Conversational Hypnosis

The Gonversational Hypnosis Professional Hypnotherapy Training Manual by lgor Ledochowski @ 2008 (Under License) Stree

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The Gonversational Hypnosis Professional Hypnotherapy Training Manual by lgor Ledochowski


2008 (Under License) Streethypnosis Publishing, All Rights Reserved








Wnnr ls Hvptltosts?. The ABS Formula For Hypnosis...... cotvilvtoll Fenns & MrscoNcEPTtoN.....

Sleep (Everything)... Control Secrets Stupid Hypnosis..... ... Hvpruorsr... 1t....... Mastery Effect .. .......... Go First Where Attention Goes, Energy Flows.... Law of Compounding Effect Presence Fractionation Tne 3Rs Resource Regress Reintegrate ... THE FUNDAMENTALS OF HYPNOSIS.. THE 10 Secotto Hvpttorsr 5 woRDS OF POwen Hypnosis is NOT You Will NOT Forget You Will NOT Lose You Witt NOT Reveal Your Darkest You Are NOT Gullible or You Will NOT Get Stuck in Hvpruosrs - SopHrsrcATEo On Courplex? How To Becoue A Gnenr Fake lt'Till You Make Correct Practice Equals Pygmalion Tne Mosr lvponrRrur HvpNorc PRrruqplEs Hypnosis With Positive lntentions

5 TOUCHES .. Hvpruorc THEMES..... BorlER Pmrgs Boiler Plate 1 (BPl).. Boilerplate 2 (BP2)



BP2 Example THe 60 Secoruo Hvpruorsr THe HypNorc Btttz



2008 (Under License) Streethypnosis Publishing, All Rights Reserved

................5 ......... 5

.......6 .....7 ........8 .............8 ........8 ...............8 ......9 ................9 .........10 ...


...12 .........12 ..12 ............. I 2 ........ 13

.............13 ..........13 ......13 ....14 .. ... ... ... ... 1 4 ........... 15 ......15 ... 1 5 .............. 1 5 ........ 1 5 ...16 .......16 .... 16

...16 ...17 ......18 ...........18 ..18 ....... 19 ....... 19 .....20 ...21


Blackjack How To Cnenre Aruy Hvprrlosrs Scntpr Oru THe

.......21 .....22


|NFORMAT|ON.. How To GrvE Helprur FeeoaRcK..... TnoueLesHoolNc.... Abreactions .... .. What lf They Don't Come Out?..... Monrurruc nruo EveNtNc ExrnclsEs .. Hypnotic Snap ... 0 Second Hypnotist ........ 60 Second Hypnotist Sanctuary. ... ..... . Dynamic lnduction Chance to Experiment........ HYPNOTTC PROCESSES SnrucrunRY.. Dyrunurc (Merurnl lrunceny) lloucloN.. Light Version (Sanctuary) ... Full Version ........ Echo Effect.... Gateway Count 10-1 Orient gestalt... Revivif ication Process ...... Revivif ication Exercises... Mne lc Morr,rErurs .... Physical Metaphors........ Visual Metaphors ....... Story metaphors......,... Three As ........ Tne Noru AwnReruess Ser - StuplrFtED Vrnsror,l NAS Basic Structu re NAS Exercise #1 ......... NAS Exercise #2 ......... Nor.r Awnneruess SEr Bnsrc QuesrroNs .. Hypruorrc ArreNTtoN How To Corurnol ArrENTtoN Attention Controlling Language .... Norrr AwnngruEss Ser Aovnrucro QuesloNs Norrr AwnRerurss STnATEctES Seven Directions For Manoeuvring Attention TMPORTANT


......23 .......29 ...24 ..... . .. . 24 ..........25 .........26 ... .. ... . 26 ......... 26 ..........26 .. 26 ...... 26 .............26






.............27 .........27 .........29 ... .. 29 ............ 29 ............. 29 ..........29 ....90 ............ g0 . .. ... . g2 ........... gg ......34 ........94 ... g4 ......... 94 .............. 34 ...36 ... .... ..... g6 ...........56 ..........96 ........97 .... gg

...99 ....... gg ...40 ...42 . ... . . .. . 42 ...r..rr...rr....!..rr..r..........43

ResouncrNc. Problem Parts A Roman Therapy Simple Hypnotherapy Model @

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43 ............49 ...........44 ........ 45 .... .. ...

Resourcing MBLs.... Exercise Analogy Hypnotherapy ......... MBLs.. REe nrss Hypnosis & Memory.......... Regression Exercises ......... Behaviour vs. lntention Negative Emotions........... Forgiveness & Letting Go ....... 12 Steps of Regression Therapy Rerruree RATE. Secondary Gain Re-integrations.. MBL Basic MBL MBL Resourcing MBL MBL Questions How To Master

...47 ............47 ...48 ..49 ..........50 ......51 ........52 ........59 .............53 .......... 54

......58 .........58 .. 60 ............62 ....... 63 ...... 63


10 Step Re-integration Process

HYPNOTHERAPY CoruvEnsATroNAl Pnrre nru : P-CAT Blrz RecumR HypruorHERAPY COTvenSATIONAL PATTERru 2: MBL Loop. CoruvrnsATroNAl Pnrrenru 3: RTcRESSToN ConvEnsATroNAl Pnrrrnru 4: RrrruTEGRATroN.. HOW TO RUN A HYPNOTHERAPY PRACTICE.. How To Ser Up Youn Orprce TglrpHorue Scnrpr..... WHrcH Or THe 4 CoNVERSATIoNnI PRrrrnrus Snoulo You Use? How To Do Youn Frnsr Sesslolrr Meolcnl RerennRLS... lrurnrE Fonu


....65 ..... 65



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.... 65

.......66 ......62 ......69 ...69 ....69 .........20 .......70 .....71

.........72 .........79



lntroduction Welcome Welcome to the " Conversational Hypnosis For Professional Hypnotherapists Certification Prograrrt'. I am excited that all of you have chosen to be at this course now, because the material I am about to share with you is very powerful. This program has been designed to give you a solid foundation in hypnotherapy, and I will share with you all the tools you need to show everyone you meet how to improve their lives. Some of you may be highly accomplished hypnotists with well-established clinics. Some of you may have chosen in the past to dabble in hypnosis as a part time hobby. And some of you may have only recently discovered how fascinating hypnosis is. The wonderful thing is that whatever background you have come from, you will have the pleasure of watching your hypnotic skills continually increase. When you complete this course, you will be a more confident hypnotist, with all the knowledge you need to take your career to the next level. ln addition, you may find your unconscious mind delightfully surprising you with the immense improvements in your skill as a hypnotist that will occur during this training. Now, this course is not about blindly memorizing someone else's words. What I'm going to do here instead is show you how to understand what's going on in the background, what's going on in people's minds, how suggestion works and how to make it work for you. ln addition, I will be showing you four therapeutic patterns that give you all the tools you need to handle virtually all of the problems people could come to you with. ln order to avoid you having to parrot anything, I've designed many exercises that you will perform during this program. Everyone will have plenty of opportunities to hypnotise others and be hypnotised. ln this w?y, it is my hope that you will become an elegant hypnotist. You will have the tools to be able to go out into the world of hypnosis, and no matter what you find you will understand it on a deep level, and be able to make it work even better for you. ln this way, you develop real freedom. You get to develop your own style and you'tl never be trapped because you'll always know which direction you can go in, in order to improve yourself. As you take your first steps toward mastery of hypnosis, l'd like you to always remember that hypnosis is the art of communication. You are communicating with the whole of the human being, the whole of the individual. So everything you learn here will be something you'll be able to use to enrich your whole life in general.

O 2008 (Under License) Streethypnosis Publishing, All Rights







What Is Hypnosis?




The first thing to realise is that hypnosis isn't any magical or mystical state. lt doesn't take any special powers to either be a hypnotist or to be hypnotised. ln fact, it is a very natural part of being a human being.









As hypnotists we find it convenient to talk about different levels of consciousness. Most of you going through this program are probably familiar with the idea of a conscious mind and an unconscious mind, so I will only go over the concepts briefly to ensure that we are all on the same page.

The conscious mind is what we'd like to think of as ourselves. lt is our intellect, it is the choices we make everyday, it is the things that we are aware of. The conscious mind has a very digital, linear thought process. As a general rule, your conscious mind can only process between 5 and 9 bits of information at a time, which explains why it can be easy to feel overwhelmed when tackling a complex problem.









However, your unconscious mind has a very different, almost holographic thought process. The unconscious mind can handle millions upon millions of pieces of information at the same time, and it loves finding complex patterns and connections.

There are many different models of consciousness out there with varying complexity, and if you have a particular belief, by all means feel free to use it. Some people like to split the mind up into parts: conscious & unconscious, the part that smokes & the part that wants to give up, etc. Ultimately, I believe it is all still just YOU. We use such terms as conscious/unconscious as a convenient handle to do our work. But at the end of the day, I don't want a fragmented mind; I look to integrate everything so just one person leaves your office!






Throughout life, people drop into trance several times a day, whether they are pulled into a riveting novel, become enthralled while watching a movie, etc. You have likely had an experience when you are driving somewhere familiar in your car, and as you begin parking at your destination, you realise that you don't recall driving the last five miles. Your unconscious handled the driving while you were thinking about something else. All these are examples of different forms of trance.







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The ABS Formula For Hypnosis Now let's unpack what happens in hypnosis.

to present to you a very powerful formula, a three-step model that will give you the keys. ln fact, it is one of the master keys for understanding any hypnotic process. These are the things that have to happen in any hypnotic process in order for you to make sure that you actually have some sort of hypnosis and you are working with the unconscious mind. I want

The three steps are encapsulated in the acronym ABS.

1. A

- Attention Absorb ones attention; focus their attention. You need to pull it and draw it into the hypnotic.

2 B - Bvpasil::l;:

ff:"#:ff:;:ff:1;J, ff il:::i'*.,n

Bypass habitual patterns to allow new patterns to be installed

3. S - Stimulate the unconscious mind Recruit unconscious mind to perform actual changework


2008 (Under License) Streethypnosis Publishing, All Rights



Common Fears & Misconception Hypnosis is NOT Sleep When someone is in hypnosis, their mind does not disappear, and they do not typically feel like they are asleep. lt is important to make people aware of this, because they may think that since they are totally aware of everything, that they must not be in hypnosis, and they will pop themselves out of trance. You will not be asleep. You will hear everything I say. ln fact, in many respects you will be more aware in hypnosis than you've ever been before in your life. You might be aware of things like the ticking of the clock in the background, or the sounds of the street on the outside.

You Will NOT Forget (Everything) One of the earliest experiments in hypnosis discovered that when people came out of trance, they were spontaneously forgetting the events that occurred inside. Now you've got to remember a couple of things. First of all these were different times. ln other words, the kind of hypnotic trances that we're doing and the induction process that we're using are different now. An "old school trance" would typically take many hours just for the induction.

The hypnotist would wave his hands over the subject's body monotonously hours. lf nothing else, they could be inducing trance out of sheer boredom!

- sometimes


So in modern hypnosis (and a lot of the trances that we use, particularly for therapy or stage hypnosis) most people know exactly what's going on almost all of the time. lt's just they're not bothered by it. They kind of enjoy drifting with the experience. They are in a free-flowing state of mind, where it's easy to go along with the suggestions. You will remember everything that's happened at the end of fhe session. Occasionalty t may suggest that you forget a few things. This is just so that your unconscious mind has the freedom to deal with those things outside of your awareness, without any inbrterence. But it's a rare occasion when that sort of thing happens.

You Will NOT Lose Control The hypnotist's role is to guide someone through the experience. The subjects role is to listen to suggestions and realize that any suggestions that are negative or in some way are contrary to their moral code, their moral values, will be rejected. ln fact, if a hypnotist ever tried to get their subject to do something immoral, what's more likely to happen is that the subject comes out of trance and gives the hypnotist a stern talking to! Your unconscious mind is there to protect you, to look after you. Why would it make you break your moral code? ln the same way you wonT tell me anything that you don't want to be telling me.


2008 (Under License) Streethypnosis Publishing, All Rights Reserved

You Will NOT Reveal Your Darkest Secrets Everyone has skeletons in the closet. Everyone has things in their past that they don't want to talk about or might be a little bit ashamed of. For the most part, the irony is that these things that we don't want to talk about or tell people about, are things that are so minor that if they came out people would go, " That's what you were worried about? That's not a big deal."

The point is, though, some people are afraid that these secrets, as they were, may come out, and that someone else will know their big secret. Again, this is not the case and you'll need to reassure people that their secrets will remain their secrets. ln this w€ly, their attention is free to follow your suggestions, rather than being eaten up inside

hoping and wondering and being afraid that you might discover something that you really don't even care about that much.

Your secrets will remain your secrets. After all, your unconscious mind is there to took after You, not to look after me So why would it reveal secrets that you don't want other people to know if it's looking after you?

You Are NOT Gullible or Stupid Some people think that in order to be suggestible you've got to be gullible. There is a big difference between gullibility and suggestibility. People who are gullible aren't necessarily great hypnotic subjects. One of the reasons for this is that if they're going to believe everything anyone tells them anyway, then the minute someone comes in and tells them a contrary suggestion to the ones that you've made in hypnosis, they'll go down the wrong path again. So their mind is filled with conflicting suggestions. lntelligence, on the other hand, requires the ability to try out new ideas and ways of being so you can choose the best one - something that hypnotic suggestion is designed to facilitate. So intelligent people are already used to using "hypnotic realities" to gel better results! Of course, their defence mechanisms are still there to shield them from negative suggestions! There is evidence to suggest that there is a corretation between intettigence levels and suggestibility. ln other words, the smarter you are, the more suggestibte you tend to be. Part of what defines intelligence, although it's a tricky thing to define, is your abitity to have many different experiences and understand them and immerse yourself in them. That's what suggestions are designed to do, to give you a different set of experiences. The other thing about intelligence is it allows you to put on hotd one modet of the world, one way of thinking, and try on different models until you find the best one for your needs. That's how people evolve or grow; become more intelligent or find better solutions to things.


2008 (Under License) Streethypnosis Publishing, Alt Rights Reserved

You Will NOT Get Stuck in Hypnosis They will always wake up out of hypnosis. Occasionally, and very occasionally, when you try and end the trance session someone won't respond. They will choose to stay in hypnosis because it's very pleasant. Now that is a very different thing.

This is them choosing to remain in a very pleasant state. Have a look at the Troubleshooting section for how to deal with this. You will always wake up from hypnosis. The very worst thing that could ever happen, even if I died on the spot in the middle of our hypnosis session, is that you'd just drift off into a wondertul sleep. You'd wake up half an hour or an hour later, feeling refreshed and wondering how you got there. And that is it.


2008 (Under License) Streethypnosis Publishing, All Rights



Hypnosr.s - Soph isticated Or Complex? When people decide to learn something new, many times the first look at the surface reveals what seems to be a very complex thing, something that is daunting to think about, much less master. When you first see some of the techniques that you are learning during this training, you may have initially felt overwhelmed, but I am going to tell you the secret that will help you whenever you desire to learn something new.

The reason things may look complex at first is because you are concentrating on the forest, and miss the individual trees. lnstead of feeling overwhelmed by the huge complex forest of ideas, you can focus on mastering one idea at a time. You will find that something that used to seem too complex, can easily be broken down into simple individual steps. After easily mastering each step in turn, you are able to put several simple steps into a sophisticated group. These groups, seem sophisticated and complex to others - but to you they will now be a collection of simple steps.


Master Step


Master Step 2 Master Steo 3


2008 (Under License) Streethypnosis Publishing, All Rights Reserved


How To Become A Great Hypnotist As you are building you hypnotic skills, keep in mind the difference between complexity and sophistication. lf you ever start to feel confused, take a step back, and build up from a strong foundation. As you master each step, you can discover how much easier the next step is.

Fake lt 'Till You Make lt One of the fastest ways of mastering hypnosis is to simply fake it till you makeitlNow, the reason for doing this is because it actually takes away a lot of pressure from you to perform in a particular way. This is important because it allows you to easily master each step in turn (again, complexity vs. sophistication). I'll go over the specific steps later, but the important thing to keep in mind is that as you are performing hypnosis, you can choose to focus on a single step at a time, allowing your unconscious to fill in the gaps. It is important to let go of any preconceptions of what hypnosis should be or how you should feel or not feel as a hypnotist. Every person experiences hypnosis in their own way, and if you try to force people to conform to your expectations, you might occasionally have difficulty getting trance responses from some people. On the other hand, if you are open to whatever comes along, you allow yourself to continually grow as a hypnotist, and give people beautiful experiences. ln addition, how you feel as a hypnotist may change as your abilities grow, so it is important to allow your feelings to shift and grow with your skill level.

Gorrect Practice Equals Mastery

GP=M lf you want to learn how to ride a motorcycle, you could spend a lot of time perfecting how to use a bicycle, which will certainly help to some extent, but just because you are an expert bicycle rider doesn't necessarily mean that you can expect to hop onto a Harley Davidson and be able to drive otf into the sunset safely. A motorcycle is much heavier than a bicycle, there are lots of extra controls, and everything behaves differently at high speed. ln the same way, we all know how to say words, form sentences and communicate ideas. This course gives you the other tools and experiences you will need to quickly and easily build up your hypnotic skills so that you can safely and competently roar off into the sunset.

Pygmalion Effect The Pygmalion effect refers to the fact that you typically get what you expect. Robert Rosenthal and Lenore Jacobsen performed a scientific study where they found that students performed as well, or as poorly as their teachers expected them to perform. People conform to your expectations. So, if you expect that someone will be difficult to hypnotise, they will. Even better, if you expect someone to be easily hypnotised, they will be easily hypnotised. As you increase your hypnotic skills, you can expect someone to be in hypnosis, and they will become hypnotised, and you didn't even need to do anything, consciously.


2008 (Under License) Streethypnosis Publishing, All Rights Reserved


The Most Important Hypnotic Principles Hypnosis With Positive lntentions

H+ Whenever you are interacting with people hypnotically, you should have "H+" foremost in your mind. You are intending to induce a Hypnotic trance (H) coupled with an intention to do something positive for that person (+). This communicates to everyone else on a non-verbal level that great things are about to happen, and that you can be trusted. When people come to you for help, they come in with a kind of "H-" attitude; they have managed to hypnotise themselves into believing their story of doom & gloom so strongly, that they unconsciously project their feelings onto others. lf you are not careful, you can easily find yourself hypnotised into believing that they have a horrible problem that there is no solution to! The trick is to have a stronger H+ than their H-, to see the solution stronger than they see their problem.

Go First What do I mean by 'going first'? Well, everLthought that you have affects you physically and emotionally. And those, in turn, witl affect the way you behave, and the way you speak and say things - the way you perform things. So, if you try to tell someone that you like them, it's very difficult to do that if in your mind you hold conflicting thoughts and ideas - the lie leaks out of you in subtle little signals. ln order to be able to put the right meaning behind those words, you have to be able to get into the state of mind first, which will allow you to deliver it completely congruently.

Where Attention Goes, Energy Flows

A=E Now, when I say energy, it is not necessarily a mystical force or Jedi mind powers. lt is simply psychological energy, some emotional content, or the motivation that drives behaviours.

lf I say "don't think about a black cat', you may find it difficult to not think about a black cat. However, if I say "donT think about a black cat curling around your leg, purring in detight as she licks the back of your hand with her rough tongud', you will find it even more difficult to not think about a black cat, because more details demand more attention which draws in more psychological energy to the thing you were not meant to be thinking about in the first place!


2008 (Under License) Streethypnosis Publishing, All Rights Reserved


Law of Compounding Effect The simple suggestion below has more power than initially meets the eye: You are a non-smoker AND you are happy

Now when you suggest that they are happy, it actually reinforces the non-smoker part as well. So the unconscious thinks: "l am a happy non-smoker". lf you then add: You are a great person

It reinforces BOTH the fact that they are a non-smoker AND that they are happy AND that they are a great person! As a general rule of thumb, any suggestion you give will reinforce all the preceding suggestions that you have given during the current state of hypnosis. The more suggestions you give, the more layers of reinforcement get added, and the stronger all of your suggestions become. There are exceptions to this rule, but they are rare.


Now is the moment of power. Attention is the basic unit of human interaction, and having a strong presence prevents distracting ideas from diluting or interfering with what you are doing. ln general, the more attention someone has on something, the less the critical factor can interfere with the idea, because all the energy is required on the attention itself. So, the more attention you have from the other person, the easier time you will have getting results. Now, technically speaking, all that you require is their attention. However, people tend to be very reciprocal, so if you are distracted, they will be distracted too. lf on the other hand, you are totally present, totally focused on them, it sucks their attention into that "Now"-ness as well, it arrests their attention at that point, and that is what you want to do.

Trance is an attention stimulating state. Your attention gets increased, your ability to focus increases, your presence increases. As a hypnotist in a hypnotiser's trance you are letting subcommunication go out that encourage your subject to go into trance too. As a bonus, your fears and concerns go away, because they require a critical factor to interfere. At the same time, you feel good, and you are modelling they way the other person should be as well. You are modelling them getting past their fears and concerns, and into this state which is pure attention: "What's happening nert?"

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Fractionation Every time someone goes into hypnosis, they are learning to go into hypnosis. lt's easier for them to access the trance deeper than before. Now, every time you put your client into hypnosis and bring them out, the next time they will go deeper. This means that when your clients come back for a follow-up session, they will have an even more profound experience than the previous time. ln addition, you can put them through several cycles of hypnosis within the same session to access a very deep state of hypnosis.

The 3Rs When you practice hypnotherapy, you want to follow the 3Rs:

Resource When someone comes to you with a problem, it only means they have forgotten where the right resource is which will help them solve the problem. When you find the resources they need and attach them to the problem, the problem vanishes. Approximately 85% of the time, this process will make the problem easily dissolve and go away.

Regress lf they get stuck in a loop where a problem just isn't budging, you use the problem to bring them back into a regression where you help them resolve the root of the problem. The combined resource and regress patterns handle 95/" of the cases that people will come to you with.

Reintegrate Reintegration is the final step in the chain. You rarely need to take it. lts only appropriate if the other two approaches have worked for a while, but then inexplicably they fail. lt solves the problem where the positive change gets made, but 2 weeks or 2 months down the line they come back with the same problem . Something made it come back - that something is called a Secondary Gain. The Reintegration Technique takes care of that! Resource, Regress, and Reintegrate, in that order.

These are the only manoeuvres you need to know. You'll learn methods to do these things, and then you can let go of the methods, and do anything that does each of these things, following this pattern to create lasting positive change in everyone you work with.

O 2008 (Under License) Streethypnosis Publishing, All Rights




The Fundamentals Of Hypnosis The 10 Second Hypnotist Remember the basics: H+ and friendly eye contact.


Close your eyes and go into a trance

2. Every time I touch your shoulder, you'll go deeper. 3. [Suggestions: eg self esteem] 4. Count out, feeling relaxed, refreshed, etc. Here is an example of the 10 second hypnotist. Notice that when you see "[TAP]", you are to tap their shoulder; you don't need to say "[TAP]".

1. 2.

3. 4.

Close your eyes and go into a trance. Now, every time you feel me touch your shoulder like this [TAP], you are going to go deeper [TAP], and deeper [TAP], and deeper ITAPI into hypnosis. Now, you are a wonderful, caring person, at the same time you are an amazing hypnotist, and you are so pleased to notice how easily you are constantly enhancing your hypnosis skills. Now, I in a moment, I am going to count from one to three, and at the count of three you will open your eyes feeling relaxed, refreshed and simply fantastic! One, two, and three, open your eyes now feeling relaxed, refreshed, and simply fantastic! You did a great job; it is a privilege to have worked with you.

5 Words of Power

. . . . .

Every Time Because Means When And

These are examples of words of power. lt is not just the words that matter, these are ways of building experiences, linguistic bridges between ideas.

5 touches 1. Head tap

2. Head rotation 3. Shoulder tap


Arm tap

5. Hand tap The five touches are used to emphasize positive resources, and to create triggers for those positive resources. lt is important to ask permission to touch before inducing a trance, it is part of the "hypnotic contract". ln general, it is a good idea to avoid touching knee and/or leg because many people consider it too personal.


2008 (Under License) Streethypnosis Publishing, All Rights



Hypnotic Themes Now, the words of power by themselves aren't really very useful unless you are trying to achieve something with it. The something we are trying to achieve is what I call a trance theme, or hypnotic theme.

A hypnotic theme is the thing you talk about as a form of suggestlon, and then you use your linguistic bridges peppered in with the hypnotic trance themes in order to get someone to experience whatever it is you want to have for them. The core hypnotic themes are:

. . .

Relax Comfort Focus

A few more examples outside of the core themes: safety, security, ease, automatic, unconscious, and peace. For more words than these, you can look in a thesaurus for additional related words, and you will find that there are lots of related hypnotic themes that you can come up with. Here is an example of putting together the 5 words of power with the core hypnotic themes:

Every time you breath, your body can feel more comfortable because you have fett comfortable before, which means that it rs so easy for you to focus on my words when you know that relaxation and comfort are pleasan! experiences.


2008 (Under License) Streethypnosis Publishing, All Rights



Boiler Plates Boiler Plate 1 (BPl

. . .


Sounds around you My voice follows you Sanctuary (Feel the chair beneath you, you know you are safe)

Boilerplate 2 (BPzl

. . .

Ease of re-induction Self Esteem Good Work

You should get in the habit of putting all the elements of BPl right after putting someone into trance, and putting all the elements of BP2 just before bringing someone out of trance.

Sounds Around You Wherever you perform hypnosis, there is a good chance that sounds will occur. Whether it is the ticking of a clock, the hum of an air conditioner, a door opening and closing, people talking, a fire engine siren passing by, you can use any sound that occurs to your benefit when you suggest that any sound they hear will simply bring them deeper into hypnosis. My Voice... When people go into trance, they may go off on their own journey without you. To keep control of the experience, you should begin with a suggestion that your voice will follow them, that wherever they go, they will always hear your voice while they are in trance.

Sanctuarv It is important that people feel safe, and that they can trust you. Again, you can use physical sensations to anchor a feeling of safety. lf they are sitting in a chair, simply giving them a suggestion that they feel safe as they feel the chair beneath them really enhances their sense of trust. ln addition, this physical anchor is very important for safely bringing them back to reality if they have an abreaction, which you will learn about later.

The sanctuary is also an important place for people to experience, a place in their mind where they feel safety and security. ln this way, they know that whatever happens, they have a place they can return to whenever they need. This allows them to move from a place of safety, so they can confidently explore their hypnotic experience. lf they start out in a state of fear, they may hesitate to follow your instructions, and they may give themselves unproductive experiences, blocking real change.

Self Esteem The world would be a better place if everyone felt better about themselves, so go ahead and give everyone you hypnotise the gift of self esteem. Not only are you helping them, you are making the world a better place, one person at a time.

Post Hypnotic Praise Many people may have doubts about if they were really in hypnosis. Telling them how good they did reinforces that what they experienced was hypnosis, and that alone increases the effectiveness of you r suggestions. @

2008 (Under License) Streethypnosis Publishing, All Rights



BPl Example The sounds around you allow you to go deeper into hypnosis while you continue to focus on my voice, and the meaning behind my words. Now feel the chair beneath you, which means that you can feel safe and secure. Everytime you feel that chair, you KNOW that you are safe!

BP2 Example Now, the nert ilme you choose to go into hypnosis, you will be pleased to find yourself going into hypnosis faster easier than ever before, and really experience hypnosis on a much deeper level than you previously thought possible. And you are a wonderful person. You are so amazingly intelligent and such a joy to be around! Now, I want you to know that you have done such a great job today, you have made many wondertul improvements in your life.


2008 (Under License) Streethypnosis Publishing, All Rights



The 60 Second Hypnofisf (10 Second hypnotist plus all BPs)

1. Friendly Eye contact, H+, contract(permission), 2. lnduce trance 3. Deepen 4. Sounds around you 5. My voice follows you 6. Sanctuary (Feel the chair beneath you, feel safe) 7. General learning suggestions 8. Re-induction boilerplate 9. Self esteem boilerplate 10. Good work boilerplate

Example of the 60 second hypnotist:


From time to time I may want to touch you on the arm of forehead as part of the work, is it OK with you if I do that? 2. Close your eyes and go into hypnosis. 3. Now, I am going to count down from five to one, and every count witl bring you ten times deeper into trance. Five, ten times deeper into trance, Four, ten times deeper. Three. Two. One. 4. Now, the sounds around you simply allow you to go deeper into hypnosis, and allow you to focus on my voice. 5. Now, as you experience this state of hypnosis, you will notice that my voice fottows you wherever you go, which allows you to hear my voice, and the meaning behind my words. 6. Feel the chair beneath yo(t, and know that you are safe. 7. You know that you are alive, which means that you have an effect on this world, and that means that you are learning so much more about hypnosis than you ever thought possible, because hypnosis is an amazing gift that you get to give to others to improve their lives. 8. Now, you are in hypnosis, which means that the nert time you choose to go into hypnosis, you will find it easier than ever before, and you witl have the privitege of experiencing hypnosis even deeper than before. 9. Now, you are an incredible person that people love to be around, you make everyone's lives better simply by being you! You are a fantastic hypnotic subject, and you can took forward to all the positive changes you have already made in your teft. Good work! 10. Now, in a moment I am going to count up from I to 5, and when I reach S, you will open your eyes, feeling refreshed, relaxed, and simply fantastic! One. Two. Three, energy flowing back into your arms and legs. Four, becoming present, and five, you are fully present, relaxed, refreshed and simply fantastic! Welcome back, you did a great job!


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The Hypnotic Blitz


2. 3. 4.

Close your eyes and go into a trance Every time I touch your shoulder, you'll go deeper. Full hypnotic blitz around self esteem Count out, feeling relaxed, refreshed, etc.

A hypnotic benediction is a gift that you can easily give to anyone you talk to. lt can be done overtly or covertly. Many of us have had the experience of having a bad day, and then a good friend comes along and somehow cheers us up (gives a hypnotic benediction). On the other side of the coin, doctors have a way of accidentally hypnotising their patients. lf they should tell a patient they have one month to live - this can work as a negative suggestion, a hypnotic curse. People often create a hypnotic context without realizing it, and inadvertently give powerful suggestions. lt is good to keep this in mind so that you can be more aware of what you say, even when you are not consciously using hypnosis, and it allows you to be aware of the effects of other people's words on you. When you perform a hypnotic blitz, it may be done covertly, which means you don't perform a full induction. To make this work, it is important to create a strong hypnotic context. First of all, go first: put yourself into an outwardly focused trance, create inside yourself a high level of emotional intensity, and speak with enthusiasm. ln addition, when you lock eye contact with them, it puts pressure on them to go into trance. When you list out the desired results and identify the resources that help to achieve those results, you simply combine these with power words and hypnotic themes.

Blackjack Rule To maximize effectiveness, include 15-21 repetitions of each resource and each desired result. This takes advantage of the Law Of Compounding Effect - which means the more you use a suggestion, the better it will work!

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How To Create Any Hypnosrs Script On The Fly Using a hypnotic blitz with the 5 words of power, trance themes, resources and desired results, you can create any hypnosis script anytime you need to. To get a particular person's resources and results, simply ask questions like:

. .

Resources: When you overcome this problem, how will you feel? Resulls: When you experience this problem, how would you like to feel?

Example: Here is an example for someone wants to improve their test taking ability

Resources: memory, relaxation, confidence, learn quick, make sense Results: better grades, less effort, easier, enjoy, more time, more money Just pretend for the moment that you are an expert test taker, isnT it wondertul b be so confident in your test taking abilities, because you are able to remember all the important information you need with ease. Notice how you are getting better grades simply because you can easily make sense of all the information you are absorbing, and it's a good thing you are confident, because you now have so much more time on your hands to do the things you reatty enioy, and you enjoy confidently taking fesfs, don't you? You may notice that your grades keep going higher as you find that it takes /ess effort to study, because you really do understand all the information you are learning, and it reallyis so enjoyable take tests, now that things just make sense to you, isnT it amazing how much easier it is for yorJ now, etc...

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lmportant lnformation How To Give Helpful Feedback

r )

Feedback sandwich



ONLY give positive feedback in the form ol "l liked..." I

s I r I I

I I r ,

I really liked how you paced my unconscious activity, it really helped me go into

tran@ quickly. No matter how tempting it is to say anything else, DON'T SAy lT




1. Start with specific things you tiked I liked...", 2. Then present some improvement in the lorm of a POSITIVE BEHAVIOUR they can adopt"nert time do X Y & 2..." - Never say what you didn't tike. 3. Finish off with general positive comments about their performance 4. Talk about a glowing future once they have incorporated your behavioural "

suggestions into their way of doing things


I '

I rcally liked how you slowed your speech as I went deeper into trance. Next time it would help me if you really locked eye contact with me for a tonger period of time.

Because you really have a GREAT tonality, and between those three things, peopte are just going to be hooked on listening to you!

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Troubleshooting Abreactions An abreaction is a strong release of negative emotions. lt can seem quite wild when you come across them - although you should know that spontaneous abreactions are quite rare. lf the abreaction is related to the therapy you are doing, GREAT, run through the regression protocol and you get to quickly clear up some very traumatic material. lf the abreaction is not appropriate, you need to put a lid on it safely without adding fuel to the fire. Here's how to do that:


STAY CALM o When you stay calm, they can feel safe


DO NOT TOUCH o A touch, like a hug, can create a physical trigger, which means that should someone hug them the same way again later, it could trigger the abreaction all over again!

3. END NOW o Essence: o o o 4.

Experience fades, come to present Example: Scene fades, feel the chair, you are safe Sanctuary: Example: Feel the chair, and know you are safe! Repeat until the abreaction has faded Allow for amnesia: Example: And you only need to remember the things that are safe and important to remember

EMERGE o Distract them, talk about something else, have them stand up, maybe offer them food and drink, and do not bring up the subject. o lf they don't remember, their unconscious mind is protecting them from something they are not ready to deal with yet, so they probably won't remember what happened. o lf they ask what happened, simply state that they had an intense reaction, nothing unusual, and that you can help them clear it when they are ready.

lf you get an abreaction that is related to the work they came in for, perfect, proceed straight into the regression, when you handle the cause of the abreaction, you will very likely handle the problem they came in with. lf you get an abreaction that is not related to the work they came in for, it comes down to ethics and trust. When someone comes to a hypnotherapist, they are putting tremendous trust in that person. lf that trust is broken, it can seriously undermine even their trust in themselves.

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What lf They Don't Come Out? Now, it doesn't happen very often, but there is a possibility that someone may not come out of hypnosis when you count them out or when you say, "Hypnosis is over now.'



Again, this is a pretty rare occurrence and it isn't that somehow you failed and something terribly bad has happened.


, . I .I

Typically what has happened is that the person has found the trance experience to be so pleasurable they simply don't want to come out; they stay there longer; they want to enjoy it.




Sometimes however, people come out a bit'groggy". lt is much like waking up too quickly from a dream: the body hasn't caught up with the mind yet. Now, this is a completely natural phenomenon, and a sign that you gave them an exceptionally deep and profound experience. lf you have the time, you may just want to leave them there and let them enjoy it lor a while longer. There's no problem with that at all.



lf time is an issue, for example you're running a hypnotherapy clinic and you have another client

waiting to see you, you will want to bring them back out again.


, I y ,' I | I r I

How do you do this when someone is refusing to come out?

1, 2. 3. 4. 5. 6,

lnsist more authoritatively that they emerge or ,,wake up' Suggestion ol alertness Suggestion of physical movement, stretching a. Moving hands arms has a grounding effect b. Tapping on head can help make people more present Engage their intellect with normal conversation a. This amplifies their state of being awake b. Ask for name, age, location, dat6, profession Ofler food and Drink a. This tends to have a grounding effect Suggest they rub their head and face




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Morning and Evening Exercises Hypnotic Snap


Use language pattern cards combined with hypnotic themes

10 Second Hypnotist 1. Close Eyes 2. Go Deeper 3. Learn/Self Esteem 4. Emerge

60 Second Hypnotist


2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Close Eyes Go Deeper Sounds Around My Voice Sanctuary Learn/Self Esteem Reinduction General Self Esteem Emerge

Sanctuary 1. Trance 2. BPl 3. Sanctuary ffisualization) 4. Orient 5. BP2 6. Emerge

Dynamic lnduction 1. Trance 2. BP1 3. Sanctuary 4. Gateway 5. Count 10-1 6. Orient To Gestalts 7. Count 1-10, Great Job, Reward 8. BP2 9. Emerge

10. Blitz Chance to Experiment

. Remember H+!


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Hypnotic Processes Sancf uary A sanctuary can be a beach, wood, garden, or any place that is comfortable to them. Keep in mind that you don't want to take them to an inappropriate place, a beach would not be an appropriate sanctuary for someone who was afraid of the ocean! You want to make sure that they don't have any negative associations with the sanctuary you use. A very charming way to do this is to spend some time at the beginning of the session before you do hypnosis talking to the person about their life experiences and really talking about what kinds of situations they find relaxing, safe, and wonderful.

They may spontaneously tell you about something they used to do when they were a child which was really fantastic for them, or they may tell you about a wonderful holiday they've been on or a special period in their life, and all the things that they associate with that, the things that trigger off those memories. lf you have any doubts about what is a safe place for them, simply ask! Some people may believe that they cannot visualize. lf you run into this, you can ask them questions that require them to visualize on some level

' ' '

lmagine putting the key into your front door, what height is the lock at? All doors have locks at different heights, some are at waist height, some are lower, and some are higher. Think about going into your bathroom and turn the hot water on. ls it a turning tap, swivel tap, push button, press lever, or something else? There are lots of different types of taps, and you need to visualize the tap so that you know how to turn it on. Consideryour bedroom for a moment. Would you like your bedroom painted ftuorescent green? How did you know that? At some level you needed to visualize your bedroom as fluorescent green to know whether you liked it or not.

We are creating mental images all the time, but sometimes the veit of consciousness gets drawn across so those images become unconscious. Some people don't have conscious access to them yet. The images are still there, but they can't see them consciously. Over time, if you allow yourself to pretend you can see images, without worrying too much about what is happening, the simple act of thinking about it or imagining it. Will eventually take down this veil and the images are revealed. The strange thing is that it does not happen overnight, it is not that one day they can't see the images, and the next they can. lt's just that one day they will be aware that they are seeing the pictures, and when they think about it, they'll realise that they have been seeing those pictures for the past couple of weeks, they just didn't realise it fully at the time.

It's not a big deal, you don't have to push them to see or experience any particular modality, just getting them involved in the process alone will make it happen.


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It is important to involve them in the experience, which is what the orienting process is about, asking them questions, and getting them to acknowledge that an experience is happening. Whether they are aware of it or not is irrelevant, the purpose is to take away from the client the fear or concern that they are not "doing it right". That is the one thing that must be handled, otherwise they will spend the whole time thinking "l'm not getting this" rather than just going along with it.

Sanctuary Create a relaxing atmosphere (lighting, music, armchair


if necessary)


lnduce Trance (include BP1


Create an opening to the imagination, by recollecting daydreams or imagining a doorway leading inside the mind or to another place


3. Describe a pleasant scene, include all the senses to involve them in the scenery 4. Ask them questions

about the internal lanscape to orient them in further

5. Allow the subject to enjoy resting in a part of that scene (e.g. a hammock

by the ocean,

under a tree in a forest, by a lake on a mountaintop etc)

6. Finally lead the subject back out of the trance by retracing the steps of the journey in reverse until they are "back in the room" For the orienting process, simply point out parts of the scenery they have not noticed yet: trees,

flowers, lovely lawn, hammock, ask couple questions.

. '

There is a red flower here somewhere; can you see it? There is a tree with beautiful flowers hanging from the branches, and there is something nert b it, can you see that? What is that?

You can keep away from visual language if the person happens to think they can't see things. Stick with presuppositions of awareness: e.g. notice what's there, have you spotted it yet.

While orienting, it is important to allow them to create the scenery. Gently nudge them along, there is no need to drag them along by creating an elaborate world from your imagination. The idea is to allow them to create the world, which means they can more easily get drawn in and fully experience their world, because it is of their creation, so it hold more meaning to them.

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Dynamic (Mental Imagery) Induction Light Version (Sanctuary)

1. Trance 2. BPl 3. Sanctuary(Visualization) 4. Orient 5. BPz 6. Emerge Full Version 1. Trance

2. BP1 3. Sanctuary 4. Gateway - Path, hole in ground, ship, etc. 5. Count 10-1 - Describe journey occurring 6. Orient gestalt - get 3-4 symbols, use the echo effect 7. Count 1-10 - Back to sanctu?ry, Great Job, Reward. 8. BP2 9. Emerge 10. Hypnotic Blitz

Echo Effect As you bring them through their journey, not only is it important to get their interaction, it is important to echo back their experience, in essence affirming that what they are experiencing is really happening.

This is not active listening, this is echoing back what they said exactly as they said if, word for word. Match their word order, cadence, tonality, body language, etc. as much as possible. The goal is to mirror back exactly what they communicated.

Gateway A gateway is something that leads somewhere, some mechanism to get you somewhere. lt might lead up, down, sideways, the point is not the direction, the point is that it moves to you to another place. Let them choose the gateway, only provide suggestions (stairs, elevator, path, etc) if they seem stuck. Let them know that the gateway will lead them to a place to solve a problem or learn something good for you.


.' . '

Look around until you find a comfortable area of relative darkness. Find a place that absorbs your attention more than any other. Find a place that leads somewhere. There is a mechanism here that will take you somewhere, where is it?


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Gount 10-1 Use echo effect and weave in a few suggestions while you count from 10 to




ln a moment I am going to count from 10 to 1 , and each number witt bring you ten times deeper into hypnosis, and when I get to one, you wilt be exactly where you need to be, a place very important for your unconscious, a place that contains some important message for you, or a place you help solve a problem, or learn something good for you.

Orient gestalt As before, you want to gently orient them to the place, and this time you also want to find symbols. To find symbols, you must first imply that something is there. There is something there that they are currently not aware of, and you can imply significance and meaning. Ask for a symbol, and when you get it, treat it with respect. Use implication to tease out the meaning, again, gently nudge them along, don't drag them along the floor kicking and screaming. Find out what colour it is, shape size, etc. Be sure to echo all their responses, more important symbols will have more repetitions of echoing. Use the 5 Touches for emphasis.

lf the symbol is a person, ask about their clothes, shoes, if the are male or female. State that the person has a message for them. lf they are blocking, they don't give you any symbols, distract their attention, present other things that COULD be symbols, and imply a deeper significance for their being there. You can gently tease the conscious mind about what it is not ware ot: You don't know and t don't know, but something inside you does know. You can use trance tag to have a back and forth interaction that can increase the involvement in the experience, and imply great importance. As an example:

. . . . r . . . .

Hypnotist: What do you see? Clienl: I see a river. H: You see a river there. C: Yes, the river is there. f{.' Do you know what that river means? C: I donT know. H: The river is there, and you have no idea what it means? C: I have no idea. H: The river is there, and you have no idea what it means. And yet it is stitt there! t wonder what that means?

lf you ever get stuck, the "get out of jail free card" is: What is happening now? When you notice a trance signal, you can check in with them: What was that?Here is an O 2008 (Under License) Streethypnosis Publishing, All Rights Reserved



. . o

Hypnotist: What was that? Clienl: I didn't hear anything. f{: You really didnT hear that, did you? lsn't it great that something happened and you have no idea what it was?

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Revivification A revivification is very similar to dynamic mental imagery. The only real difference is that you are going to a specific memory in their past. Again, the echo effect is very important. You need to match their words, voice, and even body language as much as possible. This time however, there is one exception. lf they describe the experience in the past tense, you should match their tense only initially, and slowly start switching your echoing to the present tense. You want them to experience the memory as if they were right there in the middle of it. lf they describe their experience as it was something that happened back there, they are dissociating themselves, and they are not truly experiencing it. As you start seeing trance signals, you gradually start saying less and less, and say more ratifications, letting them fully experlencing the state. Encourage them to lose themselves. Continue ratification, build up hypnotic pressure, and as you start seeing more trance signals, you can then give them the exit possibility (trance).

Typically, when entering trance with revivification, it is a good to let people come up at their own time, instead of counting them up out of it. They will often experience a much deeper form of trance, so it is nice to let them enjoy it while they are there. Example, revivifying a pleasant holiday:

. . o . . . . . o .

Hypnotist: Where were you on your holiday? Clienl: I was standing at the piazza. ff : Yes, you were standing at the piazza. Now, what were you doing? C: I was eating my ice cream. H: You were standing at the piazza, and you are eating your ice cream, aren't you? C: Yes, I like ice cream H: Yes, you are standing at the piazza eating your ice cream that you really like. What happens nert? C: Oh, well, my friends come. f{: Oh, so your friends come... they are over there, you are having your ice cream that you really like, and is it a lovely warm day? C: Yes, it is a nice warm day.

Revivification Process Remember H+!

1. lnitial orienting questions 2, Echo effect (repeat verbatim, mannerisms, 3. Slowly move to present tense echo effect 4. What happens next? @


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Revivification Exercises Exercise


: Revivify real trance

Exercise 2: Revivify trance experience: reading book, watching film, or other natural trance. Do not concern yourself with the content of the book, etc., focus on the experience. Exercise 3: Revivify holiday or other pleasant experience.


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Magic Momenfs Magic moments take you out of normal reality, and create a demarcation line between normal experiences and special experiences.

The purpose of magic moments is to create a natural conversational window for hypnosis to occur. lt isn't a full induction itself, though it often arrests attention, bypasses the critical factor, and it might even stimulate the unconscious, but because it is such a light form of hypnosis, it only creates a window, and it depends on what you do with it that determines if you get a full blown hypnotic response at the end. Look for defence mechanisms to be triggered, showing that they have reached the threshold, and are ready to enter hypnosis.

As always, eye contact is important, eye contact seryes to get attention, and prolonged eye contact bypasses the critical factor. There are three types of Magic Moments: Physical Metaphors, Visual Metaphors and Story Metaphors.

Physical Metaphors Getting an experience across in a physical format. An example might be a simple magic trick, like vanishing a coin. You can link the perception of the coin to some problem, like the fear of dogs. That way, when the coin vanishes with a flourish, you can make the point that fears can disappear in an instant as well. Another good physical metaphor is teaching someone how to use a pendulum to obtain answers from their unconscious.

Visual Metaphors Getting an experience across in a visual format. Gets you from "what's all this about?"to "oh, I can use this." Essentially this means drawing someone a picture or a diagram to illustrate your point. There are lots of visual metaphors scattered throughout this manual.

Story metaphors Getting an experience across in a story format.

Three As All magic moments should be designed to elicit one or more of the three As:

. Humour: Ha-ha! . Emotion: Ahh! . lnspiration: Aha!


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Magic moments are not magical until you come to a point. Magic Moments are good for setting frames. lf you just make a coin vanish, there will go ooh, do another trick. lf you actually have a point, they won't ask "how did you do that", they will say "l know why you did that" Magic moments focus in a direction, and then you need to run in that direction to keep the moment up.


2008 (Under License) Streethypnosis Publishing, All Rights




The Non Awareness

1 .I I

The very basic concept is that you are moving their attention (energy) from where their mind was to where it wasn't. Because wherever it is, is conscious, wherever it isn't, is unconscious. And by moving from the conscious the unconscious over and over again creates a trance effect, as it is a lorm of fractionation.




Set- Simplified Version

At the same time, you are loading it with implications, because the implications are going to create the conviction that something is happening, and the implications create a seli-fulfilling prophecy. lmportant: Do not use a problem as the focus point of the NAS. You are increasing unconscious attention on whatever you are working on with the NAS, and you certainly do not want to create new problems lor people!

NAS Basic Structure


2. 3. 4.

Orienting question Echo effect Reframe Deepening question

NAS Exercise #1 Remember H+, hypnotic eye contact, go first.



2. Write down their answer verbatim NAS Exercise #2

1. Ask one of the orienting

questions above.

2. Echo effect 3. Reframe: I wonder what this means. 4. Ask a Deepening question: What's going to happen next? The point is to keep these four basic steps in mind:orient, echo, reframe and deepen.Additional questions will be provided later.


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Non Awareness Sef Basic Quesfions

I ) ) ) I I 1 , | I ,

Orienting Questions



which X is more

o o o

o .


Which hand is heavier? Which hand is lighter? Which hand is more in trance?

Which X feels most unusual? o Which part of your body feels most unusual? o Which hand feels more unusual? Did you know you were X? Did you know that your breathing slowed down a moment ago? Did you know that you are tapping your foot right now?

o o

I noticed

: I


',:i;":;'ion"ir:L'n!i\,ii;t o

How are you feeling at this moment?


How are you doing at this moment?

this moment

Deepening Questions


What is happening now?


What just happened?


How do you feel about that?

When you notice a shift in their breathing or another trance signal, ask "What just happened?,, Asking questions about unconscious activity reinforces the activity, and forces them to acknowledge that it happened. lf you ever don't know what to do next you can ask this question:

What's happening now? Example:

1. [Client takes a deep breath] 2. Hypnotist: What was that? 3. Client: Oh I dunno, I just took a deep breath. 4. Hypnotist: So you just took a deep breath. And what's happening NOW?


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Hypnotic Attention

; ) )


How do you get their attention and move it to somewhere uselul?

. .

Basic Non-Awareness Set Questions Echo effect Reinforces unconscious things once they come up.



) I' )

) I' )

' .


I ) ) ) ) )



Brings their attention to things that they weren't conscious ol or times where they were less conscious in thoir life.

Switch sensory modalities (VAK: Visual, Auditory, Kinaesthetic; also smelling, tasting) o While you were licking that ice cream, what werenl you seeing? o What sounds werenT you aware of at the time you were licking your ice cream?


o o o


Tunnel vision vs. peripheral vision. Whatever you are focusing on is the figure; everything else is the background. Change what is being locused on, and you completely change the background Now pay attention to what you were not paying attention to...



Switch their focus from the outside to the inside

) ) ) ) ) I I ) I I I I


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How To Control Attention

; ,'

Language can have a very powerlul effect on people. The problem is that blindly using language without a feel for the context, situation and people you are with, is like trying to paint a house by throwing pots of paint at the wall - the results are just patchyt




. '

What is context?


H+, ALWAYS start with H+


Using this language too ent them wasting the manoeuvre!

toan unconscioua prccess, otherwise you are


I t I I

Sense an arca of growing comlort inside your body. Think about how your brcathing change. Be aiare oithe changing sensation in your teft hand. Just notice that tingling, and pay attention to what happens fo /t (implication that it will intensily in some way).


lt is not enough to just use the language.



Language is the vehicle that will g€t you there. But if you have no fuel in the vehicle, it will just stay put.


H+ is the


The unconscious process is the destination, because you have to go somewhere. lf you have a car and you are driving in circles, you're going nowhere. You need to have a destination (unconscious process), the fuel (H+), and the vehicle (attention shifting language). Now you have a practical and powerful tool!

Attention Gontrolling Language Think


See Hear Feel Sense

Be Aware Of Pay Attention To


Observe Perceive


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Non Awareness Sef Advanced Quesfions Reframe Questions

o o o o o o o o o o o

How did you know X was the right thing to do in order to go into trance? How did you know X helps you go into hypnosis more quickly? How did you know to do that? Do you always X?

Did you know X is a sign of trance?

I wonder what it means? How do you feel about that? I am curious about X? I am wondering about X?

Something seems to be happening there! You did X and you didn't even know


Remember that tonality is important, you need it to imply that something "hypnotic" is going on! Example 1:

1. Hypnotisl: How did you know to do that? Did you know that blinking was going to get you into trance more quickly?

2. Client: f/o. 3. H: And yet you did it.... Something r

must know what its doing?

Examole 2:

Did you know X is a sign of trance?


. Did you know blinking is a sign of trance? . Did you know breathing rhythmically is a sign of trance? . Did you know that feeling comfortable is a sign of trance beginning? . Did you know that not wanting to talk is a sign of trance beginning? . I wonder what it means?

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Example 3: Do you always X? This question gets them to agree that something is happening, or prove to themselves that something is happening.


Do you always have your hand floating in midair?

Example 4:

Something seems to be happening here.

1. Hypnotisl: Did you notice your hand twitching? 2. Client: no. 3. H: Look, there, it happened again. Did you notice it then? 4. C: yes. 5. H: I wonder what it means. 6. C: I donT know. 7. H: Something seems to be happening there, doesnT it? So while you are sitting there watching you hand twitching, something seems to be happening there. I wonder what else is happening to you right now that you won't be aware of until it does... You are essentially creating a little dissociation and allowing the trance to spread from the hand into the rest of the body at that point. Or at least that is the implication. Examole 5: You did X, and you didn't even know it.


1. Hypnotisl: Did you know that you are blinking more quickly 2. Client: no. 3. Hypnotist: So your blinking greatly increased, and you didn't even know it.

This is a great implication of unconscious activity increasing. Examole 6:

How do you feel about that? Hypnotisl: Your left hand feels heavier than your right hand. How do you feel about that? They won't know what to feel about that - that's exactly why your asking them. lt causes more conscious/u nconscio us dissociation.


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Non Awareness Strategies


I ) )

ln previous sections, you have been learning specific things to do and tactics to employ. Now it is time for you to start considering strategy.

The Non-Awareness Set is all about increasing to unconscious processes, which leaves less energy available for conscious processes. How do you know which direction to manoeuvre when you have so many choices? You can perform the manoeuvring with VAK, figure-ground, etc. lt doesn't really matter, and it is good to develop mastery of as many methods as possible for flexibility. Convincers are very good. To be sure someone is absolutely convinced that something important is happening, use several convincers.

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Seven Directions For Manoeuvring Attention 1. Conscious / Unconscious Dissociation


. 2.

Hypnotic Phenomenon

' 3.

Non'Awareness set

Catalepsy, skin changes, twitching muscles/eyelids, heavy/light hands, etc.

Trance Themes


Comfort, relaxation, focus, safety, security, peace, etc.

4. Anything they are not aware of

' 5.

Unconscious activity

' 6.

Blinking, skin coloration, heart rate, body temperature, fidgeting, tapping foot, etc.

Take attention from where it is to where it is not

. ' 7.

Anything amazing or unusual, emphasise its amazing or unusual qualities

Figure/ground shift

Attentional Language: think, sense, feel, hear, notice, realise, become aware of, listen, taste, smell, etc.

lnternal vs. external activity



Typically, an internal activity vs. external activity tends to be more hypnotic.

2008 (Under License) Streethypnosis Publishing, All Rights



Fundamentals Of Hypnotherapy Resou rcing Problem Parts Think of the human nervous system as a set of lights on a Christmas tree. Every time you change state, have a thought or do something, a different set of lights is illuminated. Sometimes, due to habit or a traumatic experience, a network of these lights gets stuck. As soon as it is triggered, the whole circuit runs, but nothing from the outside gets in - it's the same exact sequence over and over - that's why people feel stuck when they have a problem! ln psychology this stuck network is called a "Part" - its like a part of the person that they don't have full access to. When the person tries to change, they "bounce ott" a wall and go right back to the old routine. The real problem is that the resource the person needs to resolve the problem is usually somewhere outsidethe part!

The resources can't get in, they just bounce off the "boundary wall" that distinguishes a part!

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The longer the problem bounces around the inside of the part, the stronger the boundary of the problem part becomes. lt's a vicious circle. ln everyday life, this can feel as though we have a split personality: You want to go to the gym, you get really fired up about it. But when the clock ticks six o'clock and it's time to go, suddenly you don't feel like going anymore, you just want to watch TV or have an ice cream. And the next morning you get up and you kick yourself and say damn, why did I do that? It feels like you were a different person.

Now, this does not mean that you are cracking up and by no means does this mean you are developing a split personality. lt is just that you have a problem part. ln a very extreme case, small amount of people can create a split personality, it is same problem, just on a drastically different sense of scale.


2008 (Under License) Streethypnosis Publishing, All Rights Reserved


A Roman Therapy A problem usually begins with an initial event. Sometimes this can be a tiny thing (like a dog barking at you) that we don't even pay attention to consciously. But as time goes by, the unconscious worries about it, and as other events that share some characteristic come up, they will trigger a reaction like fear or anger. Unfortunately, as time goes by, we collect more and more of these triggered events, and they grow larger and more uncontrollable. lt is much as an oyster will form layers of shell around a piece of grit to create a pearl - only not as attractive!

This is where people get overwhelmed by their problems. They think they have to tackle ALL of the problem AT ONCE. lt is very difficult to process a hundred negative events together with all the associated emotions in one go. So they fail and begin to build defence mechanisms to avoid facing the mountain of problems.

End result of process

But there is a solution: divide and conquer.

The Romans knew the strategic value of only fighting a small part of a nation's forces at a time. That way victory would be easier. Sometimes, fighting the right battle would win the war, even though the bulk of the enemy's forces were still in tact! This is what we do with "A Roman Therapy": divide a conquer. Choose one specific situation and context, to resolve. Take trigger event X on day Y. Don't fight whole kingdom all at once, just pick one specific tribe, one context, one time. And you have to nail people down to it. A lot of people won't like that, they will want to take care of the whole problem at once, but you have to do it anyway because that is the way to beat what starts off as an enormous force.


2008 (Under License) Streethypnosis Publishing, All Rights Reserved


Simple Hypnotherapy Model

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Conbrt a. What are the negative states that keep them in the problem b. Need context for two reasons i. Something to attach resources to ii. For testing result

(Parameters o o


Factor Bypass)

(Access Resources)

(Transform Test) o o



Outcome Trance & Deepen, BPI c. Revivify trance-like state d. Hypnotic gaze e. Magic moment f. Possibly bring up problem during trance phase Revivify (sti mu I ate prob le m) g. Make the problem fresh and close h. Maybe move to place of safety (sanctuary) so they are not stuck in the problem Resourcing i. Direct Language j. Five words of power k. Revivify i. Revivify old positive life experiences l. Reframing i. Equate to past experiences m. Hypnotic blitz i. Blackjack rule, repeat each theme 15-21 times Tranceform n. Mix it up o. Attach resource to problem i. As you feel this confidence, go back to Tuesday, you see that dog and feel confidence p. lf it attaches, great! q. lf it doesn't, go back to resourcing Test, Condition, Recovery r. Revivify context s. Future memory (previvify) t. Blitz + Future memory BP2, Self Esteem, Emerge from trance As they are in hypnosis afterglow, pertorm Hypnotic Blitz

2008 (Under License) Streethypnosis Publishing, All Rights Reserved


Test and condition example: Client: I feel great about the dog. Hypnotisl; Are you sure?

C: Yes. H: Wel[ how do you know? C: I just do. H: Look at the dog again, is there anything that could make it happen again? C: Well, maybe if it barks at me. H: Okay, you see him barking, how do you feel? C: Actually, I'm okay. Keep going to different context, different context, different context, etc Recovery Strategy

H: What if you getting bitten by a dog? ' C: Actually, it's just a one off, it's not going to happen, I can take care of myself.

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MBL Resourcing





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