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English 6 to 10 Activity No. 10 Chapter 3 www.cedsgt.



Activity 1

Write the correct demonstrative.


markers are for office use only, while

over there are for everyone.

This markers are for office use only, while that over there are for everyone. report is due at the end of the month.


reports are due today!

These report is due at the end of the month. Those reports are due today! 3. What are

cookies doing over there? They should be in the kitchen.

What are those cookies doing over there? They shloud be in the kitchen. 4•

chairs go in the conference room.

These chairs go in the conference room. 5.

The IT department fixed

computers over there.

over here are still unfixed.

The IT department fixed those computers over there. These over here are still unfixed.

Activity 2 Write in the space if the underlined demonstrative is an adjective or a pronoun. 1.

I like that computer, it is new.


The customer buys this product.


3. These complete the package. 4. Those are the best. 5. It prints these forms.

Pronoun Adjective

6. We file those in the file cabinet. 7.

I finished that report an hour ago.

8. I saw this forecast one year ago.



Pronoun Adjective

Activity 3 Substitute the subject with the correct demonstrative . 1.

The events start at 7:00pm.


The inventory was accurate.


The mistakes were not unusual.

Those events start at 7:00 pm. This inventory was accurate. Those mistakes were not unusual.

4. The proposal is difficult to understand.

That proposal is difficult to understand. 5.

The terms on that contract are fair for both parts.

These terms on that contract are fair. 6. The blank spaces are for you to put your signature on.

These blank spaces are for you to put your signature on.


The cubicle is Mr. Stevens'


The search was unsuccessful.

This cubicle is Mr. Stevens´ Thar search was unsuccessful.

Activity 4 Substitute the underlined demonstrative with a suitable subject. Use the word bank. WORD BANK a mouse - the date - the calculators - the report — binders - a backup - the projector - accuracy.


We use that to show the annual budget during the meeting.

We use the report tho show the annual budget during the meeting.


The computer needs this to work properly.

The computer needs a mouse to work properly. 4.

We have to do that to the computers.

We have to do a backup to the computers.


Don't forget to put that on the letter.


The students get those to put their textbooks.


The weekly report has that.


Those belong to the accounting department.


That is accurate and on time.

Don´t forget to put the date on the letter. The students get binders to put their texbooks. The weekly report has the proyector. The calulators belong to the accounting department. Is accuracy and on time.

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Activity 5 Match the phrases in the left with the phrases in the right to create complete sentences. Those checks...

a. enables the growth.

That label...

b. need a signature.

The merchandise arrives.....

c. is delaying the schedule.

That amount...

d. has the correct shipping date.

The manager assigned...

e. on that date.

Those products ...

f. is correct.

That information ...

g. are standardized.

This freight ...

h. that task to me.

Those checks...

a. enables the growth.

That label...

b. need a signature.

The merchandise arrives..

c. is delaying the schedule.

That amount...

d. has the correct shipping date.

The manager assigned...

e. on that date.

Those products ...

f. is correct.

That information ...

g. are standardized.

This freight ...

h. that task to me.

Activity 6 Finish the sentences. 1.

That amount... missing from the account.


These documents... missing from that report.


Those clients... are preferentials.


That is red.


This file... it is from the manager.


These glasses... are fon the sun.


That public campaign... need marketing.

8. These mistakes...they need to be corrected.


Activity 7 Write realistic answers to these questions that include Demonstratives. What did you do this weekend?

I went to a football match. That was on Saturday. Now, on Sunday I spent the morning at my parents' house, and in the afternoon read these documents I need to summarize.

Do you think it is difficult to get a job These day?

It is very difficult since companies require a lot of documentation, on the other hand, the country's economy is having a difficult time.

No this is my second period of class, I hop I can pass it that is why I stribe to do all the activities. Is this the first time you study English?

I remember that those games in my house with my younger sister were all day long, I always liked to get good grades at school, my dad's TV was always on at night. What was your life like back in those days you were a child?

This is the world problem that we will be very affected because as humans we have not taken care of our sources of oxygen. those that allow us to have a life "Global Warming", What do you have to say about this?

What did you do last weekend?

That weekend I was at home doing telework, these university tasks and taking care of my children

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Global Warming What is global warming? Global Warming means that the temperature of the planet is increasing. The earth is getting hotter. This happens because there are gases in the atmosphere that trap sunlight energy. The Greenhouse Effect is the excessive accumulation of these gases. The Greenhouse Gases are a by-product of fossil fuels, like oil and coal. We use these materials every day to produce energy and electricity, so that we can use our cars and watch T.V. The factories that use these materials have to use a big amount, so they produce a lot of these Greenhouse gases. This is very dangerous for our planet because it increases the temperature and it creates air pollution. These fossil fuels produce carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, etc. These gases are dangerous because they can make us sick. Some of the diseases that we can get are: asthma, bronchitis, emphysema, and we can get heart problems. So, we have to fight global warming not only for the planet, but for our own health.

Assessment Questions After reading the Global Warming article, complete the sentences by underlining the right answers. 1.

Global warming means that... The temperature of the planet is increasing. Earth is getting colder.


The temperature of the water is increasing. The increase of the earth's temperature is caused by...


Too much sunlight entering the earth. Gases accumulated in the atmosphere Using electricity. Greenhouse gases can cause... • Cancer • Heart problems • Nausea


Examples of greenhouse gases generators are... • The use of oil. The use of cars. The use of fossil fuels that help produce the electricity needed for our homes.

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Calentamiento global ¿Que es el calentamiento global? El calentamiento global significa que la temperatura del planeta está aumentando. La tierra se está poniendo más caliente. Esto sucede porque hay gases en la atmósfera que atrapan la energía de la luz solar. El efecto invernadero es la acumulación excesiva de estos gases. Los gases de efecto invernadero son un subproducto de los combustibles fósiles, como el petróleo y el carbón. Usamos estos materiales todos los días para producir energía y electricidad, de modo que podamos usar nuestros automóviles y ver la televisión. Las fábricas que usan estos materiales tienen que usar una gran cantidad, por lo que producen una gran cantidad de estos gases de efecto invernadero. Esto es muy peligroso para nuestro planeta porque aumenta el temperatura y crea contaminación del aire. Estos combustibles fósiles producen dióxido de carbono, dióxido de azufre, etc. Estos gases son peligrosos porque pueden enfermarnos. Algunas de las enfermedades que podemos contraer son: asma, bronquitis, enfisema, y podemos tener problemas cardíacos. Entonces, tenemos que luchar contra el calentamiento global no solo para el planeta, sino también para nuestra propia salud.

Preguntas de evaluación Después de leer el artículo sobre el calentamiento global, complete las oraciones subrayando las respuestas correctas. 1. El calentamiento global significa que ... La temperatura del planeta está aumentando. La tierra se está volviendo más fría. La temperatura del agua está aumentando. 2. El aumento de la temperatura de la tierra es causado por ... Demasiada luz solar entra en la tierra. Gases acumulados en la atmósfera Uso de electricidad. 3. Los gases de efecto invernadero pueden causar ... • Cáncer • Problemas del corazón • náuseas 4. Ejemplos de generadores de gases de efecto invernadero son ... • El uso del petróleo. El uso de automóviles. El uso de combustibles fósiles que ayudan a producir la electricidad necesaria para nuestros hogares. 2011


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