Achievement Test 3

Intermediate Achievement test 3 (Units 5–6) Listening 1 Recording 5 Read the question below. Then listen and match speak

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Intermediate Achievement test 3 (Units 5–6) Listening 1 Recording 5 Read the question below. Then listen and match speakers 1–6 with appliances a)–h). You do not need all the appliances.

                                                                               6 What would he like to study at college?                                                                               

Which domestic appliance could each speaker live without? 1 Linda     c    2 James       3 Katie       4 Charles       5 Victoria       6 Margaret       a) fridge b) oven c) vacuum cleaner d) microwave e) washing machine f) dishwasher g) toaster h) iron 5

2 Recording 5 Listen again and write true (T) or false (F). 1 Linda’s vacuum cleaner is in a terrible condition because she’s used it so much. 2 James hardly ever cooks at home. 3 Katie can’t imagine living without a fridge. 4 Charles doesn’t often use his oven because it isn’t big enough. 5 Victoria’s washing machine is used every day, sometimes more than once. 6 Margaret says single men are not interested in cooking and prefer pre-prepared meals.

    F                                5

3 Recording 6 Listen and answer the questions below. 1 How much money has Jeremy’s cousin won?     €1.5 million                                                                                                              2 What would Nina do if she won a lot of money?                                                                                3 What is Jeremy’s ambition?                                                                                4 When will Henry find out if he is losing his job?                                                                                5 If Henry loses his job, will he be paid? PHOTOCOPIABLE © Pearson Education Limited 2015


Intermediate Achievement test 3 (Units 5–6) 11 a) won’t


b) wouldn’t c) will


4 Correct two mistakes in each sentence. 1 His house is the most biggest in the town, hasn’t it? His house is the biggest in the town, isn’t it? 2 If you’ll call before 3.30, I pick you up from work.                                                                                . 3 I think her children are little bit younger as yours.                                                                                . 4 Chile has the dryest desert in the world, haven’t it?                                                                                ? 5 If you don’t say him you need his help, he won’t know, did he?                                                                                . 6 If you could earned a lot more money for a slightly more work, would you be happier?                                                                                . 10

5 Choose the correct answers to complete the text, a), b), c) or d). Do you really want to win the lottery? People often say that all their problems 1      c      be solved if they 2                     the lottery. However, great wealth can bring far 3                     responsibilities, particularly if you have a lot of relatives or friends. If you were one of the lucky winners, you 4                     to decide how to distribute your new-found millions and choose who was 5                     deserving of your family and friends. It is likely you 6                     the first few weeks or months having the time of your life: buying 7 hi–tech gadgets, eating in the best restaurants and taking the most luxurious holidays. 8                     you’re very careful, it might turn out to be a lot less fun than you’d imagined. You’d probably want to do something 9                     serious with your money, perhaps donating some to charity. Some lottery millionaires have even returned to their old life and pretended the dream 10                     happened. But you 11                     do that, would you? 1 a) will 2 a) win 3 a) great 4 a) ’d have 5 a) more 6 a) spend 7 a) best 8 a) But if 9 a) bit less 10 a) won’t

b) are b) won b) greatest b) have b) the most b) ’ve spent b) the latest b) If when b) far much b) has

c) would c) ’d win c) more great c) ’ll have c) less c) ’d spend c) the modern c) But unless c) little more c) never

d) ’d

d) have d) ’ll win d) greater d) able d) least d) spent d) latest d) So if d) more d) had

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Intermediate Achievement test 3 (Units 5–6) Vocabulary


6 Write the sentences in the correct order. 1 you / down / own / start / ever / and / you’ll / do / settle / think / your / family?     Do you think you’ll ever settle down and start your own family?    2 decided / getting / have / married / where / you / you’re / yet?                                                                                        3 scientists / cleaner / power / that / some / nuclear / believe / produces / electricity.                                                                                        4 my / I’ll / garage / the / it / car / needs / take / to / as / to / have / fixing.                                                                                        5 and / off / on / switching / printer / have / your / tried / you / again?                                                                                        6 your / forget / a / enter / take / you / don’t / to / shoes / when / off / temple.                                                                                        7 computer / if / one / problems / please / the / you / our / call / have / of / engineers / any / with / network.                                                                                        6

7 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. There are two extra words. careful commercial do inquire investigation make lose question raise reception 1 The Airbus A380 is the world’s largest commercial aeroplane and was first used by Singapore Airlines in 2007. 2 I will have to complete my                               before I can share my findings. 3 The police are going to                               the man they have just arrested. 4 Sue is a very                               driver and has never had a car accident. 5 I’m sorry I didn’t call. I couldn’t get any for my phone. 6 Our village is trying to                               money for the local school. 7 In our next chemistry class we’re going to some experiments using hydrogen gas. 8 If I                               my job, I think I’ll travel the world using my redundancy money. PHOTOCOPIABLE © Pearson Education Limited 2015

Intermediate Achievement test 3 (Units 5–6)

8 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word in CAPITALS. 1 If we didn’t have         electricty      , life as we know it would be impossible. ELECTRIC 2                                       engineering will completely change the way diseases are treated. GENE 3 Miki works in a garden centre and is very about all types of plants. KNOWLEDGE 4 Before you buy the company you should check it is a business. PROFIT 5 Lucy’s a                                         cook. She can’t make anything unless it comes out of a tin. HOPE 6 Did you know that Adam is                                         of butterflies? FRIGHT 7 He doesn’t like his new job at all. He says it isn’t very                                         . SATISFY 8 I suddenly realised they were laughing at my shoes. I looked down and saw that I was wearing one black one and one brown one. I was so                                        ! EMBARRASS 7

Function 9 Match questions and statements 1–6 with responses a)–f). 1 Do you know when they’ll arrive? 2 Would you mind helping me with my suitcase? 3 I’m really pleased to tell you that you’ve got the job. 4 We’ve got something to tell you. We’re getting married! 5 Could you tell me the way to the Theatre Royal, please? 6 I’m afraid your car won’t be ready until next Friday.


a) I’m afraid I don’t know. Which street is it on? b) I’m not sure. I think they said 10.30. c) Oh, congratulations! Wow! That’s great! d) That’s fantastic news! Thanks for letting me know so quickly. e) Of course not. Here, let me take that. f) That’s a shame. I was hoping I could drive home. 5

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Intermediate Achievement test 3 (Units 5–6) 10 Match gaps 1–11 in the conversation with a)–k) below.

allowing them to manage their own lives. However, others claim it’s just another form of ‘factory farming’, and has a negative effect on the animals.

A: There’s something I’ve 1      d     tell you. B: Oh, no! You haven’t crashed the car again, 2                   ? A: No, 3                     not! It’s the washing machine. It 4                     . B: That’s 5                     ! It’ll cost at least £80 just to get somebody to come out and see if they can fix it! A: I know. Could 6                     at it now? B: OK. But would you 7                     the instructions for me? A: OK. (Later) B: I’ve got 8                     news. The washing machine’s working! A: 9                     ! What did you do? B: You’ll 10                     . I just switched it off and on again! A: That’s fantastic! 11                     ! a) really annoying b) mind finding c) You’re joking d) got to e) have you f) you look

g) Well done h) some good i) never guess what j) of course k) ’s stopped working 10

Reading 11 Read the text below and underline the correct answer, a), b) or c), opposite. Computer technology and happy cows Cows that milk themselves? This is not science fiction, but a product of twenty first-century technology. Farmers and scientists have created a farm where the cows choose when they want to be milked using a computerised automatic milking system. As long as they turn up for milking at least once a day, the cows are free to do whatever they like. But how does it work? The animals are first attracted into the building by automated devices like skin-brushing and scratching machines, which they enjoy using. Nearby, there’s a robot, which scans a microchip in the cow’s collar. The chip holds information about the cow’s milking history and health. If it needs to be milked, the robot machine starts the milking process, while feeding it with a protein and energy supplement at the same time. Farmers who use this computerised milking system are very enthusiastic about it. One British farmer we interviewed told us, ‘It’s amazing how the cows take to it and it’s certainly the biggest step forward for dairy farmers in the last thirty years.’ There are now more than eight thousand farms in over twenty-five countries around the world using the new system. People who support it say the system not only saves time and money, but also shows respect for the cows by PHOTOCOPIABLE © Pearson Education Limited 2015

Intermediate Achievement test 3 (Units 5–6) 1 Self-milking cows are     b  . a) expected to become a thing of the future b) in existence at this moment in time c) going to evolve naturally 2 The new system has been created                     . a) by agriculturally-orientated scientists b) through cooperation with farmers c) as a result of researching cows’ behaviour 3 Much of the time                     . a) milk goes to waste b) cows do their own thing c) the scratching facility doesn’t function 4 Robots are essential for                     . a) keeping data records up-to-date b) scratching and brushing the cows c) attracting the cows into the milking area 5                     after having its collar scanned. a) Not every cow is given supplements b) Each cow automatically gets milked c) A cow doesn’t always gets milked 6 One British farmer                     for thirty years. a) has used the system b) says this is the best dairy innovation c) has developed this system 7 Over                     farms are now using this system. a) 25,000 b) 8,000 c) 21,000 8 Those in favour of the system believe                   . a) it gives the cows autonomy b) that cows respect it c) farmers can now better manage their lives 9 There is concern from some people that                     . a) dairy farmers are losing their jobs b) not enough countries are interested in the system c) this system is not good for the welfare of the cows 8

12 Read the article again. Decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F). 1 The new milking system encourages cows to be milked more than once a day. 2 It is the smell of food that encourages the cows to enter the milking building. 3 Cows are only milked when it is biologically necessary. 4 The microchips on each cow’s ear collect data on how much milk has been produced. 5 As well as giving the cows more freedom, the automated milking system improves their nutritional intake. 6 One British farmer is surprised at how much his cows like the new system. 7 This new milking system is more efficient and cost-effective than the previous one. 8 Everyone agrees that the new system benefits both farmers and their cows.

    F                                                                   7

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Intermediate Achievement test 3 (Units 5–6) Writing 13 Complete the advantages and disadvantages essay with the phrases in the box. There are two phrases you do not need. As far as I am concerned As well as However In addition Of course there are The problem is that On the other hand The most important advantage The advantages and disadvantages of using public transport In many countries, public transport, such as trains and buses, is still widely used by people travelling to work or school. 1 However, as cars become more affordable, some people are wondering if it is better to use public transport or not. 2                               of public transport is that it is cheap to use. You only need to pay for the actual journey and can often pay less if you pay in advance for a longer period of time. There is no need to pay for insurance, road tax or repairs. 3                               , it is a good way to meet other people and make new friends, especially if you always get the same train every day, for example. 4                               , your time of travel is restricted to a timetable and it might not be possible to get to every destination easily. Also, sometimes public transport is late, delayed or even cancelled. Another disadvantage is that if it is very busy, you might have to wait for another bus or train – either that, or you may not be able to get a seat – and then there are further problems if you try to travel with a lot of luggage. 5                               , however, public transport is a good thing. In general, the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages. 6                               drawbacks, but it is important to remember that if we use public transport and not a car, we are helping the environment by reducing the amount of carbon emissions produced by our journey. We may also be reducing the number of traffic jams on the roads and the amount of countryside that is destroyed when new roads are constructed. 5

14 Write a short story about a memorable event in your life. Write 150–200 words. One of the most memorable moments in my life was when…                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   10 Total:

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