Application Letter

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You see this advertisement in an English language newspaper: INTERNATIONAL BOOKSHOP REQUIRES SUMMER STAFF -

Do you like books and reading? Do you speak English Do you have any useful experience

Apply to the manager, Mrs Benson, saying why you think you are suitable for a job in our international bookshop

Dear Mrs. Beson. I would like very much to apply for the post of summer staff in your international bookshop. I have been working for two years in a little bookstore located in the city centre of my city, and I also have worked during six months in the bookshop department of the multinational compay “FNAC”. In relation to my English level, I lived one year in Ireland where I was studying in an international university, therefore I have a fluently spoken English and I am used to talk with foreign people. I love literature, and I think that in the books we can find a lot of knowledge and wisdom. In my opinion, if someone wants to learn or just have a nice time, reading a good book is the best solution Yours sincerely

Javier Muela