Champion Of Doom

CHAMPION OF DOOM 1 Competition entry By Andrew C Gale CHAMPION OF DOOM YOU are the Cha

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1 Competition entry By Andrew C Gale


YOU are the Champion of Doom; a warrior awakened from the dead to right a terrible wrong. A demonic thief has stolen an important artefact and now both hide in the Holy City of Kaynlesh-Ma. You must act quickly, for time is running out…Two dice, a pencil and an eraser are all you need to embark on this competition adventure, which comes complete with its own elaborate combat system and a score sheet to record your progress. It is up to YOU to decide which routes to follow, which dangers to risk and which foes to fight. Illustrations are works by John Sibbick and Bob Harvey













You are about to take the lead roll in an adventure that will make you into a living legend, renowned and respected throughout the world. Before you take part in this quest, you must first determine your own strengths and weaknesses. You use dice to work out your initial scores. On pages 16-17 is an Adventure Sheet, which you may use to record details of your adventure. On it, you will find boxes for recording your SKILL, STAMINA and LUCK scores. You are advised either to record your scores on the Adventure Sheet in pencil or to make photocopies of the sheet for use in future adventures. Skill, Stamina and Luck Roll one die. Add 6 to the number rolled and enter this total in the SKILL box on the Adventure Sheet. Roll two dice. Add 12 to the number rolled and enter this total in the STAMINA box. Roll one die. Add 6 to the number and enter this total in the LUCK box. For reasons that will be explained below, all your scores will change constantly during the adventure. You must keep an accurate record of these scores, and for this reason, you are advised to write small in the boxes or to keep an eraser handy. However, never rub out your Initial scores, except on those very rare occasions when the text specifically tells you so. Although you may be rewarded additional SKILL, STAMINA and LUCK points, these totals may never exceed your initial Scores, except on very rare occasions, when you will instructed on a particular page. Your SKILL reflects your general expertise in fighting and combat; the higher the better. Your STAMINA score reflects your general constitution, your overall will to survive, your determination and overall fitness; the higher your STAMINA score, the longer you will be able to survive. Your LUCK score indicates how naturally lucky a person you are. Luck – and Magic – are facts of life in the fantasy kingdoms you are about to explore.


Battles During your adventure, you will often come across pages in the book, which instruct you to fight a creature of some sort. An option to flee may be given, but if not – or if choose to attack the creature anyway – you must resolve the battle as described below. First, record the opponent’s SKILL and STAMINA scores in the first empty Encounter box on your Adventure Sheet. The scores for each opponent or creature are given in the book each time you have an encounter. You should also make a note of any special abilities or instructions, which are unique to that particular opponent. The sequence of combat is then: 1. Roll two dice for your opponent. Add its SKILL score. This total is the opponents Attack Strength. 2. Roll two dice for yourself. Add the number rolled to your current STAMINA score. This total is your Attack Strength. 3. If your Attack Strength is higher than your opponent’s is, you have wounded it. Proceed to step 4. If your opponent’s Attack Strength is higher than yours is, it has wounded you. Proceed to step 5. If both Attack Strength totals are the same, you have avoided each other’s blows – start the next Attack Round from steps 1 above. 4. You have wounded your opponent; so subtract 2 points from its STAMINA score. You may use LUCK here to do additional damage (see below). Proceed to step 7. *AFF players may use the Damage Tables at the back of the book. 5. Your opponent has wounded you; so subtract 2 points from your STAMINA score. You may use LUCK to reduce the loss of STAMINA (see below). Proceed to step 7. 6. Make the appropriate adjustments to either your opponents or your own STAMINA scores (and your LUCK score if you used LUCK – see over).


7. Begin the next Attack Round, starting again at step 1 with your current SKILL score. This sequence continues until the STAMINA score of either you or your opponent reaches zero (death). If your opponent dies, you are free to continue with your adventure. If you die, your adventure ends and you must start all over again by creating a new character. Escaping On some pages you may be given the option of running away from a battle should things be going badly for you. However, if you do run away, your opponent automatically gets in one wound on you (subtract 2 STAMINA points) as you flee. Such is the price of cowardice! Note that you may use LUCK on this wound in the normal way (see below). You may only escape if that option is specifically given to you on the page.

Fighting More Than One Opponent In some situations, you may find yourself facing more than one person or creature in combat and will have to fight them all at the same time! When you find yourself fighting multiple opponents, each adversary will make a separate attack on you in the course of each Attack Round, but you can choose which one to fight. Attack your chosen target as in a normal battle. Against any additional opponents you roll the dice for your Attack Strength in the normal way; if your Attack Strength is greater than your opponent’s is, in this instance, you will not inflict any damage; you can regard it as if you have parried an incoming blow. If your Attack Strength is lower than your adversary’s is, however, you will be wounded in the normal way. Luck At various times during your adventure, either in battles or when you come across other situations in which you could either be Lucky or Unlucky (details of these are given in the relevant pages themselves), you may use LUCK to make the outcome more favourable to you. However, beware! Using LUCK is a risky business and, if you are unlucky, the results could be disastrous. The procedure for using your luck is as follows: roll two dice. If the number rolled is less than or equal to your current LUCK score, you have been Lucky and the


outcome will be in your favour. If the number rolled is higher than your current LUCK score, you have been Unlucky and will be penalised. This procedure is known as Testing your Luck. Each time you Test your Luck, you must subtract 1 point from your current LUCK score. Thus, you will soon realise that, the more you rely on your LUCK, the more risky this procedure will become.

Using Luck in Battles On certain pages of the book, you will be told to Test your Luck, and will be told the consequences of your being Lucky or Unlucky. However, in battles you always have the option of using your LUCK either to inflict more serious damage on an opponent you have just wounded or to minimise the effects of a wound you have just received. If you have just wounded an opponent, you may Test your Luck as described above. If you are Lucky, you have inflicted a severe wound; deduct an extra 2 points from your opponent’s STAMINA score. However, if you are Unlucky, however, your blow only scratches your opponent, and you deduct only 1 point from your opponent’s STAMINA (instead of scoring the normal 2 points of damage, you now only score 1). Whenever you yourself are wounded in combat, you may Test your Luck to try to minimise the wound. If you are Lucky, your opponent’s blow only grazes you; deduct only 1 point from your STAMINA. If you are Unlucky, your wound is a serious one and you must deduct 1 extra STAMINA point (i.e., a total of 3 points from your own STAMINA). Remember: you must subtract 1 point from your LUCK score each time you Test your Luck. More about your Attributes

Skill Your SKILL score will not change much during the course of your adventure. Occasionally a paragraph may give you instructions to increase or decrease your SKILL score, but it may not exceed its Initial value unless you are specifically instructed to the contrary.


At various times during your adventure, you will be told to Test your Skill. The procedure for this is the same as that for Testing your Luck: roll two dice. If the number rolled is less than or equal to your current SKILL score, you have succeeded in your test and the result will go in your favour. If the number rolled is higher than your current SKILL score, you have failed the test and will have to suffer the consequences. However, unlike Testing your Luck, do not subtract 1 point from your SKILL each time you Test your Skill. Your SKILL score can never exceed its initial value unless specifically instructed on a page. Drinking the Potion of SKILL (see later) will restore your SKILL to its initial level at any time; except when engaged in a battle. Stamina Your STAMINA score will change a lot during your adventure. It will drop because of wounds received through combat, or by falling foul of traps and pitfalls; and it will drop after you perform any particularly arduous task. If your STAMINA score ever falls to zero or below, you have been killed and should stop reading the book immediately. Brave adventurers who wish to pursue their quest must roll up a new character and start all over again. There will be (rare) occasions when you will be told to Test your STAMINA. The procedure for this is a little different from the procedures required when Testing your Luck or Testing your SKILL; and is as follows: roll four dice. If the number rolled is less than or equal to your current STAMINA score, you have succeeded in your test and the result will go in your favour. If the number rolled is higher than your current STAMINA score, you have failed the test and will have to suffer the consequences. However, unlike Testing your Luck, do not subtract 1 point from your STAMINA each time you Test your STAMINA. You can restore lost STAMINA by drinking Healing Potions. You start the game with ten of these potions. You must keep track of how many potions you have left by filling in the details in the Healing Potions box of your Adventure Sheet. Each time you drink a potion you may restore up to 4 points of STAMINA, but remember to deduct 1 potion from your Healing Potions box. You may stop and drink any number of Healing Potions (as many as you have left in fact) at any time except when engaged in a battle or, of course, when you have run out. Your STAMINA score may never exceed its initial value unless specifically instructed on a page. Drinking the Potion of Strength (see later) will restore your STAMINA to its initial level at ant time; except when engaged in a battle.


Luck Additions to your LUCK score may be awarded in the adventure when you have been particularly lucky or created your own luck by some other action. Details are given, where appropriate, in the paragraphs of the book. Remember that, as with SKILL and STAMINA, your LUCK score may never exceed its initial value unless specifically instructed on a page. Drinking the Potion of Fortune (see later) will restore your LUCK to its initial level at any time, and increase your initial LUCK by 1 point. Special Note There will be times during your adventure when you will come across an unusually dangerous situation and your SKILL, STAMINA or LUCK will be tested to the full; for example you may be instructed to Test your Skill, ‘adding 2 to the number rolled’. This simply means that when you roll two dice you must add 2 to the total; if you had rolled a 1 and a 3, for example, your modified total would be 6 (1 + 3 + 2 = 6). You then compare this outcome with your current SKILL score to discover whether you have succeeded in the test. Food and Water Every adventuring warrior knows that food is vital as a form of sustenance. You begin this mission with 5 meals to consume during your arduous journey. However, there is one point to remember in using these vital supplies: the text shall instruct you to eat a meal at certain times in your adventure. This means you’ll have to erase one meal automatically without gaining STAMINA! Venturing into any adventure may prove arduous indeed; therefore you need food just to keep your strength up. This then leads to a second possibility: if you have no provisions and the text tells you to eat a meal, you must reduce your STAMINA by 3 points! Any other time you eat a meal, you may restore 4 lost STAMINA points, except during combat or when performing any other similar action. You also have a water flask in your possession, containing enough for three drinks. There will be opportunities to refill your flask to its maximum capacity. Should your flask be empty when you are instructed to drink, you must lose 3 STAMINA points. Special Note


There will be times during your adventure when you will come across an unusually dangerous situation and your SKILL, STAMINA or LUCK will be tested to the full; for example you may be instructed to Test your Skill, ‘adding 2 to the number rolled’. This simply means that when you roll two dice you must add 2 to the total; if you had rolled a 1 and a 3, for example, your modified total would be 6 (1 + 3 + 2 = 6). You then compare this outcome with your current SKILL score to discover whether you have succeeded in the test. Equipment and Potions You will start your adventure with a bare minimum of equipment, but you may find or buy other items during your travels. You are armed with a sword and are dressed in chain mail armour. You have a backpack to hold your Provisions and any other items you may come across. In addition, you may take one bottle of a magical potion, which will aid you on your quest. You may choose to take a bottle of any of the following: A Potion of SKILL restores SKILL points A Potion of Strength restores STAMINA points A Potion of Fortune restores LUCK points and adds 1 to initial LUCK These potions may be taken at any time during your adventure (except when engaged in a battle). Taking a measure of potion will restore SKILL, STAMINA or LUCK scores to their initial level (and the Potion of Fortune will add 1 point to your initial LUCK score before LUCK is restored). Each bottle of potion contains enough for one measure; i.e. the characteristic may be restored once during an adventure. Make a note on your Adventure Sheet when you have used up your potion. Remember that you may only choose one of the three potions to take with you on your trip, so choose wisely! Secret Refs

When attempting this adventure you must remember that this book is devious beyond belief! If ever you come to a point in the adventure that seems impossible to past beyond, you may require a Secret Ref to help you. Secret Refs 10

are paragraph numbers that can only be reached if you have acquired special knowledge of their existence, but how do you go about finding that knowledge? Play the book and look for it! Hints on Play This adventure is dangerous. You might well fail on your first attempt. Make notes and draw a map as you explore - this map will prove invaluable when making further forays in this adventure, and it will enable you to progress more rapidly to unexplored sections. Remember: when you are travelling through any environment, it is a good idea to make a note of where such encounters lie in the adventure ahead, including useful objects and information to aid you on your dangerous quest. Be wary about testing your Luck, unless a paragraph instructs you to do this! When it comes to fights, you should Test your Luck only to keep yourself alive if an opponentʹs blow would otherwise kill you. However, be warned! If you decide to use Luck in this way, be certain your adversary is worth it- Luck points are precious! You start this mission with very few possessions, but will be given opportunities to collect food, weapons, and items. However, choose your equipment carefully although many are precious or magical, others are red herrings and of no real value at all. You will soon realise that paragraphs make no sense if read in numerical order. It is essential that you read only the paragraphs you are instructed to go to. Reading other sections lessens the excitement and surprise during play. The only true way to success in this adventure involves minimal risk; even if your character scores are low, you should be able to find magical artefacts and weapons that may increase your chances of victory in battle.




BACKGROUND You are dreaming…falling through a void of night-dark terror…the howling wind roaring in your ears…pressure in your skull…a pinpoint of light…a scream…darkness. You wake with a start. Consciously, you listen to the sound of your heart stopping; the fierce beating in your ears subsides…then stops altogether, the dark blood in your veins slowing to a halt. Is this death? A dread coldness seeps into your body...your mind screams, trying desperately to get out, you must mus... Forcing yourself to relax, you slowly open your eyes. As far as you can tell, you are sitting on a hard stone chair awash in a dim, red illumination that seems to be coming from somewhere above you. You can make out simple shapes in this light, but nothing seems recognisable. Only after what seems like hours, the coldness subsides and a small amount of feeling returns to your body. Moving your head, you become more aware of your surroundings. You seem to be in a deep subterranean vault whose ceiling disappears high above you in the darkness. The light you saw earlier emanates from a translucent, blood coloured stone set into the top of the throne upon which you are sitting. Dust and cobwebs are laced across the surface of the throne and as you move to inspect the light, small motes of dust break free and dance in the air. How long have you been sitting here? Immediately, you are aware of a restriction to your movements. Looking down, you discover that your body is encased in an ornate carapace of metal, intricate designs and motifs dance upon the surface. Your head is also encased in a casque of similar material. Clasped at your neck is a simple brooch that holds a musty black cloak in place. In another panic, you frantically search for the items of equipment you thought were with you; your pack…your armour...but everything has been lost in a past age. (Cross all your equipment off your Adventure Sheet) At your side, a longsword rests against the throne. Thinking it apt, you pick it up and hold it in front of you. The cold metal fits snugly into your hand as if it belongs there. Shadows flicker at the corner of your vision and the blood gem extinguishes itself, leaving you in darkness and silence. There is another light in the distance. A sense of dread overwhelms you as the air becomes deathly cold. A low moan echoes through the vault as an apparition coalesces in front of you, its form indistinct and hazy. The face seems somehow…familiar.


It moves closer and starts mouthing something. The apparition is talking to you, but you cannot make out the words. You desperately try to remember the face...the past…but only brief images come to mind. Is this a life forgotten? The apparition floats closer and places a hand on your helmet. Like a floodgate opening, images rush unbidden into your mind. The scenes are breathtaking; in your mind, you stand atop a golden tiered pyramid, a mighty city flowing before your feet as far as the eye can see. You can see a Great Library, a Temple and in the distance, you fancy you can make out the shape of mighty towers along the horizon. Your gaze lingers again on the sharp spire of the Temple and sadness fills your heart. The scene shift and now you can see the formless dark that arrived…an assault on the Temple and the theft of a bright Light held within. As quickly as it came, the darkness flees, leaving a great emptiness; devoid of light, feeling and life. The vision shifts again and now you face an intricate seal atop the pyramid, glaring at you like a divine eye. A boom reverberates through your being. The Seal splits and peels away. Beyond is a swirling maelstrom that threatens to engulf you... With a sudden jolt you leave the vision, shocked by what you have seen. The apparition looks at you sadly. Growing more indistinct, it whispers something and again, you struggle to make out the words. The apparition fades completely, and all that is left is a whisper in the darkness: ʹChampion…our hopes and prayers are with you. Recover the Light of Reason. Without it the Suma will die and with us the hopes and dreams of all.ʹ You feel lost and alone.



1 Despair well up inside your soul…you are friendless in a world that is alien to you. Moreover, you are unsure of your reason for being. What is the Light of Reason? The Suma? The name seems to spark in your mind, but is then lost. You feel…cold, lifeless. After many long minutes, you return your attention to your surroundings. By this stage, your sight has completely accustomed itself to the gloom of the vault: Two rows of stone pillars divide the room into three sections; the columns disappearing high above you. In the distance, you can hear the dull sound of metal hitting stone; the staccato beat echoing around the vault. The beat is cut short when you hear the sound of falling rocks. A guttering, orange-yellow illumination glows in the distant darkness, throwing long shadows in all directions. It seems to be growing steadily brighter and now you can make out whispering noises and the clank of metal. Do you: Prepare do defend yourself? Call out to the newcomers that you mean no harm?

Turn to 29. Turn to 20.

2 You do not manage to reach the dwarf in time. The squat creature shakes his head slowly and leers at you. With a mocking flourish, he unstops the earthenware vial. A great wind rushes from the mouth of the vial, knocking the dwarf to his feet. With your cloak billowing frantically, you struggle to stand against the unearthly hurricane. With a sudden clap of thunder, the wind ceases. The dwarf lies on the ground moaning incoherently. Standing before you is a giant made of stone, towering so high that his head brushes the ceiling of the chamber, regarding you with a rocky brow. Raising a fist, it swipes at you rending your armour and knocking you to the ground. It raises a lumbering stone foot and smashes into your chest; again and again…Your adventure ends here.


3 Steeling yourself, you draw your weapon. From deep within, a cold hatred for all life wells up, making you tremble with rage. Shouldering the door, you charge in, your weapon held at the ready. There is a startled yelp as a squat, bearded creature tips off his chair, tipping over the table he was sitting at and narrowly missing the glowing brazier by his feet. Coins scatter from the upturned table, rolling over the flagstones. Falling onto a pile of shackles and mining tools, the creature groans -dazed. In one corner of the room, a large pack sits by the far wall beside a long, curved length of wood. A wide stone door is also set into the eastern wall. Rolling over, the bearded creature sees you towering over him like a dark giant and gives another yelp, fumbling for an earthenware vial at his belt. Turn to 19.

4 A long, wide passage stretches off into the darkness. Wide recesses containing linen-wrapped dead are set in both sides of the walls at regular intervals. There is a faint breeze that tugs at your cloak. If you wish to proceed down the path of the dead, turn to 23. Otherwise turn to 49 and make another choice.

5 Turning from the passage, you head back into the chamber. A deep rumbling sound starts in the stonework above your head. As you move into the chamber, the roof collapses once more in the passage behind you. Turn to 49.

6 Images flash through your head at a blinding pace; you see images of things…places…old friends long gone. Lastly, you see an orb of light…a sun…glowing in the infinite darkness of the void. What does this mean? Furious at the incomprehension, you draw you sword and stride down the tunnel. Turn to 44.

7 Moving like a shadow of death, you break silently into the torchlight and cleave the robed man carrying the flaming brand. The other two give a cry of alarm and advance on you from either side. You must fight them together:







If you win, turn to 37.

8 You whisper your answer into the darkness. The ghostly faces appear once more: ʹOho!ʹ the first exclaims. ʹA foolish answer, but an honest one.ʹ whispers the second. ʹIt will die,ʹ states the third. ʹ…but not by our hands, brothers!ʹ cackles the last. The Ganjees fade from sight, their maniacal laughter ringing in your helmet. You are left in the darkness. In the distance you can see a pinprick of golden light…it steadily gets bigger and changes shape. Floating before you is a golden sword, the hilt fashioned like a bird of prey; its upswept wings forming the crossguard. The blade itself possesses a golden sheen and looks razor sharp. Instinctively you grab it…and searing pain lances up your arm. Lose 4 STAMINA points. If you are still alive, you find that the sword no longer burns in your grasp. Whilst you wield the Holy Slayer, you may automatically win battles with other undead, but your Initial STAMINA is reduced by 4 points. (If your current STAMINA is above this total, reduce it to reflect your new total.) You may relinquish the sword whenever you wish and regain this stamina loss; which can be healed in the normal way. The darkness lifts and once more you stand in the solemn silence of the Necropolis. Above you the rocks tremble…they look unstable. Not wishing to tarry here, you return to the chamber. Turn to 5.

9 Sheathing your weapon and raising your hands slowly, you adopt a neutral stance. The squat creature shakes his head slowly and leers at you. With a mocking flourish, he unstops the earthenware vial. A great wind rushes from the


mouth of the vial, knocking the dwarf to his feet. With your cloak billowing frantically, you struggle to stand against the unearthly hurricane. With a sudden clap of thunder, the wind ceases. The dwarf lies on the ground moaning incoherently. Standing before you is a giant made of stone, towering as so high that his head brushes the ceiling of the chamber, regarding you with a rocky brow. Raising a fist, it swipes at you -rending your armour and knocking you to the ground. It raises a lumbering stone foot and smashes into your chest; again and again…Your adventure ends here.

10 You remove the stop from the vial and a mighty hurricane whirls from the mouth, drowning all sound with the roaring wind. Your vision darkens and you stagger, struggling to stay on your feet. A booming laugh resounds around you as the hurricane gradually dissipates. Unwittingly, you have released an EARTH ELEMENTAL. Roll 1 die and deduct that many LUCK points. If you are still alive, cross the Earthenware vial of your Adventure Sheet and return to the reference you came from.

11 A pitted and tarnished brass ring is set into the middle of the door. Turning it, a hollow clunk sounds through the chamber as the door swings open. Leading into the gloom is another set of stone stairs. Unlike those previous, these stairs are wide, steep and well-crafted. Similarly, the large blocks of stone set into the walls have been laid with care and reverence. Pictographs adorn parts of the wall and you move forward to investigate them. Unfortunately, you do not recognize the language. There is another hollow clunk behind you as the stone door swings shut, leaving you in darkness. Turning, you feel the door…but there is no handle on this side. There is no way back. Allowing vision to adjust itself to the darkness, you ascend the stairs slowly. For many minutes, you climb in an easterly direction before the stairs turn north. Continuing, you follow the stairs until they stop at the foot of a wide passageway. There is no sound here other than your own footfalls. Wide recesses in both sides of the walls are set at regular intervals. Looking closer, you see the shrouded remains of the dead; their bodies wrapped in tight linen. You have emerged into a Necropolis. To the north, you can see an archway opening into a small chamber. You continue into this chamber. Turn to 49.


12 Moving closer to the slab, it rattles again and stops…then collapses inwards with a hollow boom! You are greeted by a rush of cold air that sends a cloud of vapour swirling around you. When the mist clears, you see that the passage continues on into another area of the Necropolis. The wide recesses containing shrouded dead line the passageway on either side. Looking down the corridor, it continues as far as the eye can see. You are deciding whether or not to venture forward, when an echoing laugh floats up the passageway. Straining your eyes, you can see a wall of darkness filling the passage, engulfing everything in its path. Turning, you find that you are no longer in the Necropolis, rather in a void as dark as terror itself. Shapes brush past you, but you cannot see anything. Again, the laughter peals out from the darkness, closer this time. A ghostly white face appears before you, contorted with devilish glee. ʹLook brothers,ʹ it says in a harsh whisper that echoes around you ʹ…another one!ʹ With that, other ghostly faces appear around you, laughing hysterically. These spirits are GANJEES; hateful entities from the Spirit Plane. You must be careful. ʹTell us, little enigma wrapped in a lie,ʹ the first one begins. ʹ…do you serve good or evil?ʹ asks another. ʹCome tell us,ʹ offers the third, ʹ…sing your tale of woe!ʹ goads the last. Do you tell them: You serve good? You serve evil?

Turn to 8 Turn to 34

13 Faster than the eye can follow, you draw your sword and strike the chain with the blade. There is a bright flash of light and a mighty clang as the sword cleaves


through the chain, causing fiery sparks to fly in all directions. Looking down, you can see that the chain link has been sheared neatly in two, but your sword blade has snapped mid length: The new edge trailing a thin wisp of blue smoke. The creatures look at your broken blade and then fearfully look at you. Breaking into a fit of coughing, the old shaman says: ʹThannnk yu, Deth mannn. Goh nnnauth, uuhp stepps. Fynnd yu slaav mann. Hhe took stohnn majikk. Yu takh bahk nnnd uze wennn nnneed. Llookk for vvileʹ Gain 1 LUCK point for the information. During the course of the adventure, you may find what the creature is describing. Should you come across an area where you think that ʹStone Magicʹ would be helpful, you’ll be asked to activate the item by turning to a particular reference. Instead, add the reference you are on at the time, to the reference you would turn to, to activate the item. Once you have the total, turn to that reference instead. Coughing again, he silently removes the necklace of Rat Skulls and hands them to you. You may take this if you wish. (Note them on your Adventure Sheet.) If you wish to wear the Necklace, note the reference you are on and turn to 42. The old SKORN turns and makes for the tools by the wall. Following his lead, the others do the same and within minutes, the creatures begin a working vigil against the south wall of the grotto, tunneling through the limestone. Soon, the rhythmic tapping of their work is but a faint sound. And you are alone once more. Cross your sword of your Adventure Sheet. Drawing the mace from your belt, you retrace your steps and take the passage north. Turn to 31.

14 Bending down, you start going through the pack, oblivious to the sound of splintering wood and angry voices. After searching inside, you find a leatherbound book, a small hand mirror, several glass vials of various liquids and some packages wrapped in greasy, brown parchment. Just as you are deciding which to look at first, you are startled by the groan of protesting hinges. Looking up, you see a horde of warriors running towards you, dressed in white and wearing golden armour. Drawing both your sword and the blade of the fallen Warrior-inSteel, you meet the first head on, a handsome, golden-haired warrior god: GOLDEN CHAMPION



The second blade allows you to fend off the blows from the remaining swordsmen who surround you. If you win, turn to 40.


15 Turning the handle, you slowly open the door. Beyond is a sparsely furnished room, lit by a glowing copper brazier. Seated on a chair facing you is a squat dirty creature wearing chain armour with a bushy, unkempt beard that obscures his face and chin. In the midst of the hair, large tombstone teeth clench a long clay pipe in a yellow grimace. Shackles are piled by his chair along with several mining tools. A large pack sits by the far wall as does a long, curved length of wood. A wide stone door is set into the eastern wall. The creature is busy counting neat piles of coins and shuffling several papers on his table, giving a low barking sound and sneering every time he completes another pile. Looking up, the creature sees you towering over him. Nearly falling off the chair, the creature gets up and barks once loudly and reaches for an earthenware vial at his belt. Do you: Show him that you mean no harm? Attack the squat creature?

Turn to 9. Turn to 25.

16 Following the short passage, you move silently among the dead. The passage opens into a domed, circular chamber. Another mosaic is inlaid into the ceiling, depicting a black sun on top of a Pyramid. Tiny figures congregate at its base and also climb the Pyramid steps. The mosaic triggers a memory, buried deep in the depths of your consciousness…but is then lost amidst the grey, swirling recesses of your mind. Angry, you then march back down the passage, your cloak trailing in the dust behind you. Turn to 49.

17 During the battle, the Robed Man gasps with elation as he finds what he was looking for in the pack. Just as the Portly Man dies, the Robed Man throws a bottle at you. There is the sound of splintering glass as the vial shatters against your armour. The water contained within seeps through the plates of the armour


you wear and onto your dry, desiccated skin. It first acts as a soothing balm but then it burns like the hellfires itself. Roll 1 die and lose that many STAMINA points. If you are still alive, your roar echoes through the vault. Before you can stop and control your actions, you run the Robed Man through. Turn to 37.

18 Ahead, you can see that the passageway ends at a doorway, which has been blocked with a giant slab of stone. For a moment you wonder whether or not it was wise using the Elementals’ power. The slab rocks briefly with pressure…then settles back into place. It is as if the slab was placed to keep something in…Do you: Investigate the stone slab? Return the way you came?

Turn to 12. Turn to 5.

19 Roaring like a demon, you engage the squat, hairy man in combat before he can open the vial. Scrabbling for safety, the dwarf seeks to evade you. For the first two rounds, deduct 4 from his Attack Strength as he is unarmed. Then, Test your Luck. If you are Lucky, you may fight the remainder of the battle with your opponentʹs Attack Strength reduced by 4. If you are Unlucky, he manages to draw a short sword from his belt. Fight the battle normally. DWARVEN SLAVEMASTER



If you win, turn to 38.


20 You call out that you donʹt mean any harm…but all that issues from your mouth is a harsh, wordless susurration that echoes in the dark. In response, the clanking of metal stops and now you can hear the distant whisperings talking more hurriedly, the tones punctuated by fear. Somehow, this comforts you. The next time you must Test your Luck, you do not need to roll the dice; you will be automatically Lucky. You decide to advance on the newcomers. Turn to 29.

21 The doors fall off their hinges with a resounding boom. Marching through the billowing dust come countless scores of warriors into the room, over the wooden remains of the door and forming a circle around you. Looking around, you can see unbridled hate in their eyes. Reaching out with your senses, you see these men to be good and hale warriors. Why do they seek your destruction? As one, they draw their swords and level them at you, the blades singing with metallic righteousness throughout the vault. An elderly man dressed in a white robe moves slowly to the edge of the circle. He stops and looks at you sadly. Taking a chance, you ask about the Light of Reason, but all that issues from your mouth is a harsh, wordless whisper. Turning, the old man moves beyond the wall of warriors and leaves you to the mercy of the Legion…your adventure ends here.

22 A deep emotion roars up from within you. Anger? Rage? You have never experienced emotions like these. Unable to contain it; you give an unearthly cry. Defiantly, you swing the mace at the low roof of the tunnel with such a force that the dirt ceiling starts to crumble…and then a downpour of earth and rocks quickly fills the tunnel entrance with a thundering roar. Stepping back into the darkness of the tunnel, you avoid the cave-in that you have caused. Alerted to the noise, the legion of warriors run towards the tunnel entrance. The last image you see of them is the startled realisation locked onto their faces. Beyond the new wall of stone, you hear the angry, muffled cries of your frustrated pursuers. Dust


billows around your feet and covers your intricate armour, threatening to suffocate anyone caught within, but you are unaffected by the choking cloud. You stand motionless and impassive, until the earth ceases to rumble. Images of your past life flash through your mind…indistinct….unattainable. Test your Luck. If you are Lucky, turn to 33. If you are Unlucky, turn to 6.

23 Moving down the long passageway, you pass the dead set into the wall-recesses. A sense of calm descends upon you as you pass each set of remains. Before long, you arrive at a large stone door set into the rock. A brass ring in the centre of the door beckons you to open the door. You sense that beyond the door that many questions will be answered. The door itself is too large and heavy -even for your unearthly strength to charge down. If you wish to try the ring, turn to 32. Otherwise turn to 49 and choose another option.

24 The Champion of Doom crashes at your feet. The helmet rolls clear and you come face to face with the rictus grin of a skull, yellowed with age. The howling wind suddenly reverses direction, racing into the armour of your vanquished foe. With the sound of cracking ice, the armour warps and bends under the pressure, then bursts in a shower of tiny shards. As quickly as it started, the howling wind dies and the blood gem extinguishes, leaving you once again in darkness. You are aware of a faint glimmer of light, at the corners of your vision. The guttering torches have come back to life. You are alone in the vault chamber; of your opponent, there is no sign. His sword still rests on the floor. You may take the sword if you have lost your own. (Mark it on your Adventure Sheet.) Still lost in a haze after the battle, you become dimly aware of a rhythmic noise at the edge of your hearing. Coming fully into awareness, you see the large double doors shuddering under a great pressure from beyond; dust and rock rain down from the gigantic lintel. Somethingʹs coming… A faint wind stirs around you once more. The sound of tinkling bells fills your ears. Looking around, you see that time appears to have stopped and an apparition floats close by. He looks haggard and pale. It seems as if he is fighting desperately to maintain shape. He greets you sadly, his voice tinny and 25

distorted: ʹThank you for freeing me…I fear that I have failed. I pray that….ʹ His form grows wavy, like a disturbed reflection in a pond. He then speaks quickly: ʹSeek the Light of Reason. Without it, the Suma will die. You are the last hope…ʹ The apparition grows dim, and shrinks to a small ball of light. His voice becomes urgent: ʹ…seek out your friends! Only they can help you brave the world of men…ʹ The apparition disappears, leaving you with many questions. There is a hollow booming sound at the edge of your heading, growing more insistent. With a sudden crash, The door explodes inwards. Standing in the wide archway are countless scores of golden-armoured warriors. Your sword sings from its scabbard and you charge towards destiny. Turn to 40.

25 You must act quickly. Drawing your weapon, you lumber towards the dwarf. Roll two dice. If it is equal to or less than your current SKILL score, turn to 19. If it is greater than your current SKILL score, turn to 2.

26 A wide passageway leads off from the central chamber. The telltale recesses in both sides of the walls are set at regular intervals. You can see the chamber widens ahead, possibly opening into another chamber. If you wish to investigate, turn to 16. Otherwise turn to 49 and make another choice.


27 Unfurling the scroll, you begin to sing a mournful dirge, lamenting the loss of Elimʹs children. The unearthly sound cuts like a knife through the deathly silence of the void, reaching into the darkness. The song brings succour to you. (Restore your LUCK to its initial value.) The Ganjees look at you with an earnest sorrow in their eyes. ʹYou cannot know of whom you sing,ʹ begins the first. ʹ…the dirge you wail has brought us peace.ʹ states the second. ʹWe are obliged to grant a boon,ʹ offers the third. ʹ…when the need is greatest.ʹ finishes the last. Should you turn to a paragraph that begins ʹThe warriors surge in around you…ʹ immediately add ten to the reference you are on and turn to the new reference. The Ganjees fade from sight, leaving you alone in the void. A bolt of white light strikes you in the helmet and you stagger. All around you, the darkness dissolves and once more you stand in the solemn silence of the Necropolis. You are aware of a rumbling sound overhead. The rocks themselves still vibrate with the sound of the lament and look unstable. Not wishing to tarry longer, you decide to leave. Turn to 5

28 Relentlessly, the warriors press in around you, seeking to gain an opening: WARRIOR PRIEST 1 WARRIOR PRIEST 2 KAYNLESHI SWORD SAINT







Fight them one at a time. If you defeat them, a band of four warriors charge at you:











Their skills are such that you must fight them simultaneously. If you win, turn to 40.

29 Clutching the sword, you advance towards the torchlight. It does not take you long to find the source of the noise; three figures cautiously search the chamber. You see a man encased in shining armour. He wears a large shield strapped to his left arm and a steel longsword similar to your own is strapped to his waist. More memories come flooding back to you. With shock you realise that you can use yours with deadly force. (Note your own sword on your Adventure Sheet if you havenʹt done so already.) The second is a portly fellow that is huffing and puffing under the strain of his own armour and the rod that he carries. Looking closer, you see that attached to the stout rod is a short metal cylinder with flanges radiating out from the surface. The armour he wears is a series of interlocking rings that scintillates in the light. On his shoulder, you see that the man is wounded; his armour has been torn and is mixing with blood welling from a deep gash. Whenever he moves the limb, he grimaces and looks around worriedly. The third is holding a glowing, spluttering brand - the source of the light. He is dressed in a grey, tattered robe and a hooded cloak is drawn over his head. A large pack is slung over his shoulder. The party pauses near a large shadowy recess by the eastern wall. Straining your vision, you can make out by their torchlight that the wide recess appears to be a


set of large doors, constructed of wood and has a heavy crossbar mounted across the middle. To the north end of the vault, you can make out a small cave entrance; rubble and dirt are strewn on the stone beneath the opening in the wall. In the deepening shadows, you see more humanoid figures lurking at the cave entrance, as if afraid to come into the light with their fellows. You are unsure what to do. Your reverie is interrupted by the sound of countless booted feet and muffled voices coming from behind the doors. The three in the room look at each other frantically. From within the helmet, you barely hear the metallic voice of the Warrior-in-Steel: ʹSnowoJoua aq llim pJemaJ Jno sJayfo ayf aJotaq uoifeuiwoqe ayf puit fsnw am!ʹ The others nod in agreement, but look apprehensive. An explosive thud echoes through the chamber and stone dust from around the doors drifts to the floor. It sounds again, louder this time. Someone is trying to break in! Do you: Attack the party of adventurers?

Turn to 7.

Greet them and ask if they have seen the Light of Reason?

Turn to 35.

30 You examine the ivory tube and knock the wax seal at the end. Images flash through your mind… a city, so far away… You can hear a choir singing the ancient laments in a far-off Temple…mourning the fall of Elimʹs people into the Stygian Pits. The vision fades but the song continues. Inside the tube is a scroll that throbs with power. Unfurling the scroll, you see that it contains an ancient lament for the dark God, Elim. At some point in the adventure, you may be given a chance sing a tale of woe. If you do, you may be able to then and only then 29

unlock the secret of the scroll. Erase the Ivory tube and add the Stygian Scroll to your Adventure Sheet. Gain 2 LUCK points. Now, return to the reference you came from.


31 Heading north from the junction, you silently ascend the roughly-hewn stairs. Halfway up you stop; at the top is a wooden door set into the rock. Beneath the door, you can see a sliver of torchlight. Moving slowly, you alight to the landing and use your senses. Beyond, you can hear the hiss and crackle of a small fire and the faintest clink of metal. There is no lock on the door and a stirring breeze makes the door rattle slightly, indicating that it may not be barred. Do you: Crash through the door, prepared to take on any opponents? Turn to 3. Open the door silently and step into the room? Turn to 15.

32 Pulling the ring, the door swings open effortlessly. Before you is a sight that makes you start with shock…you seemed to have emerged into the vault where you awoke. Stepping inside, it takes you a few minutes to realize that this is not the same vault. Torches glow from sconces set on each of pillar that support the stone ceiling, throwing long shadows across the chamber. A set of sturdy doors dominate the western wall. Examining the doors further, you see they stand fully three times the size of a man with a sturdy wooden bar locking them in place. Venturing further into the vault, you something to give you pause; seated upon a granite throne is an immobile figure dressed in ornate armour. A sword rests against the front arm of the throne, easily within reach of the seated figure. With shock you realize that the figure seated upon the throne is identical to you in every respect. A howling wind rips through the vault, whipping your cloak about and extinguishing the torches. You are left in the howling darkness. You are dreaming…falling through a void of night-dark terror…the howling wind roaring in your ears…pressure in your skull…a pinpoint of light…a scream…darkness. Snapping suddenly from the vision, the large gem set into the top of the throne glows, and in the blood red light, you can see the figure jerking spasmodically to life. You stand transfixed, not comprehending what you are seeing. Above the howling wind, a deathly moan echoes from within the helmet of your opponent. Raising the sword, it lunges to attack. CHAMPION OF DOOM



If you win, turn to 24.


33 ʹ…Light of Re-…could not anch-…lost in the voi-…ancient Necrop-…we are dyi…Look-…-riends….Arantis. Hurry!ʹ The words leap into your mind with a stab of blinding light. Your head rocks…and you moan a mournful sound that reverberates inside your helmet and echoes along the dark tunnel. Images flash through your head at a blinding pace; you see images of things…places…old friends long gone. Lastly, you see an orb of light…a sun…glowing in the infinite darkness of the void. Concentrating on it, you feel at peace. A sense of longing fills your being and you know that the light has been lost…taken from its rightful place. You now know that this is what you have been sent to find before you will find rest. With a sense of purpose, you follow the tunnel. Turn to 44.

34 You whisper your answer to the darkness. ʹLiar!ʹ Exclaim the Ganjees, all at once. The Ganjees whirl around you, darting in all directions. ʹEvil is he?ʹ asks the first. ʹHe seeks the darkness,ʹ begins the second. ʹ…rather than the Light.ʹ finishes the third. ʹIts existence is forefeit!ʹ exclaims the last. You can feel things brush past you in the darkness. Instinctively backing away, you emerge back underneath the stone lintel in the deathly silence of the Necropolis. Laughter still rings inside your helmet and looking up, you can see the unnatural darkness receding down the hallway. There is a moment of horrid realisation when you discover the Ganjees have stolen your weapon! If you do not have a replacement, you must deduct 4 from your roll when calculating your Attack Strength. Furious, you turn to leave. Turn to 5.

35 Stepping into the torchlight, you attempt to communicate with them.


Unfortunately, the newcomers panic at your sudden appearance. Yet, they recover quickly and spring into action! It is as if they were waiting for you. The Warrior-in-Steel draws his sword and moves to attack you. The larger, rotund man fumbles for a symbol at his neck and holds it out in front of him, intoning: ʹjoijjem ueiGhfs sfidllay ayf of auoGaq!ʹ The Robed Man cowers at the back of the group, rummaging through a large pack looking for something. The echoing thud sounds through the chamber once more, but you have little time to notice. Seeking to deal the immediate threat, you advance on the Warrior-in-Steel: WARRIOR-IN-STEEL



If you win, turn to 47.

36 From the archway, you can see that the passage has suffered a cave-in. A dry, earthy smell permeates the passageway. There is a lot of dirt and stone at your feet. You remember the earthenware vial that the dwarf had in his possessions. If you took it and now wish to use it, turn to the reference number indicated. Otherwise, return to 49 and make another choice.

37 You look down on all three corpses with mixed feelings. The flaming brand lies on the floor, its flame slowly dying. Looking over to the Warrior-in-Steel and the Portly Man, you gaze at the weapons they used against you. You may take the manʹs mace and the warriorʹs shield if you wish. The mace is of exceptional quality; the dark brown wood is polished and the black iron head gleams dully in the wan torchlight - this item may be useful as a secondary weapon should you need a replacement (If you decide to take the mace, mark it on your Adventure Sheet). The shield will reduce the amount of damage done to you during combat. (If you are wounded during combat, you may Test you Luck as normal. If you are Lucky, the shield will absorb the blow fully - you take no damage. If you are Unlucky, you take the normal 3 points of STAMINA damage. The shield is old, however. It may be only used in this way a maximum of five times before it is useless.) Should you wish to take the shield, mark it on your Adventure Sheet. The resonant booming sound has been replaced with the rhythmic beating of an axe and the sound of splintering wood. You hear new voices now, words spoken in anger. It sounds that you do not have much time before whoever is on the other side of the doors gets through. You are deciding 33

what to do when you see the Robed Manʹs large backpack lies open a few yards away from where he fell. Do you: Look through the backpack for useful items?

Turn to 14

Search for an exit to this chamber?

Turn to 41

Wait and see if the newcomers know anything of your quest?

Turn to 21

38 The dwarf lies dead at your feet. You do not lament his passing. Turning your attention to the chamber, the remains of a stone slab recessed into the centre of the floor reveals the original purpose of this room. Beneath the rubble, you can see the shrouded remains of the chamberʹs long-dead occupant. Anything of value has been looted long ago, possibly by the three adventurers or the dwarf lying dead at your feet. Searching the dwarf turns up little of value; more of the gold coins are in the dwarfʹs pockets. Including the ones on the floor you count thirty-two in all. You may take these if you wish. The earthenware vial grabs your attention; you may also take this if you wish. (Should you ever want to open the vial, make a note of the reference you are on and turn to 10.) The brazier throws long shadows around the room as you search the remainder of the chamber. The parchment the dwarf was reading is illegible. The shackles and mining tools are in poor repair and are also of no interest to you. The curved length of wood is intriguing: it is highly polished and has a grip set halfway along the length of the staff. A length of twine looped at one end is also loosely wrapped around the end of the staff. Examining the twine reveals that it is almost as long as the length of wood. It seems to be a tool of some sort. Furthermore, there is an inscription that you can barely make out: ʹjaGuej pue puaijt tjemp wwhs.ʹ You decide to take it with you. (Note the ʹWooden Staffʹ on your Adventure Sheet.) The pack itself will be useful for all the items you are collecting and you resolve to take it with you after you disgorge its contents on the ground. Inside, you find an ivory tube sealed at one end, three glass vials and a length of rope. The rope itself is unremarkable, but sturdy. The tube and the glass vials are a different matter: Should you ever want to examine the ivory tube, make a note of the reference you are on and turn to 30. Should you ever want to investigate the glass vials, make a note of the reference you are on and turn to 45. There is nothing else of interest here. The only way forward is through the wide stone door in the eastern wall. Turn to 11. 34

39 You continue your journey down the widening tunnel. Soon, it opens out into a natural grotto. High above you, limestone stalactites drip with moisture that spatters on your metal armour with a tinkling sound, mixing with the dust and turning the intricate designs into miniature ravines of dirty water. Along the western wall, you notice several piles of straw and a few wooden bowls strewn about. Resting against the wall are some mining tools. Ahead, grotto bends to the north and you can see several humanoid figures in the shadows. By the way they are moving, they are hiding from you; hoping that you have not seen them. The air in here is musty and stale. Do you. Ignore the shadows, return to the junction and head north? Draw your sword and fight the shadowy figures? Attempt to communicate with the shadowy figures?

Turn to 31. Turn to 43. Turn to 48.

40 The warriors surge in around you, there is no escape. WARRIOR PRIEST 1 WARRIOR PRIEST 2 PRIEST CAPTAIN







Fight them one at a time. If you win, another three warriors charge at you: WARRIOR MONK 1 WARRIOR MONK 2 MASTER OF DAWN







If you win, turn to 28.


41 Your eyes gaze steadily into the gloom, searching for the recently excavated tunnel. It does not take long for you to locate it in the north-eastern corner of this chamber. With your black cloak billowing behind you, you turn and stride forward and make your way into the low-ceilinged opening. The tunnel walls bear the signs of recent work: Small trickles of sand and rock fall from the roof. Perhaps the tunnel isn’t entirely stable. The sound of splintering wood becomes louder and more frantic and then stops. Suddenly, countless hordes of goldenarmoured warriors burst through the remains of the door and into the vault! Pausing only briefly at the where the bodies of the three adventurers lay, an ageing Warrior Monk steps to the forefront of the horde and clasps the blade of his sword in both palms and offers a prayer. The sword in his hands starts to glow faintly and trembles in his grasp; as if the old man is struggling to keep the blade in his hands. It flares brightly and you are forced to avert you gaze. With a great exultation, the old man thrusts the sword in your direction; a beam of light illuminating your hiding place. Offering a battle cry to the gods of good, the Warriors charge. Even though you have already made it to the safety of the tunnel, you will need to do something in order to stop the warriors from reaching you. If you know what to do, convert each letter of the name of the item you would use into numbers (A=1, B=2, C=3 etc). Add the numbers together and turn to that reference. If the paragraph doesnʹt make sense, or if you would rather stand and fight, turn to 28.

42 Unbeknownst to you, you have been given the power to understand language. Should you come across any text you do not understand, turn the page upside down. The text may then become a little clearer. Some letters may be displayed as capitals; this is only to further enhance the letter once it is turned upside down. Other letters, such as i, f and t will appear backwards or upside-down when read in this way as there is no equivalent in the reverse position. For example, ʹbeyond the green wallʹ would appear: ʹllem uaaJG ayf puohaq.ʹ Now that you know the secret, you will be able to decipher anything written in this code. Return to the reference you came from.

43 Even though the creatures huddle away from you in fear, they accept their fate in silence. You run each creature through in turn and stare down on their lifeless bodies impassively. A cold darkness settles on your soul and you briefly wonder 36

if you acted hastily. Quickly dismissing the thought, you search the grotto for interesting items. The straw contains nothing but mites and other vermin. The picks, hammers and shovels are in poor repair, but you may take one if you wish as a secondary weapon. (If you do take a tool and use it in combat, you must deduct 1 from your roll when calculating your Attack Strength during combat) The only other thing of interest is the Necklace of Skulls the leader wore. Whatever magic it may have held seems to have faded, but you may still wish to take it. There is nothing for you here. You leave by the eastern entrance and head northwards to the crude, wooden door. Turn to 31.

44 The tunnel bends to the north and then veers sharply to the west after several minutes of travel. Continuing your journey, you soon arrive at a junction in the tunnel. To the north, the tunnel continues before ascending a set of crude stairs. A faint glow can be seen at the top of the passage. The western tunnel continues and seems to widen out a few yards ahead in the darkness. Suddenly, the shadows to the west move! Five small shapes detach themselves from the darkness and quickly amble down the widening passageway away from you, whispering in a harsh, guttural language. Do you: Follow the creatures down the tunnel west? Head northwards towards the stairs?

Turn to 39. Turn to 31.

45 The glass vials contain a dark viscous liquid. Opening the stopper on one, you pour a little on yourself. The liquid slowly seeps through the joints in your gauntlet, quickly drying into a hard resin-like substance. This is embalming fluid and has the ability to heal your wounds. Gain 1 STAMINA point. Each vial will


restore 4 STAMINA points of damage. Gain 1 LUCK point for a valuable find. Now turn to the reference you came from.

46 As you unstop the vial, a mighty hurricane whirls from the mouth, drowning all sound with the roaring wind. Your vision darkens and you stagger, struggling to stay on your feet. A booming laugh resounds around you as the hurricane gradually dissipates. You have released an EARTH ELEMENTAL. Roll 1 die and deduct that many LUCK points. (Cross the Earthenware Vial off your Adventure Sheet.) If you are still alive, you see a mighty giant of stone standing in front of you, made up of the debris of the cave in. It regards you with a rocky brow and in a creaking tone like stones rubbing together; it thanks you for its freedom. Slowly, the rocks that makes up its body start to separate, finding their appropriate places in the passageway walls and ceiling. Soon, the passageway is clear of debris, the elemental gone. Turn to 18.

47 The Warrior-in-Steel falls to the stone floor and expires. Gasping, the portly man shivers with dread and holds his symbol out further until the leather thong snaps. Looking down incomprehensibly at the symbol, the portly man flinches as another resounding boom echoes through the chamber. This time, you can hear the sound of wood splintering. The third man has backed away to the doors and is screaming ʹsn dlay! eJyse hq! sn dlay!ʹ With a resigned sigh, the portly man advances warily with defeat in his eyes: PORTLY FIGHTER



If you win, turn to 17.

48 Moving silently into the back of the grotto, you tower above the creatures 38

huddling in the darkness. There are five of them; dressed in only loincloths, they stand a little over a metre tall. Their large, bald heads gleam with moisture and they glare at you fearfully with deep set eyes. They yammer in a tongue unknown to you with mouths full of stubby, upturned teeth. Manacles and a long chain keep the group together in a long line. Bending down, your armour creaks as you slowly move into a squatting position. Raising your hands to show that you do not mean any harm, you wait. Whispering among each other in their harsh, guttural language, one of them is thrust before you; a wheezing, aged and emaciated creature wearing a Necklace of Rat Skulls. You can see that the poor creature is terrified. Nudged by the others, he breaks into a nervous fit of coughing. You are surprised when he speaks in a tongue you can -somewhatunderstand, the Necklace of Rat Skulls glowing as he speaks: ʹY speke tunnng of auld wunnnns gud. Deth mannn, yu do not fite uuss skornnn. I wuz wunnnce hauly mannn. We b tekennn bhy slave mannn, whunnnce ay frennnd. Free uss. We haf tride with aur tules, but fayld. Freed uss, we teld yu of grate stohnnn majiks staulennn frummm uuss skornnnn.ʹ All five creatures look at you, offering up the chain. It seems that the creatures are asking you to free them from captivity. Do you: Smite the chain with your sword? Run the creatures through with your sword? Return to the junction and take the northern route?

Turn to 13. Turn to 43. Turn to 31.

49 This chamber has a high, arched dome for a ceiling. A mosaic picture depicting what you gather to be wise men and golden-armoured warriors covers the surface of this chamber. For many minutes, you study the picture, marveling at its simplistic beauty. Looking around, you can see four archways leading from this chamber. The southern archway leads back down the stairs to the stone door; but you remember that there is no way back. In the deathly silence of the Necropolis, you ponder the remaining exits. North? East? West?

Turn to 4. Turn to 36. Turn to 26.


50 ʹWho dares invade the hallowed demesne of the Ganjees?!ʹ From the shadows, there is a maniacal laughter. The door in the south rattles and shakes as if under extreme pressure from the other side then explodes outwards in a cloud of choking dust! The charging warriors stop, prepared to take on the new threat. A pall of darkness descends over the chamber, as black and as cold as the void itself. Ghostly faces whip around you with devilish glee. In the darkness, you can hear the fighting, and the screams of the hapless warriors. Accompanying each scream is another howl of maniacal laughter. You pass through the darkness unscathed, emerging in the dim light of the chamber beyond the sundered doors. Turning, you look back into the vault. The darkness still hangs heavily in the chamber. You fancy you can see ghostly shapes in the writhing cloud. Soon, there is only silence; the massacre is over. In your mind you can hear a voice: ʹOur debt is paid, Champion of Doom. Seek your goal. Call not on the Ganjees again.ʹ With a mighty crash, the doors reform and seal themselves shut, the wooden doors fading to blank featureless stone. Sheathing your sword, you move silently down the Avenue of Kings and towards the dying light of day…