Creating Opportunity Worldwide: Reading

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Creating Opportunity Worldwide Pro-ELT Teacher Training Materials

Reading (25 questions – 40 minutes) Part 1 Order the sentences (A-G) below to make a story. Write your answers in the answer grid below. (Questions 1-6). The first sentence of the story (C) is given for you on the answer sheet as an example. It is marked as 00 in your answer grid below A. When his funeral mass was held at the Vatican, Raphael's unfinished Transfiguration was placed on his coffin stand. Raphael’s body was interred at the Pantheon in Rome, Italy. B. By 1514, Raphael had achieved fame for his work at the Vatican and was able to hire a crew of assistants to help him finish painting frescoes in the Stanza dell’Incendio, freeing him up to focus on other projects. C. Italian Renaissance painter and architect Raphael was born Raffaello Sanzio on April 6, 1483, in Urbino, Italy. D. After Raphael had left his apprenticeship with Perugino, he moved to Florence, where he was heavily influenced by the works of the Italian painters Fra Bartolommeo, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo and Masaccio. E. Raphael died suddenly and unexpectedly of mysterious causes in Rome, Italy, on his 37th birthday. He had been working on his largest painting on canvas, The Transfiguration (commissioned in 1517), at the time of his death. F. The apprenticeship lasted four years and provided Raphael with the opportunity to gain both knowledge and hands-on experience. G. In 1500 a master painter named Pietro Vannunci, otherwise known as Perugino, invited Raphael to become his apprentice in Perugia, in the Umbria region of central Italy. 00.C







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Contributed by: (Anna Morgachova) © The British Council, 2013 The British Council is the United Kingdom's international organisation for cultural relations and education opportunities. British Council Malaysia is a branch (995232-A) of the British Council, registered as a charity in England and Wales (209131) and Scotland (SC037733)