
Ceres Ceres, also known as Demeter, is the largest of the main asteroids used in astrology. It represents caring, nurtu

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Ceres, also known as Demeter, is the largest of the main asteroids used in astrology. It represents caring, nurturing and nourishment much like the Moon does, although the moon tends to rule the nurturing of babies and young children, whereas Ceres is more about older children and the caring of other adults. It is Mother Earth. It tells us about our relationships with our parents and children, the relationship between mother and child. It is representative of the love of children. It also represents pain that comes from dependency and the separation from it. It concerns other things such as self-esteem, fertility and the cycles of nature. Wherever you find Ceres placed in the birthchart will be the area where you will provide comfort and unconditional love, as well as where your need for it lies. In transit, it shows the current needs for these things. Ceres is also representative of agriculture and horticulture, the nurturing of the seeds, providing nourishment for them to attain their growth. Keywords and what it rules: attachment, caring, children, comfort, dependency, diet, eating disorders, fertility, food, grief, growth, love, mother, nourishing, nurturing, nutrition, procreation, reproduction, self-esteem, self-worth, separation, sharing agriculture, crops, farming, food, gardening, grain, growing, herbs, horticulture, plants, seeds


Introduction to Asteroids In traditional astrology only two planets are feminine, and the rest are masculine. The Moon and Venus describe the only socially acceptable roles that women were allowed to play over the past few thousand years, while men had the Sun, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto as archetypal role models. Of

course nowadays women are no longer confined to being a mother (the Moon) or mate (Venus), and are actively participating as co-creators of the 21st century global culture. Unfortunately, astrology in general has failed to keep up with the changing times. A few pioneers have shown how to restore gender balance to the horoscope, and it comes through the use of asteroids. By deploying the first four asteroids discovered Ceres, Pallas, Juno, and Vesta, the horoscope becomes an equal opportunity psychological map. Each of these asteroids represents a vital component of the emerging feminine consciousness, with each describing a range of talents, trials, and traits not covered by the traditional planets. Astrologers need to understand these asteroids simply because the issues dominating our emerging global community are not explained by the traditional planets, and asteroids fill in the missing letters of the astrological alphabet. Perhaps the easiest way to understand the four major asteroids is by the unique relationship patterns that they codify. Ceres is the Great Mother asteroid, and is correlated to the parent-child relationship. She is the caretaker, nurturer, and ruler of major life cycles including life and death. Pallas is associated with the father-daughter relationship, and in a broader sense symbolizes the favorite child who through her intelligence and wisdom supports the corporate and political state. In the simplest terms, Ceres is the mother and Pallas is the daughter. Juno represents the wife-husband relationship. Major transits and progressions involving Juno are critical timers to forming, altering, or ending committed relationships. When this asteroid is used, Venus becomes better understood as a love planet that is more interested in sex and intimacy than commitment. Vesta is the sister relationship, and she indicates devotion to an altruistic or sacred cause. Most commonly, a prominent Vesta shows a workaholic, but she is also an indicator for personal independence and integration, and therefore challenges personal relationships. Juno is the wife, and Vesta is the sister. Men who are in tune with their feminine halves may express the inherent qualities of asteroids directly. This is especially true when the asteroid is closely aspecting the Ascendant or Sun. More often than not, the asteroids represent women in the men's lives. A prominent Ceres, Pallas, Juno or Vesta may be a man's actual mother, daughter, wife or sister, so that when one of these asteroids is activated, that person will show up in the native's life. Women with an asteroid angular (conjunct or opposite the Ascendant, or conjunct or opposite the Midheaven) or in close aspect to the Sun tend to personify this asteroid very directly. The best way to see how any one of these asteroids works in the real world is to watch the individual who has the asteroid prominently placed, or to watch what happens when the asteroid is suddenly hit by a major progression or outer planet transit. The Discovery of Planet X The first asteroid discovered was Ceres, and she offers the primary reason to expand the astrological alphabet beyond the traditional ten planets. But before exploring this archetype, let's have a look at the most common reasons that traditionbound astrologers do not yet use asteroids. One of the main reasons is that although

ninety percent of those interested in astrology are women, most of the major decision-makers are men. Men have a natural bias against using feminine archetypes, and this bias is supported by the objection that there are over ten thousand asteroids. They are demeaned as meaningless gravel. Why use just four? Ceres was discovered in 1801, and fulfilled an expectation that a planet would be discovered somewhere between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. Each of the known planets had orbits with a recognized, proportional distance from the Sun, except there was a big gap after Mars and before Jupiter. With the aid of the telescope, astronomers scoured the skies for Planet X. When Ceres was discovered, astronomers were jubilant, having successfully predicted the discovery mathematically. However, they were soon dismayed to discover in quick succession, Pallas, Juno, and Vesta in the same orbital field. Many years intervened before the fifth asteroid was discovered, with the sixth, seventh, and so on following quickly thereafter. So a natural break occurs between the first four and the rest. Astrologers know that the timing of a planet's discovery can be associated with the planet's essential symbolic meaning. The same holds true for the asteroids. The rise of a new feminine consciousness demanding social equality in the early 1800s is marked by the discovery of the first four asteroids. Astronomers named the new celestial finds after ancient goddesses, a synchronicity in tune with the times. Now that the Hubble telescope is peering into the recesses of our solar system, new planetoids are constantly being discovered all the time. Astronomers are now questioning the status of Pluto as a planet since so many other trans-Neptunian objects have been found. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are all huge and gaseous compared to Pluto, which is small and frozen solid like the other celestial objects found outside Neptune's orbit. Astrologers who question the use of the first four asteroids, if they are going to be consistent, should also question the use of Pluto as a planet. But we all know how important Pluto is. No astrologer would get rid of this tiny but powerful fellow, even though other trans-Neptunian objects rival Pluto in size and have similarly distant orbits around the Sun. We might conclude that Pluto represents a class of objects found beyond Neptune. In the same way, the first four asteroids represent a class of objects found between Mars and Jupiter. Astrologers who use Chiron face a similar dilemma. Chiron is neither an asteroid nor a planet. Astronomers created a new class of celestial objects called Centaurs, of which Chiron was the first discovered in 1977. The other Centaurs found since then have similar orbits - wide elliptical paths that cross inside Saturn's orbit at their closest, but range outside Uranus's orbit and even Neptune's at the farthest. The two Centaurs discovered after Chiron were named Nessus and Pholus, and at least three others have been found. Astrologers who use Chiron, but not Nessus and Pholus can't complain that only the first four asteroids are used. The same logic works for the use of Chiron as for Pluto and the four major asteroids. Chiron acts as a carrier wave or as a messenger for the rest in its group. One could use the others, but Chiron is enough. Traditional astrologers have borrowed the concept of carrier waves from physics to explain the outer three planets - Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. How could astrologers make accurate assessments and forecasts before these planets were discovered? As the explanation goes, these outer planets have resonance with three inner planets, namely Mercury, Venus, and Mars. The inner planets act as carrier

waves for the outer planets until human consciousness could collectively discern the difference. The discovery of each of these planets represented an emerging consciousness which manifested as the physical sighting of the new celestial objects. In the same way, the Moon and Venus operated as carrier waves for the spectrum of feminine consciousness, but now it's time to refine and clarify what we're actually looking at, and Ceres, Pallas, Juno, and Vesta do exactly that. Ceres in the Signs The first asteroid discovered is by far the largest of the bunch. Ceres is an incredibly powerful archetype with a wide range of useful interpretations. In the personal horoscope Ceres shows how we take care of others, as well as how we take care of ourselves. Ceres is our Inner Mother, and is especially concerned about eating habits and the other ways that we physically grow our personal lives. Here's a brief look at Ceres in the twelve signs: Ceres in Aries nurtures others by granting them independence and showing them how to be independent, strong, and action-oriented. Under stressful aspects, this combination can lead to a feeling of inadequacy or incompetence as a result of competition from a dominating parent or caretaker. Ceres in Aries can be fiercely protective of loved ones, and at times may also describe the single parent. Ceres in Taurus nurtures others by providing them with the basic necessities of life, especially the tangible resources that bring a sense of stability. One's inner mother feels secure when financial benefits are plentiful. Under stressful aspects, Ceres here can feel overly dependent on possessions, or that one's self worth is based on how much one has. Ceres in Taurus nurtures self and others through the sense of touch. Ceres in Gemini may nurture others or feel nurtured through communication, education, and travel. Talking things out makes one feel loved and accepted. Under stress, this placement may lead to problems with duality, mental confusion, or an over-emphasis on persuasion and intellectual superiority. Ceres in Gemini nurtures others by sharing important information, and through visits that enhance points of view. Ceres is strongly placed in Cancer, and feels deep emotional bonds with family members, especially with the mother and/or children. Ceres here expresses itself in a kind and caring way, and provides loved ones with both emotional and physical support. Under stressful aspects this placement can lead to an overly sentimental or dependent relationships. Ceres in Cancer also nurtures others and self with food. Ceres in Leo feels nurtured and nurtures others by expressing personal talents, creativity, and independence. The parent with Ceres in Leo takes care of the child by encouraging a sense of self-confidence. Under stressful aspects, this placement can lead to a feeling of inadequacy over one's creations, or what one takes pride in. Ceres in Leo feels nurtured when personal efforts are appreciated.

Ceres in Virgo is strongly placed, and fosters a sense of service to others, a love of work, and a feeling of competence. This placement leads to excellence in craftsmanship, but under stress can bring a perfectionist attitude. Parents may be overly critical, or one's inner parent may never be satisfied with the result. Work in the health services or food industry is common with this placement. Ceres in Libra nurtures self and others by developing a cooperative attitude and a sense of sharing. One nurtures self by developing meaningful relationships, and the caretaker with this placement shows how to excel in social interactions. Under stress, Ceres in Libra may place too much importance on being accepted by others, and forget self-development. Ceres in Libra loves fine dining. Ceres in Scorpio is exceptionally powerful placement, and nurtures others by imparting a sense of life's most significant passages and the importance of deep family bonds. Ceres here nurtures others or self through total transformation, a process that involves emotional self-control. Under stress, personal relationships may be plagued by jealousy, possessiveness, or resentment. Ceres in Scorpio may be a healer or facilitator. Ceres in Sagittarius nurtures others by showing them how to explore their environment and expand their horizons. One nurtures oneself and others by finding a sense of personal direction; one encourages an optimism that creates success, and how to enjoy life as a journey. Under stress, this Ceres placement can lead to the feeling that life is meaningless or one has no moral compass. Ceres in Capricorn nurtures others by showing them how to succeed in life. With this placement one feels nurtured by a sense of achievement. This is the wise mother placement, one who teaches others how to take responsibility for their own lives. Under stress it can lead to excessive dependence on position or status as a substitute for creating loving or caring relationships. Ceres in Aquarius nurtures others by developing their sense of social justice and an acceptance of their own uniqueness. One feels nurtured when accepted by the group, or when participating in causes, or in activities shared by people with similar goals. Under stress Ceres here may feel disconnected from others, or that one is socially inept. This placement fosters a sense of personal freedom. Ceres in Pisces nurtures others by imparting a sense of connectivity to a larger whole. One may feel nurtured by identifying with all of humanity, or some spiritual mission. Ceres in Pisces is extremely compassionate and concerned about the welfare of others. Under stress this placement can lead to feelings of abandonment or helplessness. Ceres in Pisces is the lover of the universe. Ceres and Parenting One of the most important uses of Ceres is to time the birth of a child. Traditional astrology cites the Moon and the fifth house as significators for fertility and pregnancy, but Ceres works so much better. Try it and see. To whet your appetite, here are a few examples to show how Ceres works in action.

David Letterman Becomes a Father David Letterman made headline celebrity news on November 3, 2003 when he had his first child at age 56. Why did he wait until 56 to have a kid? Letterman was born (April 12, 1947; 6:00 am CST; Indianapolis, IN) with his Sun in Aries and Moon in Capricorn, a combination that is driven toward success. This relentless, steamroller personality is further funneled into his Late Night host role with his Sun and several other planets in the twelfth house. The Aries Sun here is an iconoclast, one that attacks or undermines polite society. Letterman has used this outlaw side to give his sense of humor an edge, one that has found favor with late night audiences. Venus, the ruler of his Taurus Ascendant, squares Uranus. This quirky pairing, aside from enhancing his eccentric side, makes committed relationships difficult. He's never been married. The house where Ceres is located describes the area where the native finds nurturing, and takes care of others. Ceres is found in Letterman's twelfth house, where it finds sustenance, nurturing through secret and behind the scenes activities. Letterman takes care of himself through his sense of privacy, and he discreetly takes care of those who work for him. The twelfth house is also about secret relationships, and as it turns out, the mother of his child is a staff member never seen on television. Ceres is conjunct Mars and in Aries, so his care-taking style often takes the form of aggressive or provocative banter. Ceres and Mars-Aries energy actually aren't the most harmonious combination. When Letterman fights with people at work, it means that he cares for them. Call it tough love. As an Aries, Letterman naturally identifies with his Mars, which makes it easier to project Ceres onto the workers around him, especially the caring, motherly female staffers. Mars as the archetypal warrior knows that to get ahead one must be strong, forceful, and daring. Mars in Aries is highly competitive and gives Letterman the relentless desire to be Number One. A strong Mars such as this represents the vanguard, the best and brightest of the patriarchal society that has ruled our collective civilization for the last several thousand years. Mars here offers Letterman the fortitude to become a dominant player in society, the alpha male. Ceres, in contrast, does not seek power over others. Ceres seeks to empower others, and this is what makes her feel fulfilled. Ceres provides others with whatever they need to become healthier and more secure individuals. In the modern business world, empowering others is a short cut to personal failure, until those who have been nurtured and sustained recognize that they became that way through the kindness and steady assistance of the Ceres personality. Ceres grows people like a gardener grows crops, and eventually the harvest comes. She is patient, understands the natural cycles of birth, growth, and decay, and honors the critical passages for each of these stages. Ceres is most closely associated with the signs Cancer (the home) and Virgo (the harvest). Using the traditional planets doesn't provide many clues that Letterman was about to become a father. Transiting Saturn in Cancer is one that might be summoned, perhaps giving increased importance to the clan. Saturn was also in an opposition to his Moon, but this Saturn-to-Moon cycle is in effect every seven years, and doesn't point to 2003 as being different. His fifth house of children is ruled by Leo, and transiting Jupiter had been passing through when he conceived his son. But one could just as easily say that he was entering into a new romantic relationship. Perhaps he found a lover but they weren't married. This is in fact what happened. The question remains, why have a child?

The clearest indicator is Ceres. Ceres by secondary progression was right on his Sun, a once-in-a-lifetime state of affairs. If we consider the transits to be the planetary situations that everyone feels, the progressed chart represents the unique, internalized developments. Secondary progressions are based on the esoteric formula that one day after birth is the symbolic equivalent of one year after birth. Letterman was 56 when he had his child, so looking 56 days after he was born puts Ceres in a conjunction with his Sun. For this phase Letterman would personally identify (the Sun) with the parent-child relationship (Ceres). As an aside, Letterman was deeply engrossed by his actual age at the time since his father died of a heart attack at 57. Letterman named his boy after his father, Harry Joseph Letterman. So the deeper significance of progressed Ceres conjunct his Sun was a reminder of life's major passages, and included the death of his father, his relationship with him, and his own mortality. Progressed Ceres moves about 1/4 degree per year, so becomes a noticeable influence within three or four years before becoming exact. The trigger for this underlying progression was transiting Ceres, which had just entered his fourth house of the home and family at the time young Harry Joseph was born. Angelina Jolie Finds Her Path Before Angelina Jolie married Billy Bob Thornton she was widely known for her weird escapades and emotional instability. Sure she oozed sex appeal and won an Oscar, but she had a bizarre side that wasn't really tamed until she adopted a child, a Cambodian boy named Maddox that she first met in November 2001. Angelina was born a multi-tasking Gemini (June 4, 1975; 9:09 am; Los Angeles) with Venus, the love goddess, right on her sensitive Cancer Ascendant. Venus here is what gives her the enormous personal magnetism, and the square to Uranus accounts for much of her quirky behavior. Yet when she married the grizzled, four-times married Billy Bob Thornton on May 5, 2000, her life suddenly switched to semi-normalcy. Somehow she became more stable. What happened from an astrological perspective is that her progressed Midheaven was forming a conjunction with Ceres in rock solid Taurus. Her reputation and professional life (progressed Midheaven) was now anchored to the Ceres archetype, giving her a respect for a more traditional lifestyle. And she became interested in having children. By March 2002 the couple had successfully navigated through the red tape to complete the adoption process. Although she and Billy Bob (b. August 5, 1955) separated shortly after that, he stimulated her maternal instincts since several of his planets aligned with her Ceres. His Mercury-Jupiter-Sun-Mars quadruple conjunction in Leo squares her Ceres, and in fact it was he who introduced her to their child Maddox while they were visiting an orphanage in Cambodia. Angelina continues with the process of adopting other children, and plans on having seven altogether, one from each continent. She says her worldview changed when she read the script for Beyond Borders, a film that highlights the plight of the millions of refugees around the world. This happened in 2000 at the same time that her progressed Midheaven was conjunct her Ceres. Her interest is humanitarian; she has become the U.N. Goodwill Ambassador for which she has received several awards, and says she wants to feed all the hungry children in the world. Here we can see how Ceres is closely associated with food, and in Taurus as a provider of the basic necessities for life. Angelina donates one third her paycheck (she earns $16 million per film) to charity, funds that go directly into feeding the

hungry and sheltering refugees. This case study shows how Ceres can be classified along with Venus and Jupiter as a benefic. When her dormant Ceres suddenly came to life, Angelina found purpose and direction. Ceres is in her tenth house where it fulfills her sense of social responsibility. "When Will I Get Pregnant?" This next case study comes from my client files, and highlights the significance of Ceres in questions about pregnancy. The client, whom we'll call Sharon, was born with a Gemini Sun conjunct Ceres on May 28, 1971 (at 4:10 pm; Chicago). The SunCeres conjunction naturally seeks to be a parent, but Sharon was having difficulty conceiving, and asked the astrologer what was going on. Sharon had a good grasp of traditional astrology. She had fully expected to be pregnant over the last year since her Leo Moon was experiencing a conjunction from transiting Jupiter. Her Moon is well aspected with trines to her Jupiter-Neptune conjunction, and sextiles to her Sun and Saturn. Jupiter, the planet of abundance, should have given her a child when it arrived on her Moon, but nothing happened. She had checked with her gynecologist and everything was in fine working order, and her husband had a good sperm count. Sharon's astrological studies did not include the use of asteroids, and once Ceres was included in the chart analysis, the picture became clear. At the time of our first consultation in early 2003 Sharon's progressed Ceres was applying to a challenging square to her twelfth house Pluto. Pluto here represents the hidden obstacle to her getting pregnant. Transiting Saturn in late Gemini was also squaring her natal Pluto, and her progressed Moon was conjunct Pluto, putting a bright red flag on this behind-the-scenes obstructionist. Pluto represents the deeply subconscious fears associated with getting pregnant, as well as a secret romantic affair. Pluto forms dynamic connections to the love planets Venus and Mars (tri-octiles or sesquisquares, 135º aspects), a combination often implicated in romantic triangles. Sharon admitted to the secret liaison, and set out to get right with her husband. By the time transiting Saturn, the progressed Moon and progressed Ceres had completed their difficult connections to her Pluto, she had dismissed the secret affair as a hopeless fantasy, and confessed to her husband. She really did want to get pregnant. After her progressed Ceres completed the square to Pluto, it went on to form a link (an inconjunction, or 150º aspect) to her progressed and natal Jupiter. Ceres to Jupiter blessed her with her first pregnancy in November 2003. Also at the time transiting Jupiter was squaring her Ceres, and transiting Ceres was conjunct her Midheaven. Astrologers, please note the difference. Jupiter to her Moon did not work; Ceres to Jupiter, and Jupiter to Ceres did. Ceres and the Outer Planets Ceres and the other asteroids are all located between Mars and Jupiter, a belt situated between the personal and so-called transpersonal planets. Ceres in the individual horoscope can take on both a personal and/or transpersonal perspective depending on the connections it makes to other planets. Ceres points to a variety of vocational interests, including all the helping professions, child education, agricultural occupations, food service and industries, and work with animals. When Ceres

aspects the outer planets, the path toward nurturing self and others frequently takes form as an occupational indicator. One feels that having a personal family is not enough, and service to the community or to humanity at large leads to a more fulfilling life. More specifically, when Ceres is closely aligned with Uranus, one feels like a global citizen. Perhaps one's personal family is too dysfunctional to identify with, or for other reasons the individual relocates away from the ancestral background. This may mean living in a foreign country, getting involved in a humanitarian cause, or otherwise bridging racial, cultural, or religious roots. Examples from the celebrity world include actress Drew Barrymore, soccer star David Beckham, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, political debutante Chelsea Clinton, musicians Jerry Garcia and Janet Jackson, zen basketball coach Phil Jackson, politician Joseph Patrick Kennedy, international beauty Claudia Schiffer, Indian film director Manoj Night Shyamalan, baseball star Ichiro Suzuki, tennis champion Serena Williams, and actress Joanne Woodward. Each of these celebrities has a Ceres-Uranus aspect with an orb of one degree or less, a tightness that becomes a powerful dynamic in shaping the individual psyche. Each of these celebrities is an active participant in creating the global village. When Ceres aspects Neptune the individual might feel driven to take care of the less fortunate in society. Spiritual needs may nurture the self, as well as inspire one to spiritually feed others as one develops a sense of compassion. Tom Cruise (July 3, 1962), with his Sun conjunct Ceres and trine Neptune, is a good example of this combination. His devotion to scientology provides an outlet for his these impulses. Another example is Julia Butterfly Hill (February 18, 1974), an environmental activist who lived on top of an ancient redwood tree for two years to protest the clearcut of an old growth forest. Her Ceres is in cause-oriented Aquarius and forms an exact sextile to Neptune, giving her a deep compassion for trees as living beings. Under stressful aspects the Ceres-Neptune individual may develop a dependency on drugs, fall victim to deception, or otherwise become a celebrated victim. Kurt Cobain (February 20, 1967; 7:20 pm; Aberdeen, WA) is a prime example here. The founder of grunge music was a hopeless heroin addict. His Ceres is found in communications sign of Gemini, but forms a hard aspect to Neptune. Likewise, Martha Stewart (August 3, 1941; 1:33 pm; Jersey City, NJ) has natal Ceres in the second house of money where it forms a close square to Neptune. Her fall from grace centered on illegal insider trading, or in other words, financial fraud. Jacqueline Kennedy-Onassis (July 28, 1929; 2:30 pm; South Hampton, NY) has Neptune conjunct her Midheaven where it forms a square to Ceres in the seventh house of partners. At the time JFK was assassinated on November 22, 1963 transiting Ceres and Neptune were forming a conjunction right on her Scorpio Ascendant. Ceres in aspect to Pluto is an extremely powerful motivating force, and may bestow unusual abilities on the individual. These may include the ability to heal, or facilitate major life changes. Daniel Radcliffe (July 23, 1989) has Ceres in dextrous Gemini closely aspecting Pluto in magical Scorpio. His starring role as Harry Potter demonstrates some of the supernatural talent that may appear in various guises with this aspect. Many individuals with challenging Ceres-Pluto aspects feel called to work in hospices where they assist or guide patients through the door of death. The schizophrenic genius John Nash (June 13, 1928) overcame tremendous

psychological forces to achieve a semblance of normalcy and claim the Nobel Prize. Russell Crowe, who played John Nash in the film "A Beautiful Mind", also has a natal Ceres-Pluto aspect. George W. Bush (July 6, 1946; 7:26 am; New Haven, CT) was born with Pluto in his first house opposite Ceres. Bush's Pluto is conjunct Mercury, a combination that produces a very focused political ideology. With Ceres modifying his Mercury-Pluto, Bush found success in the campaigns by touting "Compassionate Conservatism". One may assume that his wife Laura had a hand in developing this philosophy since Ceres is in the seventh house of partners. Ceres here also denotes his father's influence, and many of W.'s advisers come frm George senior's cabinet. Vice President Dick Cheney (January 30, 1941; 7:30 pm; Lincoln, NB), for example, was the elder George's Secretary of State, and his Aquarian Sun is exactly conjunct W.'s Ceres. The seventh house is also the house of open enemies, and one of W's staunchest opponents is the environmental faction, which is symbolized by Ceres. Ceres' association with the environmental movement can be seen in John Denver's horoscope. John Denver (December 31, 1943; 3:55 pm; Roswell, NM) was born with Ceres conjunct Saturn in vocal Gemini, and located right on his Gemini Ascendant. Denver was well-known for his songs about nature, and when he became a celebrity he began a speaking tour that promoted various environmental groups and causes. He established several environmental organizations himself, and became an enduring symbol for protecting natural habitats. Here the Ceres-Saturn connection comes through as taking personal responsibility for the continuous survival and well-being of nature. Ceres in aspect to Chiron, known as the Wounded Healer, is often found in the charts of health practitioners and alternative healers. The caring, sensitive aura of the Ceres individual combined with the awareness of other realities and dimensions as denoted by Chiron may inspire vocational or professional outlets. These include being an astrologer, massage therapist, chiropractor, herbologist, acupuncturist, or naturopath. Many nurses and doctors also have this combination. Ceres by transit can bring traumatic life changes, especially when it's under difficult natal configurations. Jackie O's Ceres brought her a lifetime of such tragedies, with her Ceres in the 7th house of partners squaring Neptune at her Midheaven. Superman actor Christopher Reeve is another example. Reeve (September 25, 1952; 3:12 am; NYC) was born with Ceres in restless Gemini and opposed to Mars, a natal alignment predisposed to accidents while traveling. On May 27, 1995 during an equestrian competition he suffered an accident which left him paralyzed from the neck down. At the time transiting Ceres was exactly conjunct his Leo Ascendant (which rules the physical body), and transiting Mercury had just turned retrograde while conjunct his Ceres. To those who have learned to work with Ceres, this asteroid may bring long life. Ceres in aspect to both Jupiter and Neptune is found in the charts of the world's oldest human beings. According to the 2001 edition of the Guinness Book of World Records, Eva Morris holds the official record for being the oldest human. She was born on November 8, 1885 and died peacefully in her sleep at an English nursing home just six days before her 115th birthday. Eva was born with Ceres sextile Jupiter and opposite Neptune, giving her an innate ability to take care of herself, especially

in a spiritual sense since Jupiter and Neptune are the two planets associated with faith. Guinness recognizes Jeanne Calment as the oldest person ever who has authenticated birth records. She was born on February 21, 1875 and died in 1997 at age 122. She was born with Ceres trine Jupiter and sextile Neptune. While the publishers of Guinness Book require a birth certificate for authentication, when considering church records, the oldest person ever was probably Maria do Carmo Jeronimo, a former slave from Brazil who died on June 14, 2000 at age 129. She was born on March 5, 1871, and has Ceres in Virgo square Jupiter and inconjunct Neptune. Elizabeth "Ma Pampo" Israel, from the tiny island nation of Dominica, has church baptismal records that indicate she was born on January 27, 1875, only a month before Calment. She died shortly after her 128th birthday in early 2003. Like the others, she has the blessed Ceres-Jupiter-Neptune cosmic signature. Ma Pampo is a national Dominican hero, and was widely celebrated and interviewed during her last years. Following her predisposition to Ceres, she believes in good nutrition, and attributes her longevity to eating natural food. She ate fresh crab, dumplings and fish, and drank coconut milk regularly. "The artificial fertilizer they're using now is what is making people sick and killing them slowly... they will never live long," she said in one of her last interviews. From these examples and case histories, astrologers can see that Ceres represents a powerful archetypal force that should be included in any analysis of the natal horoscope. From questions about pregnancy, vocation, parenting issues, food complexes, to life and death situations, Ceres is the missing link that provides the answers. If astrology is the algebra of life, then Ceres in her most exalted role is the gift of life itself.


The dwarf planet Ceres is becoming very important. She represents Mother Nature and the growth of all things - from human babies into mothers, and grain into crops.

She also represents the loss of these things - child abduction and crop failure. In 2007 she saved our crops from total loss by protecting us at the last minute. She stopped the rain and dried out the fields. Illustration by Robbi 07772 479380 In August 2006 the International Astronomical Union announced a re-organisation of the way we view our solar system. Big new discoveries had led to definition and labeling issues. Surprisingly, even the word `planet` hadn`t got a clear definition. So when new planets were being discovered outside of Neptune`s orbit they had a problem. Do they re-write the schoolbooks every time a new planet is discovered or draw a line under the

existing known ones and invent a new category for the discoveries? They decided to invent new labels and in the process re-categorised the asteroid Ceres. Suddenly she found herself in a new box with Pluto, Charon, Eris, Haumea and Makemake. Now she has the lofty title of Dwarf Planet…… but what does this mean?

Ceres the Dwarf Planet

Within the orbits of Mars and Jupiter in our solar system, there is a big wide gap that has caused speculation since the 18th century. Astronomers of the time searched for a planet that the laws of physics told them must be there… … but they couldn`t find it! Finally, in 1801 a planet the size of Texas was discovered in the gap and called Ceres, but when other objects were also found there soon after, it was called an asteroid belt, and the newly named planet was demoted to the title of asteroid(1). Ceres`s position in the sky was no longer reported on, and the world lost interest in her.

Then in the 1970`s someone began to plot her position in the sky again, and 2 astrologers wrote a book about her and the other planets in the Asteroid belt(2). Very slowly, the astrological community was waking up from a deep sleep regarding knowledge of the goddesses (planets) that the Asteroid belt contained. A big prod came in 2006 with the previously mentioned surprise announcement from the I.A.U.

Then in 2008 a report in New Scientist(3) added fuel to the fire by suggesting that the planets Ceres and Pluto were once ONE, or at least came from the same place. This is in spite of the fact that there is a vast distance (up to 4 billion kilometers) and 4 planets in between them! This report was mind-numbingly spooky since this is EXACTLY the case in mythology. Ceres had a daughter or younger aspect called Proserpine. Pluto makes Proserpine his queen and she rules the Underworld with him.

The New Scientist report entitled “Has Pluto sent us a message in Ceres?” says:

“Does Pluto have a wayward cousin lurking in the inner solar system? The dwarf planet Ceres…..may have been born in the same realm as Pluto, but travelled all the way to the asteroid belt.”

Apparently the 2 planets are made of the same stuff, and this doesn`t occur anywhere else in the Solar System.

The Spiritual Meaning of Ceres

Putting it simply, Ceres represents Mother Nature, growth, grain crops, grieving and the bond between Mother and child. She is the growth of a seed into maturity, and then it`s separation and preparation for re-birth. This might mean the cycle of human life; from a seed - to a baby - to a maiden - to a mother; or that of agriculture and grain in particular. She is a symbol for separation and dying, and the mourning and grieving that goes with it, but she is also the energy that is with us as we prepare for re-birth, a new beginning or a re-generation. The earliest civilizations believed that the human soul went through a cycle of death and rebirth just like corn does. Her myth is one of many concerning the death and re-birth of vegetation, and it exists to encourage us to believe that human life does not end in death.

Our soul is here to learn and grow, and it is a sad fact that sometimes the greatest growth comes with great pain, because usually we have to see something end or pass before we grow into something new. Pain and spiritual growth are proportional to each other. Ceres comes to us not just for the light of birth, but also for the dark of death. She takes our hand and walks with us through the Underworld of the darkest of nights, and her gentle sensitivity teaches us of our soul, and the reason for it`s existence. We see and feel the intensity of a flower. She tends us while we grow.

The Myth of Ceres and Proserpine

Ceres was originally known to the Greeks as Demeter meaning Earth Mother,(4) and going even further back, to the ancient Egyptians as Isis. The best and longest account of the myth is told in a Greek song(5) called “Homeric Hymn to Demeter” which was written in the 7th Century B.C.E.

In a nutshell, the story describes the agony and mourning a mother (Ceres) goes through, when her daughter (Proserpine) is abducted and taken into the Underworld to become Queen and wife to the Pluto. Eventually Proserpine is returned to her mother, because Ceres withholds all crops and food from the human Upperworld. The other gods cannot allow the human race to die, so they broker a deal that means Proserpine will spend part of her life in the Underworld, and part in the Upperworld. The object of this hymn was to explain the Mysteries of life and death in an indirect way, since it was forbidden to speak of them directly.

Pluto has a golden chariot, which is not exactly a symbol of destitution and poverty and he did rule a third of the world, so all was not a complete disaster! In the Greek version,(5) Proserpine could still see the “star filled sky”, the “fish-swarming sea” and the “rays of the sun”, so she had hope. I think it might be important for us to reflect that she could still see life on Earth from the Underworld.

Ceres made it a terrible year for humans whilst she grieved and yearned for Proserpine. Soon, the human race was near the brink of extinction and things were getting serious. If the whole human race died, then the gods would not get their worship. Humans get their vegetation courtesy of the gods, but then the gods get something back from humans. Homage and adulation by humans is an act of focus that generates an energy (spirit) which then passes into the Ether and feeds the universal spirit of the Godness. The god/desses desperately need this

worship-generated energy, and it jeopardizes their way of living if they don`t get it. So Jupiter intervened and instructed Pluto to let Proserpine go. Jupiter assented that she should spend a part of the year underground and part in the company of Ceres.

The myth is at pains to point out that humans are here to endure the gifts that the god/desses give us and we don`t seem to recognize the fortune in this. That although something may feel tragic and terrible, eventually with time and persistence something good will come of it. She insists her way is the “greatest boon and joy for immortals and mortals alike”, and that contact with her gives something of value.

The Eleusinian Mysteries and Life after Death, A Guide Into the Underworld

Ceres showed the mortals how to perform certain sacred rites and rituals, which were associated with love and the secrets of life and death. Whoever was initiated in these rites would “get a share of things” once they died and went into the “dank realms of mist”. Once a human has seen these things they are sent “Ploutos, - wealth personified, who gives riches to mortal humans”. These rites were called the Eleusinian Mysteries.

Greek society had moved towards masculine or yang culture where individual importance and survival was becoming most important. Science and thought were controlling the more bestial natural ways.

Nature or feminine energy such as Ceres`s, is willing to sacrifice single life in the knowledge that it is part of a Collective and ultimately the Collective must be protected. As society became more focused on analytical selfdevelopment, it would have been inherently natural to maintain an appreciation of Mother Nature and Ceres as a kind of opposite to the prevailing cultural trend.

Probably to maintain the sacredness and importance, the exact content of these rites has remained a mystery, but in the Hymn we have a few clues.

Persephone is referred to as a young seedling, and is in fact a different manifestation of the same cycle. The seed and young seedling (Proserpine), the mother plant bearing an ear of corn (Ceres), the withering plant after harvest (old crone) and then the seed again. This can be put into human terms – human seed, embryo, baby, maiden, mother etc. These are different stages of development of the same Earthly process – life form emerging, growing and decaying. It is likely that the Mysteries explained this.

In it`s simplest form, the myth explains the seasons. So when the myth talks of Ceres`s mourning whilst Proserpine is underground, it could be a metaphor for Mother Nature mourning whilst the seed is underground i.e. in the Underworld. This is the time when things must rest, and go out of sight (death) before resurrection.

This is the fundamental message of the Mysteries. That humans also share this cycle or pattern. Death is not a finality, it`s a preparation for re-birth. Ceres`s energy is all about growth. How one life leads to another. How this year`s crop provides the seed for next years after a period in the Underworld. A seed will always promise new life. As you look at any seed you see the promise of amazing potential.

Ceres Ensures Re-Birth and Growth

Ceres is not only representative of the life and death cycle, she protects it. In the myth she could not stop Pluto or the Underworld taking her progeny for a while, BUT she did influence Proserpine`s return. She will simply not allow there to be no re-birth, and her power proved to be the most influential. Let`s reflect on that. She could not stop the death, but she ensured the re-birth. Ceres`s greatest gift is that of growth, which we see when Proserpine was returned, for Ceres immediately filled the Earth with burgeoning fields of bountiful new corn. This is what she does best. She will stay with us and wail and mourn with us during the loss, but always she seeks to grow. These days, Ceres guides souls into the Underworld…but also out again.

The Freemasons state (on more than one website) that Plutarch, a famous ancient Greek philosopher and initiate, says in his `Immortality of the Soul` that the soul at the moment of death, goes through the same experiences as those who are initiated into the great mysteries. The word and act are similar: we say telentai (to die) and telestai (to be initiated).(6)


How Ceres`s Support will be Needed in Food Supply after 2006.

Ceres was introduced into Roman worship along with 2 other old Greek deities in 496B.C. because the Italians were suffering drought and famine, and needed some help(4). Ceres must have been useful because 6 years later they built her temple in Greek style, with priestesses of Greek origin. She was designated a Goddess of the working or common classes, which gave her nationwide popular appeal.

Ceres the planet was originally discovered at the beginning of an agricultural revolution caused by new ploughing methods devised in the early 1800`s. She has very strong associations with grains of corn in particular.

The sudden and surprising announcement of her elevated status to dwarf planet in 2006 could only mean that her energy was going to keenly felt and much needed after that. We started to understand just how much in 2007, when it was announced by United Nations scientists that in order to feed the world`s population, we would need to grow as much food in the next 50 years as we did in the last 10,000 years! The global population will rise from 4.4 billion in 1980 to an estimated 9 billion in 2050.(7)

From 2006 it became quite common to see gardening programmes on the TV entirely devoted to the growing of vegetables rather than the previous fashion of gardening makeovers, and the American president and U.K. Prime Minister, Gordon Brown made impassioned pleas for people to not waste so much food.

There were food riots in third world countries as the price of staple grains such as rice trebled in a number of months. The changing climate conditions that brought about the loss of the world`s food crops was not of Ceres`s doing, this was all the work of Sedna. Ceres was actually helping to reduce the impact of the worsening weather conditions, as we found out in England in 2007, when Ceres saved the potato and wheat harvest from failure due to flooding. (Ceres was introduced in Rome to assist with drought conditions, so she is obviously useful for either!)

The saving of the crops from the floods of 2007 was clearly shown in the astrology of the time. Transiting Sedna and Neptune were in a long running square aspect (20° Tau and Aqu) and between them were flooding large parts of England. The weather forecast looked dire and the rain was relentless . Then in August Ceres edged in front of Sedna, standing between Sedna and the Earth and stopping Sedna`s influence. Within hours the rain stopped. The fields dried out, and a miracle happened – the harvest could be brought home. The image of how Ceres did this still brings tears to my eyes, it is a shame that at the time, so few of us knew of her brave and timely protection.

Growing Babies, Child Abduction or Separation and Madeleine McCann.

The terror of abduction is something that mothers in the 21st century struggle with and will identify with most readily. The abduction of Madeleine McCann from a Portuguese holiday resort in May 2007 was extremely well publicised all over the world. And no one will forget the sadness and support that we all felt. Kate and Gerry McCann were on a global stage, expressing the anger, anguish, bewildered grief and mourning which Ceres suffered in the myth. Madeleine`s horoscope has a close Sun-Ceres conjunction trine Moon, and there was a very significant Ceres energy involved on the day of her abduction, confirming that it was indeed an abduction. By progression, Ceres energy remains with and guides the child until mid 2009.

“To enter into the figure of Ceres means to be pursued, to be robbed, to be raped, to fail to understand, to rage and grieve, but then to get everything back and be born again” Carl Jung

Ceres, Cycles and the Passage of Time

Ceres gives us an understanding of nature, her cycles and the passage of time…including patience! When she was introduced to the Italian peasants, it was made most clear she was a goddess for the plebians. The daily work of the farming community all revolved around the natural calendar. There was a yearly plan and it could not be hurried. Sowing, weeding and harvesting were all at set times of the year, and this gave the working classes stability, routine and order. They had to stay with their land. This teaches patience and an acceptance of the dominance of a greater will than our own. Ceres says the 21st century is the time to re-learn this skill!

Ceres Supports Us Through Death and Bereavement

Death of a loved one is a heartbreaking sorrow which no words of mine can bring comfort to. And the terrible pain of bereavement is an awful and tragic experience. But somewhere along that wretched journey there is a time when the bereaved desperately want to know `Why?`. And maybe understanding an individual loss in the context of the great cycle of life, can in time offer some solace, as we then understand that the soul of our loved one is only out of sight for a while. They will return to live again, and this is promised to us by the presence of Ceres. Her rites show us a better way to understand what death and the Underworld is really all about. Maybe, if we understand that there will be a re-birth we can find it more bearable.

We Need to Change Our Image of the Underworld and Our Horror of Death.

Our culture lives in fear and horror of the perceived atrocity of the Underworld. The Ancients Greeks had no such pre-occupation. It was the Catholic Church and Christianity that would introduce the horrors of a place of burning hell fires and purgatory. No such place existed for the ancient civilisations.

This can be seen in a vase from the Ancient Greece(8) showing a one-off rare scene of the Underworld with the winged souls of the dead filling a giant container with the individual waters of knowledge from their own vessels. It is a calm and peaceful scene.

We live our lives enduring pain and enjoying happiness. As the Book of the Dead(9) points out, we must drink, eat and make love. As we do this, our soul is constantly gathering experience and wisdom. When we die, our soul, spirit and mind return to their separate places in the Multiverse. The soul joins the collective soul and pours into it all the wisdom and experience it has learnt – some pour for longer than others!

Does it help the bereaved to understand the context in which their loved one has passed on? I think so. It can be understood that their death contributes to a cycle of life in which they continue to play a major role. That single life is not meaningless; it continues to have great value.

Another way of looking at death is to see ourselves as simply extensions of each other. Different stages of the same energy. There is no `individual`, and so no `individual` death. We are all connected. Life flows through the generations, which are born from each other.

Certainly, as the years unfold after Ceres`s 2006 revival there will be a changing attitude to death and it`s circumstances. The National Health Service and Marie Curie Foundation have recently launched a joint initiative to promote home deaths. They want to open up discussion between the dying and their survivors, so that fear and taboo will not prevent the death rites being as respectful and honorable as possible.

Currently, our taboo and discomfort at talking about and accepting the imminent death of a loved one, meant that their dying moments are in a resuscitation unit, far from the gentle hands of their loved ones, as medics vainly tried to hold back the inevitable tide of death. I think Ceres will slowly introduce us to the idea of letting loved ones go with dignity and peace. Home birth has become an aspiration…….now home death needs to be!

Ceres and The Parent-Child Bond, Parent-Child Issues

In astrology, she is clearly a symbol of the parent-child bond. She is as much about the care and nurturing we give our progeny, as she is about the farmer`s care and nurturing, which gives a good harvest of wheat.

In the early 21st century, it is likely that we will all experience parent/child bond issues, as Ceres makes herself known. I know of no one who hasn`t already struggled with strong mother/daughter psychological issues. Issues to do with control and breaking free.

Carl Jung said “Every mother contains her daughter in herself and every daughter her mother. Every woman extends backward into her mother and forward into her daughter.”(2)

This will be hard for some daughters to take on board, and yet it is true that daughters carry the epi-genes and spiritual and soul inheritance of the whole maternal family lineage. The matriarchal energy is passed on from mother to daughter, generation after generation. Yep……you are your mother!

A few might have experienced more profound sorrow or grief at separation from a parent or child, and for these unfortunate souls, reflection on the deeper meaning of Ceres may bring some understanding or comfort.

Other Ceres issues can include family miscommunications, Ceres-style revengeful or devouring mothers, or the isolation of being alone with a child.

Some Final Thoughts

If there is one reason for our lives here on earth, then it has to be that we should know and understand ourselves better. Unfortunately this is also one of the hardest things to achieve! It is my personal belief that the reason for pain is this - it is in our greatest pain that we achieve our greatest growth towards the goal of knowing ourselves. We wouldn`t bother otherwise.

There is no greater love on earth than the love of a mother for a child. When this love takes us to our own `underworld` of death and humility whilst we are still living, then we are truly in the greatest pain known to mankind. A personal hell on earth.

Surely then, this is when the strangest of things can happen. We grow. Our soul grows. We can see and feel the intensity of a flower. We can experience a side of ourselves that would be unknowable otherwise. We see our soul, and the reason for it`s existence. The darkest hour has the greatest light. And Ceres takes our hand. She walks with us and tends us in this pain. She tends us while we grow.

In the last year I‟ve took a close look to the Ceres dwarf planet and his role in our chart and in our evolution. I start analyzing people charts and to see how Ceres is influencing their life and what is the meaning of this asteroid. For me the traditional meaning regarding the nurturing feelings and other similar interpretations was not enough. I sense that there is more about the biggest asteroid orbiting on the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. In my opinion Ceres has a very strong link with the Moon. The Moon in a horoscope represent the emotional level of a person and how he is reacting to external events. But the Moon is a Yin element, a passive one and is showing us a status and how a person will change on inside. Transits and progressions to the Moon are an indication of the changes that implies the person mood and emotional status. Ceres on the other hands is a very connected with our Moon, with our emotional status, because it is outlining the types of events, of life experiences which will alter/change/improve our inner status. In other words Ceres it can be view as an outer Moon , as a shield which filter all the external events and is sending to our emotional level (Moon) only those inputs that are required for our evolution. I prefer to refer to the Moon – Ceres duo as a two sisters: Moon the younger one and Ceres the elder one. For a better understanding of what I want to say please imagine the followings: Two sisters are taking a walk on the forest on a sunny day. The youngest one ,named Moon, is very curious about the surroundings and she doesn‟t know much things about it. The eldest one, named Ceres, is very patient and is trying to explain to her sister all the elements that are part of the forest. At one moment a bee is approaching them. The Ceres immediately warn Moon that this tiny and beautiful insect might sting here and it will cause her pain. The Moon looking at this beautiful insect which was flying towards her is saying in her mind that her sister is wrong and the bee will do no harm. So she reach her hand and grab the bee. The result is obvious: the bee stang Moon and she start crying. I hoped you enjoyed this short story. This is an example of how we are internally dealing with our Moon and Ceres. Ceres is always looking to take care of our emotions and feelings but we sometime are not listening her. We sometimes we are not paying attention to what happening around us and from time to time we get stang. In a horoscope Ceres is an indication of the external events which occur in our life and having a strong influence on our emotions , our inner side. It is showing us by position in sign and house what types of events are really touching us on a deeper level. By position in sign Ceres show us the nature of those events while the position in the house is an indication of the type, characteristic of the events. Also aspects with other planets and elements are important. But more important is the relationship between Ceres and Moon. When Moon is square or opposition with Ceres it means that we are failing to assimilate the lessons of the events on our life. We are simply refuse to change on inside and this is a reason why we have to repeat some hard lessons over and over. It‟s like those two sisters are arguing and Moon is not listening to her elder sister Ceres.

When Ceres and Moon are in favourable aspect ( sextile, trine, conjunction) we are receptive to our surrounding events and lessons and we are able to deal more easier with difficult aspects from our life.

Ceres is a mother to older children while the Moon is the Mother of babies

I actually think Ceres is pretty important. It always makes sense to me in the chart. Two guys I got close to, both had Ceres/Saturn in bad aspect. One had the opposition, the other had the square. They have something in common: zero nurturing growing up and zero ability to nurture others. One of them has Saturn fairly well aspected, trining his Sun, and yet he had many problems with his father being overly authoritative and cold. Despite his water sun and moon he was extremely restrictive with himself and others to the point where he�d visibly cringe at displays of affection.. unless they came in some sort of well set out format (how Saturnian is that).. Negative Ceres/Saturn with this guy in particular felt sort of like �there is a specific time and place when it�s appropriate to be affectionate�. Any emotion beyond this time and place should not exist and if it does the people involved should be �corrected�.. its almost like �the emotion Nazi�. I've always felt nurtured and vice versa. I like nurturing people. Once I warm up to a person I�m very affectionate. Maybe that's why I attract these guys I have a tendency to feel really sorry for people who seem unable to give/receive affection. But I�ve learnt my lesson with that lol Can�t help someone who won�t help themselves.

Ceres is Conjunct my Ascendant by less than a degree. I've heard "unconditional love" is one of the interpretations, and I do love people unconditionally (at least, in theory).

Let‟s discuss a little about Moon- Ceres connection. The energy flowing between Moon and Ceres is bi-directional, meaning that it moves from Moon to Ceres and also from Ceres to Moon. It‟s very similar with the Sun-Ascendant connection where the Sun symbolize our inner personality (our soul) and the Ascendant is the outer personality which is formed during our

current life. Both Ascendant and Ceres acting as a filter, a shield for Sun and Moon. And in both cases we are dealing with a bi-directional energy transfer. We are receiving impulses from outside but in the same time we are sending away different signals and energies. In this manner we are expressing our emotions and also energies from subconscious (Moon) using the Ceres filter. And in the same time we are receiving energies from the outer world using the same filter – Ceres. Saying this we can conclude that Ceres is a symbol of external events that occur in our life and with an impact on our emotions. There are events that are happening to us and are events that are generated by us…in both cases the emotional impact is strong. Now let‟s introduce in the scene another element: polarities. We all know that the world where we are living (actually our dimension of existence) is based on polarities excellent described by Yin and Yang. Yin is the feminine and passive principle while Yang is the masculine and the active side. The zodiacal signs are having also a polarity. You can read more here about this. Now back to our subject… Moon and Ceres based on their sign placement can be either in a Yin element or a Yang one. But what does this mean? I will try to give an answer to this question… When the Moon is in a Yin sign our emotional inner status is a passive and static one. The entire energy is directed to inside and there is no need to express what we are feelings and emotions are. It‟s like a mountain lake where only springs are providing the necessary water. And the lake is not distributing his water. When the Moon is in a Yang sign our emotional level is a dynamic and very active one. We need to express what‟s inside and we are searching for ways to do this. The energy is flowing in the outer space. It‟s like a mountain river…very dynamic and finding his way to freedom. Nothing can stop him from going down on the mountain. Ceres in a Yin sign show us that we are reacting to external events and we are „victims‟ of what is happening in our life. I‟m referring to the emotional status and mood changes. Ceres in a Yang sign on the other hands is an indication that we are facing the results of our actions. What we do in our life and how do we are using our energy is very important because the result , the feedback is turning back to ourselves and is affecting us on a deeper level. Persons with Yang Ceres are under the direct influence of their actions while persons with Yin Ceres are under the influence of others. Now let‟s analyze also the combination of Moon-Ceres from polarity point of view. We have 4 different situations: Moon Yin – Ceres Yin This is the most passive and non-active combination. This person is the perfect imagine the still lake mountain. He is only reacting to the external events without feeling the need to action. Things happing in their life and the received impulses are making strong waves on our emotions.

Moon Yang – Ceres Yang This is the opposite of the above combination. Totally dynamic one. Emotions must me expressed and we are taking decisions and initiating actions in our life. The results of our actions it can produce a much more stronger wave in our emotional status. Persons in this situation are rarely influenced by other people actions unless they are a direct response. This combination is the perfect image of a the mountain river which it never stoppes and is changing the landscape around him. Moon Yin – Ceres Yang This combination and the next one are the most conflicting because the differences in the ways that Moon and Ceres are vibrating. The Moon is passive while the Ceres is very active. It might be interpreted like the persons is often in position where he must action and take decisions but in the same time is not something that he really wants to do. Is something like on inside there is a voice screaming to you: Stay calm! Don‟t do anything! wait to see what happen!. But on outside you are forced by life to do something. It‟s like a mountain lake which is receiving to much water from surrounding springs and now he is forced to find out a way to eliminate the water surpluss. And in this way he is creating a small river… Moon Yang – Ceres Yin This combination it can be very frustrating for a person. His Yang, active emotional level needs to be expressed. Energy must flow free without any obstacle. But from some reasons ( life situation) the person is not so convinced that he really must do something to express his inner emotions. It might say wait a little to see what‟s happing next. It can lead to some serious problems and inner conflicts. It‟s like a mountain river which now facing a very strong obstacle ( a beaver building a dam ) and he must calm down a little and try to find out a solution. The above interpretation are generally ones and you should analyze for yourself how are you dealing with your Moon – Ceres.

Now after analyzing Ceres influence and Ceres-Moon link I will focus on the Ceres cycle. There are interesting things to discover about Ceres complete transit through the entire zodiac. The Ceres return occur every 4.6 years and it may depends on the retrogrades times. Firstly a few words about Ceres transits influence… From the beginning I will mention that Ceres transits are more active for a women person and more subtile and less direct for a male person. This is normal considering the Ceres type of energy which is more Yin related. Basically Ceres transit will point out events in our life when our emotions and inner life are very strong influenced and changes might occur. Ceres is outlining the source of these events while the Moon (esp. progressed) show us what type of change is about. Imagine that you are a still lake and from time to time rock are falling from the near mountains. This rocks are making waves…similar to external events which are creating emotional waves in our soul. Ceres is showing us information about the rock, the source of rock and when and where will hit the water surface. It‟s not about the waves created by the rock.

Of course the most important aspects are conjunction esp. when Ceres is transiting Sun,Moon and Venus and other personal planets or points. In particulary Ceres is a good indication for child birth and pregnancy for a women but not restricted to this. Now let‟s talk about some interesting facts about Ceres cycle. In my opinion Ceres cycle is a major cycle and a link betwenn Moon cycles: in transit and in progression (secondary progression). The Moon cycle in transits is aprox. 28 (27,75) days while in progression is about 28 (27,75) years. So we have 360 Moon-transits-cycles for 1 Moon-progressed-cycle. Translated I can say that each person in 28 years (also the cycle period of Saturn ) will experience the full complete zodiacal circle experience from emotional point of view. This is a growing up and maturiy cycle and each of us must go through. But the 28 year cycle is a long one and just a few persons will reach the complete 3rd cycle. Now Ceres is entering into scene… With a 4,6 years cycle Ceres is the missing link between Moon cycles. Making a simple calculation we will find out that 1 Ceres cycle = 60 Moon-transits-cycles and 1 Moonprogressed-cycles= 6 Ceres-cycles. And I might say that are perfect correlations… In conclusion we will have 1 Moon-Progressed-cycle = 6 Ceres-cycles = 60 Moon-transitcycles. Pretty interesting, isnt‟ it? Based on this I can say that in our growing up cycle (28 years) the external events which help us evolve are repeting for 6 times. Each time the Ceres transit will activate the same point in our chart and it will send us the same type of experience. I‟m not saying the same life experience but the same type of event. And is in our duty to be able to learn from this 6 opportunities. From the practical point of view the Ceres return chart is very helpful. And for a women is a clear indication of the conception and birth process and all aspects related with. But Ceres is not limited to this because it is showing us all the events that are reaching us on a deeper level: familly events, medical problems etc. I‟m currently using Ceres return for each consultation I have and my client is a women. It help me understand her better and to be able to make a more detalied analysis of her future evolution. About the Ceres return chart interpretation I will discuss in a future articles. Until then I‟m eager to find out your opinion about Ceres cycles. Try to use it on your chart or your clients chart and see what you can observe there.

Ceres in Aries people identify nurturance with autonomy and being granted independence. In turn, the Ceres in Aries individual nurtures others through promoting their self-determination and selfsufficiency. To feel truly loved, this person must receive these experiences from his or her significant others. Pathology or imbalance can occur when the child feels either dominated by the nurturer or pushed toward autonomy before he or she is ready to take on this responsibility. Ceres in Taurus individuals receive nurturance through physical sustenance, a sense of stability, and being touched and held. In turn, they can nurture others by fostering their physical security and providing for them in tangible ways. Feelings of self-worth and acceptance are derived from learning how to provide materially for themselves. Imbalance results when the individual overidentifies with

substance, and feelings of material lack promote excessive hoarding of possessions. Ceres in Gemini persons receive nurturance through being educated, talked to, and listened to. These people nurture others mentally through communicating knowledge to them. Self-acceptance is based on feeling smart or intellectually competent. Imbalance occurs when feelings of mental inadequacy lead to learning difficulties or to attempts to intellectually impress or verbally manipulate others. Ceres in Cancer individuals receive nurturance through bonding with the mother, feeling loved, and being fed. If these needs are met at an early age, these people will excel at caring for others physically and emotionally. Self-acceptance is based on one's ability to express feelings and master emotions. Imbalance occurs when the child is either deprived of nurturance or smothered with love and affection. Excessive neediness or emotional dependency are the resulting psychological afflictions. Ceres in Leo people identify nurturance with self-expression. Ideally, the parents will foster in the child a sense of pride, confidence in his / her ability, and an appreciation for the creative efforts of others. These people can nurture others by helping them to express their creativity - thereby making a unique impression upon the outer world. Self-acceptance is based upon one's ability to create and share something he / she takes pride in. The inability to do so may bring self-rejection and lack of self-confidence. Ceres in Virgo persons identify nurturance with perfection or with service. Ideally, the mothering experience can foster the child's sense of competence, discrimination, and self-discipline, which gives the ability to extend skills to others. Nurturing is expressed through teaching others to achieve excellence by right application of skills and talents. Feelings of self-worth arise through mastering a skill or technique and expressing it in the work world, or through feeling useful to others. Imbalance often results when the children are constantly criticised for their efforts, no matter how good they were. This can lead to an obsessive need to be perfect and to be critical of the imperfections of others. Ceres in Libra individuals identify nurturing with co-operation. Ideally, the mothering experience fosters a sensitivity to others and a positive attitude toward relationships. Nurturing is expressed through imparting instructions on how to interact, co-operate, and exhibit right conduct in egalitarian relationships. Self-acceptance may be based upon one's demonstrated ability to create harmony in one's relationships and environment. Imbalances occur when one is so other-directed that he or she places being accepted above a need for self-determination. Ceres in Scorpio natives identify nurturance with intense and deep emotional bonding. Ideally, the mothering exprerience was intimate and fostered a sense of emotional self-control. Nurturance is expressed through emotional commitments to others and through acting as a catalytic agent that transforms or heals them. Self-acceptance may be gained through transforming one's own inner negativity and lack of trust into the healing power of love. Imbalance occurs when feelings of isolation are expressed as selfishness, jealousy, envy, anger and revenge.

Ceres in Sagittarius people identify nurturance with the freedom to explore and expand their horizons. Ideally, the mothering experience encouraged and fostered these needs. Nurturing is expressed through teaching others how to expand their mental and physical horizons (e.g., the guru or spiritual teacher). In addition, the Ceres in Sagittarius individual may help others to develop a philosophy or belief system that gives meaning to his or her life. Self-acceptance may be based on the ability to find purpose in one's life and constantly move forward in consciousness. The failure to do so may lead to the belief that life is meaningless and purposeless ("a tale told by an idiot, signifying nothing" - Hamlet). Feelings of aimlessness that cause the person to wander without direction may result. Ceres in Capricorn individuals identify nurturance with achievement. Ideally, the mothering experience taught the child how to be responsible, organize his / her time, and to carry out plans that would lead to the accomplishment of specific goals. Nurturing others takes the form of teaching them to be responsible for themselves, as well as giving them practical tools that they can use to succeed in the outer world. Self-acceptance is derived from tangible accomplishments that the individual attains through his or her own efforts. Imbalances occur when the person equates feeling loved with how well he or she performs in the world. This leads to the syndrome of using outer achievements to impress others in order to gain their recognition. Ceres in Aquarius persons identify nurturing with individuality. Ideally, the mothering experience fostered self-determination and a recognition of the rights of others. Nurturing is expressed through teaching others to accept their eccentricities and themselves, even if they 'follow the beat of a different drummer'. Self-acceptance can be gained through following one's own original and unique path. Imbalances may occur if the child was not given limits and guidelines, and therefore received more freedom than he or she was prepared to cope with. This would manifest as the 'rebel without a cause', the individual who needs to gain inner control and self-discipline so that he / she can handle the responsibilities of freedom. Ceres in Pisces people identify nurturing with compassion. Such a person receives nurturance through feeling connected to and unified with a reality beyond him or herself. Nurturance is expressed through alleviating the suffering of others - either through empathy or inspiring in them the qualities of faith, universal love, and recognition of a transcendant reality. Self-acceptance may be based upon the ability to serve others selflessly without expecting anything in return. Imbalances occur when the individual does not receive the proper reassurance and emotional support as a child. This often leads to feelings of helplessness and powerlessness which in turn promote the victimmartyr syndrome. Ceres in the first house implies the projection of one's personality as nurturing, sympathetic, and concerned for others. One may identify one's role as being a parent or provider. It may be necessary for this person to nurture him- or herself. Ceres in the second house represents an urge to nurture by providing fundamental needs - shelter, food, and money for loved ones. There can also be an obsessive attachment to what / whom one loves, creating struggle for independence on the other end. Nurturing oneself may take the form of buying things, indulging, or pampering oneself.

Ceres in the third house suggests nurturing through feeding ideas, teaching, and exposure to a variety of ideas and stimuli. Nurturing is expressed through creating networks that link together one's friends and associates. Ceres in the fourth house can signify an idealied image of mother nurturing in the home and family. One's role as a parent is the foundation of the chart and life. In a universal sign this may manifest as mother to the world or whoever comes into the home. When Ceres is near the IC, the mythos of Ceres is especially predominant as a psychological foundation - an emotional connection with the themes of loss and return of loved ones, or of rejection and acceptance. Ceres in the fifth house denotes the experiencing of nurturing issues through a strong involvement with children or the creative arts. One is nourished through play or through putting oneself in risky situations. Ceres in the sixth house symbolizes fulfilling one's needs through engaging in the day-to-day activities of maintaining the efficient functioning of one's family. There is a strong service aspect here especially in the areas of nutrution and health. A parent who works, or has values of the work ethic, is also symbolized by this position. Ceres in the seventh house points to a need to nurture or be nurtured and protected by one's mate. One's parent is often a role model for one's relationship needs. There is sometimes difficulty in outgrowing a dependent relationship with one's partner. Unconditional love provides and essential foundation for egalitarian functioning. Ceres in the eighth house indicates receiving nurturing through intense peak experiences and through deep emotional involvements. Sexuality is often an essential component in giving and receiving nurturance. Nurturance may also be expressed through assisting the dying in hospice settings. Ceres in the ninth house suggests nurturing oneself and others through the pursuit of knowledge, freedom, truth, and travel. There can emerge the development of philosophies that address the question of providing for fundamental human needs, e.g. Marxism. THis placement can also denote philosophies that are based upon teh worship of the all-nurturing mother such as those that revere the Virgin Mary or other goddesses. Ceres in the tenth house connotes expressing the nurturing urge by caring and providing for others through one's profession or social destiny. Careers and public work in children services, health care, and food-related businesses can fulfill one's sense of social responsibility. This position of Ceres may indicate that love is given conditionally, based upon the performance or achievement of the child. When, however, the child fails to live up to parental or societal expecations, he or she may feel either rejected or abandoned. Hence, many individuals with Ceres in the tenth house must learn to love themselves for what they are, not what they do. Ceres in the eleventh house symbolizes extending the nurturing urage into the collective - extended

families, mothers' support groups, child-care co-ops, and communes. This position can also show giving birth to humanitarian visions and ideals. One may express or receive mothering through one's friendships. Ceres in the twelfth house denotes karmic themes in the responsibilities of parenthood and in the development of empathy and understanding for the suffering of others. This position may symbolize experiences such a loss, illness, rejection, and denial of one's parents or children. The key to relieving one's own grief is to extend love and assistance to those in pain or need. This position of Ceres denotes the potential for nurturing the entire universe, and connection to higher reality through unconditional love. Ceres in aspect to Sun the nurturing principle combines with identity and purpose. This combination suggests that one's identity and self-image will center around being a parent or nurturer. Harmonious aspects signify the desire to love and care for others. These individuals may become intensely involved with their families, growing or preparing food, or serving the needs of humankind. In some instances, this aspect indicates work with the dying, or the capacity to be productive and fruitful in one's endeavors Stressful aspects point to potential conflicts between being one's own person and taking care of others. This can lead to self-sacrifice for the benefit of family or denial of intimacy and closeness with loved ones. Excessive attachment can produce smothering relationships or separation and loss. Other problems may include a low self-image, the thwarting of one's nurturing needs, or reoccurring themes of depression and rejection. The resolution of these challenges lies in developing a positive sense of self-worth so that one may extend and receive loving, non-judgmental support. Counseling and therapy can clearly facilitate this process. The conjunction indicates an individual with a pronounced need for care and nurturing. (Does the complete aspect pattern support or deny the need? Why does one feel such a need to be taken care of? Compare House and Sign plus aspects.) This conjunction often appears in charts where the 'father' has been the nurturing parent or where conflict between the parents regarding nurturing have been major; there is some self-preoccupation and with 'taking care of the self' as well; finding the way to genuine self-nurturing.

Ceres in aspect to Moon The nurturing principle combines with emotional responsiveness. Ceres-Moon configurations describe a personality type who has a deep longing to be needed by others and to exchange emotional energy with them. With harmonious aspects, this need is fulfilled

through selflessly giving to others and nurturing one's surroundings. Stressful aspects point to the conflict between meeting one's own personal needs and those of the family. Other problems that may arise are separation anxieties, fears of rejection, and feelings of isolation. This denial of emotional fulfillment can be healed if the individual becomes sensitive to the emotional needs of others and strives to forge an emotional bond / bridge with them which is mutually supportive. Ceres in aspect to Mercury The nurturing principle combines with mental expression. Here we have people who can nurture through their minds and receive nurturance through intellectual stimulation. These people associate being loved with being understood. Harmonious aspects signify the ability to communicate empathetically with others and have rapport with beings who exhibit various levels of intelligence: children, the mentally disabled, plants, and animals. Stressful aspects indicate difficulties in communicating one's nurturance needs to others, especially the family. A common example is the person who expects others to know what he or she needs without having to say so, and becomes angry when the other person doesn't 'come through'. Integration can be achieved if the individual develops new communication skills that enable him or her to clearly articulate his or her needs and actively listen to and receive the responses of others. The conjunction and inharmonious aspects: Telephone conversations between mother and child; conversations about and with children; letters between same; incidents involving cars, driving and telephone conversations / news of children; calls and trips for plants, foods / or trees; foods that affect the nerves; caring / nurturing words; events with maternal aunts or uncles; discussion of care given or received.

Ceres in aspect to Venus The nurturing principle combines with the feminine principle of love and sexuality. The individual with a Ceres-Venus contact may link the feeling of being attractive and loved to subconscious images of self-worth. Harmonious aspects depict the ability to nurture others through expressing sensual tendencies or erotic sexuality. These individuals have an aesthetic appreciation that enables them to create nurturing and harmonious environments. This is an extremely fertile aspect for physical and artistic creativity.

Stressful aspects point to potential conflict between personal needs for intimacy and the needs of family. These individuals may experience feelings of being undesirable and sexually unattractive; hence, unsatisfactory relationships and painful rejections may result. Because Ceres represents the parental imprint, one may also project a negative parental experience onto his or her partner. The key to transforming the above challenges lies in balancing parent / child needs and roles with equality / relationship needs. It may also be helpful to redefine one's inner feminine self-image in order to magnetize nurturing and supportive sexual interactions. Finally, stressful aspects of Ceres to both the Moon and Venus can often point to food complexes. When Saturn is involved, starvation (e.g. anorexia nervosa) will possibly occur; when Jupiter comes into play, the individual may overindulge and substitute food for love. In such cases, the individual needs to find security, love, and acceptance through channels other than food. Therapy may be helpful to catalyze this transformation. The conjunction: to show love by 'acting like a Mommy'; to want to nurture and take care of people one loves ('Don't forget your boots, dear... and here's money for lunch... don't eat anything to upset your tummy'). To make money by 'tending' others and helping them grow and develop; to have a sweet tooth! Inharmonious aspects: financial exchanges with children; children have love and appreciation problems; there is some conflict because money is perceived as a substitute for other kinds of nurturing / relating; concern about grocery or lunch money. Ceres in aspect to Mars The nurturing principle combines with the masculine principle of action and assertion. The individual with Ceres-Mars contacts links the ability to act and to be effective in the outer world to subconscious images of worth. Harmonious aspects denote a productive individual whose drive and energy are channeled into caring for or defending others. This person may also take on the role of single or primary nurturing parent. Stressful aspects may indicate that he child's needs for independence and autonomy felt thwarted by a dominating parent. As an adult, this person could feel inadequate, incompetent, or powerless. When Saturn or Pluto are involved, the individual may experience harsh discipline as a child, or may embody these qualities as a parent. There may also exist the tendency to overdo caretaking of others. The resolution of these challenges lies in balancing self-will with the desire to nurture and be nurtured. It may also be helpful to transform one's subconscious self-image and replace thoughts of fear and inadequacy with those of confidence, courage, and self-reliance.

Ceres in aspect to Jupiter The nurturing principle combines with the expansive, broadening urge. This combination combines a social vision and exploratory urge with the values of Ceres. Harmonious aspects indicate the desire to nurture generously, which is best expressed through education, philosophy, religion, and travel. Involvement with the large-scale production, provision, and distribution of food and other basic services is often possible. Stressful aspects can denote the exaggerated experience of nurturing (the smothering parent) or an over identification with the parental role. The inability to say 'no' to other people's needs can deplete one's own nurturing reserves or lead to personal overindulgences such as overeating. The resolution of these challenges lies in balancing personal and transpersonal nurturance. It is also helpful to expand one's vision of nurturing to encompass social and cultural forms of providing for others - e.g., becoming involved in world hunger programs, etc.. The conjunction, harmonious aspects and inharmonious aspects: long-distance phone calls between mothers and children; offers of help; discussions of travel and / or improvement; traveling with or because of one's children. Inharmonious and harmonious aspects: legalities due to children; dealing with the medical or academic professions in connection with the children; issues connected to grandparents or in-laws; problems with assimilation or food (or liver / gall bladder reactions); irregularities in the appetite; large or festive meals.

Ceres in aspect to Saturn The nurturing principle combines with the urge to create form and structure. This combination can signify a solid and realistic foundation for nurturing activities. Harmonious aspects enhance stability, longevity, and depth in one's nurturing relationships. Traditional family values are strengthened and strong emotional support systems are formed. Stressful aspects suggest potential thwarting or blocking of the nurturing function due to a variety of causes. One's parents may have withheld love and validation, demanded certain behaviors in exchange for their approval, administered harsh disciplines, or simply been absent. In other cases the parents may have been too responsible, doing everything for the child who had trouble discovering his / her own strength. In addition, this individual may feel overly obligated and constrained by the responsibilities of caring for his / her children or elderly parents. The resolution of these conflicts lies in learning how to be one's own parent by nurturing and caring for the child within. In this way, the Ceres-Saturn individual can learn to care for himself or herself as well as for others.

Alternative reading-------------Harmonious and inharmonious aspects: Separation from children; children have conflicts with the father (over other angular or aspecting planets); children involved in 'second chances'; children face enormous responsibilities and hard work. Inharmonious aspects: Restrictions, limitations and burdens through one's children; children seen as a burden; exchanges of irresponsibility; to feel that the nurturing was neglected because of a parent's ambitions or job requirements; to perceive the mother as cold or managerial; to feel that the father (and the mother's relationship with him) precluded normal nurturing (i.e., the father may have gotten the care and attention that the child wanted and needed); difficulty with eating because of problems with teeth. Ceres in aspect to Uranus The nurturing principle combines with individuality and intuition. This combination has the potential to universalize the nurturing impulse into humanitarian activities. Harmonious aspects can suggest original and innovative approaches toward caring for others and developing family structures. Ceres-Uranus individuals are often advocates of human rights and especially support children's individuality. This aspect can connote a highly developed intuition concerning human nature that enables the person to establish rapport with people of various races and nationalities. Stressful aspects may signify unreliable and erratic nurturing experiences which might lead to difficulty in forming emotional bonds. The child who is raise in a 'broken' home or who rebels against his or her parents may later experience the conflict between personal freedom and family closeness. In addition, this aspect could point to difficulties in listening to and trusting one's own thoughts and intuitions. The resolution of these challenges lies in integrating one's individuality and visions of change with one's concern and need for loved ones. Alt reading-------------------Inharmonious aspects: Upsets; unexpected / sudden events through children or through their friends; rebelliousness in children; exchanges of rule and role breaking in the parent-child relationship; seeing the impact of peer pressure on children. Harmonious aspects: Surprises / innovations with plants, foods, herbs or vegetables; doing new, different or exciting things with one's children. Ceres in aspect to Neptune

The nurturing principle combines with the transcendent urge. This combination can indicate a sensitizing of the nurturing impulse to create a depth of compassion and empathy for all beings. Harmonious aspects can signify the desire to selflessly give, based upon the experience of unconditional and absolute love obtained through spiritual devotions. This aspect may also symbolize psychic sensitivity to the emotions of others that enables these individuals to serve as healer-helpers in their chosen roles or professions. Artistic and acting abilities may also be indicated by this aspect. Stressful aspects can point to unrealistic perceptions of loved ones and consequent feelings of disappointment or deception. The resulting emotional neediness may predispose the individual to playing victim as a way of receiving attention in the form of nurturing. Or, unable to bear the emotional pain and isolation, this person may seek refuge in various forms of escapism - drugs, alcohol, or withdrawal. The resolution of these challenges lies in finding one's source of nourishment through the experience of oneness and unity that connects all beings. Ministering to the needs of others, without selfsacrifice, also enables the Ceres-Neptune individual to fulfill his / her deep longing for wholeness and unity. Inharmonious and harmonious aspects: Illnesses of children; sense of loss through mother and children; children require sacrifice and sympathy; an emphasis on fluids or liquid 'foods'; to need to purify the diet and to be nurturing of one's own sensitivity. Inharmonious aspects: Food allergies; strange reactions to foods; uncertain identification of the mother; to be cared for by nurses / nursemaids; to feel a sense of loss in connection with the mother; to have trouble with food as part of the vulnerability of the body; disappointment and deceptions through the children. Ceres in aspect to Pluto The nurturing principle combines with the transformative urge. This combination emphasizes the archetypal Ceres-Pluto theme of loss and return which teaches that one cannot become attached to the life that one has created and nurtured. Harmonious aspects denote the ability to share one's physical and mental / emotional / creative offspring. There may exist a deep understanding of the human psyche and physical world that enables the individual to facilitate others in their life / death passages. Becoming a parent can transform one's values and create greater tolerance and acceptance of others. Stressful aspects may signify intense emotional crises brought about through the loss or separation of loved ones. Intense grief, sorrow, and depression may result. If the person tends to grasp or attempts to possess his or her creations, power struggles may result. The resolution of these challenges lies in transforming one's attachments through accepting the teaching of the Ceres-Pluto myth - that return and renewal follow letting go, that every death is

followed by a birth, and that every loss is replenished by a gain. Thus, a real understanding of this truth permanently erases the fear of loss from one's subconscious mind and replaces it with trust, acceptance and joy. The conjunction: To feel overwhelmed by the mother and by her attempts to control and manipulate; to be forced to eat; to have food-related compulsions (such as binge-eating); to have psychological complexes that manifest in the diet; to need to release the attachment to the mother (and vice versa!); to 'take care of people who are in radical circumstances'. Inharmonious aspects: To have psychological undercurrents in parent-child relationships; to experience 'powerlessness' through the birth experience (C-section, surgery, etc.) or through parenting; to feel 'forced' into motherhood / parenthood or into the role of nurturer / caretaker, and to see that the role can become a vindictive psychological 'weapon' and entails radical changes in the life situation; to use food or nutrition as a basis to alienate or control others; to control one's diet as a compensation for other areas where one feels helpless or powerless; to experience the mother as too psychologically shrewd or too penetrating. Ceres in aspect to the Ascendant The conjunction: Increased importance of nurturing exchanges, 'tending' or 'caring' for' and events that deal with food, shopping or meal preparation. Inharmonious aspects: Indicate a need to 'take care of oneself' (physically, and otherwise, and especially to watch the diet); the square also shows inadequate mothering when natal; the mother may have rejected the child's appearance and ways of coping / dealing with the world; the mother is part of what the child has to cope with and defend against. Ceres: Transits tend to point out events in your life when your emotions and inner life are very strong influenced and changes might occur. They can also point to being nurtured, or of feeling deprived of nurturing. If you find yourself experiencing a prolonged period of grieving in your life, you might be undergoing a major Ceres transit. The Ceres asteroid represents the rhythms in a woman's procreation cycles. In her role as mother, the Ceres woman treasures family heirlooms. The biology of life cycles and female passages are within Ceres's domain. CERES Also called Demeter. The mother of the maiden Persephone (or Kore) had to negotiate with Lord Pluto (or Hades), after he abducted her daughter as his underworld child bride, to allow Perspephone to be free for six months of the year and six months in the underworld. Demeter embodies the tough mother love of Kali, the blood rites of menses and a death/rebirth portal for men. I see astrological Ceres as an indicator of matriarchal initiation rites, where and how the Dark Feminine can be experienced.

Ceres in the South (IC) representing the mother emanation and the principle of unconditional love as well as where and how we receive and later give nurturing... what does being nurtured and nurturing others mean and look like to us?