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En ésta parte os vamos a mostrar 1 modelo de examen inventado de speaking.


Se valora en ésta parte tu rango gramatical (recomendamos use of English variado), precisión, coherencia, cohesión (los conectores te ayudan en ésta parte), léxico variado, pronunciación y fluidez.

Estructura aptis advanced speaking Parte 1: La primera parte consiste en contestar a 3 preguntas sobre una imagen. Tal y como lo especifica la guía general de la prueba, tienes 45 segundos para responder a cada una. La primera pide comparar 2 imágenes que te aparecen en la pantalla y las otras 2 están relacionadas con ellas. Vamos a poner 2 fotos a modelo de examen. Para todos los exámenes sean el CAE, FCE, APTIS o cualquiera en los que haya imágenes para describir y comparar te recomendamos:

Utiliza suposiciones (I guess, perhaps, might, maybe, the odds are high, etc.), vocabulario específico (the picture above ilustrates, the one below shows, in the foreground, in the background, in the pic on the left, etc) y algún Use of English (the more..the more, as long as, no matter how, etc.)

Derechos de imagen de Istanbul Arel University

Derechos de imagen de Canthom Postdam Hospital

1º Pregunta: Compare these two pictures (45 seconds) RECOMENDACIÓN:

1) Haz una breve introducción de lo que se muestra en las 2 imágenes 2) Di las similitudes que ves 3) Contrástalas Es bastante parecido a las imágenes del Aptis General o del First. Nuestra respuesta: “There are 2 photos showing 2 differente workplaces. The picture above is one of a room with people gathered around a table and the one below depicts a man working in a lab. The first photo might have been taken in an office where those people might be workmates and are likely to work on some creative project provided that there are plenty of papers and charts and tablets. On the other hand, the second picture shows a man who seems to be researching in a laboratory. He is wearing a green lab cloth, net on his head, safety glasses and blue gloves and I guess that’s for safety reasons due to the fact he appears to be handling glassware with chemicals.” 4) Utiliza anécdotas personales (si te quedas sin ideas) Utiliza tus propias historias y ejemplos para hablar más. La gente siempre se siente más cómoda hablando de sus experiencias, así que habla sobre ti mismo. “The picture on the top reminds me the times I was a teenager and used to go to ciber cafés and chat and play online games with friends.” 5) Corrígete si cometes fallos gramáticales. “I’m sorry, I meant…”

2º Pregunta: Which place from these two would you like to work in? (45 seconds) Éstas preguntas suelen referirse a tus gustos. Ten cuidado porque las preguntas van encaminada a ciertos usos de la gramática y use of English. Por ejemplo, si te preguntan: Which would you choose to work in? habría que contestar en segundo condicional. Expresar gustos y disgustos:  I’m keen on/passionate about… 

I like nothing more than…

I can’t stand/bear…

Presentar una opinión:  As far as I know/ I’m concerned… 


In my experience,

Primero elige si de verdad trabajarías es una de ellas y segundo en cuál y por qué. “To be honest it is hard to answer because I’m not passionate about neither of them. However, if I had to choose, I would work in a lab. I like nothing more than discovering new things and I guess being a researcher enables you to find out and come across new things more often than not. On the other hand, working in a team might be rather entertaining as well but perhaps it’s difficult to have a good rapport with your collegues if there’s an argument. Long story short, being in a laboratory is bound to be much more fun and I’d choose this job.”

3ª Pregunta: ? (45 seconds) RECOMENDACIÓN: 1. Usa conectores para decorar tu discurso 2. Usa alguna palabra concreta que destaque como alguna de éste listado o de éste otro. 3. Habla despacio y con coherencia.

Speaking parte 2:

En la segunda parte se te da un minuto para prepararte un speaking que vas a hacer de 2 minutos sin parar. Sin embargo, para que te puedas orientar, a parte del tema, se te dan 3 puntos qué habría que desarrollar.

Derechos de imagen de The New Salt Pipe Diet   

What do you do to have a healthy lifestyle?? What advice can you give to other people in order to have a good diet? What problems may there be if you do not have a healthy diet now?

RECOMENDACIÓN: 1. No te pongas a redactar frases. 2. Elige la palabra clave y busca rápido diferentes formas de decirlo (healthy diet = beneficial food, edibles good for yout health, meals that keep you fit..). 3. Esboza un esquema o palabras claves que se te ocurren (conectores, expresión que te pudiera servir, phrasal verbs, etc.) Responde a todas las preguntas tranquilamente en orden en el tiempo necesario: “If only I were fitter and sounder than I’m now. Latery I try to eat fruit and vegetables almost everyday and I’ve been trying to cut down on dairy and meat. It’s is not easy though because I am in love with chocolate and icecream. Besides, I have to reckon that I’m a sweet tooth and I find it difficult to stay away from a good piece of brownie. But, I know that hard as it seems, I need to have meals that are good for my health and I try to do my best to have a mixed diet. I’d recommend people to set an objective in their lives when it comes to health (such as phasing out dairy from their diet) and to take it seriosly. First of all you might need a planning which contains both the different kinds of foods and meals you’re goint to take up and as well exercises you should do in order to improve your fitness. Just by having a balance between what you eat and what you train you can get fitter and sounder. Sports encourage healthy decisions such as not smoking or drinking and offer hidden health benefits such as a lower chance of getting cancer later in life. If you don’t do so, and pig out a lot, have junk food regularly or just eat pizza often, you can pose your health to some dangers such as cardiovascular diseases. This might even end up in a heart attack. Besides, by keeping up with a good and healthy lifestyle you will eventually feel better mentally.”

Speaking parte 3 (1:30 minutos):

De forma similar a la anterior, en ésta parte se te expone un tema sobre el que hablar. Se te facilitan 3 pros y 3 contras relacionados con el tema. Tendrás que elegir sólo 2 argumentos de cada grupo y desarrollarlos. Tienes un poco de tiempo para poder prepararte ésta parte. Are drones really helpful? PROS  it helps track the perpetrators 

provide valuable footage in criminal acts

it’s used for entertaining purposes

CONS  it invades people’s privacy 

can be used for immoral purposes

can replace humans in certain job positions


traza un esquema con tus palabras claves en orden (empieza por una frase introductoria y luego pasa a los argumentos)

utiliza conectores de contraste (on one hand…one the other hand, one positive aspect is, one drawback might be, whereas..)

más expresiones útiles: it’s not gold all that glitters (no es oro todo lo que reluce), take it with a pinch of salt (tomárselo con cautela), know-how (conocimientos), silver lining (lo positivo)… Lista de expresiones idiomáticas en inglés

Habla con calma e intenta evitar los “eeeees” “Frankly, I’m not very much into drones nor other devices alike. However, it’s a fact that this pilotless aircraft has become increasingly popular over the last years. To begin with, on one hand, I think theses electronic devices are very useful in terms of security. They can be used to catch a criminal provided that they can provide valuable recordings of the criminal’s whereabouts and help the police. That’s definitely an advantage. Moreover, normal civilians can use them for taking photos from certain perspectives that might have been unreachable without an useful tool like this one. However, it’s not gold all that glitters. Drones can have as well plenty of drawback. For intance, they are at hand for those who might want to invade our privacy. Besides, this can happen without even realizing it because it’s difficult to spot a noiseless flying device. What’s more, I stake on the fact that in the future they will replace pilots from flying a plane so that will negatively affect the job market. All in all, although drones are already used on a daily basis, whether they’re good or bad is still to be seen.”

Speaking parte 4 (45 seconds): Por fin, la última pregunta. En ésta parte del aptis advanced speaking aparece una pregunta tan sólo y se trata de improvisar en el momento pues no hay tiempo para pensar. La que habría que tratar es algo así como: Will technology control our lives? RECOMENDACIÓN:

Sé sincero y di lo que piensas

Usa expresiones que te acuerdes de ejercicios anteriores

Los conectores te pueden salvar

“Frankly, I cannot foresee a world where technology controls us. Indeed, most of our activities will be related to technology but I refuse to think that we’ll eventually live in a “Matrix” world. Honestly, even though technology has brought both good and bmad things, I would rather there still were electronics and tech and perhaps some limitations imposed by the Government might be useful.”

Recuerda que toda la gestión de la prueba del APTIS Advanced la debes hacer en la web oficial del British Council.

Nosotros te podemos preparar para el examen con los mejores consejos y bastante práctica. Finally, si deseas aprender más sobre la prueba o sobre las diferentes partes del examen, suscríbete a nuestra newsletter o contáctanos. Good luck!

Nosotros hacemos una aproximación al modelo . El listening es el que más problemas suele dar (debes entrenar mucho ésta parte y uno de los métodos, a falta de material, es hacer de los que se ofrecen on-line tipo CAE o escuchar a diario radio en inglés)

MODELO DE EXAMEN Speaking parte 1: La primera parte consiste en contestar a 3 preguntas en un intervalo de 45 segundos por pregunta. La primera siempre pide comparar 2 imágenes que te aparecen en la pantalla y las otras 2 están relacionadas con ellas. Vamos a poner 2 fotos que se acercan a los modelos del examen. Para todos todos exámenes sean el CAE, FCE, APTIS o cualquiera en los que haya imágenes para describir y comparar te recomendamos: Utilizar suposiciones (I guess, perhaps, might, it is likely, there is a high likelihood, etc.), vocabulario específico (the picture above ilustrates, the picture below depicts, in the foreground, in the background, etc) y algún Use of English (the more..the more, as long as, no matter how, etc.)

Backpacking. Derechos de imagen de Wildland Trekking

Roadtrip. Derechos de imagen de Vee-dub

1º Pregunta: Compare these two pictures (45 seconds) RECOMENDACIÓN: 1) Haz una breve introducción de lo que muestra la imagen en una frase 2) Presenta la segunda imagen con una frase también 3) Compara y contrástalas Di una cosa sobre la primera y luego compáralo con la segunda. Por ejemplo (te recomendamos que seas bastante creativo y si te inspiras en nuestro ejemplo que lo varías pues hay muchas personas que podrían acabar contestando de forma parecido):

“The picture on the top is one of a mountain landscape, quite breath-taking by the way, and the one at the bottom depicts a fine beachside landscape. The first photo might have been taken in a valley. There are plenty of trees and what seems a lake behind On the other hand, in the second picture there is a van with people around it. It looks like those people might be going on a road trip.” 4) Utiliza anécdotas personales (si te quedas sin ideas) Utiliza tus propias historias y ejemplos para hablar más. La gente siempre se siente más cómoda hablando de sus experiencias, así que habla sobre ti mismo si te quedas en blanco.

“The picture on the top reminds me the time I went on ski holiday with my classmates to Andorra. We really had a blast.”

2º Pregunta: Which place would you go on holidays? (45 seconds)

Éstas preguntas suelen referirse a tus gustos. Ten cuidado porque las preguntas van encaminada a ciertos usos de la gramática y use of English. Por ejemplo, si te preguntan: Which would you choose to work? habría que contestar en segundo condicional. Expresar gustos y disgustos:  I’m interested in… 

I’m willling to/eager to/feel like

I like nothing more than…

I can’t stand/bear…

Presentar una opinión:  As far as I know/ I’m concerned… 

In my opinion…

I am of the thought…

Mostrar énfasis: 

Indeed (sin duda)


Primero elige si de verdad trabajarías es una de ellas y segundo en cuál y por qué.

“Honestly it’s a tough choice because I would do both. Still, I guess traveling with friends is much more fun for me. And I’ d like very much to do the 666 route in a van with my friends. We would definitely have a blast. “

3ª Pregunta: Where would old people enjoy most? (45 seconds) RECOMENDACIÓN: 1. Usa conectores para decorar tu discurso 2. Usa alguna palabra concreta que destaque como alguna de éste listado o de éste otro. 3. Habla despacio y con coherencia.

“As far as I know a great deal of old people would rather the beach and sea, at least in Spain. But having to choose between these two, I suppose they would prefer to go hiking in nature rather than on a crazy, uncomfortable roadtrip. However, I’m pretty sure my grandmother will pick up the second choice, she has ants in her pants and she has always been on crazy trips ever since she was a young girl. “

Speaking parte 2: En la segunda parte se te da un minuto para prepararte un speaking que vas a hacer de 2 minutos sin parar. Sin embargo para facilitar tu pequeña ponencia, a parte del tema, te dan 3 puntos qué habría que desarrollar.

Teamworking. Derechos de imagen de Udemy  Are you good at working in a team?  What advice can you give to other people in order to better teamwork?  Why is collaboration important? RECOMENDACIÓN: 1. No te pongas a redactar frases. 2. Elige la palabra clave y busca rápido diferentes formas de decirlo (save = deposit income, save up, creat a budget, treasure up..). 3. Esboza un esquema o palabras claves que se te ocurren (conectores, expresión que te pudiera servir, phrasal verbs, etc.) Responde a todas las preguntas tranquilamente en orden en el tiempo necesario:

“Honestly, I find it easy to hit it off with my work mates. I try to do my best to get along with them even when there are times when we don’t think along the same lines. I would recommend people to be pacient and try not to judge a book by it’s cover. Many times the person you don’t expect interesting ideas from might amaze you. Furthermore, it’s important to be respectful and placing yourself in other people’s shoes is the key to a better understanding. Collaboration is imperative when you work in a place where creativity and innovation is required. Bear in mind as well that working with others is much more fruitful that alone because ideas come up better.“

Speaking parte 3 (1:30 minutos): Ésta parte te expone un tema sobre el que hablar. Se te facilitan 3 pros y 3 contras relacionados con éste tema. Tendrás que elegir sólo 2 argumentos de cada grupo y desarrollarlos. Tienes un poco de tiempo para poder prepararte ésta parte. Éste modelo de examen del APTIS Advanced habla sobre el dinero y la educación. Does life satisfaction depend on your job? NO 

a job is just a means to well-being

there are other factors


your salary improve your well being

work can inspire you and have a better performance


traza un esquema con tus palabras claves en orden

utiliza conectores de contraste (on one hand…one the other hand, one positive aspect is, one drawback might be, whereas..)

más expresiones útiles: advocate (defender), by and large (en general), knowhow (conocimientos), drawbacks (lo positivo)… Habla con calma e intenta evitar los “eeeees” :):

Speaking parte 4 (45 seconds): La última parte normalmente es una pregunta que hace referencia al ejercicio anterior y se trata de improvisar en el momento pues no hay tiempo para pensar. Aún así, tienes suerte porque tenemos las preguntas del Aptis Advanced. Will IT related jobs be the future? RECOMENDACIÓN: 

Sé sincero y di lo que piensas

Usa expresiones que te acuerdes de ejercicios anteriores

Los conectores te pueden salvar

“Indeed, in my opinion many jobs of the future are bound to belong to the realm of IT and technology. Actually, graphic designers or Internet arquitects are already the state-of-the-art professions. However, oddly as it seems, there are jobs which may never be replaced by robots or performed with technology such as performing an actor or being a cook, even a teacher or a proofreader.“ Ya está, chicos. Aquí acabaría el speaking. Recordad que tanto las preguntas como las respuestas son inventadas. Esperemos que os haya servido de ilustración e inspiración.