binding spells

Powerful Binding Spells Jacqueline McDonald SPELLS TO BIND A binding spell is the act of grasping the negative energy

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Powerful Binding Spells Jacqueline McDonald

SPELLS TO BIND A binding spell is the act of grasping the negative energy that is propelling a person or thing & stopping it. In a way, you are negating the unhealthy energy. The most important thing to remember when conducting a binding spell is that you must control your own violent emotions of hatred or fear. The binding spell is for protection only, not for harm. This is not easy. The Goddess to be employed is Aradia, Queen of Witches. Be sure you are honest in your intentions. Aradia's symbol is the red garter. If you desire justice call upon Maat, she who balances the scales. However, you must be sure

that your own hands are free from violence & hatred, lest she weighs the scales for you as well! Her symbol is the pure white feather. The binding itself is a very simple matter. A poppet can be sewn to represent the malicious person. Fill it with earth (grave dirt if you can find it), rosemary, sage, a piece of smoky quartz & a piece of amethyst. Also enclose a piece of the person's fingernails, a lock of hair, or another personal item. Handwriting can be enclosed if you have nothing else. Photos can be used also. If your intention at any time during the ritual is to harm that person, remember

that you will only bring harm upon yourself - so be very, very careful. If you can't do the ritual right away, store the doll (with the head still open) in a white cloth. During the ritual, you will sew up the head while connecting a psychic link. Then you will proceed to sew arms & legs of the doll together. You will finish by wrapping the doll mummy-fashion with a black ribbon. Bury the doll when you have completed the ritual. A person can also be bound using mental capabilities. Placing a sample of a person's handwriting & copper tightly in an old

bell jar is a way of stopping malicious gossip. When the danger is over, burn the handwriting.

Binding Spells Ice Binding Instructions: Light a white candle and your favorite incense. Meditate a short while on the problem. Invoke the Spirits of Protection for you and yours. Then take a piece of brown paper, like from a grocery bag, on it use a lead pencil to print and write the name of the offending person or people. If unknown people are involved, also print and write, "and allpersons unknown that are causing harm to me!"

Cross off each line forcefully and say, forcefully, " I freeze name(s) to be bound by this spell, unable to cause any more harm to (name(s)! As I will, so mote it be! " Then put a spoonful of used coffee grounds on the brown paper, fold it small, and place it in the freezer. Leave it until the problem is completely resolved. I wrap a rubber band, string, twist tie, or what have you, to keep the coffee grounds from falling out of the paper. You can also use a zip loc bag. Be sure and burn the candle completely up. Don't use that candle for a different purpose. A charm to bind an enemy:

Gather cobwebs from your house. Place them all a tangle upon a blackcloth. Procure then a fly, recently dead, and set it down upon the mass ofwebs. These words should then be written down on paper: "North, South, East, West Spider’s web shall bind him best East, West, North, South. Hold his limbs and stop his mouth. Seal his eyes and choke his breath Wrap him round with ropes of death." Fold the paper 4 times and wrap it, the fly and webs in the black cloth, forming a small bag. This should then be bound up with the end of a long cord and suspended from a hook in a dark corner of the home. Do not disturb it, but let it hang until it is thickly covered in dust.

Then take down and bury it in the earth to work its influence in perpetual secrecy. You can use a white candle and thread and charge your candle with protection( using protection oil ), Or you can use a black candle and black thread, charging the candle with binding negative forces (using all purpose oil ).. THE SPELL Take your candle, annoint and charge it. Light the candle and incense, we used Frankinsence and Myrrh. Write on the twig all the negative things you wish to bind in your life. Take your thread and wind it around the twig while chanting: " Wound and bound, Wound and bound,

So the words of will resound, Holding, binding, clasping firm, This evil shall not return! "When the twig is full, or you feel the power at it's peak say "SO MOTE IT BE!! When you are finished, place the twig into a wooden box, or bury it in the earth, or burn it.. Since it has no person's name, you will not need to undo the spell... Binding Spell Materials: 1 NEW Compact with Mirror (Black) 1 Picture of Person to be Bound 1 Black Candle 1 White Candle 1 27" piece of black cord

1 9" square of black silk (or cotton) Oil: Rose (for the properties of banishing, releasing and balance) Incense: Dragon's Blood (for the properties of binding, protection, and purification) Herb: Rue (for the properties of blessing, healing, and purification) On the night of the full moon, take the compact and open it upside down (NEVER, never look into the mirror), and dig out the tin powder container. Without look into the mirror, place it face up in a safe place where no one will look into it, yet it will reflect the light of the moon. The following morning (before sunrise, if possible), close the compact and wrap it in the black silk. The following night, as the moon is just beginning to wane, set up your altar as usual, cast your circle,

etc... Begin by anointing the Black Candle with the Rose Oil... (hold candle with thumb and forefinger, rub oil with power hand from wick down; then bottom up; focusing on your intent to protect yourself from this individual). Next, anoint the White Candle in the opposite manner (focusing on your intent to bring harmony, balance and enlightenment to the current situation). Empower the Rue, focusing your intent on all of the above. (Don't forget to empower the Rose Oil with the intentions listed beside it, above. Oops. *s*) Light the Black Candle, saying "This candle burns for my intent, Sending back what sender sent. Freeing all from harm by s/he, An it harm none, so mote it be." Light the White Candle, saying "This candle burns for his/her intent, Learning from what back is sent. Freeing him/her

from harm by s/he, An it harm none, so mote it be." Take the picture, and while anointing say, "Here the face of harm doth lie, May he/she look him/herself in the eye. May he/she see the harm and turn, Before the Wheel fires cease their burn. Oh, Deities of Justice see! An it harm none so mote it be." Lay the picture on your Pentacle, pick up the compact and open it upside down (remember, don't look in the mirror!). With the bottom flat on the altar, and the mirror facing away from you (reflecting the candle light), sprinkle the Rue in the bottom of the compact (concentrating on your intention), place the picture (face up) on top of the Rue and close the compact. Take up the cord and begin binding the compact saying, "I bind you here for harm you've done, To see yourself alone as one. I bind you here

to learn your woes, To turn them as the Sabbats go. I bind you not for harm to come, But to see the truth of what you've done. I bind with love, I bind with care, That you, yourself, your actions bear." Pass the bound compact through the flame of each candle, the smoke of the incense, and sprinkle it with blessed water. Place it on the pentacle. Raise your power. When you release it, focus on the bound person... see them learning from their own mistakes, see yourself free of further harm from them, and focus on the love that the Lord and Lady have for all their children. When finished, simply say, "This spell is done, an it harm none, By Earth, Sky & Sea, So Mote It Be! Close circle. Wrap compact in black silk and put it someplace safe... Binding Spell Need:

• Yard of red ribbon • 2 photos (yours and your beloved's) • A needle or sharp object to poke holes into the photos Poke holes in the pictures then sew them together chanting your desire. (Warning! Remember as with all binding spells, you are also binding yourself to the other person - think before you do it! Binding spells have a tendency to becoming real complicated! You might be binding yourself to a cheat, lazy bum, or serial killer - it could happen!) Love Braid Binding Spell Items Needed: Three 15 inch ribbons (pink, lavender, white) Vanilla pod (or cinnamon stick ok) Dates to perform:

On January 19 (St. Agnes Eve) or on February 13 (St. Valentines Eve) Braid the ribbons saying your beloved's name and yours and asking the Goddess of Love, Venus or Isis, to strengthen the bond between you. Place the ribbons next to your heart and wish good on your partner. Tie the vanilla pod with the ribbons and keep it with you - he/she will soon declare their love for you. The Binding of Two People The binding of two figures, each representing a person, is one of the oldest forms of love magick. It is also one of those practices that can be used with or against someone's will as has been shown time and time again in folk tales around the world. To begin, two dolls or other representations are needed.

It was once a practice among the followers of Islam to tie two sticks together, one representing the husband and the other the wife. Clay dolls are recorded in history as having been used in bindings. Some practitioners, both from ancient times and present times, prefer to make a doll of each person from an article of their clothing. Another method would be to make corn husk dolls with the name of each person written upon them. Something as simple as writing each name on separate pieces of paper will achieve the desired results. Once the representations have been made, the practioner must "breathe life" into them. In ancient Egypt, this would have been

done by simply speaking the name that the doll represents over the doll and then breathing on it. Another way, as mentioned above, is by writing a name on the doll of the person it represents. Finally, one must physically bind the representations or dolls together. For matters of love, either red or white string is used. The string is then wrapped around the dolls thirteen times and knotted nine times. The representations or dolls are then to be kept in a safe place so that no harm comes to them and also in case there is a need to separate the two people that have been bound together. To bury the representations in the earth would mean that the bound couple will one day die together. To burn the representations would

mean that they will be consumed by their love for each other. To throw the representations into water would bring about their ruin as a result of their being united. To Bind From Harm Use this spell to prevent someone from harming themselves and others. Tie nine knots in a cord while saying each time, "I bind you, (name), from harming yourself and from harming others." When you are finished say, "Three times three, I bind you, (name), from harming yourself and from harming others." Then burn the cord so that the knots may never come undone. Love/Binding Spell Take 3 cords or string of the colour(s) which symbolize your need. Knot one end to represent your self. Braid the cord/string until you reach the other

end. Knot that end to represent the one you love. Visualize the two of you coming together as one and knot the center of the braid. Keep the braid in a safe place if it is a binding spell. If you are using this to attract love, keep it on your person or wear it as a necklace, bracelet, or anklet until love is found. Binding-Spell The following spell is used to stop the effects of someone's actions. Use a baby food jar and a small candle or a canning jar and a larger candle. Pack some of the moist earth in the bottom of the jar and insert the candle into it. Let the candle take on the image of the offending person in your mind. Then light the candle. As you do so, concentrate your energies into the

act of the lighting. Place the jar in a quiet location and allow the candle to burn until it melts down or goes out altogether. Take more moist earth and place it in the jar, covering the candle. Fill the jar with the dirt and pack it in. Place the jar's cover on top and secure it. Light a second candle. Take candle wax and drip it all around the seam of the lid, thereby sealing the spell. Finally place the jar into a freezer or in a spot outside which can not be disturbed. Use the outdoors method only if you live in a frigid climate. Spell to Bind Someone Dangerous Timing: Best performed on Saturday (Saturn's Day, to bind a criminal, one who intends to do harm, to bring someone to justice) Supplies:

• a poppet made to represent the person in question • a black candle • myrrh incense • red ribbon Cast a circle. Light a black candle and burn myrrh incense. Sprinkle the poppet with salt water, saying: Blessed be, thou creature made of art. By art made, by art changed. Thou art not cloth (or wax, whatever) But flesh and blood. I name thee ___________ (person being bound) Thou art s/he, between the worlds, in all the worlds, So mote it be. Hold the poppet and imagine it

enmeshed in a silver net, binding the person in question. Tie the poppet up firmly with red ribbon, binding all parts of it that could possibly do harm. Charge it, saying, By air and earth, By water and fire, So be you bound, As I desire. By three and nine, Your power I bind. By moon and sun, My will be done. Sky and sea Keep harm from me. Cord go round, Power be bound, Light revealed, Now be sealed. Earth the power and open the circle. Bury the poppet at the time of the waning moon, far from your home,

under a heavy rock. Binding a Spell (Classic version) Come ye as the charm is made! Queen of heaven, Queen of hell, Horned Hunter of the night Lend your power unto the spell, And work our will by magic rite! By all the power of land and sea, By all the might of moon and sun I call the Earth to bind my spell. Air to speed it well. Bright as Fire shall it glow. Deep as tide of Water flow. Count the elements fourfold, In the fifth the spell shall hold. This spell will assist you in stopping one who means you harm. You Will Need: • A Black Candle

• A Craft Knife • Black Thread The Spell: This spell is best performed on a dark moon. Inscribe the candle with the name of the person or people who mean to harm you. If you do not have a name, inscribe a question mark. Take a very long piece of black thread and begin to wrap it around the candle, slowly repeating the following: "Take them, bind them, round and round, Stop them; gag them, free from sound. I take the fire from the south, And purge the evil from their mouth. I take the hatred from their heart, And there the seed of love doth start.

Until they come in gentle guise, Remove this person from my eyes. Bind them, wrap them, tie them tight, Remove this person from my sight" Continue until all the thread is wrapped around the candle. Now light the wick, place the candle in the bath and leave it to burn. This spell should take effect within 48 hours.

BINDING Get a large white candle, the kind that drips wax, and set it up on a tray. Affix to it a photograph or other image of the person you wish to bind. Make a ring of sea salt around it. Make a second ring with protective herbs. Fill the rest of the tray with images that represent what you are binding the person from: pictures of your family, keys to your

house, legal documents, whatever. If the problem is too complex for images, write what the person is bound from on slips of paper and place them around the candle. Papyrus, or paper made from cotton or linen work best for this. Use red ink if you are angry, purple ink if you are sad. Wrap the candle and the image with black thread (linen, if possible). Invoke Isis and Linda, the Binder With Linen Thread. Say out loud what you are binding the person from. Light the candle and leave it burn until the wax begins to drip over the thread and image. Burn it every day for a week, until the image is thick with wax. Use this as a meditation device to

direct your will to binding the person.

A SPELL TO BIND BULLIES You Need: 3 black candles black thread one black pen a piece of paper an empty glass jar This spell will not hurt your bully, it will just make them leave you alone. Do this spell at midnight on a Saturday of a waning moon (a period of time between a full moon and a new moon, the light is decreasing. The opposite is the waxing moon, when the moon is moving from a new moon to a full). Set the candles in a big triangle shape, big enough so that you can sit in the middle. Light the candles. Write the bully's name on the paper, and draw an "X" over it.

Fold it three times. Say: "I bind you (say their name) so that you cannot hurt me anymore, both physically, and emotionally. Get out of my life, leave me alone. I bind you (say name) I bind you." Then tie the thread around the folded paper, and pop it in the jar. Screw on the lid. Snuff out the candles (never, NEVER blow out candles after a spell, it pushes the magick away). The next day, bury the jar off you property, or you can hide it in a closet where it will not be found. If the black candles you used are small enough, you can put them in the jar (do this at the end of the spell, not after you have screwed the lid on). If not, burn them later until there is

nothing left of them.


You can just write their name and wrap it in black cord, ribbon, thread, yarn, with intention, or freeze it in an ice cube tray.

SPELL BINDER This is best used at the end of a spoken or written spell. This adds a certain boost to the releasing of energy. It also works best if you are wearing a Pentagram you have attuned to yourself. Speak these word with all the fibers of your body while releasing the spell's energy: By the Pentagram I wear, Water, Fire, Earth, and Air, Ruled by Spirit as All should be

As I speak So Mote It Be!


This simple spell can be used for any purpose - whether it be to empower a person, to heal them, to bind them etc. Simply choose the appropriate color candle and scribe the person's name and your intent upon it. Anoint it with an appropriate oil. Light the candle and while watching it burn, repeat the following chant, focusing upon your intent as you do so. Powers that be, Powers of 3, Let X be all I see.

A CANDLE BINDING Get a large white candle, the kind that drips wax, and set it up on a tray. Affix to it a photograph or other image

of the person you wish to bind. Make a ring of sea salt around it. Make a second ring with protective herbs. Some dried rosemary from the kitchen will not break your bank. Or use sage if you like. Fill the rest of the tray with images that represent what you are binding the person from: pictures of your family, keys to your house, legal documents, whatever. If the problem is too complex for images, write what the person is bound from on slips of paper and place them around the candle. Maybe they are gossiping and making your life a misery. Write it down and explain what you want stopped. Papyrus, or good thick paper made from cotton or linen work best for this. I have pinched the first blank page of

old books at sales! Use red ink if you are angry, purple ink if you are sad. Wrap the candle and the image with black thread (use cotton tread or linen or even wool, if possible). Invoke Isis and "Linda the Binder With Linen Thread." Say out loud what you are Binding the person from. Light the candle and leave it burn until the wax begins to drip over the thread and image. Burn it every day for a week, until the image is thick with wax. Use this as a meditation device to direct your will to Binding the person. You will have direct results if you have a just reason for this spell. You can also Bind a person from harming themselves.


First you make a doll of this person and while you sew up the dolls lips you chant: "If nothing but ill from your lips can fall, then let there be nothing from them at all" This spell will make the person stop gossiping and make them not talk to you.

BLACK CORD BINBING Use this to bind someone from hurting others and themselves. ONLY do this if there are no other options available to you. You need: Black cord-long enough to tie 3 knots in, A photo of the person harming others First of all sit and cast circle. Explain to the universe what you are about to do and ask if it is the right thing.

Think about how the person is hurting others and let the anger build up. Then all at once say loudly: "(person's name) I bind you from hurting others!" Then quickly tie a knot tightly in the cord. Repeat the process three times or as many times you feel necessary. When done, say: "Three times three, I bind you (person's name)!" Hide the cord and photo in a safe place where the knots won't come undone. Or better still, burn the cord so the knots never come undone. (you don't really need a photo, but it helps make the magic stronger.


This will protect without causing the person bound any harm. It is not a dark spell but a very potent protective one.

You may use a different oil if you wish to use as a banishing oil. Rosemary may be substituted for Rue. Materials: 1 black taper or image candle (gender depends on who you are trying to bind) nail black cloth a large piece of black cloth red ribbon cotton needle and thread Banishing oil (see below) loose tobacco A small mirror that can stand by itself If you can obtain hair or nail clippings from the person or a picture, you can use it in this spell. Fold the felt in half and cut out a rough shape of the person you want to bind. Make the figure large enough so that you will be able to stuff it after you have sewn it together. Sew the pieces of the poppet together, leaving a hole through which you can

stuff the poppet. Fill it with cotton and tobacco, and if you have the hair or nail clippings of the person, add those to it. Once it is filled, sew the opening closed. If you have a picture of the person, staple or sew it to the front of the poppet. Next, care the name of the person onto the black candle with the nail and add these runes: Thuraz, Isa, Eihwas, a dark filled in circle to represent the dark moon, bars like you will see in a jail, and a widdershins (anticlockwise) spiral. Anoint the candle and the poppet with the oil. Cast a circle, invoke the elements, God or Goddess you are working with. Light the altar candles. Light the black candle and adjust the

mirror so that flame is reflected in the glass. Hold the poppet out in front of you and say: "Creature of cloth thou art, Creature of flesh and blood you be. I name you (name of the person you are binding). No more shall you do me harm. No more shall you repeat false tales. No more shall you interfere in my life, nor in the lives of my loved ones. By the power of the Gods and by my will, So mote it be!" Draw an invoking pentagram over the poppet. Now take the ribbon and begin to wrap the poppet like a mummy, leaving no space unwrapped. Say: "I bind your feet from bringing harm to me. I bind your hands from reaching out to

harm me. I bind your mouth from spreading false tales to harm me. I bind your mind from sending energy to harm me. If you do so continue, let all negative energy be cast and reflected directly at you!" Tie off the ribbon and hold the poppet in front of the mirror while you visualize all negative energy this person has sent to you being reflected back at them. Wrap the poppet in the black cloth and tie with another length of ribbon. Say: "Great Mother, I have bound this person from harming me and my loved ones. By the powers of three times three By Earth and Fire, Air and Sea I fix this spell, then set it free Twill give no harm to return to me

As I will, So mote it be!" Let the candle burn out while the poppet sits at its base, then take the poppet and the remains of the candle far from your home and bury it deep in the ground or toss it in the ocean and walk away without looking back.

BINDING The purpose of this spell is to rid yourself of the negative energies of someone who is mentally or emotionally abusing you. If done properly, it will not harm the object of the spell nor will it affect his or her daily life in any way. It will simply make the person powerless to mentally or emotionally harm you. Materials:

-Small cloth doll, leave the head unstitched until you are ready to begin the ritual -Needle and thread -Some personal item from the person you want to bind (fingernail clippings, hair, handwriting sample) -Black ribbon Black candle Cauldron or other fireproof container -Sterilized needle Piece of paper and pen One candle at each quarter (optional) Ritual: Call the quarters - I like to use candles at each quarter to form a circle of fire for extra protection. Light the black candle Concentrating deeply on the person you are binding, place the personal object inside the head of the doll and sew it shut.

Tie the black ribbon around the poppet's head, signifying the binding of that person. ''With harm to none, my will be done I hereby bind you (name of person) Your words cannot harm me Your thoughts cannot harm me You cannot harm me'' Continue chanting this or something like it until you feel power surging through you. Visualize the person helpless to slander or verbally and mentally abuse you while you are chanting. Now, to bind the spell If you have a sigil or a Craft name, sign it on the small piece of paper. If not, sign your own full name. If others are working the ritual with you, they too should sign the paper. With the sterilized needle, prick one of your fingers and put a small drop of

blood over your signature. Again, if others are working with you, they should place a drop of blood over their signatures. (using a different needle, of course) Fold the paper, light it on fire and drop it into the cauldron (which should be on a heat-proof surface!). Meditate on the flames until the paper completely burns away. If you are working with a group, join hands at this point and feel the power surging around the circle as the spell is bound. Ground and center Release the circle. Thank the Goddess and God for their protection and power Bury the doll as far away from you as possible within the next few days. A SPELL TO BIND EVIL To use this spell you must be able to picture the evil you wish to bind within

your mind. It is very important to be able to see strands or bonds or knots that hold it together. Those are what you are going to release slowly. Do note that this spell can take a long time depending on the strength and complexity of the evil. You must imagine yourself undoing the knots or bonds and then say out loud as many times as needed: "I bind this evil from doing harm To those around us And itself I bind it to be free But not harmful." You MUST do this slowly. If you do it quickly and try to overwhelm the evil it could overwhelm you or just manifest on it's evil on the energy you are giving out. If you plan to do this spell please be

very careful and know that it is very draining. SPELL TO BIND AN INHERITANCE First, you must obtain a porcupine quill. Granted, this isn't an easy thing to do in this day and age, but unfortunately, it is the only way. Once you have the porcupine quill, the remainder of your spellwork will be a breeze. Rub the porcupine quill with essence of Mir, which may be obtained without a prescription from any apothecary. While stroking the quill with essence of Mir, intone the following: Goddess of Mir, Queen of Night, Confound mine enemies; Prick (person's name) with compunction, Baffle (him/her) with blood.

(Prick your thumb with the quill and squeeze out a few drops on a smoking brazier) Queen of Night, fair Proserpine, Confound mine enemies; Open (name's) eyes so that (he/she) may do My bidding. (Spit upon the brazier) Artemis, brave Huntress, Confound mine enemies; Let the arrow find its mark. (Blow upon the coals of the brazier until they glow fiery red) Aphrodite, ruler of Hearts, Confound mine enemies; Let justice rain down from Heaven. (Pour a libation of rainwater upon the brazier until it is extinguished; lay the porcupine quill upon the extinguished coals.) So mote it be! (After ensuring that the coals are

extinguished, nail a live salamander to the wall) This is a totally binding spell, so be sure that this is what you really want. BINDING SPELL This spell is for binding a violent or dangerous person from doing harm. Photo of person to be bound OR a piece of white parchment paper with their whole name written on it in black ink or dove's blood ink. 18 inches or so of black silken cord or black thick string, like embroidery floss. A small glass jar w/ cork lid. A small white candle A small black candle Light both your candles. Write the name on the paper or take the photograph in hand. Fold the paper or photo into as small a rectangle as possible.

Take the cord in hand and begin to wind it around the rectangle, for a total of nine loops, saying aloud in a clear, strong voice: I (insert your name here), bind thee (insert name of offending person here) from causing harm to (insert name of victim here), from exerting control over this person, from influencing this person. I bind you from making further plans with this person. I call upon the angels, Auriel, Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael (or any other guides or deities you prefer.) to assist me in this righteous cause! BINDING SPELL Take a doll and bind it in white crepe paper and put the bound doll in the freezer. Do this spell on a full moon for added

punch. Chains that bind, restrict and hinder Binding from the people that cause trouble Enough is enough! Now is the time release all the good forces into this person. Let them live their life free and happy Turn the tables counter clockwise Bind those that have done this person wrong We draw your power and strength down this night Start the process of removal Release 3 fold the pain and suffering, the tears the restrictions placed upon person May they know what they have done and learn a lesson from it from this night on let it be as I will so mote it be! You can add at the end:

Let not this spell reverse for this spell is meant for good not harm. BANISHING SPELL 1/2 ounce olive oil 15 drops pine oil 12 drops rue oil 7 drops pepper oil 10 drops peppermint oil flower: crushed black peppercorns gem: obsidian or black onyx As with most recipes, you'll probably have to substitute, this is a good thing, it makes it your own. Be careful though as most of the oils called for are skin irritants. Make a poppet out of black cloth, stuff it with cotton balls or batting and tobacco. Add hair and/or nail clippings if you have them. Sew it closed and staple a picture of the person to the front of the poppet (if you have one). Carve the person's name into a black

candle and add the runes Thurisaz, Isa, Eihwaz, Dark Moon, Widdershins and Bars. (Dark Moon is a filled-in circle; Bars is a tic-tac-toe with 4 lines up and 4 lines across; Widdershins is a counter-clockwise spiral with a an arrowhead at the end.) Anoint the Poppet and Candle with Banishing Oil (if you can't make the oil, a single oil with banishing properties can be used). Cast a circle, invoke the elements and the God or Goddess you are working with (I'd use The Morrigan, but she can be rather volatile).Light the altar candles. Light the black candle and adjust the mirror so that the flame is reflected in the glass. Hold the poppet out in front of you and say:

Creature of cloth thou art, Now creature of flesh and blood you be. I name you (name of the person you are binding). No more shall you do me harm, No more shall you spread false tales, No more shall you interfere in my life, nor in the lives of my loved ones. By the power of the Gods and by my will, So mote it be! Draw an invoking pentagram over the poppet. Take a red ribbon and begin to wrap the poppet like a mummy, leaving so space unwrapped. Say: I bind your feet from bringing you to harm me. I bind your hands from reaching out to harm me. I bind your mouth from spreading tales

to harm me. I bind your mind from sending energy to harm me. If you do so continue, let all negative energy be cast and reflected directly back at you! Tie off the ribbon and hold the poppet in front of the mirror while you visualize all negative energy this person has sent to you being reflected back to them. Wrap the poppet in black cloth and tie with another length of ribbon. Say: Great Mother, I have bound this person from harming me and my loved ones. By the powers of three times three By Earth and Fire, Aire and Sea I fix this spell, then set it free 'Twill give no harm to return on me As I will, so mote it be! Let the candle burn out while the poppet sits at its base, then take the

poppet and the remains of the candle far from your home and bury it deep in the ground or toss it in the ocean and walk away without looking back. Author's note: This spell is very powerful and works quite well. I've never had the need for a different binding spell. Sometimes binding spells work in unexpected ways. The person you are binding may suddenly decide to move away, they may have a change of heart and turn into a decent person after all, they may go through a horrible streak of bad luck and learn their lessons the hard way. There is an outside chance that if they are projecting enough negative energy, the might end up hurt. Be assured, they were only

caught in the backwash of their own negativity. LOVE BINDING SPELL --red or orange thread --piece of plain white paper --pen or colored marker --some dried herbs associated with drawing love --liquid oil like Dragons Blood, rosemary or jasmine On paper write what goal you want. When done place oil in corners of paper. Place herbs in center. In clockwise direction close paper and fold as small as possible. As you do this visualize the new talisman as a powerful catalyst that not only will draw your chosen love to you but will bind him to you as well. When its folded as small as you can begin winding thread around it to seal

it. Say these words while doing it: By this spell one man I bind, Heart and body, soul and mind, Infatuated with me ever be, His passion blazes deep for me. I haunt his thoughts and dance through his dreams, I'm always in his head it seems, And more each day he cannot hide, His growing feeling for me inside. Infatuation, romance, passion igniting, (persons name) finds me (insert your name) irresistibly exciting, And he makes me aware of this catastrophic emotion, And I become his devotion, Like two moths drawn to the flame, Neither of our lives shall be the same, Let him know it is no sin, (enter precise goal of spell) does begin,

(insert persons name) finds me always in his head, And longs to take me to his bed, Romantic fantasies of me haunt his mind, (insert persons name) in love with me I do bind. You can then keep it and hide it somewhere in your room. I personally burn it in my cauldron and while doing the spell burn appropriate incense, herbs and color candles. SPELL TO STOP SOMEONE FROM STEALING Do this spell on a Saturday ruled by Saturn and good for Justice spells You will need: a black candle pin olive oil sea salt candle holder Carve the person's name on the candle using the pin - or if you don't know their name, carve 'thief'.

Mix a good handful of salt with a cup of olive oil and allow the candle to soak in it for three hours. Take the candle, wipe it down and carve out the bottom so the wick is exposed. Stand the candle on it's head and light the bottom wick - gaze at the flame, concentrate and say: "Thief your deeds are no longer tolerated It's time for you to stop this behavior. By my will you shall cease and restore in me a sense of peace." Let the candle burn out and if you can bury the stub near where the person lives or where they most commonly commit their crime - otherwise bury under a tree. FREEZER BINDING SPELL Piece of paper and a pen Black thread

or string Small water tight container It's best done just after the Full Moon, or at least while the moon is waning, and needs to be renewed every month or when the person starts bothering you again. Write the name of the person you wish to prevent from harming you on a piece of paper. Gaze at the paper and visualize the face of the person in question; see their face vividly imprinted on the paper. Then, fold the paper three times. Tie it up with black thread or string, and put into a small watertight container (baby food jars are ideal). Fill the container with water, and place in a nook of the freezer where it's unlikely to be disturbed, saying: Stay there and freeze as long as I

please. CORD BINDING SPELL Short length of black thread This spell is intended to be used to prevent someone from causing you harm, and also used to batten down anger. In order to work properly it requires full concentration. Take a short length of black thread. Tie a knot in one end, saying: One to seek him/her/it. (Choose whichever pronoun is appropriate) Tie a knot in the middle, saying: One to find him/her/it Tie a knot in the other end, saying: One to bring him/her/it Tie the two ends together, saying: One to bind him/her/it Bury the knotted thread far away from your property or drop it on a road or waste ground far from where you

live. TO STOP A PERSON CAUSING HARM TO YOU White candle; Favorite incense; Brown paper; Lead pencil; Spoonful of used coffee grounds Light a white candle and your favorite incense. Meditate a short while on the problem. Invoke the Spirits of Protection. Take a piece of brown paper, like from a grocery bag, on it use a lead pencil to print and write the name of the offending person or people. If unknown people are involved, also print and write, 'and all persons unknown that are causing harm to me!' Cross off each line forcefully and say, forcefully: I freeze name(s) to be bound

by this spell, unable to cause any more harm to (name(s)! As I will, so mote it be! Put a spoonful of used coffee grounds on the brown paper, fold it small, and place it in the freezer. Leave it until the problem is completely resolved. I wrap a rubber band, string, twist tie, or what have you, to keep the coffee grounds from falling out of the paper. You can also use a zip lock bag. Be sure and burn the candle completely up. Don't use that candle for a different purpose. TO BIND AN ENEMY A poppet to represent the person you wish to bind; Patchouli leaves ; Frankincense; Charcoal block; Black candle; Red ribbon; White cloth

Make a poppet to represent the person you wish to bind. Burn patchouli leaves and frankincense on a charcoal block. Light a black candle and pass the poppet through the incense smoke saying: Hecate, great Goddess of life and death, I ask you to acknowledge that this Creation of cloth be known as Flesh and blood of.(name). Wrap the poppet tightly in red ribbon, paying close attention to the area you wish to bind, i.e.: the genitals of a rapist, the mouth of a slanderer. As you wrap, say: Between the worlds in Hecate's eyes you (name) are bound powerless. In the eyes of this world, you are harmless. Imagine a heavy net made from a

white light. Imagine the net clinging to the poppet. Wrap it in a piece of white cloth and bury it close to the person's house (or by the ocean and bid the sea to bless it). BINDING SPELL This should be used to prevent someone from giving away a secret. Clay or wax figure, or a cloth poppet, named after the person Length of red silk Needle Piece of white cloth With appropriate word, take a needle threaded with a twenty-one inch length of red silk and sew up the mouth of the figure. Finish off by winding the thread all around the body of the figure. The concentration is on the fact that the person is unable to speak on the forbidden subject

whatever the secret may be that is being safeguarded. At the end of the ritual, the poppet is stored away in a safe place wrapped in a piece of white cloth. So long as the thread remains in place, the person represented is bound. BINDING SPELL Pen and paper Piece of tin foil Write the name of the person, first and last name, on a piece of paper. Then write down everything this person does that you would like them to stop. Wrap the piece of paper in a piece of tin foil. Place it in the freezer. If you decide you no longer need the spell, toss the foil in a fire saying: My wish is no more, this person is free. Undo this spell without hurting thee. TO BIND SOMEONE TO YOU Piece of parchment paper Quill pen

Dove's blood ink Two white gender image candles Red string Bewitching oil Pot of soil Cut a piece of parchment paper into a small square. Using a quill pen, write in dove's blood ink the person's full name at the top of the square and your own at the bottom of the square. When the parchment is dry, turn it over and place to white gender image candles in the square. Tie a red string around the bottom, then wrap it around the two candles until you get to the heads. Wrap it seven times total. Tie the string. Next, pour bewitching oil on the candles, making sure to soak the string. Concentrate on the person you want

bound to you. Then light the candles. After they have burned completely, take everything that's left and bury it in a pot of soil. Keep it close to where you sleep. To undo, simply dig it up. BINDING SPELL 1 new black compact with mirror 1 picture of person to be bound 1 black candle 1 white candle 27" piece of black cord 9" square of black silk (or cotton) Oil: Rose (for the properties of banishing, releasing and balance) Incense: Dragon's Blood (for the properties of binding, protection, and purification) Herb: Rue (for the properties of blessing, healing, and purification) On the night of the full moon, take the compact and open it upside down (never look into the mirror), and dig out

the tin powder container. Without looking into the mirror, place it face up in a safe place where no one will look into it, yet it will reflect the light of the moon. The following morning (before sunrise, if possible), close the compact and wrap it in the black silk. The following night, as the moon is just beginning to wane, set up your altar as usual, cast your circle, etc. Begin by anointing the Black Candle with the Rose Oil... (hold candle with thumb and forefinger, rub oil with power hand from wick down; then bottom up; focusing on your intent to protect yourself from this individual). Next, anoint the white candle in the

opposite manner (focusing on your intent to bring harmony, balance and enlightenment to the current situation). Empower the Rue, focusing your intent on all of the above. (Don't forget to empower the Rose Oil with the intentions listed beside it, above.) Light the black candle, saying: This candle burns for my intent, Sending back what sender sent. Freeing all from harm by s/he, An' it harm none, so mote it be. Light the white candle, saying: This candle burns for his/her intent, Learning from what back is sent. Freeing him/her from harm by s/he, An' it harm none, so mote it be. Take the picture, and while anointing say:

Here the face of harm doth lie, May he/she look him/herself in the eye. May he/she see the harm and turn, Before the Wheel fires cease their burn. Oh, Deities of Justice see! An' it harm none so mote it be. Lay the picture on your Pentacle, pick up the compact and open it upside down (remember, don't look in the mirror!). With the bottom flat on the altar, and the mirror facing away from you (reflecting the candle light), sprinkle the Rue in the bottom of the compact (concentrating on your intention), place the picture (face up) on top of the Rue and close the compact. Take up the cord and begin binding the compact saying:

I bind you here for harm you've done, To see yourself alone as one. I bind you here to learn your woes, To turn them as the Sabbats go. I bind you not for harm to come, But to see the truth of what you've done. I bind with love, I bind with care, Pass the bound compact through the flame of each candle, the smoke of the incense, and sprinkle it with blessed water. Place it on the pentacle. Raise your power. When you release it, focus on the bound person. See them learning from their own mistakes, see yourself free of further harm from them, and focus on the love that the Lord and Lady have for all their children. When finished, simply say: This spell is done, an' it harm none,

By Earth, Sky and Sea, So Mote It Be! Close circle. Wrap compact in black silk and put it someplace safe. A Short Incantation To Use When Making Poppets O creature of (wax, wood, cloth) I take from thee thy heart so cold I replace it with the power of old. Fire and water shall give spirit to thee Earth and air, your form to be Be thou______In mind, body and soul In my hands your life I hold. Forever now, hearts beat as one This I say true, and be it done! MAKING A POPPET Clay or cloth Personal items of the person Red candle Holy water White linen In the doll, add anything you find that is personal to the person (nail clippings, written paper, blood on a Band-Aid,

hair left on a brush, etc.) Bless all of the items you are using to make our doll, be it clay or cloth and proceed to make the doll. Get a clear mental image in your mind as you concentrate on the persona while you are making the doll. To reinforce you concentration keep repeating the following affirmation: (name), as you I see (name) you represent to me. Continue this chanting and visualization until the doll is completed. Lay the doll on the altar with a red candle. Place both hands over the doll and will your energy to flow as you chant 3, 5 or 9 times: Though separate you are, you are linked as one. As (name) your life has begun.

Pass both sides of the finished doll through the flame of the red candle saying: With fire do I consecrate this doll as (name). Sprinkle both sides of doll with holy water and say: With water do I consecrate this doll as (name) Pass both sides of the doll through the incense smoke as you say: With air do I consecrate this doll as (name) Keep the doll wrapped in clean white linen until it is ready to be used in the ritual. ZEUS BINDING SPELL God: I call upon Zeus, chief ruler of immortals and mortals alike, most powerful of all the gods, who was known as the

omnipotent Father Zeus, and to the Romans as Jupiter, and who punishes those who lie and break. Around I bind you three times three No more bad things you'll think of me Around I bind you three times three No more bad things you'll say of me Around I bind you three times three No more bad things you'll do to me Around I bind you three times three And if these things continue to be Then back upon you three times three 'Til totally vanquished you will be By the powers of three times three By Earth and Fire, Air and Sea I fix this spell, then set it free 'Twill give no harm to mine or me As I so will, So Mote It Be! SIMPLE BINDING RITUAL For this binding, you will need some heavy paper or cardboard, a dullcolored yarn

(such as a dreary gray or muted red), and a black candle. It is best done during a waning moon, or during the Dark Moon. Draw and cut-out a basic human shape. When you have the shape cut out, draw features on it to resemble the person you wish to bind. You can use markers, crayons, pencils... whatever you feel comfortable using. Form a mental image of the person as you draw his/her features. Pay attention to details such as clothing and any particular identifiers such as glasses, scars, etc. Focus your intent as you draw, concentrating on why you need this person to leave you alone. When you have the figure completed, fold it in half length-wise, with the

features turned in. Light the black candle and sit for a few minutes, holding the folded figure. Gaze at the candle flame and concentrate on the black candle absorbing all the negativity this person has caused in your life. If you have hatred or anger for this person, throw it into the candle and ask that it be taken away. Now, take the yarn and slowly, with much concentration and visualization, wrap it tightly around the figure, chanting quietly as suits your needs. Name the image as you chant. For example, if you wish an abusive exspouse to leave you alone, so you might chant: "You are (person's name). You have no power over me anymore.

You will leave me alone." Call on any deities you might have, especially those who are protective, and ask their help. Build the power with your chanting as you wrap the figure over and over. When the figure is completely wrapped, thrust all your power into it. Know that this person cannot do harm to you or anyone else. Hold the bound figure over the candle (but not touching the flame!) and say, "(Person's name), I bind you in the name of the Lord and Lady. You can not harm me. You can not harm my family. You can not harm yourself. You are bound by my will; so mote it be!" Place the bound figure in a safe place - perhaps your magical cabinet or at the bottom of a dresser drawer -- and leave

it alone. Know that you are safe from the negative intentions of the person you have bound. It is done. If necessary, renew the spell at each full cycling of the Moon by taking the bound figure out and charging it again over a fresh black candle. A SPELL TO BIND EVIL To use this spell you must be able to picture the evil you wish to bind within your mind. It is very important to be able to see strands or bonds or knots that hold it together. Those are what you are going to release slowly. Do note that this spell can take a long time depending on the strength and complexity of the evil. Imagine yourself undoing the knots or

bonds and then say out loud as many times as needed: "I bind this evil from doing harm To those around us And itself I bind it to be free But not harmful." You must do this slowly. If you do it quickly and try to overwhelm the evil it could overwhelm you or just manifest on it's evil on the energy you are giving out. BINDING SPELL A binding spell is a method of grasping the (negative) energy that is driving a person to cause harm and stopping it. By doing this spell you are putting up a block to halt the unhealthy energy. You will use a poppet. Fill it with as many items from your enemy as you can muster. Even if you can only procure hair from

their hairbrush it will be sufficient. These items (whichever you are able to get easily) will form a magical link between you the object of the negativity. Then place a bit of earth (grave yard dirt if you can find it), rosemary, sage, a piece of smoky quartz & a piece of amethyst. Handwriting can be enclosed if you have nothing else. Photos can be used also. The phase of the moon is important but not essential. If you are being threatened by another, you will warrant Her special attention. If you can do the spell during the waxing moon, all the better. If not, then do not hesitate. During the ritual, name the doll with the person's name. Place the photo (if you have one) over the doll's head while producing a

psychic link. Then you will proceed to wrap the doll with ribbon, tape, twine or whatever you have. Wrap the doll like a mummy. When you have finished, bury the doll and then complete the ritual. A person can also be bound using mental capabilities. Placing a sample of a person's handwriting & copper tightly in an old bell jar is a way of stopping malicious gossip. When the danger is over, burn the handwriting. If you have a garment belonging to the person, tie it into knots and bury the clothing where it cannot be found. SPELL FOR THE BINDING OF UNION There are two kinds of union. One is temporary, for this lifetime or for part of this lifetime. The other kind is the Eternal Marriage,

which brings reunion across time, through reincarnation. The Eternal Marriage is a soul mate thing that should not be undertaken lightly - making it with the wrong person can adversely affect your karma. So can making it without reciprocation. Making it with more than one person can make for a tumultuous love life in future incarnations. Be careful. To work the spell, write both names on a piece of papyrus or good quality paper. Bind it with red thread and burn it with herbs of love or Venus as you recite the spell. Bury the ashes beneath a tree, or scatter them near the pyramids in Egypt. It is an Arab proverb that 'time laughs at history, but the pyramids laugh at

time'. This is an eternal spell, unless you alter it. Aphrodite Goddess of Degraded Love and the sanctity of marriage make our cup to runneth over, and bless us with your Love Aphrodite rising from the wine-dark sea grant us health and fertility, fidelity and trust grant us wealth and virility, honesty and lust Aphrodite bless this union make our two hearts beat as one make the flames of passion burn without burning us, hot without hurting us blaze without blinding us, fire without end Aphrodite force of nature let us love each other so long as we

shall live let us give each other all we have to give let us be together in this life and the next Aphrodite Queen of Beauty we do you honor each time we make love make our bond to last forever grant us eternal Love Aphrodite Goddess of the windblown foam give us healthy children and a happy home Aphrodite bless this union and smile upon our Love.. SPELL FOR STOPPING HARASSMENT The following spell is intended to cool down an explosive situation and encourage the transgressing individual to leave you alone.

Tools: Paper Pen Large plastic bag suitable for the freezer Goddess candle Marking Pen Arrange your tools on an altar. Light the Goddess candle. Cast a circle. For your purposes, you'll want to include your kitchen in the circle, perhaps using the kitchen counter as an impromptu altar. Write the name of the individual who is harassing you or threatening you with harm on the piece of paper. Concentrate on that personal departing from your life. See them leaving you alone and allowing you to live in peace. Chant your wishes regarding this individual as you write. Let the God and Goddess know you do not want him harmed but wish them to leave you alone. Continue to write their name until the

paper is filled on both sides. Fold the paper, then seal it with wax from your Goddess candle. Place the paper in the plastic freezer bag. Fill the freezer bag with water until 3/4 full. Seal the bag. Mark on it "Spell working, do not open or thaw." FREEZER BINDING SPELL It's best done just after the Full Moon, or at least while the moon is waning, and needs to be renewed every month or when the person starts bothering you again. Write the name of the person you wish to prevent from harming you on a piece of paper. Gaze at the paper and visualize the face of the person in question; see their face vividly imprinted on the paper. Then, fold the

paper three times. Tie it up with black thread or string, and put into a small watertight container (baby food jars are ideal and so are those zip up clear baggies for the freezer.) Fill the container with water, and place in a nook of the freezer where it's unlikely to be disturbed, saying 'Stay there and freeze as long as I please'. "Chill out!" You can write something quite personal to cover your need and intention. ENEMY BINDING SPELL Needed: 1 ice cube tray 1 piece of paper Water Sugar Put the name or names in a blue ice tray (I'm sure the color of ice tray is insignificant) in

each cubicle, if you have their signature that would be even better. Fill the tray with water and put in freezer (this prevents them from taking any energy against/towards you.) If you want to sweeten them up add sugar or honey to water. TO BIND AN ENEMY What you'll need: A small water tight jar black cord a pen filled with blood ink or ink that resembles blood A bowl of water a black candle a piece of blank paper How you do it: Call the corners. End with South the fire corner and light the black candle. Take the pen and write the name of the person you wish to bind on it, concentrate on the anger and hate you feel toward this person,

throw this anger into the paper, then fold the paper thrice. Take the black cord and wrap it around the paper, at the same time repeat... (name of person) I bind you from harming me Do this until the cord covers the paper completely (use your Athame to cut any remaining cord). Place the paper into the jar. Take the black candle and allow wax droplets from it to fall into the bowl of water then pour the water into the jar and seal it. Place this jar into the back corner of your freezer where it will not be disturbed, as you do this say "stay there and freeze, for as long as I please." Allow the candle to burn out and only remove the jar should you wish to do a different binding

or spell against the same person or if you wish to relinquish control back to that person. SPELL TO BIND A binding spell is the act of grasping the negative energy that is propelling a person or thing & stopping it. In a way, you are negating the unhealthy energy. The most important thing to remember when conducting a binding spell is that you must control your own violent emotions of hatred or fear. The binding spell is for protection only, not for harm. This is not easy. The Goddess to be employed is Aradia, Queen of Witches. Be sure you are honest in your intentions. Aradia's symbol is the red garter. If you desire justice call upon Maat, she who balances the scales.

The binding itself is a very simple matter. A puppet can be sewn to represent the malicious person. Fill it with earth (grave dirt if you can find it), rosemary, sage, a piece of smoky quartz & a piece of amethyst. Also enclose a piece of the person's fingernails, a lock of hair, or another personal item. Handwriting can be enclosed if you have nothing else. Photos can be used also. If your intention at any time during the ritual is to harm that person, remember that you will only bring harm upon yourself - so be very, very careful. If you can't do the ritual right away, store the doll (with the head still open) in a white cloth. During the ritual, you will sew up the head while connecting a psychic link. Then you will proceed to sew arms &

legs of the doll together. You will finish by wrapping the doll mummy-fashion with a black ribbon. Bury the doll when you have completed the ritual. A person can also be bound using mental capabilities. Placing a sample of a person's handwriting & copper tightly in an old bell jar is a way of stopping malicious gossip. When the danger is over, burn the handwriting. CORD MAGICK Items needed: basic altar set up, 13 inches of cord or thread in color symbolic of need. Shield, ground and center, cast circle. Charge of the Goddess and God. Visualize desired need as cord is tied thusly: 1___6___4___7___3___8___5___9___2 As each knot is tied, say the

corresponding phrases: BY KNOT OF ONE, THIS SPELL HAS BEGUN BY KNOT OF TWO, MY WORDS ARE TRUE BY KNOT OF THREE, IT COMES TO BE BY KNOT OF FOUR, POWER IN STORE BY KNOT OF FIVE, THE SPELL IS ALIVE BY KNOT OF SIX, THE SPELL IS FIXED BY KNOT OF SEVEN, THE ANSWER IS GIVEN BY KNOT OF EIGHT, I MELD WITH FATE BY KNOT OF NINE, THE THING IS MINE! Ground, cakes and wine, thank the Goddess, open the circle. For love, money or drawing magic, keep cord until spell is successful, then burn or bury it. For banishing or binding magic, after

working is through, immediately bury cord off of property. VOODOO BINDING SPELL Here's a nice voodoo binding spell. Take a treasured object from the person you are binding (something flammable) and burn it. Rub the ash on your poppet's head and say: "You are {person's name } in thought". Then rub the ash on the puppet's hands and say "You are { } in deed" Next rub ash on the poppet's heart area and say "You are { } at heart and I bind You from {Just about anything can be used here}. Tie the puppet's hands and feet behind its back. A word of advice, it works best if you burn black or red candles and/or bitter incense

and look at the poppet occasionally and remind yourself that the person is the poppet. TO STOP SOMEONE INTERFERING IN YOUR LIFE Write the name of your enemy on a piece of paper and place it in a plastic bag with a zipper closure. Fill it 3 quarters full of water, zip it shut, and put it in your freezer. HACATE BINDING SPELL In Hecate's name we bind ____ to the flame May she bring nightmares, depression, and pain We cast ____ to the wind, that all know ____ shame May Hecate envelope ____ in the threefold law May all _mysticmagicspells.orget ____'s shame, their harm, their call May their ability to raise magic fall on

deaf walls We join our energies fellow friends in the Craft May Hecate stop ___'s harm in the future, , light it and chant 3 times: "by my voice carrying the sound *person's name* shall now be bound" CANDLE BINDING Get a large white candle, the kind that drips wax, and set it up on a tray. Affix to it a photograph or other image of the person you wish to bind. Make a ring of sea salt around it. Make a second ring with protective herbs. Fill the rest of the tray with images that represent what you are binding the person from: pictures of your family, keys to your house, legal documents, whatever. If the problem is too complex for images, write what the person is bound from on slips of

paper and place them around the candle. Papyrus, or paper made from cotton or linen work best for this. Use red ink if you are angry, purple ink if you are sad. Wrap the candle and the image with black thread (linen, if possible). Invoke Isis and Linda, the Binder With Linen Thread. Say out loud what you are binding the person from. Light the candle and leave it burn until the wax begins to drip over the thread and image. Burn it every day for a week, until the image is thick with wax. Use this as a meditation device to direct your will to binding the person. BINDING SPELL (done during the waning moon) Write the name of the person that you wish not to harm you on a piece of

paper. Now stare at the paper and visualize that person's face, visualize until you can vividly see their face imprinted on the paper. Then fold the paper three times and tie it with a piece of black thread or string. Place it in a small air-tight container (Tupperware, baby food jar etc). Fill the container with water, and place at the back of the freezer where it won't be disturbed, saying: "Stay there and freeze for as long as I please." REFLECTION SPELL This calls for casting a circle because you are using your subconscious mind, and not your conscious mind. Use a round, blessed mirror. Light Patchouli incense.

Smear a light coating of allspice around the outer Circle, starting at the top, going in counter clockwise position. Chant: Bind this (man/woman) I name ________ Bind him/her from our home and life. Give us peace, remove the strife. Let their will be free, as long as he/she stays away from me. Protect our family from this day forth, Allow _______ to never darken our door. Reflect back now and please be Quick. Keep him/her away, if _______ breaks the spell. Make him/her hear well, If ______comes back here Make _____ b_come violently ill. As I have Willed, So it shall be. Thank all Elements for attending the right. Close Circle. TO BIND SOMEONE TO YOU Cut a piece of parchment paper into a

small square. Using a quill pen, write in dove's blood (a type of ink) the person's full name at the top of the square. Then yours at the bottom of the square. When the parchment is dry, turn it over and place two white gender image candles in the square. Starting at the feet, tie a red string around the bottom, then wrap it around the two candles until you get to the heads. Wrap it seven times total. tie the string. Pour bewitching oil on the candles, making sure to soak the string. Concentrate on the person you want bound to you then light the candles. After they have burned completely out, take everything's that left and bury it in a pot of soil and keep it close to where you sleep. To undo, simply

dig it up. BINDING SPELL Required ingredients: black figure candle, pieces of cord. By air and earth, by water and fire, so, be ye bound as I desire. Tie cord around candle's feet. By three and nine, your power I bind, by moon and sun, my will be done. Tie cord around waist of candle. Sky and sea, keep harm from me, cord go round, power be bound. Tie cord around candle's neck. Light revealed, now be sealed Snuff candle. So mote it be! BINDING SPELL Write the name of the person , first and last on a piece of paper. Then, write down everything this person does that you would like them to stop. Wrap the piece of paper in

a piece of tin foil. Place it in the freezer. If you decide you no longer need the spell, toss the foil in a fire saying: My wish is no more, This person is free, Undo this spell without hurting thee. TO BIND A TROUBLE MAKER Time: waning Moon Situate cauldron between 2 black candles, with a third black candle opposite you on the far side of the altar. Burn a protection or binding incense. Have the names of your enemies written on a small piece of parchment. If the names are unknown, merely write all my enemies. Sprinkle basil and elder flowers into the cauldron. Say: Bubble, bubble, cauldron bubble Burn the evil, destroy the trouble.

Ignite the parchment from the central candle and drop into the cauldron. Take up the wand and stir the air above the cauldron while chanting: Darkness ended, control is done. Light has come. My battle's won. Take the ashes and herbs outside. Throw them up to the winds and the Moon. TO BIND AN ENEMY Make a poppet to represent the person you wish to bind. Burn patchouli leaves and frankincense on a charcoal block. Light a black candle and pass the poppet through the incense smoke saying: "Hecate, great Goddess of life and death, I ask you to acknowledge that this Creation of cloth be known as Flesh and blood of (name)."

Wrap the poppet tightly in red ribbon, paying close attention to the area you wish to bind i.e.: the genitals of a rapist, the mouth of a slanderer. As you wrap, say: "Between the worlds in Hecate's eyes you (name) Are bound powerless. In the eyes of this world You are harmless." Imagine a heavy net made from a white light. Imagine the net clinging to the poppet. Wrap it in a piece of white cloth and bury it close to the person's house. ODIN'S BINDING + TRANSFORMATION This is a major spell, one that should be reserved for the most serious problems. It is a kind of psychic rape so be sure the circumstances justify using Magick this

way, such as for a rapist, a child abuser, or active practitioner of black magic. This spell is not meant to punish the person it binds, it is meant to help them. You cast it out of necessity and compassion, not in anger. It is designed to stop the person dead in their tracks, freeze them from doing harm to themselves or others and give them pause, a clear space in which positive transformation can occur. A poppet - any sort of poppet is fine, in the correct gender if possible. Personalize it in some way to the person you will bind, such as embroidering their name on it or affixing a picture of them to the poppet's face. I like to use a human shaped candle with the person's name

written on it or carved into the wax. Two candles, black ones if possible Black thread (cotton is good, linen is better) Incense (copal, fumitory, sandalwood and frankincense are good, but use whatever you can get) An image of the person, or something connected with them. If you don't have anything, write their name on a piece of paper. A healthy, living tree Gather everything (except the tree) where you will cast the spell. Light one candle and the incense, cast a circle in your usual way. Bind the poppet with the thread, wrapping it around and around, making knots whenever you feel they are necessary. Speak to the person as you do this, telling them specifically why you are

binding them and what you are binding them from. Leave a long piece of thread hanging from the poppet. Tie 9 knots in this. Drip molten wax on the bindings, to seal them. Use wax to seal any body parts you are binding, such as the hands of someone who beats his wife or kids, the crotch of a sexual predator, or the mouth of someone who is verbally abusive. Close the circle and ground power. Leave the poppet on the altar, touching whatever you are using to connect them to it, until the candle and incense have burned out. Take the poppet and use the thread to tie it upside-down to a tree - an indoor tree will work as well as an

outdoor one. Make the 5-fold bond, if it is possible to do this with the type of poppet and bindings you have used (as in the classic tarot card of the Hanged Man). Say: I ween that I hung on a windy tree, Hung there for nights full nine; With the spear I was wounded, and offered I was To Odin, myself to myself, On the tree that none may ever know What root beneath it runs. This is the transformation part of the spell. Leave the poppet on the tree for nine days. Recite the poem to the poppet at least once each day, sending the person strong thoughts about the changes you want them to manifest. Send them compassion, send them

enlightenment. Hold a mirror up to the poppet while you recite the poem if you want them to 'see' what they have done. Yell at the poppet if you have anger you need to release. KEEPING YOUR LOVER To prevent the loss of your lover, during the waxing Moon take a lock of your partner's hair and mix it with your own, contemplating your essences intermingling. Wrap the hair along with a personal artifact from each person in a red silk square, and bind with a ribbon of green, chanting: "Love to the left of us, love to the right of us, over us, under us, even uniting us." Envision the red silk as your mutual

love, the ribbon as your spellbinding. Tie it tight. Attach a sprig of berried holly to the center of the package, saying: "Prickles defend our love." Place the bundle in a black starspangled box. Do not open or untie unless you wish to break the bond. BINDING SPELL This spell should be cast when someone is using negative Magick against you. Before rushing into this process, make sure that you know that you are being attacked magickally and by who. This should be checked through Magick, divination, prayer and meditation. Once you are positive that a certain person is using negative Magick against you, begin the spell.

Materials Needed: Spool of black ribbon Poppet of the person you intend to bind Black pouch made of a tough material such as leather Black candle Chalice of water (rain or river water is best) Coal, granite or some other powerful stone associated with the element of earth Musk incense & Censer Time: Waning moon, noon Procedure: Place the rock, water, incense, and candle around you to form the points of a square. (Rock being diagonal to incense and water being diagonal to candle). Now sit under the stars and meditate on the impact that this persons negative Magick has had on your life.

Once you have all of the negative recourse in your mind, hold the poppet in you receptive (left) hand, and slowly, starting at the feet, wrap the poppet in black ribbon, as if it were a mummy. Be sure to leave no spot exposed. As you wrap, chat the following or similar: "With (name's) own evil does s/he her/himself bind, his/her Magick powers s/he shall not find!" As you chant and wrap, visualize all the negativity from the Magick that this person has cast flowing into the ribbon that binds the poppet. Once the poppet is totally wrapped, place it in the pouch and draw it shut. Now proclaim in a loud voice: "(name) has been bound in the presence of the elements and the

gods. May s/he remain as such until this poppet again sees the light of day. So mote it be!" Store the pouch with the bound poppet in a dark place. When you decide to unbind it, take the pouch into the noon sun of the waxing moon and unwrap the poppet. Visualize the negativity tied in the ribbon disintegrating in the light of the sun. Say the following or similar: "(name) is now unbound; a creature of free will in Magick and in heart. Blessed be!" BINDING HAIR MAGICK Need: strand of hair of the person you desire. Braid the person's hair into yours and while doing so chant his/her name and your desire (i.e. love, passion

towards you, etc) BLACK CORD BINDING Use this to bind someone from hurting others and themselves. ONLY do this if there are no other options available to you. You need: Black cord- long enough to tie 3 knots in, A photo of the person harming others First of all sit and cast circle. Explain to the universe what you are about to do and ask if it is the right thing. Think about how the person is hurting others and let the anger build up. Then all at once say loudly: (person's name) I bind you from hurting others! Then quickly tie a knot tightly in the cord. Repeat the process three times or as

many times you feel necessary. When done, say: Three times three, I bind you (person's name)! Hide the cord and photo in a safe place where the knots won't come undone. Or better still, burn the cord so the knots never come undone. (you don't really need a photo, but it helps make the Magick stronger) SPELL BINDER "Water to water, a witches' spell. Cast I now to speed this well. Focus and powers from out of the night Gather within and give my spell flight." SPELL BINDER This is best used at the end of a spoken or written spell. This adds a certain "Oomph" to the releasing of energy. It also works best if you are wearing a Pentagram you have

attuned to yourself. Speak these word with all the fibers of your body while releasing the spell's energy: By the Pentagram I wear, Water, Fire, Earth, and Air, Ruled by Spirit as All should be As I speak SO MOTE IT BE! BINDING A SPELL CHANT come ye as the charm is made! Queen of heaven, Queen of hell, Horned Hunter of the night Lend your power unto the spell, And work our will by Magick rite! By all the power of land and sea, By all the might of moon and sun I call the Earth to bind my spell. Air to speed it well. Bright as Fire shall it glow. Deep as tide of Water flow. Count the elements fourfold, In the fifth the spell shall hold.

SPELL TO TIE A LOVER TO YOU Make a Mojo bag of red material, in it put sugarcane, some corn starch, ginger root, an ear of baby corn, a ball of cotton, 5 pieces of coral (they sell really inexpensive coral necklaces at a lot of stores), hair from a fox (ok this one will be hard, you can check at a zoo or look in antique shops etc for a stuffed/mounted fox. You could also go to a store that sells fur, it only takes a single hair or two, and it's easy to run your hands thru the fur, or use a piece of scotch tape wrapped sticky side out on one of your fingers) and lastly a pubic hair from him and if at all possible some sperm, (from a rubber, or if either of you wipe off after sex, snag the tissue or whatever...hey a Witch has to be

creative. Anyway take all these and put them in the bag along with a heart shaped paper with his name written on it 5 times. Please Contact us with any questions [email protected]