Activity 4 - Online Activity - Unit 1

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Home ► INGLES IV 90170A_363 ► Monitoring and Evaluation ► Activity 4 - Online activity - Unit 1 Question 1

Read the text "Are you in love?" and answer the following question:

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You think you are falling in love. You are really attracted to a certain person. But this happened before and it was just a “crush”. How can you tell if it’s real this time? Here is what our readers said:

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If you are in love… You will find yourself talking to or telephoning the person for no reason. (You might pretend there’s a reason but often there is not). You will find yourself bringing this person into every conversation. (“When I was in Mexico -, “a friend begins. You interrupt with, “my boyfriend made a great Mexican dinner last week”). You might suddenly be interested in things you used to avoid. (“When a woman asks me to tell her all about football, I know she is fallen in love,”) said a TV sports announcer. Ok, so you’ve fallen in love. But falling in love is one thing, and staying in love is another thing. How can you tell, as time passes, that you are still in love? If you stay in love, your relationship will change. You might not talk as much about the person you are in love with. You might not always call him or her so often. But this person will nevertheless become more and more important in your life. You’ll find that you can be yourself with this person. When you first fell in love, you were probably afraid to admit certain things about yourself. But now you can be totally honest. You can trust him or her to accept you as you are. Falling in love is great – staying in love is even better! Taken from: Richards, J. Proctor, S. & Hull, J. (1997) New interchange 3rd edition, (P. 59) Cambridge university press. Have you fallen in love? Select one: a. Yes, I have. Because I can be myself when I am with him and I take care of him. b. Yes, I had. Because I can be very honest next to him. c. Yes, I have. Because I call him every 2 hours. d. Yes, I’d. Because I like what he likes. It is not correct.

Question 2 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 Flag question

Listen to the audio 0:35 / 3:35

and answer the following question: How many times does Helen use the bike since she lives in the current place? Select one: a. Every day for work. b. Once.

c. She doesn´t have bike. d. Never.

Question 3

Choose the answers that best complete the following paragraph:

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If you help me with this project, I ____ ____ you to the most expensive restaurant in this city.

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Select one: a. will/take b. had/take c. would/take d. would have/taken

Question 4

Complete the following sentence in Past Perfect:

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The storm destroyed the sandcastle that we ______.

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Select one: a. built. b. has. c. had been building. d. had built.

Question 5 Not yet answered

Complete the conversation using conditional sentences with the combination presentfuture (first conditional):

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What will you do if I fail the English exam?

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Select one: a. The English exam will appear. b. Many English exams are here. c. I will tell on you. d. I do the English exam.

Question 6 Not yet answered

Read the following statement and choose the appropiate option to make this conditional sentence correct:

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If my sister studies, ______________.

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Select one: a. she will learn how to ride a bike. b. she will finally get a dog! c. she will pass all her school exams.

d. she will find a new dress.

Question 7

Complete the next conversation using congratulatory vocabulary and expressions:

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I’m having a baby, did you know about it?

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Select one: a. I do now, congratulations on your baby. b. I did, congratulation to your baby. c. I did not, congratulation to your baby. d. I am having a baby next week.

Question 8

What is the definition of the word "to sing"?

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Choose the correct answer:

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Select one: a. To take the rest afforded by a suspension of voluntary bodily functions and the natural suspension, complete or partial, of consciousness. b. To utter words or sounds in succession with musical modulations of the voice; vocalize melodically. c. To move one's feet or body, or both, rhythmically in a pattern of steps, especially accompained by music. d. To utter words or articulate sounds with the ordinary voice.

Question 9

Read the text "Thanksgiving Dinner" and answer the question below:

Not yet answered

Last Thanksgiving my parents had a large family dinner at their house. Getting ready for Thanksgiving dinner takes a lot of work.

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The day started well and by late afternoon we had completed most of the work. Everyone had helped to make the meal a success. We had put the turkey in the oven earlier that day so the house was starting to smell like roast turkey. The grandchildren had finished setting the table for Thanksgiving dinner. My aunt had made two pies for dessert, a pumpkin pie and an apple pie. My brother and I had peeled the carrots and the potatoes. We had just turned on the stove to start cooking the vegetables when the power went out! The oven stopped working! We couldn’t cook the vegetables! The turkey wouldn’t finish cooking! We waited. We talked. We went for a walk. We had waited two hours by the time the power came back on. We had almost given up hope. Dinner was late that night but it was a Thanksgiving dinner that we won’t forget. Text taken from: What had they cooked for thanksgiving dinner? Select one: a. They had cooked turkey, dessert, rice, carrots and potatoes. b. They had cooked dessert, vegetables, turkey, carrots and potatoes. c. They had cooked carrots, soup, vegetables and turkey. d. They had cooked turkey, vegetables, carrots, potatoes and juice.

Question 10

Complete the paragraph with the correct word, using past perfect tense:

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Hello Maria, where had you ______?

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Select one: a. gone b. going c. go d. goes

Question 11

Choose the right verb to complete the sentence:

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He _________ twice in his life before the accident.

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Select one: a. had drive b. had driven c. has driven d. had not drove

Question 12

Read the text "Class of 2000" and answer the following question:

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Do you ever wonder what will become of your classmates? Can you spot who’s going to become famous, travel the world or get a really interesting job? Colin Bacon decided to look up some people he’d known at secondary school to find out just that.

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The first person I found was Andrew. He’d always wanted to work in the music industry. He reminded me, “As a student, I used to do DJ work at the weekends. The academic side of university wasn’t my main priority. After graduation, I did temporary jobs before getting into a record company as assistant to the marketing manager. I learned a lot from him and progressed quickly. I’m now in charge of signing new bands. A typical week involves meetings with artists and producers, and I have to stay abreast of what’s going on in the music world. No two days are ever the same in this job and an average day can change in an instant if you hear a new band and you realize you’re on to something big. The thrill of that makes all the dull days worthwhile”. Barbara was much more of a shock. She was always rather quiet at school. She explained, “After school I got a place at Art College to do a four-year degree, but after a year I had a change of heart and swapped to a Geography degree which I thought was more interesting. On that course, I met up with some people who were thinking of joining the army. I suddenly realized it was just the thing for me too. After graduation, I spent a year doing officer training and then shadowed another officer for two months before getting my own first commission.” She now has fifty-five soldiers under her command. “Promotion depends on performance and time served, but I hope to have been promoted to the rank of captain in two years’ time.” Carl was always a patient sort, so I wasn’t surprised to find him still in the classroom. He told me, “In my last year at school, I considered teaching as a career, but I ended up doing two years of a medical degree instead, because that was the advice I was given at the time. I never really felt committed to it, however, and after two years switched to Biology and returned to my original plan. I chose a very practical training course where I spent a lot of time in schools rather than in a lecture theatre. The advantage is that you build up a teaching style quite quickly, but you do miss out a bit on the education theory behind it. I now work in an inner-city secondary school and the challenge is motivating the rather troublesome pupils to learn.”

Biggest shock of all was Diane. She was quite scruffy at school and the last person I expected to be working as a fashion model. As she explained, “Anyone who says you become a model just because you’re pretty is totally wrong. To be successful you need personality, drive, maturity as well as good looks. A model’s job involves getting up early, performing miracles in front of the camera even when you feel awful, and then staying miles away from home because you’ve got to do it all again tomorrow. It is often exhausting. It’s glamorous enough if you make it to the top, but most don’t. Fortunately, I’m building up the experience necessary to start my own agency because modelling is not something you can do forever”. And finally, I tracked down Eric. He works from home, but spends a lot of his time in the great outdoors. As he told me, “I completed a degree in Zoology and because I’ve always been interested in the sea, I started doing voluntary work with the Marine Conservation Trust while I was looking for a job. It wasn’t long before I got taken on to the staff, however, and I’m now their education officer. This involves responding to telephone enquiries from the public and setting up courses for people who want to come and study the seashore. I also have to do things like go round companies and try to get sponsorship for our schemes.” Taken from: Fast Track to FCE Longman Pearson Education Limited 2001 Which of Colin's classmates has plans to branch out into another line of business? Select one: a. Diane. b. Carl. c. Andrew. d. Barbara.

Question 13

Choose the correct option without spelling mistake:

Not yet answered

If she goes to France ___

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Select one: a. she will learn French. b. she will learns French. c. she will learnt French. d. she don't won't learn French.

Question 14 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 Flag question

One word is wrong in the sentence. Find the correct form of that word: The book is cover with dust because she left it in the old barn. Select one: a. Coverd. b. Covers. c. Covered. d. Cover.

Question 15 Not yet answered

Select the correct answer according to

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3:35 / 3:35

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: What is their opinion about people getting back to cycling? Select one: a. It´s because of the success in the olympics. b. It´s the worst thing that can happen. c. It´s very healthy.

Question 16

Read the text "The Simple Life" and answer the following question:

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Five people talk about how they have cleared the clutter from their lives and are now living in style with relatively few possessions.

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A. Toby Thomson I’m a perfectionist and this is reflected in my apartment. I used to live in a small flat that was quite cluttered with lots of possessions scattered all over the place. By contrast, my present place is wonderfully empty and spacious. The rooms are all painted white and when you’re inside them, you feel great because you get maximum use of the natural daylight. I have no pictures on the walls. As an architect, I work with drawings all day and I don’t want to look at them in the evening. Everything in the apartment has to be just right. I take ages choosing each piece of furniture or lamp because I think it through carefully and know exactly what I’m after. B. Melanie Martin Having a simple orderly wardrobe makes life less complicated. These days I am much more careful about clothes that I used to be. I buy one well-made piece of clothing that I’m going to love and cherish, rather than several inexpensive items which will son wear out. I’ve refined my wardrobe down to a couple of well-known labels and I take a lot of care whenever I buy something to make sure it’s right for me. A few years ago, I would just take clothes off the rails without really thinking about whether they’d suit me. Inevitably, some of them would get thrown away unworn. Having fewer clothes means you know exactly what goes with what. When I get dressed in the morning I don’t spend half an hour rummaging through stuff trying to figure out what will look right. C. Annabella Bevan My flat is uncluttered, I have wooden floors and only a few pieces of furniture, but I have chosen what I own with care. But If I go off something, I won’t hesitate to throw it out because, for me, things have to be right. I work from home and I’m setting up my own company to sell things on the Internet, but I’d like to work in a soothing, relaxing environment. Having an orderly home and wardrobe helps me to cope with the frantic lifestyle people around me lead in London. It sounds strange, but when I switch on my computer here, I feel a lot calmer than I would in an office. Of course, the look of things does come into it too, but I think if you keep your clothes and possessions tidy, it can improve your mood. D. Graham Knight The design of my flat is not a fashion statement. It’s meant to be modern and contemporary, but I did it because I like it, not because it’s the current trend. It’s very much my space because I designed the interior myself. It’s very sparse, but very homely. It’s also very functional. I love cooking and the focal point of the flat is the Steel worktop in the kitchen area. There’s no dining table, so I both cook and eat on the worktop. I’m always having people round for dinner and they seem to like the informality of it. In the living room, there are two cream sofas and a black side table. I don’t feel the need for anything else because I’m not a very materialistic person really. Who aims to provide a relaxed atmosphere for guests? Select one: a. Anabella Bevan.

b. Toby Thomson. c. Melanie Martin. d. Graham Knight.

Question 17

Read the text "The Simple Life" and answer the following question:

Not yet answered

Five people talk about how they have cleared the clutter from their lives and are now living in style with relatively few possessions.

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A. Toby Thomson I’m a perfectionist and this is reflected in my apartment. I used to live in a small flat that was quite cluttered with lots of possessions scattered all over the place. By contrast, my present place is wonderfully empty and spacious. The rooms are all painted white and when you’re inside them, you feel great because you get maximum use of the natural daylight. I have no pictures on the walls. As an architect, I work with drawings all day and I don’t want to look at them in the evening. Everything in the apartment has to be just right. I take ages choosing each piece of furniture or lamp because I think it through carefully and know exactly what I’m after. B. Melanie Martin Having a simple orderly wardrobe makes life less complicated. These days I am much more careful about clothes that I used to be. I buy one well-made piece of clothing that I’m going to love and cherish, rather than several inexpensive items which will son wear out. I’ve refined my wardrobe down to a couple of well-known labels and I take a lot of care whenever I buy something to make sure it’s right for me. A few years ago, I would just take clothes off the rails without really thinking about whether they’d suit me. Inevitably, some of them would get thrown away unworn. Having fewer clothes means you know exactly what goes with what. When I get dressed in the morning I don’t spend half an hour rummaging through stuff trying to figure out what will look right. C. Annabella Bevan My flat is uncluttered, I have wooden floors and only a few pieces of furniture, but I have chosen what I own with care. But If I go off something, I won’t hesitate to throw it out because, for me, things have to be right. I work from home and I’m setting up my own company to sell things on the Internet, but I’d like to work in a soothing, relaxing environment. Having an orderly home and wardrobe helps me to cope with the frantic lifestyle people around me lead in London. It sounds strange, but when I switch on my computer here, I feel a lot calmer than I would in an office. Of course, the look of things does come into it too, but I think if you keep your clothes and possessions tidy, it can improve your mood. D. Graham Knight The design of my flat is not a fashion statement. It’s meant to be modern and contemporary, but I did it because I like it, not because it’s the current trend. It’s very much my space because I designed the interior myself. It’s very sparse, but very homely. It’s also very functional. I love cooking and the focal point of the flat is the Steel worktop in the kitchen area. There’s no dining table, so I both cook and eat on the worktop. I’m always having people round for dinner and they seem to like the informality of it. In the living room, there are two cream sofas and a black side table. I don’t feel the need for anything else because I’m not a very materialistic person really. Who doesn't like to have drawings at home? Select one: a. Melanie Martin. b. Graham Knight. c. Anabella Bevan. d. Toby Thomson.


Question 18

Choose the correct answer without the spelling mistake:

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Select one: a. When I was yougr than now I used to eat a lot of meat. b. When I was youger tan now I uset to eat a lot of meat. c. When I was youger than now I uset to eat a lot of meat. d. When I was younger than now I used to eat a lot of meat.

Question 19

Select wish or hope according to the sentences:

Not yet answered

They _______________ you every success in the future. They have to ___________ and pray that your son's operation will go well.

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Select one: a. hope/hope b. wish/hope c. hope/wish d. wish/wish

Question 20 Not yet answered

Choose the right option to respond the question according to the reading "Broken Hearts And Fish out of water":

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Why did Tammy Faint?

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Yesterday Tad and Hannah went to a seafood restaurant for lunch. While they were eating, Hannah noticed a very cute guy at the next table. Later, when Tad went to the restroom, Hannah started talking to the man, Jim. Tad came back while they were talking, and he got very angry. He yelled at Jim and grabbed him by the neck. Suddenly, Jim fainted. Tad didn’t know what to do, but Hannah started to perform CPR on Jim. While Hannah was performing CPR, Jim’s girlfriend, Tammy, walked into the restaurant. Tammy thought Hannah was kissing Jim, and she suddenly fainted. Unfortunately, when she fainted, she crashed into a giant fish tank. The fish and water spilled everywhere. After the fish tank fell over, the restaurant manager left the cash register and ran over to see what was happening. Before he returned to the cash register, someone robbed it. Both Jim and Tammy recovered, but the restaurant lost a lot of money and fish. The restaurant manager is suing Tad, Hannah, Jim and Tammy. Taken from: Select one: a. Because she did not saw Hannah kissing her boyfriend. b. Because she was sick. c. Because the restaurant was being robbed. d. Because she saw Hannah kissing her boyfriend.

Question 21 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00

Read the text "Gateway to the Global Village" and answer the following question:

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Britain’s capital is a treasure trove of foreign culture. People from all over the world live in London and the result is a thrilling multiculturalism: cafés, restaurants, shops and markets offer you the world on your doorstep. Come and meet people who are… A. Indian After the Irish, the Indian community is the second largest in London. The first Indians arrived in 1597 and more came after the founding of the East India trading company in the seventeenth century. Numbers increased when India became independent in 1947 but the community really took off in the 1950s and 1960s with employment opportunities around Heathrow airport. Although “Little Indians” exist all over London, the most striking is the district of Southhall in West London, not far from the airport. Here Indian foodstalls and video shops are everywhere, spicy aromas fill the air, and women stroll around wearing the typical colourful sari, just as in India. In McDonald’s, the piped music is refreshingly Indian. B. Portuguese The supermarkets and shops in Lambeth and Stockwell Roads are the most obvious indication that you are in “Little Portugal”, but there is much more to this community than that. Over 20,000 Portuguese live south of the River Thames. The majority have come from the island of Madeira rather than from the mainland of Portugal. This close-knit community is mad about football and folk-dancing and holds its own carnival every February. It’s a community that is determined to hold on to its traditions and it’s a great place to experience Madeiran culture. C. Caribbean When the ship Emperor Windrush docked in 1948 with its 500 immigrants, it marked the start of the main period of Caribbean immigration, stimulated by British economic expansion. Since then, over 300,000 have established vibrant communities all around London. The greatest Caribbean celebration is the Notting Hill Carnival, now Europe’s largest street party, which takes place every August. However, Brixton, in South London, is the hub of the community. As you step out of the Underground station into Brixton Market, your senses are stimulated by the noise, the bright colors and the rhythmic sound of Caribbean music. This is one of the best places to shop for food in London. However, the area has become a very popular place to live and prices are rising. D. Japanese Finchley and Hendon in North London are the principal centers for Japanese people. The national affection for golf has had a noticeable effect on these areas – if you drive up Finchley Road, you have an almost unlimited choice of golf shops and courses. Other than this, there is little evidence of a community. Although there are restaurants and food stores here, most socializing takes place at home. It isn’t as permanent as other communities, either – many Japanese arrive on five-year contracts in the banking and technology sectors and then return home afterwards. The best restaurants tend to be in central London, where most of the community works. E. Polish The Polish community isn’t as distinct as some other ethnic communities in London. Andrzej Morawicz, President of a well-known Polish club, puts this down to integration. “When you are a large enough community, it’s easy to hold on to your culture and customs. In comparison, the Polish community has become part of British society to a large extent, so keeping up traditions isn’t so easy”. All the same, you can hear Polish conversations along King Street in Hammmersmith, West London, where newsagents’ windows are full of advertisements in Polish for the benefit of the local community. There are also plenty of clubs, restaurants and food shops that help to keep traditions alive. There is even a daily Polish-language newspaper, Dziennik Polski. Taken from: Fast Track to FCE Longman Pearson Education Limited 2001 Which community has to try harder than others to maintain its original culture? Select one: a. Japanese. b. Indian. c. Polish. d. Portuguese.

Question 22

Complete the conversation with the correct answer:

Not yet answered

Susan: If Peter wins the tournament….

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Select one: a. He used to be my friend. b. He would invite me to celebrate. c. He invited me to celebrate. d. He will invite me to celebrate.

Question 23

Complete the paragraph with the correct words, using past perfect tense:

Not yet answered

She had _____ about her sister’s drug problem when their mother died and had _____ steps to find a suitable rehab program.

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Select one: a. worry/taken b. worried/taken c. worry/take d. worried/took

Question 24

Complete the dialogue with past perfect tense:

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________ visited Toronto before your trip last summer?

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Select one: a. Have you ever b. Had ever you c. Had you ever d. You had

Question 25

Read the text "Thanksgiving Dinner" and answer the question below:

Not yet answered

Last Thanksgiving my parents had a large family dinner at their house. Getting ready for Thanksgiving dinner takes a lot of work.

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The day started well and by late afternoon we had completed most of the work. Everyone had helped to make the meal a success. We had put the turkey in the oven earlier that day so the house was starting to smell like roast turkey. The grandchildren had finished setting the table for Thanksgiving dinner. My aunt had made two pies for dessert, a pumpkin pie and an apple pie. My brother and I had peeled the carrots and the potatoes. We had just turned on the stove to start cooking the vegetables when the power went out! The oven stopped working! We couldn’t cook the vegetables! The turkey wouldn’t finish cooking! We waited. We talked. We went for a walk. We had waited two hours by the time the power came back on. We had almost given up hope. Dinner was late that night but it was a Thanksgiving dinner that we won’t forget. Text taken from: Had the food been served on time?

Select one: a. Yes, because they had put the turkey in the oven earlier. b. No, because they had waited two hours by the time the power came back on. c. No, because nobody had help to make the dinner. d. Yes, because everybody had help to make the dinner.





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