Apep, The Chaos Serpent (Denizen)

Apep, the Chaos Serpent Denizen of the Void Aspect Apep was the Ancient Egyptian spirit of Evil, Darkness, Chaos and Des

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Apep, the Chaos Serpent Denizen of the Void Aspect Apep was the Ancient Egyptian spirit of Evil, Darkness, Chaos and Destruction who threatened to destroy the sun god Ra as he travelled through the underworld at night. As he threatened the sacred balance of Ma’at, Apep was opposed by the gods, who would protect Ra as he travelled. Like Set, Apep was also associated with various frightening natural events such as unexplained darkness such as solar eclipse, storms and earthquakes. However, Apep was always depicted as evil. he is depicted as a huge snake that threatens to consume the sun. He would die each day, and return each night, he could never be destroyed, only temporarily defeated.

The Quest Land of Chaos:The Denizen has caused all sorts of events to unfold all across the Land. Eclipses, Storms, Earthquakes, an army of Underlings marching upon the tribes of Consorts. They are very scared of these events that they don’t understand, and just scared of Underlings in general. It is up to the Player to figure out how and why all these events happen, and, hopefully, stop them.

The Battle Apep is a powerful foe, not because he has powerful attacks, which he has an abundance of, but because you can never really kill him. If you do, he would return, powerful as ever, after a single night passes. His attacks are mostly Environmental Effects, such as Storms, Earthquakes, Eclipses, and his Roar but he can also rely on his massive body to crush the Player.

The Prize Staff of Rebirth - A Staff made in the form of a snake, it allows the Player to return to life after he is killed. However, the death the Player suffers must be of a Just nature and a single Player cannot use Staff for more than three revivals.

Strife Portfolio Revivification Apep could be defeated, but never completely vanquished. This ability grants Apep immortality beyond even that of the God Tiers. Upon death all traces of Apep’s power would disappear from

the Land. However, when night falls (or in 12 hours time in places without night) he would return from death, whole once more. Only particularly powerful JuJu’s can permanently destroy Apep, mostly by ensuring he never comes in the first place. He is still vulnerable to imprisonment, however.

Ruinous Tempest Apep can call upon great destructive storms, the like of which can level houses. This ability has quite a short range, only allowing him to call storms directly on top of himself, though its effects are devastating. Tornadoes, Hail, Thunderstorms, ominous clouds for which we have no name for, if a weather is considered strange or destructive, then Apep can summon it. Weather proof Armor would be quite useful, in this situation, though Breath proofing would do in a pinch, what with most of these attacks being based on wind.

Cataclysmic Quakes Apep can call upon great Earthquakes to rend the Land itself asunder. Much like Ruinous Tempest, he can only cause Earthquakes directly below him, though its effects are more far reaching. The Earthquake can be felt all throughout the Land, ripping open canyon and abyss alike and toppling the Consort’s villages and the Land’s Temples. Earthquake can only affect land-bound targets, flight can nullify its effects quite nicely.

Raucous Roar Apep can release a deafening roar, the likes of which can shatter glass and damage others like a physical force. The roar has a large enough range to affect everyone fighting him. The roar is pure sound damage, so immunity to sound is quite recommended.

Ophidian Devourer Apep consumes the light of the world and the souls of the dead, and only his death can release them from his stomach. Wherever Apep goes, light is devoured, plunging the location into total darkness, which cannot be dispelled or banished until he is slain. This ability has a rather short range. This also allows Apep to consume Souls, preventing those he has slain from rising from the dead as ghosts or zombies, God Tier and Dream Self Resurrection can circumvent this ability.

Treasure Hoard Staff of Rebirth A Staff made in the form of a snake, it is in the color of the darkest night and seems to radiate a sinister aura. Most would attempt to shatter it upon first laying eyes on it. Malignant Resurgence - The object allows the user to return from death up to three times, with the caveat that the death must be considered Just. The user can obtain more uses by killing another in cold blood, consuming their soul, and feeling no remorse over it.

Book of Apep A book filled with instructions on how to defeat and banish Apep. Though seemingly useless, as Apep would already have been defeated if this book to be obtained, it would come to use as he returns each night. Overthrowing Apep - The object grants the user a bonus during Strife against the Denizen known as Apep.