Coffee Grounds as Fertilizer to Onion

CHAPTER 1 The Problem and its Background INTRODUCTION Coffee is one of the world’s most popular beverages. Some claim it

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CHAPTER 1 The Problem and its Background INTRODUCTION Coffee is one of the world’s most popular beverages. Some claim it is the most widely consumed liquid in the world aside from water. Coffee is more than a beverage, however. In this project, we will not be talking about coffee as a beverage but we will talk about coffee, most particularly the used coffee grounds, as a fertilizer to onion (Allium Cepa) plant. As the farming industry is growing as the years go up, farmers use chemical fertilizers that are dangerous for the plants and even for human consumption. And as researchers, we want to find a healthy alternative of a fertilizer for the farmers to use for acid-loving plants like onions, carrots, blueberries and radishes. And this is what we are going to find out in this research project… Coffee grounds as an effective alternative fertilizer for onions. BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY The researchers discovered that coffee grounds Coffee grounds contain a good amount of the essential nutrient nitrogen as well as some potassium and phosphorus and other micronutrients. Coffee grounds (and brewed coffee) are a source of nitrogen for plants, which is the nutrient that produces healthy green growth and strong stems. Coffee also contains calcium and magnesium – both of which are beneficial to plant health. The researchers also discovered that farmers use chemical fertilizers for the plants that can be dangerous to plants and human consumption. That is why we came up with this study to find a healthy alternative of a fertilizer for the farmers to use for their crops so that they will not have to spend a lot of money for fertilizers and they will be able to grow healthy crops. Since onion is commonly used by people to cook food, we want to find a fertilizer that can grow the onions healthy so that it can be safe to consume by humans. The researchers goal of the study is to make a fertilizer that is less harmful to the plants and the environment. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM This study tries to find out if the coffee grounds are effective as a fertilizer to onions (Allium Cepa) by following these questions: 1. Is this an effective fertilizer to onions? 2. Are there any side effects to the soil to where it is applied?

Commercial Coffee (Coffea) Grounds as Fertilizer to Onion (Allium Cepa)


HYPOTHESIS Null 1. The coffee grounds have no effect the onions growth. 2. The onions will not grow healthy if the coffee grounds will be added to the soil. Alternative 1. The coffee grounds will affect the onion’s growth. 2. The onions will grow healthy if the coffee grounds will be added to the soil.

SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY This study will benefit the farmers so that they will not spend too much on fertilizers and they will be able to plant healthier crops in their farms. The farmers will benefit from this most because most farmers these days use chemical fertilizers which could damage the quality of their plants and could damage the environment because of air pollution caused by the chemical fertilizers. This will also benefit us consumers, since we use onions for cooking our food so that we will be able to eat healthy foods. SCOPE AND LIMITATION This research will focus on the determination of the effect of coffee (Coffea) grounds on the qualitative description of the growth of the onion. This study will be conducted on the months of October to November. The researchers will get the ingredients in the market and home. We will get the coffee grounds in our houses. And we will get the onions in the market.

Commercial Coffee (Coffea) Grounds as Fertilizer to Onion (Allium Cepa)






CONTROLLED Height of onion

The coffee grounds is the one that will fertilize the onion. So, it will be playing the role as the independent variable. The onion is the one who will be affected by the coffee grounds. So, it will be playing the role as the dependent variable. For it will need the coffee grounds to be able to grow healthy and taller. The indicator of the health of the plant is its length a smell.

Commercial Coffee (Coffea) Grounds as Fertilizer to Onion (Allium Cepa)


DEFINITION OF TERMS Coffee grounds – the dregs remaining after brewing coffee. Onion – a widely cultivated Asian herb (Allium cepa) of the lily family with pungent edible bulbs Fertilizer – a substance (such as manure or a chemical mixture) used to make soil more fertile Acid-loving - thriving in a relatively acidic environment (especially of plants requiring a pH well below 7). Nitrogen – a nonmetallic chemical element that under standard conditions is a colorless, odorless, inert gas, that constitutes 78 percent of the Earth's atmosphere, and that is used especially in the industrial synthesis of ammonia, as a component of inert atmospheres, and in liquid form as a refrigerant Magnesium - a silver-white malleable ductile light metallic element that occurs abundantly in nature and is used in metallurgical and chemical processes, in photography, signaling, and pyrotechnics because of the intense white light it produces on burning, and in construction especially in the form of light alloys Calcium – a metallic chemical element of the alkaline-earth group that occurs naturally only in combination and is essential to cellular functions in all known organisms. Growth – the process of increasing in physical size.

Commercial Coffee (Coffea) Grounds as Fertilizer to Onion (Allium Cepa)


CHAPTER 2 Review of Related Literature Coffee According to Myhrvold (2018), coffee, beverage brewed from the roasted and ground seeds of the tropical evergreen coffee plant of African origin. Coffee is one of the three most popular beverages within the world (alongside water and tea) and one of the most-profitable worldwide commodities. In spite of the fact that coffee is the basis for an unending cluster of beverages, its notoriety is primarily attributed to its stimulating impact, which is produced by caffeine, an alkaloid present in coffee. Caffeine (C8H10N4O2) is a major pharmacologically active compound in coffee and it is a mild central nervous system stimulant. Caffeine is found in some 60 plant species of which cocoa-beans, kola nuts, tea leaves and coffee beans are most well-known 3. In addition, caffeine is included to numerous well k nown carbonated drinks and is additionally a component of a number of pharmacological preparations and over-the-counter drugs. A common cup of coffee gives roughly 75-100 mg of caffeine (“Compounds in Coffee,” 2018) Gunnars (2017) studied that coffee contains a variety of nutrients and is very high in antioxidants. The nutrients a typical 8oz (240 ml) cup of coffee contains: Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin), Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid), Vitamin B1 (Thiamin), Vitamin B3 (Niacin), Folate, Manganese, Magnesium, and Phosphorus. Coffee has a stimulant that can boost brain function and metabolism, it is called caffeine. Caffeine is known to be the most commonly consumed psychoactive drugs in the whole world which means including the Philippines. Caffeine is present within tea, carbonated drinks, chocolate, but the biggest source of the said psychoactive drug is coffee. In a human being’s brain, the caffeine blocks Adenosine (C10H13N5O4), a brain hormone. By blocking the hormones, the caffeine can boost the activity in the brain. It reduces exhaustions and can make the person to be alert. (Gunnars, 2017) Based on “Difference between Decaf and Regular Coffee,” (2018), the dissimilarity between decaffeinated and regular coffee is that regular coffee has a significant amount of caffeine, which means the caffeine content within the coffee has not been decreased. Decaffeinated coffee uses coffee beans with the caffeine that is already expelled or decreased. Nearly all flavors and all oil are expelled from coffee beans. During the subsequent process of decaffeination, flavor is imparted back into the beans.

Commercial Coffee (Coffea) Grounds as Fertilizer to Onion (Allium Cepa)


Here are some examples of the process of decaffeination: Solvent-based, Non-solvent or chemical-free, Water based, and lastly Carbon dioxide processes. Solvent-based process has 2 types, which are direct and indirect process. Direct process is a process where chemical touches the coffee beans to become caffeine free. Indirect process is a process where chemical do not directly touch the coffee beans. In non-solvent based that can be also known as chemical-free process also has 2 types, which are water based and carbon dioxide based processes. Water based process is a process where the coffee beans is being soaked in water. Whereas the carbon dioxide process is where the carbon dioxide is portrayed as the substitute for the chemical solvents, which the carbon diode releases alkaloids from the coffee beans. Thus, from the process 2 types of coffee are presented in the world. The coffees are called Decaf coffee and Regular coffee. A decaf coffee is an unnatural coffee which means it contains less amount of caffeine. Whereas, the natural coffee contains a significant amount of caffeine in a coffee.

Coffee Grounds as a Fertilizer According to the Wikipedia (2020), in gardens, coffee grounds may be used for composting or as a mulch as they are known to slowly release nitrogen into the soil. The dry coffee grounds contain significant amounts of potassium (11.7 g/kg), magnesium (1.9 g/kg), and phosphorus (1.8 g/kg). They are especially appreciated by worms and acid-loving plants such as blueberries, although due to acids being leached from the grounds while in use, they typically have a neutral pH. Used coffee grounds are particularly noted as a soil amendment. Gardeners have reported the use of used coffee grounds as a slug and snail repellent, but this has not yet been scientifically tested. Onion According to many archeologists, botanists, and food historians they believe onions originated in central Asia. Other researchers suggest onions were first grown in Iran and West Pakistan. Allium Cepa or simply known as onion is a bulbous herb that belongs to the Alliaceace that is cultivated worldwide. According to Shri (2010) “A. cepa, a potent antioxidant, us one of the richest sources of flavonoids and organosulphur compounds such as anthrocyanin. Garlic and onion extracts have been reported to possess anticarcinogenic activity. They are reported to have significant antimutagenic activities in the bladder, brain, colon, lung, and stomach cancers.

Commercial Coffee (Coffea) Grounds as Fertilizer to Onion (Allium Cepa)


Most researchers agree the onion has been cultivated for 5000 years or more. Since onions grew wild in various regions, they were probably consumed for thousands of years and domesticated simultaneously all over the world. Onions may be one of the earliest cultivated crops because they were less perishable than other foods of the time, were transportable, were easy to grow, and could be grown in a variety of soils and climates. In addition, the onion was useful for sustaining human life. Onions prevented thirst and could be dried and preserved for later consumption when food might be scarce. While the place and time of the onion’s origin is still a mystery, many documents from very early times describe its importance as a food and its use in art, medicine, and mummification. Roots are the channels of plants in order to produce food and continue to grow as it search for water and nutrients. An onion root tip is a rapidly growing part of the onion and within this most of the cells are in the stages of mitosis. Mitotic index helps us to quantify the cell division. The meristematic region in the root tip is the actively growing region and thus the mitotic index is high. According to the New World Encyclopedia (2018), Onion is the common name for the herbaceous, cold season plant Allium cepa, which is characterized by an edible, rounded bulb composed of concentric, fleshy, tightly packed, and enlarged leaf bases. Onion is also the name of this edible bulb, which is commercially valuable and known for its pungent oil that departs a strong taste. Closely related plants of the same genus include chives (Allium schoenoprasum), garlic (A. sativum and A. scordoprasum), and leeks (A. porrum). There are other plants in the genus Allium that also have the common name of onion, such as the Welsh onion (A. fistulosum), but when used without qualifiers, onion usually refers to Allium cepa. It is also known as the garden onion. Onions offer a unique (pungent) flavor and odor that makes them prized for a multitude of dishes. Furthermore, human creativity has improved upon the species by making a wide number of cultivars with different, desirable attributes. According to the Wikipedia (2020), the onion plant has a fan of hollow, bluish-green leaves and its bulb at the base of the plant begins to swell when a certain day-length is reached. The bulbs are composed of shortened, compressed, underground stems surrounded by fleshy modified scale (leaves) that envelop a central bud at the tip of the stem. In the autumn (or in spring, in the case of overwintering onions), the foliage dies down and the outer layers of the bulb become dry and brittle. The crop is harvested and dried and the onions are ready for use or storage. The crop is prone to attack by a number

Commercial Coffee (Coffea) Grounds as Fertilizer to Onion (Allium Cepa)


of pests and diseases, particularly the onion fly, the onion eelworm, and various fungi cause rotting. Some varieties of A. cepa, such as shallots and potato onions, produce multiple bulbs. REVIEW OF RELATED STUDIES According to the Oregon State University, coffee grounds are a great addition to the garden and compost pile. Coffee grounds are about 2% nitrogen by volume. Grounds are not acidic; the acid in coffee is water-soluble so the acid is mostly in the coffee. Coffee grounds are close to pH neutral (between 6.5 to 6.8 pH). Coffee grounds improve soil tilth or structure. Coffee grounds are an excellent nitrogen source for composting. Anecdotal evidence suggests coffee grounds repel slugs and snails in the garden. As stated by Taylor Martin (2015) case, he said that coffee grounds can boost nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and copper levels in soil, which makes it a great natural fertilizer. With some vegetables, such as carrots or radishes, throwing coffee grounds in with the seed will help germination and promote healthier growth. It also changes the pH level in the soil, resulting in a change of color in flowers like hydrangeas. REVIEW OF RELATED READINGS Application of dry coffee waste (CW) to tropical sandy soils has shown that it has the potential to be used as a liming material and as 'NPK fertilizer'. In addition, it can increase water and nutrient retention (Kasongo et al., 2011). The aim of this research was to determine the effect of dry coffee waste on growth (nutrient uptake) and the yield of Italian ryegrass planted in tropical sandy soils. The air-dried material was applied without any pretreatment. Details on the coffee waste analysis and its chemical properties are described in Kasongo et al. (2011). This coffee waste material has a basic reaction in water (pH = 8.0), a calcium carbonate equivalent (CCE) of ±18%, a dry matter (DM) content of 91%, a mineral content of 2.49% K, 0.37% Ca, 0.18% P and an organic matter content of about 45% C, 1.7% N, 29% lignin and 30% cellulose and is characterized by a lignin/N ratio of 17, promoting its mineralization in terrestrial ecosystems (Edmonds, 1987; Taylor et al., 1989). The significant impact of CW application on ryegrass production was still detected at the third cut, 3 months after CW application, with DM values of 0.43 g/pot for the control and 0.76, 1.09 and 1.20 g/pot for the CW-amended treatments. The relatively large CCE of dry CW (18%) and its capacity to increase water and nutrient retention (Kasongo et al., 2011) are important factors that contributed to the increased DM production of Italian ryegrass. As the pH-H 2 O of the control treatment soil was less than Commercial Coffee (Coffea) Grounds as Fertilizer to Onion (Allium Cepa)


5.5, it suggests that Al and Mn toxicity were present and that soil acidity and its associated detrimental effects dramatically decreased the plant yields. However, they are different from Mediterranean cultivation soils. When SCG are applied to soil in real conditions, the doses used are often similar to those of manures and other amendments (10 t ha −1 max) ( Morikawa and Saigusa 2011;Yamane et al. 2014), while experiments conducted in greenhouses or climate chambers tend to use much higher doses (700 t ha −1 ) ( Kasongo et al. 2011Kasongo et al. , 2013Cruz et al. 2012Cruz et al. , 2014aCruz et al. , 2014bCruz et al. , 2015; Hardgrove and Livesley 2016). The form of application also has mixed effects on plants: composted SCG, when used at low doses, improve the status of plant nutrients (Mg, Mn, K and Na) but the use of fresh SCG can provoke a decrease in mineral elements ( Cruz et al. 2014a). ... ... In addition, it should be pointed out that most of the experiments conducted on the effects of SCG on the soil-plant system are end-point studies (only considering the starting and ending times). However, it has been observed that the different parameters analysed may evolve differently over time ( Kasongo et al. 2011). The SCG addition modify some soil properties (pH and electrical conductivity) ( Kasongo et al. 2011) and provide macro and micronutrients ( Cruz et al. 2012Cruz et al. , 2014aCruz et al. , 2014bCruz et al. , 2015Yamane et al. 2014). ... However, it has been observed that the different parameters analysed may evolve differently over time ( Kasongo et al. 2011). The SCG addition modify some soil properties (pH and electrical conductivity) ( Kasongo et al. 2011) and provide macro and micronutrients ( Cruz et al. 2012Cruz et al. , 2014aCruz et al. , 2014bCruz et al. , 2015Yamane et al. 2014). The availability of nutrients for growing plants has been related to the chelating effect of the components present in SCG, such as caffeine, melanoidins and polyphenols ( Saigusa 2008, 2011;Kasongo et al. 2011). ... The addition of coffee waste and manure to sandy soils was studied in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and Nigeria. In Arenosols (Psamments) under savanna in DRC, topsoil (0-25 cm) SOC significantly increased from 8 g kg À1 (control) to 16 g kg À1 when 20 Mg ha À1 of coffee waste was added to the soil after 2 years ( Kasongo et al., 2011 Soil organic carbon in sandy soils increased slightly (3.8-4.1 g SOC kg À1 ) in the top 15 cm after applying 5 Mg manure ha À1 to the field for 7 consecutive years (De Rouw and Rajot, 2004). In Ultisols in Florida, SOC increased from 15 to 22 g kg À1 after applying 10 Mg manure ha À1 and 197 kg N ha À1 to the field for two growing seasons ( Mylavarapu and Zinati, 2009). ... ... Table 10 summarizes some studies that investigated the effects of soil amendments on SOC in sandy soils. Soil organic carbon concentrations increased from 8 to 16 g kg À1 when 10 Mg coffee waste ha À1 was applied to the field ( Kasongo et al., 2011). In sandy soils with a winter wheat and summer maize or soybean, SOC doubled with 10-30 years of fertilizer and manure additions.

Commercial Coffee (Coffea) Grounds as Fertilizer to Onion (Allium Cepa)


Soil quality is influenced to a large extent by soil organic matter (SOM) ( Roldan et al., 2003), and it is crucial to study the effect of organic residues on soil properties relevant to the C cycle. The return of CR to agricultural soils can sustain soil organic carbon (SOC) (Kasongo et al., 2011), enhances biological activity and nutrient content and availability (Smith et al., 1993;Shafi et al., 2007), improves water conservation and crop yield while reducing erosion and nutrient losses ( Bukert et al., 2000). ... ... ( Kasongo et al., 2011), enhances biological activity and nutrient content and availability ( Smith et al., 1993;Shafi et al., 2007), improves water conservation and crop yield while reducing erosion and nutrient losses ( Bukert et al., 2000). Differences in soil organic carbon (SOC) as a result of soil management are difficult to measure over short and medium terms ( Saffigna et al., 1989;Power et al., 1998). RELEVANCE OF THE STUDY The connection of the RRL to the RRS is that the information the sections have is about the variables that are included in our study. In the researchers literature, the coffee grounds is good for the onion because it has a good source of nitrogen, there are results that the coffee grounds made successful results to which the plant grew twice as bigger as the plant watered only with water.

Commercial Coffee (Coffea) Grounds as Fertilizer to Onion (Allium Cepa)


CHAPTER 3 Methods and Procedures RESEARCH DESIGN The research is based on qualitative experiment that the researchers conducted. Since the data that the researchers will be about the quality of the fertilizer that the study is all about. The researchers will be observing the effect of coffee grounds to onion.

DATA GATHERING PROCEDURE Experimentation was the main tool used to gather data. It was conducted between the two variables, namely: Coffee Grounds, the independent variable, and the onion as the dependent variable. The researchers will record and evaluate the data to examine the effectiveness of the coffee grounds as fertilizer.

SAMPLING DESIGN The materials used in this study are the key components in completing the study. The materials are needed in this study to perform the experiment. Coffee grounds is very useful in this study since it will be the fertilizer for our plant. The onion is one of the most important materials in this study. The onion is the basis to know if the fertilizer is working or not.

The researchers conclude that without these materials the study will not be successful/ Each of this material has its own importance.

PROCEDURE The researchers gather all the main materials that will used. The materials that we will be using are commercial coffee grounds, soil, flowerpot, water, and onion. First, add the coffee ground directly to the soil in the pot. Sprinkle the coffee grounds on top of the soil and observe it for 4 weeks and you may see the appearance of a small evidence that it is effective because it has grown.

Commercial Coffee (Coffea) Grounds as Fertilizer to Onion (Allium Cepa)


CHAPTER 4 Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data


Table 1. Week 1 (December 30,2019)







Table 2. Week 2 (January 4, 2020)







Commercial Coffee (Coffea) Grounds as Fertilizer to Onion (Allium Cepa)


Table 3. Week 3 (January 11, 2020)







Table 4. Week 4 (January 18,2020)







ANALYSIS OF DATA The data shows the two plants have major differences in the height. The observation then showed the differences of the data being gathered every week. And we have observed that POT A grew taller than POT B.

Commercial Coffee (Coffea) Grounds as Fertilizer to Onion (Allium Cepa)


CHAPTER 5 Summary, Conclusion, and Recommendation SUMMARY AND FINDINGS The researchers of this study found out these following finding after conducting the experiment: 1. The researchers found that the study was successful to do because the researchers found out that coffee grounds can become a good fertilizer for onion. 2. The researchers found out that the plant with the coffee grounds is taller compared to the plant RECOMMENDATION 3. The researchers recommend this to all farmers who can’t afford commercial fertilizer and the more they could save money. The without the coffee grounds. CONCLUSION The researchers conclude that our investigatory project “Commercial Coffee Grounds as Fertilizer to Onion” is advisable and the more you can save because it is cheaper than commercial fertilizers. This study is a success because coffee grounds can be a effective fertilizer to onion plant. This study was a success because there weren’t any side effects when the coffee grounds were applied to the soil. Therefore, the researchers conclude that this study was a success and farmers can use coffee grounds as a fertilizer to onion. The researchers also recommend to make sure the measurements are exact. The researchers also recommend that we should prepare all the materials before experimenting to save time. We also recommend that while making the experiment, make sure that the place is clean before and after the experiment to avoid any confusions and to maintain cleanliness in the house or in the school.


Commercial Coffee (Coffea) Grounds as Fertilizer to Onion (Allium Cepa)


Gunnars K. (2017, November 14). 13 Health Benefits of Coffee, Based on Science. Retrieved from Lexico (2020). Growth. Retrieved from Lorenzo E. (2020). Decaffeination 101: Four Ways to Decaffeinate Coffee. Retrieved from Martin T. (2016, November 16). 15 Clever Ways to use Coffee Around the House. Retrieved from Meriam Webster (2020). Calcium. Retrieved from Meriam Webster (2020). Fertilizer. Retrieved from Meriam Webster (2020). Magnesium. Retrieved from Meriam Webster (2020). Nitrogen. Retrieved from https://www.merriam-

Meriam Webster (2020). Onion. Retrieved from Mhyrvold N. (2019, December





National Onion Association (2020). Onion History. Retrieved from New World Encyclopedia (2018, December 20). Onion – New World Encyclopedia. Retrieved from Oregon State University (2018, June 11). Coffee and Composting. Retrieved from Princeton’s WordNet (2020). What Does Coffee Grounds Mean?. Retrieved from ResearchGate (2011, March). Coffee Waste as an Alternative Fertilizer with Soil Improving Properties Sandy Soils in Humid Tropical Environment. Retrieved from _soil_improving_properties_for_sandy_soils_in_humid_tropical_environments The Institute for the Scientific Information on Coffee (2020). Compounds in Coffee. Retrieved from

Commercial Coffee (Coffea) Grounds as Fertilizer to Onion (Allium Cepa)

15 (2020). Acid-Loving Dictionary – Definition. Retrieved from Wikipedia (2020, January 28).





Wikipedia (2020, January 5). Used Coffee Grounds – Wikipedia. Retrieved from

Commercial Coffee (Coffea) Grounds as Fertilizer to Onion (Allium Cepa)


APPENDIX Materials needed:

Coffee Grounds



Commercial Coffee (Coffea) Grounds as Fertilizer to Onion (Allium Cepa)


Week 1

Fill the pots with soil.

First week of experimentation. Week 2

Put the onion in the pot with soil.

Second week of experimentation.

Add coffee grounds in one pot and wait for a week.

Commercial Coffee (Coffea) Grounds as Fertilizer to Onion (Allium Cepa)


Week 3

Week 4

Third week of experimentation.

Last week of experimentation.

Onion with coffee grounds.

Onion with coffee grounds.

Onion with water only

Onion with water only.

Commercial Coffee (Coffea) Grounds as Fertilizer to Onion (Allium Cepa)



Commercial Coffee (Coffea) Grounds as Fertilizer to Onion (Allium Cepa)