Culture and civilization III Final Test Name: Bettiana Ruiz Id: 4.790.495-6 Group: 3rd B, night shift Teacher: Daniela

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Culture and civilization III Final Test

Name: Bettiana Ruiz Id: 4.790.495-6 Group: 3rd B, night shift Teacher: Daniela Garino 1

1) According to Eric Hobsbawn, Nikhil Chakravartty was an Indian journalist who belonged, as him, to the same group of students- friends in 1930. This was a group of people who became communists in Britain. Nikhil was the editor and adviser of Mainstream weekly;” a vital contribution to the India of today “as it is said by the author. In Mainstream, Nikhil expressed his protest against Indira Gandhi and Sanjay`s aberrations. Both played a significant part in the political and intellectual life of their country. 2) The incautious American was Francis Fukuyama, his essay announced the end of history after the Berlin`s wall fall; in it he explains the failure of communism and the victory of liberal democracy and capitalism. 3) The technological and productive transformations are the speed of communication, resolutions which have “helped” people to save time and have shortened distances. Internet was an important change for the world despite its short time of invented. The rise of urban society and the hyper-cities are an important change of this century; it is also relevant to mention the replacement of oral and written communication by a universal language used by machines. It is worth to mention the transformation of women`s situation. I agree with all this ideas but I would like to add the educational system transformations and the great advance of the means of transport. 4) Hobsbawn says that nowadays the population is been ruled as in the last centuries , there are some changes in the name of things, but it is still being the same and what is more now, not only men but also woman are part of it, something that makes me think about my role as citizen. 5) The first thing to consider regarding the state concept is that Eric. H states that its concept has changed throughout the centuries. In the 20 th century it was the basic political and institutional unit in which humans lived, through the years states abandoned many of their obligations using private and external contractors. Now the concept of state is more related to a territory. As soon as I read this, it came to my mind Spain and the conflict with Catalonia despite everything people want to be independent. 6) From my point of view I agree with him, there are cameras and speakers among others to control the population, but some people keep on committing crimes around the world, so it makes me think that technology makes criminals to change the way they do things but it does not prevent from crimes, instead technology controls our everyday life making us prisoners and dependent of it. There is no point in control by observing or listening to a crime if there is no consequence for this delinquent act.


7) The author strongly believes that globalization has accelerated regional disparities. He gives a clear example of it; the labor migration of people from poorer to richer regions. On the one hand I will say that I agree with his opinion about the economic and political changes that are happening because of globalization. But on the other hand globalization has helped us to notice that we are not alone, there are many other countries and people around the world and thanks to it we can meet each other and communication is not so difficult; it has also shortened distances between cultures. 8) The author mentions that the victims of the war have changed ,now the new victims of this “wars” are the civilians , these are the real main victims, and the worst thing is that some of the wars against them are justified with anti-terrorism speeches., using it as a tactic with the objective of manipulate people who will believe that it is good to killing other to prevent future wars. Another thing to mention is that the fear of a world was today is as greater as it was in the past century or even greater. Eric wrote that “ we live in an era of endemic world- wide armed conflict, typically fought within states, but magnified by foreign interventions”., this is another difference between the now and the past century. 9) Hosbawmn explains that it is likely to have more difficult problems now than in the previous century justifying this with two reasons: one is the uncontrolled free market globalization which has created a growth of inequalities that means instability and injustice. Another reason is that there is no longer a plural international super-power system in a position to keep a general collapse into a global war at bay. 10) Some characteristics of the empires are mentioned by the author; these are “empires have not created peace and stability in the world around them” he also mentions that empires always justified themselves in moral terms if they wanted to spread their religion or fighting for the freedom of other`s victims. Regarding democracy it is worth to write that he states that empires concerned as little as they could, what is more as Napoleon used to say in other words Eric explains that it takes more than arms to maintain an empire. Strategies and allies were very important at the time to create an empire. 11) The policy refers to destroying the political and ideological foundations of the former hegemonic influence and left people admittedly frightening military power. This Us new policy is inwards, it is not designed to create hegemony on the contrary it is designed for global conquest. The author now, promotes to demonstrate USA isolation and to show it politely to refuse join its initiatives in order to make them reconsider a rational foreign policy.


12) Hobsbawm was born in 1917 in Alexandria, Egypt, to Leopold Percy Obstbaum and Nelly Grün, both Jewish, and he grew up in Vienna and Berlin. A clerical error at birth altered his surname from Obstbaum to Hobsbawm. Although the family lived in German-speaking countries, his parents spoke to him and his younger sister Nancy in English. His father died in 1929, and he started working as an au pair and English tutor. He became an orphan at age 14 upon the death of his mother. Subsequently, he and Nancy were adopted by his maternal aunt, Gretl, and paternal uncle, Sidney, who married and had a son named Peter. They all moved to London in He was a Marxist and a long-standing member of the now defunct Communist Party of Great Britain and the associated Communist Party Historians Group. He is president of Birkbeck, University of London. He was appointed a Companion of Honour in 1998. In 2003 he was awarded the Balzan Prize for European History since 1900 "For his brilliant analysis of the troubled history of twentieth-century Europe and for his ability to combine in-depth historical research with great literary talent." -taken