B1 Listening 3

LISTENING 3 B1 Home Chef Radio programme Pedro Cambra is a chef and he has his own business, Home Chef. You are going

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Home Chef Radio programme Pedro Cambra is a chef and he has his own business, Home Chef. You are going to listen to an interview with Pedro about his business.

2 Listen again. Are the sentences true or false?

1 Pedro Cambra started Home Chef.

TRUE/FALSE 2 Pedro trained as a waiter.

TRUE/FALSE 3 Pedro’s friends always asked him

to come to their homes and cook for them. TRUE/FALSE 4 His friends helped him get new

customers. TRUE/FALSE 5 Pedro says it was difficult to set up


3 Choose the correct answers. 1 What was Pedro doing when he

decided to start Home Chef? A He was unemployed. B He was working in a restaurant. 2 Why didn’t Pedro enjoy his friends’

parties? A The parties weren’t very

relaxing because Pedro cooked. B The people weren’t fun and

they didn’t cook well. 3 Why do many people prefer not to

cook at their own dinner parties? A Cooking is stressful and they

want to enjoy themselves. B They are embarrassed because

their cooking is bad. 4 What did Pedro find difficult at

first? A Advertising cost a lot of money. B Some people didn’t have any

1 Listen to the interview and answer the questions.

kitchen equipment.

1 What kind of radio programme is it?

5 What do Pedro’s new Japanese

A a news programme

chefs do?

B a programme about food

A They make sushi before they

C a programme about new businesses

come to people’s homes.

2 What is Home Chef?

B They teach dinner party guests

how to make sushi.

A a website where people share recipes and cooking ideas B a school that only offers cooking classes C a website where you can hire a chef who cooks for you at your home

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