Aphasia Cheatsheet

Nonfluent Aphasias Type Broca’s Aphasia Site of lesion: Broca’s Area: 3rd convolution (gyrus & sulcus) left frontal lobe

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Nonfluent Aphasias Type Broca’s Aphasia Site of lesion: Broca’s Area: 3rd convolution (gyrus & sulcus) left frontal lobe Brodmann’s areas 44 & 45


Behavioral Characteristics/ deficits        

 Transcortical Motor Aphasia Site of Lesion: Superior & Anterior to Broca’s area Communication b/w Broca’s area and pre-motor or supplementary motor area (Brodmann’s Area 6) cut off. Links to Basal ganglia and/or thalamus may be severed

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Isolation/Mixed Aphasia

Site of lesion:

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Global Aphasia

Site of lesion: both anterior and posterior lesions

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Agrammatism Effortful Speech Short, telegraphic phrases Presence of Apraxia Naming problems Slow speech rate Lacking intonation Poor reading and writing Relatively good auditory comprehension Intact repetition Lack of spontaneous speech Naming problems Short, telegraphic sentences Good articulation Agrammatism Paraphasis

Similar to Broca’s but severely impaired comprehension Marked naming difficulty Mild-moderately impaired repetition skills

All language functions severely affected (receptive and expressive) Severe deficits in comprehension and production Naming problems Difficulty with gestural skills Impaired reading and writing

Prognosis & Goals

Fluent Aphasias Type Wernicke’s Aphasia Site of lesion: Wernicke’s area: posterior region of left superior temporal gyrus . Extends into parietal lobe, affecting angular gyrus- center for reading, writing & auditory comprehension. Adjacent to Hechl’s Gyrus.


Behavioral Characteristics/ deficits      

Fluent but meaningless speech Severe auditory comprehension deficit Jargon, paraphasias, and neologisms Good articulation and intonation Naming difficulties Poor reading comprehension

Writing deficits

Brodmann’s areas 21 and 42

Conduction Aphasia

Site of lesion: damage to arcuate fasciculus – bundle of

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Marked difficulty repeating words and phrases Only minor comprehension problems Good articulation and prosody Naming problems Recognition of errors with attempts to self-correct

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Intact repetition Poor auditory Comprehension Naming difficulties Paraphasias

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Marked naming problems Near-normal language Good comprehension Good repetition skills Relatively good auditory comprehension Good articulation Good grammar

nerve fibers below supramarginal gyrus in the temporal lobe. Connects Broca’s and Wernicke’s both Broca’s and Wernickes intact.

Transcortical Sensory Aphasia Site of lesion: Broca’s area, Wernicke’s area and arcuate fascilicus are undamaged. Cut off from the rest of the brain by infarcted tissue. Anomic Aphasia Site of lesion: localized with least reliability of any aphasic syndromes. Often temporal and parietal, Angular gyrus may also be affected causing alexia and agraphia

Prognosis & Goals