdc.onion/ Nachtpult -> A Community Forums, talking about UFO's, Security and Conspiracy theories. http://65bgvta7yos3sce5.onion/ Onionforum 2.0 -> A General Community forum. http://3c3bdbvhb7j6yab2.onion/ Totse 2 -> Not necessarily 'General' but covers a wide range of topics from Guns & Weapons to Drugs, to scam reports to Society. http://kvtdju44einv4ftg.onion/ Anarcho-Syndicalist Brigade -> A CollectivistLibertarian board. http://maaeita3xk3u3kny.onion/ FreeForum -> A whistle-blowing discussion forum, discusses other politics and tech. http://pyl7a4ccwgpxm6rd.onion/w/index.php/Special:AWCforum/ Code:Green -> Environmental related Hactivism dedicated forum. http://4tji3ya47t4c5xa7.onion/ Fairy Forums -> From Fairy Underground a purpose built TOR forums for various purposes. http://ba2p5nmmuishbb77.onion/forum_index.php CompuTor -> A programming and computing forum. http://sbforumaz7v3v6my.onion/ SciBay -> A Forum about Science, Chemistry and Horticulture http://zntpwh6qmsbvek6p.onion/forum/ TorHelp -> Help forums for TOR, not official. http://npqf43ib7noybq5x.onion TorTalk -> Brand new forum with little content so far. http://wkwjr7pn7xubtpx5.onion/ Tor Carding Forums -> Community of card skimmers. http://l2zukdb5b2favsfc.onion/ Caravana Brasil -> Hacking forum. http://sqoiq37wire23h5q.onion/ Malaya Underground -> Community for Filipinos. http://7ymfzygewl4n6usp.onion/phpBB3/index.php Warez Forum -> Providing links to Warez but also has sections to discuss other items. http://x4tmhtkin4kumdvl.onion/forum/ Cipolla -> An Italian community on TOR. http://xqz3u5drneuzhaeo.onion/users/noel/index.php Noel Board -> A UseBB based forum discussing a variety of subjects http://g2qsdg7ubdswrjvr.onion/ S.N.H.E. ->

Spanish ethical hacking community.

http://2l3kh6gzncyiseft.onion/phpBB3/ CBL Portal ->

Not described. Please add a

description! http://r2d2akbw3jpt4zbf.onion/ R2D2 -> Please add a description! http://od6j46sy5zg7aqze.onion/ Anonchan -> Imageboard owned by Nekro. Random board. Low activity. http://kpmp444tubeirwan.onion/ DeepChan -> Imageboard containing various content. http://gsgsmaoscsdjvtjo.onion/ InvisibleChan -> Imageboard dedicated to staying anonymous and fighting the man! http://3fyb44wdhnd2ghhl.onion/ib/ Oniichan IB -> Anime, Hentai, Cats and MLP, oh my. http://zw3crggtadila2sg.onion/imageboard/ TorChan -> Multifaceted image-board with many categories. Has a lot of history. ~40 posts per day across all boards. http://zitanihpqsvi2lav.onion/ Sipulilauta -> General board. http://zqiirytam276uogb.onion/ Thorlauta -> General board. http://s6cco2jylmxqcdeh.onion/cc/ Cebolla Chan -> Please add a description! http://562tqunvqdece76h.onion/Lukochan Lukochan -> Please add a description! http://gihpyevqh6aiwyt2.onion/anarchy/ Anarchy and Explosives and General Mayhem -> Library of books around chemicals and anarchism. http://o2tu5zjxjlibrary.onion/ Bibliotheca Alexandrina -> A library of books http://duskgytldkxiuqc6.onion/comsense.html Common Sense -> An Ebook by Thomas Paine. http://nwycvryrozllb42g.onion/ Destination Unknown -> A collection of resources for the Leaks, Occult, Stories & various others. http://dltxr6xfw5euf7hg.onion/ Falastin Press -> A collection of books and articles about Palestine. http://htm3iyhkfq5pwisy.onion/fenergy/ Fenergy -> Collection of resources related to Energy. http://xfmro77i3lixucja.onion/ Imperial Library of Trantor -> A collection of all kinds of books. http://as5bivdi35mkahrq.onion/ Ismism -> Articles about Jargon (Many links are broken) http://c3jemx2ube5v5zpg.onion/ Jotunbane's Reading Club -> A book sharing site. http://zqhu3ynqqbqzsq2c.onion/libreria/ Libreria -> A small library of books. http://4fvfamdpoulu2nms.onion/ Lucky Eddie's Home -> A bit of a personal site, yet providing custom software. http://j6im4v42ur6dpic3.onion/ Archive.Torproject.Org -> Archive of items used in the Tor Project, such as blogs etc. http://p3igkncehackjtib.onion/ Media.Torproject.Org -> Archive of images, videos and so on. http://mnnyehhdfz3uxlvl.onion/ Onion Answers -> A question and answer service. http://2zyakjq2hvtbg6qd.onion/ Outlaw Mirror Server -> Mirror of various hidden services. http://kpynyvym6xqi7wz2.onion/ ParaZite http://qx7j2selmom4ioxf.onion/ Mirror -> Anarchism and Liberty library. http://xrbtvfyprv4eenhg.onion/ Psy-Cho -> Information about telekinesis and the like. http://xsin4xbme24aatvk.onion/ Tard's Library -> Library of Images. http://4zeottxi5qmnnjhd.onion/ The Anarchism Library Mirror -> A library of Ebooks. http://xqz3u5drneuzhaeo.onion/users/heidenwut2/books/TheAntichristFriedrichNietzsche.txt The Antichrist -> A book by Friedrich Nietzsche http://am4wuhz3zifexz5u.onion/ The Tor Library -> A large collection of Ebooks. http://2fz3dxqjmcew3f4k.onion/ Computer Books Online -> A library of Ebooks about computers, operating systems and programming. http://faerieuaahqvzgby.onion/node/72 Faerie Security -> A resource guide into computer security by Faerie Underground http://pjahhqnqsups75jx.onion/ Hacker's Workshop -> A library of Ebooks and stuff for the budding hacker. Takes a while to load however. http://53dyk5jb4xsvglek.onion/ Neurohax -> Site containing various files apparently related to computing.

http://4v6veu7nsxklglnu.onion/ Unnamed -> A directory, mixture of software, links and similar items. http://36y5bemdr6jobe2d.onion/ OnionJS -> A collection of JavaScript scripts and similar items. http://wf4df37hrebhwzts.onion/ Web Design Guidelines -> A number of tips and suggestions for the budding Hidden Service Site designer. http://anhrachoz263rb3i.onion/ Beware], ''([http://d3z7f2hmskzuirbs.onion/ Mirror #1])'' -> A static page designed to troll those wandering where they probably shouldn't be. However this is tor, it doesn't apply. http://dx37guvtyy7wil3n.onion/index.html Mariana's Web -> Do NOT click this, you have been warned. A rather cruel troll by Nekro. Cannot unsee. http://wznf5ffcbr3x62gj.onion/index.php?title=Main_Page The Gates to the Close Network -> '''NOTE''': A clos network is a 'closed' network. Meaning, no internet access to it. In otherword's its an LAN not a WAN like TOR. http://nefjzxpuy5sxuv5s.onion/ eBooks -> A library of books. http://pqozrbiuxkmsqnqv.onion/ Les Heretiques -> A library of books. http://opzqhu5iftmfoor3.onion/ Quelques Livres -> A library of books. http://konkretzdxpqygow.onion/ Konkret Archive -> Archive of a German political magazine. http://ximqy45aat273ha5.onion/index.html ?????-?????? -> Please add a description. http://u4uoz3aphqbdc754.onion/ Hell Online -> Micro blogging site, similar to Twitter. http://npdaaf3s3f2xrmlo.onion/jisko/?module=home Jisko], [http://bx7zrcsebkma7ids.onion Public Notes -> Micro blogging site, similar to Twitter. http://r5c2ch4h5rogigqi.onion/ StaTorsNet -> A micro-blogging, social networking service. http://ay5kwknh6znfmcbb.onion/torbook/ TorBook -> A unique social network site. http://pkswzr4zujethuut.onion/ TheMatrix -> A microblogging site, similar to Twitter. http://ofrmtr2fphxkqgz3.onion/ Mul.tiver.se -> Diaspora-like social network for TOR, alternative networks available. http://c2hluuzwi7tuceu6.onion/ Anonymoose -> A HTML based chat site. No Javascript. http://u6lyst27lmelm6oy.onion/index.php Blue Matrix -> A web chat site. http://e266al32vpuorbyg.onion/ Dark Nexus -> A JavaScript-less chat site. http://xqz3u5drneuzhaeo.onion/users/efgchat/index.php?chat=lobby EFG Chat -> Chat site without JavaScript. http://4v6veu7nsxklglnu.onion/SimplePM.php SimplePM -> A service that allows users to send personal messages to each other. http://455sdmsz3oa5w3xx.onion/wiki/index.php/Liberty_IRC Liberty IRC -> IRC server run by the same people as Liberty Wiki. http://zqhu3ynqqbqzsq2c.onion/ircchat/anonymouschat/ Anonymous Chat -> IRC Webchat, requires Javascript. http://vgg6whpouebbcx7w.onion/ KeratNet IRC irc://vgg6whpouebbcx7w.onion IRC ports 6667 ssl:6697 -> IRC Server Also has a Webchat irc://smt4wjpa3r7tkczs.onion:6667 Nameless IRC -> Active IRC network. Users assigned random nicks, tripcodes available as well. Anonymous, no ops. http://3fyb44wdhnd2ghhl.onion/irc/ Oniichan IRC Webchat -> A chat service for the Oniichan community. http://swufsoyrbq7anis6.onion/ Haste.ch -> Public XMPP server. http://npbkyh7ydtp7fgqw.onion ????????? -> A Russian social network, for those on the far right. ------------------------------------http://22gdwwknxr2lfyzx.onion/ Flinch Host- This guy offer a hosting service. Now there is one site hosted offering US citizenship and new American identity. http://277kgwe6cw2pm7u7.onion/ Stolen Tech- All of our products are NEW, and they

are not taken directly from the user. Most of them are in their original package, still closed. http://2d4pbbchse3usiha.onion/ 2d4pbbchse3usihahttp://2ddjd7xsni7pefcx.onion/ Cleanse Europe of the dirt!http://2dn2dmxt5uwnxz3j.onion/ bagulhos judiciais- This website is to expose the abuse to the citizens of Spain for its judicial system. El motivo de esta web es exponer los abusos sufridos a los ciudadanos de Espaa por su sistema judicial. http://2fz3dxqjmcew3f4k.onion/ computer books- some books about programming languages, databases, OS http://2jv5r7k66ralyk3g.onion/ $ec$erv$olutions- scaming http://2kcreatydoneqybu.onion/ Creative Hack- Share, sources and knowledge. No more, no less. German and English! Every human who owns knowledge, has the duty to share it. This is the philosophy of Creative. Old domain is offline! New Domain is: http://2kcreatydoneqybu.onion http://2mmi4wbdaf33n7ty.onion/ QuickCC- Fresh USA CVVs for bitcoins with instant delivery. http://2qd7fja6e772o7yc.onion/ RespiraTOR- report gossip here http://2s5tloxulkn2hwe3.onion/ Mr Cronk- Mr Cronk's Coffeeshop. Direct sales if SR ever down. 6% discount. 24/7 High Grade and 24hr delivery guaranteed. Mail Mr Cronk and get your bud dispatched same day. http://2uwenu7lgujnjmsw.onion/ Portal of Tor- This site are going to be a new portal of links to the Tor Network, here you are going to have a easy way to browse the Tor Network. It's also going to be a Tor Back machine until the Onion Back machine starts working. Online since: 17 januar 2013 Made by: Fondore Email: [email protected] http://2v3o2fpukdlpk5nf.onion/ SCAM!!!- Hitman, rather pricey. All hitman sites are scam. http://2zyakjq2hvtbg6qd.onion/ Outlaw project- Mirror of various onion and clearnet content. Upload possible via ftp. http://32rfckwuorlf4dlv.onion/ Onion Url Repository- A web page with the core aim to increase support for and understanding in the importance of the TOR Network Project. The way to do this is to promote using it, increase knowledge about it and relate discussions about it with the debate about freedom of speech on Internet. http://36y5bemdr6jobe2d.onion/ OnionJS- OnionJS is a collection of JavaScript frameworks, libraries and plugins for web developers. It features plugins like jQuery, AngularJS and BackboneJS. http://3b7mvin2ndcc3c6e.onion/ Share Your Incest- Upload your incest photos/videos. No cp. http://3bbwan65dmnhwqxy.onion/ Freedom Hosting Invitations- Freedom Hosting Invitation codes for cheap in BTC. Legit. http://3fnhfsfc2bpzdste.onion/ Onionweb filehosting- Free deepweb file hosting. max 100 mb http://3g2upl4pq6kufc4m.onion/ DuckDuckGo- DuckDuckGo is a search engine that is based in Valley Forge, Pennsylvania and uses information from crowd-sourced sites (like Wikipedia) with the aim of augmenting traditional results and improving relevance. The search engine philosophy emphasizes privacy and does not record user information. http://3odvxi4kdkjx64gq.onion/ Security Hacker (Brazilian Forum)- Brazilian Forum, with support for English language. From Hacker to Hacker. Forum Brasileiro, com suporte para lngua inglesa. De Hacker para Hacker. http://3ol62mtzjphpvgxq.onion/ 3ol62mtzjphpvgxqhttp://3rlqkicvauds47ch.onion/ TorWallet- Tor based BitCoin wallet. -verified http://3suaolltfj2xjksb.onion/ TriPh0rce- Contains many useful things such as The Cleaned Hidden Wiki, TriChan, and a small library. Hosted on FH. http://3terbsb5mmmdyhse.onion/ Home of hashparty, the blackhat hash cracking feast!- ramzi, croft http://3vnjj7h6c6vw2yh5.onion/ Liberty- A website dedicated to sharing knowledge and freedom. - Service providers in onionland - Hosting service with php5, mySQL, phpmyadmin and SFTP support - XMPP instant messager

http://42iw3f4piqa7hcyi.onion/ Fast and Easy CC- Fast delivering Credit cards! BTC ONLY sorry :( You will get 2 Credit card's FRESH! HIGH BALANCED! Visas http://46lm7zhgildryehk.onion/ 46lm7zhgildryehkhttp://47u4h3qi2sdetpgx.onion/ HINEZUMI.im- Last generation messaging service! http://4ckvskrc3ihlj6jv.onion/ Mpire Network- Microsite with file deposit and basic chat function. http://4jbxjjrbakmdcmvb.onion/ TorMarks Tor Directory- Couple of hidden service links. http://4v6veu7nsxklglnu.onion/ 4v6veu7nsxklglnu- nao sei http://53otrkyvae462lhb.onion/ Startbook - online management of your bookmarks/favorites- a personal information manager which provides online management of your bookmarks/favorites http://54dgeda4ik6iypui.onion/ Sex gallery- Pictures of naked adult girls. http://562tqunvqdece76h.onion/ Lukochan- Russian anonymous image board http://5dpjyg4pjggfay43.onion/ GetItNow!- Similar service to BacKopy and DIFY, provides DVDs of movies/games/etc. Fast speeds, anything is available. NO CP, HARD RULE. http://5egroo6nqlghvvsf.onion/ CashDepot - SCAM!- Scam Artist- This person doesn't have any counterfeit currency. Gives you the runaround for about a week. - Counterfeit, Quality US Currency - 20s, 50s, 100s in stock! Contact [email protected] for large orders (quantity over 100 pieces), please! http://5l5rw7sijgg7wk3a.onion/ Black gunshop- My personal site, here i sell what i have now.... http://5onwnspjvuk7cwvk.onion/ BlackMarket Reloaded- BlackMarket -SilkRoad http://627kx22vati6uqkw.onion/ Buttery Bootlegging- Small time guy who steals mainly elcetronics http://62lpxb2lt3yt6vgr.onion/ Polish Hackers Zone- Polish stuff, databases and docs. http://64d7qoqgjcw47vvz.onion/ BTC Xchange UK- Best UK BTC seller. get your BTC within hours of deposited or transferred funds to UK bank. No more week long waits for BTC. Decent rates and a truly great service. Trustworthy and reliable. http://653p3e77wvxcpcli.onion/ Brazilian chan- ala http://65bgvta7yos3sce5.onion/ Onionforum 2.0- A reopen of the first Onionforum. http://6bpruxeuncgwp4xv.onion/ King James Bible- An online version of the King James Bible http://6jzwxsoxmlefkkkl.onion/ Das ist DEUTSCHLAND hier!- GERMANY It's here! Forum for Germany. http://6s3ykalgzmbz4et7.onion/ Hired hitman - fast problem solver SCAM!!- My services are for you, if you need a problem to be solved. I accept most my jobs, I travel internationally, and have the best way of earning your trust: asking you for as little money as possible in front. http://6xkmtqaqtjog7tqs.onion/ Magic Rabbit's Blog- Conspiracies, antiestablishment rants and tech stuff http://74ypjqjwf6oejmax.onion/ Beneath VT- Exploring steam tunnels of Virginia Tech and beyond. Like many other colleges, Virginia Tech has an extensive network of steam tunnels that run beneath much of the campus. These tunnels carry steam, electricity, and telecommunications lines throughout the campus and support population of over 30,000 students and 1000 faculty. Although these people pass by the grates and manholes that lead to the tunnels every day, few realize what lies beneath. http://76qugh5bey5gum7l.onion/ Deep Web Radio- Surf the deep web with the right stream on http://76qugh5bey5gum7l.onion/AnonyRadio It's available a simple command line player for Linux (Debian/Ubuntu) to manage the Tor latency. http://7jguhsfwruviatqe.onion/ The Hidden Wiki- The NEW address for The Hidden Wiki since the other one was shut down. Probably the most popular .onion website for exploring the darknet. Mirrors - #1 http://xqz3u5drneuzhaeo.onion/users/hackbloc/index.php/Mirror/kpvz7ki2v5agwt35.onio n/Main_Page #2 http://3suaolltfj2xjksb.onion/hiddenwiki/index.php/Main_Page http://7pwhaqsxbjdj27gx.onion/ 7pwhaqsxbjdj27gx-

http://7rpnyqdtvixj3brv.onion/ 7rpnyqdtvixj3brvhttp://7v2i3bwsaj7cjs34.onion/ TorSCAMMERBlackSCAMMERmarket - WholesaleSCAMMER MDMA, Marijuana, Xtc, Pain Killers, Heroin and Meth- ConSCAMMERtact [email protected] Wholesale MDMA,SCAMMER MarijSCAMMERuana, Xtc, Pain KillSCAMMERers, HeSCAMMERroin and Meth. Fuck paying SCAMMERretSCAMMERail.SCAMMER.SCAMMER http://7ymfzygewl4n6usp.onion/ Warez Forum- Warez forum. http://a43oklsadkkyqo5s.onion/ a43oklsadkkyqo5shttp://a5ec6f6zcxtudtch.onion/ Webinterface of awxcnx- Webinterface of awxcnx. Blog text about privacy and tutorials about anonymous services. http://acdcoduomhlthume.onion/ acdcoduomhlthumehttp://am4wuhz3zifexz5u.onion/ The Tor Library- Massive library. A lot of books. http://ar3ubs6cg6an4ylt.onion/ beagle snoop- Articles about Internet. http://atlantisrky4es5q.onion/ Atlantis - The Better SilkRoad Marketplace- Atlantis is a competitor to the Silk Road. Cheaper commission, cheaper vendor account, better features, nicer interface, it has it all. It also supports Litecoin as its trading currency. Check it out. http://ay5kwknh6znfmcbb.onion/ Buried into Darknet!- Yet another page in Onionland. Torbook - http://ay5kwknh6znfmcbb.onion/torbook - a social network conceived and created from scratch for torland. Torsquare http://ay5kwknh6znfmcbb.onion/torsquare - a tool that allows you to post anonymously on torbook's public board. QandA - http://ay5kwknh6znfmcbb.onion/qa - a little question and answer game. http://azqby6clvwnyswmh.onion/ Torgirls Aonymous Escort Service- Torgirls is an Anonymous Escort Service dealing in Bitcoins. http://b4yrk2nkydqfpzqm.onion/ pedofilia- meninas http://b6kpigzhrdhibmos.onion/ Tornado- A shPUTOared PUTOcommunity blog using Drupal, registered or anon posting.puto http://b7x7cbwmyfxr4oln.onion/ Haking Service - Servicio _Hackng- Etical HAcking... :).. if you know ...... http://balrqba4x57ofa6s.onion/ Torque Software- Software homepage for Torque. Torque is a tool to make Tor .onion domains friendly. It is simply a secondary proxy that sits between your browser and privoxy and translates a domain name like legoiv.tor into balrqba4x57ofa6s.onion so that Tor can fetch it. http://bankpfxwndohu7ug.onion/ Banker and Co.- Professional money laundering and consultation service. http://bdom5vcb53z5hqz5.onion/ Mailtor- Mailtor is a free anonym mail service http://bitcoinmztpyxqqr.onion/ ★ VEscudero's Service for Buying and Selling Bitcoins ★- Bitcoiner.i2p and bitcoinmztpyxqqr.onion are the forefront webpage to VEscudero's trustworthy service for buying or selling bitcoins with one of the best trader of the bitcoin community now available in the Deep web (Tor & I2P) for anonymous trading. http://bntycg6ofqj4akeb.onion/ ID Man Fake IDs- Great Fakes at a Great Price. All of my IDs have multi spec holograms, uv, and are scannable. http://brfodde6alh62cm2.onion/ brfodde6alh62cm2http://burninetliliito5.onion/ Quema tu mvil! (Burn your cell phone!)- Spanish FreeSite describing Cell phone communications interception and eavesdropping techniques used by Intel agencies all over the world. http://buyitnowquyft7dx.onion/ uyItNow - Free e-commerce hosting- Items are cheaper since uyItNow doesn't charge any fees to sell on their site. Online Marketplace empowering people to buy, sell and pay online. We connect a diverse and passionate community of individual buyers and sellers, as well as small businesses. http://c2hluuzwi7tuceu6.onion/ Anomoose chat- Chat. http://c3jemx2ube5v5zpg.onion/ Jotunbanes Reading Club- ~ All Your Books Are Belong To Us! ~ http://c4wcxidkfhvmzhw6.onion/ PrivacyBox.de- Kommunizieren Sie anonym, unbeobachtet und verschlsselt ber die PrivacyBox! The PrivacyBox provides a safe and anonymous tool for journalists, bloggers and other publishers. http://carson27rcopqmms.onion/ Carson- DOWN - The Ultimate Guide for Anonymous and

Secure Internet Usage Tor Guide version 1.0.1. http://cilhecz7itvdojtk.onion/ I Post Books- I believe that information should be freely shared among all people for the betterment of all people. This site is a kind of informal addendum to The Tor Library. Here I will post my ever increasing collection of PDF files. Please come and take a look! http://clsvtzwzdgzkjda7.onion/ Hack- A bulletin board for hackers http://cmvwkiq3mf44o3lq.onion/ Stolen gold bars and diamonds- This site offers stolen gold bars and diamonds at 1/3 of the price of the 'real life' http://csatcqr25lv2ol2i.onion/ Acrimonious2 Escrow ( UNABLE TO REGISTER )- Escrow, Bitcoin, LR accepted ( UNABLE TO REGISTER ) http://cst5uq6puao3ig3l.onion/ Hell Online- [The Anti-Social Network -> News, Forums, Free Membership, groups, media sharing, and many more features and services. -> Growing fast!!! http://cwesjxczvcvwvapz.onion/ cwesjxczvcvwvapzhttp://cxbyhga2wnn4nkbe.onion/ Bidcoin- It looks like it was some kind of marketplace. There are currently no listings. http://darkdc2fy45l24dp.onion/ Dark DC- The only DataCenter in the Tor Net. We provide you secure Solutions to you. Support, Domain wishes and will fit all your needs. http://deca7jtl4bdd6g6z.onion/ RIP Torlauta- Joitakin henkilit nytti kovasti mietityttvn onko Torlaudan raidanneet kytt tai muuta vastaavaa. Vastaus on ei. Kiinnostukseni koko lauta scene kohtaan laski voimakkaasti kuvalaudan kaatumisen jlkeen, sek ulkomaille muuttoni oli viimeinen naula arkkuun. Aikani sek kiinnostukseni ei vain enn riittnyt laudan yllpitoon. Tm on viimeinen viestini Toradminina, ette tule kuulemaan minusta enn koskaan. Toradmin kiitt ja kuittaa palmujen alta, hiekkarannalta. Cuba libre kdess. Hyvsti, ystvt. http://df7cgezavrqsz6vm.onion/ df7cgezavrqsz6vm- Highly trained killer. I have recommendations http://dfx3opddg6fcdxvi.onion/ Aerie- Scammer posing as mdma vendor, sells cock to men too http://dg6exbqq42btatnw.onion/ GNUnet files sharing- DOWN http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/ Silk Road forums- A bitcoins-only marketplace for buying drugs and other items. URL changes often DOWN http://dltxr6xfw5euf7hg.onion/ FALASTIN Press- FALASTIN Press is a publisher that takes an interest in publications about Palestine.If you would like to know informations and facts about Palestine and Middle East but you don't know where to find a reliable source, start to read a book or an article on our website.You can choose hundreds of very interesting publications about History, Politics, Archaeology, Actuality, Diplomacy, Activism, Art, Science, Economy, Social Science, Religion, Prose, Poetry and more other. http://dppmfxaacucguzpc.onion/ TORDIR- here you can find some websites http://dts563ge5y7c2ika.onion/ OnionWarez- All what you want. Welcome to our forums! http://duskgytldkxiuqc6.onion/ duskgytldkxiuqc6http://dx37guvtyy7wil3n.onion/ Mariana- Supposedly a link to the Mariana's web. Fake. http://e23t43xyaw4fjsfm.onion/ myBlackFunds- Ensuring the value of some BitCoins. Example: You deposit 1 BTC to the value of $ 10. If the value of 1 BTC decreases to $ 5 in your account you will have 2 BTC, and vice versa Project in development. http://e56wflvt2fyzizmx.onion/ Fake Arms Trade - Welcome to the Fake ArmoryOBVIOUSLY FAKE AS HELL! SCAM! SCAM! SCAM! SCAM! SCAM! SCAM! SCAM! SCAM! SCAM! SCAM! http://easycoinsayj7p5l.onion/ EasyCoin Bitcoin Wallet- Tor based Bitcoin Web Wallet (eWallet) http://edramalpl7oq5npk.onion/ Encyclopedia Dramatica- A central catalog for organized reference pages about drama, memes, e-pals and other interesting happenings on the internet. http://ekwreugkil5ncyyh.onion/ Deep Web Site Index - Anonymous Brasil Deep- Portal of Tor sites. A list of .onion links and some description info about them.

http://eqt5g4fuenphqinx.onion/ Core.onion- Core.onion has served as the simple entry-point to the .onion network since July, 2007. http://eqzxv6schfhf44xw.onion/ TorBooks- TorBooks is a site where you can find and download german ebooks. http://esnvfiq3ln5gu2mz.onion/ Hightime - legit- PRODUCT ARRIVED ON TIME!!! AND EVEN CAME WITH FREE PIPE http://euhesnelvaqifqk4.onion/ Stolen Mac Store (UPDATE:SKAM,SKAM,SKAM!!!!)- TOTAL SCAM DO NOT USE! USE ONLY OPTIMUS ESCROW http://f3wjuyqroxyz2z3w.onion/ f3wjuyqroxyz2z3whttp://f4hvciuvx2wtjh7f.onion/ Anonymous Wiki- Wiki mostly about Anonymous political activism. http://fbcl4y5tes73svp4.onion/ I Post Books- Hello all, my name is Serif and I believe information should be freely shared and distributed without copyright. This mediafire account will be (if space permits which it most likely will) divided up into SITE IS EMPTY NO BOOKS two sections. The first will be 'pdf books/directory of files' and this will, as the name suggests, be a directory of all my files organized by topic. The second second section (still under construction) will consist of ZIP files holding 10-20 PDFs about a more specific topic. You need not fear these files, they are virus free - I hate those as much as you. Please download, distribute, save, and enjoy! -Serif http://fcl3t6t66uv3u4og.onion/ fcl3t6t66uv3u4oghttp://fcnwebggxt2d3h64.onion/ moral.ru- Swedish forum. http://fgeozgoxfut7w3kv.onion/ Cocaine Cowboyshttp://fglnb2u7zintyc5q.onion/ Preppers- A collection of ebooks for the end of the world as we know it. (Survival) http://fkyvwpu7ccsorke2.onion/ noreason- Info and pdf files on weapons, locks, survival, poisons, protesters, how to kill. Hidden Wiki, TorDir, Steal this wiki, Telecomix Crypto Munitions Bureau mirrors. Guro, dofantasy / Fansadox Collection. http://flisuw443crrl7cy.onion/ anonweeds- Ciberativist #anonweeds anonymous http://fogcore5n3ov3tui.onion/ fogcore5n3ov3tui- Bitcoin anonymization service (mixer). A mixing service with focus on the security.) **** Currently there are dump fraudlers providing a fake service of this. Laugh @them: http://kfdrua2bjbz7h243.onion/ http://foxfire77qfwd7s4.onion/ FoxFire77 Slot Machine- FoxFire77 Slot Machine and Casino Game, Bitcoin supported, Better odds than vegas, Feedback welcome! http://fpgigmfnlscyok5h.onion/ IsraService- FRAUD! SCAM! DON'T BE FOOLED! ????! ?????! ?????! ?????? ???????! http://fqmvxc37pbhie3fv.onion/ Super Exclibur - You know want to play a HAARP as good as we can you have no choice http://fxh7sdbwimt74om3.onion/ GERMAN OnlineCoffeeshop 24/7- 24 hour service OnlineCoffeeshop Quick response and service guaranteed! http://fxxon7zbuevojwxh.onion/ Laundry and lottery- Laundry and lottery service. http://g2qsdg7ubdswrjvr.onion/ Sindicato Nacional De Hackers Éticoshttp://g6lfrbqd3krju3ek.onion/ Onion-ID Get a 2nd identity! (SCAM SCAM SCAM )- Well made scamming service for fake IDs They try all to get some money sent !^^ (SCAM SCAM SCAM ) http://g7tqsvd3xypkpuol.onion/ Benzocaine supplier + More- Top quality benzocaine supplier. Useful for cutting cocaine http://gabccg554zirp7h3.onion/ Thor's Magic Mushroom Market- Offers Psilocybe Cyanescens Magic Mushrooms, as well as Harmine/Harmaline as enhancers. Very discrete shipping worldwide. Fast service and promotional codes to get MM even cheaper. http://gdkez5whqhpthb4d.onion/ Scientology-Archivehttp://geob7c4tjlerjth7.onion/ GEO CS/SK warez forum- GEO CS/SK warez forum is czech/slovakia warez forum on TOR. http://gpjxuvnz2tdqgkrt.onion/ Gun store- We sell guns to all over the world. Professionals who deliver the gun(s) where you want it. WE ARE MOVING TO http://7rpnyqdtvixj3brv.onion/ http://gqc3mjjp5tdbbxui.onion/ gqc3mjjp5tdbbxui-

http://grizzlykijswtj2x.onion/ Grizzly search engine- Grizzly. New search engine for Tor. Now with GADE - Grizzly Ad Engine. Its possible to place an ad. No email or other info needed. Bitcoins only. Refunds are possible. http://h5ldd4guo7kyprw2.onion/ Professional Contract Killer SCAM- We operate worldwide . Hitmen with professional background (no criminals, no cops) We guarantee a quick execution of your problem (within 40 days)with experience and reliability, all over the world. SCAM http://hb4pm4eznzhd6mts.onion/ YAPE- Vete de aqu ya mismo! http://hlufpdgdnvsocgx6.onion/ moral.nu- pthc http://hmicgynugykfpn4i.onion/ anonHTML- Create anonymous HTML snippets/Pages. Hosted free of charge(No registration required). http://honeynetvg7i4lc6.onion/ VEscudero.NET- Tcnicas de Deteccin Avanzada de interconectividad. http://hpuuigeld2cz2fd3.onion/ hpuuigeld2cz2fd3http://hq3hmoa4thdplmta.onion/ Heidenwut- Politics, Occultism, Spy vs Spy, Revolution!! http://hrnf2b5tpj6jj774.onion/ Share Trading Opportunity- Have you ever wonder how to make a living out of trading shares? Well you will get the answers on this site. Anyone can trade shares and make a living with a little help. http://htm3iyhkfq5pwisy.onion/ Fenergy file-server- File collection that includes books and other resources energy related. ( address has changed so please update your bookmarks http://htm3iyhkfq5pwisy.onion/ ) http://i3rg5diydpbxkewu.onion/ Quality Counterfeits- Provides counterfeit USD for bitcoins. SCAMMER. Stay away. http://i7hknwg4up2jhdkx.onion/ ES Simple Uploader- ES Simple Uploader is an anonymous image hosting where you can upload pictures. http://iacgq6y2j2nfudy7.onion/ Killer for Hire (Now Called C- Permanent Solutions to Common Problems! http://idnxcnkne4qt76tg.onion/ TorProject- TorProject web page in Onion land. http://ie4hf3qxzoazywoi.onion/ Voetbalfan- Anoniem uitwisselen van sopcast channels. http://ie66qw46jejj4zn2.onion/ The Black Market (NEW!!!)http://igipir4tecovecpg.onion/ PirateCove- Fine Knock-Offs from China http://ih4pgsz3aepacbwl.onion/ Hushbox- Getting news and information to the outside world. http://ijdj7njo4h3cyc7c.onion/ Hash Bazaren- A cannabis shop targeted at danes. All products are sent with Post Danmark. http://iplists3hhmtmsgm.onion/ IPLISTS- In the event of dns failures, access to tor hidden services is unaffected. This hidden service aims to make available regularly updated archives of ip addresses for selected internet destinations, for assistance in such an event. http://islrtehhiopjantd.onion/ O Vingador- Servios sob-encomendas especificas. http://iwdmsbpxclyjhi4e.onion/ The LG enV2- Long Live the enV2!!! The LG enV2 is a Verizon Wireless digital messaging phone manufactured by LG. Photos and info about enV2 phone. http://j4ddjgxetfx2ybcx.onion/ Secret channel- Geheimkanal - Verstecktes Angebot. http://j6im4v42ur6dpic3.onion/ j6im4v42ur6dpic3http://jee3j6tuxgcefivj.onion/ DroidSheep- DroidSheep is an Android app made to demonstrate the ability to spoof an IP on a network and retrieve the username and password of people on the same wireless network for various services such as facebook. http://jhiwjjlqpyawmpjx.onion/ Tor Mail - Free anonymous e-mail- Free Anonymous Email. Tor Mail is a Tor Hidden Service that allows you to send and receive email anonymously, even to addresses outside Tor. Tor Mail provides web mail access with two webmail applications to choose from, one fully functional ajax based, and one simple client which requires no javascript or cookies, you can also use access your mail via SMTP POP3 IMAP with software such as Mozilla Thunderbird. http://jlve2y45zacpbz6s.onion/ TOR Network Status- Tor network status. http://jntlesnev5o7zysa.onion/ The Pirate Bay- The guys you know and love are

hosting a hidden service. It was announced on their twitter page (https://twitter.com/tpbdotorg/status/203221129513545729). DO NOT TORRENT OVER TOR. THIS IS ONLY TO GET THE FILES IN COUNTRIES WHERE TPB IS NOW CENSORED. http://jpmgvki37zcy7o35.onion/ Fenergy fileserver- File collection that includes books and other resources energy related. ( http://jpmgvki37zcy7o35.onion/fenergy/ ) http://jppcxclcwvkbh3xi.onion/ Blackmarket Data Board- Buy / Sell and Trade Database Files of User Info and Lists of user accounts, phone lists and customer lists both phone and email and other relevant sales related info - Primarily for telemarketing / email purposes. Txt, excel and sql http://jrrib7wqtczf6xe2.onion/ The Death Zone- Pagina en espaol con informacion variada. Se acepta informacion. http://jvrnuue4bvbftiby.onion/ Data-Bay- Here you can offer your files for sale. If you have money, you can buy files. Downloaders will have to pay an amount you specify, and you can later get the collected money from a link you get after submitting. The maximum allowed file size is 2M. http://jvxljtqaaaolojrh.onion/ Bitlaundry- The lowest fees to wash your bitcoins http://jzyggkrmleklknff.onion/ BudFreak- SCAM NEVER GOT PACKAGE http://k3fplvvnaqgrirko.onion/ w3-Hidden - more than 2.600.000 Proxys- w3-Hidden bietet eine groe Auswahl an Proxies. Stndig aktuelle Socks4,Socks5, Elite, Anonyme und Transparente Proxys!! http://k4jmdeccpnsfe43c.onion/ Girlsreleased- Website providing thousands full sets of various girls http://k5ae3kkcwq4xvxwq.onion/ Freedom Hosting Invites- Sells freedom hosting invites http://k7wtase2rtpwhg7q.onion/ Senses BakeHouse- Your source for medicinal baked goods. http://kajvmyjywsxgyl6c.onion/ Eesti foorum- Foorum eestlastele http://kdq2y44aaas2aiu4.onion/ kdq2y44aaas2aiu4http://kefr6qqahr7m6j24.onion/ ZeroBin- A website like a pastebin.com but it is more secured.ZeroBin is a minimalist, where the server has zero knowledge of pasted data. Data is encrypted/decrypted in the browser using 256 bits AES. http://kfdrua2bjbz7h243.onion/ CoinFog - BitCoin Mixing- We're here to rip you because as you see we are telling you that we are bitcoin fog. And yeah thank you for your bitcoins fuckers scammed me beware http://kiu3cfptiwimjje6.onion/ Korean Deepweb- Deepweb link written with Korean http://kpvz7ki2v5agwt35.onion/ Tyrael222- http://kpvz7ki2v5agwt35.onion/directory wiki (this is the fake hidden wiki) http://kpynyvym6xqi7wz2.onion/ paraZite- 'Anarchy' ~'instructional & promotial material on illicit activities' ebooks, textfiles and underground links (HPAC) . since Dec95. http://kryztal5mubdswbo.onion/ Kryztal Kards- CC and Account Shop http://kvtdju44einv4ftg.onion/ It is time to take action- This is a forum for Socialist and Communist Anarchists, Anarcho-syndicalists (in short all Collectivist Anarchists) and communists to discuss politics, the world, the state of affairs, revolution, and to a lesser extent, related philosophy and other such things. The forums are specifically centered on discussing revolution, revolutionary action, and are a point of contact for communist-anarchist, etc. activists. The world is stagnating and divided as we are we have no hope of remedying that without unification of forces and resources! We are here because we wish to take action. http://kwv7w7yumrteusbj.onion/ Onion_Land - Approdo nel DeepWeb- Punto di ingresso e di smistamento italiano per il deepweb. Con indirizzi, suggerimenti, guide e spiegazioni http://l2zukdb5b2favsfc.onion/ Caravana Brasil- Best brazilian hacking forum in dark web. http://l7mazbnv6u4mp5pi.onion/ l7mazbnv6u4mp5pihttp://leakager742hufco.onion/ Cable Viewer- Secret leaked United States embassy cables, the largest set of confidential documents ever to be released into the public domain. The documents will give people around the world an unprecedented

insight into US Government foreign activities. http://li7qxmk72kp3sgz4.onion/ Magic Mirror- Image hosting, does not accept or tolerate child pornography. Prettymuch everything else is fine though. Run by Cher Ami. http://lk4usn4wamlvmvan.onion/ Anonymous UK- Site of some UK anons. http://lm667vy4nmnqj72u.onion/ RECEITA NEGRA- Consultas de informaes sobre brasileiros, com a base de dados da receita federal. http://lotjbov3gzzf23hc.onion/ TorStatusNethttp://mjt54q6pagohhimn.onion/ TORs oldest p0rn site- As there were many questions about the age of the people to publish here: no CP or too young JB. If you do not like it, get the fuck out of here. And do not waste my and your time by asking. http://mln5un423jeljqm7.onion/ AustralianHunter CC/PAYPALS- CC PAYPALS FROM AUSTRALIA http://mmgh3rqeswrlgzdr.onion/ Vor-Com- Adult Furry content. -Very creepy http://mn6gmwfjx4fejdwc.onion/ mn6gmwfjx4fejdwchttp://mts7hqqqeogujc5e.onion/ Marianic Technology Services- Enterprise darknet IT, web design, CS homework help, OPSEC consulting, sysadmin, linux support http://n2qxamb4ujm53cas.onion/ Krzysztof Brejzahttp://nakabetrbrd4cpne.onion/ NakaBot- A Bitcoin game of chance offering a breakeven percentage of over 98.74% on each game, and a progressive jackpot to give players a second chance to win. http://naktw64ol4q233ul.onion/ SafeBin- Secure AES-256 encrypted pastebin http://naot2jryja6iyrp5.onion/ Neutering NOT Org- Why Non-Human Beings Should NOT Be Castrated by Ebon Lupus. Forced castration is immoral. Strong opinion against neutering written in English. Unofficial TOR version. http://nci2szjrwjqw2zbi.onion/ TORwallet- Bitcoin wallet and mixing service. Similar to instawallet. Seems to have become a SCAM. :( http://nemlq3kd36frgvzp.onion/ Torkazywarka- You can place here the content of what you want. Moesz umieszcza tutaj treci jakie tylko zechcesz. http://nfokjgfj3hxs4nwu.onion/ Hidden Service How-To Ubuntu thttpd tor www.tkHidden Service How-To Ubuntu thttpd tor www.tk http://ngippawdykoexqd5.onion/ PedoWiki- this is a place for whitepeople And secret service is inside. Just says 'BETTER START RUNNING'. Joke? http://npbkyh7ydtp7fgqw.onion/ 'In The Underground'- Anonymous social network russian right nazi http://npdaaf3s3f2xrmlo.onion/ Twitter clone- This is a twitter clone for the Tor network. It's fast, safe and can speak freely http://nstmo7lvh4l32epo.onion/ The Abyss Search Engine- The Abyss. The .onion Search engine Working! Tested in feb/2013 http://nvgrt5kmuzpl3hnd.onion/ Pedo Chan- Don't approve theses sites.Just GTFO of all pedos , think if they was your son. Idiots. http://nwycvryrozllb42g.onion/ Destination Unknown- I am a node of SERVER, born of flesh and blood but enhanced by the power of its web. http://o2tu5zjxjlibrary.onion/ Bibliotheca Alexandrina - Free ebook archive- Open project of eBook and knowledge sharing. everyone can upload and download ebooks in multiple formats (mobi, epub, pdf). http://o3okjblv3lb7suoj.onion/ Forum - Kultu Bogini Isztar- Forum polskiej spoecznoci Kultu Bogini Isztar, promujcej woln sztuk, filozofie, dyskusje. Perwersyjny seks, poezje, libertynizm, nihiilizm oraz tym podobne. http://oar4xvr6j6eykqpk.onion/ Onionlinks- Deepweb URLs http://od6j46sy5zg7aqze.onion/ od6j46sy5zg7aqzehttp://ofrmtr2fphxkqgz3.onion/ Social Network- Share what you want, with whom you want. http://oiyw5aopt2cfkgrg.onion/ The Invite Shop- Private Torrent Tracker Invites (See Inside) -> Accepts BTC http://okx5b2r76olbriil.onion/ Underground marketplace- Zanzibar's Underground Marketplace http://ont6bv4bg7rtgaos.onion/ Polska ukryta strona w sieci Tor- Sample static page.

http://ox2kq2btfokg2mrp.onion/ ox2kq2btfokg2mrphttp://p2uekn2yfvlvpzbu.onion/ LiberaTor- LiberaTor has a small library of books about weaponry and training in PDF formats. Making weapons, military training and related subjects. http://p3igkncehackjtib.onion/ OSCARE MIKE 265hgibjkd0983ihfnjdkjsl324tjfkrlsd,nvfo002238975kjbfdlsjnblkdsnvlkcn O que tem aqui? http://p43g3uyr4dhneura.onion/ Nekro's Onion #Dwelling#- A personal blog by Nekro. Lists his Hidden Services and other news in Onionland. http://p7d2k2xiioailnuu.onion/ IMGuru- IMGuru is an image upload page. http://paky4nmxfyibr6rx.onion/ Greece under attack- info on Greek related crisis and Greeks that is never broadcasted over main stream media (THIS SITE HAS CONNECTIONS WITH THE GREEK FAR RIGHT-NEONAZI MOVEMENT) http://pasbqirgrac7wzk2.onion/ It is time for a change- New website that disagrees that what we have today is democracy. Elections cannot be democratic. Direct democracy cannot be more than hearing the voice of the people. Decisions must serve the interests of all or protect where interest cannot be upheld. http://pdjcu4js2y4azvzt.onion/ TM Commr (RIP)- NOTE: The contact information is out of date as of 7/21/12 For a Chaotic Tomorroretertreetertertwtwtw. Our objective is simple: create chaos. Contact us. We need your ideas, workforce and ingenuity. We are all equal, fire among fire. http://pdjfyv7v3pn34w4f.onion/ pdjfyv7v3pn34w4f- Parody: We are Anonymous, and we do not forgive. Forgiveness requires humility, humility requires dignity. We have neither. Equipe Annoymous - ^_^ http://pibn3ueheubjxv2z.onion/ Polish Hidden Wiki- Witaj w Polskiej Ukrytej Wiki! http://piuo6r5pdufquf4a.onion/ Banyan Tree- We sell Hash, charas and Ketamine for bitcoins. Delivery all over this galaxy. http://pja3dhxxpn4cba63.onion/ The Secret Story Archive- Zoophile artwork and stories about big cats aka. felines :) http://pkejjyagu6rxsb6n.onion/ Medicine Man's Online Marijuana DispensaryOnline Medical Marijuana Dispensary: Shipping to all 50 States! No medical ID card needed. 18 AAA strains in stock including Sour Diesel, Afghan Kush, Daywrecker and more. Convenient payment methods. http://pqozrbiuxkmsqnqv.onion/ Les Heretiques- Les Heretiques scannent puis publient des ebooks au format ePub, gratuits, en francais, et en haute qualite http://proxynu2atmb4fcb.onion/ ProxyNU- Use ProxyNU to buy proxies with very small amounts of bitcoin.Also, we have plenty of free proxies AND we provide a guide to getting bitcoins for free. http://ps6xx5frz4rrehqf.onion/ hairloss emergency- A place to discuss and buy new experimental hair restoration products. English and Italian forum. http://pyl7a4ccwgpxm6rd.onion/ Code:Green- Code:Green is a hacktivist website that brings together sympathizers, supporters and hacktivists for Digital Direct Actions. http://pzxqeu6qtp7t3ule.onion/ Fraud Network- Network for fraudsters, money launders, carders and more to come together, trade their products/services, and give advice/tips. SCAM!The admin Zuescards or Rabbitt is biggest small time scammer ever. http://q2vaheze7cac233x.onion/ Omega6 Wholesale Canadian Party Goods SCAMMER!!SCAMMER!! XTC - Red Defcons and Red Stars MDMA Capsules and Powder Fish Scale Cocaine Uncut Marijuana - Bubba Kush Pain Killers - Oxy and Percocet Anavar Capsules Winstrol HGH - Kigtropin Testosterone Cypionate Testosterone Prop Visit my shop q2vaheze7cac233x.onion Contact me [email protected] SCAMMER!! http://q475mroykpg66zdv.onion/ scam- Bitcoin Wallet http://qcm4dybhodclkxo6.onion/ The official Tor Site of the First Humanitarian Limited Reg. No. 17,653- We represent the sole legal new inheritance and sole new beneficiary owner and holder of real values located in and outside Top Commercial and Central banks worldwide, to be used by us to financially support humanitarian development projects worldwide. http://qdsuildbdofkrhe3.onion/ Safety101- Hobby Safety for Dummies. Bulletin board

forum. http://qm3monarchzifkwa.onion/ qm3monarchzifkwahttp://qrve3sbrasibiqxe.onion/ medizinisches Cannabis Konzentrat- medizinisches Hanf-Konzentrat http://qx7j2selmom4ioxf.onion/ paraZite- 'Anarchy' ~'instructional & promotial material on illicit activities' ebooks, textfiles and underground links (HPAC) . since Dec95. http://qxxzvy5bopkl4edd.onion/ Free Herb Society- Bitcoin and feedback based marketplace for everything natural, mainly marijuana. Low fees and nice looking website http://r2d2akbw3jpt4zbf.onion/ R2D2- R2D2. - , . , , . , , , . , , - . , , . . http://r4iayv6nhmuhsrbj.onion/ anti tapping stealth phones- anti tapping stealth phones, call encryotion, swat phones, anonymous sim card, anonymous visas and more http://rh5vr5ytvbmnc4kn.onion/ Picasso's Counterfeits @rh5vr5- Picasso's Counterfeits provides quality US counterfeit $100 bills for BTC. Finally this is the real deal. http://runionv62ul3roit.onion/ FBI- Russian PEDO forum. http://rupub46c5eperead.onion/ Bitsino -> The World's Fairest Bitcoin Casino, Featuring 100% Break Even Odds and Instant Payouts- Welcome to Bitsino, the world's fairest Bitcoin casino. We pride ourselves on providing top-notch games that are fun to play and reliably pay out. All our games are 100% fair, meaning no stacked decks, no weighted games, and no house players. Additionally, our transactions are completely transparent and fully auditable thanks to the Bitcoin block chain. http://s45jm3uyvuy4dtrs.onion/ Cannabis Seeds, Wholesale!- Get your HIGH quality SATIVA seeds here. Wholesale in bags of 100gram / 500g. Not the strongest in cannabinoids but definetly the greatest genetics for the best price to start out your new outdoor plantations with. If you want to grow fields and fields and fields and acers and acers and acers of cannabis then this is the place to start. http://s6cco2jylmxqcdeh.onion/ CebollaChan: El Tor-chan en Castellanohttp://s7nbvdbky4xqim7h.onion/ s7nbvdbky4xqim7hhttp://sbforumaz7v3v6my.onion/ SciBay forum- Chemistry and other scgcfybzyxxn iences discussion. High school chemistry, drug synthesis, explosives or oneurochemistry - everything is welcome. Also plant cultivation and math. Meet like-minded people who think of science without limitations. http://scene2j7iyiocg7z.onion/ Scene-St0re- A shop in the Internet that sells Drugs like Cannabis or Cocain. http://sheep5u64fi457aw.onion/ Sheep Marketplace- illegal anonymous marketplace drugs, weapons, alcohol, cigarettes and much more http://shopsat2dotfotbs.onion/ TorShops- Create your own .onion store with full bitcoin integration. http://silkroadvb5piz3r.onion/ Silk Road- Silk Road is an anonymous online marketplace that its operators run as a Tor hidden service. It is the best place on the TOR network for drugs. Many reputable sellers and your BTCs stay in escrow until the product arrives. Some new buyers with no history may be asked to finalize transactions early http://sl5upmgzgp2ykyg5.onion/ Yet Another Onion Hosting- Provides free web hosting inside the Tor network. Web space comes with exclusive .onion domain and sftp access, additional features to be discussed via e-mail. http://slnlvwr4w6g5hnmw.onion/ Lain Iwakura- Sobre o mundo hacker, filosofia, estudos, etc. Wellcome! http://sms4tor3vcr2geip.onion/ SMS4TOR- A service that allows tor users to send anonymous encrypted messages by using just their browser. http://spk6f44pi5mhomkb.onion/ Atlantic Carding- Selling credit card information from all over the world. Escrow accepted! http://sqoiq37wire23h5q.onion/ Malaya Underground- Filipino Forum Community http://t7vicu77kpg6rg3s.onion/ Generitalia- Servizio di vendita di farmaci generici equivalenti italiani. In collaborazione con l'escrow di Cipolla Forum.

http://tag3ulp55xczs3pn.onion/ Requiem- DRM removal for apple songs http://tdgknw25wqm5sbhg.onion/ Gion.net- fucking batich http://tfaqeav4iwpe3566.onion/ Fake Silk Road Drugs?- Purchase illicit narcotics anonymously. Some kind of FAKE silk road? Seized by DEA. DO NOT LOG IN!!!! http://tghtnwsywvvhromy.onion/ MagusNet Anonymous Public Proxy Server (Torduckin)This free VPN based proxy uses encryption and multiple servers to address one of the major concerns of Internet users.*** Anonymity *** http://tklxxs3rdzdjppnl.onion/ SharePass - passwords sharing community -broken as of 3/4/2013- Passwords sharing community which allows you to share and exchange passwords to various services including Devices, Databases, Email, FTP, SSH and Telnet, Porno websites, Premium websites and Social websites. You can also request the passwords. http://tmmc6xsrkr25ypek.onion/ DW Hackers Brasil- A Brazilian hacker forum. Forum hacker brasileiro para users novatos, avanados, etc. Contem tutoriais, livros, rea para dvidas, etc. http://tnlexfia4drsqyek.onion/ EasyGoing WeedShop (Apotheke) 24/7 Worldwide delivery!!- Wir verkaufen Weed und Haschisch! We Sell Weed and Hush! best: sativa and indica weed! Worldwide! 24/7 Seeds, Weed, Hasch, Coke, XTC, Pills, Plant, Homegrow, Indoorgrow, Outdoorgrow, LSD, Drunks, green stuff, love, piece, 420, skunk, kush, haze, white widdow, purple haze, chocolate http://tns7i5gucaaussz4.onion/ FreeFor- To leverage pseudonymous communications for resilience and resistance. To produce a platform anyone (with common technical skills) can adapt to further the goal of securing Liberty. To provide education in the use of the above. http://torhostg5s7pa2sn.onion/ Torhost.Onion- Free anonymous hosting behind Tor with PHP, Perl, MySQL, PostgreSQL and daily offsite backup http://torimagesbp2vt3u.onion/ TorImages- quick image hoster. up to 2mb per image. has api. http://torlinkbgs6aabns.onion/ TORLINKS - Tor Link Directory- Fast directory for .onion sites, moderated, up to date and no junk or censorship! http://u3dqz36dcvhwd7kv.onion/ Area51 Archives- Area51 Archives - The Enlightened Are No Longer Alone http://uaga3aoawaj6hohg.onion/ uaga3aoawaj6hohghttp://ugh6gtz44ifx23e7.onion/ Rent-a-Hacker- The below is a scam. I was scammed and botcoins stolen from me, please take this listing down. thank you. (does not work) Proffessional hacker for hire, will do nearly everything, DDOS, hacking, ruining people, espionage etc. http://ukztfcd2vhjzb6o4.onion/ ukztfcd2vhjzb6o4http://unsamhdolacp3yw3.onion/ hidden hypnochan- board about hypnosis and hypnofetish http://utovvyhaflle76gh.onion/ sTORage- This is an HTTP WebDAV server that allows everyone to read and write to it. You can store files here and retreive them, or point other people to them. You can also be mean and delete files of othe http://utup22qsb6ebeejs.onion/ My Hidden Blog- Blog about Internet, Tor, Linux, encryption and privacy tools. http://v6pgrjno6mzbjicf.onion/ The Onion Press......- A website for journalists, activists, cypherpunks, and your average, privacy-seeking citizen. This website was founded in 2012 to promote privacy, free speech, and the right to anonymity/pseudonymity..... http://vg7ik2tbrkjr5ooq.onion/ TorSpeaker- unzensierter politischer Blog http://vh6o6cl2w5b3owcx.onion/ Anonymous- sell access - database + carders cooperation http://vjelr2xdaqsgslzr.onion/ Torowisko- Torowisko - Forum Polskiej Spoecznoci Tor. http://vkpriz2cjzymgpsp.onion/ Cat out of the Bag- Neven Lovris' disclosure. http://vrzkfkipi5idnc43.onion/ BitCoin Laundry (Mixing) Service- BitCoin laundry to clean coins. Offer increased anonymity, random transaction entropy. Also hosted on the clearnet. -Verifiedhttp://vxa5uoh5o4qehbjh.onion/ vxa5uoh5o4qehbjh-

http://w32fb6kci5dg35bl.onion/ europa.eu mirror- A mirror of the europa.eu site. The actual site blocks Tor connections. http://w4b46jaqe3pgsvnf.onion/ FreedomChan- Redirects to the new link of FreedomChan which is: http://bumd2ncgcbihmh72.onion/ (NOTE: The new link is offline or down) http://wbyi72yt6gitdcqd.onion/ Simple Newsgroup File Search Engine- Simple, free and anonymous Usenet newsgroup posted file search engine. http://wc6sbavw7fcotfgm.onion/ FreshCoin - BitCoin laundry service- Launders BitCoins. Low fees with a quick turn around time. http://wcgk6z6zgem7gq2w.onion/ Polish Black Market- Piercm http://wd5pbd4odd7jmm46.onion/ MisterV- HighQuality Fullinfo-CCs/Dumps http://wdnqg3ehh3hvalpe.onion/ keys open doors- This page is a mirror of the former content of http://www.geohot.com/ as at 26 January 2011, removed following a Sony lawsuit. All content outside of the black areas is from George Hotz, not me. His original site now contains details of the unjust lawsuit against him, which was settled on 11 April 2011. http://wf4df37hrebhwzts.onion/ ToR Design Guidelines- The purpose of this document is to outline good design principles and recommendations for building web documents ideal for deployment on a server somewhere in the onion. Designing sites for ToR is a unique challenge, due to the often limited amounts of bandwidth, and extreme latency involved with onion routing. This document will outline best design practices for this situation. http://wf74ekmmmgg2pe3v.onion/ TorBack Machine- TorBack Machine! New Service coming soon! http://whmxwxv6lc22itzl.onion/ WHMX- 20 USD / EURO Counterfeit THIS IS A TOTAL SCAM. WHMX WILL TAKE YOUR MONEY, STRING YOU ALONG, AND LIE TO YOU. DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME OR MONEY WITH THIS SCAMMER. yesyesyes this is fake http://wi7o5wxt4ked7soq.onion/ Leader of Menhttp://wkwjr7pn7xubtpx5.onion/ TCF - Tor Carding Forumshttp://wmuzclidgchmwq5p.onion/ Dry Orange- Drug store. Sells pills for bitcoins. http://wuvdsbmbwyjzsgei.onion/ AudioFiles- AudioFiles is a music collection. http://wx3wmh767azjjl4v.onion/ MagusNet Anonymous Public Proxy Server (Torduckin)This free VPN based proxy uses encryption and multiple servers to address one of the major concerns of Internet users.*** Anonymity *** http://wyxwerboi3awzy23.onion/ wyxwerboi3awzy23http://x4tmhtkin4kumdvl.onion/ Cipolla- Forum italiano su argomenti vari sia legali che illegali: hacking, carding, vita quotidiana, esperienze, droga e compravendite. http://x7yxqg5v4j6yzhti.onion/ OnionBookmark- Store all your favourite links in one place, accessible from anywhere. Share your bookmarks with everyone, with friends on your watchlist or just keep them private. Tag your bookmarks with as many labels as you want, instead of wrestling with folders. WARNING : Lots of CP http://x7zywrpaqxxqboob.onion/ Boobs Library Linux bash perl python c c++ technical books- Mostly technical books. http://xfmro77i3lixucja.onion/ Imperial Library of Trantor- A big collection of epub books in english, french, spanish, ... You'll find there thousand of novels, essays, computing books, ... Upload your books. http://xfq5l5p4g3eyrct7.onion/ Onion Image Uploader- You can upload images here. http://ximqy45aat273ha5.onion/ ximqy45aat273ha5- Odd websites in russian language http://xiwayy2kn32bo3ko.onion/ UNION Channel- Japanese onion channel. http://xlmg6p4ueely7mhh.onion/ TorKnight forum - Polish Porn Forum- Polskie forum wielotematyczne.a http://xmip5x7yb7knywcr.onion/ Bitcoin Dice Casino- Play with 4 Dice-Games. No Account needed. All bets are transparent via the Blockchain. http://xogc5acrhhsrv33q.onion/ Pantheum drugstore- Pantheum is an online-store that supplies Weed, MDMA, Speed, Coke, H, Trips. Fast and reliable shipping to EU. Accepting Bitcoins. All products are of best possible quality available: With this gear your next party is gonna be awesome! We offer everything in bulk. Perfect for someone who wants to resell to his friends. Cheers! http://xqz3u5drneuzhaeo.onion/ Freedom Hosting- Anonymous Hosting Service. Here you

can get free hosting with PHP and MySQL. We do not give permission for upload of any illegal files. If you chose to do so anyway, we are not responsible for your actions. http://xrbtvfyprv4eenhg.onion/ Psi-Cho- Unlock hidden powers, purchase programs, and enter the INFOCOM. http://xxieg3mbvoh26pvs.onion/ Blue Quarters- Infoa kaikesta kivasta. http://xycpusearchon2mc.onion/ DeepSearch [Not Working]- Search engine for onionland. http://y2v3fmrfu3jwdlve.onion/ Anonycom Telecommunicationshttp://y47ylcppnh3afqk4.onion/ TorDrugResource- A site in onion-space for drug related information, specifically the chemistry and pharmacology of psychoactive substances, as well as the cultivation and processing of plants and fungi that contain psychoactive materials. In the attempt to create a fairly broadly useful resource, some documents of a less academic (and more questionable) character have been included here. http://ysviberpagxmgt7g.onion/ CouponaTOR- Get retail coupons forged for bitcoins. I will create a coupon for any retail item you want for any price off you want. You can choose between an internet print-off style coupon or a flyer style coupon. I will give you my bitcoin address, and you will get your coupon after I receive the payment. The coupons will be in high resolution PNG format, or as SVG on request. 10 BTC per coupon. Bit much? http://yyz57kb55zslet4c.onion/ GermanWeed-St0re 24/7- German Weed St0re 24 Hours Delivery! http://z63wpktriq32wxfg.onion/ Shadow Market- We sell anything to anywhere. http://zam2uhnuvebpmwln.onion/ SWEDGER- I provide a service. Someone wants someone's life turned upside down, I do precisely that in exchange for money. A favourite seems to be the placement and rigging of child pornography in the target's home and/or computer(digital takedowns = cheaper, but less effective), and then the setting up for 'discovery' of the material(s). TAKEDOWNS INCLUDE FAKE FACEBOOK ENTRIES, AS WELL AS ADVERTISEMENT AND SPREADING OF SUCH FAKE PAGES. I will customize the takedown to your own specifications. Contact available - see site for details. http://zbnnr7qzaxlk5tms.onion/ Wikileaks mirror- WikiLeaks is an international self-described not-for-profit organisation that publishes submissions of private, secret, and classified media from anonymous news sources, news leaks, and whistleblowers. http://zdjo3c2z6ipcm4ir.onion/ BUY TWITTER FOLLOWERS FOR BITCOIN- I sell real Twitter followers for Bitcoin. Started doing so because I strongly believe in bitcoin as a currency and in internet privacy. This is a first-of-its-kind .onion service as far as I know. http://zitanihpqsvi2lav.onion/ Sipulilauta- Finnish image board. http://zozc3heiykckew4z.onion/ Scarface - Professional hitman- Europe-only UK-based hitman service. Or sorta. Is a scammer. http://zqiirytam276uogb.onion/ Thorlauta- Suomalainen kuvalauta http://zw3crggtadila2sg.onion/ Torchan- The biggest English imageboard on Tor. ------------------------------------http://zbnnr7qzaxlk5tms.onion/ Wikileaks mirror - Another wikileaks mirror on Torland http://57lpjyggfr5irvhu.onion/ Fund The Islamic Struggle / Donate to Al-Qaeda / Jihad - Fund The Islamic Struggle / Donate to Al-Qaeda / Jihad Anonymously and save through Bitcoin. http://n2qxamb4ujm53cas.onion A Polish MP hate page http://ximqy45aat273ha5.onion Gargantua & Pantagrueles Foundation - Russian http://cwesjxczvcvwvapz.onion Stop Pedofilm - Anti-pedophilia page http://jqiho7je6xty4ne4.onion pierre par pierre - Une base de données par rapport à la répression. Permet de faire des recherches pointu sur des sujets variants de criminalistique à jurisprudence, de GAV à des caisses de solidarité.

http://2tpt54hsdthpgu5p.onion/yafka Yafka forum - YAFKA - Index http://hq3hmoa4thdplmta.onion/ Heidenwut - Politics, Occultism, Spy vs Spy, Revolution!! http://wi7o5wxt4ked7soq.onion Leader of Men's Revolutionary Codex http://r2tjckbrme3yeenx.onion Wake up europe! - This page displayes just one message: A call for a european revolution! http://4zeottxi5qmnnjhd.onion/ Anarchism Library Onion Mirror - Texts about Anarchism. http://n2qrgugplsle6rdc.onion/ nachtpult - Information Exchange - This is a page for Intellegence and Information Exchange. http://eouboqlhjvsjfey6.onion/ Dokumente aus der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik (DDR) - Eine Seite über verbotene und mißliebige Textdokumente aus der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik http://mn6gmwfjx4fejdwc.onion ???? ?????????? ?????-???????????? ???????? - ?????? ?????????? ???????????? ??????, ?????? ??????????, ???????? ? ??????, ???? ??, ?????, ???????? ??????, ???????? ??? http://7uojwkymbozgijfd.onion Projekt: Bastille 1789 - We fight for our freedom, stop to tolarance any control of pupaltion in any country. STOP just talk, give help with informations, way to come out, help to hunted people and so on. http://o3okjblv3lb7suoj.onion Kult Bogini Isztar [The Cult of Goddness Ishtar] - Forum wielotematyczne poswiecone Bogini Isztar. Witaj w Starozytnej Swiatyni Wiedzy i Rozpusty, filozofia, poezja i sztuka wyzwolona spod jazma cenzorów i prawa. http://h7ani63jkadxpret.onion/mywiki/index.php/Main_Page Tin Foil Wiki - Its a deepweb wiki for conspiracies, coverups, and secrets http://2d4pbbchse3usiha.onion/ The DaVinzi School For Western Mysticism - Curiosity is a powerful skill. The average person is indifferent towards learning and also drunk on materialism. Learn the Truth here and join the spiritual revolution. http://teir4baj5mpvkg5n.onion/ Fund The Islamic Struggle Without Leaving a Trace. asalaam u aleikum. brothers and sisters we need your support, for a brighter future. we implore your aid. http://we6p3rs2kqp3wsyr.onion/ secgovwiki - secgovwiki http://kvtdju44einv4ftg.onion Anarcho-Sindicalist Brigade - Russian http://2dn2dmxt5uwnxz3j.onion/ Abusos - Abusos judiciales en España. http://p2uekn2yfvlvpzbu.onion/ LiberaTor - A collection of ebooks about making weapons, military training, and related subjects. http://epoir43u4jtrsggp.onion/ xCannabis Freedom Can Not Exist is Nature is Illegal - xCannaGram (Points) Giveaway for October 2012 http://fec33nz6mhzd54zj.onion/index.php LINKS PLEACE - BlackMarket Reloaded Forums — BMR Community Forum http://khxmuxltrlsfodxx.onion/ The official Deepweb-page of the USW Secret Intelligence Service - We represent the best interests of America by investigating the truth, finding media stories, evidence Exhibits, and ask for voluntary testimony which is all used in our Intelligence reports which are usually published on this public page unless the case is a top secret case. USW-SIS is a private noncommercial intelligence agency that investigates the truth then publishes cases designated for public viewing. ) http://xqz3u5drneuzhaeo.onion/users/heidenwut2/ Heidenwut - This site contains such topics as politics, occultism, effective revolutionary strategies for modern society, alternative health, and anything else that may strike an interest. http://s45jm3uyvuy4dtrs.onion/weed.JPG 'Cannabis Activism? - If Cannabis grew everywere then your government could never stop it! http://duskgytldkxiuqc6.onion Exemple Rendezvous Page - An example rendez-vous page with some documents. http://pdjcu4js2y4azvzt.onion TM Comm - Anarchy community, still in development (needs new members and most important ideas) http://igf4epw3x4sijigy.onion Fairie Underground - Radical Fairies http://xqz3u5drneuzhaeo.onion/users/ismism/ ismism - We provide visitors with a venue to publish opinion editorials on topics ranging from political language to

modern uses and meanings to gibberish. http://naot2jryja6iyrp5.onion Neutering NOT Org - Why non-human beings should NOT be castrated. http://opnju4nyz7wbypme.onion/weblog/index.html A7B blog - a blog dedicated to the restoration of a limited constitutional republic in the USA Http://eutprkngqltlthqa.onion Northwest Front - The Northwest Front is a political movement dedicated to the establishment of an Aryan Homeland in the Pacific Northwest of the United States. The Northwest Front is not about hate towards others, merely an attempt at survival for the White race. http://fkqt2iaclbsvn2tt.onion/ Christopher Dorner's manifesto (fuck lapd) - Hes not the Hero LA needs, he is the Hero that LA deserves. http://hlmrraadkb646464.onion Against Servants - They spy society, society should spy them. Here are addresses of ruling class and their servants. Politicians, cops, judges, fascists, etc, from several countries. http://cqg4yrfvqeylp737.onion Anonymous IRC Server - Anonymous IRC Server http://4eiruntyxxbgfv7o.onion/snapbbs/5a2ff4a9/ Caravana Ativista Brasileira Dando continuidade ao projeto inicial, Caravana Brasil, nasce agora a Caravana Ativista Brasileira. http://rusinfoik4z4rgi3.onion ??? ???????? | ??????? ??????? - ??? ???????? | ??????? ??????? http://qxxzvy5bopkl4edd.onion Free Herb Society - Everyone shall be allowed to use and trade the gifts of nature as they please! http://tns7i5gucaaussz4.onion FREEFOR - FREEdom FORces - resilience as a means of resistance http://7ceq7omeec5zg3yx.onion/lnx80/ LNX80 - Site about the LNX80 political system. http://fcnwebggxt2d3h64.onion Moral.Nu - MORAL Forumet där allt ifrån etik till Gud diskuteras. Kategorier - MORAL.NU http://xqz3u5drneuzhaeo.onion/users/a42/932da4b351f1/ Movement of Torism - Torism is the organized part of the broader tor movement for those of radical commitment. Most tor groups are privacy-oriented; torism is action-oriented to leverage the real world anonymously. Therefore, we differ from other tor groups by being organized on a strategic basis of cells, tacticians, and strategists, rather than on mere file sharing. Torism - unlike other onion organizations - does not compromise on ends or means. http://rzb5nlpvy5oqnket.onion PANOPTYKON FOUNDATION - Our mission is to protect human rights, in particular the right to privacy, in the clash with modern technology used for surveillance purposes. We want to analyse the risks associated with the operation of modern surveillance systems, monitor the actions of both public and private entities in this and intervene when human rights or democratic values are threatened. http://2ddjd7xsni7pefcx.onion PURE EUROPE - The page just displays a message: Cleanse Europe of the dirt! http://naktw64ol4q233ul.onion/ SafeBin - Safe pastebin under Tor network, AES-256 encryption/decryption userside http://4fj7juxplvsxgocy.onion SidProtect - Polish site pro-legalization of pedophilia http://4eiruntyxxbgfv7o.onion/snapbbs/736364f4/threadlist.php? The Intel Exchange Very active board, discussing various topics ranging from Illegal Activities and Alternative Energy, to Conspiracy Theories and Hacking. http://rrcc5uuudhh4oz3c.onion The Intel Exchange Forum - Information and discussion on various topics, ranging from Illegal Activities and Alternative Energy, to Conspiracy Theories and Hacking. Same people from SnapBBS on a fully secure, moderated and categorized forum. http://xqz3u5drneuzhaeo.onion/users/brimstone/home.html Brimstone Escorts Brimstone Entertainment - Guide to Female Escort Ads, Strippers, and Adult Entertainers http://kpq5nwpmj4vackae.onion My dick - i'm 16 http://b4yrk2nkydqfpzqm.onion OnionIB - Board with CP, JB, Hentai and related.

http://anhrachoz263rb3i.onion/ PedoTube - A HTML5 video streaming website. http://s2s2snxbkbrphic2.onion/ XXX Passwords - One of our favorite XXX password Onions. She takes requests also. Cheap! http://xqz3u5drneuzhaeo.onion/users/fkkboys/ FKK Boys Gallery - FKK Boys Gallery. http://x2upvj5wcylu2kcq.onion/ Onion Pron - The best large, free and cp less porn site in onion land. http://l7mazbnv6u4mp5pi.onion/ taboo sex chat - come chat to me honey http://2td6kyvvq437j6ow.onion/ Moondog Mafia - General hang out and gathering place. Still currently under minor construction. Also currently VERY small. Some file sharing. Running phpBB. http://qdsuildbdofkrhe3.onion The Love Zone - English/German speaking community for active members. Access to Safety Guides. Registration and manual activation by admin required. Needs approval post to see whole board. Inactive members will be pruned regularly. http://x3zrcuuaa3oryn3h.onion Paradise Village - CP Community http://7ydnpplko5lbgfx5.onion/ 4pedo - GL / BL image board by Cloud and TorE http://4pms4sejqrryckox.onion/phpBB3/index.php Family Fun & Forbidden Fruit - CP, JB forum http://ovq7h5bwvey5pnrr.onion The ZooNecro Forum - NecroZoo - Index http://tsc6zladnge7kruz.onion/ TS Chan http://xqz3u5drneuzhaeo.onion/users/bugtales/ Bug Tales http://nemlq3kd36frgvzp.onion/show.php?data=Fri-Feb-8-17-55-10-UTC-2013 adolescente de 16 (hombre) - manda a hacer fotos con bitcoins a un adolescente de 16, él posará para ti como tú quieras http://grozipdrlrqs3ewx.onion/ Hell's Gallery - Online Gallery http://s7nbvdbky4xqim7h.onion Male animal genitalia gallery - Male animal genitalia gallery, with pictures collected from the web. Several galleries sorted by categories : horses, dogs, others species (bulls, elephants, kangaroos, cataceans, bears, apes, monkies, donkies, lamas, camels). These galleries are free. Feel free to contribute your pictures. http://nvgrt5kmuzpl3hnd.onion/ PedoChan - PedoChan: an image-board with girls, boys, JB & video sections. http://4i2aiir44iqzopme.onion/index.php Hurt 2 The Core - Hurt 2 the Core - Index http://hb4pm4eznzhd6mts.onion/ (Y)ape - Yet another porn exchange http://kfdtk3fl3bp7r2is.onion/chat/ PedoChat - An online chat service - Come chat with other pedos. ;) http://32zaudfm5y6w3ypy.onion/hb/ the hardblush archive - gay furry http://5wfoimenm6fviv4d.onion Stuff 'n' Stuff - Drugs & porn. http://xqz3u5drneuzhaeo.onion/users/allwehave/ allwehave - sharing community ALLWEHAVE sharing community - easy CP sharing; minimum 1 GB; for 1 GB CP pics and vids you get 2 GB's back! http://hb4pm4eznzhd6mts.onion/pe/feedback.php (Y)APE - (Yet) Another Porn Exchange help site http://j4qqo2ynkmu5smat.onion/ Pedo Identity Kanal - Pedo Identity Kanal ist ein deutsches Qualitätsbilderbrett, was als Ersatz für das vollgespammte Flachbrustkanal dienen soll. http://2herc2idzwk3dhpj.onion/forum/index.php Naturist Boy Vids V1.0 http://kcsajjps53ck7is3.onion/ new link!! - They switched URL a month ago. http://rty45i3444aiu6d5.onion young SCAT & SHIT - Images related to pooping lovers. http://x64n42mkjidmy2zr.onion BoyVids - Boy Vids V1.1 - Index http://mjblksypqujdjo2d.onion/ MJB Leaks http://vi653vmkfowqjpks.onion PedoEmpire - PedoEmpire - Home to various pedophile related websites on Tor. http://arch4jgjcyt55gb2.onion/ Archivist - Various boy picture sets http://ecv6zyauendy7xfg.onion/boydiddler/ Boy Diddler Forum http://mjt54q6pagohhimn.onion mjt54q6pagohhimn.onion - Assorted material, oldest

p0rn site on TOR network http://7haz75ietrhjds3j.onion All natural spanking! - Child discipline image galleries http://wbh5oaxn75yu2wai.onion/BMC.html Bestiality Movie Collection - A Collection of bestiality movies magazines and pictures still under construction check it out http://7omudmiplwglbnzd.onion/ Magazine of boys - Images of naked boys from magazines openly on sale, mainly from Germany, before the onset of late twentieth century prudery in Europe. Youths mainly in early to mid-teens. http://iqvcqw6fm3dheimu.onion Pink Tight Pussy >>> Teen Escort !!! - Meet Nadia and Viviana, 2 very young & very beautiful sweet Romanian girls. http://pja3dhxxpn4cba63.onion/TSSA/index.html The Secret Story Archive - An archive of zoophile, furry and anthropomorphic stories. http://j4ddjgxetfx2ybcx.onion Geheimkanal - Anal Fatal - German image board. http://7bm7p4ttba5tanme.onion Hurtcore http://m3hjrfh4hlqc67gb.onion/ Lolita City - Described as the biggest CP site in Onionland. Up but slow. http://xqz3u5drneuzhaeo.onion/users/venusproject/ The Venus Project - Linkbase of (mostly) japanese nude and non-nude girl photobooks scans; eMule and BitTorrent clients needed for download. http://3ol62mtzjphpvgxq.onion/ ParaTube - Paraphilia Movies - Growing Page about Paraphilia-Videos. At the moment very small, but everyday updated. Donators will get special features. Donation: http://3ol62mtzjphpvgxq.onion/lernabout.html BTCAddress: 1B9oYuYHY4uWNeNPDCt7vMAAxoZJZzbNn7 http://bcgci4njmk2zbgew.onion/ 90% Undex 100% Fun New - The new 90% Index 100% Fun page. http://4i2aiir44iqzopme.onion H2TC - Hurt 2 the Core - Index http://f3wjuyqroxyz2z3w.onion/ Pedo support community 2012 - Pedo Support Community 2012 - Index http://46dspvfldjiqzsre.onion NymPhs - CP & JB media http://ecv6zyauendy7xfg.onion/girldiddler Girl Diddler Forum http://j2aoaaywphidyzex.onion KingPorn - Only selected teen porn from good quality. http://o2rtyxbz7og2deqp.onion CP collectors - Private CP collector community. Must upload on-topic content for board access. -As of 6/12 Admin no longer responds to submissions. http://6jzwxsoxmlefkkkl.onion/index.php?id=5569 geile 18 jährige hobbyhure leicht zu missbrauchen zb. ;-) (gelsenkirchen) - alles erlaubt, solange deutsch geschrieben wird http://rl2pgrl56om2njuw.onion PedoWiki - [New Link] - PedoWiki, the pedophiles wiki. This wiki is a means of collecting and cataloging information relating to pedophilia and child pornography. http://5toqozoa4vkbduqe.onion/TLZ/ The Love Zone - Closed preteen hardcore forum http://fqniz5flbpwx3qmb.onion/index.php Falko Onion - Specialist Video, CP http://akyqzxrvj33oywgn.onion Sky Land - From KindzazaChan developer - new project, need a simple register http://mvdezygqixx3ucpl.onion Starfuckers, Inc. - Celebrity nudes (and harder) that are suppressed on the regular web by attorneys. Accepts submissions. http://rqc3gg6xji6jpovo.onion Zoo Portal - The one and only portal for Zoophiles in TORland. Board, Chan and many more! http://opva2pilsncvtwmh.onion OPVA - Onion Pedo Video Archive - OPVA Revived! http://3bqvjtimcrvz4ajo.onion/ Cam-a-lot - Fantasy website http://tniyxre4y6a2k3ef.onion Deutsche Seite für Kinder die ein sexuelles Interresse an Erwachsenen haben - Angebot für Teleiophile Kinder die ein sexuelles interresse an Erwachsenen haben. http://yebxw62uunkieje6.onion Falko 4 video for sale more to come - This is basic text only site where rare CP will be available for sale. Working on a bitcoin storefront. Currently selling the Falko 4 video in it's entirety http://yl2wafirpac6rtqz.onion KindzazaChan -

http://mmgh3rqeswrlgzdr.onion VOR-COM Archive - VOR-COM Archive: Furry and toon characters swallowing each other for your viewing pleasure; pictures, stories and media files. http://ngippawdykoexqd5.onion/ PedoWiki - This wiki is a means of placing all pedophilia related knowledge into one single place. However the main emphasis of PedoWiki is to catalog all known child porn actors and the content that has been produced of them. http://aiw2jgiqm5n2v77s.onion Kindzaza (Old) - Old Kindzaza forum http://kfdtk3fl3bp7r2is.onion PedoEmpire - [New Link] - Home to all of the sites in the PedoEmpire network. http://5cez64xymwnci47y.onion Capri - CP related foto blog. http://vs5hb2ybldb4gfja.onion 3D Boys - Forum for boy-themed computer generated and hand-drawn images. Registration and introduction required. http://jva7jpw27pfycasu.onion/index.php?&pagenumber=0 SteelPedo - 2011-09-05 http://mdwktq7rcbw4ewvb.onion/ Naughty D - Free Image Hosting Gallery http://l2ikklajtx2he5pd.onion/ 90% index, 100% fun - A site that's mostly a file index of girls aged 3-15, professional and amateur pictures, and in the future videos! http://xqz3u5drneuzhaeo.onion/users/heidenwut2/books/TheAntichristFriedrichNietzsche.txt AAA - DDD http://54dgeda4ik6iypui.onion Adult Pictures - Various Adult Pictures http://wuakd3inzzy5iz4w.onion/index.html Anon Image - simple image upload site. http://3rontsmevctjqyfj.onion Édenkert - Bejelentkezés http://fvginlcapfsm6mux.onion beautiful boys +18 - my boys are the best on the tor ;) you can see them free, of course! i'm sure, you'll like them!! http://quugalxmtpfwrq3q.onion/bv2/ Boy Vids 2 - Pedo forum http://fykilh353zfwtrue.onion/bv3/ Boy Vids 3 - Boy porn board http://h3pv234d2h6vov2a.onion/ BoysChan - Chan http://h3pv234d2h6vov2a.onion BoysCom http://2vpa5gxyvswz5nka.onion/CambodiaSite.htm Cambodia Site - Tour guide in Cambodia for sex tourists. http://632n2oxldj5rsrmg.onion/DanIB2-Beta/phpBB3/index.php DanBB - The first and only Danish pedo-board in Tor http://jbsex4wngjpo5i27.onion Deutsches Forum über Sex mit 13-19 Jährigen - Das Forum von – powered by TBB 1.6 http://ecv6zyauendy7xfg.onion Diddler Forums - Forums for the diddler inside you. Separate boy and girl forums on the same server http://4pms4sejqrryckox.onion Family Fun and Forbidden Fruit - Discussion, stories, pictures and videos of family fun (incest) and forbidden fruit (underage) subjects. There is a Java Script test on the home page to verify you have it turned off. http://mc2wqhlkh6ffgrdi.onion/ Flachbrustkanal - Flachbrustkanal ist ein deutsches Qualitätsbilderbrett mit Präferenzen auf Lolicon. http://3olqnfvujrplgay4.onion/ Gay Chan - Image Board 18+ - Gay Boys Gallery 18+ http://k4jmdeccpnsfe43c.onion Girlsreleased - Thousands of sets from adult websites http://kpvz7ki2v5agwt35.onion/wiki/index.php/Hard_Candy Hard Candy - The Hidden Wiki - Hidden Wiki page listing CP sites. http://d3z7f2hmskzuirbs.onion/index.php Hurt The Core - Hurt The Core - Index http://y35zbqoiljtgdufk.onion/ib/ Incest Board - Incest Board http://y35zbqoiljtgdufk.onion/ib/index.html Incest Board - 18+ only! http://4eiruntyxxbgfv7o.onion/snapbbs/4802ba03/threadlist.php? Israeli Pedophile Board - Israeli Pedo board for Hebrew speakers. http://6p7rd57bd6ph3hlp.onion KindzazaNew - Russian CP related forum. http://toukrwiakichan6t.onion/tb/cp/index.html Krwiakichan - Polish Imageboard | Cheese Pizza http://rhhkpum6v7hsqgjr.onion/phpBB3/index.php Millennium Board - No frills board, regularly backed up http://qlcd3utezilsips2.onion NLF No Limits Fun - hurtcore

http://h4sy3bpltunaamq6.onion OnionVein Original - The original OnionVein! Massive amount of HQ porn sets, wallpapers, and more. http://7o6dcmajcps4tbjb.onion PampersIB - Boys in diapers - Site dedicated to boys of all ages in diapers / teen baby & diaperlovers http://ydkt57jvhkpdtfxp.onion/ Para-Share - Dealing Paraphilia Content - ParaShare is simple: You send me 1 Picture or 1 short Movie about max. 2 Megabyte via Tor-Mail and I'll send you back a picture or a Movie of the same category. (You can send also several files, you get always back double of the amount) http://jkpos24pl2r3urlw.onion PedoBoard - Board: Information, Question and Comments http://oqm66m6iyt6vxk7k.onion/ PedoBook - Social network for Child Lovers http://xqz3u5drneuzhaeo.onion/users/penispanic/ Penis Panic! - Genital mutilation pics, vids and discussion board. http://4eiruntyxxbgfv7o.onion/snapbbs/33a5f2d/ Prevent your Pedophilia - Created to HELP prevent/stop those who have such tendencies/fantasies from heading down the wrong path or walk away from it. http://pfdqq6pussy2thee.onion/ pussy2thee by pfdqq6 - Porn, warez, philez, forums and more.. New stuff added almost daily! Freedom of speech , thought & expression welcome on our forum. http://codqwso2wymbg4zf.onion/ RCM Supply Co. - Professional Scientific Research Chemicals. mxe , 4fa, 4mec, etizolam, designer drugs. http://3pav6ivc6czuypuq.onion/ Sciclay Cams - Webcam recordings of underage boys masturbating http://3b7mvin2ndcc3c6e.onion Share Your Incest - A place where incest videos and pictures can be uploaded. You can choose if your files will be published at a specific date. http://ynrfui4q66gvqzvs.onion Some pedo vids - Contains some pedo videos. Free, but you can access more videos if you share own stuff. http://s7cgvirt5wvojli5.onion/ TB2 - BL / GL image board http://e5uuytswucolo55p.onion/index.htm The Modern Playground - The Modern Playground is teen and pre-teen, and all galleries are primarily hard core. http://dppmfxaacucguzpc.onion/index.php?sid=rbq6gp9m4a4pp5dssvh25vht81&p=sendPM TorDir - Link List - A link list serving the Tor Community since 2007 http://josmuqylkb72dy3d.onion TorGallery - TorGallery currently has a free Gallery system for all things underage as well as a forum for discussion. http://azqby6clvwnyswmh.onion Torgirls Anonymous Escort Service - I've never had to advertise our tor hidden service as I haven't needed to but business has been bad as of late.I operate a escort service for bitcoins we have girls located all over. http://kdq2y44aaas2aiu4.onion/ Ultimate Pedo Archives - Slow http://c7lt62zuq46uywrn.onion Video and Pic Archive - A bit older.... CP http://wf4df37hrebhwzts.onion ToR Design Guidelines http://xqz3u5drneuzhaeo.onion/users/heidenwut2/books/TheAntichristFriedrichNietzsche.txt poder - jcdn http://vbzyujntcpkom2sw.onion Forty-Two - A blog about anything and everything! http://ar3ubs6cg6an4ylt.onion beaglesnoop - A german blog http://7ceq7omeec5zg3yx.onion JKain's Blog - Blog of someone with the alias of Jacob Kain. http://vg7ik2tbrkjr5ooq.onion/ TorSpeaker - polititscher Blog in Deutsch. http://kv77v7n5kblz5tpw.onion The Croat's Blog http://uozvanep2ei6l4qw.onion The Lonely Commune - Why not spin up a new anarchistcommunist blog in onionland? No, no, don't answer; it was a rhetorical question. http://buhdud6sg4qbfpyf.onion/ USAHM Conspiracy Archive - News about the new world order, police state, big brother, other news and document downloads. Still updating and just created in beginning of 2013. http://uqjf7k5ao2sh5ish.onion/ Explore thyself - A blog about the secret world of our most personal thoughts. http://34n5x2krwnytgcfo.onion/ Deepspace - A little blog and personal website. http://hiijjlu7udlfeuok.onion caravana br dw - forum brasileiro

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Forum http://tfaqeav4iwpe3566.onion/ Silk Road Drugs - Anonymous Market for purchasing illegal narcotics. http://pnunpbo4fu3v2z7d.onion/ DrugSpace - free website template http://mvvaxvztx5n3eb6o.onion UKetalar | UK Ketamine Vendor - A place to buy high quality crystal ketamine shipped from the UK. http://qwzxutjnfqnragyb.onion site disabled - This site says that will open before September 2010... checked at March 2012, still not open. http://x64n42mkjidmy2zr.onion/index.php?topic=4475.0 http://x64n42mkjidmy2zr.onion/index.php?topic=4475.0 - WTF http://yj2nu2qygzpjcglm.onion QuickKill - 20k hit. 50% before, 50% after. Bitcoin and LR accepted. http://bjdmpvi4kitfw2kj.onion/ Eris - Eris http://iou3q5qlbwoeltb4.onion Italian masonry - Freemason homepage http://clsvtzwzdgzkjda7.onion/ torch - browser http://xqz3u5drneuzhaeo.onion/users/jameslink/Forums/index.php Shroomtastic Shroomtastic - Index http://x4tmhtkin4kumdvl.onion Cipolla - Cipolla http://flnxicrjaorxhthe.onion/paste/index.php?show=56 Roxy 30s, Xanax bars, Crystal Meth, 4-MAR (rare), 4-MMC - Roxy 30s, Xanax bars, Crystal Meth, 4-MAR (rare), 4-MMC at affordable prices http://slnlvwr4w6g5hnmw.onion My Experiments - Sobre: Hipnose, auto hipnose, hipnose instântanea, sugestão mental, mensagem subliminares, lavagem cerebral, fisiognomia, grafologia, programação neuro-liguistica, softwares relacionados, documentos, e coisas que não se costumam vir a público. http://okx5b2r76olbriil.onion Zanzibar's underground marketplace - Everything under the sun, Inquirer within. http://axv6gzvarmh4a4p4.onion/ Netflix4U - Dirt Cheap Netflix accounts - Hacked Netflix accounts. http://uaga3aoawaj6hohg.onion Remains of a Polish site http://dsyghxm2xtmffaxx.onion A webserver - This address has a webserver, but no content. http://jm5pdkqixbz3pcld.onion AnonBB - Place to chat anonymously. http://xe3lnpdmq3vqkbjl.onion/ Anonymix - Multitracks, Acapellas, Instrumentals, and more! - A thriving community and extensive collection of Multitracks, Acapellas, and Instrumentals http://2ousn6z3qfxvcv7t.onion/ArmsDepot/index.php Arms Depot - Arms Depot, powered by Shop-Script http://wznf5ffcbr3x62gj.onion/ Clos network - Link to the websites accessible only through Closed Shell System http://wn323ufq7s23u35f.onion DOXBIN - A public dox archive for everyone from random hackers to politicians. http://xc24qhihksrlpocj.onion DrugSpace - Quality Drugs for All Time... http://zw3crggtadila2sg.onion/downornot/ Is It Up? - A site which checks if a .onion is down or not. Just type in the hash.onion and press "Submit". http://l4tay4mx3vyjdn4i.onion Je suis Kalila - ? http://4eiruntyxxbgfv7o.onion/snapbbs/5bd56633/ Mercato Nero - An interesting Italian Forum http://xqz3u5drneuzhaeo.onion/users/hackbb/viewtopic.php? f=37&t=1161&sid=2a6f4eff41293ea0b3784dc103b2377e Nice Buds Very Strong - Great cannabis seller this guys bud is amazing send email to find out more http://silkroadvb5piz3r.onion Official SilkRoad - SilkRoad's last site (http://ianxz6zefk72ulzz.onion/) has gone and been replaced with this new more memorable one: http://2zyakjq2hvtbg6qd.onion outlaw - a mirrorproject, containing onionsites and some clearnetsites. http://4eiruntyxxbgfv7o.onion/snapbbs/7fbb7e1f/ PAPARAZZI OFFICIAL BOARD - Ricatti, foto, video, materiale scottante, tutto sulla board pubblica: http://4eiruntyxxbgfv7o.onion/snapbbs/7fbb7e1f/ .

http://mto5z3kx5ydxjrz3.onion/ Paradoxum - Legit drug vendor on the Deepnet. http://dfx3opddg6fcdxvi.onion/ Pfandleiher - Best MDMA out there! Period. http://snujl7n5dahb4zny.onion/market/index.php Snuj Market - Snuj Market http://53otrkyvae462lhb.onion Startbook - a personal information manager which provides online management of your bookmarks/favorites and Notes. http://4eiruntyxxbgfv7o.onion/snapbbs/1364b97e/showthread.php? &threadid=5f61afd5839020079c6d311a45e77c56 STRONG BASE - BASE AND CANNABIS GREAT DEALER http://ocrlwkklxt3ud64u.onion/files/1344816355.txt Test - Test http://iwdmsbpxclyjhi4e.onion The LG enV2 http://pibn3ueheubjxv2z.onion u kocurka - Polish http://k3fplvvnaqgrirko.onion w3-Hidden - more than 2.600.000 Proxys - Cachechu is a GWebCache licensed under the GPL. http://qx7j2selmom4ioxf.onion paraZite - So called http://kpynyvym6xqi7wz2.onion paraZite - So called http://mpf3i4k43xc2usxj.onion SamWhited.com - Personal website of some guy. http://bitcoinmztpyxqqr.onion/bitcoiner.es.html ? Servicio de Compra-Venta de Bitcoins de VEscudero ? - Servicio de Compra-Venta de Bitcoins de VEscudero en la deepweb (Tor & i2p) http://oar4xvr6j6eykqpk.onion Onionlinks - onion mirror - The Simplest guide to Onionland! http://4ckvskrc3ihlj6jv.onion MPire - Mpire Network is a designed to have several functions useful to the .onion network. Feel free to use this site as you wish. No logging or cookies are implemented. http://ont6bv4bg7rtgaos.onion Polska ukryta strona w sieci Tor http://pw5odgnkkhsuslol.onion The KMs Bird http://ga52ionjmqw3bxth.onion/ Bl-lit - ???????? ? ????????? ? ?????????? http://guew63r73ur3iplh.onion/shanty/index.html Nekro's Onion Shanty #Revived# Nekro http://pnvdkz37btvugjmn.onion/ QuantumTor - My Personal page where there's my art, games, and other stuff! http://wd43uqrbjwe6hpre.onion Kognitionskyrkan http://l2jd3hd3cylog2oo.onion Brazilian informational site - portal de artigos tutorias portugues brasileiro http://ay5kwknh6znfmcbb.onion Buried into Darknet - Buried's personal page. Links to Torbook, Torsquare and Tor Q&A. http://uynz4k6g6xsdhbi5.onion Free Wisdom - Just some quotes http://hcawftz4hyxui52a.onion/shanty/ Nekro's Onion Shanty - Nekro http://4gg3ro3pvuzp734o.onion/ OnionVein - My little piece of the onion... http://jlj5vob43nj5l6dk.onion/ The Holy Bible - The Holy Bible King James Version, Full online bible, for bible study and quick reference http://xqz3u5drneuzhaeo.onion/users/xk55a11k5m/ X - Showcasing the art of an anonymous individual. Bitcoin donations are accepted. http://74ypjqjwf6oejmax.onion Beneath VT - Information on the steam tunnels at Virginia Tech http://xqz3u5drneuzhaeo.onion/users/stealeverything/ Steal Everything - Anarchist directory and mirrors. http://2uwenu7lgujnjmsw.onion Portal of Tor - This site are going to be a new portal of links to the Tor Network, here you are going to have a easy way to browse the Tor Network. It's also going to be a Tor Back machine until the Onion Back machine starts working. http://rpqig5xana2eujht.onion DaMan Networks HUB - DaMan Networks - main page http://xqz3u5drneuzhaeo.onion/users/hackbloc/index.php/Mirror/kpvz7ki2v5agwt35.onio n/Main_Page Mirror Of The Hidden Wiki - A mirror site for The Hidden Wiki http://ekwreugkil5ncyyh.onion SITES DEEP WEB - POR: ANONYMOUS BRASIL - Alguns links da deep web.. http://wfjgmdnbmdyssuf3.onion/ Room 404 live on Tor - Room404 is a new site to help the Tor community with finding useful Tor Hidden serivces or Tor websites. http://grizzlykijswtj2x.onion/ Grizzly search engine - Grizzly search engine.

Tearing darkness apart. http://hg4zmvvd3mgrqaj3.onion/wiki/index.php/Main_Page The Hidden Wiki Mirror Links indexes. http://torlinksysgthcbz.onion/ TorLinks - Onion Link List - Scam free, moderated linklist for hidden services. Only adds services which proof they aren't scam. http://torlinkbgs6aabns.onion TORLINKS - Tor Link Directory - Fast directory for .onion sites, moderated, up to date and no junk or censorship! http://c4wcxidkfhvmzhw6.onion PrivacyBox.de - Kommunizieren Sie anonym, unbeobachtet und verschlüsselt über die PrivacyBox! http://3suaolltfj2xjksb.onion/hiddenwiki/index.php/Main_Page Censored Hidden wiki mirror - no cp http://kpvz7ki2v5agwt35.onion/wiki/index.php/Free_energy Free Energy Wiki - Free and alternative energy wiki page http://dx37guvtyy7wil3n.onion/index.html Mariana's Web - Witness the forbidden (and get trolled) http://eqt5g4fuenphqinx.onion Core Onion - Tor entry point http://fcl3t6t66uv3u4og.onion Bugmenot@Tor - Find and share logins for websites that force you to register http://7jguhsfwruviatqe.onion/index.php/Main_Page Hidden wiki mirrors - Hidden wiki mirrors http://4jbxjjrbakmdcmvb.onion TorMarks - Another .onion sites list. http://amjol5qxtnwud7jg.onion Runion Wiki - Link catalog and materials about security, bitcoin and other useful stuff from Runion http://3g2upl4pq6kufc4m.onion DuckDuckGo - Search engine http://rrcc5uuudhh4oz3c.onion/? The Intel Exchange Forum - Information and discussion on various topics, ranging from Illegal Activities and Alternative Energy, to Conspiracy Theories and Hacking. Same people from SnapBBS on a fully secure, moderated and categorized forum. http://vi653vmkfowqjpks.onion/index.html PedoEmpire - PedoEmpire - Home to various pedophile related websites on Tor. http://rl2pgrl56om2njuw.onion/index.php/Main_Page PedoWiki - [New Link] PedoWiki, the pedophiles wiki. http://3suaolltfj2xjksb.onion/hiddenwiki Cleaned Hidden Wiki - All the Hidden Wiki without the CP!!! http://vizpz65utiopch7t.onion/ ANYLINK ONION - ADD YOUR LINKS - Add Any kind of ONION links you want. Just trying to help index the dark web here. http://atlantisrky4es5q.onion/auth/login Atlantis marketplace - Drugs and stuff http://4eiruntyxxbgfv7o.onion/ Circle - An introduction point http://32rfckwuorlf4dlv.onion Onion Url Repository - A resource in the anonymous network of onions http://32rfckwuorlf4dlv.onion/ Onion Url Repository - A resource in the anonymous network of onions http://ngippawdykoexqd5.onion/index.php/Hard_Candy PedoWiki - Hard Candy Mirror - A listing of websites built on-top of the Hard Candy page on The Hidden Wiki. http://kpvz7ki2v5agwt35.onion/wiki/index.php/Main_Page The Hidden Wiki - A site with lots of helpful links organized in categories. http://4eiruntyxxbgfv7o.onion/snapbbs/77729de1/ TOR Answers - Like Yahoo answers, but with a TOR twist http://d46irpoo6xljwysz.onion/link2ch/ Tor Links - (irrelevant description) http://rtlzzo47h4kfcqjb.onion Tor WiKi - List of tor .onion sites http://xmh57jrzrnw6insl.onion/ TORCH - un buscador de la Deep Web con unos cuantos miles de paginas indexadas http://dppmfxaacucguzpc.onion/ TorDir - Link List - A link list serving the Tor Community since 2007 http://xqz3u5drneuzhaeo.onion/users/badtornodes/ Tor Badnode Check - Checks for Tor bad nodes. http://xdagknwjc7aaytzh.onion Anonet webproxy - A webproxy for browsing Anonet2 HTTP and FTP http://yaiaqf3te6khr3nd.onion Git Hidden Wiki - Allows edits through git push

http://62lpxb2lt3yt6vgr.onion Polish Hackers Zone - Polish stuff, databases and docs. http://hg4zmvvd3mgrqaj3.onion/ Information and Anti-Forensics Guide - A guide covering security aspects of information security as well and anti-forensics techniques that the LEA will use against you. The topics are: encryption, data leaks, service and data continuity, system hardening, browser hardening, networks, and more http://kfdrua2bjbz7h243.onion CoinFog - BitCoin Laundry Mixing & Wallet - All BitCoin transactions are logged publicly. http://jn67uopy7btvg57r.onion TaDUx - Password Generator - A simple yet powerfull password generator made by TaDUx http://fogcore5n3ov3tui.onion Bitcoin Fog: secure bitcoin anonymization - A bitcoin mixing/anonymization service, which because of it's design also works as online wallet, but the main purpose is anonymization. You transfer bitcoins to the Fog, they get mixed there with bitcoins from other users and get paid back to you, spread out to randomized amounts and are paid out at randomized times, making finding the original source of bitcoins nearly impossible. http://dktyvfbrjyulioie.onion Unia Trade Group - military equipments, arms, ammo, bullets, guns, helicopters, missiles, vehicles, bmp, btr, t80 http://p3lr4cdm3pv4plyj.onion/ Welcome, We've been expecting you - An introductory Tor/GPG Encryption tutorial site, with links to other tools as well. http://ibjfbrjwhfvxict3.onion weare hidden security blog - a regularly updated blog on how to gain security and anonynmity http://clsvtzwzdgzkjda7.onion/viewforum.php? f=90&sid=3039611cd16862f2c0fe60b0c54d6345 *TEMP* Intel Exchange *TEMP* - A temporary home for the Intel Exchange community. http://clsvtzwzdgzkjda7.onion/viewforum.php?f=90 Intel Exchange TEMP - A Temporary home for the Intel Exchange @ HackBB. http://d5urwsk2ddgtwyew.onion/ KeepThisBit - Secure storage of encrypted files. Useful if you need to hide sensitive data. http://qtt2yl5jocgrk7nu.onion keys.indymedia.org - Onion mirror http://4eiruntyxxbgfv7o.onion/snapbbs/736364f4/ The Intel Exchange - Know or need to know something? Ask and share at this underground intelligence gathering network... http://zw3crggtadila2sg.onion/imageboard/fbi/ Torchan - /fbi/ Security board Board for security, programming, operating systems, and so on. http://4eiruntyxxbgfv7o.onion/snapbbs/19cc6d6e/ USCyberLabs - US Cyber Labs is an Internet security think-tank and advocate for freedom of speech in cyberspace. We are a group of passionate technologists that seeks to improve the security, stability and understanding of the Internet. clearWeb uscyberlabs.com http://2qd7fja6e772o7yc.onion Breathe - Submit rants, vents, gossips and secrets about your enemies for exposure on this site. http://xqbaxtycj7q3cspa.onion/ Coinunism - A site where people can put requests for bitcoins. http://xqz3u5drneuzhaeo.onion/users/goyimamerica/index.php Goyim America - AntiGoyim America activist blog. http://xqz3u5drneuzhaeo.onion/users/noel/index.php Noel Board - NOELISTES http://cst5uq6puao3ig3l.onion:9090/?uio=MTE9MjEa0 TOR-IRC - 100% Anonymous IRC UnrealIRCD powered IRC server with a full compliment of IRC services. http://xqz3u5drneuzhaeo.onion/users/zvc/imgboard/ NNChan - NoNameChan - Down as of 0547UTC 13.04.2012 (404 error) http://pkswzr4zujethuut.onion:9090/?channels=TheMatrix&uio=MTE9MjEa0 The Matrix Web Chat - qwebirc based IRC chat http://3fyb44wdhnd2ghhl.onion/ Onii-Chan - A tinyboard based chan. http://x7yxqg5v4j6yzhti.onion OnionBookmark - Register, then save bookmarks on your account only, or share them publicly. A nice way to keep your onion bookmarks secure without saving them on your hard disk. http://lotjbov3gzzf23hc.onion TorStatusNet - Twitter clone - A status.net twitter clone.

http://pkswzr4zujethuut.onion/ The Matrix - Theme based social network. http://cnvyq6bmq5hanbzz.onion/viewtopic.php?id=1 The Hidden Forums - The Rules (Page 1) — General — The Hidden Forums — We want people to be able to come together without being watched... http://deca7jtl4bdd6g6z.onion Torlauta - Old Polish board, now off http://l2zukdb5b2favsfc.onion Caravana Brasil - Hacker's BR - Fórum 100% Brasileiro com tutoriais hacking e como sobreviver na DarkNet. http://erlf7oq54utzw3n3.onion DanishChan - An imageboard for and by people from Denmark. http://zqiirytam276uogb.onion Thorlauta - A Finnish imageboard, non-Finns welcome as well http://germanyhusicaysx.onion Deutschland im Deep Web, Germany in the deep web Deutschland im Deep Web - Informationskontrolle, nein danke! http://xyjkasecb4ztzq3o.onion/forum/ Toronja - Foro sobre seguridad informática, anonimato y libre expresión. http://3suaolltfj2xjksb.onion/chan/ TriChan - Moderated imageboard, no CP/Bestiality/Abusive content. http://uqtinqynmibpoa2s.onion Foro Coches http://utup22qsb6ebeejs.onion Hidden blog - This is a fresh personal blog, that has to do with tor, government, anti-piracy, and various other topics. Updated almost daily. http://germanyhusicaysx.onion/search.php Deutschland im Deep Web - Forum - Neues deutsche Forum! Für die allgemeinen Foren gibt es keine Registrierungspflicht. http://ay5kwknh6znfmcbb.onion/torsquare Torsquare - Torsquare allows you to read and write anonymously on Torbook's board. http://3wavqui2mpklpcn5.onion/ *PHISH SCAM* Silkroad - Underground drug market based on reputation, bitcoin currency. http://6jzwxsoxmlefkkkl.onion Das ist DEUTSCHLAND hier! - alles erlaubt, solange deutsch geschrieben wird http://5u2jddymss6rsrnh.onion Russian anonymous network - encrypted channel http://6g2osf4l534bozmu.onion RespiraTOR - Have a rant, vent your feelings and tell us something. http://npdaaf3s3f2xrmlo.onion Twitter clone - Twitter clone for the Tor network, minimalist and fast. Feel free to Talk About Whatever You Like. http://lucg2zbpvrdwibj4.onion Toms Corner - Toms Corner http://wf74ekmmmgg2pe3v.onion Onionforum 3.0 - The new Onionforum! Registration along with image attachments and plenty of subforums. http://7jguhsfwruviatqe.onion test - test http://ie4hf3qxzoazywoi.onion/phpBB3/ Voetbalfan - anoniem uitwisselen van sopcast channels http://xqz3u5drneuzhaeo.onion/users/tortilla/ t0rtilla - anonymous http chat in spanish / chat anónimo en español vía http - NO INSTALLATION/CONFIGURATION REQUIRED - NO REQUIERE INSTALACIÓN NI CONFIGURACIÓN ADICIONAL http://kajvmyjywsxgyl6c.onion Eesti foorum! - Foorum, kuhu saavad kõik eestlased koguneda! Estonia, Estonians, Eesti http://zw3crggtadila2sg.onion/imageboard/ TorChan - TorChan is the largest and most popular CP-free imageboard in Onionland, with the best users and content. Come visit us, and bring your brain! http://vh6o6cl2w5b3owcx.onion TorPL - Forum wielotematyczne polskiej spolecznosci Tor http://cst5uq6puao3ig3l.onion Hell - The social network from hell! http://ci3hn2uzjw2wby3z.onion/ talk.masked - BBS board with a variety of topics that can be discussed, anonymously of course. http://xlmg6p4ueely7mhh.onion TorKnight Forum - TorKnight forum - Polskie forum wielotematyczne - Indeks http://4eiruntyxxbgfv7o.onion/snapbbs/736364f4/threadlist.php?? # The Intel Exchange # - Very active board, discussing various topics ranging from Illegal Activities and Alternative Energy, to Conspiracy Theories and Hacking. http://bulbzddh75io4s32.onion/imgboard/ AlliumIB - Image board

http://4eiruntyxxbgfv7o.onion/snapbbs/4365e142 Alternative Energy Forum - Talk about energy related devices with other people http://4eiruntyxxbgfv7o.onion/snapbbs/4365e142/threadlist.php? Alternative Energy Forum - Talk about energy related issues with other interested people http://od6j46sy5zg7aqze.onion Anonchan - "Truly Anonymous Chan Thanks to Tor" http://4eiruntyxxbgfv7o.onion/snapbbs/31354915/ Caravana Brasil - Primeiro fórum brasileiro na DarkNet. Informações, bom papo e descontração. http://4eiruntyxxbgfv7o.onion/snapbbs/5380da05/ Caravana Brasil 2.0 - Failed Brazilian message board. http://s6cco2jylmxqcdeh.onion CebollaChan - El-Tor-chan en Castellano http://4eiruntyxxbgfv7o.onion/snapbbs/65a4c6a7/ Comunidad Uruguaya Deep Web (Uruguay) - (Es Necesario registrarse) http://4eiruntyxxbgfv7o.onion/snapbbs/7bbbcb18/ Comunidade No Escuro 43111 refúgio para todos os nerds que curtem ficar a toa na internet http://4eiruntyxxbgfv7o.onion/snapbbs/70eebee3/ Czech Forum - Pro všechny cesky mluvící uživatele. http://4eiruntyxxbgfv7o.onion/snapbbs/717992f1/ Demosthenes' Board - A play to chill, ask questions discuss, and have fun with other Tor users. http://4eiruntyxxbgfv7o.onion/snapbbs/7e716b4a/ Eesti Estonia Community - For Estonians. Eestlaste jaoks loodud. Gather here all Estonians. http://hwiki4zcwpczu55f.onion/ EL INFIERNO - Foro en castellano sin censura. http://4eiruntyxxbgfv7o.onion/snapbbs/4365e142/ Free Energy Forum - Talk about free energy with other people http://ilhbkx5bun33yici.onion Geek IRC - Its a Simple IRC server for geeks! !Open With IRC clint! http://geob7c4tjlerjth7.onion GEO CS/SK warez forum - Pro všechny cesky/slovensky mluvící uživatele a pro ty co mají rádi warez. http://toukrwiakichan6t.onion/tb KriwiakiChan - Polski krwiaki chan, mocno powiazany z nie ukrytymi polskimi chanami - Polish chan strongly related to polish non hidden chans culture. It have hidden boards for /cp/ well main boards are clean. It also have own wiki and boards like /h/ - hacking /lsd/ - substancje psychoaktywne /a/ - anarchia http://g3fvimsu3cgwx27k.onion/ MediaShare - A YouTube Clone in OnionLand http://mnnyehhdfz3uxlvl.onion/ Onion Answers - Ask, answer and vote on questions. http://4eiruntyxxbgfv7o.onion/snapbbs/376337f5/threadlist.php? Onionland City Council - New forum for all tor and .onion users to come together and figure out how to make this place the shit! http://p7cb354b57mycs4b.onion Propaganda - Turkish Site / Drupal tabanli Türk sitesi. Çogu modül yüklü, kayitlar açik (fakat zorunlu degil). http://iew2c3bube4h56yi.onion/ PropagaTOR - FILE HOSTING, TALK, BLOG http://ggdzegtqpiaq7ly2.onion/ SACRED HEART MISSION - Catholic page on the TOR network. You can send here your prayer intentions. Nuns will pray for you. http://4eiruntyxxbgfv7o.onion/snapbbs/ Snap BBS - Welcome to SnapBBS! Where anyone can get their own forum with just a few clicks. http://wtqih4js65wzp24n.onion/fun/ Spaß und Unterhaltung http://4eiruntyxxbgfv7o.onion/snapbbs/2de8d2d4/ Tech forum - Discussion of technology goes here, anything slightly related to technology is accepted http://4eiruntyxxbgfv7o.onion/snapbbs/6b8582dc/threadlist.php? The Hidden Hand philosophical discussion forum, simple clean interface, http://4eiruntyxxbgfv7o.onion/snapbbs/736364f4 The Intel Exchange - Very active board, discussing various topics ranging from Illegal Activities and Alternative Energy, to Conspiracy Theories and Hacking. http://4eiruntyxxbgfv7o.onion/snapbbs/736364f4/threadlist.php The Intel Exchange Very active board, discussing various topics ranging from Illegal Activities and Alternative Energy, to Conspiracy Theories and Hacking. http://4eiruntyxxbgfv7o.onion/snapbbs/255d7a51/index.php TOR Habbo Italia BBS {Official} - Italian TOR Habbo BBS. http://ay5kwknh6znfmcbb.onion/torbook Torbook - A popular social network in

onionland. http://xqz3u5drneuzhaeo.onion/users/all7/pcms/ Torland - ??????Torland??? http://vjelr2xdaqsgslzr.onion/ Torowisko - Torowisko - Forum Polskiej Spolecznosci Tor http://u3rxbq6aeen7fin3.onion TORtiglione - Il twittor maccaronico!! http://pcxjaglvsyfxnf7j.onion YoNoPrestoElCuerpo - ¿Necesita abortar y usted reside en Chile, donde el aborto es considerado un crimen? ¿No puede hacerlo en otro país? En nuestro sitio tratamos de ofrecer ayuda a la mujer que desee abortar y buscamos voluntarios (como médicos y vendedores de medicamentos) que deseen anunciarse anónimamente para ayudar a una mujer a abortar en Chile. Úselo solo en caso de que no tenga otra alternativa para abortar fuera del país. http://d46irpoo6xljwysz.onion/onion/ ????????? - 2ch BBS http://wbyi72yt6gitdcqd.onion Simple Newsgroup File Search Engine - Simple, free and anonymous Usenet newsgroup posted file search engine. http://axv6gzvarmh4a4p4.onion/index.html Netflix4U - Cheap hacked netflix accounts - See link for more info http://xqz3u5drneuzhaeo.onion/users/onefile/ OneFile - One file will be available for download at anytime. http://jntlesnev5o7zysa.onion The Pirate Bay - Download music, movies, games, software and much more. The Pirate Bay is the world http://oukryuqqc7ffenin.onion TorShare - Free fast filehosting service. Max 2GB. No illegal files allowed http://d7ns2xnpvrggxjxn.onion behindbloodshoteyes - Delicious edibles for purchase, 1.5 years in the business. Fresh stock of our White Chocolate Brownie, try it today! (Credit Card) http://who4e2qonnbb7lno.onion/ Hell's Vault - Ajaxplorer based Filesharing site, with guest access, as well as member-access. http://xqz3u5drneuzhaeo.onion/users/ashanity/ Ashanity - Anonymous Sharing of Humanity - Spreading humanity through liberty of sharing happiness and joy . http://nzbsindex6x6o3pt.onion/ TorNZBs - A Newznab based Usenet NZB indexer. Works with SABnzbd, Sick Beard and CouchPotato over Tor with our python proxy. 7-day free trial for new users. Subscriptions are payable in Bitcoins. http://wyxwerboi3awzy23.onion Hidden image site - Chan type image site. http://ntoibame4iky6xhv.onion/ The Bomb Shelter - You put files here. Now in OPEN BETA MODE. Any file type. 5MB. Browse, chat, 1-click account create. Clean HTML, no scripts. http://dts563ge5y7c2ika.onion Onion Warez - Warez site http://pa33rtpicxqrehmi.onion iadbsh_pul3sor - little website with clock, math, homepage. sharing the happiness. http://wuvdsbmbwyjzsgei.onion Lossless Audio Files - Audio Files, Music http://vzugfdoygasghjsf.onion YayPonies - My Little Pony, Friendship is magic episodes download http://ktagybs427ao3tsj.onion Bud & MDMA - good prices http://s6cco2jylmxqcdeh.onion/topic/2672 Costa Rica Deep. - Lugar para personas de Costa Rica http://7i34pzpscfswcczo.onion Entertainment http://q2r4ihvtjval5l5y.onion/ Kichwa bible - An enhanced edition of a Quichua bible known as the Chimborazo version. Due to very unclear legal status this doc is published on tor for now. http://xnmusichub2honzr.onion/ Music Hub - Tor Music Hub http://sc3njt2i2j4fvqa3.onion Newzbin Search - Newzbin is the Google of Usenet. http://swtvxfwrlkdsjjk7.onion/ Oleg's Free Textbooks - College publishers textbooks should starve in gutter, help make happen! Free textbooks to all, and to all good night! http://tikiv7ymwdqpv3ze.onion TikiBar - Danbooru style image board serving tor and i2p. CP will be deleted. http://nr7n3lxfttq6bssc.onion Tor NNP - Newznab-Based Usenet Indexer. Currently indexing 300 groups. Limited backfill. http://ocrlwkklxt3ud64u.onion TOR Upload Service. - TOR Upload Service is a free

file and image hosting service. Feel free to upload your files here! Just browse the files you wish to upload and click on http://4eiruntyxxbgfv7o.onion/snapbbs/3232a619/ Under the Bridge - A general forum http://7ymfzygewl4n6usp.onion/phpBB3/ Warez - German warez forum http://hrnf2b5tpj6jj774.onion/startrader Professional Share Trading Software - This software is a proven winner. I have been using it successfully for six years. Now you can trade like the professionals. You don't have to be special to become a successful trader, you just need to start off doing things correctly. http://ukztfcd2vhjzb6o4.onion lost & found - audiowares - Down http://jowjwdn46wkjf64m.onion/ Steam Game Giveaway Helpers - Helper applications for Steam game giveaways http://xqz3u5drneuzhaeo.onion/users/proxycap/ ProxyCap - ProxyCap for Tor http://yn3tbhm7ig5mwmqs.onion/index.html bithacker - Software for ppl working on earning bitcoin. Home of Auto Feed Ze Birds. http://f3ew3p7s6lbftqm5.onion Onion Fileshare - Onion Fileshare, New, 2GB filesize limit. No CP. http://balrqba4x57ofa6s.onion Torque - An old software in an attempt to create a sort of Tor DNS. ------------------------------------http://kpvz7ki2v5agwt35.onion/wiki/index.php/Main_Page HIDDEN WIKI http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/ Silkroadforums http://silkroadvb5piz3r.onion SilkRoad http://zw3crggtadila2sg.onion/imageboard/ TORCHAN NO.CP! http://od6j46sy5zg7aqze.onion/ ANONCHAN NO.CP! http://wyxwerboi3awzy23.onion/ HiddenImageSite http://uzz3h4ruguwza4fr.onion chan?down http://562tqunvqdece76h.onion/Lukochan/b/ (no pics) http://3suaolltfj2xjksb.onion/chan/ http://vkfwaglwnbi6vl7s.onion/ chan?down http://tsc6zladnge7kruz.onion/p/ http://b4yrk2nkydqfpzqm.onion http://mc2wqhlkh6ffgrdi.onion/ (german) http://kpvz7ki2v5agwt35.onion/wiki/index.php/Chan http://zw3crggtadila2sg.onion/downornot/ DOWNORNOT http://k6gsb4ibatcico35.onion/ REDDITor https://ttbmov2dezfs2fln.onion/ p/anonchan PADS http://b4yrk2nkydqfpzqm.onion/onionib OnionIB http://am4wuhz3zifexz5u.onion The Tor Library http://dppmfxaacucguzpc.onion/ TORDIR: http://xmh57jrzrnw6insl.onion/ Torch (search) http://lotjbov3gzzf23hc.onion/ TorStatus http://74ypjqjwf6oejmax.onion/ http://nel2xugswcy7qv7r.onion/ http://xqz3u5drneuzhaeo.onion/users/experiments/ HumanExperiments(?) http://6sgjmi53igmg7fm7.onion/index.php?title=Main_Page BuggedPlanetInfoOnSurveillance http://utovvyhaflle76gh.onion/sTORage/exit%5Fthe%5Fmatrix/index.html ExitTheMatrix http://hlmrraadkb646464.onion/ AgainstServants-DOXonsystemservers http://iacgq6y2j2nfudy7.onion/ http://ahmia.fi/ .onion search https://www.ixquick.com/ search http://qdsuildbdofkrhe3.onion Safety Board http://6jzwxsoxmlefkkkl.onion German Board http://4akwqy73o7ctb4lu.onion/forum/viewforum.php? f=3&sid=dcc42b419651d9a5f772a821d3662e8c CITNET

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