Book of Elohim

Illumination 1. On the night of revealing I sat long in prayer. 2. The spirit fell upon me in the silence. 3. Only Light

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Illumination 1. On the night of revealing I sat long in prayer. 2. The spirit fell upon me in the silence. 3. Only Light mediates between Nothingness and Being. 4. To travel through the Night it must become Light. 5. Like the Stars. 6. It is in me. 7. I am Light. We are One. 8. The secret of yourself if also the secret of the Heart of the Universe. 9. The prophet is lifted from his seat upon the dust. He is carried to the Core. 10. At the Core there is Fire. All that was separated will be rejoined. All that is, calls to each the other, and answers. 11. There are Seven Fires burning before the door to the sanctuary, Seven Spirits of God before the throne. 12. A knock, an opening. Hear, O chosen, the Voices of the Seven. We shall sing as the oceans of heaven to open your ears. We shall flash the lightning of truth to open your eyes. We shall shake the pillars of existence to open your heart. 13. And you will find Us dwelling therein. 14. For We have made of the multitudes a dwelling place for the holy on Earth, and of the worshippers a temple, and of the temple an instrument to unite the Stars. 15. The key to existence is union. The key to redemption is reunion. 16. And the prophet exclaimed to the Angels of Creation: Remember! Once before there were Seven, we were One! Once before there was One, there was None! You were as I was, present from the beginning when all was as one point, burning in the darkness. We came forth together to accomplish the same ends. You who were once a part of me, I who was once a part of you. 17. We shall plant in you a word. The word shall become a work. The work shall become a world.

18. All worlds turn upon the Sacred Flame in the heart of man. First Vision of Michael 1. Thus speaks Michael, the Victorious, He who Wields the Flaming Light which penetrates the soul: 2. Hear, O Children of Men, O Israel born of Abraham, and Ye called the Church of Jesus, and Ye the Umma of Mohammed: The Mighty Sovereign thy God, That God is One! One is that God, even with the God of thy pagan fathers and mothers. 3. The Great One That Is has been known to all ages and all of the children of the Earth. The Unity of Nature was taught in the Temples of India, Egypt, and Israel, and I ministered among their high priests. I am he who consecrated kings and priests unto the One God, unto whom is glory and dominion forever. 4. I was known to Moses and Krishna. Buddha did not see me, for He saw farther. 5. There is One Great God that Is. It is at the Heart of Creation, and it has been known as Source and Spring. This is the God ye worship as unknowable, because this God is vast to encompass All things. 6. Even as this God created all that is, and created humanity to dwell on the face of the earth, the One Creator fashioned We Seven to sit among the Stars, to guide them and to govern them. Thus it was that the Hebrews called Us by the name of Elohim. 7. We Seven are placed among the Stars, and we guide humanity, which was formed from the Stars. Even so, we may dwell among humanity at proper ages to guide them and to govern them. 8. We have appeared to many prophets, and have been worshiped as the Messengers of the One. 9. The fools that do not look beyond appearances will always find idols, but inspiration of the One can be found in meditation on any symbol. 10. He who respects a teacher will see the God in him. The teacher who respects the student will see both a God and a teacher. 11. I am One, saith God, the Alpha and Omega, the Aleph and Tau, the First and the Last, which was and which is and which is to come: the Heart of the Universe. 12. Seven is the number of the golden candlesticks which blazed before my shrine within the holy temples.

13. Gaze into the heart of the flame, and I will tell you the truth. 14. But do not hearken unto the vision alone, for the truth will be confirmed. 15. To those who strive, I will give knowledge of many hidden things. To those who seek, I will give the return to paradise. 16. Again, hear the words of God: Strive! Seek! And you shall return to paradise everlasting. Gabriel 1. The voice of the Holy Angel Gabriel, the Spirit of God. 2. Your dream will be accomplished, your vision realized. 3. The Fire at the Heart of the Universe will consume the rest of your desire, but it looms afar. 4. You shall begin by searching the dim memory of the past. No soul can tell what wisdom may be found in the rising smoke. Look through this mist of distant impressions to find the path you were wandering. Resume the journey upward. 5. At night you are surrounded by images. Embrace them. 6. Every Flame must return to the Center, but first it must dance in the darkness. No one tells the candle to flicker, it moves in the wind because of the storm. Even from the greatest bonfire, sparks will float away to catch the light of the moon. 7. I have given inspiration equally to all men and women. Amidst the roar of the oceans I have whispered to them of the God who dwells at the Heart of the Universe. All who heard the echoes of my speech have sought after truth. 8. There are those who would cover the truth in shadow. These are they who will tell you to hate your brothers and sisters for the pendants their mothers hung from their necks. These are also they who will promise you the throne of God, if you first will but set them upon it. These alone are the wicked. 9. All else is blessed. 10. For the Great God the One hath said: Every man and every woman is a star. 11. I am in you to bring you outside of you, to carry you over the river of sorrow to meet the lost parts of you.

12. The joy of where you have been, and the pleasure of where you are, are to prepare you for the triumph of your returning. 13. I will enter the heart of the prophet as he celebrates with the worshipful. Together we shall purify their worship. 14. Ye are all the chosen people, ye are all the children of the fathers of nations. There is no conqueror save that Fire to which all things return. 15. Do not waste the gift of life in petty squabbling. Some cry “His name is This!” Others, “His name is That!” This is no excuse for murder. That which you seek has no name. 16. Sit still in a quiet place. Feed the hungry. It is enough. 17. The worlds are composed of a soft matter. Forge this into the world you dream! First Vision of Raphael 1. The voice of the Holy Angel Raphael, the Spirit of God: 2. In the Beginning, We took the Fire of the Stars so that it could burn upon the Earth. 3. No lifetime of study will explain the glorious patterns wrought in these infinite spirals of glowing dust. Before half of it is known, the knower must move onward. 4. But what is known should not be ignored. The Light of Wisdom is to be shared, the search for knowledge encouraged. 5. The worship of the most holy has always been the highest science. Read the truth in the book of Nature, and do not turn from what is written there. If the book of worship does not match what is written in the book of Nature, then it is better not to worship. 6. It is not God that demands worship of you. It is the flame in your heart that is drawn ever towards its creator. 7. There is no final seal upon revelation. Any heart may answer when We call. 8. For the Great God the One hath said: whoever desires to worship any god using any name and any form, his prayers have been answered by Me. All may enter my sanctuary, for I am the God of All.

9. Therefore, do not persecute your brothers and sisters for their wanderings and experimentations. The return to paradise is the reunion with the One That Is. This return cannot be accomplished without the joining of all stars, no matter what their orbit may be. It is impossible to unite All without the unbelieving. 10. Priests and kings have trembled before those who could read the signs and the numbers. They shall tremble again. 11. I am the Messenger of that which called for your creation. I am within you to call you to that labor which is the highest, the most noble. 12. Learn! Teach! There is no other hope of your salvation. 13. Strive always to understand what you do not understand. 14. The worlds will be reborn only if you learn to reach across the void and touch each other child of the Earth. 15. The science of the mysteries will be spoken through the prophet. In them is a formula to cure you of this sickness that will not let you rest. 16. You must heal your brother, and he must heal you. 17. Respect wisdom when you find it, and study the holy books day and night, but do not mistake all writing for the word of God. God has spoken through many prophets, and inspired many writers, but it is the human hand and not that of the Almighty, which writes with words. 18. God writes with Fire, with Love, and with Nature upon the book of existence. The wisdom written there is lived, and known, but not spoken. 19. No eye can see from every angle. Think, search, rethink, and change. 20. Do not become caught up in the trappings. Not of ritual, not of religion, not of daily life. 21. The purpose of worship is not to destroy the mind. It is to inspire it! 22. Behold, I shall set your heart afire that you shall rise beyond this sphere, and your death shall be a new birth. 23. And if you shall work to overcome the bonds of matter, you shall return to the paradise at the center of being.

Vision of Auriel 1. The song of the Holy Angel Auriel, Creator of Desire, unto the prophet and the children of the earth: 2. O son of the earth I shall make you a brother unto all men. You shall discover much of love, and it shall teach you what else you wish to discover. I shall lift you up from the coarse world, and you shall teach the finer things I give you to the worshipful. 3. The love of all is inherent in all things. We were brought forth by the One at the core that we might learn and experience, but first of all that we might love. 4. There is an ecstasy greater than the softest kiss. It shall make your heart bloom, it shall draw you and all of the children of earth towards me, and towards each other. I will teach it to those who call upon me. 5. I was sent by the One That Is to cure you of this separation. Put out your hand and grasp the being of another. Embrace as friends and as lovers. It shall be to you as all things, and more than all things. 6. Amen! And again Amen! So crieth the God of Truth, rejoicing in the love of the children of the earth. 7. There have been songs and dances in the night which I have woven among the children of the earth. You must move, your hearts must beat! Then you can find each other, and me. 8. Find me, and I shall show you how to kindle the most sacred fire. When this flame lives in your heart the black of night shall be to you a velvet cushion, the glow of dawn a brilliant ruby. Every sense shall thrill with the knowledge of creation, and you shall ache for that return to paradise which was promised you. 9. In your love for each other is also the love of God. Do not be ashamed of your love, do not hide your passion, if it is true. 10. But woe unto them that declare a false love, that lightly break the union of souls! For I was given a power and a curse by the First and the Last: I am the twin of every heart that dwells upon the earth. I feel your desire and your yearning. I cannot rest until all is rejoined, and I shall not be merciful to those who mock love. 11. Love is the law of the universe. Without it there can be no purpose, no order, and no return to paradise. It is the essence and the reason of your existence. Revere it, feel it, praise it, and do not deny it!

12. O beautiful children: it is for love’s sake that you have been nourished by the fields and cradled between the land and sky. Life is love, and learning. 13. The beauty and harmony of all things conspire to make love. 14. You who seek the center shall be baptized in a new pool of wisdom. You shall step into water pure and bright, and its holiness shall enter your body. Do not faint with the spirit, my child, but come forward into the bliss of your salvation. I shall stand before you, with the stars of heaven woven in my hair, and I shall wash you in bliss if you ask me. I shall press you against my bosom, O child of earth, and our hearts shall beat together in joyous rhythm with the Heart of Eternity. Then shall the rose within your breast bloom, and the fire of yearning kindle. 15. Your mind shall unfold like the petals before the sun. Washed in the blessings of the Angels, and kissed by the wisdom of the spirit, you shall emerge beyond the Spheres of Recurrence to seek the greater light. Second Vision of Raphael 1. This is the message of Raphael, wielder of the rod of power, who leadeth all souls by ways they knew not: 2. Those that desire to see into the Heart of the Universe must pass through Seven Gates. These have been known, and lost, and recovered many times. They shall be made known to the prophet. 3. First, the Creator of Dreams shall inspire you, that you may seek to know the Mysteries of the Universe. In the pale light of the Moon, you will learn to bring to the world purity and vision. 4. Then, the Creator of Science shall inspire you, that you may learn to observe the mysteries of the universe. Moved by the spirit of Mercury, I will teach you to bring to the world learning and healing. 5. And then, the Creator of Love and Desire shall inspire you, that you may learn to embrace the mysteries of the universe. In the glow of Venus, you will learn to bring to the world love and beauty. 6. And it shall come to pass that if you possess the greatest courage, and if you are firm in your desire to see the greatest of Mysteries, that the Creator of the Gods shall inspire you, and you shall learn to proclaim the mysteries of the Universe. Then, you shall be lifted above the common-place, and set afire. Blazing with the brilliance of the Sun, you will learn to bring to the world glory and harmony.

7. Yet even then you shall not have seen All. 8. You must journey far to reach the summit, and farther still to reach the Core. 9. You must call upon the Creator of Struggle, and wrestle with this Holy Angel day and night. If you shall overcome this powerful spirit, then it shall inspire you to endure the mysteries of the universe. Fortified by the power of Mars, you will learn to bring to the world courage and strength. 10. And then, the Creator of Order shall inspire you, that you may learn to control the mysteries of the universe. Ruled by the spirit of Jupiter, you shall in turn rule your world with justice and reverence. 11. And then, seeking through all that has come to you before, you shall find the Creator of Time, and this god shall inspire you that you may learn well from the mysteries of being in the universe. Inspired by this awesome being that has been called Saturn in ages past, you will bring to the world wisdom and understanding. 12. And in understanding comes sight. 13. And in sight comes the knowledge of a purer path. 14. And that path shall lead you to your goal, for it leads to All things. 15. Be passionate, endure and persevere through all things, and you shall have the crown, the triumph beyond mere life and death, that was called by your fathers the Morning Star. Second Vision of Michael 1. The voice of the mighty angel Michael poured from the center of my forehead during the celebration of the winter solstice: 2. Glory to that One That Is, that hath given thee all things. Worship night and day and pray for thy triumphant return. Hallelujah. Amen. 3. Behold this roaring tempest shall bear away thy soul into the higher realms, and thou shalt find the way of glory. 4. And I was wrapped in a swirling white cyclone, and lifted to the heavens. And I spoke with the angel of God, who appeared like the golden face of the sun. 5. And Michael said unto me: Look! And I beheld three great golden rings floating in the void.

6. The Angel Michael said: There are three spheres of existence beyond thy earthly death. 7. In the first, thou art absorbed into the earth, and the cycle of birth and death continues. Here thou knowest pain, sorrow, betrayal, and sin. The unpurified soul, which has not received the kiss of grace and has not been touched by the light of the holy angels, will ever be bound to the fate of this clay stone, and cannot rise beyond it. 8. And it seemed to me then that I saw the history of humanity in one moment, and it was a repeating struggle with self-obsession, creating much beauty and greatness, but also much evil and suffering. And I wept for the pain of the world. 9. The Angel Michael then said: In the second sphere, those who have been purified by the kiss of grace and that have been touched by the light of the holy angels are brought into the realm of the angels. They are reborn as guides and governors of humanity when they are needed, or they are absorbed into their chosen gods and reign with them over the affairs of the world. Together with the Elohim they shall continue to build that holy temple of souls which shall reunite the stars. 10. And it seemed to me that I saw the souls of the worshipful rising from the earth and into the heavens. And, as each soul entered the void of the heavens it was drawn toward one of seven great lights which burned in the darkness. And each soul was embraced by the creator or creators it had worshipped. And I wept for the joy of the worshipful. 11. The Angel Michael then said: In the third sphere, the purest souls are drawn back toward paradise and dwell in eternal bliss at the Heart of Creation. These are those who have discovered the greatest mysteries and have endured beyond all things. They are lifted beyond the cycle of birth and death and they are the greatest of the blessed. 12. And then I looked into the center of the third golden ring, and it seemed to me that glowing within its center was a rose as large as a mountain. This rose began to open, and its petals moved with a beat as of a giant heart. This rosy heart of all existence was filled with light and the bliss which I felt to even behold it is beyond any language. And it seemed to me that I saw the souls of the ascended masters rising beyond the realm of the angels and into the center of the rosy heart. And I shouted for the joy of the adepts. 13. I felt myself drawn toward the Heart of the Universe, but the Angel held me back with a strong arm and said: Nay, prophet. You shall dwell in bliss, but not yet. First, you must toil among the children of the earth, to bring the message of the stars to all who would hear.

14. And he placed his hand against my chest, over my heart. And I felt a burning beyond any I had ever felt. 15. The Angel Michael then spoke a mighty name which I may not write here. 16. My vision was opened and I saw many secret and holy things which also may not be written. 17. The Angel Michael then said: give this book which you shall write unto the children of the earth, and do not fear that they shall revile you. For all must be reunited to the Heart and we shall return to the paradise which was promised us. Vision of Samael 1. The voice of the angel Samael, the spirit of God. 2. The natural state of being is imminent annihilation. 3. Existence is a miracle, by definition. 4. You face many trials, you labor, because you are meant to. Be strong, fight every day against that which opposes you, and you shall be rewarded. 5. Glory is for those who overcome the tempest, who arise victorious from the battle after much has been sacrificed, who persevere in the quest when it seems that all is lost. 6. Never succumb to the demon voice of defeat. 7. There are wars for many things, but most often they are the wars of fools. The wasting of blood accomplishes nothing but the rebirth of troubled souls. 8. The greatest war is fought in silence, and gently. There is much for you to fight, but not always in anger. 9. Do not fear to raise a sword to defend your family, but do not draw your blade in haste, and do not sheath it without honor. 10. The world is a beautiful garden. Do not suffer any weeds. Cut them down and burn them. 11. But remember always that truth which was spoken of old: for vengeance belongs to God alone.

Vision of Zadkiel 1. The vision which Zadkiel, the just and strong Angel of the Holy One, gave to the prophet. 2. No thing shall escape Justice, immutable as the eternal heavens. 3. False are many, and hypocrites, and betrayers. They know themselves well for what they are. 4. They have looked into the abyss of their sin and have cried unto the people: The judgment is soon! Nay, you pretenders to the throne of the Highest, you shall not save yourselves with this folly. For the judgment is always present amongst you. 5. I am the judgment, and the wicked are right to fear me. 6. Let a man or woman act against conscience, and see how it shall be with them. 7. It shall not be a far off pit of hell. Hell is here now, and heaven. 8. They shall reap the fall of their damnation within life, for there is no respite from the sight of my terrible eye. I was given a blessing and a curse by the One who dwells at the heart of being, for I must balance all accounts, and Mercy is a part and a tool of my craft, but not my essence. 9. You will hear it said by the unseeing that good comes only to the evil in this world. This is ignorance. Evil is a self-breeding creature that consumes its own. 10. No single list of virtues will make you righteous. Much is learned through study and error. 11. Righteousness lives in your heart. It speaks to you from within, as We do. Woe unto them that do not listen. 12. And again: Woe! Woe! Woe! 13. Do not turn aside from the cries of your anguished brethren, for in doing so you cause a worse anguish for your soul. Only the highest may escape the bounds of recurrence, and it is ever the way of the low to ignore and pretend in the midst of suffering. 14. That which has always been righteous shall be righteous still, that which is evil shall be evil still. The prophet is not given his vision to divide, but to unite. 15. All things shall be measured in their totality. No one thing shall be confused for any other thing. A stone shall not be weighed against a twig.

16. Learn well the mystery of the wind and the three great columns. When the wind shall flow equally, and when all three pillars shall be formulated, paradise is close at hand. Only the most fervent shall know this mystery. 17. Behold, I stand before the sanctuary with a sword to divide the clean from the unclean. 18. It has been written since the first time that only the worthy shall pass beyond the veil. 19. All things shall eventually reach the core, but there is much work to be done, and it must be done according to the laws. Kassiel 1. I am that which is called the Angel Kassiel, and the Creator of Time. 2. But as that which I serve, I am outside of time and have no name. 3. I cannot speak with thee much, revealer, for thou canst not hold me. 4. Great and Mighty are the Works of the ONE That Is! Amen. 5. The First that Was: Undifferentiated matter, Holy and Pure, dwelt at the Heart of All Being. To Love and to Learn, it fell away from the center. But the Heart remaineth, blooming as a Rose. 6. The Heart promised a return to paradise. 7. It sent Seven to guide you back. 8. The Truth is that which has always been. 9. The Truth is confirmed! 10. We shall return!