According to the Reading

According to the Reading “Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls”, choose the correct answer. The writer argues that “a man´

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According to the Reading “Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls”, choose the correct answer. The writer argues that “a man´s name became more famous”, is due to… Paragraph 3 You probably haven’t heard of most of the women but, by the time you finish reading, you’ll be wondering why. In some cases, it’s because people tried to erase them from history. Like Hatshepsut, one of the most successful pharaohs of Egypt who brought peace and wealth to Egypt and ruled for a long time – about 25 years. But after her death, some of her statues and official records were removed by men who came after her. In other cases, it’s because a man’s name became more famous. For example, Charles Babbage is called the ‘father of computers’ but it was a woman – and friend of his – Ada Lovelace who wrote the first computer program. Select one: a. Things made by women were not considered to be superior to inventions made by men. b. The men stole deliberately credit for women’s work. c. Women did not do as well as men. Question 2 Complete 1.0 points out of 1.0

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Question text According to the Reading “The Facebook party that became a riot”, choose the correct answer. How many people planned to attend the party? Select one: a. It was confirmed 30.000 people through online. b. More than 400. 000 people c. It was confirmed 240.000 people Question 3 Complete 0.0 points out of 1.0

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Question text According to the text "Olde English spelling bee"

How many words does the paragraph give you to show the different sh sounds? Select one: a. 4 b. 11 c. 6 Question 4 Complete 1.0 points out of 1.0

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Question text According to the text "Olde English spelling bee" What was one reason for adding more letters to the lines in printing? Select one: a. To save on printing costs. b. To make the whole text look neater. c. To invent new words. Question 5 Complete 1.0 points out of 1.0

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Question text According to the reading “The Art of Fiction” choose the correct option: The family repeatedly moved between... Select one: a. Llion and Paris. b. Tucson and California. c. Llion and Arizona. Question 6 Complete

0.0 points out of 1.0

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Question text Read the text about “the use of tasks in the Classroom“and answer According to this passage: On the music project, we can see that the teacher proposed some tasks in order to... Select one: a. Reach the main objective of the project. b. Engage students with the topic. c. Engage students with the topic, and he stages the final product at the beginning. Question 7 Complete 1.0 points out of 1.0

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Question text According to the Reading “Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls”, choose the correct answer. In the sentence: “Women who fought for their rights...” the author considers that: Paragraph 4 For many of the others, there is no obvious explanation for why we haven’t learned about these women before. Society has often chosen to reward and celebrate the achievements of men more than women. If you close your eyes and imagine an inventor, an orchestra conductor and a warrior, the picture that comes into your mind is probably of men. If you read the book, you can start to replace those images with women of all colours and ages. Women who fought for their rights, women who broke rules, women who refused to fit into the roles society gave them. Select one: a. The author argues women fought to have more children and an own house, because they wanted to be happy. b. The author argues two women fought for love. c. The author argues women refused to fit into the roles society gave them, because of they were decided to change their oppressed life in a “macho” society. Question 8 Complete 1.0 points out of 1.0

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Question text Read about Edgar Allan Poe’s life an answer this question. Why did not Poe produce his own journal, The Penn? Select one: a. Because Poe died in Baltimore. b. Because his wife died of tuberculosis. c. Because he published his poem, "The Raven". Question 9 Complete 1.0 points out of 1.0

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Question text Read the texts about “Biographies” and answer: Who designed computers while other children played with them? Select one: a. Steve Jobs b. Mark Elliot Zuckerberg. c. William Henry Gates. Question 10 Complete 0.0 points out of 1.0

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Question text According to the audio, Do you like your job? Play Mute Loaded: 0% Progress: 0%

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Answer the following question: Where does Andrea work?

Select one: a. She works at Thomas cook travel b. He works at Thomas cook travel c. She is work at Thomas cook travel