Active to the Passive Voice

A) Change the sentences from the active to the passive. 1- They grow coffee in Kenya. 4- The shark ate the man. 2- A s

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A) Change the sentences from the active to the passive. 1- They grow coffee in Kenya.

4- The shark ate the man.

2- A snake bit him.

5- The police took him away.

3- They transport oranges from

6- Henry and his cousin built that house in

Valencia to


Germany in special crates.

7- The firefighters saved Lily’s life.

ANSWERS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Coffee is grown in Kenia He was bitten by a snake. Oranges are transported from Valencia to Germany in special creates The man was eaten by the shark. He was taken away by the pólice That house was built by them in 1974 Lily´s life was saved by the firefighters

B) Choose the correct verb active or passive. 1- These cars produce / are produced in

6- Somebody cleans / is cleaned the office every day.

Japan . 2- Ted teaches / is taught English. 3- German is spoken / speaks in Austria. 4- Lots of houses destroyed / were destroyed by the earthquake . 5- Graham Bell was invented /

7- Somebody is sent/ sends these emails. 8- The grass cuts / is cut every day. 9- Paul found / was found the key. 10- The computer fixed / was fixed yesterday. 11- My backpack store / was stolen.

invented the telephone. C) Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form active or passive. 1- He opens

(open) the door.

2- The letter was written by me. 3- The airline sent 4- Soy is grown 5- People export 6- Mona Lisa

(send) our passage to Australia by mistake.

( grow) by farmers in Argentina. (export) Spanish tortilla to the US.

was painted

(paint) by Leonardo da Vinci.

7- You don´t find ( not find) penguins at the North Pole. 8- America wasn´t discovered (not discover) by Columbus in 1491. 9- My uncle was sold

(sell) the bicycle when he was young.


All the plates in the cupboard were broken (break) by the child.


Robin didn´t find

(not find) the book.