ARTICLES: a, an, the, no article Complete the sentences with a / an; the, no article (-) 1.- I’m learning ________ violi

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ARTICLES: a, an, the, no article Complete the sentences with a / an; the, no article (-) 1.- I’m learning ________ violin. 2.- _______ life is sometimes difficult. 3.- You can’t go out in _______ rain without _______ coat. 4.- We always go to _______ mountains on holiday. 5.- Do your children go to ________ school on Saturday? 6.- I climbed _______ Mont Everest last year. 7.- I ‘ll see you at ________ Chiqui Restaurant at 9.00. 8.- Do you think Pablo Iglesias will be elected _______ President? 9.- Lucia is interested in _____ sport and ______ the nature. 10.- About _______ thousand people came to _______ concert. 11.- You can’t go there without _______ visa. 12.- “What’s for dinner?” ________ same as yesterday. 13.- There’s absolutely nothing on _______ TV this evening. 14.- Please don’t use your plate as ________ ashtray. 15.- Did you hear the weather forecast on ________ radio this morning. 16.- I don’t like writing with _______ pen. 17.- My youngest brother is ______ engineer. 18.- There are a lot of European immigrants in ______ USA. 19.- Here’s a photo of Mary and me in _____ Oxford Street. 20.- Children go to ______ school to learn to read and write. 21.- My friend Peter spent two months in _____ prison for something that he didn’t do. 22.- Does your family usually go away on _____ holiday or do stay at ____ home? 23.- When María was studying at _____ university, she broke her leg and had to stay in _____ bed for two weeks. 24.- She’s studying _______ history of Scotland. 25.- It’s ______ best restaurant in town. 26.- _____ magnifying glass makes things look bigger. 27.- _____ woman called while you were out. 28.- Sonia is studying ______ Chinese history. 29.- What _____ pity! 30.- “Without _____ music, _____ life would be _____mistake” 31..- Some birds can’t fly, for example ______ ostrich. 32.- “Where are the toilets?” “Over there on _____ left.”